07003710 SB contentmgmt C1604101 · Strategy for Managing Unstructured Content Unmanaged content is...

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Transcript of 07003710 SB contentmgmt C1604101 · Strategy for Managing Unstructured Content Unmanaged content is...

Get Control of Your Information

Oracle Content Management



Develop an


Strategy for Managing

Unstructured Content

Unmanaged content is taking a huge toll on

today’s businesses: It affects productivity,

complicates regulatory compliance, increases

business and legal risks, and drives up the cost

of doing business.

How much time do your knowledge workers spend searching for specific

documents? Can they find the e-mails, stored financial reports, presentations,

research documents, CAD drawings, contracts, and other content they need to do

their jobs? Can your team quickly connect with other team members and customers

in real time to share relevant information?

In other words, is the management and maintenance of unstructured content

costing your organization time and money?

For most organizations, the answer to this question is painfully obvious, but it

highlights a growing trend: Unmanaged content is affecting the bottom lines of

businesses in every industry all over the world. So, how can you break the

bottlenecks that sidetrack your employees, and develop a content management

strategy that empowers them instead?

Oracle Content Management offers the most unified, usable enterprise content

management (ECM) platform in today’s market. With centralized control across

single or multiple repositories, common core functionality, and easily scalable

content management capabilities, Oracle provides content management solutions

for all content types and all users—wherever they work in the enterprise. And

because it’s built on Oracle Fusion Middleware, Oracle Content Management

integrates seamlessly with Oracle’s other solutions—including business

intelligence, business integration, and process management—making content

management an important part of your overall business strategy.


Fact: 80 percent of the digitized

information in a typical company

is in the form of unstructured data

such as documents, e-mail,

and images.

Information Overload Is an Understatement

It’s more like an information explosion.

Estimates put the amount of unstructured content in a typical business at about 80 per-cent. That includes e-mails, reports, documents, Web sites, presentations, contracts, CAD drawings, images, and other content that is usually (but not always) computerized, but still unmanaged. The unmanaged data in a company may be structured data in a proprietary format that’s incompatible with common applications, or data that’s inaccessible to most of the organization because it’s stored in homegrown systems based on legacy technology. Or perhaps it’s the location of the content that’s the problem: data residing on isolated servers, in duplicate files, or on the internet—in multiple repositories and various languages all over the world—and simply unavailable to those who need it.

Unmanaged content increases your organization’s risks and costs. So how do you solve the problem?

The solution is an effective enterprise content management (ECM) system that can consolidate all your digital content into a single repository based on service-oriented architecture (SOA), so it is accessible and available to those with proper authority wherever they are in the enterprise. Such a system may sound straightforward, but it can be difficult to implement, because it must provide internal, external, and platform solutions that make it possible to

• Handle both structured and unstructured content, integrating them into a single, centralized repository

• Share content across the enterprise, regardless of the contributor, content type, format, delivery API, consumer, or method of contribution (Web browser, desktop application, HTML form, and so on)

• Manage content throughout its lifecycle, applying control and support to each phase from creation through destruction

“Oracle’s comprehensive

content management offer-

ings are the ideal solution

for managing essentially all of

our enterprise content—from

paper-based and electronic

documents to compliance

documentation and processes.

By leveraging a solution with

a common content repository

and interface, we’ve lowered

our total cost of ownership by

eliminating redundant content

management systems.”

Robert LiebermanVice President and CIONew Plan Excel Realty Trust


Oracle’s Complete Content

Management Solution

Oracle Content Management

offers the industry’s most

integrated and complete content

management platform. Oracle

Content Management handles the

entire spectrum of unstructured

content, reducing development

and administration costs while

increasing individual and team

productivity. The Oracle Content

Management platform includes

these products:

•Oracle Universal Content


- Document management

- Web content management

- Digital asset management

•Oracle Universal Records


•Oracle Imaging and

Process Management

•Oracle Information

Rights Management

Content Management Solutions from Oracle

By making all of your business content available for enterprisewide access, Oracle Content Management solutions help you optimize business processes and improve your business agility. The Oracle Content Management platform offers unprecedented management capabilities that let you access and share all types of content as part of your regular business processes, using applications you already have in place. And best of all, Oracle Content Management solutions are easy to deploy—you can have them up and running in weeks or months instead of years.

The foundation for Oracle Content Management is a central metadata repository where all content—regardless of content type—is available for management and reuse. Once in the central repository, all content can be accessed through core services that enable you to categorize and index information for easy retrieval and create automatic workflow processes for the specific needs of your organization. Core services also allow you to perform administrative tasks such as archiving, backup and recovery, audit trails, and link management—including monitoring links to all content and alerting users before linked information is changed or deleted.

With Oracle Content Management solutions, content management quickly becomes an important part of your overall business strategy, benefiting your organization by

• Improving operational efficiencies and increasing productivity

• Achieving compliance and mitigating risk

• Reducing integration costs

• Lowering your total cost of ownership

• Minimizing training and administration costs

Improve Operational Efficiency and Increase Productivity

The inability to find and access content can bring an otherwise well-run business to a virtual halt. Redundant and manual processes slow the entire workings of an organization, and a lack of information-sharing and collaboration often results in duplication of effort or in someone dropping the ball altogether.

With Oracle Content Management you get a content management solution that helps you improve the efficiency and effectiveness of your day-to-day operations. Oracle Content Management provides a single, secure, centrally administered, centrally searchable repository where all content is stored. Core services such as versioning, workflow, and approvals are Web-based and available through regular business processes, giving your employees the ability to speed issue resolution and improve service. Role-based, centrally administered security controls ensure that Web developers and site designers determine who has access to specific sites and which capabilities they are allowed to use.

With the time-saving management services in Oracle Content Management, sharing relevant information and collaborating across the enterprise becomes routine, empowering your employees by making them more effective and more productive, and helping them make better decisions faster.


Case in Point:

Emerson Process Management

With more than 150 applications to

support (including Web sites and

extranet business applications),

Emerson Process Management’s

paper-intensive processes and high

printing, shipping, and storage

costs were strangling its workflow.

With Oracle Content Management,

Emerson was able to

•Save US$3.7 million through

the reduction of printing,

shipping, document storage,

and production costs

•Save US$350,000 annually by

automating enterprise resource

planning (ERP) report storage

and distribution

•Give employees and customers

faster access to more-

complete information

“Oracle’s content management solution enables our entire enterprise to

streamline the process of managing and optimizing business-critical documents.

As a result, we have significantly improved day-to-day business operations and

enhanced our ability to process the thousands of dental insurance claims we

receive each week.”

Michael Herbert, Vice President of Finance and Treasurer, Delta Dental of Kansas


Achieve Compliance and Mitigate Risk

The first place enterprises see the need for a content management solution is often in the area of regulatory compliance and legal discovery. Information loss and regulatory noncompliance—along with the associated costs—can devastate an organization. But organizations are frequently at risk for these problems, simply because they can’t locate and track the history of specific records, documents, or other content and share, distribute, and destroy the records in accordance with legal and best practices.

Today’s burdensome regulatory requirements—from Sarbanes-Oxley to HIPAA to ISO certification to state and county regulations to courtroom proceedings—demand that your company have an effective system for managing all your business content. And that means everything, including content in e-mails; information on network drives, Web sites, and intranets; and the more traditional financial and human resource records. Having the information to support compliance is the first step; being able to locate and access that information is the second, often more difficult step.

Oracle Universal Records Management, part of the Oracle Content Management platform, includes a centralized, reliable, scalable records management system that can fully manage all types of unstructured content across the enterprise, providing an auditable process that tracks the history and retention period for all content. It also provides document and record management that’s integrated with a wide range of third-party data sources and supports a full range of business requirements—from file server consolidation to user-centric document management processes.

Oracle Universal Content Management offers document management tools and services that include automatic categorization of individual content items; conversion capabilities for more than 400 data formats; and automatic conversion of text reports into customized, Web-viewable files based on your design specifications.

Case in Point:

Canadian Telecommunications

Finding and accessing unstructured

content was a huge challenge

for employees and managers at

Canadian Telecommunications: they

couldn’t search for or find content;

the content came from different

applications and multiple devices

and required different applica-

tions for viewing; and there were

multiple copies of data—only one

of which was correct.

Using Oracle Content

Management, Canadian

Telecommunications deployed

a call center solution for more

than 17,000 people and gave its

customer service representatives

a single-source knowledge

repository. The results:

•A 75 percent decrease in call times,

with an average reduction of 12 to

30 percent per call

• Improvement in first line

answer percentage

•An ability to leverage metadata so

that customer service representa-

tives could easily reference related

products for cross-selling

Fact: The amount of unstructured

content in a typical business

grows by 50 percent every year.

Lower Your Total Cost of Ownership

Oracle Content Management can help you lower the total cost of ownership throughout your enterprise by consolidating hardware and other parts of your infrastructure, reducing the cost of integrating with other technology, and lowering training and administration costs.

Consolidate Infrastructure and Reduce the Cost of Technology Integration

Does your IT budget include support for isolated file servers that must be administered from individual computers, as well as unstructured content that’s accessible only through legacy technology? Complex IT infrastructures promote departmental silos of information that can’t be shared, making infrastructure upgrades, system migrations, and regular maintenance difficult, costly, and time-consuming. As a result, current systems quickly become outdated and users become less efficient and more frustrated with their working environments.

By consolidating servers and infrastructures, you can lower your total cost of ownership almost immediately. Consolidating disparate servers into a single repository creates a single source of data that’s available throughout the enterprise. And, because Oracle Content Management solutions are hot-pluggable, they can be easily implemented and integrated with other Oracle solutions, as well as with other portal and application servers, platforms, and database and enterprise applications, so you can easily fit them into your existing business infrastructure.

Minimize Training and Administration Costs

Oracle Content Management is built using a service-oriented architecture (SOA) that offers more than 800 content management services, which can be leveraged by other applications through standard, open application programming interfaces (APIs). This allows your organization to implement ECM solutions across diverse infrastructures and minimizes your training and administrative costs. In addition, Oracle Content Management supports Web 2.0 collaboration, so content management capabilities can be deployed to a broader audience through more-familiar, flexible user interfaces.


Case in Point:


AGFA’s content management

challenges included a lack of

security and version control,

duplication of content, redundant

and manual processes, retention

control, and the need to conform to

compliance mandates. AGFA used

Oracle Content Management to

implement its intranet and a partner

extranet that managed HR content

and ISO 9001 documentation.

With Oracle Content Management,

AGFA has eliminated US$80,000

in costs related to the yearly

production of CDs containing

material safety data sheets

(MSDS). In addition, it now has

•Simplified procedures

•Content that can be reused for

internal and external audiences

• Increased productivity

Fact: After launching a new, public

Web site with Oracle Universal

Content Management, the

Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer

Foundation saw a 285 percent

increase in visits to the site.


Oracle Content Management Solutions

Oracle Content Management offers the most unified solution in the industry by providing a single repository for all content. Our enterprise content management strategy—which includes the management of documents, records, Web sites, digital assets, and archival and multichannel content—is managed through a centralized content server that features common core services including revision control; new- and changed-content notifications; comprehensive security for role-based, account-based, rule-based, and content-level security; conversion services for more than 400 native file formats; integrated workflow capabilities to create customized, automated business processes; indexing and searching capabilities; and administrative services such as archiving, auditing, and backup and recovery.

Oracle Content Management offers enterprisewide content management on a single platform with these products:

• Oracle Universal Content Management—Manages the entire spectrum of unstructured content and includes solutions for

- Documentation management—Effectively and efficiently captures, secures,shares, and distributes digital and paper-based documents and reports

- Web content management—Provides multisite Web content management forinternal and external sites to help organizations maintain accurate, current Webcontent across the enterprise

- Digital asset management—Helps organizations store, find,view, and use digital assets quickly and protects assets by makingapproved versions accessible only by approved users

• Oracle Universal Records Management—Allows organizations to control the creation, classification, retention, and destruction of business records

• Oracle Imaging and Process Management—Enables the annotation and markup of images, automates routing and approvals, and supports high-volume applications for billions of items

• Oracle Information Rights Management—Secures and tracks the use of sensitive documents and e-mails—even when copies are sent beyond your own network

Content Management

Solutions for a Major Motion

Picture Company

Unstructured content was prob-

lematic for a major motion picture

company trying to manage multiple

Web sites and challenged by the

cost and time needed to deploy

them. With Webmaster bottle-

necks, out-of-date and inaccurate

content, and branding concerns,

the company decided on Oracle

Content Management to automate

the creation of its public microsites

for movies—approximately 40

sites a year, each costing from

US$75,000 to US$2 million to

create. The results:

•Reduced time to market for

each site

•Consistent branding across

international sites

•A return on investment of more

than US$2 million per year

“Vision and architecture give Stellent a promising future in ECM...Oracle provides

a comprehensive suite that addresses all six of the core ECM components as

well as some optional functions...Stellent is one of the few ECM vendors that

can claim to have a single repository for all content types, as well as a single

user interface.”

Gartner, Inc., ”Vendor Rating: Vision and Architecture Give Oracle a Promising Future in ECM,” May 5, 2007


The Most Usable, Manageable, and Hot-Pluggable Content Management Platform

Comprehensive, world-class content management capabilities make Oracle Content Management the most usable, manageable, and hot-pluggable content management platform available in the market today.

• Usable—Offers built-in support for end users, workgroups, content experts, administra-tors, and Webmasters; provides the broadest range of user interfaces, including desktop, e-mail, application, Web, and mobile interfaces

• Manageable—Provides a centrally administered, single repository that boasts the most stringent security management and control capabilities available, ensuring the privacy and security of all your content

• Hot-Pluggable—Gives you out-of-the-box support for all Oracle (and third-party) repositories and enterprise applications

The result is a single, complete solution running on a unified platform with consistent user experiences, APIs, and repository and content services for all content types.

Industry-Leading Content Management Solutions from Oracle

Every day more than 7,000 organizations worldwide turn to Oracle Content Management as the strategic solution for managing content throughout their enterprise. With proven performance, stability, and scalability, Oracle Content Management offers comprehensive content management—from server and repository consolidation to a feature-rich enterprise content management platform for building your business applications.

A Track Record in Content

Management Solutions

At Oracle, we’re growing our

ECM solutions the right way: In

December 2006, Oracle acquired

Stellent and its industry-leading

enterprise content management

technology, extending Oracle’s

existing content management

portfolio that lets enterprises

store and centrally manage

unstructured content.

With the acquisition of Stellent, an

acknowledged leader in enterprise

content and multisite Web manage-

ment, Oracle can offer you a variety

of best-of-breed content manage-

ment solutions.


For more information about Oracle Content Management solutions, please visit

oracle.com/goto/contentmanagement or call +1.800.ORACLE1 to speak to an

Oracle representative.

Outside North America, visit oracle.com/corporate/contact to find the phone number for your local Oracle office.

“Time and again we have encountered vendors that have made promises they

cannot fulfill. Oracle Universal Content Management is at the forefront of its

market. Oracle thoroughly tests its software updates to ensure that the promised

benefits of its [software] enhancements work seamlessly in practice.”

Miguel Fiallos, Head of Management Information Systems, British Red Cross

Oracle Corporation

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Redwood Shores, CA



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