---1 · declaration of protective covena ts, conditions and resrlctions for 48 ranch subdivision...

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Transcript of ---1 · declaration of protective covena ts, conditions and resrlctions for 48 ranch subdivision...



THIS DECLARATION OF PROTECTIVE COVENANTS, CONDITIONS ANDRESTRICTIONS F� 4B RANCH SUBDIVISION (this "Declaration") is made and executedthis 10 day of ::]!\---1 , 2020, by 4B Ranch, LLC, a Utah limited liability company (the "Declarant").



Declarant is the owner of certain real property in Iron County, Utah, more particularlydesc1ibed on Exhibit A attached hereto (the "Property"). Declarant desires to develop theProperty as a subdivision consisting of 4B Ranch (the "Project").

Declarant intends to establish a common scheme and plan for the possession, use,enjoyment, repair, maintenance, restoration, and improvement of the Project.


NOW, THEREFORE, it is hereby declared that the Project shall be held, sold, conveyed,leased, rented, encumbered, and used subject to the following easements, rights, assessments,liens, charges, covenants servitudes, restrictions, limitations, conditions, and uses, which are forthe purpose of protecting the value and desirability of, and which shall run with, the Property andbe binding on all parties having any right, title, or interest in the described Property or any parttherefor, their heirs, successors, and assigns, and shall inure to the benefit of each owner thereof.


The following words, phrases, or tem1s used in this Declaration shall have the followingmeanings:

(a) ·'Additional Land" shall mean and refer to any land located in Iron County, Utah,whether or not owned by Declarant, that is made subject to this Declaration pursuantto Article Vll hereof.

(b) "Committee" shall mean and refer to the Architectural Review Committee establishedpursuant to Article HI hereof.

(c) "Declarant" shall mean and refer to 4B Ranch, LLC. a Utah limited liabilitycompany, and/or any successor to said company which, either by operation of law orthrough a voluntary conveyance or transfer, should acquire all or a portion ofDeclarant's interest in the Property and a recorded instrument executed by Declarantassigns to the transferee all ofDeclarant's rights under this Declaration.

00748888 B: 1497 P: 782 Fee $84.00 Carri R. Jeffriesi Iron County Recorder Page t of 1807/22/2020 02:50:�0 PM By DONNA CHRISTENSEN

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