1 Community Engagement Pilot Tutorial: One EPA EPA Web Work Group, EPA Wiki and Blog Work Group, and...

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Transcript of 1 Community Engagement Pilot Tutorial: One EPA EPA Web Work Group, EPA Wiki and Blog Work Group, and...


Community Engagement Pilot Tutorial: One EPA

EPA Web Work Group, EPA Wiki and Blog Work Group, and EPA Open Government Directive Work Group

Brand NiemannSenior Enterprise Architect

U.S. EPAMarch 19, 2010




• 1. Background– 1.1 Introduction– 1.2 Open Government Directive– 1.3 History

• 2. EPA’s One Wiki– 2.1 EPA’s Intranet Site– 2.2 EPA Staff Wikis and Blogs

• 3. Suggestions• 4. Questions and Answers


1. Background

• 1.1 Introduction:– The Administrator (through Jeffrey Levy) has directed that there

will be a One EPA Web Site, Blog, and Wiki:• For the One Wiki, we have outlined the following:

– All the active wikis will be rolled into the One Wiki and all the EPA staff will be represented in the One Wiki.

» This means that each active wiki's structure will be given a space within the One Wiki and each EPA Staff will have their One Wiki page, if they would like. The EPA Staff wiki pages will use the unique names from the LOTUS Email directory.

– So as I recommended (see next slide) for the OTOP Policy Wiki, it would be good to stake out your subject matter domain and have a good hierarchical relationship below that to readily roll it into the One Wiki.


1. Background

• 1.1 Introduction: – My suggestions for the OTOP Policy Wiki are as follows:

• The EPA Wiki and Blog WG is working on EPA's One Wiki (consolidating the 150 or so wikis into one) which suggests you need to think about this possibility in your organization of the content.

• Each policy that you want comments on should be rendered twice - once to easily read online and print to read offline, and once "chunked up" so it can be easily commented on online (e.g. a paragraph or subsection per page) so you can easily match the comments to the "chunk“.

• Once you have a critical mass of content (e.g. multiple authors and comments) you then need a "wiki gardener" (someone to edit, prune, re-organize, etc.) daily, weekly, etc.

• Additional Idea: We could / should re-purpose / integrate the EPA Intranet Site into the One Wiki as well!


1. Background• 1.1 Introduction:

– So the Administrator’s One EPA could / would engage the community through the:

• EPA Web Site: Part of which is in the One Wiki:– See previous pilot tutorial: February 4, 2010: Design Suggestions for EPA’s One

Wiki in Support of the EPA OGD Work Group.• EPA Open Government Directive Requirements: All of which are done in the

One Wiki:– See previous pilot tutorials: March 6, 2010: Flagship Initiative Pilot Tutorial: EPA

Report on the Environment, EPA Wiki and Blog Work Group, and March 13, 2010: Data Quality Plan Pilot Tutorial: EPA Report on the Environment, Scientific Data Management Workshop Planning Group.

• EPA Intranet Site: All of which is repurposed into the One Wiki:– This tutorial.

• EPA Staff Wikis and Blogs: All of which is done in the One Wiki:– This tutorial.

• Comment: All the above could / would be one of EPA’s Flagship Initiatives for the Open Government Directive!


1. Background

• 1.2 Open Government Directive, December 8, 2009:– Implement the principles of transparency, participation, and

collaboration set forth in the President’s Memorandum (January 21, 2009):

• 1. Publish Government Information Online:– Publish online in an open format at least three high-value data sets*.– Create an Open Government Webpage*.

• 2. Improve the Quality of Government Information:– Make certain that the information conforms to OMB guidance on

information quality*.• 3. Create and Institutionalize a Culture of Open Government:

– Develop and publish on its Open Government Webpage an Open Government Plan*.

» Flagship Initiative: Each agency’s Open Government Plan should describe at least one specific, new transparency, participation, or collaboration initiative*.

• 4. Create an Enabling Policy Framework for Open Government:– Help OMB identify impediments to open government and to the use of

new technologies**.

* Done by the pilot as of March 13, 2010. ** Done by this pilot as of March 19, 2010.


OMB Guidance onHigh-value Information

• Information that can be used to increase agency accountability and responsiveness; improve public knowledge of the agency and its operations; further the core mission of the agency; create economic opportunity; or respond to need and demand as identified through public consultation.


OMB Guidance on Information Quality

• The Federal Government has defined quality and objectivity:– Quality is “…the encompassing term, of which

‘utility,’ ‘objectivity,’ and ‘integrity’ are the constituents.

– ‘Objectivity’ focuses on whether the disseminated information is being presented in an accurate, clear, complete, and unbiased manner, and as a matter of substance, is accurate, reliable, and unbiased.

Source: “Guidelines for Ensuring and Maximizing the Quality, Objectivity, Utility, and Integrity of Information Disseminated by Federal Agencies” (67 FR 8452).


1. Background• 1.3 History:

– October 28, 2009:• Federal IT Summit Cloud Computing Panel: EPA work on "a cloud

computing desktop" cited as a best practice by Peter Tseronis, Co-Chair, Cloud Computing Advisory Committee.

– December 10, 2009:• Data Architecture Subcommittee Meeting with Donna Roy (NIEM) and Jim

Hendler (Data-gov Semantic Wiki) and discussions of Data.gov CONOPS and its evolution to the Semantic Web.

– December 15, 2009:• Semantic Web Meetup: Party Cloudy with a Chance of Semantics. (Put Your

Desktop in the Cloud to Support the Open Government Directive and Data.gov/semantic!).

– December 17, 2009:• Federal Cloud Computing Advisory Council Meeting (same as above).

– December 24, 2009:• 2010 Office of Environmental Information National Symposium, May 11 – 13,

2010, Proposal for Presentation and Tutorial.


1. Background• 1.3 History (continued):

– January 11, 2010:• Open Government Directive Workshop and Government Desktop in the

Cloud Breakout Session at the US Department of Transportation at the Direction of the Office of the EPA Administrator and the National Center for Innovation.

– January 14-15, 2010:• Federal CIO Council Boot Camp Training, Partnership for Public Service

SAGE Program, Washington, DC. My Suggested 2010 Plan for an Open Government Directive Roadmap Using Cloud Computing Desktop / Mobile Apps as a Member of the Federal CIO Council's Best Practice Committee.

– January 19-21, 2010:• EPA Enterprise Architecture Strategic Planning Sessions

– January 21, 2010:• Put Your Statistical Work in the Cloud in Support of the Open Government

Directive and Data.gov/semantic (EPA Statistics Users Group).– January 28, 2010:

• Tutorial for the EAWG: Solution Architecture for 2010.


1. Background• 1.3 History (continued):

– February 4, 2010:• Design Suggestions for EPA’s One Wiki in Support of the EPA OGD Work Group.

– March 3, 2010:• Joint Services / Cloud Computing Session: Semantic Cloud Computing and Linked

Open Data Discussion of Three Uses Cases.– March 3rd, 2010:

• For Open Government, Technology Is The Least of Your Problems (Gartner Blog Comment).

– March 4, 2010:• 2010 Annual Statistical Abstract of the United States: More than 1300 high-value data

sets and graphs with standard metadata, and EPA Report on the Environment Indicators: More than 200 high-value data sets and graphs with standard metadata.

– March 6, 2010:• Flagship Initiative Pilot Tutorial: EPA Report on the Environment, EPA Wiki and Blog

Work Group.– March 13, 2010:

• Data Quality Plan Pilot Tutorial: EPA Report on the Environment, Scientific Data Management Workshop Planning Group.


2. EPA’s One Wiki2.1 EPA’s Intranet Site

• EPA Intranet Home Page Categories:– Banner– Headline– Highlights– Navigation Pane– Topics

EPA Intranet Home Page


2. EPA’s One Wiki2.1 EPA’s Intranet Site

• Banner:– Contact Us – Online Tools – Training and Development – All-Hands Messages – Desktop Library – Event Calendar – Jobs – EPA Credit Union – The Neighborhood – Pay Tables for 2010

EPA One Wiki Headline


2. EPA’s One Wiki2.1 EPA’s Intranet Site

EPA One Wiki Navigation PaneEPA One Wiki Highlights


2. EPA’s One Wiki2.1 EPA’s Intranet Site

EPA One Wiki Topics (Images)EPA One Wiki Topics


2. EPA’s One Wiki2.1 EPA’s Intranet Site

EPA One Wiki Training & DevelopmentEPA One Wiki Home Page


2. EPA’s One Wiki2.1 EPA’s Intranet Site

• EPA One Wiki Pilot:– http://epa.wik.is/EPA_One_Wiki_Pilot

• Banner:– http://epa.wik.is/EPA_One_Wiki_Pilot/Banner

• Online Tools:– http://epa.wik.is/EPA_One_Wiki_Pilot/Banner/

Online_Tools• The Neighborhood:

– http://epa.wik.is/EPA_One_Wiki_Pilot/Banner/The_Neighborhood

• Training & Development:– http://epa.wik.is/index.php?



2. EPA’s One Wiki2.2 EPA Staff Wikis and Blogs

EPA Web Site EPA’s One Wiki


2. EPA’s One Wiki2.2 EPA Staff Wikis and Blogs

EPA OEI Web Site EPA OEI Org Chart


2. EPA’s One Wiki2.2 EPA Staff Wikis and Blogs

EPA’s One Wiki OEI EPA’s One Wiki OEI/OTOP


2. EPA’s One Wiki2.2 EPA Staff Wikis and Blogs



2. EPA’s One Wiki2.2 EPA Staff Wikis and Blogs

EPA’s One Wiki OEI/OTOP/MISD/ITSPB/Brand Niemann PARS Report

Note: I use a Wiki for a Blog as well!


2. EPA’s One Wiki2.2 EPA Staff Wikis and Blogs

• EPA Web Site:– http://www.epa.gov/epahome/organization.htm

• http://www.epa.gov/oei/• http://www.epa.gov/oei/oeiorgchart.pdf

• EPA Staff:– http://epa.wik.is/EPA_One_Wiki_Pilot/EPA_Staff

• Environmental Information:– http://epa.wik.is/EPA_One_Wiki_Pilot/EPA_Staff/Environmental_Information

• Technology Operations & Planning:– http://epa.wik.is/EPA_One_Wiki_Pilot/EPA_Staff/Environmental_Information/Technology_O

perations_&_Planning• Mission Investment Solutions:

– http://epa.wik.is/EPA_One_Wiki_Pilot/EPA_Staff/Environmental_Information/Technology_Operations_&_Planning/Mission_Investment_Solutions

• Information Technology Strategic Planning:– http://epa.wik.is/EPA_One_Wiki_Pilot/EPA_Staff/Environmental_Information/Technology_O


• Brand Niemann:– http://epa.wik.is/EPA_One_Wiki_Pilot/EPA_Staff/Environmental_Information/Technology_O



2. EPA’s One Wiki2.2 EPA Staff Wikis and Blogs

OTOP’s IT Policy Wiki OTOP’s IT Policy Wiki-Read & Print


2. EPA’s One Wiki2.2 EPA Staff Wikis and Blogs

OTOP’s IT Policy Wiki-Read & Print (PDF) OTOP’s IT Policy Wiki-Comments


2. EPA’s One Wiki2.2 EPA Staff Wikis and Blogs

• Enterprise Architecture Policy (Comments):– http://epa.wik.is/EPA_One_Wiki_Pilot/IT_Policy/Enterprise_Architecture_Policy_(Comments)

• 1. Purpose:– http://epa.wik.is/EPA_One_Wiki_Pilot/IT_Policy/Enterprise_Architecture_Policy_(Comments)/Purpose

• 2. Audience:– http://epa.wik.is/EPA_One_Wiki_Pilot/IT_Policy/Enterprise_Architecture_Policy_(Comments)/2._Audience

• 3. Background:– http://epa.wik.is/EPA_One_Wiki_Pilot/IT_Policy/Enterprise_Architecture_Policy_(Comments)/3._Backgroun

d• 4. Policy:

– http://epa.wik.is/EPA_One_Wiki_Pilot/IT_Policy/Enterprise_Architecture_Policy_(Comments)/4._Policy• 5. Roles and Responsibilities:

– http://epa.wik.is/EPA_One_Wiki_Pilot/IT_Policy/Enterprise_Architecture_Policy_(Comments)/5._Roles_and_Responsibilities

• 6. Definitions:– http://epa.wik.is/EPA_One_Wiki_Pilot/IT_Policy/Enterprise_Architecture_Policy_(Comments)/6._Definitions

• 7. Authorities:– http://epa.wik.is/EPA_One_Wiki_Pilot/IT_Policy/Enterprise_Architecture_Policy_(Comments)/7._Authorities

• 8. Related Documents:– http://epa.wik.is/EPA_One_Wiki_Pilot/IT_Policy/Enterprise_Architecture_Policy_(Comments)/8._Related_D

ocuments• 9. Recertification Date:

– http://epa.wik.is/EPA_One_Wiki_Pilot/IT_Policy/Enterprise_Architecture_Policy_(Comments)/9._Recertification_Date

• 10. Additional Information:– http://epa.wik.is/EPA_One_Wiki_Pilot/IT_Policy/Enterprise_Architecture_Policy_(Comments)/



3. Suggestions

• The EPA One Wiki can:– Enhance Community Engagement within and outside

EPA by integrating content sources and broadening participation using new technologies.

– Provide a consistent set of well-defined URIs/URLs for improved navigation and search.

– Use new Semantic Publishing tools to deliver the content to the Linked Open Data Web of the W3C’s Semantic Web.

– Involve EPA Wiki authors and staff in populating the new EPA One Wiki through periodic training and Jam Sessions.


4. Questions and Answers