1 Food Borne Illnesses Dakota Parker Nate Brillhart Justin Treat.

Post on 20-Jan-2016

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Transcript of 1 Food Borne Illnesses Dakota Parker Nate Brillhart Justin Treat.


Food Borne Food Borne Illnesses Illnesses

Dakota Parker

Nate Brillhart

Justin Treat

What’s a food borne What’s a food borne illness?illness?


It is any illness resulting from

the consumption of

food contaminated

with, pathogenic bacteria,

viruses, or parasites.


Forms of Food Borne Illness Listeria E. coli Salmonella Staph Bacteria Hepatitis A




Most Authors agree that the common person is not well educated about how to

prevent and treat food borne illness.


Authors Reasons Many people are not informed about how to

prevent food borne illnesses. If someone has a food borne illness people

don’t know how to get rid of them. When people get food borne illnesses its

usually from foods that come from other countries, and in a certain incident it came from, food that was grown in America and it

was a huge shock to people.

Food Safety Authors Position- Food Borne Illness are an increasingly

important health issue. Governments all over the world are intensifying efforts to improve food safety. These efforts are a response to increasing number of food safety problems.

Statistics- “76 million cases of food borne disease, resulting in 325,000 hospitalizations and 5,000 deaths, are estimated to occur each year”

Repetition- Repetition of the WORLD HEALTH ORGANIZATION

Appeal to Emotion- 5,000 deaths occur each year



How to Prevent Them Author’s position

People are not taking the necessary steps to preventing food borne illnesses.

Rhetorical DevicesAppeal to emotion “...can develop a a life-

threatening form of kidney failure.”Appeal to reason with statistics “36,000 pounds

of ground turkey packed by Cargill were recalled because of salmonella contamination

Loaded Words (contamination, antibiotic resistant, deadly, etc.)




Rhetorical strategies Loaded words: “killed”, “deadliest food-borne

outbreak”, ‘sickened” Tone – Persuasive Appeal to Reason – “The current outbreak, caused

by cantaloupes grown in Colorado, has sickened more than 70 people and killed at least 13, making this the deadliest food-borne outbreak in the United States in more than a decade”.

Authors Purpose – to show that food borne illnesses don’t always come from foods from other countries it can come from America also.



Bibliography http://news.yahoo.com/video/health-15749655/food-borne-illnesses-26839143.html#crsl=%252Fvideo





