1. initial plans

Post on 20-Mar-2017

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Transcript of 1. initial plans

Initial Plans

Rhiannah Baker

Mood Board

Mood Board AnalysisIs there any repetition in the images you have collected? Repeated colours/images styles/fonts/tone/mood Lots of dark colours and creepy forests and houses

How will your mood board influence your final product? It gave me ideas of colour schemes It shows what my target audience already likes

Informal ProposalCurrent Idea

Concept Teaser Trailer for a Horror film containing a ballerina dancing in an abandoned building.

Type of products you would make

Teaser Movie Trailer, DVD case, Photoshoot, Poster

What you will need to make


Cameras, Flashguns and Lights, Abandoned Building and Dancing Friend, Photoshop,

Audience All genders, aged 15+

ChoicesDiscounted ideas Reasons for not choosing this

projectFake Band It would require possibly creating some sort

of music, which I cannot do, I could only record it.It would also require arranging a time for everyone to meet for a photoshoot.

Magazine It would require a higher writing skill than I have.