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  • 304th MI Battalion Weekly OSINT News Summary July 31, 2008

    For Official Use Only

    The 304th MI Bn OSINT Weekly report is an unclassified product of the 304th Army MI Bn OSINT Team. This report is derived from news articles, OPEDS, Blogs and book reviews from national and international sources available on the World Wide Web. The articles may be read in their entirety by inserting the URL listed below the item into a browser. These summaries do not represent 304th MIs position or point of view and are selected upon the criteria of whether the content addresses GEOINT, HUMINT, SIGINT, MASINT, OSINT or news on new weapons technology. The news summary is based on open source information and is not processed open source intelligence.

    US Army Intelligence Center

    304th Military Intelligence Battalion

    Fort Huachuca, AZ 85613 LTC Monnard, Commanding

    GEOINT-IMINT Keep an Eye Out for GeoEye's Satellite Launch On August 22, 2008, GeoEye will be launching its latest satellite, GeoEye-1. (Seeking Alpha, July 31) http://seekingalpha.com/article/88232-keep-an-eye-out-for-geoeye-s-satellite-launch

    Little Creek Naval Station in Norfolk, VA Posted in the Google Earth Hacks forum on July 29, 2008 www.gearthhacks.com/dlfile30350/Little-Creek-Naval-Station.htm MI5 Building in Northern Ireland (One of eight photos posted by Cryptome) (Cryptome Birds Eye, July 23) http://cryptome.org/mi5-palace/mi5-palace.htm Exploiting a Geospatial Information Revolution The asymmetric nature of current military operations has seen the demand for - and subsequent collection of - vast amounts of actionable intelligence on a previously unimaginable scale. (Janes Defense Non-subscriber extract, July

    25) www.janes.com/news/defence/jdw/jdw080725_1_n.shtml

    HUMINT Analyst Comment: A DoD Directive Memorandum was posted on Cryptome for the creation of the Defense Counterintelligence and Human Intelligence Center (DCHC). The DoD memo. is available for PDF download on http://cryptome.org/dtm-08-032.pdf The memo. was dated July 22 (Cryptome, July 26) www.cryptome.org A Reorganization of Defense Intelligence DoD has embarked on a significant modification of its intel. apparatus, creating a new HUMINT center within the DIA, abolishing a controversial CI agency, and reorganizing the Office of the Under Secretary of Defense for Intelligence. (FAS Secrecy News Blog, July 30) www.fas.org/blog/secrecy/ Taliban Kill Female Spy Near Miranshah Taliban militants have killed a woman near Miranshah after she was accused of spying for U.S. forces. (New Post Online, July 31) www.newspostonline.com/world-news/taliban-kill-female-spy-near-miranshah-20080731461 CIA Cites Pakistan Spy Agency's Ties to Militants U.S. intel. suspects rogue elements in Pakistan's spy agency are giving militants sensitive information(AP, July 31) http://ap.google.com/article/ALeqM5g-ZZAwkx4iEvJhBb9akVOWQxe7bgD928DVG00 Pakistan Denies Militant-ISI Ties Pakistan's milrejected a "malicious" report that a top CIA official visiting this month confronted Islamabad over ties between the country's intelligence service and militants. (Gulf Daily News, July 31) www.gulf-daily-news.com/Story.asp?Article=225029&Sn=WORL&IssueID=31133 Visit to Pakistan by CIA Officer Reported In a demonstration of growing U.S. frustration, the CIA's deputy director flew to Islamabad this month to warn Pak. officials that they need to do more to address dangerous ties between the country's spy agency and resurgent Al Qaeda-linked militants(LA Times, July 30) www.latimes.com/news/nationworld/washingtondc/la-fg-pakistan30-2008jul30,0,6261680.story

  • The Science of Sniffing Out Liars An interrogation expert spills his secrets. (Discover Science Magazine, July 28) http://discovermagazine.com/2008/aug/28-the-science-of-sniffing-out-liars How the British Security Forces Are Helping A Killer Spy To Rebuild His Life MI5 rebuilt the life of a "killer spy" who was the British Army's highest- ranking double agent... (UK Sunday Herald, July 30) www.sundayherald.com/news/heraldnews/display.var.2392785.0.how_the_british_security_forces_are_helping_a_killer_spy_to_rebuild_his_life.php U.S. Military: Iraq Inmates Imposed Islamic Justice For years, extremist Iraqi detainees in U.S. custody held self-styled Islamic courts and tortured or killed inmates(AP, July 27) http://ap.google.com/article/ALeqM5hzj9jHSAErfAEZgoqICJYS-ttSmgD925PU1O0 China Plans To Spy On Olympic Hotel Guests: U.S. Senator "The Chinese govt. has put in place a system to spy on and gather information about every guest at hotels... (AFP, July 29) http://afp.google.com/article/ALeqM5gAkDaSkHWHboscdhQZwdRBt6hZnw Army Captain Pleads Guilty To Conspiracy To Illegally Smuggle Firearms Parts To Japan Military intel. officer knew he needed permit to send firearms parts to Japan. (Fox Business, July 28) www.foxbusiness.com/story/army-captain-pleads-guilty-conspiracy-illegally-smuggle-firearms-parts-japan/ Pakistan Clips Spy Agency's Wings Pakistans notorious ISI spy agency, a mainstay of the military's domination of the nation's politics, was last night (July 27) placed under civilian control... (The Australian, July 28) www.theaustralian.news.com.au/story/0,25197,24085906-2703,00.html Pakistans U-Turn On ISI Confusion reigned over the exact status of Pakistans controversial intel. agency, ISI, a day after the govt. announced it had placed the ISI under the control of the Interior Ministry. (The Hindu, July 28) www.hindu.com/2008/07/28/stories/2008072854381400.htm Documents Laid Out Interrogation Procedures When CIA interrogators used waterboarding and other harsh techniques on Qaeda suspects, agency rules required detailed records of each method used, its duration and the names of everyone present (NYT, July 25) www.nytimes.com/2008/07/25/us/25detain.html?ref=us

    MASINT/ATEP Upgrading Ray Gun Components Spray-on laser shields are just the start. The Air Force is moving ahead with a slew of research projects, to get laser weaponsThey include: (Wired Danger Room Blog, July 30) http://blog.wired.com/defense/ Iran To Continue Nuclear Path: Khameni Iran's highest authority said on Wednesday the Islamic Republic would continue on its nuclear path (Reuters, July 30) ww.gulfnews.com/region/Iran/10232990.html IDF Starts Using New Laser System Near Gaza Alongside production of the Iron Dome interceptor, Rafael is also in the midst of developing a solid-based laser system(Jerusalem Post, July 29) www.jpost.com/servlet/Satellite?cid=1215331128662&pagename=JPost%2FJPArticle%2FShowFull 'Laser Jumbo' Testing Moves Ahead A U.S. military plane equipped with a powerful laser has moved a step closer to becoming a viable weapon. (BBC News, July 29) http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/sci/tech/7531046.stm Iran: West Has Accepted Limited U-Enrichment Irans President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has said the West has agreed to accept that Tehran could carry out a limited quantity of uranium enrichment(The Hindu, July 28) www.hindu.com/2008/07/27/stories/2008072751921200.htm Irans Missile Tests and the New Strategy of the Revolutionary Guard The Guards position is built on its own perception of the Iranian state as one of the regions historic powers, a conviction that a technologically advanced military program is an essential feature of state power, and a sense that U.S. influence in the region is waning, largely due to difficulties in maintaining stability in Afghanistan and Iraq.(Jamestown Foundation, July 23) www.jamestown.org/terrorism/news/article.php?articleid=2374321


    Bush To Unveil U.S. Intelligence Overhaul "The revised order directs the IC to produce timely, accurate and insightful intelligence with special emphasis on the threats posed by international terrorism and the spread of WMD" (AFP, July 31) http://afp.google.com/article/ALeqM5gf2ea2MDUKrXYFvHgG8G90tsWXXg Deal on a Security Agreement Is Close, Iraqis Say Iraq and the U.S. are close to a deal on a sensitive security agreement that Iraqi officials saidsatisfies the nations desire to be treated as sovereign and independent. (NYT, July 31) www.nytimes.com/2008/07/31/world/middleeast/31iraq.html?hp Al-Qaeda in Iraq Leader May Be in Afghanistan The leader of the Sunni insurgent group al-Qaeda in Iraq and several of his top lieutenants have recently left Iraq for Afghanistan, according to group leaders and Iraqi intelligence. (Washington Post, July 31) www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2008/07/30/AR2008073003239.html?hpid=topnews Iraq Begins Crackdown In Restive Diyala Province Sunni Islamist al Qaeda has sought to stoke tensions in religiously and ethnically mixed Diyala, where a series of bomb attacks have killed scores of people in recent months. Defense Ministry spokesman Major-General Mohammed Al-Askari said the operation commenced with raids in the local capital Baquba, 65 km (40 miles) northeast of Baghdad. (Kuwait Times, July 30) www.kuwaittimes.net/read_news.php?newsid=ODU3Mzk0MDM3 Female Bombers Leave 57 Dead In Baghdad, Kirkuk Female suicide bombers (3) struck a Shiite pilgrimage in Baghdad and a Kurdish protest rally in northern Iraq yesterday, killing at least 57 people and wounding nearly 300(Kuwait Times, July 29) www.kuwaittimes.net/read_news.php?newsid=MTk5NDQ2NDky U.S. Forces In Iraq Use French Anti-Insurgency Methods The U.S. military has adopted tactics first used by French soldiers more than 50 years ago in Algeria, as it seeks to subdue Al-Qaeda remnants in one of Iraq's most violent cities. By dividing communities into small sectors and putting informants in charge(Kuwait Times, July 29) www.kuwaittimes.net/read_news.php?newsid=MzM3ODM4MDIw IRAQ: Move To Prevent Children Being Exploited By Militants We have evidence that the phenomenon of criminal gangs and terrorist groups recruiting juveniles - either by threatening them or luring them with money - has increased recently, said Hamza Kamil, spokesman of the Iraqi Human Rights Ministry. (IRIN, July 29) www.irinnews.org/Report.aspx?ReportId=79498 Iraqi Forces Weakened By Private U.S. Contractors? It says: "After our departure, the potential exists for us to leave Iraq with paramilitary organizations that are well organized, financed, trained and equipped. (Washington Times, July 24) www.washingtontimes.com/news/2008/jul/24/iraqi-forces-weakened-by-private-us-contractors/ Police Probe Istanbul Blasts While Army Hits Kurdish Rebels In Iraq (Turkey) Officials have accused the separatist Kurdistan Workers Party (PKK), which takes refuge in neighboring northern Iraq, after two blasts killed 17 people, five of them children, in a crowded Istanbul street Sunday night. (Gulf Times, July 30) www.gulf-times.com/site/topics/article.asp?cu_no=2&item_no=232820&version=1&template_id=39&parent_id=21 Strike On Iran Still Possible, U.S. Tells Israel In meetingsadministration officials told Defense Minister Ehud Barak that the option of attacking Iran over its nuclear program remains on the table(LA Times, July 30) www.latimes.com/news/printedition/asection/la-fg-usisrael30-2008jul30,0,2949320.story IRGC Reshuffling Aimed at Boosting Political Role The most important posts have been filled with figures like Mohammad Hejazi, appointed to the head of Sarallah, a powerful military unit in the IRGC, and Jafar Assadi, named the new commander of the ground forces. In addition, the appointment of Hojjatoleslam Hussain Taeb as to the head of the Basij force, a volunteer militia recently integrated as a military unit within the Guard, has followed the promotion of Hussein Hamedani as his successor(Payvand Iran News, July 28) www.payvand.com/news/08/jul/1264.html Is Afghanistan a Narco-State? The Afghan govt. was involved in protecting the opium trade by shielding it from American-designed policies. While it is true that Karzais Taliban enemies finance themselves from the drug trade, so do many of his supporters.

  • (NYT Magazine, July 27) www.nytimes.com/2008/07/27/magazine/27AFGHAN-t.html?_r=2&scp=1&sq=opium%20aafghanistan&st=cse&oref=slogin&oref=slogin A ghan Drug Lords Hire Chemists to Make Purer Heroin (Update1) fDrug lords in Afghanistan are hiring international chemists to boost the purity of heroin refined from the country's opium poppy crop(Bloomberg, July 29) www.bloomberg.com/apps/news?pid=20601091&sid=aDElWyeerTaA&refer=india NW Pakistan Clashes Intensify; Peace Deals at Risk, Taliban Says Clashes between insurgents and Pakistani troops escalated Wed. (July 30) in the country's fractious northwest as Taliban leaders threatened to withdraw their support for peace deals brokered(Washington Post, July 31) www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2008/07/30/AR2008073000815.html?hpid=topnews Militants Blow Up PTDC Motel, Girls School Taliban leader Maulana Fazlullah and Tehrik-e-Taliban Pakistan leader Baitullah Mehsud would make final decision about suicide attacks in Swat and rest of the province... (The Pakistan Post, July 31) http://thepost.com.pk/Fb_ShortNewsT.aspx?fbshortid=3250&fcatid=14&fstatus=Current&bcatid=14&bstatus=Current U.S. Military Strike In Pakistan Kills Al Qaeda Weapons Expert AU.S. predator drone killed a top Al Qaeda operative Mon. (July 28) inside Pakistan's tribal belt, even as Pakistan's newly elected prime minister made his first visit to Washington...(Christian Science Monitor, July 30) www.csmonitor.com/2008/0729/p99s01-duts.html The Pakistan Frontier Corps in the War on Terrorism Part One Pakistans first line of defense against insurgent forces in its loosely-ruled western frontier region is not Pakistans regular army, but a long-neglected, locally raised paramilitary. A remnant of the British colonial era, the paramilitary Frontier Corps (FC) has been maintained and stationed in Pakistans NWFP(Jamestown Foundation, July 25) www.jamestown.org/ Empowering Soft Taliban Over Hard Taliban: Pakistans Counter-Terrorism Strategy The formation of the Tehrik-e-Taliban Pakistan (TTP) in December 2007 by various Taliban groups effectively brought together 27 Taliban groups under one umbrella. (Jamestown Foundation, July 25) www.jamestown.org/terrorism/news/article.php?articleid=2374331 Gilani Urges Intelligence Sharing To Combat Pakistan Militants The U.S. should increase intelligence sharing with Pakistan to allow it to "act swiftly'' against militants near the Afghan border instead of carrying out strikes on Pakistani territory (Bloomberg Press, July 30) www.gulfn`ews.com/world/U.S.A/10232965.html Pakistan, India Trade Fire In Kashmir For Over 14 Hours The clash comes amid growing tensions between the South Asian rivals following a suicide bombing outside the Indian embassy in Kabul earlier this month, which Afghanistan and India have both blamed on "elements" in Pakistan. (Kuwait Times, July 30) www.kuwaittimes.net/read_news.php?newsid=MTA0NTIzMjU5OQ== India Ripe for More Attacks Bangalore and Ahmedabad, two cities that symbolize India's growing economic might, came under repeated attack from terrorists on two consecutive days late last week. (Asia Times, July 29) www.atimes.com/atimes/South_Asia/JG29Df02.html Naxalites Graduating From Guerrilla To Mobile Warfare (India) Less than three weeks after the Chitrakonda attack, armed cadres of the Communist Party of India-Maoist (CPI-M) attacked the Special Operation Group (SOG), Orissas anti-Maoist force, on July 16. (Sindh Today, July 27) www.sindhtoday.net/south-asia/7339.htm Al-Qaeda's sinister creep into North Africa Some returned home and resumed normal life. Others, looking for new places to pursue their holy war against Zionists and Crusaders, ended up in Yemen, Afghanistan, Pakistan, India and ThailandHowever, North Africa appears to have attracted the largest number of returneesin Libya, Tunisia, Algeria, Morocco and Mauritania(UK Times, July 30) www.timesonline.co.uk/tol/comment/columnists/guest_contributors/article4425820.ece Somali Islamists Vow To Fight Ethiopia-Trained Government Forces The spokesman of Al-Shabab Islamic movement, Sheikh Mukhtar Robowhas urged the new Ethiopian-trained Somali government forces not to harm residents in Bay and Bakol regionsHe stated that their islamist fighters would target the new soldiers(Jowhar Blog, July 31) www.jowhar.com/news/print.php?type=N&item_id=4571

  • Somali Islamists Reject Talks With Rival Faction Hardline Somali Islamist Sheikh Hassan Dahir Aweys said the exiled opposition would not negotiate with a rival faction that signed a peace deal with Somalias transitional government. (Sudan Tribune, July 29) www.sudantribune.com/spip.php?article28062 Hardline Islamist Takes Over Somali Opposition Alliance fundamentalist Muslim suspected by the U.S. of collaborating with al-Qaeda has taken over leadership of Somalias opposition alliance, pushing out a relative moderate who attended peace talks with the government(Sudan Tribune, July 23) www.sudantribune.com/spip.php?article27997 Sudan Liberation Movement (SLM) Founder Calls On Rebel Factions To Reunite The founder of the Sudan Liberation Movement, Abdel Wahid al-Nur addressed a call to all the SLM/A factions urging them to reunite under the Umbrella of the movement. (Sudan Tribune, July 29) www.sudantribune.com/spip.php?article28061 Text Of The Darfur Sudan Justice And Equality Movement (JEM) Proposal For An Interim Government After ICC Charges Excerpt: In order to overcome these challenges and save the country from an eminent collapse and disintegration, JEM proposes an immediate formation of a transitional government of national unity (TGONU) with the following objectives: (Sudan Tribune, July 21) www.sudantribune.com/spip.php?article27960 The Global Repercussions of Nigerias Niger Delta Insurgency In the event of a full-scale attack on the insurgents by Nigerian forces, a spokesperson for the Joint Revolutionary Council (representing MEND, the NDPVF and the Martyrs Brigade) warns: (Jamestown Foundation, July 25) www.jamestown.org/terrorism/news/article.php?articleid=2374333 Al Qaeda Commander Urges Killing Of Saudi King An Al Qaeda commander who escaped from a U.S. prison in Afghanistan has posted a web video urging Muslims to kill the Saudi king(AP, July 29) www.gulfnews.com/news/gulf/saudi_arabia/10232709.html Yemen Al Qaeda Group Claims Attack On Police Station Al Qaeda-linked group has claimed responsibility for an attack on a police station that killed two people and injured 18 others in Yemen's Hadramout province. (Gulf News, July 27) www.gulfnews.com/news/gulf/yemen/10232154.html Yemeni Clerics To Form Religious Police Some 2,000 clerics led by Sheikh Abdulmajeed al Zindani, the hardline rector of the Islamic Al Eman University, and a number of tribal dignitaries met in Sanaa last week and announced the establishment of The Authority for Protecting Virtue and Fighting Vice. (UAE National, July 30) www.thenational.ae/article/20080723/FOREIGN/44618633/1011/NEWS&Profile=1011 Yemen Hunts Al Qaeda Suspects After Deadly Attack The suspects include a Saudi militant already wanted by Saudi authorities. (Reuters, July 29) http://uk.reuters.com/article/latestCrisis/idUKL967366220080729 Yemen Terrorism: Soft Approach To Jihadists Starts To Backfire As Poverty Fuels Extremism (UK Guardian, July 30) www.guardian.co.uk/world/2008/jul/30/yemen.alqaeda HAMAS Warns Of Uprising HAMAS warned its Fatah rivalsthat a crackdownby forces loyal to Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas could spark a revolt(Reuters, July 29) www.gulfnews.com/region/Middle_East/10232841.html Communist Party of the Philippines Scores Secret Zambo Visit Of U.S. Military Officials (Philippines) U.S. and Filipino military officials constantly deny the involvement of the U.S. JSOTF-P contingent in intelligence gathering, reconnaissance patrols and military combat operations," the group added. (GMA News, July 31) www.gmanews.tv/story/110621/CPP-scores-%E2%80%98secret%E2%80%99-Zambo-visit-of-US-military-officials Google the Terrorists To amend the Homeland Security Act of 2002 to require the Secretary of Homeland Security to make full and efficient use of open source information to develop and disseminate open source homeland security information(Square State Blog, July 29) www.squarestate.net/diary/6262/google-the-terrorists New Strategy 'Can Beat Al-Qaeda' "Terrorists should be perceived and described as criminals, not holy warriors and our analysis suggests that there is no battlefield solution to terrorism"(BBC, July 29) http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/south_asia/7530245.stm

  • China Group Asserts That It Bombed Buses A group calling itself the Turkestan Islamic Party has released a video asserting responsibility for deadly bus bombings last week in China's western Yunnan province and other recent incidents(Washington Post, July 27) www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2008/07/26/AR2008072601370.html?nav=rss_world How The IRA Is Being Squeezed To Death With the Provisional IRAs killing machine dismantled, the focus has switched to turning off the republican movements money machine. (UK Times, July 27) www.timesonline.co.uk/tol/news/world/ireland/article4407463.ece Communist Intelligence Records Go Online The Czech Archives of the Security Forces Friday published registration protocols of the former Communist military counter-intelligence (VKP) on its new website www.abscr.cz, archives(Prague Daily Monitor, July 28) www.praguemonitor.com/en/387/czech_national_news/26013/ Drug Trafficking and Middle Eastern Terrorist Groups: A Growing Nexus? The nexus between drugs and terror is growing at light speed. This is not a new trendOf the forty-three officially designated foreign terrorist organizations (FTOs), the DEA has linked nineteen of them to some aspect of the global drug trade(Washington Institute for Near East Policy, July 25) www.washingtoninstitute.org/templateC05.php?CID=2914 Counter-Ideology Needed For Tackling Terrorism (India) A leading Muslim scholarsaid a new ideology and stricter laws are needed to counter the militant face of Islam. (Thai Indian News, July 30) www.thaindian.com/newsportal/uncategorized/counter-ideology-needed-for-tackling-terrorism_10077981.html More Than Talk All About FBI Linguists In todays global society, much of the intelligence and investigative information that we gather is in a foreign language(Daily Kenishan, July 30) http://dailykenoshan.com/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=6286&Itemid=1 DNI Tells Analysts to Establish Broader Outside Ties In a new directive that challenges the insular culture of U.S. intelligence agencies, Director of National Intelligence J. Michael McConnell has ordered analysts to cultivate relationships with outside experts whenever possible (FAS Secrecy Blog, July 30) www.fas.org/blog/secrecy/ Counter-Terror Expo Drives The Security Agenda (UK) The debate on current and future terrorist threats will be furthered at this year's Counter-Terror Expo, which takes place at London's QEII Conference Centre on 10-11 February 2009. (INFO4Security, July 31) www.info4security.com/story.asp?sectioncode=10&storycode=4120290&c=1 Google Says Complete Privacy Does Not Exist "In a submission to court, Google is arguing that in the modern world there can be no expectation of privacy. (Slash Dot, July 31) http://tech.slashdot.org/article.pl?sid=08/07/31/0240253 Tor: Anonymity Online A branch of the U.S. Navy uses Tor for open source intelligence gathering, and one of its teams used Tor while deployed in the Middle East recently. (Big Fish Rants Blog, July 30) http://biggfishrants.blogspot.com/2008/07/tor-anonymity-online.html U.S. PI Claims Receiving Death Threats for Conducting Open Source Research and Shutting Down Terrorist Websites & Tells the Terrorists to Bring it On (Analyst Summary Title) (Private Investigator Bill Warner Blog, July 30) wwwwbipicomlink.blogspot.com/2008/07/al-qaeda-abd-al-shabaab-terror-cell.html

    SIGINT 'Casual Games' to School Airmen on Cyber Threats The service wants "to use casual gaming technology to promote warfighter knowledge and awareness of cyber threats and malicious exploits." (Wired Danger Room Blog, July 31) http://blog.wired.com/defense/ Gang Set Up Team Of Hackers For Theft Of Funds (Turkey) The Ergenekon terrorist organization has been using nearly 200 computer hackers to gather intelligence and funds, the 2,455-page indictment against suspected members of the group says. (Todays Zaman, July 30) www.todayszaman.com/tz-web/detaylar.do?load=detay&link=148779&bolum=101

  • Police Plans To Check Cyber Cafes Turning Terror Hubs (India) As terrorists are going hi-tech and giving advance information about their strike plan using the Internet, the Hyderabad police are seriously planning to formulate rules and regulations for cyber cafes. (Times of India, July 30) http://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/Hyderabad/Police_plans_to_check_cyber_cafes_turning_terror_hubs/articleshow/3304701.cms Top Court Allows Extradition of UK Hacker A British computer hacker lost his appealagainst extradition to the U.S., where he is accused of breaking into Pentagon and NASA networks(AP, July 30) www.gulfnews.com/world/United_Kingdom/10232998.html Olympics Visitors Warned Of Digital Monitoring American business executives visiting Beijing for the Olympics should leave their laptops at home(Washington Times, July 30) www.washingtontimes.com/news/2008/jul/30/olympics-visitors-warned-of-digital-monitoring/ Indian Intelligence Gropes in the Dark After his arrest last year, Jalaluddin alias Babubhai - the "India operations commander" of the Bangladesh-based militant group Huji - revealed that he had instructed his jihadis (holy warriors) to "minimize telephone or internet comm (BBC News, July 29) http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/world/south_asia/7530766.stm Anyone Can Be Caught In The Web Of Terror (India) Mumbaikars and local cyber cops awoke to a new worldafter it was revealed that the computer in the house in Navi Mumbai from where the e-mail on the Ahmedabad blasts was sent, was most likely hacked into. This appears to be the first time that a local IP address has been hacked into for terror purposes. (The Times of India, July 29) http://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/Mumbai/Anyone_can_be_caught_in_the_web_of_terror/articleshow/3299793.cms Cloud Computing: Forget The Darknets, Make Way For The Dark Cloud For nearly as long as the internet has been around there have been private subnetworks called the darknets. These private, covert and often secret networks were typically formed as decentralized groups of people...(Cloud Computing Journal SYS Con, July 28) http://cloudcomputing.sys-con.com/read/619627.htm Weapons, Emerging Weapons Technology & Emerging Commercial Of The Shelf Technologies COTS Or Military: Sometimes It's Hard To Tell It's getting increasingly difficult these days to tell the real difference between commercial off-the-shelf (COTS) components, and those purpose-built for military use. (Military & Aerospace Electronics, July 31) http://mae.pennnet.com/display_article/335458/32/ARTCL/none/EXCON/1/COTS-or-military:-sometimes-it's-hard-to-tell/ India To Acquire Underwater Land Attack Missiles India is on the verge of acquiring a strategic capability to strike land targets thousands of miles from its shores by inducting the Russian underwater launched Club-S subsonic cruise missiles. (India Economic Times, July 31) http://economictimes.indiatimes.com/News/PoliticsNation/India_to_acquire_underwater_land_attack_missiles/articleshow/3311286.cms Virtual World for Future Army Training Last week we broke the story of the Army's attempt to design a "first-person thinker" video game for training future generals. Now one senior Army game-designer tells DANGER ROOM that the ground combat service wants to go one step further ... and build a "Massive Multiplayer Online Game" (MMOG) (Wired Danger Room Blog, July 29) http://blog.wired.com/defense/

    GPS To Make Restraining Orders Stick For people who seem especially dangerous, unstable, or violent, they may get a GPS tracker(DVice, July 28) www.dvice.com/ Keep An Eye On Things With A Camera Hidden In A Book Allow me to recommend this hidden camera in a book. (DVice, July 28) www.dvice.com/

    Careful Science Can Help To Fight Terrorism Science and technology are usually seen as western strengths in fighting terrorism. Counterterrorism depends on science but, at the same time, science generates terrorist risks... (UK Financial Times, July 28) www.ft.com/cms/s/0/0a5579ac-5ca3-11dd-8d38-000077b07658.html If you would like to be added or deleted from the weekly 304th MI Bn OSINT distribution list please e-mail sarah.e.womer@us.army.mil.