1 Intro To Chem

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Transcript of 1 Intro To Chem

Social Psychology

Learning Research Methods

Memory Introduction Unit

200 200 200 200 200

400 400 400 400 400

600 600 600 600 600

800 800 800 800 800

1000 1000 1000 1000 1000

Jeopardy Double Jeopardy

Social Psychology200

He conducted one of the first experiments on conformity.

Who is Soloman Asch?

Social Psychology400

He conducted a famous experiment at Stanford University that went too far and was forced to be shut down.

Who was Zimbardo?

Social Psychology600

He created the cult called Heaven’s Gate.

Who was Marshall Applewhite?

Social Psychology800

Followers of an unorthodox, extremist, or false religion or sect who often live outside of conventional society under the direction of a charismatic leader

What is a cult?

Social Psychology1000

Recruited by FamilyRecruited by FriendsRecruits often youngPeople at turning point in their lives

What are Cult Recruitment Techniques?


He is the known as the father of Operant conditioning.

Who is B.F. Skinner?


This principle would explain why we are afraid of flies after being stung by a wasp.

What is the principle of generalization?


It is the process of classically conditioning a desired response (Relaxation) to a phobic stimuli.

What is Systematic Desensitization?


An example of this would be driving your self to university one day, because your car pool buddy, called in sick. You were surprised you knew the way, even though the driver is the one who gets you there every single day.

What is latent learning?


Throwing up after Halloween because you caught a flu. You also ate many Kit Kats. Now you can’t even look at a Kit Kat.

What is Taste Aversion?

Research Methods200

He “shocked” the world with his experiments on Obedience

Who is Milgrim?

Daily Double!What would you like to wager?

Research Methods400

Where the participants in an experiment do not know which group received the treatment, but the experimenter does.

What is a single blind experiment?

Research Methods600

In the Bobo doll experiment this would be the amount of aggression the children demonstrated towards the doll.

What is the dependent variable?

Research Methods800

This shows a relationship between two things, but does not mean one causes the other.

What is a correlation?

Research Methods1000

This research method allows us to gather large amounts of data.

What is the survey method?


This type of long term memory would serve you well in a game like the one you are playing.

What is semantic?


According to this principle the room where you code a memory should be the same room where you search for the memory

What is the Encoding Specificity principle?


An example of this would be to search for a phone number in the Yellow pages, close the book and then repeat the number out loud, until you get to the phone to punch it in

What is Maintenance Rehearsal?


According to this model we can remember phone numbers (because of grouping) even though they are 10 digits long.

What is the 7 plus or minus two model?


A multiple choice exam is an example of this type of test.

What is a Paired-Associate Test?

Introduction Unit200

He was credited with establishing the first psychology laboratoy

Who is Wilhelm Wundt?

Introduction Unit400

These were known as the first 3 main movement in psychology

What are Behavioral, Psychodynamic, and Humanistic?

Introduction Unit600

Theory that tells us to adopt the explanation thatrequires the fewest assumptions

What is the Law of Parsimony?

Introduction Unit800

The psychology field that Clarece from Silence of the Lambs would

belong to.

Forensic Psychology?

Introduction Unit1000

A key debate in psychology, which argues whether people learn their behavors from the environment in which they were raised or they received them from the genes of their parents

What is the Nature v Nurture debate?

Social Psychology

Learning Research Methods

Memory Introduction Unit

400 400 400 400 400

800 800 800 800 800

1200 1200 1200 1200 1200

1600 1600 1600 1600 1600

2000 2000 2000 2000 2000

Double Jeopardy Final Jeopardy

Social Psychology(2)400

He held a standoff in Waco Texas

Who is David Koresh?

Social Psychology(2)800

The belief that one’s one culture is superior to others.

What is ethnocentrism?

Social Psychology1200

Negative attitudes towards other for being in a specific social group

What is prejudice?

Social Psychology1600

He was able to get his cult to drink poisonous Kool Aid

Who was Jim Jones?

Social Psychology2000

Treating others differently because they are in a particular social group

What is discrimination?


He is the known for his experiment with salivating dogs.

Who is Pavlov?


This is rewarding or punishing small behaviours that will lead to a desired behaviour.

What is shaping?


An example of this would be monkeys raised in a lab which are not afraid of snakes. Then they witness monkeys that are in the wild that are afraid of snakes. After witnessing this the lab monkeys become afraid of snakes.

What are learned phobias?


You get stuck in a fridge when you are young(It happens to the best of us) but you are not afraid of small spaces like the fridge, you are just afraid of being stuck in a fridge.

What is discrimination of bahaviour?


He conducted the “Little Albert Experiment.”

Who is John Watson?

Research Methods(2)400

An experiment showed a correlation coefficient of +.99.

What is Strongly positively correlated?

Research Methods(2)800

Things the experiment might have forgotten to control or did not account for. Ex: The experimenter did not control the background noise of his experiment

What are extraneous Variables?

Research Methods1200

An irrational fear of an object, situation, or activity, that is out of proportion to the actual danger.

What is a phobia?

Research Methods1600

This will lessen the likelihood of a behaviour.

What is a punisher?

Research Methods2000

What the experimenter thinks will happen during his or her experiment.

What is a hypothesis?


A leader in eye witness testimony and its validity.

Who is Elizabeth Loftus?

Daily Double!What would you like to wager?


It is the idea that memory is best right after the material is learned, and as time passes we forget more and more.

What is the curve of forgetting?


The stages that are human memory goes through when trying to remember something.

What are Encoding-storage-retrieval?


Cases in court have used these to convict suspects, but it is still unproven whether or not they exist.

What are repressed memories?


Storage of events such as sights, sounds and tastes with no further processing or interpretation.

What is sensory memory?

Introduction Unit (2)400

He is one of the big players in the humanistic approach to psychology.

Who is Abraham Maslow?

Daily Double!What would you like to wager?

Introduction Unit(2)800

An example of this effect would be dumbo thinking he needs a magical

feather to fly.

What is the placebo effect?

Introduction Unit1200

An example of this phenomena is from the movie Austin Powers, Austin meets a man with a giant mole on his face. Austin is unable to stop himself from saying the word mole in every sentence.

What is the slip of the tongue phenomena?

Introduction Unit1600

Jane Goodall is known for this. She spent her time in the Congo studying


What is Naturalistic Observation?

Introduction Unit2000

He is famous for his work in hypnosis, the unconscious mind, and dream


Who is Freud?

Final JeopardyAn example of this would be the following scenario:

You were attacked by a diving sparrow when you were 10, because you were throwing rocks at its

nest. You became terrified of birds. At 25 you married the love of your life and she or he loved

birds. He or she convinced you to get systematically desensitized of your phobia. And it worked. At 55

you’re out in the park coming across a birds nest and you freak out like you did when you had the phobia.

What is Spontaneous Recovery?

Daily Double!What would you like to wager?