0847520 Chimpanzees

Post on 17-May-2015

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A look at chimpanzee intelligence!

Transcript of 0847520 Chimpanzees

The Documentary Low Down Vicki and Washoe are two very intelligent chimps and they

are the main characters in the presentation.Allen and Beatrix Gardner gave a home to a little chimp

named Washoe, and they raised her like a human child. Washoe was taught normal human behaviours like how to

eat and use the bathroom AND she could communicate through standard American Sign Language (ASL).

Vicki and her caregivers , Keith and Catherine Hayes, spent seven years trying to establish verbal communication.After a long seven years, Vicki could manage to say four

words – mama, papa, up, and cup. The success of Washoe and Vicki show the capability and

true intelligence of a chimpanzee.


Washoe, Allen and Beatrix Gardner


Washoe and Allen




• Chimpanzees and humans share all but 1.4% of their DNA.• Chimpanzees communicate through a system of vocalizations, facial

expressions body postures and gestures.• Newborn chimps are ENTIRELY dependent on their mother for the necessities. Like human children they have a long lived childhood.• Like humans, chimps have ways of conveying emotions like joy,

anger, grief, sorrow, pleasure, boredom and depression.• They also have the ability to comfort and reassure each other

through kisses and embrace.(www.savethechimps.org)

• The anatomy of the chimpanzee brain and central nervous system is startlingly similar to

that of humans.• Chimps have the capabilities to master skills on

computers.• Chimpanzees are capable of reasoned thought,

abstraction, generalization, symbolic representation and a concept of self.

• Chimps are so biologically similar to humans that they can be infected with all known human

diseases and infections.(www.janegoodall.org/chimp_central)

Chimps and Humans: The Similarities(www.janegoodall.org/chimp_central)

The Bar Graph: Compares a chimp’s typical characteristics to those of humans. Assuming that humans are the peak of intelligence (100%),

the graph shows how closely related the two species are. When it comes to biology, humans and chimps are the most alike; chimps

share 98% of their DNA with humans.


“If we are going to teach creation science as an alternative to evolution, then we should also teach the stork theory as an alternative to biological

reproduction”- Judith Hayes

“The theory of evolution by cumulative natural selection is the only theory we know of that is, in principle, capable of explaining

the existence of organized complexity”- Richard Dawkins

“Change is at the very core of evolution and without it, all creatures would look

alike and behave the same way”- Martin Dansky

“Creationist critics often charge that evolution cannot be tested, and therefore cannot be viewed as a properly scientific subject at all. This claim is

rhetorical nonsense.”- Stephen Jay Gould


“We are the product of 4.5 billion years of fortuitous, slow biological evolution. There is no reason to think that the evolutionary process has stopped. Man is a

transitional animal. He is not the climax of creation.” - Dr. Carl Sagan

The Animal Race Vs. The Human Race(http://news.nationalgeographic.com/news/2005/12/1207_051207_dog_genome_2.html)

Many animals can be compared to human beings, but the chimp shares (by far) the most DNA with humans (98%).


Some More Facts on Chimps... Chimps can live up to 40 years in the wild

and up to 55 years in captivity.

Young chimps learn to create tools from objects in their environment by watching others; they use

sticks to extract termites to eat and crumple leaves to soak up water to drink.

Scientists discovered that chimps use medicinal plants

to treat themselves for illness and injury.

Apes rely more on vision than on smell and have a short broad nose rather than a snout, as Old World monkeys do.

Apes have a larger brain relative to the body size than other primates do.


A baby chimpanzee lives with its mother for

approximately five to ten years after birth.

They are found mainly in the tropical forests of Africa and

approximately fifty years ago there were somewhere around a million chimpanzees in these forests but now they are gradually moving towards extinction with about 150,000 to 175,000 left in the


Chimpanzees live in large communities of approximately 15 to 20 in a group and converse with each other with the help of grunts, screams and hoots. They are one of the noisiest animals and they are also very social and warm when they

interact with each other


A Tribute!Jane Goodall: Universally known primatologist. She made giant strides

in the world of chimpanzees. Her dedication inspires the desires of many to better know humans closest relative.







ULTIMATLEY...The Documentary would capture how much there is to know about chimps ESPECIALLY how very similar they are to human beings.

Their behaviours, emotions, personalities and even their biological make-ups are very much alike and

these could be some reasons why humans can continue to study and better understand

chimpanzees and the ways in which they live.

Both humans and apes are an interesting species, and a documentary could provide useful

information and fun facts about what really goes on in the world around us!
