1 a

Post on 02-May-2017

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Transcript of 1 a

Question one

a) Explain three different types of interviews

1) Informational interview

The objective at this interview is to ask for advice and learn more about a particular career field,

employment or the knowledge that one gain here will make one sharper and more informed

2) Screening telephone interview

A phone interview is a very cost effective way to screen candidates. It is recommended that one

should have the job description, a list of references and answers to the challenging questions.

Those who interview can’t see one’s body language hence it’s important to have positive and

polished and answers with energetic tone and inflection.

3) Small group or committee interview

This where the one interviewed meets with several decision-maker at once. One needs to be

prepared. If an efficient way to interview candidates and allow for different interpretation. Eye

contact in this kind of an interview is very important. It’s important to establish reports will each

member of an interview team.

4) Individual interview

Individual interview is also referred to as the personal interview. It is typically a one on one

exchange of the organizations offices the candidates needs to prepare according to the length of

the time given.

5) The second or on-site interview

After the first interview a candidate may be asked back again a second time. They like the

candidate enough that she/he made the first round but would like to know more about him/her

before making final decision.

6) Behavioral based interview.

The theory behind critical behavioral interviewing is the past performance in a similar situation

is the best predictor of future performance. The candidate should prepare by thinking of specific

examples that demonstrate his/ her competence in core behaviors, for example team work,

problem solving, communication, creativity, flexibility and organizational skills

7) Task oriented or testing interview

This is a problem solving interview, where the candidate is given some exercises to demonstrate

his/her creative and analytical abilities. One can ask to take a short test to evaluate his/her

technical knowledge and skills. Sometime a presentation to a group is necessary to determine our

communication skills.

8) Stress interview

This is a rare type of interview. The interviewer tries to bait the candidates; to see how they

respond the objective is to find them weakness and test how they hold up to pressure. Such

tactics as weird silences, constant interruptions and challenging interrogations with antagonistic

questions are designed to push their boundaries.

b) What is the purpose of a job interview?

This interview is one of the important phases of the job search process. One resume and cover

letters are simply tools to get one to the interview stage. The interview is one’s opportunity to

convince an employer that he/she I the right person for the job.

There are main purposes of an interview to interviewee;

a) To enable the interviewee to communicate information about his/herself, experience and


b) To seek further information about the position and the organization.

c) To evaluate the match, between the interviewee needs and what the job offers.

Apart from the interviewee, there are- purpose of an interview to the interviewer and the main

one is to gather relevant information about the candidate.

The interviewer also will be able to notice the interviewee preparation, His/her knowledge of the

industry the position and the organization.

The interviewer will cheek the interviewee communication skills, this pertains oral presentation

skills and the ability to interact with others.

Potential and teamwork is another purpose of an interview, the interviewer should demonstrate

ability to work with others and get other to work together.

The employer can also access whether or not a candidate is suitable for the job.

Interview creates a relationship between the interviewer and interviewee. They are able to

understand each other better.

c) Explain the preparation that one make before an interview

Read about the job/occupation

Dress to success

Know what you want the interview to learn about you

Anticipate what questions will be asked.

Know your knowledge skills, abilities and accomplishments

1) Review your resume

Revisit your resume from the point of view of the interviewer. It may provide insight into the

company’s employee needs.

2) Get back on-line

There is need as a candidate to visit the company website and take notes. Corporate officers, the

latest press releases, the company annual report. Gather as much information as you can.

3) Study then cram

The more you learn the better you are going to feel walking the interview. Knowledge is power.

Knowledge will make one confident in your attitude and answers, If one study he/her will make

a positive impression.

4) Rehearse your interview

It is difficult to rehearse for something that does not have a script, but one know the typical

questions that can be asked hence write them down. Be ready to describe past positions,

responsibilities and accomplishments. The more one rehearse the more he or she becomes


5) Develop your list of questions

Your interview should not be seen as some type of an interrogation. It’s a ‘ getting to know your

meeting so feel free to ask questions. However the first question show not be ‘how much do I get

paid?” Be quick to pick up on the interviewer’s comments and ask relevant questons.

6) Dress for success

Whether you’re a female or male, the conservative business suit is the recommended attire fro

any interviewer if the business suit needs a pressing send if to the dry cleaner, if you do not have

a suit, go out and get one.

7) Get cut or coiffed

Treat yourself to a visit to the local hair stylist. It’s better for one to look smart. They’ll be,

plenty of time to show your talent once you land the job for non, look like a success, feel like a


8) Practice positive visualization

Picture yourself sitting opposite the head of human resource for example, picture yourself

relaxed, comfort able at the top of your game. Play the clip over in your mind until it becomes

familiar confidence during an interview should be obvious and genuine.

9) Gather your materials

The day before the interview, gather your materials and place them in a briefcase, having the

briefcase will project the professional image that you already have extra resume copies in a

manila envelope. Bring a pad and pencil to take notes and copies of a business card. School

transcript and a calculator can also be necessary/.

10) Sleep tight

After preparing yourself, go to bed, early, have some warmth, milk or coco or herbal tea. Relax

set the alarm and sleep comfortably in the knowledge that you are prepared.

d) What should on do during an interview

Answer the questions using the “PROVE IT” method don’t volunteer negative information about

you be honest.

Have eye contact with the interviewer


Be believable, be yourself

Say positive thing about your former supervisors and working conditions.

Find ways to let the interviewer know you are a team player.

e) Give three types of interview questions

1) Straightforward questions

A hiring manger is most apt to talk about the role and specific tasks that must be performed and

then ask “tell me how your background prepares to do the job?”

2) Behavioral questions

Interviewers are predisposed to believe that how you acted in the past is a good predictor of how

you will act in the future. Describe a time when you confronted difficult problems or situations.

3) Situational question

These questions are similar to behavioral questions however they compel you to speak about

how you would deal with particular issue in the future. These questions might begin with “How

will you respond to a particular situation or problem.”

4) Brain teaser or skills test

Skill test are mostly applied by competitive companies by putting candidates through elaborate

tests, involving use of sophisticated coding or logical reasoning.

Question Two

a) what is a memorandum

A memorandum or memo is a written form of communication most often employed in business


A memo can also be defined as a legal document setting out the terms of an agreement or


Memos present information in a way that allows the recipient to be aware of the important details

of a situation without going into too much detail. The information should be brief to the point.

b) What are the advantages of a memo

Due to various advantages, of memos are widely used in most of the organizations

Memos are used within organization to report results, instruct employees announce polices,

disseminate information and delegate responsibilities.

Memos provide a record of decision made and actions taken. They play a key role in the

management of many organizations because mangers use memos to inform and motivate


A memo puts the message in writing thus minimizing misunderstanding and one can alwys refer

to it to see exactly what has said.

Decentralization involves spreading the decision making throughout an organization instead of a

few making all the decisions.

Another advantage of memos is that they are very simple and easy to use.

Time saving- Memos are written in very brief and saves time.

In writing a memo there are no formalities, there are no salutations and complementary closing

are also avoiding from a memo.

A memo is very specific it’s to the point it is only the main message that is written very briefly.

It is also less costly. They are cost saving they can be written in simple papers and can be

transmitted very cheaply.

c) Explain the following words

1) Upwards communication

Upward communication is the process of information flowing from the lower levels of a

hierarchy to the upper levels. This type of communication is becoming popular in organizations

as traditional forms of communication are becoming less popular.

This type of communication employer to express their requirements, ideas and feelings, its an

important source of information for business decisions.

It helps in alerting top management about the requirements of changes in organizations it’s a

core contributor of business process re-engineering in many organizations.

It acts as a whistle blowing policy in organizations and even in schools on matters that requires

examination on vigilance angle. It is use of a prevention tool as well.

Upward communication keeps managers aware of how employers fell about their jobs, policies

and procedures and on the other hand employees who are given an opportunity to provide

feedback feel respected and that they have a say in how the organization or school activities run.

Through upwards communication, mutual trust bring employer and employee closer to each

other hence the relationship becomes stronger and in the introduction of new policies the

employees are always instrumental in forming this new policies and even changing the outdated.

In conclusion the upward communication ensure that tasks are being performed on time, provide

accurate feedback and helps to keep everyoneon the same page with a common vision

Many organizations suffer bacause they lack effective upward communication.

ii) Explain downwards communication

Downward communication is the flow of information from the higher levels of management to

subordinate individual working within an organization

Any communication that flows downwards from a manger to employer is downwards

communication. It is used to inform, direct, coordinate and evaluate employers

When mangers assign goals to their employers, they are using the downward communication by

providing them job descriptions policies and procedures

Downward communication helps to implement goals strategies and objectives. It provides

information about specific targets and expected behaviors. It gives directions

It also gives job instruction and rationale; this is on how to do task and how the job relates to

other activities of the school organization.

Downward communication defines procedures and practices of schools organizations policies,

rules regulations benefits and structural arrangements in order to get some degree of uniformity

in organization practices.

Performance feedback is also essential so as to get progress report, individual performance

appraisal and other means are used to tell departments or individuals how well they are doing

with respect to performance standards and goals.

The downward communication provides a channel of directives , instructions and information to

organizational members, however much information gets lost as it is passé from one person to

another moreover the message can be distorted if it travels to greater distance.

d) State and explain three ways can march the communication process.


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