1 Intro to Info Tech Windows Copyright 2003 by Janson Industries This presentation can be viewed on...

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Transcript of 1 Intro to Info Tech Windows Copyright 2003 by Janson Industries This presentation can be viewed on...


Intro to Info TechWindows

Copyright 2003 by Janson Industries

This presentation can be viewed on line at: http://web.fscj.edu/Janson/cgs1060/wk02.Windows.ppt


Copyright 2014 by Janson Industries2

Objectives Explain

Steps to success with the assignments

Basic Windows concepts Files and directories (aka folders)

Show how to: Create, copy, and save files and


Copyright 2014 by Janson Industries3

Assignment Success Start early

Not hard - time consuming

A memory stick Floppy will work for first assg but not

for later assgs

Organize your work. Pay attention to: File names Location on disk and folders

Copyright 2014 by Janson Industries4

Concepts Hardware: computer machinery

Software: group of instructions

Types of Software

System Enables the computer to work User interface to all functions Provides basic functions for applications

Application Performs user functions

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OS interface to Apps



Start Word Word


Word loaded into MM and run

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OS provides basic functions for Apps



Save Doc



Save Doc

Copyright 2014 by Janson Industries7

Windows Desktop Icons

Task bar

Start button – access to program and utility menus

Notification Area – info about system

Application Tray – listing of active applications

Date and/or Time

Copyright 2014 by Janson Industries8


Application Tray

Windows Desktop

Start Button

Task Bar

Notification area


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Applications Can run many applications at once

Will appear in different windows

To Run:

Click Start button Select from menu or submenus


Double left click icon from the desktop

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Start Button, then All Programs

Running Applications

Copyright 2014 by Janson Industries11

Running Applications

Then select an application

Copyright 2014 by Janson Industries12

Clicking Single left click, selects

Double left click, tells the OS to do something (and selects)

What is done depends on what is double clicked If an app, OS runs app

If a song, OS runs a player

If a picture, OS runs a viewer

If web page address, OS runs browser

Copyright 2014 by Janson Industries13

Clicking Right clicking brings up short cut

menu (and selects the item)

Short cut menu provides access to common functions for “thing” clicked

Notice the difference between right clicking on an icon and the desktop

Copyright 2014 by Janson Industries14

Switching Between Apps Click on any part of app window

to make it current app

Right click task bar, select task manager from menu Select app

Click Switch To button

Press, hold Alt and Tab keys to display active apps dialogue box Press Tab to move between apps

Copyright 2014 by Janson Industries15

Switching Between Apps From the application tray:

Right click App button to display short cut menu with a list of recent files opened with that app

Click one of the file names

Move cursor over App button to display a thumbnail image of files open with that app

Click one of the images

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Copyright 2014 by Janson Industries17

App Windows Title bar

Application name and object name Window control buttons Quick Access buttons

Ribbon which contains: Tabs Function buttons Text fields Drop down menus

Workspace is app dependent

Status bar: app dependent

Copyright 2014 by Janson Industries18

Title Bar Window Control Buttons


Status Bar

Ribbon Tabs

Quick Access Tool Bar


Copyright 2014 by Janson Industries19

Ribbon File and Home tabs appear in all

app windows and contain the most commonly used functions

File provides file management functions

Open, Save, Print

Home provides common editing and formatting functions

Cut, Copy, Paste, Bold, Underline

Copyright 2013 by Janson Industries20

Clicking a Ribbon Tab changes Ribbon options

Zoom slider controls display size of the file imageClick +/- or drag slider handle

Copyright 2013 by Janson Industries21

Or click % to display zoom dialog box and select zoom level

Copyright 2014 by Janson Industries22

Often cannot fit all the functions in the ribbon so some Ribbon options have dialog box launcher buttons

Copyright 2014 by Janson Industries

In addition there are button Galleries (menus) indicated by or with more options


Copyright 2014 by Janson Industries

There are also task panes with more functions…


… mini-tool bars that temporarily materialize when some items are selected…

Copyright 2014 by Janson Industries

… and contextual tabs that are displayed when some options/items are selected


Copyright 2014 by Janson Industries26

Manipulating App Windows Control/Resize buttons:

Minimize: Removes app window

Only app button in app tray visible

Maximize/Restore: Window fills screen

Sets window to predefined size

Copyright 2014 by Janson Industries27

Manipulating App Windows Resizing a window:

Click, hold and drag on any side of the window

Corners adjust both height and width

Moving a window:

Click, hold and drag on the title bar

Copyright 2014 by Janson Industries28

Closing Apps Click on X button in upper right

hand corner of app window

Right click app button in app tray to display short cut menu Select Close all windows from menu

Right click task bar, select Start task manager from menu Select app

Click end task button

Copyright 2014 by Janson Industries29

Shutting down Windows Click Start button

Click Shut Down button

Or click Shut Down display menu icon and choose



Sleep (low power mode)

Hibernate Saves your sessions and shuts down

Copyright 2014 by Janson Industries30

Storing and Accessing All “stuff” stored in FILES

What stuff: Documents






Copyright 2014 by Janson Industries31

Storing and Accessing Secondary Storage devices:

Called drives Identified with a single letter

followed by a colon (ex. A:, C:)

SS devices save files to a media

Ex. Hard Drive saves files to a Hard Disk, Zip Drives save to Zip Disks

The thumb drive letter may be different on different computers!

Copyright 2014 by Janson Industries32

Storing and Accessing Easiest way to access

storage: “Computer” window

Shows each device: Name Icon representing device type

To see info about device Right click Choose Properties

Copyright 2014 by Janson Industries33

Storing and Accessing

Can display “Computer” window

Click the desktop icon

Click Start button


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Right click device icon and select Properties to display info

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Storing and Accessing

To see contents of media, double

click the drive icon

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File name and file type icons are


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Control the appearance of the “Computer” window with “More

Options” button37

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This is the Large Icons view

To see contents of a folder or file, double click the icon

Copyright 2014 by Janson Industries39

How does Windows decide which app to open the file with?

You can control which app by: Right clicking Select Open With

Copyright 2014 by Janson Industries40

Storing and Accessing You will accumulate many files

One way to organize files is with FOLDERS (aka Directories)

Each storage device has a root directory

You can create subdirectories (subfolders) within the root

Copyright 2014 by Janson Industries41

Storing and Accessing Directories allow you to group files

Grouping allows you to find files faster

Users group files by:

File type (music, documents, etc.)

Function (CGS1060, Xmas, etc.)

Application (WORD, Java, etc.)

Copyright 2014 by Janson Industries42

Directories/Folders Create a directory from Computer:

Click New folder

Creates a folder call New folder

Rename by:

Right clicking


Type new name

Copyright 2014 by Janson Industries43

Directories Look at the contents of a folder

by double clicking

“Drill down into the folder structure”

Navigate through directories/files with buttons:

Back: opens previous window

Forward: reverses Back button

Up: displays higher level directory

Copyright 2014 by Janson Industries44

Files Can be created by:


Applications (aka Apps)

To create from “Computer” window: Right click work area


Type of file

Copyright 2014 by Janson Industries45

Create a new folder

Copyright 2014 by Janson Industries46

Rename Folders

Right click folder, select Rename

Copyright 2014 by Janson Industries47

Folder name text will be white with blue background, means you can type

over text

Copyright 2014 by Janson Industries48

Drill into the folder and right click work area, New, file type

Create A File

Copyright 2014 by Janson Industries49

File name appears in list with white letters and blue background. Simply

type NewDoc to rename it and hit Enter. Double click file name to open

with NotePad.

Copyright 2014 by Janson Industries50

Files Most apps allow you to save files

For example, in Word/Note Pad: FILE

Save as

Specify: Location File name File Type

Copyright 2014 by Janson Industries51

Copyright 2014 by Janson Industries52

Files Example will create a new file called

AnotherDocFile in folder Newstuff

AnotherDocFile is a copy of the original file

Copies can be made faster in “Computer” by left clicking: The file (to select it)





Copyright 2014 by Janson Industries53

New file called:old file name - COPY.txt

Alternative way to copy is:Select File

Press and hold Ctrl key then press C key (abbr as Ctrl+C)

Then Ctrl+V

Copyright 2014 by Janson Industries54

Keystroke Shortcut Interface GUI (graphical user interface) not the

only way to perform Window functions

Many functions are performed by pressing key combinations

CTRL-X cuts a select item(s)

CTRL-A selects all items in a document (Word) or window

CTRL-Z undo

CTRL-F navigation pane (find) shown

Copyright 2014 by Janson Industries55

Click Alt to display keystroke shortcuts for the ribbon tabs and Quick Access

ToolbarJust press the letter or number to


Copyright 2014 by Janson Industries56

When N selected, Insert ribbon displayed and all Insert ribbon options

keystroke shortcuts displayed

Copyright 2014 by Janson Industries57

Files Deleting a file:

Select file, press Delete button

Select file, Organize, Delete

Both ways just moves it to recycle bin Must empty recycle bin to delete

Moving a file: Select file, Organize, Cut, change

Computer to new location, Organize, Paste

Select file, CTRL+X, change Computer to new location, CTRL+V

Copyright 2014 by Janson Industries58


Must empty recycle bin to really delete

Copyright 2014 by Janson Industries59

Files More than one file at a time can be

operated on

This is done by selecting multiple files and then performing any of the previous operations

Select multiple files: On a blank area of the file list, left

click and hold Drag the mouse pointer (a box will

be drawn as pointer is moved) All files in box are selected

Copyright 2014 by Janson Industries60

Files: Backing Up Make duplicates of all your

class files!!! Insert diskette/memory stick Copy files to C: Insert new diskette/memory stick Copy files from C: to

diskette/memory stick

Alternative: Send email to yourself with copy of

file(s) attached

Copyright 2014 by Janson Industries61

Files: Searching

If you've forgotten the name of the file or where you put it, click Start

Type in name of file

The Search Results window will be displayed

Copyright 2014 by Janson Industries62

If it doesn’t return what you want click See more results

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Displays more detail but more importantly lets you define more

specific search details

Copyright 2014 by Janson Industries64Specify drives/folders to search

Copyright 2014 by Janson Industries65

Notice more specific search brings back results that weren’t shown the

first time

Notice also that only the file names were checked. Now there is option to check file contents – will take longer

Copyright 2014 by Janson Industries66

Assignment Windows Tutorial Unit B

Unit B's IC 3 (Independent Challenge 3)

Turn in: email the file Careers.rtf and a diagram of the career days folder/file structure

Use Word, PP or any graphics app to create diagram

This is an example of a folder/file diagram:


AnotherDocFile – Copy.txt AnotherDocFile.txt NewDoc.txt

Copyright 2014 by Janson Industries67

Points to Remember Operating Systems enable the

computer hardware to work

Windows provides a GUI to perform system functions and access apps

Many apps allow users to perform system functions

Everything on the PC is stored in files and files are grouped into directories (aka folders)