1 07/10/07 Forward Vertex Detector Technical Design – Electronics DAQ Readout electronics split...

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Transcript of 1 07/10/07 Forward Vertex Detector Technical Design – Electronics DAQ Readout electronics split...


Forward Vertex DetectorTechnical Design – Electronics DAQ

Readout electronics split into two parts

– Near the detector (ROC)– Compresses and serializes the

data from a group of chips– Radiation tolerance use

FLASH based FPGAs from Actel– Fiber link to the control room

– In the Control Room (FEM)– Buffer data for 64 beam clocks– Send data to DCM upon LVL1

trigger request– SRAM based FPGAs from Xilinx



1,2 output lines per chip

Stream of 20-bit data words @ 150 MHz– under design

Zero suppression

Programmable Threshold

Buffers Data for 64 Clocks

Upon Lvl-1 grab relevant data

Build packet

Send data to DCM/LVL1

Pass Clock to ROC

Slow controls manager

PHENIX StandardLimit <2000 20-bit words/DCM




Deserialize and Combine data from several FPHX chips

Strip Synch Words

Send data over fiber


2.5 Gb/sfiber link

Inside IR In Counting House


FPHX Chip Design Reminder

• Based upon well tested FPIX2 chip design

• Data push readout over 2 output lines

• Zero suppression with programmable threshold

• Fully programmable logic with masking capabilities

• Data contains: – 3 bit ADC– 7 bit Strip Information– 6 bit Beam Counter

• 26 chips/large wedge, 12 chips/small wedge

• 2(4) wedges (52 chips)-->ROC channel

• 16 wedges-->ROC board

Data Word structure TBDTime (ns)


ROC Design Specifications

• Generate ~130 MHz Serializer Clock

• Provides Control, Download and Calibration signals for the chips

• Combine serial data from 52 FPHX chips ( 2 wedges) (partially)

• Synchronize readout and strip off Sync Words

• Append CHIP ID to the data

• Send parallel data word output at 130 MHz over 2 fiber interface to the FEM

• Move from ACTEL A3PE600 to ACTEL A3PE3000 FLASH based FPGA

= done


ROC To Do/Plans

• Needs full testing with multiple chips, multiple readout lines

• Proper data packaging for serdes/FEM (not sure if this is complete)

• Finish specifications so that prototype layout can be completed (especially pin-out needed). Can be started already.

• ACTEL chip with enough I/O for full production will be tested with prototype board

• Connect to FEM with fiber-driver


ROC Prototype R&D

USB Interface

Actel Board


8-chip module

• Actel A3PE600 prototype board

• Slow control via USB interface (DLP-2232M)

• Output data via NI-6534 PCI card at 20 MHz (up to 640 Mbps)

• Test an 8-chip FPIX module (FPIX is progenitor of FPHX chip and has similar digital backend)


ROC Prototype R&D

USB Interface

Actel Board


8-chip module

Covers 30 deg (16 wedges)


FEM Design Specifications

• FEM receives data from a single ROC channel over two fibers at fixed rate of 2.5 Gbits/s

• Main functionality– Store the data by BCO counter – Buffer data for 64 BCO clocks – Read the data from certain clock to output buffer at 300 MHz – Send the output buffer content to the DCM (partially)

• Plan to combine the data from 4 FEM channels on single FEM board

• Implementation– Xilinx mid-scale Virtex-4 FPGA VC4VSX35– Use built-in FIFOs and Relationally Placed Macros (RPMs) for maximum

performance and predictability (Provided by XILINX)

= done


FEM To Do/Plans

• Combine the data from 4 FEM channels on single FEM board

• Get fiber transceivers working and connect ROC and FEM

• Connect to PHENIX-type DAQ to check DCM compatibility: mini-DAQ? Or just use other computer connections and check data format?

• Develop user-friendly computer interface.

• DAQ should be ready then for various test stands, etc.



• Design tested with single chip readout and “fake” data and running chip calibration chain

• 100% of hits propagates through FEM with realistic triggered readout

• Readout to PC tested at 640 Mb/s rate using NI-6534 readout board

Virtex-4 test boardFPIX Chip


Test of Calibration System

• Test each pixel by injecting 64 pulses at gradually increasing amplitude

• Upper figure shows histogram of turn-on curve for one channel

• Lower figure shows noise

• Inject capacitor = 3fF Noise ~ 102 e


Transceiver Boards

• Transceiver boards available now

• Loop-back tests and some two-board tests working

• Understanding clock, power-up sequence, requirements/sensitivities

• Expect to make connection between ROC and FEM boards relatively soon, but want to explore long-term operation/stability of fiber drivers in some detail


System Test Plans

• Would like to get a mechanical setup which can hold one or several wedges designed and built relatively soon

• Option for source tests, cosmic tests, beam tests(?)

• Determine user-friendly DAQ interface, which can be multi-purpose (?) (above tests, QA tests, …)

• Layout of LDRD ROC and FEM boards started, plan to have working boards by Jan.