06 leadership rick keypoint - references

Post on 06-Aug-2015

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Transcript of 06 leadership rick keypoint - references

Rick’s Key Points on Leadership

Principles are important

Being an effective leader is not a popularity contest

Leadership is both learned and innate

Know “When” to use “What” Leadership Style

People will always be your most important Asset, take care of

them, be their Advocate

Sometimes it is in our most difficult situations, when the

leadership inside us comes out

Good Leaders never stop learning about how to become

Great Leaders

One of the greatest challenges of leadership is shouldering the responsibility it confers. Part of that responsibility is the responsibility to deal with those aspects of yourself that can keep you from being an effective leader.

That's not easy, but the rewards are great.

An important piece of information, one that's often quoted in community work, but which can't be overstated:

the Chinese character for "crisis" combines the characters for "danger" and "opportunity."

危 机“ wei” “gee”

Danger Opportunity
