1. Better Lists: The NEW New Rules of Email: Leading Approaches that Fortify Results

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Transcript of 1. Better Lists: The NEW New Rules of Email: Leading Approaches that Fortify Results

The NEW New Rules of Email Leading Approaches that Fortify


Presented February 22, 2012 by

Karen Talavera, Synchronicity Marketingand

Austin Bliss, FreshAddress


• To maximize your experience• Write down your questions– time for questions,

mindful of schedule

• Quiet, Listen– Little voice– Devices

• Be Open to Hearing Anew

Karen Talavera• DMA Email Marketing Trainer since 1999• Top 100 Women in Ecommerce 2012 (WE magazine)• Member Only Influencers, EEC, Solo-Entrepreneur • Nationally-recognized email marketing

thought leader, writer, trainer, consultant and speaker• President and Founder, Synchronicity Marketing

– Founded 2003– Email Marketing Strategy, Training & Consulting– Based in south Florida serving clients worldwide

Austin Bliss• Past Chair, EEC List Growth Roundtable • Speaking at events since 2003• Served on DMA’s Committee for Social Responsibility• Awarded “Rising Star” award by DMEF

President and co-FounderEmail Database Services Company

Founded in 1999

Today’s Agenda

• Welcome, Introduction10:00 – 10:10

• Growing & Maintaining Responsive Email Lists 10:10 – 11:00

• Creating Exceptional Email Marketing Messages 11:00 – 12:00

Lunch 12:00 – 1:00• Navigating the Murky Waters of Deliverability 1:00 – 2:00

Quick Break 2:00 – 2:10• Next Generation Metrics and Analysis

2:10 -- 2:50• Drawing, Open Q&A

2:50 – 3:00

Growing and Maintaining

Responsive Email Lists


1. List Growth Basics2. List Growth - The New New Rules3. List Maintenance - The New New Rules



• Website

• Paper (order form, etc.)

• Phone (customer orders, etc.)

• In Person (POS, check in, etc.)


Make sure there is an ONGOING value exchange



How you will use their email address

How you will protect their privacy




1. List Growth Basics2. List Growth - The New New Rules3. List Maintenance - The New New Rules


Old New Rule

Show and Prepare

Withhold as Enticement

#1 - Show and Prepare


Old New Rule


Collect It All Now

Asking Too Much


Old New Rule

Explain Why

Expect Information Sharing


Old New Rule

No Really, Ask Everywhere

Ask Everywhere


Old New Rule

Opt-in Appending

Opt-out Appending

Name Address EmailJoe Smith 15 Shire Street, New York, NY 10024 ?

Sarah Watson 643 Main Street, Palm Springs, FL 33406 ?

Ken Chapman 514 Broadway St., Los Angeles, CA 90079 ?

Austin Jordan 13 Green St., Salem, NH 03079 ?



Name Address EmailJoe Smith 15 Shire Street, New York, NY 10024 Jsmith@hotmail.com

Sarah Watson 643 Main Street, Palm Springs, FL 33406 Sk8girl@earthlink.net

Ken Chapman 514 Broadway St., Los Angeles, CA 90079 Kchapman@aol.com

Austin Jordan 13 Green St., Salem, NH 03079 Austin@jordanz.com

d) A Welcome Email is sent to your customers to confirm deliverability and ensure their permission. Make sure it is 100% opt-in!

a) Send your postal database in for processing.

b) Your file is matched against vendor’s database. Make sure it is 100% opt-in!

e) The enhanced file with deliverable email addresses is sent back to you.

c) Suppressions are run.


To Append Or Not To Append?

• Ask everywhere

• Effectively send/track

• Established ROI in the email channel

• Fully educated & ready to leverage append results


Old New Rule

Typos Happen! I Care!

Typos Happen! Who Cares?

• Lowered response rates

• Inadvertently abandoned customers Lost revenues Opens door for competitors Customer dissatisfaction

• Wasted marketing effort and expense

• Risk of being blacklisted

Why Care?

Run Regular List Audits

#6 – Prepare For Typos


#6 – Prepare For Typos

• Simple software code can enforce RFC standards

• More advanced software can filter out invalid addresses

• The best services can actually notice and correct typos in real-time


#6 – Prepare For Typos

…Caught and Corrected before it entered their database

#6 – Prepare For Typos

- Use Cloud API or build yourself- Get “spellcheck” with corrections provided!


1. List Growth Basics2. List Growth - The New New Rules3. List Maintenance - The New New Rules

Over 50 million email addresses changed this year

– Switched Jobs– Changed ISPs– Graduated from School– Abandoned b/c of Spam– Corporate rebranding– Etc.


Old New Rule

Don’t Lose Existing Subscribers

Get New Subscribers

Question Assumptions

Consider A Backup

Make Updating Easy

Use Email Change of Address (ECOA)

• Just like NCOA, but for your email list• 6-15%+ Update Rate • Ideal for large (100k+) lists of old email addresses• Pay per email address recovered

Improve your ‘ask’1. Show and Prepare2. KISS3. Explain Why4. Ask *Everywhere*5. Opt-In Appending

6. Take Typos Seriously– Do Routine Audits– Assist Self-Proofing– Use Technology

7. No email address is forever– Get a Backup– Make Updating Easy– Run ECOA

Recap - New New Rules

My “Ask”


Contact Information

• Karen Talavera• Synchronicity Marketing (www.synchronicitymarketing.com)• Email: karen@synchronicitymarketing.com• Phone: (561) 967-9665• Facebook: www.facebook.com/SynchronicityMarketing• Twitter: @SyncMarketing

• Austin Bliss• FreshAddress (www.freshaddress.com)• Email: austin@freshaddress.com• Phone: (617) 965-4500• Twitter: @FreshAddress