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Transcript of 06139780

  • Performance of LTE SON Uplink Load Balancing in

    Non-Regular Networks

    Jussi Turkka

    Department of Communications Engineering

    Tampere University of Technology

    Tampere, Finland


    Timo Nihtil

    Magister Solutions Ltd

    Helsinki, Finland


    Ingo Viering

    Nomor Research GmbH

    Munich, Germany


    AbstractThis paper presents a performance evaluation of an

    uplink load balancing algorithm for Long-Term Evolution (LTE)

    Self-Organizing Networks (SON) in a non-regular network

    layout and shows how cell sizes affect the performance of the

    algorithm. The proposed algorithm solves local overload

    situations by handing over users to neighboring cells and

    adjusting power control settings. However, the non-regular

    network layout and the varying cell size can limit the expected

    gains of the algorithm in some situations due to the chosen uplink

    load balancing strategies and the limitations of the LTE uplink

    radio access technique. The performance evaluation is done by

    using a fully dynamic LTE system simulator which is capable to

    model user and network characteristics, mobility and radio

    resource management (RRM) algorithms accurately.

    Keywords - Radio Network Optimization; Non-regular Network

    Layout; Self-Organizing Networks; Uplink Load Balancing;


    A rapid evolution of cellular networks and an increased

    capacity demand has led to a situation where network

    operators need to maintain large multi-vendor radio access

    networks. The burden of operating and maintaining a complex

    network infrastructure has caused a need to develop automated

    solutions for network deployment, operation and optimization

    which would reduce the operational expenditures and at the

    same time improve the perceived end-user quality-of-service

    (QoS). Self-organizing networks and Minimization of Drive

    Tests solutions are currently researched by the network

    vendors in the 3rd Generation Partnership Project (3GPP)

    making possible the solutions for the network deployment


    A target of the SON work item in the 3GPP is to define the

    necessary measurements, procedures and interfaces to support

    the self-configuration, self-optimization and self-healing use

    cases which can dynamically affect the network operation, and

    therefore, improve the network performance and reduce the

    manual operation efforts [1]. The SON use cases in [1] target

    to a coverage and capacity optimization, energy savings

    optimization, interference reduction, automatic configuration

    of physical cell identity, mobility robustness optimization,

    mobility load balancing optimization, random access channel

    optimization, automatic neighbor relations configuration, and

    inter-cell interference coordination. However, the actual

    solutions are not discussed in the 3GPP and the algorithms are

    usually left to be vendor specific solutions.

    A mathematical framework of one possible SON load

    balancing (LB) algorithm for a downlink direction was

    presented in [2] and the performance was evaluated later in

    [3]. The downlink load balancing algorithm resulted in a better

    network performance and an improved user happiness which

    means that more users were able to achieve the given service

    requirement e.g., the average bitrate requirement. Moreover,

    the uplink load (UL) balancing algorithm was presented in [4].

    The uplink enhancements were related to the limitations of the

    maximum number of simultaneously scheduled users and

    power limitation of the uplink direction. The solutions in [4]

    were related to a better understanding of the overload and the

    better control of initiating LB handovers (HO) together with

    UL specific load adaptive power control (LAPC) which was

    introduced in [5].

    In this article we study the uplink load balancing

    performance together with the proposed enhancements in a

    non-regular cellular layout which was not analyzed in [4].

    Moreover, the gain in non-regular layout is compared with the

    regular hexagonal network layout with inter-site distance of

    500 and 1732 meters. This paper is organized as follow.

    Section II describes the uplink load balancing algorithm. In

    Section III, the simulation parameters and assumptions are

    described. Finally, section IV concludes the article.


    A. Algorithm Description

    The basic principle of the load balancing algorithm is to

    handover a selected user (UE) from a stronger but overloaded

    cell to a weaker but underloaded cell as described in [2-4]. By

    doing so, the UE QoS is improved in both cells. This can

    happen if the underloaded cell with a weaker signal strength

    can allocate more physical resource blocks (PRB) to the

    handovered UE than what was allocated in the overloaded

    cell, and if the scheduler of the overloaded cell can allocate

    the released resources to make some of the existing unhappy

    UEs happier.

    2011 IEEE 22nd International Symposium on Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications978-1-4577-1348-4/11/$26.00 2011 IEEE 162

  • The algorithm for the downlink load balancing is described

    in [4]:

    1. Collect measurements during a measurement period. 2. Detect an overload situation. 3. Find the best LB HO candidate. 4. Execute a LB HO. 5. Optimize a HO offset towards the LB HO candidate


    In uplink, the functionality is similar but there are some

    differences for detecting the overload and finding the best

    neighboring cell for the load balancing handover as shown in

    [4]. In addition to the handover based load balancing, the

    uplink loading can be adjusted by tuning the power control

    parameters [5], and therefore, the algorithm performance

    depends on how much emphasis is put on these two different

    load balancing strategies.

    A virtual load c in a cell c is the sum of served UE component loads during the measurement period as described

    in [4]:




    u cuc

    u u c


    BR SRB


    where the component load of UE u inside the sum is a product

    of two terms. The first term is a ratio of the guaranteed bitrate

    GBRu and the realized bitrate BRu. The latter term is a ratio of

    the allocated resources ARBu,c and total amount of schedulable

    resource SRBc. The variable Nc is the total number of served

    UEs during the measurement period. The cell c is overloaded

    in case pc > 1 as explained in [2]. The definition of the

    overload works well in downlink since all the PRBs can be

    allocated always and therefore the users are unhappy mainly

    due to the lack of resources. However, in uplink direction,

    there are other reasons for UE unhappiness which cannot be

    detected by using (1) as a sole overload indicator as explained

    in [4]. The other reasons for the UE unhappiness are a UE

    power limitation and a network control channel limitation.

    B. Uplink limitations

    If the UE is in a power limitation, then the available

    transmission power, which is limited by the UE capabilities,

    and the power control mechanism defines the maximum

    available transmission bandwidth e.g., the number of ARBu,c

    per transmission time interval (TTI). The assumption in [4] is

    that the LB handover cannot improve the QoS of the power

    limited UE if it is connected to the strongest cell unless the

    weaker cell can schedule the UE more often. This can limit the

    number of UEs which can be LB handovered if the UE QoS is

    to be guaranteed to remain at least the same.

    In case of the maximum scheduled users (MSU) limitation

    as described in [4], the available Physical Downlink Control

    Channel (PDCCH) resources limit the maximum number of

    simultaneously scheduled user. This limitation together with

    the power limitation can result in a situation where the cell is

    underloaded in terms of PRB usage and yet there are many

    UEs which cannot achieve the service requirement target such

    as GBRu. In this study these UEs are called unhappy UEs.

    This means that the sum in the latter part of the product in

    (1) is never 1 even though the resources are always shared

    with the maximum number of UEs in every TTI. If some of

    the UEs are power limited and unable to allocate all the

    available bandwidth to be happy, then there are unhappy users

    at the same time with unused PRB resources. Therefore, the

    first part of the product in (1) is larger than one but at the same

    time the latter part of the product is smaller than 1. This can

    results in an unhappiness even if the virtual load is smaller

    than 1. Hence, the scheduler should never schedule the

    resources to several power limited UEs at the same time since

    this results easily in a large amount of unused PRBs.

    C. Load Adaptive Uplink Power Control

    The idea of the load adaptive uplink power controlling is to

    adjust the available transmission power per PRB according to

    the interference which tends to increase along the traffic

    loading [5]. The algorithm adjusts dynamically the static

    power offset P0 depending on the network loading by allowing

    users to transmit data with the lower power per PRB in the

    underloaded cells. This allows wider bandwidth allocations

    which results in fewer problems due to MSU limitation e.g.

    fewer resources are wasted if many power limited users are

    scheduled simultaneously. However, there is a danger that in

    large cells, the P0 is reduced too much which can drown cell

    edge UEs to noise e.g. the power per PRB in transmission is

    so small that the received PRBs power at eNB falls below the

    thermal noise thresholds. This can limit the usage of LAPC in

    load balancing and was the main reason why the uplink load

    balancing and LAPC performance was analyzed in non-

    regular layout consisting of small and large cells.

    The LTE power control algorithm is specified in [6]. In this

    study, a simplified version of the algorithm was used

    excluding the transport format and power correction offsets as

    shown in (2)

    0 10min , 10log ,MAXP P P M PL (2)

    Where the P is the power per TTI defining the maximum

    bandwidth allocation the UE is capable to transmit. The PMAX

    is the maximum available transmission power. The M is the

    bandwidth allocation expressed in number of PRBs. The P0 is

    the power offset and is a variable defining the degree of the fractional path loss compensation. The variable PL is the

    estimation of the downlink path loss.

    In this study, the dynamic LAPC adjustment of the P0 was

    made based on the following equation (3)

    0, 0, 1010log ,initial

    c c cP P (3)

    where the variable 0,


    cP is the initial P0 of the cell c and it is

    adjusted based on the virtual loading of the cell. In case the 163

  • virtual loading is small, the P0,c is reduced resulting smaller

    power allocation per PRB. How should the initial P0 be

    configured in the first place? In regular hexagonal layouts with

    inter-site distance (ISD) of 500 and 1732 meters the

    assumption for a reasonable initial P0,c is -52 dBm. In the non-

    regular layout, the initial P0 is based on the cell size and the

    estimation of the path loss and a 5 percentile power limitation

    rule which assumes that only the 5% of the users allocate all

    the available power to a single PRB as shown in (4)

    0, ,95% ,initial

    c MAX cP P PL (4)

    where the variable PLc,95% is the estimation of the cell pathloss

    distribution 95 percentile point e.g., the path loss at the cell



    A. Simulation Tool

    The results in this paper are derived by using a fully

    dynamic system simulation tool modeling E-UTRAN LTE

    release 8 in downlink and uplink and it has been used in

    several other publications as in [4,7]. The simulator maps link

    level SINR to system level following the methodology in [8].

    Both the downlink and the uplink can be modeled in an

    OFDM symbol resolution with several radio resource

    management, scheduling, mobility, handover and traffic

    modeling functionalities. Simulation parameters are based on

    the 3GPP specifications defining the used bandwidth, center

    frequency, network topology, and radio environment [9].

    B. Simulation Scenario

    Three different network layouts are used in the simulations.

    The performance of two regular hexagonal layouts with 500

    and 1732 meters constant ISD were compared with the non-

    regular Springwald layout which is described [10]. The

    simulations consisted of a calibration simulation and a load

    balancing simulation with a moving traffic hotspot. The

    calibration simulations were done with and without the load

    adaptive power controlling but the HO based load balancing

    and the traffic hotspots were excluded. In the load balancing

    simulation, the route of the moving traffic hotspot was

    planned to go near the estimated cell edges without

    overlapping the cell borders directly as depicted in Fig.1. The

    overlapping route would balance the loading automatically

    between the neighboring cells. The largest cells were located

    in the beginning and the end of the route. The smallest cells

    were in the middle of the route. In the regular and the non-

    regular case, there was an additional tier of interfering cells

    causing background interference to the outer tier cells. This

    results in a similar kind of interference conditions to all

    simulated cells.

    In this paper only the uplink direction is analyzed. The

    maximum number of the users in the simulation area was set

    according to the offered background load target which

    depends on the GBRu,c. The UE traffic profile was set to a

    constant bit rate (CBR) and was 64, 128 or 256 kbps. The call

    length was random and varied being approximately 23

    seconds in average. Other simulation parameters are shown in

    the Table I and the Table II.


    A. Calibration Simulation Results

    Table III summarizes the calibration simulation results. The

    offered background load was adjusted based on the sum of

    users per cell with the selected CBR traffic model. As seen in

    the Table III, all the users are happy in the dense ISD 500

    network with the chosen bitrates and the LAPC can

    Fig. 1. Springwald scenario with traffic hotspot route.



    Parameter Value

    Regular layout 19 sites, each with 3 sectors

    Non-regular layout Springwald

    Antenna Type 65 deg, 14 dB gain

    ISD 500 m / 1732m / varying

    Pathloss model PL = 128.1 + 37.6*LOG10(Rkm)

    Penetration loss 20 dB

    Center frequency 2 GHz

    Shadowing std 8 dB

    Channel model 3GPP Typical Urban

    Mobility model 3 km/h pedestrian

    eNodeB max TX power 46 dBm

    UE max TX power 23 dBm

    Bandwidth 10 Mhz

    Frequency reuse factor 1


    Parameter Value

    System LTE-FDD Rel.8

    Simulation Time 71.5 seconds (1,000,000 symbols)

    Hybrid ARQ yes

    ARQ no

    Link Adaptation Both inner and outer loop

    BLER target 0.2

    Channel sounding yes

    Packet Scheduler TD-PF/FD-ATB

    Handovers Sliding window size: 200ms

    Handover margin: 3 dB

    Traffic Model CBR 64/128/256 kbps

    Average number of users

    per sector

    Depends on CBR


  • compensate the unhappiness in case of the higher bitrates by

    adjusting the P0 according to the load. The initial P0 settings

    were introduced in section II. In sparse ISD 1732 network,

    there are unhappy UEs in 64 and 256 kbps CBR services.

    LAPC compensation reduces the median P0 to -58.5 dBm for

    the low bitrates reducing the unhappiness from 9.6% to 3.1%.

    However, in case of 256 kbps bit rate the median P0 is -59.2

    dBm but the LAPC compensation cannot reduce the

    unhappiness from the 25.3%. In the Springwald, the

    performance is a mixture of the dense and the sparse network

    layouts due to the varying cell sizes as described in [10].

    Table IV shows an example of the estimation of the

    pathloss threshold with different P0 settings for three CBR

    traffic classes. The PRB requirement M per TTI is calculated

    based on robust QPSK modulation with 1/3 coding rate

    assuming 0.3 BLER as shown in (5).


    12 14 1






    where the variable B is a bits per symbol and CR is a code rate

    of the chosen modulation and coding scheme (MCS). The

    term (1-BLER)*NTTI indicates how many TTIs per second can

    carry the actual user data at maximum. If the UE is scheduled

    always then the NTTI equals to 1000 TTIs per second. It is

    worth of noting that the last term is affected by a factor which

    depends on the number of the UEs exceeding the MSU

    threshold e.g. the probability that the UE can be scheduled

    always decreases if there are more active UEs in the cell than

    what is the MSU limitation. However, the behavior of this

    depends on the scheduler as well.

    The pathloss requirement is calculated based on (2)

    assuming that the variable is 0.6 and the UEs are using the maximum power to allocate M PRBs always, and therefore, it

    estimates the pathloss threshold for the UE power limitation.

    The cell edge pathloss based on the 95% criteria in ISD 500,

    ISD 1732 and Springwald is 120.5 dB, 133.5 dB and 137.5 dB

    as described in [10]. As seen in (5) and Table IV, there are at

    least two ways to improve the path loss region threshold. One

    way is to use a better MCS which results in a smaller

    bandwidth allocation M. Another way is to reduce the P0 if

    possible. However, if the P0 is reduced too much, then power

    allocation per PRB and signal to interference ratio (SINR)

    decreases. This results in a more robust MCS selection and a

    wider bandwidth allocation requirement M for the guaranteed

    bit rate.

    Table IV indicates that the ISD 500 cell edge threshold of

    120.5 dB can be compensated with the LAPC if the GBR is

    256 kbps just by adjusting the P0. By reducing the P0, the

    pathloss requirement for the service is set to a smaller value

    that the cell edge threshold of 120.5 dB. In the ISD 1732 case,

    the 64 kbps service is already power limited since the pathloss

    requirement with initial P0 is larger than the cell edge

    threshold of 133.5 dB. To guarantee the 256 kbps service with

    4 PRBs bandwidth allocation at the cell edge of a large cell

    requires the P0 be smaller than -65.5 dBm according to the cell

    edge pathloss and (2). However, the P0 cannot be reduced too

    much or otherwise the UEs would drown to the noise because

    the SINR gets too small for the chosen MCS [11]. Therefore,

    the usage of the LAPC is limited in the large cells resulting in

    smaller gains of UE happiness.

    B. Traffic Hotspot Simulation Results

    Table V shows the overall simulation results for the uplink

    load balancing performance in the Springwald. The

    simulations were run with three optimization strategies:

    a reference case (no LB nor LAPC)

    LAPC without HO LB optimization

    LAPC and HO LB joint optimization. The route of the traffic hotspot (HS) is depicted in Fig.1. The

    UE traffic profiles were 64, 128 and 256 kbps. The overall

    results indicate that LAPC and load balancing can provide

    gain for the UE happiness. For 256 kbps case, the gain is 3.6%

    decreasing the unhappiness from 12% to 8.4%. In other cases,

    the gain was approximately 1% but the unhappiness was rather

    low as well. However, even if the overall gain in Springwald

    is small, there are regions where the LAPC and UL HO load

    balancing provided significant improvements as depicted in


    In Fig.2, the blue regions are areas where the UL LB and

    LAPC cannot improve the UE happiness and the red regions

    indicates areas where UEs are unhappy only in reference case

    but not anymore after taking UL LB and LAPC into use. The

    leftmost illustration presents the 128 kbps results. In that case,

    nearly all unhappy users benefit the usage of the load

    balancing in the region of small cells. However, in the region

    of the large cells, the load balancing is not able to help the

    unhappy users. This is obvious, since the path loss conditions

    in the large cells are quite demanding as described in [10].

    The rightmost illustration in Fig.2 presents the 64 kbps

    results. In that case, there are less unhappy users and the



    CBR 64 kbps 2MB offered load, 32 UEs per Cell

    Scenario ISD 500 ISD 1732 Springwald

    P0 Scheme Ref LAPC Ref LAPC Ref LAPC

    Total no of HOs 966 964 909 890 2609 2573

    No of started calls 3844 3844 3752 3823 7797 7805

    Unhappy users, UL % 0.0% 0.0% 9.6% 3.1% 1.7% 1.2%

    Power limited UEs % 0.0% 0.0% 1.9% 0.9% 0.5% 0.3%

    Times MSU limited 1 1 851 413 63 21

    CBR 256 kbps 2MB offered load, 8 UEs per Cell

    Scenario ISD 500 ISD 1732 Springwald

    P0 Scheme Ref LAPC Ref LAPC Ref LAPC

    Total no of HOs 440 434 477 516 1444 1393

    No of started calls 1843 1846 1676 1682 3653 3676

    Unhappy users, UL % 1.2% 0.0% 25.3% 24.4% 7.1% 5.9%

    Power limited UEs % 0.6% 0.0% 17.5% 17.0% 3.6% 3.0%

    Times MSU limited 0 0 15 9 0 0



    P0=-52 P0=-57 P0=-62

    GBRkbps PRB Req. Pathloss Req. Pathloss Req. Pathloss Req.

    64 kbps 1 125 dB 133 dB 142 dB

    128 kbps 2 120 dB 128 dB 137 dB

    256 kbps 4 115 dB 123 dB 132 dB


  • remaining ones were concentrated only in the beginning of the

    route which was surrounded by the large cells 5, 23, 25 and 27

    and the cell edge path loss was approximately 140 dB. If that

    situation is compared with the large ISD regular scenario with

    cell edge path loss of 137.5 dB in Table IV, then it can be

    concluded that the handover based UL load balancing and the

    LAPC cannot improve the network performance.

    C. Deployment considerations in Radio Networks

    Based on these results and [4], one can conclude that UL

    load balancing provides gain for UE happiness in dense

    networks for a wide range of traffic profiles. Moreover, it was

    shown that the cell edge UEs at large cells cannot benefit of

    using the handover based load balancing especially in case

    there is a traffic hotspot near the cell borders. In practical

    network deployments, the UE mix is likely to be consisting of

    indoor and outdoor users. Therefore, in large cells the indoor

    users with stationary or smaller velocities cannot be

    handovered because they suffer the building penetration loss

    and the power and bandwidth limitation due to the larger

    signal attenuation. On the other hand, the outdoor users with

    smaller path loss and variety of velocities can be handovered

    to tackle the overloading problem which makes the load

    balancing useful in dense as well in sparse networks.

    However, the effects of the higher UE mobility were not taken

    into account in this study.


    This paper shows a performance evaluation of the LTE

    uplink load balancing algorithm in the non-regular radio

    network consisting of small and large cells. Two load

    balancing strategies were compared. The LAPC strategy

    without the handover based load balancing. Secondly, the

    effect of LAPC strategy together with the handover based load

    balancing. Based on the results, it can be concluded that in

    large cells, the users are power limited and only a little gain

    can be achieved either by using the LAPC or the handover

    based LB. Therefore, the overall gain in non-regular layout is

    smaller compared with the gains in certain spatial regions

    where the load balancing improves the performance quite

    much. However, this spatial gain is difficult to see, if one is

    only observing the global statistics of the network.


    The author would like to thank colleagues from Nokia,

    Nokia Siemens Networks, Magister Solutions Ltd, Jyvskyl

    University and the Radio Network Group at Tampere

    University of Technology for their constructive criticism,

    comments and support with the work.


    [1] 3GPP TR 36.902, Self-configuring and Self-optimization (SON) network use cases and solutions, ver. 9.2.0, June 2010.

    [2] I. Viering, M. Dttling and A. Lobinger, A mathematical perspective of self-optimizing wireless networks, in proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Communications, Dresden, Germany, June


    [3] A. Lobinger et al., Load Balancing in Downlink LTE self-optimizing networks, in proceedings of 71th IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC 2010-Spring), Taipei, Taiwan, 2010.

    [4] T. Nihtil & J. Turkka, Performance of LTE Self-Optimizing Networks Uplink Load Balancing, accepted to 73th IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC 2011-Spring), Budapest, Hungary, 2011.

    [5] R. Mller et al., Enhancing uplink performance in UTRAN LTE networks by load adaptive power control, European Transactions on Telecommunications, 2010, DOI:10.1002/ett.1426.

    [6] 3GPP TS 36.213, Evolved Universal Terrestrial Radio Access (E-UTRA); Physical Layer Procedures, ver. 9.2.0, June 2010.

    [7] P. Kela et al., Dynamic Packet Scheduling Performance in UTRA Long Term Evolution in Downlink, in conference proceeding of ISWPC2008, 2008.

    [8] K. Brueninghaus et al., Link performance models for system level simulations of broadband radio access systems, in proceedings of the Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications (PIMRC05), vol. 4, September 2005.

    [9] 3GPP TR 25.814, Physical Layer Aspects for Evolved UTRA, version 7.1.0, September 2006.

    [10] J. Turkka & A. Lobinger, Non-regular Layout for Cellular Network System Simulations, in proceeding of PIMRC 2010, Istanbul, September 2010.

    [11] J. Turkka and J. Puttonen, Using LTE Power Headroom Report for Coverage Optimization, in proceedings of 74th IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC 2011-Fall), San Francisco, USA,

    September 2011.


    CBR 256 kbps Ref. LAPC LAPC + LB

    Offered load ( BG ) kbps 2048 MB (8 MT x 256 kbps)

    Offered load ( HS ) kbps 12800 MB (50 MT x 256 kbps)

    Number of Handovers 1777 1811 2461

    Number of LB Handovers 0 0 559 (23%)

    No of started calls 4197 4255 4244

    Unhappy users, UL 12.0% 9.9% 8.4%

    Power limited UEs 3.2% 2.0% 2.4%

    CBR 128 kbps Ref. LAPC LAPC + LB

    Offered load ( BG ) kbps 1536 MB ( 12 MT x 128 kbps)

    Offered load ( HS ) kbps 7680 MB ( 60 MT x 128 kbps)

    Number of Handovers 2563 2495 3544

    Number of LB Handovers 0 0 857 (24%)

    No of started calls 6545 6551 6556

    Unhappy users, UL 4.8% 3.7% 3.2%

    Power limited UEs 0.5% 0.4% 0.4%

    CBR 64 kbps Ref. LAPC LAPC + LB

    Offered load ( BG ) kbps 1536 MB ( 24 MT x 64 kbps)

    Offered load ( HS ) kbps 5120 MB ( 80 MT x 64 kbps)

    Number of Handovers 4516 4411 5087

    Number of LB Handovers 0 0 681 (13%)

    No of started calls 12246 12282 12287

    Unhappy users, UL 2.0% 1.0% 1.0%

    Power limited UEs 0.3% 0.1% 0.1%

    a) b) Fig. 2. Springwald with a traffic hotspot. a) 128 kbps CBR. b) 64 kbps CBR. 166