
Post on 05-Mar-2016

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Thenewestvillaininmod- 'Gaudreau, son of Mr; and . p' ,GOLD MEDAL WINNER: William'Sylvia, son of Mr. sents a 10-year increas~. ,ofvances have been.reported by, 9,760.25 , ' n,787,132, or47.8per cent'Over .127.Sees.,.The lar~e~tincreas~s St. Mary, NorthAttleboro " . '.. ~ the'26,718,343in1949.. . have been noted, m DetrOIt, . ,9,108,00 In Edu'cat.·o'n FaURiverSen.io," .. Sund~y at,the'church: Tl:temedals~ to'be'presented-to the boys by the Rt. Rev~ Msgr. River~oman also"empha!lized _ .. ~ .. ~

Transcript of 05.21.59


_ ..~..

Charities AppealFor First Time

'. '. .

Over $463,000'History

An Anchor of the Soul, Sure and Firm-ST. 'PAUL

, ,


Fall River, Mass.

, iii an unprecedented surge of post Appeal returns, the Catholic Charities· Appealreached a total of $463,327.00 this morning. ·Headqu'arters stressed, that this historicl1igh is an incomple'te total. Inclusion' of Headquarters Special Gift totals and an incom- 'plete tabulation of pledges helped to establish, the' current figure•.Appeal Head<iuarters hasbeen deluged for the past' ' ' ,few days by stistairted in­creases in parish returns and

. Special GiftS. The staff atHeadquarters announced thatreleases arid reports are behindprevious schedules because ofmuch larger publicity lists dis­tributed to newspapers through­out the Diocese.

The great increase that ispresently growing' has resultedfrom intensive, dedicated parish'and Special Gift committeemen'swo~k. .Parishes are showinglarge increases. 'The popularity

T,hursday, May 21, 1959 of ten dollar' don.ations hasbrought about more than a 10%

V I 3 110.. 21 'Seeond CI.... M.i1 PriTileR" .' PRICE lOe increase. in this category of, o. , ..... 0. Auth~rlEed .t· Fal} Ri.e~, Ma.... $4.00 pe! Y_r giving alone. Many parishes have-:....-------'---c--'-:-..;.-----=-----------::~--doubled their previous highs' andr,. merican· '. CathO,1 ics ~~~:a~:::' have had. 'eve~ larger'III _' .,' ' Regardless of ,the volume, the

, Appeal books and tabulations

Total 39,'505,475,-, will 'officially close on 'May 25th.~ Solicitors should make all reo

. . - turns, parish and Special GiftsCatholics in the United States.f....including families of before that'date.

the defense forces and diplomatic services at. home ai1d 'St. Lawrence Parish of Newabroad-now number 39,505,475. , . Bedford, leads the parish list of. -'l'his figure is contained. in the 1959 Official Catholic" contributors. Following in order

, Directory. 'The new' total: ~ . Brooklyn ' continues, as . ih~ : .are: ','. '. ,', ' ., represents an increase .over 'largest d~ocese; with 'a- Ciltholic. , ,~~: L~wrence, New Bedford. ,GOLD MEDAL WINNER: William 'Sylvia, son of Mr.last year of 3,481,498, which . ~opulation of 1,473,t80: othe~s " " I' .$15:064.40 ~~d Mrs~ William Sylvia of 486 Hope Street, Fall RiVer, hasi'flcludes two million .report- in ex~ess of QOO,Ooo· a.reP~~ts~ '~o y Name, Fall ~l'~"er. - .' . gained national prominence by winning the Boys; Division' of

"t!d for, 'the 'first time by the' ,bu~gh ,8,~~,446" Buffalo· 847,5,5~" " ~" ,. ' , , ,.' ._~~;2~1.00~lle Good Writers CIubcontest; His t~.ache:r, Sister Mary'. 'Military Ordinar~ateas'the ,g ~~~ ~,~ a n5;1 ~i9t72p~~~~:~I~: ' St. James~ New ~edf?td~2229 75 ~ichella, R.S.M., of the Cathedral parish school, congratu•., number of Catholics under the, ,-' ,'" '. -.' " " ,.' .' ' '. 'lates the champion

jurisdiction' of Francis Cardinal' 507,238 and Corpus Chrl!ltI - St. lVfllry, Tllunton , 10,379.15.' , •Spellman, Military Vicar: 504,21.9. , ,Sacred Heart, Fall River 5', . . D . e .,There are now 37,2.85,975 WhIle four dIOceses reported 11,602.75 . uggests . ropplng

. Caih~lics in the ~8 cont!nel)tal no, cha.nges in the~r' Cathqlic St.· John, Attleboro 9,894.50 " " . "slates and 219 500 10 Ala~ka and populatIOns and nme reflect St 'F . X' ". , . " , .

, "h ., b t t' I d' . cancls aVler Hyanms Cheld , .. MHawaii. The new .total repre- shg t decreases, su san 1a,a - , I ren' s asses'sents a 10-year increas~. ,ofvances have been .reported by, 9,760.25 , 'n,787,132, or 47.8 per cent 'Over . 127. Sees.,. The lar~e~t increas~s St. Mary, North Attleboro " . '.. ~the '26,718,343 in 1949. . . have been noted, m DetrOIt, . ,9,108,00 By Avis C. Roberts .-.....

There a~e now 26 archd~.oceses ' 88,761 and ,Buffalo, 88,760. ' Holy Name, Ne\V Bedford ,.:Mrs. John J. MUlla~eyof St. John the Evangeli~ip~rish -ill the United States, with, a The 1959 ~irectory lists 224, 8;465.90 in Attleboro is the new president of the DiOcesan CouncilOatholic ,population of 17,341,117. members of the hierarchY1 in-, Irrimaculate ConceptIon, , o,f Catholic Women which has, been urged ,during the c.oml'ngThe number of dioceses, includ- eluding four' cardinals ,33 arch- North Easton ,. 8;166.50ing VicariateApo~tolicof Alas- . bishops-two more' than ,last "~~~Mary, Fali River', 7,418.00 y~ar' to consider the advisability, of dropping,' children'I'"ka 'recorded in the 1959 d'irec-' year-:;-and 187 bishops;, thr~eless ,St. Mary, Mansfield'" 7,228.00 ma'sses throughout the Diocese. .to~y is 114, with 'Catholic popu- than a yeac ago. Mt. Carmel; New Bedford' "'Rev; , John ,p,'. 'Driscoll, to discuss the wisdom, of drop-lation of 20,164,358. These' fig- EducationaI Figures ' ' '6,396,45 assistant at' SS" Peter & ping children's masses~ ,ures do not include thea twbo, An inc~ease of· 1,876 in the , ' ,6,893.01 Paul's parish in Fall River .F~ther Driscoll m~de the sug.,million Catholics reporte y number of the clergy brings 'the "St. Joseph, New Bedford . " . '.' . , ' geshon at a panel worksho~the Military Ordinariate. ' total of ordained priests' to ., St Thomas More, Somerset called' ,upon the '150 dele- "Liturgy and the Family" at the'

The nation's 26 archdioceses . 52,869, the largest ever recoraed. . ' 5;793.75' jta~e!l tot' the 'tdiOtchesanKcouncdil sixth annual women's conclav~th f 548027 'd . ' ' co~ven IOn a e eJ?ne Y last Saturday. Father Driscoll'.reported a grow 0 , an Turn to Page Twenty-four . Turn t,o Page Two ' M" 1Ct' N B df dthe 114 dioceses, 933,471. The emOrIa en er m ew e or suggestion to the women to dis-

seven archdioceses with Catholic F 0 N' "B' df d' C 'b S' R· . cuss the subject came after Mr•..populations in excess of one 0 our ew. e ,oru coutS to' eCet""e John Sullivan of Fall River, amillion are Chicago, with 2,027,- 'panel participant urged families043; Boston 1,582,677,' New York .p' ,- D' -, A' d N .t S d "N-' ht' to attend Mass and receive HolT1,558,328, Philadelphia 1,463,031, ~ arVUt", el Wat s ,ex un ay - ,tg " Communion as a unit each Sun-Newark 1,345,944, Detroit 1,288;- .,' . day.' Mrs.. Sullivan 'suggested

, 161 and Los A,ngelesl,243,511.c" Silver medals ~ns<;ribedwitha' pietur~ ot the Holy Family will be awarded to four that "children's, masses take, '. • C,uh Scouts 'of Pack 24; St. Joseph Qhurcl), New Eedford, prior"to May devotionsat"7 p.m. away from,.famlliness." The Fall

FaU River Sen.io," ..Sund~y at, the' church: Tl:temedals~ to 'be'presented- to the boys by the Rt. Rev~ Msgr. River~oman also" empha!lizedto.uil'! PrevQst,', pastor, are th¢' Parvuli Dei (little' ones of God) award: The award .is ,the' Turn 10' Page 'Four

Wins Top ',Aw~rd ',' , highest attainment inCath- Speak,ersStres.solic Cub Scoutin'g~ ,

At Science Fair , ':Recipie~ts' 'will be Robert Religion VitalThe newest villain in mod- 'Gaudreau, son of Mr; and In Edu'cat.·o'n

ern hospitals' fight against Mrs. Norman Gaudreau of, 41infection, hemolytic' staphy- Covell Street; Robert Pion, son Holy Cross and Redemp.

of Mr. and Mrs. Roland Pion oflococcus aureus, was the 60 Arlington Street;· Andre torist priests were chiefsubject of the first prize win- Fprtin, " son of' Mr., and Mrs. speakers at the fourth an.ning e;x:hibit in the. Diocesan Maurice Fortin of 727 Belleville nual conference of the FallScience Fair held ,at Dominican Avenue'; and Paul, Fortin, son of River Diocese Catholic .TeacherSAcademy concurrently wi~h the Mr. and Mrs. Roland Fortin of Association, 'held at St. Anne'.annual conference of Diocesan 165 . Hatch Street, all of New School, Fall River.teachers. Bedford. Opening the two-day session

Winner was 17 year old Stella The Rev. Roland Bousquet is was Very Rev. Richard H. Sulli-Gamache, a senior at Dominican chaplain of the Cubs and Dien_ van, C,S.C., president of StonehillAcademy. Her award was $100, dorine Brouillette is cubmaster. College. His address stressedpresented by Rev. Edward J. The Parvim Dei 'award is a the primacy of the spiritual inGorman, DJocesan superintend- recognition that, the church education, and the need for ed-ent Qf schools. gives to Cubs for advancement ucators to keep' in mind that

Robert Verrier,' Coyle High i':l religious knowledge and spir- ' their pup~ls are beings with anSchool, Taunton, won $50 as sec- itual formation. The purpose of immqrtal destiny; , ,ond place' entrant. His exhibit' the award' is' to; help the ,Cub A& Catholic teach~rs, he said,showed relative concentrations' become more' aware of' God's "we must .love our students as~ vitamin C in fruit juices. presence in his daily life. . Christ loved us." ,

Third prize winner of $25 was There are 12 requirements to 'Second Da;, SpeakerCarol Adam, junior at Mt. St. be met before the award cim be Highlighting 'the second day~ary Academy, "Fall'River; She' !ll made> They include knowledge of the cori\;Emfion wasan addtess '.owed results' of. 'a, p~oject in:' , ' _., cifprayers, the' Cross,' spiritual' 'by Rev. Joseph Manton, C.sS.R..

, .-pectrum analysis: of ~etals. " '. ' ' ,-',;' '" :.' ,"" ,,-, ',' :, ',' , '.., -' health and service,.. religious of the MisSion ChUrch',' Roxbury. I' ,

te" St. An~h"ony'i \ Higb'SCh~l, , :, .P~OPARVULI~ED~LI~TS:'seatep"RobeFt ,Gau9reau ; ,handicra'ft, ~r(sh history',' church . 'lie also emphasized th~ import.- . "f;; \. ~"!' Bedford, led~ilt,num~~ ,Of ",:s,tan~mg - (left:,to,"rlght) ;~A.ndrew' Fortm, ,PautFortm :and aupport, 'spirihial 'safety, 'patroil 'mee;'of reiigiotis' educafion,"saT.·:"'''' ' ..

~,-~,.:tIJj.. ,I'~.",~.~i',-~,!" :: .,~obe~, !,~~',. " "': ,.' " , .. ; : '.' ,;;~. "'P~e'TJ,ar~, -. , ';'~.~.~',r~ie'~~e~e. '.; oj.,""....... .,;u;.. .'" ,.' ..... 1



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z -f1'R ICtfCHOIThurs., May 21, 1959


'. '


;"." :", ".,

CoU~ge,AdditiollPHILADELPHIA (N C) '­

Gr04~ti-.1?r:e~.ki-';g.c.eremoJ'!Jes;.fbra new classroom ~building at St.Josepb's ~.~oU~g~·we,t;e 1'lelq h~re.... - - - " '


FAU~HAv,EN-... ~.LAUNDERETTE.,<,,: "O~"RbVT~ 6" .: ,., ..

"You leave it -.. ',," :andwe will wash i~·'·

• Shirt Service• Dry C'(eaning & Dyeing• S & H Green Stamps. 160 Huttleston Avenue

Route 6 Fairhaven. WvmQn 5-7990

College ..Heroi·neCred'its Bravery· ~


-"My F~ith . ; . my par~ntl

••• my Catholic education ••and God's grace."

Those are the influenCes' tIDwhich 18 - year - old ShirleyO'Neill credits her daring rescueofa swimming companion fro~

a shark and her baptism of theyouth 8S he lay dying after­wards.

.... If it hadn't been for her Faith,the hazel-eyed San . FranciscoState .co-ed says firmly, "Iwouldn't 'have been able to go.back for AI. I would have beeJltOo afraid to die.'"

Despite her own quiet mod­esty, the city of San Franciscoand its press hailed her displayof cour·age. She was congratu­lated .' by Auxiliary BishopHugh A. Donohue of San Fran­cisco; who paid a visit 'to· herhQme, 'and praised her courage

, and presence of mind. The ~DFranCisco' Board of Supervisonpassed a formal resolution norn­

. inaiing Shirley for the CarnegieMtfdal for bravery. .. .


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Yes, .aD grellt~~ 'Fait .Riv.er~hndren are sayi~g'';;'"there's. BOmnk ..' ·q~ite· like G~imondFaJ"ID8'A Quality' m~lk for '~bolesome·farm-fresh:·

; . . . ."";.. ..,:

..' Jla~~r..• .'.: .;',' ,~.' :.'. . . , \\ , 1'.0 '. ':.: . .. . '.'

~:r: S.~ That's' why GuifuOnd Farms "A Quality" 'milJc ", winning hundi'~,• -., ;.' ~ f ." ~ ,

9f.:'~,!:fri4fnd8:daily.· p.,' ..,'.~ " ."'" "." • ,.

.,.' .Givey~~~ehild~en'thebest! "Serv~ them Guimond'''A QuaJity;,"milk: '.....

; ,: ~Ild daify pnid~~t.t1.\ . ; .. , ':..~~.

/'" ,..t' .,/:.;',"i, .. ' .' ':'.::.!.,,:~. .... ..-,t -\.:" , .....

" .'f .1": :.::-;.". :', ,''I; " l~;; >.:-:.... .' ..' t

.. ~"


TUESDAY - St. Philip . Neri•.Confessor'. .: -Doubie..... White.MasS ProPer; Gloria; SecondCollect St. Eleutherius, Pope'and Martyr·, ~Iil1ri6n'Preface..

/ .' .

WEDNESDAY~t. Bede.tbeVenerable, Conf~~raridDoe"­tor .' of the Church, Double.:White. Mass Proper; Gloria;'SecOnd Coned St. John I,:Pope and. Mar:tyr; . <;:reed;pom~~n Preface'..

, .'SbND.AY'::'-The 'M:ostHoly Trin-,

ity and I Sundat after 'P~nte­cost. Double of I Class.·White.Ma!iS. Proper;' (Horia; S~ndCollect I Sunday':a:fter 'Pente­ost; Cref,ld; .Prefa~ of. TFinity:•

MONDAy -St. Gregory·.::V'II,.'Pope 'and ConfesSor. Double..White. Ma~sPr~per;.Gloria;'Second'Colh~ct:;'St;" Urban' I;·.Pope and' Martyr; CommonPreface.

'Mass Or.do.. FRIDAY-Ember ,'''rida,. After

Pentecost. J;>~uble;"Red.. Mass. ProPer; G lor i a.;8equence;Creed; Preface; etc.. of Pen-'

." ". ·tec<>st.::. "::,',..

SA.'tlnmAy - i:mber;Satu~dayAfter. Pentecost .Double. Red.',

:Mass' Proper;.~ ':Gloria; ,Se--.. quence; Creed; Pre~a~;-etc. of·PenteCOst. " ...," . ". "'"


:; .,~ .. :,...: ..~ ~..

·Appeal· Rea'ches'New Record ·H,igh()~Dti~aed fr~ Page One 'NORTH ATTLEBoRO

Sacred Heart ' .3;091.00SCMary·9,108.00

.MaY.2~St. Mary; Mansfield.'. St. Teresa's Convent, .Fall

River. .'::May 31-..:.corpus C h ri s t 1,

" Sandwich.. .Holy Nam~, "all River.'SS. Peter .. Paul,· Fall

River.;June' 7~St. Joseph;' Taun-:... ton.·_·· .,. Sacred 'Heart, North. ~t"·

tlebOro.' . , ..

iJune lkSt..Mary, New Bed­ford.

BleSsed sacrament, 'I'all.>, ..; ~ive~. . .t'·,·... : _ ".. ,: •.(;.,

TAUNTONH~IY Family ,2,498:00Holy Rosary " 1,374'.10Immaculate 'Conception 4,049.00'Our Lady of Lourdes' '2,823.50Sacred Heart 4,539.60St..Allthony 3,199.50St. Jacques'· / ,3,268.00si: Joseph' 5,638.50St.' 'Mary 10,3'19.15S~ P~u1 .3;845:09

. ATTLEBOROHoly GhostSt. 'john' . " .St. Joseph'St. MarySt. Stephenat.· Theresa

~C~nfi'~mati~"s:...~...~:;;:';~J:;:;~~'c~y "\:~~.i,·.··:·,:·; .

. 1:0(i'· Fl.,M.; ·iloly·,GhCist; .·At:.· ~. :tIebOro . .. ;, :.'- .·,'c.·

4:oir i p:M.• St. There88.:;\~i~:·:':: Ueboro' ";",.'~ '.

'.:30:P~M. St. Mary; No,' ~t::• .°tleboro. :.. :-.;-,

... 'tf:5'~~~~:~;~~ :2:00 :,p.M:Our·.Lady,: 01.. :1l!Il;?,Carmel;:' Seekonk,: '. "."

4':00 P:M;-,St., '·Sh.p:b e:n:':·.. ·:nodgeville.'·"·.,J:. ',. ......

':30 P.M. St. Jc*ph, Attle­boro.


FALL IUVEIt·m. Mary 7,418.00BIE!ssed Sacrament 1;315.00Espirito Santo, 1,243.75 Acushnet. -- 1,724.00 ,'Holy Name 13,251.00 Assonet. 1,206.00Holy Cross ,655.75 Buzzards Bay 2,819.00Notre Dame . 4,943.00 Central Village 1,577.00Our Lady of Angels 1,938.75 Centreville .' " 1,326.60'Our Lady of Health 1,500.61. Chatham . ·1,600.QO 'Holy Rosary, 1,904:00 E. Falmouth . .... 2,500.00Immaculate Conception3,513.aO Fairhaven" _Sacred Heart 11,602.75 St. Joseph 3,578.15St. iUlne 3,995.26 St. Mary' . -: .854.90

. St.. Anthony of Padua 1,439.42 Sacred Hearts· 368.00St. 'Anthony of the Desert 633~OO Falmouth . 5,184.50

I St. Elizabeth '975:75 H .. yanmS 9,760.25St. Jean the Baptist 3,049.00. Mansfield' 7,228.00St. Joseph . 4;021:25 Mattapoisett 2,374.25S~. LOU1S 2,372.00 Nantucket 353150St. Matthew' 1,501.35 N' D'· ht 2'163' 0o. Ig. on , .0'St. Michael 2,773.15 No. Easton 8,166.50St. Patrick 4,939..00 No. Westport' '" 1,IQ9.75.SS. Peter &, Paul 4,667.00 Norton ~ 3,462.25St. Roch 1,7~7.25 Oak Bluffs . 2,710.00St. Stanislaus . 751.50' O' G 2 442" 0cean rove , . 0St. William" 4,726.00 0 I 139000 ..Santo Christo 2,069.'17 O:t::~tile 2'31700 CITED FOR CARNEGIE MEDAL: Bishop Hugh A.

Provincetown 2',096:82 'J Donohoe, Aux'iliary Bishop of San Francisco, congratulatesNEW BEDFORD f IISandwich 3,090.00 Shirley O'Neill, 18, on her heroic attempt to rescue a·. ~ ow

Holy Name 8,465.90 Seekonk .' 1,252.00 student who was· attacked 'by a rnan":ea:ting shark. Shirley,Assumption 590,85 Somerset who' later.. baptiZed the dying youth, has been no·mina.ted·Holy Rosary 228.00 St. John' of. God 1,611.50 f th C . d If b NC Ph tImmaculate ConeeptiOIl 2,50'1.55 51. Patrick.. . 550.00' . or e arI1egle me a or ravery;~ 0 o.Mt. Carmel . .6,893.01' St Thomas More 5' 7"93' 75 . .Our Lady ·of Perpetual. So.. Dartmouth' ..: .4:580:00 '.' '.. LibrQry Ready for Students. ·Help . 1,835.00 So. Dighton . ,.... < '. - 130.00 '. ',' . ..' , ..... .' ... ' , "'.

Our Lady of Purgatory· . 626.00 So. Yarmouth, : "', . ", . 3 534,00'.'''' :.ST; ,LOUIS, (~C)",:T<he Pope taiping : microfilmed •copies ...ofSacred..Hean, , 3;392i75, Swansea . "".. PlUS ?CII ~~rnorlal LI~r!ir-y.c~n-- Vat i c a,n library J:Ilanuscrjp.tsSt."Anne, ,. ," .•.·.,.},952.25 ,>St. Dondiiit! ,.,'." :, 2,297:<m ' ·was opened on-:May18,:,FatherSt. Anthony of Padua . 4,281.50 .St. Louis of :France ';' 1;64'6.00 Bis"opChants' Libera Paul c.' Reinert, S.J:,..prel!identSk·Boniface· ';'" .".,~ 315.50 ",rOur'Lady"of Fatima"" 3,8'15,75 A··..:i·· . I 'R·····' ~ -'''' .' <if.·: St. ·-Louis.,.University,··,'hasSt'.'Casimir:. 636:50 Vineyard Have'n •,". "'.1,972.50 ,t .•~ur$es equl~m:; .. announced.... . .,,:SkFrancis of Assisi "1,656.00 Wareham,,·, . ".' "'4,867;05M:o'stRevererid:rir;;~~L.' CO~~.-'·:"F'6finaCce.rtfin:o~ie~ 'c6m-me~:-

, St;1 Hedwig ,,' 563..25 Welifleet·. ".,-.'. . ·r,203.(JO·- holly,·D:D.,.'assiste~j>y.Re~: jo:~n '. or~~~ng .~~m'?let~.~,? of .the J4:2St; Hyacinth ,,': 1,~87.00 West-Harwich .. ""2,754';50' M.orris, M.M.:,.. and.· .. R.ev·:".John,H, fu.1}.boI)..bl).lldmg wil~be !J~~e.,r~~~·S"'.·'·J·a'mes t" ., .12,229;75' W "t ' . 5273 00 ...... . , . . 'N ... , '.s·

L es port··,; :.,;;, Hackett; the"Bishop's, secr,et~ry.,· lI:h!il rjexf. ovember to,fi)l,~~l',\~St:'Johnthe Baptist . 4;7'19;90 Woods 'Hole ' .. ,.t. '2;037.50 ~h~II'.it'e·d ''tiie ''Libera at.' the with the ..' univetsity's anIiu~lSf. J'oS~h' .. . . ....6,396:45' " '. .,. '0 ~ Requie~Mass for Miss Eih~betli.. · Founders' . Day,' 'Father ·Reinert.St,'Kilian '2,945.25 . Legi.on of Dece.Ii.C.y·.·..·.· :' J.Ryder fh"St."Ma.ry's Cathedral. . sa·id... Th~ 'library .willtle· ~tQeSt>r.awrence 15,064..40. "" , .." .'." . ..' .. : , ." cehtr'al one at 'the' .univ.ersity/'St. Mary' . 3,083.00 .. '.rhef~lloWing;fHrns,areto·l>e ··MlssRyder,a ,nurse for 45 ' . •. '. '. ',"St.. Theresa' ·4,663.00 added to' the lists in their re-. yearS, was a pioneer in the Fall The microfilms of priceless

spective,classifications: :". • :River. Tuberculosis. Division ot Vatican .documents were madethe. Gene'ral Hospital, serving as possible through grants fromUnobjectionable' for' general ,

patronage: Pork Chop ~ill. :.' .superintendent in that branch the' Knights of Columbus. The. for40·.years. Among. her honors 11 t' n wI'll be' 0 n to all

Unobjectionable. for' adults was the Father Kebher Award co ec lOpe .' .and' adcilesce'nts: Gunfight·at· \ for the Outstanding Catholic scholars, regardless of l'eligiousOodge City, Here C~me' the. Jets, Nurse, " affiliation.Nun's· Story. Comment on Nun'sStory: Thi~ film, reverently pro­duced, is' a theological(y SQun4analysis of the essent~almeaningof a .religious vocation'" iOldthrough the story .of. a.Per.sOil.

9 00 who objectively lacked a ·f\lli~.2, 51.· ., • '9 894;50' " damental 'Qualification <1()l" it.~ I~

3'334.50' the film fails to capture the joy3;677-50 ' and· charity o.O:eligious life, thill.3:127:00':"'" mUst be attributed to the limita';'.,35~.45 .~ .tio'm( of 8' .visual·art. ::

._;"'__";'_";;"''''.0;'_.................. ,' .. 'Unobjectioiuible. for adults:,. ,A,ngry:Hills::, " '.

Objectiona~le .in part for all;ROad Racers ; (suggestive se~

9uences): .

, 'THIl 4HcB08 .. s-mcl-elalll mail smvllegee .aodloriMd THURSDAv, Corpus Christi..

0&. Fall River. lIa.8, . Published' .ever, " D'" b'1 ." :f'"'' I-Cia Wh't M .rhondaJ at no HilrhlaDd Avenue.,.FaU '. . 01;1 .. eo. . ss. I e. ,ass.

•.River. ~Itll•• , .DY the .Catholle freo.o:ot ,the:t . 'PI:oper; _ .Glor,ia; .Sequen~; ".~=il.of;:~i~Oos;::e~:...~ ..P;riM'-~" ..··Creea;·eommon·'Ptefaee;-:··,--


I, "

. '.,

Honor ScoutsContinued from Page One

saints, diocese arid life of ChrislThe. four. poyS from St.

Joseph's built altars and a grottoho'noring the' Blessed Virgin..

They will wear their medalssuspended lroma bar pin bear;iog the' inscription, '''ParvuUDei;" on' their' uniforms over thel~ft breast' pocket. . ' .,

Predict VaticanTo Cut NumberOf Audie...ces

. VATICAN CITY (NC)'A reduction in: the numberof papal audierices to be.granted, particularly thoseaccorded to' individual groups,:is expected to be announcedshOrtly by the Va'tican. • .

Although there has been noofficial announcement,' it hasbeen reported by Vatican sourcesthat individual group audienceswill be dispensed with' almostcompletely. These groups willbe included in the generalaudi­ences instead.

The first seven months of hispontificate, His Holiness PopeJohn XXIII, who is 77, hascarried out an extremely heavyschedule.. His frequent partici­pation in liturgical ceremonies<lnd his visits outside the Vaticanwalls and to many institutionsare undoubtedly without prece­dent. The same is true of hisaudience schedule.

T"'oGroups DailyThe· Pope has, not only ad'

dressed thQus<lnds and given hisBenediction at weekly audiencesin. St. Peter's basilica, but alsohas received an average of twogrpups daily in. the morning, towhich he has. always' delivereda discourse;.. .'

, Pope John's daily agenda hal- been heavily crowded with.priva t~. ,audi~nces, includinlthose .with His '.Eminence D~

menico Cardinal' Tardini, Vati-.ciiiJ Secreta'ry ,-of. State; cardinals

of ,the ~p,l1la~'Cu,:ia, secretarie.of the~ various congregations,ma\1Y' bis~opsa.l)4; Qther person.:'On some .days the' Pope's sched­ule has been' so crowded that he.has received .. ~~shops,includi'n'c'Ameri~an a'ne' Can'adian ones,in' the late :a£t~l'I:lOon, 'a definitedepartiJre fl'omthe usual sched­ule. '. ,.... ' •

Write to: "

'. .~ ' ..


Invite young 'ladies to 'sanc'tify their' own .souls

through: 'ser~ingGod in .the Apostolate of'



For~ign Missions


Trcii"ing of

. 'Ex~eptio~al

, Children

.Teaching .

FAT:IMA ." FA·lR',' • ,'. ' •. ," ' I,' .. , ' ••


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$75Carmelite Sisters of Fall

River, Rev. Arthur G. Dupuis,Rev. William A. Galvin, Rev.John H. Hackett.

$50Rev. Raymond R. Hamel,

Francis B. O'puggan Studios.$25

!ohn E. Friyat, Joseph' D.Murphy, Rev. J. E. Tremblay, .

, $20T. F. Kinnealey & Co., Inc.

$10 . .B ... Flink & I'ons Co;, Tracy'

Smith Company,. P. '~.'. FoxPaper Co. .

Fall River$1,00.0

B. M. C. Durfee Trust Co.$750

Atty. &: Mrs. John11:':

S(Jecial .GiftsNational Accounts

$3,000H. V. Collins Construction Co.

$250Rev. James A. Dury, Congre­

lation of the Sacred Hearts.$200

Ch. (Maj.) Thomas F. Daley"· StonehillColiege.

$150Holy Cross Mission House.

$125Rev. Benoit R. Gallant,' Rev.

khn r. Denehy.$100

• ~isters of Mercy', Rev. John F.Hogan, Rev. Lucien A. Madore,

·Rt. Rev. Humberto S. Medeiros.La,Sfllette Semina·ry-E. Brew­

ster, LaSalette Seminary-Attle­boro, Fall River Diocesan Coun­cil of C~lthoIic Nurses, FultonPacking Co.

.' . Furniture & Movers, BarbaraPat Dress .Co., Mrs. ElizabethDaly, James J. Murphy Ins. Co.

John P. Slade & Son, F. R.Paper & Supply Co:, MullenBl'Others Jewelers, Dr. H. StuartSeglin, Dr. Harry Cooperstein,Rev. Alfred J. Le,:esque;

. , $12, Agnes Nixon.

$10. Cottor Club" Sanford GoldCo., Economy Dental Lab, F. R.Glass Co., Atty. GeorgeL. sis-son. iI

Sullivan th~ Florist, Mrs. Al­phonsine Dorais, Mrs. C. Blan­chette, Mr's Florence Boisvert,Mrs. Albina Berube.

Agnes Deschamps, Mary Dun­nigim, Annie Dunnigan, AnnieConvey, Mrs. Selina Lemay.

Mrs. Marie Lavoie, Mrs. MaryArrUda, Mal;garet Garvey, Mrs. UNIVEHSrI'Y HONORS DELEGATE: ArchbishopAgnes Fitzpatrick, Mrs. Annie PatriCk A. O'Boyle of Washington (left) chancellor of the<'::anuelle. Catholic University of America, presents' the honorary

Mrs. Mary E. Harrington, degree, Doctor of Laws, to ~he' newly arrived ApostolicMary O. Couture, Joseph Cou- D Itt th U .ture, Charles Bellefeuille, Grace e ega e 0 e mted States, Archbishop Egidio VagnozziMcDonald. at a .special convocation. Msgr. William J. McDonald, rector

Katherine O'Neil, Michael J. 'of the school, looks on. NC Photo. .Do.wling, Elida Bellefeuille, . \l\1at·y, ~aron, Theona Melanson. Jewi.shAuthor Pleads for Drive

Mrs. Exeline Kirk, BessieTan':' ,ner; Mrs. Margaret SUllivan, To Halt Increasing Smut TradeMrs. Louise Sullivan, Mrs.· 'CINCINNATI (NC)-America's "billion-dollar. trafficJohanna Sullivan,

Georgiaria Stoddard,· . Mrs. : in filth pub.licati«;>ns" is growing bigger, according to aRosanna Soucy, Michael Shea, Jewish. author who is leading acaJ;llpalgn against the traffic.James Shalloo, Elizabeth 'Ryder. . Howard' Whitman, widely ·read j6uniaHst ·who 'lia~ studied

Elizabeth Ryari, 'Eugene Riley, t h 'e'porhography .problem·~ ...Mae 'Quigley, Mrs. Maria Pe;,;' tho.r.Otl.',ghout. :t.he,. U.S..,.. to',ld' believe it..:-theythink it's 'just

reira, Joseph Parks. newspaper talk! t' '.Mrs. Emma Parks, Mrs. 'Mar:... th,e, Cincinnati 'Social ;Hy~' "The JrierclIants of smut" lie

gal'et O'Connell, Catherine .Mur-·-' gi.ene,.Societythat. what the went ,on" "are. priplarily i~ter.;T~ Farrell, raY;,Jol\eph V.~ Murphy, ,Emma, .... cOllntry' 'really' needs lSi ;'11 bil•.. ested ~n" the youth market:" 'He

Moore, . ' . . lion..;dollar 'Program ()f'l!ducation "cited ~~ir "insidious, luring" of$500 '. Mrs..Jane Menard, Mrs. Ellen .. for' family· life." . .. " , . young.pe.opl~'s :interest,through

~l'ald E. McNally MeNally, Mrs;. Elizabeth Mc-' Mr. Whitma'h detailed '!J()me :innocent-appearing·'ads.'iri "bor.. " . .$250 '. Hugh, Mrs. Esther Latham, Mrs. aspects of the pornography. . der-line .magazines." , '.

. 'Artcra(t Fixtures Div. Special· Victor.ia Langley. . . . problem: Thus the youngster who sendsP~oducts Co. ofT~nn., Inc. Annie. Hughes, Ali~a Hodge, Mailing. lists of highschool' away' for a model plane kit· Of

$150 Mrs. Agnes Henman, Mrs. C~ara students are being marketed at· similar items may become theMackenzie, & Winslow, Herve Harrin'gton, Mrs..ArtheIIiise Ga-. high prices· to smut distributors. ", target of an intense mail-adver.

- Lagasse, First· Federal Savings mache. From. the Los 'Angeles. area tising campaign·.planned to en-Il; :Loan. Margaret French, Mrs. D~lia alone aPllroximately.200,000 cir- tice hi~. into sending away for

$100 Foley, Mrs. Elizabeth Ferreira, culars..advertising. pornography 'increasingly objectionable ma-'Monaghan. Acceptance .Corp., Mrs. Ellen Dyer, Mrs. Anna .Du- ,go. into the mails every day. terial. .

White's Family Dining Room & main~. . About 75 per cent of the pub- The· pornography aimed at theWhite Spa Caterers, Arkwright Miss Margaret Doyle, Anna M. lished. obscenity .goes to the youth market, Mr. WhitmanCqrp. Finishing Co., Mr. & Mrs. Dillon~ 'Joseph Demers,. James. teen-age market.. . continued, cannot be called IiFrancis E. Sullivan, Knights of. Daily, Mary E. Crofton. "Just· Newspaper Talk," '. sincere attempt to~ produce art..C<ilumbus-F. R. Council 186. . Albert Cote, Mrs. Teresa M. Police seized to-tons of printed Rather, he insisted, it i's "a'

$75 Cqnroy; Bridget T. Conroy, Nora' filth from one West Coast com- . coldly calculated attempt to takeDr. Rogel' E. Cadieux, WSAR Carey, Mrs.' Margaret· Carabi;' pany and discovered that its .advantage of the adole's~eni's

Radio Station, Coffee Sam Indus- nieri. '. ..,' .. m'Qnthly postage c.osts totaled- problems with sex. It is' liketrial Caterers, Ann Dale .Prod:- ,Jerome Campbell, J\at~~rine .. $6,9,000.. ' .. :' '.waving· a bottle of gin in front

' .• c,ts, Arkwright. Warehou~ A. Boylan, Florida Berard .....: . ;.... . Despite thefa~t that ~bscenity. of"an 'alcoholic:"Corp. Dr. Carlyle H. Hurwitz,. Dr:.. :. merchants seem ~ to" be' concen-

. Davis Mills Corp., Midland Burton' D. 'B~'yan, Dr;E:verett:~:,trated in the New York aiJd LosPrint Works, ·F.· R. Package RadovskY,Dr. Albert Resnjck',}.Angeles·· areas Mr. ',WhitmanStores, D'". Morris Feresten, Dr.D~vid PriaI. . ":/i< 'emph~sizedth~t "this)sby noNorman F. Hochu. Dr. Bfcmjamin, Leavitt, Dr; .S.. means a 'Sodom 'and Gomorrah

$65 Banjamin ':Kaufman, Dr. N; Ken- . siory.· This menace' penetratesDr. Paul P. Dunn. neth Shand, Dr<lper ,Sears': &',' ,-into citie$" towns, , resi<iential .. $50 Company, Interstate· Venet~an! ,suburbs .and villages, throiJghout .Radio Station WALE, Watuppa Blinds. ,...::··the nation.!~· .' ,:, . ,

Gas & Fuel Co., Patrick L. Mc- ,.,J Sanitary Laundry Inc., F~ll:;/ ': Amaj~rroadblock" to 'solving, G<?wa',l,' Fall River Cooperative Riyer.& New BeqfordExpress ',,:' the problem, he indicated, is.

Bank,. Everett Motors. Co., Patenaude CompaQY, 'J. E:. '. that· "many. people still don'tLafayette Cooperative Bank, Amiot Sons, Lafayette Store. ~. ' D' d' S '.. ~', .

· Atty. Kenneth Sullivan, General Tom' Ellison Inc:," .lJ;er'man·,· .' ".,~. I~at(! emlnaryScrap Iron, Inc., Mathieu Oil Roc)din; ChadesCohen,. ~nc:; ,: ..NOTRE DAME.(NC) - Th eC L . A D I Picard's Clothes Shop, Parker' new A'postoiic', Delegate to tile0 .• , OUlS . rape, 9c. , . ,

.F. R. News Co., Inc., Corcoran Ca:ndy Co., Inc., Dr.. F:rank,'L,' United. States 'parti'cipated inSupply Co., Antonio' Lagasse, Collins. . '. the dedicatiOll of the new Mol'';Frank X. PelTon Insurance,'Wil- Gustave A. Hall, Bayside. Mfg. eau Seminary on the Univer~ity .Ham Archard. & Sons, Cook Bo.r- , Co., .Wolf 'Credit J~we;er!),·.T., ~{Notre Dame campus.. Arch~:den &:'Company.. .' Abbo'H,"F. R. Hearse' Co., Ca- " bishop 'Egidi'o Vagnozzi blessed. $40 . ,mara's. Pharmacy., the three' million. dollar building.

Atty. John T. Farrell Jr. Aguiar Ins. Agency;· Lion's r-----'_~------..$35 Auton:iotive Stores, Telephone

North End Laundry. . ,'Answering Exchange,' Kay 'Bee$30 ·\"·:".Sportsw~arl Liberty. Loan &£

Richarq Morgan Thompson,." Realty: CO.,Inc. ..Joseph Nadeau's Sons. ' Dr.. Saml,lel Brown, .Flabro~

$25 . :Liquor Mart, Dr. George Bou-Di-. Frank J. Lepreau, Dr, ~ak~s.

Robert H. Moe. Dr. Owen'· L;!J'ur~·.. toPaxe )fourEagan, J:t. N. 'Textile Co., Inc.,·Odias Dumont.

John .E. Cox Company, David.J. Friar" Dr. Maurice Morgan-,.._tein, Colonial Wholesale' Bev­erage' Cprporatic)n. Delta Elec­tric ·Company. • '. " ,, Dr. Ellgene J. Dionne, Connors'

· Travel·' &:. Insurance, Agency,Daughters of Isabella~Af;sump-,tion· Circle #7 t " Wm. N.· Whee­

lock &: Sons, Atty. '&: Mrs., Wil-:liam P. Grant.

Leigh Textile Co., LeonardW'alsh, Eagle Finance Co., Sulli": :Tan Signs, Mrs. Ella.Nerney.

$20Hilton's Bakei·y. Joh'n O'Leary.

$15Dixon Buria~' Vault, Elmer

C: Slater, Corky Row Club,Ventura's Pharmacy, William·F.;

'. ~ples. :... WiUmM .I.,~ ; ... '

: ,

Dffi'eO£ "OF';"FA\!!L \iuy'tR.~~.:i'ji{n~·:,

,'i' 4." ,< -'~EANCHOi:,', , Thurs.; ~ay,21, 1959,


Moscow ::Exhib'itShows:'R~ligiori"!:;

Part of'L.ifeWASHINGTON-'(NC) ','';'

Visitors to the,U. ,S. exhibitat ,the Moscow Fair will bemore impressed if religionis shown woven into Americanlife; rather than something putin a separate display, U. S: plan-,ners believe.

~~r' this reason, the U. S. dis­play at the fair to be held in theSoviet capiial fro~ -July 25 toSeptember 4, will have religionineluded in sections such" ascommunity life, 'education 'a'ncl'architecture. ' , ' ", ': '

Albert Lupin of the U. S. In­fc'irni~tiori Agency here', said'planners think "that in vieYJ 'ofthe years of. propagand~ givE,lnpeople oft1)e USSR, a, greaterimpact will De made if religionis shown as an' integral part Qfour life."

, . TrUe PieturePurpose of the exhibit, he,

said in 'an interview, is to givea, nonpoliticai picture of 'u. S.

Diocesan' ,Council for the ensu- culture; ~ience and technology;ing year; in addition to Mrs. ~'The nation's religious aspira­Mullaney, are: Hons iUld ' customs 'will be' re-

Fast Vice President, Mrs. flected throughout," he stated.John_Barrows,'Hyannis. _- Mr. Lupin explained that

.second Vice Presiden.!, Mrs. church-related schools, for ex-Aristides Andrade, Taunton. ample, will be shown in that

Third Vice President, Mrs. part of the exhibition dealingFrederick Tuttle, ':(all River. with educ!1tion. The, sam,e goes, Fourth Vice President, Miss for church-rel~ted social organ-

l;..illian B. Ross, New Bedford. izations, which will be shown in, Fifth Vice President, Mrs. Al- the display on U. S. community'

bert Jacksc;m, Norton. ,activities. , ' , . ,,:-' Recording Secretary" Mrs. "The main film at the exhi-

Tuttle. bitlon ,willI, include scenes 'of ./Treasure,r, Mrs. Thomas Ghar- American .fa~ilies : going· ..to,

rpn, Nor,th Attleboro. ,< . cliurch,foJ; instance,. just as it.Bishop Connolly emphasized will show, ,them, shoppimi or

the: importance, of greater lay se-ildirig father off to work," he,participation in' the Mass: "By said. ' .praising . God together, we ate I Mr. Lupin 'pOiritep ;to, the, 'J:~offering the 'sacrifiee' most, ,ac:" ,cent letter of George E. Allen,ceptable to him," the Ordin,ary director of the ,Informationtold the Council delegates. Ac-' ' Agency, who wrote to U. S.~Sen."t;ive participation in'- 'the MaSS Thomas J .. iDodd' of Connecticu't:makes'the Mass memorable for after thelegisl~tor ,had asked,all Qfyou, Bishop Connolly Said, about religion in the exhibition.Ther;t, speaking' of' the' Mass .he" .. :Mt.. Ai~en declared to ,Se~I'was" tei" celebrate, the Bishop Dodd:' "1 want to 'assure you'd'edilrec:i, "I. hope YOUl:active· that, since religion, is .. wo"enparticipation in 'this Mass will' i~to·the v~ry fapri<; of Americanbring grace, comfort and "Pj'!iiee life, the American Natipnal Ex-.,

, to your own soul." hipition in. Moscow will attemptThe Bishop \Vas introduced to cOnvey 'our nation's religious

by 'Right Rev. Humberto ,,'s. heritage in' tpis context.".

Medeiros, diocesan chancellor, PdP'·" R .' ,who praised the Council for the a re 10 ecoverlng"very'" creditable work" it has FOGGlA lN~r-Padre PIO,-performed. 'You have splendid famed stigmatic Capuchin priestleaderspip and great loyalty,'" who ,has been suffering fromthe Chancellor observed. pleurisy and pneumonia, appears. Emphasized many tiIJies'at the ,to be recovering satisfactorily,-

'workshops is the great need for it' was announced here followingparents to instruCt their child- reports in the, Italian' press thatren j.n religion. It was pointed he was near death. The reportsout that, nuns and priests should· ' started' when the 72-year-oldbe called upon only to supple-' priest failed to appear to cele-ment hnme instructions. brate h,is U~ll~J early Mass.

o '

Diocesan Wom¢n Convene( Continuedtrom Page One

it is easier for parents to gov­eri]. and control their _own,children than it is for "one nunwith 30 children" to watch over.

Most 'Re\.. James L. Connolly,D.O., Bishop _of FaU"'River, cel­ebrated a dialog~e mass atwhich the convention delegatesma4e the responses. Bishop Con~­nolly, together with the hier­archy"throughout the world,' 'is

-seeking greater lay participationat ,the Mass.

Possible Problem. ,"Auxiliary Bishop J:a~es ,J.

Gerrard, after welcomirtg; thedelegates to'the diocesiJ'n sessiCln,triquired, iri a humorous vein,'"if there is any guarantee thatall "families won't pile in' to the'10 and 11 o'clock masses" as hetouched upon the suggestion ofdiscussion proposed by Fath'erDriscMt'',"How about parents who gim't'attend, Mass ,at' all?'" Mrs: Sulli­van was asked 'during the dis:"',cussion~and the Fall'River par-'ticipant expressed the opinionthat these lax parents will be"fc>tced':by their own' childteniritOattendin'g Mass:' it' ,thechildren's masses aredropi>ed.' ,

Other workshops: included"The Family, and Diocesan In-,stitutionS," ~'P sy c h 0.1 0 g y, of',Children" and "DCCW Program.Is ,A, Unit." "

Qther officers' choSe~' :fur. tbe,oNewSeminary'" ,

CHICAGO (NC) - TolentineHall, new $1,500,000 major'sein­inilry 6f the Aligustinian Fathehiin'suburban Olympia Fields; has'beeJ,l dedicated' by ,ArchbishopAlbert G. Meyer of Chicago. '

, ;,,~ .~,.~ :'




,SAVE' ,MONEY' ''''·if. • • • '.' " ..,....



r~:~"""""''''''~l, 'ODD' CHAIRS··CHRO~ME CHAIRS ';; r'~~,':"~""~""l:

1C;~~:~M fGef AFre~ Estimat~'~~ ••~aiISTAR i.co::,·.. r: FURNITURE,:' A; D,ecorator Salesman, Win Coli' on You:' ': "TOP and SEAT :, , , COVEl ,.' B' NO OBLIGATION ~' , . ::: , y STAR_ ~ ,\ " " :, H~ADQU.ARTEAS ,

~ ............" ...........;~;,.Free' ;Pickup and Del'iv~'ryas' Far as Hy~n:ni~, ',' ~........~~, ..~ ..~ ..~~~ ,

SIAR SEAl IOYER CO. ,.r~o~~ ~9~6325 ',.l,O,~YEAR WRITTEN ,(;U~~~~TEE':FAST':SE~VI¢E"


Anything Y~u Ca~ "Si't,:·,On ••~,We 'Ca~'Cove~'!" ."., .1',

~O~=<X~l!CQ~_";-:r,,;-;/.'QoI-"~~~O~......",;:..",,·';';=''''-~~~~O~=rc:r;Xillll:lG~~;;;oc:;';:X:;X:P.C:lQG:il''~''''ir.liii;.c::;~~~::l-C:::I:C~l!C~~:M. "'~:

New 'Bedford IGuildToo Pr~se~t 'Drama:

''The Not-So-:D~mbOx," :a're­ligious draMa, will be broadcastat 6:30 P. M,' Sunday by theCatholic Theater: Guild of' NewBedford., , _

The Guild!s newest radio play, ,an original scr'ipt by guild mem_ber Manuel Alma4a, concernaSt. Thomas Aquinas.

',Ii ~: '" ',Special' G,i.ff$ ",\,~, ':,J,;

Continued', from, Pa'ge'!'Mee; N~rth;Attl'eboro'"N'e'~ BedfOrd:' " " ,"'$150" ,; "

$1,000 ' -' The Fb7eside:Theodore' Loranger ~,.Son~, " , ' , "" $100 ,,', ", ,','-',' " $300' 'OscarHijlman & Sons, LiI).cofu,MarkE>u1lf;, Giusti BaKmg Co. McitorSInc. ,",$150 $75 '" .,.D~.,& Mrs. Ar,thur Buckley." ':E)uvemay Council No. 42.,'" ,$100, ' " , , ' ' $50" ",N: 'B. Defense Prpducts, Fire,. 'C~ Ra,y Randall Co., The Rome.,stone DivIsion; Kiwanis Club of '" $25, " " , " "

N. '~., C~, F. Wing Co., Universal, Clov:er Market, SchofieidRoofing' & Sheet Metal C<;>., , Hardwal'e, Evans CaseC().• AI­International Ladies -G;u-me~t bert A. Morawski,. Reeve's Drug.Werkers Union. ' '$10,

Cornell-Dubllier Elec. Co., Thorpe Automotive Co., Thi-Aero;vox Corpo'ration, C6ntiriim- ' bault's Mobile Homes & Sel'Vice,tal' Screw Co;, Dr. Joseph Buck-' Sta!fon, Louis',Grimaldi & ,Sons,ley" White's Farm Dairy,,' Dr.', .fohn Grimaldi, EnterPrise Case'PeterW. Sweetser.', & Display Co; :'" ""'"

$50 , Harvey W. Gay ,Electric' Co., ,Dr. James Manley,"Dt. Joseph Jarvis Tap, North Washington

T. Baldwin, Dr, James, M~Qui'nn" Street Garage, Gaudette.cLe~theJ:'Michael Austin" Arla~:s Depart- • ,Co., Inc., H., D. MacDonaldment. Store,. John 0; Curran., ,Enameling. ' 0' "

CUrran, Express' Co., John L' '", ,Calcaghi, Memorials" W.,T;Paulding, 'Inc..Coaters, Inc., Whalen Engineering Co.; Thrifty"

, Hathaway,Oil Co." Inc., Park Rental & Rea::' Estate, Newell. NEW PRIESTS FIRST BLESSING: A new' nativeOil Co., Dr. Rob~t Small., Balis Post #443, Rezz;l Oil Co.", Mrican 'priest. Father Alphonsui Morapeli,. O.M.I.', O'ives

" $45 ' Sousa Bros. Welding Co. " ...Dr.. Wil'liam P. Walsh. - . 0ldtown Men's Club:Diamond blessing to Bishop J. Des Rosiers, .O.M.I., who ordai;ned

$30' Cafe;, . Inc~, The. Commercial him in ,Maseru Cathedral, Basutoland. NC Photo. ' '»r. Robert E. E>1.urant. Pres~; Surinirsale ~ Ste-Jeanne

$25' , ' d'Arc S174-Sacred Heart,

lDr. Wornert V. Perry,Dr. Wil- It.:ft·.•"eboroliam O'Donnell', Dr.. ' Herschel A.Reinz,. Zeiterion Realty COrp., $100' 'N., E. 'Theatre COl'p. .' Catholic NurseS Guild' of the

Bishop & Hackett, Bricklayers;, Attlebor0 Area, Particular Coun­Masons & Plasterers Int. Union cil of Attleboro, Society, of St.139 Philip J. Kane, 'Inc., Fibre Vincent de Paul. 'J

Le~tlier Mfg. Co., Lambeth Prod:.. ., $50ucts Corp. Daughters of Isat>elI3~Aiea-,'

Holmes Coal Co., Dr. Robert zaba:. Circle, St. John's Mothers.'A: Moura, United Auto Workers Club, St. Vincent de Paul Con,.Local' #384" Dr, Denis. Brault,' ference--St. John, Morin's Din-N. B. Morris Plan Company. ers; Sadler 'Bros., Inc., .

. . $20' , . $35

Sturtevant &' Hook, Inc., Harry J.Boardman. 'Sha~ut Trans. Co" Inc., Per- '\ $25' .fection oiiCo,; Inc:; Dr. Law:':' Con;netly Gold Stamping;renc~'LubY, 'Dr. Clarerice' E. State Line Gen'eral Scrap Co:;,:Burt, 'Dr. P. H.' O'Connor:, Dr:' Foster Metal Ptodticts, Leach"&;.Joseph H. Gleasori. Garner, Wells Mig, Co" Leavens

'McGee's ,Photo Supply, Dr. Mfg. Co., Portuguese. ,American.Janie~ Bo'Hon, Jr., Dr: George H. ci!Jb. 'Gepciron, J; B: ~umber' C~-',. , .., ., $20.. . ..Dr:""'A. Senesac, Beneficial FI-' John G. Walsh Contractor.Dan~ Co.' , '. '. '. . •$15 ." ,c

.... ' ' $15 ' SaltzIrian'sMen'sStore.Sear~ Ro~huck &. Co:; Dahill;' " $10' ,

Sullivan & Foster,. Perry the wilbtir t.Kiff Co., 'Pitman&:'Fiorist Colo~al Textile Mfg. I<:eeler, Public Loan, Cha,r,les Ji:;'CQ., Mr. & '-lVIi-'s:' T. Sullivan,' Willis, Ins., lVIiiadY's.,, ,: "Pr: cUrtis Tripp., •. ,> Alfred's ,Beauty Salon,' Sill.,.'

;, " ',,' " :, $lO, , '" • nj~~is" ~roe ~Store; Le~~ha~'~,Dr. Robert W. Horan, Mr. & ,Hardware, ,Better ,lIo~es ~p~;,,~

Mrs;~'J. 'Kelleher, Mr. ~{Mrs.·'T. ucts, Clegg Mfg. Co. ,', ",', ',,'Driscoll Goodhue Lumber, Law- Guyot Brothers, Knobby Kraf:;'J'enceB: Maxfield. ters, S. M. Stone Jr.,

'Elect~ical' Workers 1224, De-,' , TUrD to page Five -, ,- "Wolf & Vincent, Dr., CarrPer-'sODS, Gaspar's Linguica Co., M.,Etta Kroudvird.

-J1)avidow!s 'Clothing" Store,Thomas W';, Croacher" -' Estate;Novick'-Jewelers,' Cox!s Candies,Pothier ,Monument Co.

C. F. Cushing & Sons, LorettaHat Shop, Hartman" 'l;'ran!i. Co.,Ine., Winfield, Mfg. Co.;, Inc.,Pacific Coar &' Lumber Co.,M:rrtiil & Sullivan,

Wamsutta Finance Co." Dr.Harold Woodcock, Dr. TheodoreT~ Ambadgis, Dr. ¥ax ,~lum, Dr.Harold Canter, ..Dr. 'Russell'Wood.

!,Dr. Kingsland Johnson" Dr.Elmer L. Whitham, Dr. Maurice

'Kenler, Dr.JohnD.'Barnes, Dr.A. L. Brunelle, Souza's Phar-'macy, N. ~. Wallpaoer Co.

Somerset - Swansea$100' ,

'Somerset Catholic WOplen~sClub.' ,

$25Reise's Dairy.

. $10·St~ve's Doughnut Shop, Som-

, erset Nursery, Textile Chemicals(;,' ',Bridgeman Lumber Co.

67 Maryknollers. GoTo Four Continents

. MARYKNOLL' (NC)':"""'FiftY':~ven seminarians. sec 0 n'd ­largest class in Maryknoil'shis-'tory, will be ordained priests 'of

i the 'Catholic' .. Foreign MissionSociety of America on June" 13 .here, with Bishop John -W:Comber, Superior:General of'

, Maryknoll, the ordaining prelate.The' next day 67 priests and

Brothers will- take part in Mary-,knoll's 42nd annual departure'treremony. The.'missioners havebeen assigned to remote stati~ns,

,in 1 t) countries on four conU-, D~.ptS. ' ': .







WY 3-1751





Sales & Service


f···.:···~·····,·You.1I ~. •R.AVE about 'em •


: Bar-B-Q Chickens :

:REALLy :~~ :! ROSELAWN :• FARMS' :.

. .145 Washington St Fairh.yen.• Just oft· Route 6 •' .

Archbish~p SaysCatholic PressVital MediumOMAHA (NC)-The Cath­

olic press was called· "anindispe'nsable instrument ofthe Church'; by ArchbishopEgidio Vagnozzi, who, withindays of his arrival as the newApostolic Delegate to the UnitedStates, addressed the 49th an­nual Catholic Press Associationconvention.

"It is only fitting," he toldmore than 400 delegates, "thatthe representative of the HolyFather give public recognitionof the tremendous value and im­portance to the Church of theApostolate in which you areengaged." .

Archbishop Vagnozzi re-minded Catholic editors that"every Sovereign Pontiff of thiscentury has emphasized thechallenge which confronts you.'"He noted, too, that· Pope JohnXXIII had sent his ApostolicBenediction to the CPA conven­tion, and added: "I can only as­sure you againo£, his deep ad­miration for your work, and thehope he places in your accom­plishments."

Encourages Efforts

The Apostolic Delegate re­marked upon the "phenomenal"growth the Catholic press hasenjoyed in the United States,and said "few countries, evensome we label 'Catholic' coun­tries, are able to match suchnumbers.'~ .

He said he thought many fac­tors entered inw an explanationof this astonishing growth.

,_ "It is clear," he said, thatCatholics here are' extremelyloyal to their bishops," as wit­nessed by their response to'subscription drives' for theirdiocesan . 'newspaper and; ."course, the generosity of Amer­ican Catholics explains in greatpart the' existence of many pub-lications which have as their'raison <I'etre', the support of aparticular apostolic work."


For information aboutSacred H~arts Fathers and Lay' Brothers









. WYman 3-4777

Commercial • IndustrialInstitu"tional

Painting and Decorating

135 Frankli~StreetFall River OSborne 2-1911

of St. Theresa's Church, SouthAttleboro, Sis t e r Armande.Marie, S.U.S.C. a veteran of 22years in her community and as­signed now, as she has been mostof her religious life, to SacredHearts Convent, Prospect Street,FaU River.

Our Lady of Smile

Next in line is Father LukeChabot, O.F.M., in charge ofOur Lady of the Smile Shrine,Pittsfield, N. H. He supervisesthe shrine and an adjoining

_building serving as a combina­tion guest house and 'lay retreathouse. Ordained 21 years, he hasbeen in his present assignmentnearly five.

The "baby'" of the family isRev. Bertrand Chabot. Ordained13 years ago, he has been at St.Anthony's Church, New' Bed'"ford, 'ever since, a rather unus­ual record. His duties includesupervision of the CYO and a600 pupil school, and direction '.of 'the parish chapter of the.Third Order of St. Francis.

The family manages to seequite a bit of each other, FatherBertrand and Father Luke wereespecially happy to manage a.European pilgrimage together afew years ago.

All say they had the idea ofa religious vocation from child­hood. A close-knit group, theyare proud of each other's accom­plishments. Sis t e r ArmandeMarie chose her name to keepFather Luke's "worldly" namein the family. When he enteredthe Franciscans he took thename of Luke, but Sister didn'twilDt. Armand, a little-known

, Cistercian saint, to be.ne.gl.ected.



SERVICE.653 Washington Street

Fait-haven WYman '4-5058

Frank R. Mello, Austin O'Ble­nis, William F. O'Connor, JohnJ. Pendergast Jr., Peter Pender­gast.

Willis R. Robbins, AlbertScaramelli, Joseph J. Silvia,Joseph Terry.

Roy Beaudry, ,J. Robert Can­non, Leo A. Childs, Rocco Col-'lucci, Mattheo,y p. Firin.

Cecelia Haskins, Stanley A.McLean, Raymond G. Pender­liast, William Waechter..

Turn to Page Seven

$10Raoul A.Hon.

·The Army of 'Christ needs your eourage, your smile... and most of all YOU i Offer Him your heart as aCarmelite Sister for the Aged and Infirm. Along witha life of prayer you will care for His Aged Ones as awork of zeal. .

For information write:lEV. MOTHER M. ANGELINE TERESA, O.CARM.,



• TelevisiOll • F1Il'Di....,. A.ppliallClM • Gr-J',

~ AII_ S&;. New Bedf"WYman 1-935.



,Three North Attleboro.. Brothers and Sister>Total' 82 Years in Service of Church

$tOWilliam Hetterman.

. John E. VanTassell Jr.. $15,

Margaret. Fawcett, DorothyFawcett, Ann Fawcett, EdwardW. Mundo. I

Norman Boucher, Edgar I.e­yesque..


, . $150·Rev. Howard Waldron.

$50Barnstable County National

Bank, John J. Pendergast Sr.$30

Stephen B. O'Brien.. $25

Harold K. Bragle, James 'J.Cannon, Arthur C. Goode, HenryL. Murphy, Dr. Alfred lrI,Sheehy.

C"ief, .CookSister describes ,herself as

chief cook and. b~ttle-washerfor"S~cred . Hearts .Academy Con-

.It Mrs. John Kubiski. Giibert Bearse, Hazel Conn,or,. ven~."She cooks fo~ 38 Sisters.Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth'Tirrel, Arminda ,Correia Edward L.' durmg the school.. year and 75

Mr. '& Mrs: Osmond. Gingras, Dea'n. " in the summer, when out:of-Mr. & Mrs. Michael Ellis, Mr. &.' , '.. . . town Sisters are at the convent

Anthony·J. DeCrosta, Kath- - for summer school. Asked ifMrs~· Frank Wacaser.. . , . .'. "erine Dooley, Robert F.erl'eira, she had any favorite. recipes,. "ohn. Callahan, Mr. &. Mrs:, K thl . G' II h . W'lf d

. , , a eena ag er, 1 re' she ,sal'd "Salads.'" but addedManuel' B ..Sylvia, Mrs. Karl . .. ., . '" . ·Gauthier. that. the 'Sl'sters are easy toFlemke, Mr.' & Mrs. ~dwardFrancis Leo Gregoire, Edmund Gue- please. '.'T,hey like fdod, period,"

riri, Valmore Guertin, Irving she declared.Harrison, William R. Kelly. The three brothers and Sistef.

William Kirk, John S. Lebel, agreed on. advice to youngstersArthur D. Maddalena Sr., Mich'- thinking of the religious life orae 'J. McDonough, Norman A... priesthood. "Pray and work, and·McGill.· don't be afraid 'of sacrifice,"

they said. Good advice for anycalling.

Sunday afternoon vespers were. as obligatory as morn-'ing Mass. The family rosary was never missed. Guests join­ed in it or waited outside until·it was oVer. The result: of10 children, three are' priests and one isa Sister. Threeothers died in childho0d and .

now alone at home as they werethree are married. The par-. in the beginning of .their mar-ents responsible for' the ried life. But then as now theCatholic home life that in- family rosary is said nightly.flue need four of their children Unanimously, the four in reli­to dedicate themselves wholly to, gion declare it was their homeGod are Mr. and, Mrs. Joseph atmo~here that shaped theirChabot o~ Sacred Heart parish, vocations.North Attleboro. They aloe Rev. Gerard Chabot,'

Married '52, ,years, they are. ordained' 26 .years; and pastor

-1i'OUR VOCATIONS IN FAMILY: A good Catholic lifeinfluenced four children of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Chabot of~orth Attleboro .todedic~W~ themselves. to God. They are,

'left to right, seated, Sister Armande Marie, S.U.S.C.,'Rev.... Gerard Chabot. Standing, Rev. Bertrand Chabot, Rev. Luke

Chabot~ O.F.M. . . . '.


Dr. Ar-

THE ANCHOR­Thurs., May 21, 1959


Speci~1 GiftsContinued from P~e Four


. Charles R. Galligan,thur Nereo.

$50Edward O'Brien, New Process

Twist Drill. .$35

Richard Bentley, Dr. Joseph1'. Mulhern Jr.

$25Bristol County Radio, Daniel

F. McNearney, McCabe Sand &'Gravel, Dr. T. R. Thayer, TriCity Concrete. '

Thomas Bros. Co., ParagonGear Works, Donovan Amuse­ment Co., The Mason Box Co..' $20

Edmond J.' Brennan, TauntonEngineering Co.

$15 .New England Brass Co., A

Friend, Dr. Joseph Murphy.$10

. Dr. Menahem Cooperstein,' Dr.Wm. H. Bennett, Hamilton B.Wood Jr.,' Olson's Home ofFlowers, Mass. Catholic Orderof Foresters.

Appe~. GiftsMattapoisett

ST. AN'mONY$100

Mr. & Mrs. Clarence Verdi,Eugene Phelan.

\ $50Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Collins,

. Louise Dupre, Mr. & Mrs. DavidHaley.

$35Emilia Whalen.

$25Village Drug Store, Elmcrest.

Convalescent . Home, MissesEmily &: Josephine Perry, Mr.. &:~rs. Frank Pimental, Mr.&:Mrs: Matthew Curran.

$24William Keane.

. $20. .Frank' Sylvia - Real" Estate,.

Manuel C. Linhares, Mr. &:, Mrs.William Corey, Mr. &: Mrs. John'McCue, FranCis IV;I:.·Curtis. .. Mr. & Mrs. Winslow Allen,Mr. &: Mrs: George. Liberty. .

$15Romeo'l> ·Package Store, 'De­

Coffe's Filling Station, Mr. &;

Mrs: John Murphy, Jame~ Dow­. \' ney, Mr. & Mrs. T. J. Manning.

Mr. & Mrs. Paul Mullaney,Mr. & Mrs. Alfred Verfaille, Mr.&: Mrs. James Lanagan Jr.

$12Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Smith.

$10Cape Cod Cabinet Co., J .. A.

Hagen & Co., Inc., Holiday.House, Dennis Mahoney & Sons,Frank's Market, Harbor BeachClub & Lodge.

Mr. & Mrs. Manuel Nunes,Mr. & Mrs. Oscar St: Jacques,

_Mr. & Mrs. Walter D. Smith;Mr. & Mrs. Leo Lariviere, Mr..&: Mrs. Albert Rebello.

Mr. &; Mrs. Joseph Farley, Mr.&: Mrs. Thomas Brennan, Mrs.Joseph Sylvia, Mr. & Mrs. An":'thony Lawrence, ,Mr. & Mrs.Mike Haydeck. I

Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Snyder,Mary Tinkham,' Mrs. KennethT4ttle, Mr. & Mrs. George Har-rold. . .

Dr. & Mrs. Leonard Pacheco,Mr. & Mrs. George Silveira, Mrs.James Callahan, Dr. & Mrs.Charles Hutchings, Mr. &: Mrs.Leo Libby'.

Anthony J. Sylvia, Mr. & Mrs.Howard Chadwick, Mr. & Mrs.Edward Days, Mrs. CatherineRouille, Mr. & Mrs. RichardHamlin.

Mrs. John Duff, Mr. & Mrs.Thomas Renahan, Mr. &: Mrs.Sut"livan, Mrs. Catherine Sottak,Eugene R. Laquerre...

Mr. &: Mrs. James H. Gifford!Charles Whalen, Mrs. Roscoe.Barstow, Mr. & Mrs. WalterHebert, Mr. &: Mrs. NormanKelley.' ,

Mr. &: Mrs. Charles Jeucther,Mr: &: Mrs. John Carles, Mr. &:Mrs. George Wright, ~r. & Mrs.Manuel Costa, Mr. & Mrs. Miguel .Brito. .

Mr. & Mrs. Sylvester·Tarvw,Mr. &: Mrs. Joseph Zychowica,.Mr. & Mrs. Manuel B. Sylvia.Kr• .It Mra. Herbert JenneT. Mr.

-6' . - THE: A,N€HOI. Thurs., MGlY 2'1, 1959

_._. . Vf' _1.L.·_.......


·weeldy Calend~r'

Of Feast, Days-


JJ:1emo. to A'tnerica

~ M~~GING .eD,ljIlORi.Hugh, J.. Goldcmi ' .

Time of Growth:. {../

This' is the ti'm~' of year th1:\tJs·always.assoomtedw.Jthlife and, 'growth~ I. .

Signs of this are. everywhere. Lawns ar.e ra;ked andre'-seeded1 with :the hope that tn.e grass wilr gvow Just; a,:.'little bit more' .ambitiouslY than! the. weeds-~ T!j.e' gmeen\ oftrees' and' sJrrubs: forms: a refreshing, ba~kg):toundJ f0r the\. . TODAY -St ValeRs, Bishop,multiColored flowers that push their way throug>}h 'the ·s0ft· and Companions, MaI'tyrs: ILittleearth. . ill, known of St Valens· except

@.lder folrk£ who hav;e' struggle<L through theeoldi andl " that be was a'. Bishop,of the eaFI~ .dalik of'the Winter, feel' a' new surge of life now. How, ,often . chur.ch..Tradition add's- that he

h~ve' theY' sighed' through the long' past month~I'Il, feel ::':r;:a~~~ti~~~~~~~~.~er.ebetter when the. nice 'weather comes.. , TOMORROW-St. Rita, Wid-

The· Yiounger citizen8:begin. to~ make- their' appeaimnces; OW~ She was, an ltalian and! after .hll aarl1ikID!s and baek ,~r-arcl8, 'and' from a mound~·.ofsnawliJ: I 18 years: of. m'arried. life, lost hell .and) btankets' blink solemn~y' in the sun. busband. and two sons; She be-

, 1"'1' t:..... 4.' ~ th a1 eame a·'nun under the· Iule' 01In the. Chureh~s IJ.8" tillS Is;a. ulme' O:c gro:w . .so~ ...,.... St. Augustine at, Cassia.. and' in

'Ehe Di:v:ine Seed; planted d'trring Advent and: East~· ber later life.· waS'. afflicted' 'with,solemnities now sprouts and! blossoms an.d' bears' f.ruit that? a, painful: malady" whi«h,. she·'Wilt' live' for,'all eternity. The time after Pentecost is the bore with patien~ and prayer.

tim' 'e:' of- the arowth of the Mystical Body· of €:hrrnk ~s· 1f1!ie She died; in 1456 and is said, to... have· had', the 'p'OWeJ1 of m-iIades'. Vine-Christ,-has~ lived' and' died' and' rose again' to enter" both during life. and alter death•

.in-tl?' the· g.16vy; oil1 litis FadJhen,: s'o the; branehes,-those, united SATURDAY-St, Deside-I'ius·. to: (l;hl1ist'-IDl1st gToW' and bear :filluit. lily l1eason\·o§ the graee: of Langres; Bishop,..Mal'tyr. TI'3-

tllaoti PIe has·given them.. . ditions. concernIng the saint who

The redemntion of the. world:" the: sanctification of the' was, Bishop, Of Langres, France"l" conflict. concernmg the tiine $f'

humandamiJy.; the' ine@rpomlltion. of all' into Clivist amI- His. !WI 'reign andl martyrdom. G'en-'(;Jnurch, tIne- ~o:w:th' of the members ~n (uhri~t._ theiri'developo., erallY it. 'is; agreedl that he diedling.· to' conform to the' image of the Son~this is the work ·in. the third century. It a.fso is,that· is now to be accompli'shed~ . . _agreed' that he served in north-

Those who. have relived :w:ith··€h!risC-Hig dea.th, and! See;s:' SUp'~erbl p,OS.s.·i!bilities --::::: ~:~o~~: ~;a~~~~~~Itesur~ectro~ must. no~ g·,voWr in~ Hl'at newness. of life; ',boldlysougnt: out their chi-ef and·

DaHy Seandal'. \ f'or M,odern CiViili\zatioft, :::.g:'~sm=:::c~Qr<f:~~ fb~~odwe::~"'Ii' ,... "'h Ii t1. 1:"'1. h' th {r, .e S· 1 t' .B~Most Rev. Robert. JI., DwyeJf; D.D.. . blOodI hi Stainh,"· ledd' I. thehigB'Q0k of 6'&8-. 'G! \:.Ju,u O. cs" li.e· \!.;IJJ:Ul7C IS; e: mlouse; oJ! ava Ion!)". pe s· e e In '; hand. Ma,n~'

'... h t:.·l I' t1. nl' d b;J· :.J: ·~U C' 1 . Bishop, of' B:eno.' ehurches have been dedi' ated 'nowerm,g> er CuI '~l1enNe .0 o@ S' ·eu Sa(W1UJlCIi;llliLY' oru \lJa.llvax.Y/;: . . . C I

. she. is the Ark saving· men- from tneo 11lood'; she' is ·the' i'nftex:., We: ~e: mOJ;lal'Chs' of alt we, survey. ~n: a truer sense . his: honor." -iole. Virgin sternLy g,uarding the integrityo;f - €liris'tian! . t~an any, 0] the w~Jrlcl:-eonq':lerers',.~e: m?d'erns have at 6Ul' SUND-AY - Trinity Sundaydogma; she is;tlhe; care:1lu}. MoHrer runniiag, tofu;td: her· lest.- dlsposall .vaster sto~'es of the: earth's. t~easures, t,baR' ha;ve which commemorates the 'mys-

chJldreru and! dev.o,timg.; herself inde:fiatiga'hly; to the task o-f' ey,ev' been' amassed·.m any place. at; an~ tIme.. Napoleon St171p;. ~:;:~~s~~~~~:~; Tt~:e d~~:i~biring.ing. comfoFt to those- afflicted by the> wou}d... She: is. the: ped!. the: pafueeSi an(l mOLlas'-, the. malefactors, Qf gpeat. wealth, the' feast of. St.· Manahen,Spow~e without stain or spot }jiving by the Si»itri.tj of' tJl'Ut,' tedes; of. ttaLy;,.and, even!.. they can en10y the Ilich1lt of Prophet~ He l'i",ed' in the tkst:Rridegr.oom.~"· . hauled away; the four bronze. world, music played by the; eentury and is, mimti'oned' ill.

mW<' th _1.. f G' t C' . B . '1" horses oll Stan·, Marco, to, gJ:eatest· orchestras amI" COR-, the Acts, ~ the' Al'ostl'es as theJJ uese: aJl'e'e~ W@FI!l.~· 0 us ave. orcao, a ,rlZI lan, .k 'P :. th t' t' .' ··ta·I' duc.fed; oythe'finest of maeBtl105" tostel";..brother- of' King·..· .Hel'-'". . . , . .. . rna e ans' e: aI: IS Ie capi . uu

who. Kn@WS'Wen the' €hu~w I'll her many aspects· as one who of the wortd'. HiUer- set out- to' all! for. the; price: ot a.·disk~Antipasand' as: a prophet. He is·fl'ed; from it as a: Marxist- and' returned' to' .it.. M'a loving pil' o,v; e hfO)W' . Armchair. VoyageR ,said, to have died: at Antioch itichil(l and' zealous. la.y apostle.' . m·uc h O.t a. Tra~1 improves~ tbe mind;,', Syria: ,

'.Ii'h (l;h h <G' b . C th Ii til i 1 q u· e - . OOub~ess, and pl'. SiU'1ueI JO~lD- MONDAY - St.. GJleg@I'y VII, ..e', \ ,u::ro,. 'OJ7cao, says" a..'1; geen. "y, llellr 3J ,0, as" toast .N'apol'eOn. son ·lSauthoI:I·ty· tou the, v,lew" Pope-Confessor; He- was: I!Jora, et'

is made' up'. of .peopl~~eeple WR@' S::l<Yi tla;a\t' they agpi~) was by compar-. that-. the summum bonum' of Jloor panents. in 'l1useany: abe1l4l'W'w3IJ!dJ nem3lL'kaJh>le· th!i,n;gg; but whO' in thei'r daHY lives', in. . ison, 'and suc- earthly' deli'gl1t is the Pl'ospecrt. 1013' was; educated! in RQme 88411politics, in- business, behave j;ust like' eveliy,o'ne else, as: c;eeded::-· ho.w- of~: MediteInanean shore~· ente~ religious life: in Cluny,

th h th . t st;J; . thO ts'd' th ...1:~ ever" bnefLy,· - It' erthe)! debat tile" P st T - T..... 11"o.ug, . e..y., .were IfiJ eue .ew m no. .lUg Oli. .)',. e .. e,Ol1w,nal"y I"n'.· .hi''"s'. dU"".I'·ous'. '. IS';, ReV . ess" .a ;. ..,rance" ope... .. ......,O.!LA ea e..t

1U in our' day; whether the amn'- him to Rome where' he served

thmgs of lfe. . / enterprise.' Yet ,. ..,chair' voy:ager; setting. out OR' a, the Ponlli! and' foW" of hissi.e-This is the- daily scandal! that g.~od'Catholics give~ Their.: both. 'of them .world cnufse in the comfOl't of cesSor$; as! COunciloF; He was,

tmn,¥ictii()ns:d@)fioti in;ji)~m&alld work revol'ution in their'lives; ttog.ITetheItjdlw.it~ his 'library, does not see more; arehdeacon. of. Rome in L07-3r. . "','Fa 1leYiran anw and with, "greater' leisure for· .when.. he, was: eI~cted> pope. He.tan Mental Health1 G 0, ,er iIll g,' inspection,,'than he who wears· withstood: attempt!!, 01i Henry IV

, . thro:wn in for good measU!e, himself. o!J,t. clambeJling· up) the of. Gennan~' to. USU17P eeclesias-,10.. (l. 1 b" tlJ. lo' • • . d' , tb possessed, onlY, a fraction of dome of St. Peter's or trying· ti"cal POW~¥S,·. aD..· at length the~ cu!·, flaU ).,"l~ grOM"mg eve~y' .ay m' a' l'a. ',el' what. is ouns for the: having; h I. C .... Ul

-.lIDoffidal\\la..y, is,'the "tranq;uilizer dub" of' the.. country,~ It his temper in seare ,~" as.tIes:. monarch sought absolution of. " Today _ all we have to do, is, in: Spain. the Pope: at. Canossa.. La.teJ'

i's made: up· of' the, ma:n~ men and, women who, caW uj;><m, walk down the street to any PhotographM hail advaneedl to Henry relapsed:, set up an. anti­tJranquilizel1s; to hel~)the~ f:we.the strife of everydayH.vfug~,'public library: to have· set before .suca:, a stage'that one, can: spend! pope: and>..sent. Pope· Gregory. A whi·lEi ago, Dr. W'. G'l'enTh.StllG(;]es, o£ Mel1cy 110spita4, us; through, the medium of .~x- hours examining the portals.of intOI exile.. Pope. Gregpry die~

. .. .. celTent' prihts; the whole· pano- Chartres without exposing, ones- at: Salerno. in. 1085.Pittsburgh, listed ten rules .Jior· a healthier a,tt~tud'e toward! rama of human art; from' the If t th "t f thl~fe. He pointed. out~hat the; d~velopment of good' physicaD most prirri.Ltive' times' to the most se 0 e cuno~l yo' e gen- TUESm:A.Y~St. Fhilip, Ner.i>health and!. rig:n1J mental attitudes woufd be a, substitute: staItlingly contemporary. These. ~es, or the l'lbaldlly o~ may' Confessor. Born iru Florence· in

. t th .. l"t' tJ: \u"c~s;, .. 1515\ be became a. t\Ltor in RomefGr these .tranquilizers. - are no e ongIna S,;-l: IS,' ue;. . ~lthO\;lt. dlSC0untmg, the: .ad- ._ a. noblem·an'. T.J'e· d'e"oted h;.

,. ." . . . . but the differ~nce; for the J!I<?st f h al o.u- ' JIL ~ ~'lJ'he' ten rules are:: learru to) face reahty; ,learn to make;, pal't. is' frankly negligible; and.... van,tages 0'· t e .person .. VIew, leisure to, the, study of. theology.

decisions:; develep sel:B discLpline;' be interested; in others;; . the" convenience m'ore. than ~r... ~he' .sudden. Impact of the m·154&: with,'l4l e01lllpani@ns heavoid hurry. in your work', learn to acceptdi'sapp.oin1iment ',,'. makes up. for--· any loss, realIty, It ~emalLls tl'Ue that the .' founded the~ Congregation- ef tlle

modern who must. perforce' stay' 0rat .' IiI . n t ol1dainedwork, rest and' play in the proper balance.; have reasonable:" With, only modest means we at. borne is undeIno such handi- ' til°1!Y'l55;'" ;hW:~: .·to. "n~". f '. ..' un· . . CIi•. ~ e 'vl'a ,ory: was, ~.

and common sense. g.oals in Life:;, develop a sense' of' humor;,' can, make' 9un.. o,.~. selecllOll,_.O··. cap, as. plagued him m the. geod .., ffi'" 11' . "'1' 158'"th ~. ttl d d!i 01<1: d~s. .., . appro:ll:eU. 0 l;'l8'Yt un,.~, .~,

avoid amateur psychiatry 'and see, a; docito1i' when you· need. ti:ct~:'~ a~~~'11lc:a~~c:r, e~" o~;. He' can discourse on the Eng::: but fOI! more· thaD! 3~1 !eQJ1s, Mlone h b th . I 1'-'-· C th d al 'tll .,,_ was. the .center 01i l'eUg.louS, hie

. . . 'omes, e ey mansIOns or on y _UlU . a .~ 1'•. S..WI . ~~I"'" ~ m Rome;; KnOWDJ aso the "Seeond. These rules are wise ones. When li"edJ in;· a, lilfe; that two-room' apartments. It· we· like: much. authonty as· the rIch ma~ A . tl' i Rome.'" St. Phili

, takes"recognitioRl of' God and. the spil'itua~make-up: 011 man, Flemish' ~rimitives we/can ha",e, who has seen them and' heard . pos e. o. " ' pthen theYr shouJd lead to a balanced" and healthy life, thein· bM' the' dozen; if we, pJ;efe~' them, eXplaine<f by officious and ~ee:6~ 1595; and! was canonirred;

. Chinese prints we can cover OUI.': _ obnoxious beadles; m ..At times there are, people who thiilk that amthat is walls with:. them in a,:profusion~ " Wol'ld'Museum Open_ W'E1')NESDAY~St.. Bede the

necesaary'. :tIor good. mentai health is to be in: the' state. of that wouldl excite' the· envy of a, Tl'1ep.oint of all thi.s" as Andr, 'Venerabfe, COnfessor-IDodor. Ill.grace. The supernat,ural is builLon the n~tlJral~. however, Fenolloso. . :Malraux haSi pointedl o.ut in, his was: born. ih Wrearmouth, Eng,-and the natural must. be balanced. and sound'. G'race is; no Amedca Leads discursive and· sometimes e;x;as- land, in 673· and' as'-a~ chJ.I<i' wassubstitute for normaky. While it i~ better to ,be holy than With every: passing year' the, p~rating..booK,The vo~ces of offered to the . Benedictine Ab-healthy" tne- best sftuation is to be J;,oth.. . • '.' quality and. !range o£ these pro- . SIlence; .IS· that: the-_wor~d muse- bey' of SS. Peter and Faul .at

ducti9ns ar~' notably' improvedi,um' has. o?ene~ ou~ all. Its walls: Wearmouth-J~.I'1'0W'He was pr.a-'and wheceas in times, g:one by'? For. the first time m. history the fessed there· under' the fOU1'ldelt,the art 'of" color printing' \Vas. or~mary m.an can- ]trow some.. St; Benedfct. Bi~coP".and" spentc0n1iint!d to, for.ei-gn, .clia.£tsmeIl',. thing; of. ulli.veI:sa1, art.. , . the rest of hiS hfe at the' abbey•.today .Amer}caJs taking the lead> . ~e' has, th: tools ¥I, acquire an ·He was ordainedl by St. J.ohn ofin. \;Ir.iLw:i.n.cf, 1ii.\lltJa, tt.le: 1'Y.lt'1st f",.ttl;]"; mtImacy ":Ith. the treasure of Beverl:y and was' re no,w ned! as •fill,. andJ bdlliant, copyjng, of the: ~uman g~mus and an apprec;ia,,: scholar; The· Bill)!e, was l:ris: prin.-01d Masters hon' of' what has' been accomi- cipal study.. His "Ecdesiastieal

. . pUShed: under.' its: inspjl'ation. If .Hi'stol"}" of the- EnglliSh People"OF,F.l.CIAL. NEW.SPA.PER( ())F,: taE: O;JQCESE. OF F-AlllJ. 'U~ER 'Fhe,'same,'thing is tl'ue in the he cannot possess them as· pel"..' earned him: the tiJtteof Father ()f'

. , /realm of music. The/Archbishop ; sona! pI'opellt:w he can still stor.e English Elistoryr. He:dicd!.in ,7,3/),.Published .weekly by The.(a:thom::P.ress; ot, the. ~ioceseotFall River, 'of Salzburg employed. tn-e. Jus, mind',with their mea.!!ing em AscensiQUI E;v;e, .and, bioi, las&"

"10'\ "'., 1:11' dl'''' y,outh:l'ull Mozart ase his conceI't-: 'an'" magIlI'fl"Cence. . . '. worda were the Glori'.. ...... , ' ..""9.' GIn .""venue .. I.L "folli ~i¥er, MGlS1t.. 08borne.5-7151. masteI';. . but: t~day, WoUg'l1ig~ WiheJleas; iiI; tne past a, tIlemen;.

Amadeus plays, f()l;. us: in.. ou~ dOusI ef£Ont. was: neE!d.edl te gain M CP.-Cl8L1St:lfiRI ' own' homeS' at" the· turn· of'.,' some a£tiuaintance with, even 7 • 'ore 'onve:rts·

M J C II . switch·:High.fidelity,fansare'·~. one.,partic.ular'field!of art, no.w· 'HOT"SPRINGS' tNC') - Sisost Rev.. .ornes, L. .OMO .'t,. D.O.; PhD. - ." . I . COl)J.ffion·. noW< as haseball en~U'-.:, the· whol'e .vast. ex.panse- ()pens first eommuni'cants· in a' class 8If

C?ENER~lJ. MAIoN/.>.GER, A5SJ.~ .. G.I!fl4ERAL' ~ANAGER.' siasts,.L..andl. 1iiu"more' unreaSOlll-' out--befolle- hiin-. It is; his· own se:v;en, at St.. Gabdel's. Negl'oRev. D.onie/: fi.. SbGlllool. M,A. . Rev,.. John, 11: Driscoll able .in their demands~· fault!. we he remains prov.incial in 'miSsion church' aue con\lerts. AU

.' Yet ,without sacr.ificing.-any... the. sense, 0:1' cut off fr-om. the - are: members .of: the mis~ien.. tbipg~ of conscience :'after ttle-·· knowledge, amF/enj,oymentet· school --Whi~h Hi pl'edominaAtdlr

fashion! off the, Fobber,' bal'ons. W': tb&,beato. .. . .. ' .lion-Catholic - .

PlAINYILlfJet. 106.& 157

Foe/Savings'lJpto 250/0



THE ANCHQR - 7Thurs., May 21~ '1959 -


BrokstonOhem.Co.37 'Silver Road

'Brockton 19, Mass. ......~--_..~~.........~~.~_.......-


!,Pfanning Lar.geBui1lding ·~rive

ST. LOUIS (NC)-A $4Gmillion dev-elopmenit programwill'be launched' by St. LouisUniversity, Father Paul C.Reinert, -S.J., uni:ver-sity presi­dent, annqunced here.

Details oftheprogrcam weredisclosed after the universityreceived clearance to purchaseland for a campus expansionin the Mill Creek'Valley area.. The drive will be headed byAugust A. ~usch, Jr., a non­Catholic who is board chairmanof Anheuser-Busch, Inc., andowner of the 51. Louis Cardinals'baseball team.

Mr. Busch said the ,initial five­year campaign will' seek $18milliQ,ll. Half of this will 'be usedto' develop an extension to. theuniversity' campus east of GrandBoulevard. Though some of therl:st of the sum to ,be raised dur.ing the fi~e ,years will be utli­ized for other ~capital improve­ments, most of it~$7,500,000­will be used for operating needs, ­such as faculty salary iUCI'eases.

The remaining $28 million inthe $46 miHion pFogJ:am will be:raised .betw.een 1963 and 1968. Itwill be usec'aor ,additional cap­ital and .operating ,improvements.

.F-ather Reined said that threemajor buildings would be erectedon the tract of land to be pur­chased by the university: a $1.1million science ImildiI\g, a$2million institute of technologyand a $2.5 million student citi­zenship center., He said ·the institute of tech­

nology would probably enabl~_St. Louis UniveI:sity to.triple

the numbe~of scientists it trains.



THE '59 .FiORDS"lfh. 'World's Most 'Beautifully~roportionedCars"



1344-86 Purchase_ St. New Bedford; Mass.,

Had such planning tak-enplace, he continued, "we believe.that many communities couldhave been stabilized so that atruly free'market (for homes)wouldhav'-' been created. Afree market would have Per­mitted the entrance into whitemiddle class communities of aproportion 9f Negro familieswho could only be consideredan .asset in any neighborhood,H

he ,..id.

known as 'block-busters,1 menwho are accused of fostering

! community panic in order tomanipulate real estate pricesartificially and thereby gain aprofit," he said.

The prelate said the answer tothese problems is constructivecooperation between individuals,churches and business institu­tions.

~ ~


! LOBSTER live chicken 59c ,jFRESH 'LOBST,ERMEAT •

s.pec:iaI .? lb. J.MacL-EAN1S SEA ;fOODS. ;'

UNION WHARF IFAIRHAVEN, MASS. ............................... '.

• NORTON.oute ,123


'TOOTELLMonument' Works

~AL' ALBANESE. 'Prop.Designing & ManufacturincI" ,1l0BESONST.. ,NEW ,BEDFORD

·Just :above Shawmut Ave.WY 8-5142 '05,3-4074

, FIRST 'ORDINATION: Col. William M. Keane kneelsfor the first blessing of newly-ordained Father P~us Ri inChunchon, K<i>tea. Standing by is Columban Bishop Thomas,Quinlan who ,had just·ordained Father Ri. '


Rev. A.IA. Castelo Branco. '"'$50

Rev~ . Manuel M. 'Resendes,Rev. James V. Mendes, Manuel'Goulart. .

, $2.0Daniel COl1deiro.

$15A.r:thur N.J: Frede.t,te.

$10Manuel Rodrigues, Manuel J.

Bettencourt, John GuilImette,Hildeberto Bor;ges, J'illio Ruas,

'Eticlides Ca/bral, ,OlaudioI:>ra-'gon. '.

Sylvester Sylv,ia, Joaquim B.Goines, .Joao· B. Alves, AntoneOIi-veira,Charles Gonseca, Man­uel Perry, Elvira mamasie.

TuJfn :to Page TeD '

.Archbisho,p Asserts ,Block Bu~t,ers

Foster Panic -for Personal GainCHICAiGO (NC)-The Archbishop of Chicago says the

gloomy predictions of whites about the impact of coloredfamilies moving into their neighborhoods often comes true.because whites make them come true. Archbishop AlbertG. Meyer has tol,d the Presi-­dent's Civil Rjghts Commis­sion a: chain of "gloomy andconfused" predictions sweep­ing through white neighbor-

. hoods often panics the p'eopleand neighborhood institutionsinto acting "as though this sooth­saying was demonstrated fact."

The finishing touch to the direpredictions is' provided by thefew individuals in the city

$100'Manuel J. Soares.

$75St. Vincent de Paul Soeiety.

$50Rev. George E. Amaral, Rev

L'uiz Cardosa.$!5

Serafin Mello, Mr. " Mrs,Jo'seph P. Janeiro, Paul .Rezen­

. des, Frank Silva Jr.,$!O

,·Mr. &: Mrs. Raymond Cabral;.Joba Gracia. \

. $15.il'aime Cardoza, Mr. 'It Mrs.

J'oseph Rogers. '$10

Mr. &: Mrs.. Antone Arr~da,

,Joseph Avila, Mr. .& Mrs.Thomas P. Barry, Mr. & J.I.:Irs.William Barton, Mr. & Mrs.Ma'nuel Bettencourt &: Family.

Mr. & JWrs. Manuel Cabral,Mr. & Mrs. Manuel V. Camara,Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Carreiro, Mr.& Mrs. Charles·W. Duponte, Mr.&; Mrs. Frank Edwards.

Mr. & Mrs. John Fernandes,Mr. & Mrs. Gilbert Ferreira, Mr.& Mrs. Joseph Ferreira Jr., Mr.& Mrs. Edward Finni, Mr. &.Mrs. Frank Freitas. .

Mr. & Mrs. Manuel Gracia,Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Ollver, IreneOliver, Mr. & Mrs. Manuel Pa­eheco~ Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Ped-roza. .

.FIera M. Roderick, SantosBakery, Manuel Santos, MarySilveira, -Mr. & Mrs. Manuel G.

. Souza.Milton Travers, Mr. & Mrs.

Lawrence 'Vera, Helen Waish,Mrs. Nancy WiHiams.

Mr. & Mrs. Gil Amaral, Lau­r!nllla Andrade, Victorina Cot­noir, Mr. & Mrs. Antone De­Mello Antonio M. DeMello.

Mr.' & Mrs. Walter Espinola,Mr. & Mrs. Gilbert Ferro, Mr.& Mrs. Stanley Frariczyk, MarionFreitas Mark Greenleaf.

Mr. &Mrs. Charles KIubowicz,Liberty Market, Mr. & Mrs.Nester Mesquita; Manuel F. Mot­ta & Family, Mercedes & •.John C. Pitta.

Charles P. Rose, In Memory of,Theresa S. Rose, Joseph Masse,In Memory of ·Mrs. Manuel' L.Sr'J¥ia;. An~elina Vareal'

Appeal Gifts ,•Continued frolJ1J Page Five

tn, Mr. &; Mrs. Gilbert ModestQ,Mr. & Mrs. Walter Modesto.

Mr. &; Mrs. Joseph S. Maziarz,New ,Bedford Mr. &' Mrs. Camille 'Netto,

ST. JAMES 'Charfes Normile, Elizabeth$800 'O'Rourke, Mr. & Ml"s.Manuel

Rt. Rev. Hugh A. Gallagher. Pachece.

$200 , Mr. & Mrs. Stanley Palys,Mrs.Mr. & Mrs. Philip 'Hemingway. ,Kathleen Perkins, Mr. ,& Mrs~

, $50' John F. Polycarpo, Hannah 'T.Rev. Steph~n J. Downey, Rev. Power, Mary E. Power.

Edward C. Duffy, Rev. Albert Mr. & Mrs. ,Joseph Pykosz,'F..' Shovelton, Mr. &;Mrs. John Margaret Quail, Mr. & :Mrs.C. Martin. ' F~ancis . J. Quinn, Mr. & Mrs.

$40 Francis O.Q~inn"Mr. & Mrs.,}4r.. & Mrs. WiHiam Hendricks. Rene ~acine.

$30Agnes Tiernan. Mr. & Mrs. Edward Ramshead,

$25 , n Mr. & Mrs. Charles H.Reed,Mrs. Edward A. Arnett & John' Mr. & Mrs. Charles Rice, Mr. &

· W. Arnett, Mr. & Mrs'. Hugh Mrs. Edward Robinson,li:llenRobinson. . .

Barry, Mrs., C. F. Broughton, '.Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Donaghy, A George Ross, Mr. & Mrs. Gor-

··Friend. don B. ~uggles, Agnes V..Ryan,Mr. & Mrs. Nathaniel Gifford, Mr. & Mrs. John H: Ryan, Mr. &

Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Goulding, Mr,S. Joseph Santos. ,Anna Meehan. Mrs. Mary A. Savage,-Mr. &

$20 Mrs. Vincent Shea, Rose Silva,Katherine Oesting, James L. Mr. & Mrs. John Simpkin, Mr.

Barrett, Nellie Fay; Mr. & Mrs. & Mrs. Frank Smith.Theodore Gladu, Anna L. Ken- Mr..& Mrs. Arthur 'Soares,nedy. ' Mr. ,& Mrs. Gil Souto, Mr. &

Mr. & Mrs. Eqward Kerwin,.~ Mrs. Paul M. Souza" Mr. & Mrs.Mrs. Margaret A. King, Mr. & Joseph Stephenson, Mr. & Mrs.Mrs. Arthur Macedo, Mr. & Mrs. Leonard Stone.Edward Mackay, Mr. & Mrs. Mr. & Mrs. Bernard Sullivan,

· Walter Martin. Catherine Swansey, ElizabethMr. & Mrs. Thomas Rogers, SwariseY, Mr: & Mrs. ,Alben

Mr. & Mes. George Sheehan, .Silva, Mr. & Mrs:George Sylvia.Clifton Sullivan, 'Mr. & Mrs.James A. Worden. ' Mnl. Joan Sylvia,Mr. & Mrs.

$16 Louis G. Sylvia, Mr. & Mrs.Elizabeth Crane, Mr. & "Mr:.s. William Sylvia, Mr.'& Mrs.

Henry Ta"vares, Mr. & Mrs.John Rogers. ~15 ' ' George Theberge.

- Helen CrowleY, Robert Hayes, Mr. & Mrs. John Tomlinson,Agnes Lister & Family, Mr. & Mr. & Mrs. William Trought Jr.,

· Mrs. Richard Pinnington, Mr. & Mr. & ~rs. john Viera, Mrs.Mrs. Raymond Smith. Laura Vieira" Mary Walsh.

Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Szulik, Mrs. Wiiliam R. Walsh, Mar-.Mor. & Mrs. Alexander Whtelan'; garet M. Walsh, Mrs. Elizabeth

. Whelan, Paul Whelan, Mr. &Mr. & Mrs. Adam, 'Zych. . k'$12 Mrs. Jesse WI!. JOson. ,

Mr. & 'Mrs. Josepp Soares. Mrs.. Helen Yates, Mr. & Mrs.$10 George Young.

.. Mr. & Mrs. Manuel Alfonso, ST. JOHN THE BAPTISTMr. & Mrs. William Aspden, Mr.· . $500& Mrs. Joseph Avila, Mrs. Agnes Rt. Rev. John A. Silvia.Baldwin, Mrs. Thomas Bancroft.

Mrs. Samuel Baty Jr., Louis $150,Bellavar1ce, Mr. &: Mrs. Raymond In Mem@ry of Charles F.Bolger, Mr. & Mr~.. John Borges, Vargas.Mary A.Boyle. .

Major & 'Mrs. Philip- Boyle,Mr. & Mrs. John Britto, Mr. &;

·Mrs. James E. Brocklehurst,Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence Brown,.John Ca b'r.al.

Mr. & Mrs: Henry 'Camill(),­'Mrs. EulaliaR. Campos, Mr. &Mrs. John F. CashmaIl, Mr. &Mrs. Robert CasteIlina, .Mr. &Mrs. Leonard Clarkson:

Charles B. Clavin, Mr. &; MrLArthur Cole, Mr. & Mrs. Jamea.,.. Connor, Barbara Cqonan, Mr." Mrs. William Coonan.

Mrs. Helen Correia, Mrs. Ca;.mille Coughlin, M,r. &; Mrs. Ed­lI\imd Coyne, Mr. & Mrs.Wil­liam Damas, Mr. & Mrs. EarlDelacey. '

Carole DeSouza, Janice De­Souza, Alice T. Connelly, JOhnDowney, Mr. & Mrs. AntonioEstrella.

Mr. & MI's. Miles L. Fay, Mr.It Mrs. Roland Fay, Mr. & Mrs.Albert Fields, Mrs. Mary V.Flood, Mr. & Mrs.' William R.Flood. .

John Florio, The FogartyFamily, John E. Foster, Mr.. &Mrs. Philias J. Fournier, BettieAnne Francis.

Mr. & Mrs. Frank T. Francis,Mr. 8,: Mrs. Paul Francis, MaryGallagher, Mr. & Mrs. Alexan­der Gonsalves, Mrs. HenryGreer.

Mary Halloran, Anna Harring­ton, David Hickey, Mr. & MrLRichard T. Hughes, Mr. & Mrs.Stanley Jadiowe.

MI·s. Mary King &: Sons, Mrs.Arthur Kreider, Mr. & Mrs.Charles Lamoureux, Mr. & Mrs,Francis Larocque,'" Mrs. HelenLew,is.

Mr. & Mrs. William Lew~

Mr. & Mrs. John LaBrode, Mr." Mrs. Francis LeCuyer,' Mrs.Alice Lowney, Mr. & Mrs. John'Maguire.

Mr. & Mrs. James McCann,Mrs. Cornelius McCarthy, Mr." Mrs. -Thomas McCarthy, Mr'." Mrs. Donald McCauley, Mr.&; Mrs. Edward McCawley,

Mr. & Mrs. James P. McGrath,Anna F. McGurk, Kathleen Mc­Laughlin, Mrs. Estelle McLeavy,Mr. & Mrs. 'Arthur Martin Jr.

Mr. &; Mrs. Joseph Medeires.-.e. J4~eha,n, Florence~



Come?Will You


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Register for, 2, or. 4, or 6 weeks,Tutoring if' desired



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You. too ci:Jn win souls by'teaching'with ·the Sisters of St.l • ,:. • • '

.Joseph in the Fall River Diocese, and even as for os South-\ ..

ern ~ouisiana am'ong' the colored and white population

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132 Rockdale Av.~

o New Bedt~rd

"For Your ProtedionBuvFrom


~OWEN~S-:Furnit~,re Store

JOSEPH M. F. DONAGHYowner/mgr..

142 Campbell St.. New Bedford. Mass.


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. Mount Vernon, N.· Y.MANUFACTURERS


FASTEST SERVICE,For leoutfful lIIustr.tedCotol~\ \

send 25c to cover moiling costs.. \".'

'Ro~ary ,:Parts~

(ATH-ART Product~, Co;~Inc.

F_amily Outing-. St. Cathel'lne's fund raising

group of Dominican Academy,'Fall River, will sponsor' a fam­ily 'outing, to' :Oominican Con­vent, ;Acushnet: Saturday, June20. Mrs. Doris Pelletier .is in

'. charge of arrangements..

,'. , ~

WINS MUSIC. HONOR:Dr. Arthur C. Becker dean.~f Chicago's De Paul iUniver­sity school of music, hasbeen awarded the National·Catholic Music. ~ducators'

AssoCiation, annual citation'for "outstanding. contribu­

~ tions to music and.· musiceducation." NC Photo.

.DloCl!.E OF. "ALL "'VEil•. MAe&

-Gommo,..Se~se:.:R~;ply>;.?C?:l~~$ :.8 ·T~u::.~!~i ~1~~~~::Problem or C.haiQ~t.~{f~ifS··~.;:r;~::.. ForJ' Ri'v'er Board

By Mary TinleY'Daly , , M T d'Round and 'round it goes, this~ "Good LuekPrayer." eets .' ues ay'

The newly elected executiveWhere it 'comes out is anybody's guess-usually'in your .board of the- Fall River Catholiemail box or in ours. Four times ilhas "been around the .' Woman's Club will hold its firstworld," according to the accompanying letter.. (This is. meeting next Tuesday night ~

:twiCe repeated, ~s though . .... , . the clubhouse.Ona note of pseudo-piety, . Mrs. Michael J. M~Mahon wiDit wer.ea very important like a scab on the clean skin of

'. ..succeed. Miss Katherine L. Hog'an· reason for sending the letter faith,. t.he. letter sanctimoniously. . - \ as president. Other officers areon its fifth trip.) Next time, instructs us to "send no money", as :follows: '"

'we' hope, it may"go into outer just copy :the' messagk, send it·'Vice-President, . Mrs. John T.·sp'a'ceo " on, sit back' and await· the , .

. ; '. Crowley; Secretary, Miss .Mar-The "prayer" itself -is· innoc- "fourth' day" when 'our own:· 0 garet ..Tansey; Treasurer ·Mrs.

U ous enough, "luck" will 'rel:\ch us by mail.Joseph T. Canniff.· .

though" hardly Opening of a.first ·"Good· luck· . what we', think Prayer" .in . the morning ~ail, Registrars, 'Miss Maureen F.

· of ·as prayer. It primordial instinct is. to la'tch' ~leare, . Miss Jeanne· ~enaud,read s: "Trust. onto" that catch-phrase "good ,Miss Mary Soares,.· Miss Eliza-the .Lord with luck" with a sense of gratitude . beth. J. 'Shay, Miss Barbaraall 'thine heart. •that someone wished it for you. Dunn.In all things ac- Somehow, deep within the . Miss 'Yolande Bruneau, Mrll.

....-'1tnowlerlge Hinihuman brain,' buried in its sub- . Frank.S;·Plichta and Mrs. Jamea/ and He 'will di": . coriscious, is the primitive in:;. . R. Daley.

recto thy path." stinet for witchcraft-the good- . Directors, Miss Elizabeth Me-End of prayer. luck, bad-luck omens that re- _ Ardle, Mrs. William J. MaloneyTpen, in sud- lieve us of reliPon'sibility for our . and Mrs. Arthur J. Shea. '

· den, stark con- own actions. Actually, 'this is"a Trustees, Miss Alice C. Har-· trast-to the exhortation;' "Trust denial of our God-gIven free . rington, Mrs. Eugene J. Pontiff,the Lord," comes the addendum: will.: . .'. ··Jr., Mrs. David W. Boland, Mrs.

"This prayer' has been sent to Reading the' letter. to .the end,' Charles Burke, Miss. Hogan· and· you . for good luck ... (around we realize .that this:is. no. 'Mrs. Edmund F. Sullivan. ~the world business .. , and the panacea for our troubles..It's HONOU MOTHERS: Junior Daughters of IsabellaNo. The nominating' committeeone who broke it had bad' luck ridiculous. Sending. it on? Rea-- 71 entertained their nlothers following Living Rosary held . included Mrs. William E. White,

,0· .... You are to have good luck son and faithta-k'e,over·:·.. :··at' the Daug'hiers of Isabella, home in New Bedfor.d.·' chairman,.Mrs. Edmund F: Bag-four days after receiving it. This S~IiJ.ii~~.ls.'~asY.,.'.. '. ..,' w.· ...•. - rey, Mrs. Raymon'd J. Connors,. . .k' Y '11 ' ,.'p.',riscilla S.ha.''rp,' president of the J·uni.or o.rgani.zation. (r,ig.ht.) .Mrs.. MartinJ; McDonald andIS no JO e:.. oU WI receIve the What"to do' .wIth .such letters? . . .....

I • _ood luck by mai~:" , . We .spoke' fo:;j:prfest '~about'" IS shown pourmg. for (left to rIght) Mrs. FranCIS SullIvan, 'Mis~ Marion ~. fahey. '.',

Surprise Windfalls ,.this. ':Whjr,'tEilir' .them 'lJP,;~f ,'PriscHIaDaprato, 'vice-p!esident,' an9 her. mother, Mrs. . Wi.II Remain Mode·rotor.· '.,":"By· inferenc~,:.the·:'''luck'' course!" he 'la'ughed. . . . George G. Sharp. . '. .

~ms :·tied; ~p' wit~ "receiving This common sense viewpoint· . '.' . ." ... '. . ".' ."/ '. His Exc~lle'ncy;'-theMos.t.Re~-; ; .... ,"money. 'That's 'good luck, all .~isp~ls the ,paga~istic/, luckr-,New-Bedfo'rd Junior Circle'D :of V ere~djanies i.·Gerrard,' V:G~'.:right, 'but.tlle·la~sofeconoJiiicl' eharm"fantasiadhat, might now"""" . .... .... •. ' ... .. ... ",,~ ... ·,·~ill 'continue as 'mOderator~ or

· being .. :what 'they are, surprise -and thenensI1al'Eteve~·~ne~oS-·.. Conduct LiVing"', .. Rosary. a rid Teo. ;the N':!wBe~ford;~at~o~i~-W~m:-'''windfalls' '~an :,.:hardlY be' eJt-' lessed of the True "~Ith. '.- . . .... . . ......,.. >. .:.. ,en's 'Club In sp,te of l,'JIS. ~ew

" :peeted. t6happen sO e"a~ily':;' . ·.",ust . read.,tllat, letter, 'again' '.~~enty m~mbers of ',Juljior Harrl.ll.· Elizabeth MacKay. arid '. duties as' auxiliary ·of 't~ m."'After~-the ~fo,nise'of '''gOod when 'I!nd'if:it comeip~to(Yo~·Circle1'lo;·'1l,Dl\ti.ghterso~·Isa-.KatherineMarr.·';'.:.: ·'ocese.·' .,,',.' .>:: -,',hI'ck", .w~ a..r~ t01.d,<""i.th·'._.nair' .fro.m ·'a:~.;~e~..l,..·-:3P.. e....a~.,i~,..~.·.,/~f..r...ie.~d.,;bella, tookpai't iilli L1ving:6.os-"!'" ~', .. ' . .. .". :,. Thhtwasarinouii'ced af··."" ",.. .

N te h t . h . .. "t" .. 1 . .. f' t'h' D f"'I MISS. S.harp·" Mr's: Leteildre' and" . '. . ... " .. ' .. , .. r .. , .'of·lolemll' author-Ity,'fThe'ori- '.' 0 t a even 4 e·;·""ords' of the ary on ,.e' awn '0.- '. e ..~'.. '.organization's ann;Ual' :·J.n~eting, ... '.· ginalcame·;ftom. ;the' :Neth~r';;. ,"~prayer':are at' '~arla!1c~; with .Clubhouse, 11 ~obesori ·Str,eet, . MisS Priscilla DaPrato, . viCe',. atwhich:ilew officers" "ver~ .. : '

laildS.'! A .~ ••• :> "the ensuing~~ain letter/and its,. Ne~ ~edford,. .?n S~ndayafter': . , president served aSJ~ouJ:ers;'i';' elected.''''TheY'.i~Cliid.e:.. ¥rli...:·;:,:··~'whQt?' ".,.. .. Ulreats,};:: ~"·:', , .. : ,noon, asa Dlg\1hght .of the '-Assisting'Miss SDill,p..wh6~a,~uiB·L.-·Dumont, .. pr~sldenl; .


r. ~ :a.ehafeinw";,' "~a:'Tr·tr,~. st>~.:'ror.:.:.:.·....•~~.f.w.':..,:,t~~~:~l} ,·th,Hle:.' ':.annu~u.:Moth~!'s'Tea. .-.. '.' .generalchairman were'co~tih~ii"::M:rs; Vin-centJ:'·Worden, 'I~r~ ". :

".., , ." ",'Miss.Priscilla . ,Shar.>, p're~i;'men Misses: ..Ma~tti~·,SiiWYail,· ~vice·. president; M~~,~ LeO 1:.. st. . " ,~ars ago,:was stIpposedJy simn- . . .. Sur~ly,'trustiri;< Him meanli. dent, introduced speCial- guestS . Foods;~.Mis:S Dapr.ato< ariCl"'S~-:,Aubin-; ,second vice president. :.' '.' .-:

· lored by •.cofl1muni,ty of Sisterl::·the 'spufningof superstitution:" present: the White Sisters, Mrs. sanne Stager,·Cleart..:up;Patri«:ia . : Also .Mrs. WilliamN. )Vhel.a~;Th.is .was _later ... prov.ed ,false. .~'Thou :~' sbalt ''!9t--:. ~ave .~-jstJ:ange-.;::· Carolyn, ..B. Manning, :past .Na-" ':Scotti "Hostesses·"" Aillie "-Morri~'> ,.:. 'Jr.,. .. :~recording: .'secr-etary; .' ·Mr~ . .".-, To . go. back to '~ .thec~rrent 'gods before' Me:!'.. ';,This ,,;ci'false" ii~nal 'I\egent of. die" ·Daughters .. sey, . becoration~; . Joyi:eRi>UI, ~ '. &lan·d .. F. Mathieu, correspond;- ....main letter: W.e ·~re·tol'd to'cOPY; ·.gQd"apPear* in the f~rm of •. " of Isabella 'and Mrs. . Ernest El,lt'ertainmerit,. al'i4 .'.' '~tge,.jrig,·secretary;:Mrs...Thom~B. 1\

,it,','insert'oiJr: name-at the· bot- >leiter: '.. .' ·;.':>;'c·; ..,. Letendie,'Regent ·ofHYacinih:'eomrhittee.· .. ~rry,p'eastirei' ..tom, cross' off·the··top name ,"but' ".Break, the. cbairi"";and your . ·Circle· No.'. 'n,' as well as Miss .; ... :-

' .. remember.' it"" send the 'original "good luck:' 'wiU'~i>m';:not "on Martha A. DO\,lglas;·.Director 'of ---'"!'"!'~"!"'-_...._~~---.;.....---~--.-....;.'------....badly battered copy arid four . the fourth Aay':/but" ;~ily as the Junior Circle andMilis Fran_:OAUGHTERS OF..ST; PAUL

· other copies ·to friends. whom ....He. will direct' thy pa'th:t,..'-•.:.,·",·r.': ·ces·· Silv.eira,co·un·selor. Other .. Iavi" ·you... ·.i,I., /14-231 ~ .labor ' ; ..'we would' wish .good luck. . . ,In other words, .take a~chairi;., .counselors are Mrs. '. Wili'ianiCh,iat'i ira.1 vi".y~'d cil .an. Ap"'~tI4!.ef' ... . ' 'Come the' ominous';'examples: break! .. '.'.,.. , . .Rogers, 'Mrs. Richard Manning, Editio....:· Prell. Radio, MoviesalHlTele-'.. '. . .. . .. ~~)Ii, '. With· the...moder'; ",_ft., ~ ~:. general whl!. "received $17,000 ",-- Jr. and Mrs. Edgar A. F. Langis: .isiion~;y 'Silte" bring Cl"ist·•.Docin .three.'daYs· '8fter receiving it :.Final· Cana.Conferencf! Entertainment included vocal te ciII, ,egis;dlel' af ,eice.colOr '., __: ..:(the'p~ayer), another '. gemir~l' . . solos by Misses 'Joyce Dickens' . Fer htformatian write tel ... ..who· r~ceived$8;000 but '.'lost it At Somerset·Sunday' .. 'and Joyce Strong accompanifxI h!;" . REV..MOTHER SUPERIOI ...because he broke,the chain." cThefourth Cana 'Gonference,- ·by ·Miss 'Joyce Rolli and accor- . .~•. SO ST. ·I'AUL'S AVE, BOSTON 30. MASS.'

A~ait Fourth Day , last of the present series;'wiU' be . dion. selections by Mis~. Nancy· . Looks as; though geHerals··inheld at the Somerset. To.wn Hall' . Rolli. Members of·the Sewing'the Army hav.e ,as' much trouble at 8' P .. M.--SuiJdlly sponsored by Class whO modeled clothing they.· hanging onto.-~ their thousands the Somerset: Catholic Women's:had Jrtade: under the supervi-'·as· ~e d~' with our' smaller Club.. . . .sion of-Miss. Silveira were Misses':monies, We seriously doubt if The 'married,cou"ples:will he;ir Susan GaZdik, Patiiciil Regis,· the .holding or losing of such an explanation of the 'nec'essary ,Martha and Ellen Roche, Nancysums had < anything to do with qualities' for unitY- between hus-;their writing out this drivel and· band and wife from the' natural· Neighbors' -Nigl)t:plaguing their friends ""ith it. . and supernatural .viewpoint. .Hyacinth. Circle No, 71, New

Conference under the Dioce- Bedford Daugliters .of Isabella,'San-Family I;if~ Bureau:will'be will participate in Neighbors'"conducted by ·Rev.· AntIiony M:'·· ,Night' .Tuesda~', May 26, atGomes of SantO"Christo Church Moose Hall. Miss Evelyn Hen.­and \ Rev> R~ginald :M. Barrette dricks was installed as Secondof St. 'Roch's 'Church, both' of Guide. at -ibe business meeting.

.Fall River. The conference willconclude with a"question periodand a social hou'r,

All married co~ples,'of thearea are invited tOo.attend.



Hyannis 2921

...,. So~;lDart~h;, Clnd <Hypnnis

.; $~ :Oart'"o~WY7.93U

- .. J·.S··'··'··.···.·(UM8ER ·"CO~;",

,... 'AU.BERIIN·E i .<,

",Funeiraf. ':Home:',, ',' ;;;' :',,'; ',. :: ';ll , "r .'.,' ':;.' ( • ; ,,: •• :':J"

<.; ,~..leJ'I <Aupertine Brp.,,gh.,,...\ .. ' ,Owner. and_ ,Diree\Ol'. .';'

',.~~ious:PCI-.ki~g~'".. wy' 2~2cjS7'" ...' ,,~

,:ii9 Allen sc. . "..';w!Bedtord


Radio TV NeedCathoHc Womeh

FORT LAUDERDALE (NC)­catholic women wri-tersan'd art­i~ are urgently needed in radioand television.. ,. Mary Harris, director of pro­

gram service for McCann-Erick­son; Inc., New 'Xork; told ,thefirst convention·of the MiamiDiocesan Council .of Catholic '­Women, that ·Catholic womenare needed to offset· the delugeof material. ,frDm 'contributors"who' believ.e in" the wrongthings, .or v..orse yet, won't be-

·lievein ah"ythingat all." ,· TheCdtholic 'vlarrian, MissHarris' said, brings .to her job"the:' ide~tical 'set" of valueswhi<:h ·,she'wouid use i~·. the

· insurahcebusiness,departnlent· store,"or lmrsing 'P~ofession," an'd· she -uses them "in exactly the ..same~ay, in personal contaCtor conduCt, in ocCupation ethics

· and in time -.fcl'isis or disaster."Miss 'Harris said theCathoHcwoman .meets her competition'e:tn ·its own terms,' tNes 19 give'Se~ndal 'fo' no one, and makesher beliefs manifest' withOuttrYing:

'Attleboro C6u'nci1' p'!ans, " " ,

Golden Ju,bHee, Mass, Member's of' Ceuqcii' . J ~~nl1e'd'Arc No.' '263 of. VUnionS.t.Jean BaptiSte' d'Ameriq~ewm'ceiebrafe the group's~Oth arlni­,\ier'sai'y at a solemn 'Hlgl;l'¥~~sscheduled" fbfiO:30 5th-idilymorning,JdiIe'14 at:St: JOSep'b:'s'Church; Attleboro. ; .." . ' . ':',.;...., ..-'. .,. ', ... " .: ,:.' ., ',' .;. ~\,.

. Th'e MaSs wiU be foUowe.d~,.

· ~'~aP9-u~t.i'; ~~,pa.ri:!;~. h~.~l!., tobe' addI\essed 'by J: H-enri.. G.o­guen, president of i,/Qnion:'Sl~~<!p.: ~fp.ti~te~<l.. ·..f~e.ntlyPllin~ lo{~.Sjiat;hus~tts ,POlIllY~s~()~er, of: ~u1:?.l~c ~ety~ .' .. '

·~~ ....1'lliI,;L-.-. ~.._, THE ~MafOR - . '9.lhurs., May '21, J 959


'"", .


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. , \O.5borne 3-77-80( .,'.



.CAMP·.lAVIGERIEon 'Lake Kushaqua,'N~w York

. _'Conducted by The White Fathers'.. _ Competent, Professional Djrection .

· - . . . if,he Only Catholic Boys' Camp

~". ' .. ~~~) (~ge9 to· 15)~n the '8eautif.UI. A.dirond.. acks

· . ~ '''.oneerCamplng -Crafts - Water Sports," 'SEASON: ;lUNE 27 • AUGUST 29

_ _ . $45 Week-Also Seclsonal Rate--~ for Information WriteWhite Fathel's, Onchiota, 'NewYork

. ae8ldentbll ..:.... 'Commeretaa .· . . indUstrial..

633·8roadway. FalIRiYtw. .· . OS 3-1691


Tel.' MY ;81t·"· ',;, '••




South .•:


BROOKLAWN·PHARMACY.J~ph ·A..·Charpentier

. . Reg ·Pharmfa WV 6-0772



,Falmouth'D oflMembers of Falmouth Circle,

Daughters of Isabella, will at­-tend 'a Neighbors Night observ­ance Tuesday, May 26, in New:Bedford and will also berepre­serited at' a retreat:to stawt to­morrow at the DiOCesan RetreatHouse,.' Lakeville.

-.> '. ~;,.~,.: .;.r: -, ':;.. ,';:",

.~w· Offi~1'$ .. EIected;

The~ Pa~ish Parade

Add -to Campus.:: .' Salve Regina College will. soon .;add a five a<:re estate ·to its cam­

::pus. The former MoultOn 'prop-erty, at Bellevue and Ruggles

· Avenues, Newport, it includes'• 45 room Georgian style house

·iand landscaped .grounds.To. be'Damed . Queen' . Hall,the new

"addition will 'be •. ;student 'r'Csi-deDu&; ,,, ..

.; NOTRE DAME,·FALL 'RIVER, The Wom~n's Guild will holda cake and candy 'saleat R. A.McWhirr Company :from 9:30 to ,5 Saturday, ·Ma.r %3, to benefitthe bowling team. The regularmonthly meeting will.be held at7:45 Monday evening, May 25, in \Je·sus· Mary Academy audito­rium. !twill be ,preceded at'1:30 by the ro~r:y recited .at the

· grotto in Jesus 'Mary conventgarden. Rev. Gerard Boisvert,

· guild moderatox;, will' also be;speaker of the evening.: Mrs. Albert· Lechance" ~d,

':Miss Blanche Lambert ,are co-':ehairmen.


The ~ilgrimage to the.- LaSal- The following were' elected 01_ette Shrine in Attleboro' will ficers at 'an organization meet-

· leave from the Church tonight iog of the CYO:· at 7' o'clock under the directic;m Paul Martin, president; Jean

of Roland Tondreault. . Caron, vice-president; Susan.' . . " Landry, secretary; Paul BerUbe,

The Ladies of st. Anne's treasurer.Sodality' will sponsor a SprillgFashion Revue Tues·day.....evlmh'lg Rev. Rene. R. Levesque ·is· mod.at 8:30 in the Parish Hall: :Mrs.erator. Adult' advisors' are AI­Lionel Lallier is_ chairlady. of bert Talbot, Edmond .Vidal;Mrs.

, Armand . Theroux. and . Mrs.the event. The' entertainment·.. ., , d I b' El .. " nd Oscar,cPhenix. .wIn indu e so os y'. ame a The" . Council of Catholic .

Pauline Ringuette with Lillian Women will hold a public May_,Labrie as· accompanist.- . basket whist at 7:30' Sa'tUrday

ST. :JOHN' THE BAPTIST.. evening, May 23, in the parish· NEW BEDFORD hall. A mystery ride IS ptanned' .

. The' Women's Guild wil1.'>serve _ fo~ ~onday, June 8,. with Mrs:. a. bam and.bean, supperjn·,:the WIlham Bell as' chaIrman..

.' Parish ·Hall.Saturday·eveQ.ing ·at ST. ANTHONY'S;5~30 under the' chairmanship :of MATTAPOISETTMrs. AiIgust"Avila. ,. '., Rosary and Altar Society~.for

",lVIrs.·'L·ewis Mc,Donald, .chai,r- the. coming year are Mrs.COil_.'man has.am10unc~d.thata public stance. Kubiski, president; Mrs. . .

whist w'ul fqilow the s4Pper at Virginia. Carvalho" vice~presi- -:- .: NCCY~ORATORYWINNERS: "The Teaching MIssion:8 o'clock'. . dent; Mrs: 'Mary Hales, secre-6f the Catholic Chureh'! was the topic of the fifth nationalST. JOSEP'H'S, ·tary; Mrs. Betty Burns, treas- . I' d b th N t' Ie '1 f

. urer.. Mrs. Murray DeCoffe was" orlltOrt.ca . contest .sponsore ! ,e. a IOna .. ouncI.O·FALL' RIVERchajrm~rC..of....the bominating :Cathohc. Yollth, DlOcesan Section.•PICtured WIth trophIesMore than 100 'patishioners Ihave signed up for the Polio .committee. are firstplace'wiimers, JosephWoeIfe; from Diocese ofClinic to be conducted. in the ,.F,inal ~ctivityof the season• Buffalo, and Micheie'Metrinko of the ArChdiocese of. Ne:w

· SChool Thursday 'night; ··.lI4,ay ,28; will i)e, a~nq~et Wednesd~y, Y:ork,NC Photo; .. . . . June 10, at the SlIver Gull, wIth· _ '. . , ..,:Ptefeg,istrati9? peri<;>d l\asbe~n . ',' . l' .' tc ' ,'. . . ..

closed. O~edqctor.and... ,$.x ,:'~~iJ;~~~;::or ~~v~~no~i..a~_;Ap· .plicoli0ns 't.O 'Adop'e Waifs:nurses will be present for' the

i~je.ctions..,. 1."" :~~~::a~;.~:~~~yasa~~:~ Swamps ,Holy' GhilClho6d:.-Office ,"'1'

ST. DOM~IC~S,., . " ST. HYACINTH'S. PITTSBURGH (NC) - Appli-haS81ways be'enthe most pop-SWANSEA...:,,\ , ,. NEW BEDFORD . . ··Cationswritten injuvenile hands ular choice, even if the youfJ.g-

.... : The W:omen!s GUi1<i,:Installa- St. Anne's 'Sodality will hold are flowing into the headquar-'sters ,toaa'y lik~ tomak~ it firiCYtion"BanqUetwilLbeJleld.",at a commgnion breakfast follow..; .·ters.·pf the Pontifical Association ti:: ea~ni(if ,Marilynn." c."

7:30;. Wedmesday· evening; Jqne ing9 o'clock Mass Sunday, .June of the Holy C~ildhood d~ring '. \'~xpec't Incre,~' '.' ..16. -Xhose' to ..~ ,; install~;;~~: .'14: Ari"out'ihg"a:nd'clainbak~are1tsaiuitial ~adoption 'c~rripaign,:tast year the meiiiber~ IiIf..tbe

"Miss Jane Borden, pres~q~nt;. scheduled for July;;" ;.,:.,"" >'-acepfCli'iig 't(; Msgr,A~gi.Ist\iso.l:rQly<;bHdhood, 4s~ci3ti.Qn

~:~t·;':·~~:.~M:::~s2~r~~e,T::::~:ST."~OSEPil~s~'" .';" ".,;. Reibi~, ·th~dir~~tor.· ," . ;·~~f!:.?~sgU;~~itli~~: ~~~l~~'tal'Y, and Mrs.," Alice.~P~hecQ, 'ATTLEBORO. >c' • . . • ,The association,made up. of that thisyeat's 'ntirriber' will be'

",' Ladies '0f"Ste.'AnneS6d~.Iity·· youngsters under the: "age 'of '13, ;""";"a""'r.· ." ":" .. "'~' ... "'..".'.treasurer..'..;, .', . . ... ,.. LC •

The'nexf regular meeting,.Will ,)lave: lCle9ted the,fol10w.~ng,of- ,splirs:a·driveduring. May of "It's because 6f th~ sympathy. "'I'Cers' for' the coml'ng year" each ,year· for· 'it.s·· ·mettlbe. r8 ·,to .....f· ... "';'er'I'ca"'O '-'''-I'Id'r'e'n for. the'be" held-' orf Monday" evenlllg, "'.. . '+'.... .,.. • ..n.. . ...~. en

· . Mrs Rom~o Ml'chel cnresl·dent· .pray for.·the.mission.s .:and .to l'I'ttle ones I'n communl'st m""1'.1'-'.';June 15':' The ·meetings will .con- '.' '., . ,.,,' .. ' .' ,:..... . , ~Mrs' ·FranciS· Tetrault· f;~' VI'~ ·'.sacr.ifice sp"errdingf

. money,··:·;jn ·'~.··'a'tAd· I·a'.'n'd:s', 'w'b.o··a·r··e 'b~I"ng' 1..I·ed'Hnue "througnouf·the··· summer ;,;.... ... ,.,',' """~ ..." ....- ... '"',. '•. nT'..es,.i.d·.en.t.,:. M.r:.s.•..·Wilfr:i<;lJoube.r.t, ·ollder: to· eon.trihute, to the care 'a'w··a"y fro'm Christ,n"he exp··lain.ed.m:oriths.·' ..,. .. . ..c.:· "';':. . ¥'. .

'.""" ., ,. ,,'." , .~cl;l_n~~ic('!-preiM~I1J;,Mr:s; I.e\>- and shelter:'o£ a~andon.edchild- . ;"Inadditibh toJohn1ind'Yary,.ST.~OHN: THEJM.PTIS;t\ ".pqld 'r~rcoHe,.; se~reUir,y, .ap.d . ren° in. the mission'fields;W:iththenarnes choseh by tile Arner':'CE!'l'J'R~L VI~LAG~......; ",_. ~r:ll .. J\llien"j Forget;" tr~surer. .. .each: contributionfor,~re, theicahchildrell' ofieriindude.~id~

A rummage saleJwlU' be,p~ld Members 'wili maketheir··ap_~ffosterparimt·1.maychoose the dIe. names-often the niiIil~~ offrom 10 A. M. ~o 4 P.,¥. Sat~- .nual· pilgrimage to Our Lady of '·baptismal,name to' be'''conferred ;''th~ir ptlpular hEiroeS. in~er­

,day in the parish hall. Ladies' _ th~' ~mi!~..Shrine, . Pitts,field, con the' pa'gan:~abY;.., ,:.,," .. ! ';icm history" or ill the. movies"orG 'ld' "1\' .' Mrs David' N';H·.;'Sunday 'June !J·•.. ".iM~gr:~Re'itlin·'said·thisyeir\~.:'fhe~otnics;-Msgr.ReitapSa(iJ"

.' ~~~.~:£~~~~~:~t.:··,:CX~:n~eb:.ie~~,.;·~ ::t.~.~~;:~...~~~.~ ;:_::.'".:"~~:' "::'" ·~Wci7n:afh~e~~.p~~~.:~~~~. ~~H~ ~~,t:::: ~;s,i~~iu~;'~~hemI:~:~· A d be' f d ca ba"e . . '. ., "Cat~log'ing"thenames.... ...... '." "may one day' encounter' 'lD_ .. : corJ1e " e,:a~. .' . """ . Tne':a,linua1 'surrllne'rtair'-will '" .:supper, will be ~rved;1,~ the.baij,. "beMld" Thu'l'sday,·. July 16"un- " .:~,This ·.'ye~rUi~:r~ ,~~ to .be :1.~C:tt:~~~~i~::t~v,e J6t:: ~ednesday:, ..May: 2'7, Wltb,A!.erv.,.., '!ler sPrifu.orship'o.{ f>acred'IIeart !)agr,eat demandfoz:the name of Abraham Linco.4l. Lolle. Ranger: mgs at 5:3.Q and· 7',p.·M,.,A May '"(~\lild···;:with:i'ssistance . of: the ..,John-,-undou1>tedly because" .ofZahlitma." '" .

. :: ~iid:y',~~~~b,e29~e;~ '~~~~-~:h~i "f:~~i~:at:ak~t:~~i~l~'~:td .;:~h:~!. ~~~:;'~:a:I~:7::~~~' .,;Hall, Sodo~" Road~ wJ,:~h -Mrs.· for. fi~st ~communicants Sunday"gir,Jb~bies;-thenam~.ofMary ·AIM£... p'·E.I.,'.If·

l· r.I.'E.R.:I

.:Cla~ence Klrb,y c?aIrman~ . .MaY.31. " .•:: FIrst CommuOlon class will, "Salve Regi~a A~nouri~es: receive at. the. 9. o'cl!>Ck Ma.ss ST. ELIZABETH'S,; Sunday. Breakfast will be ~rved FALLRIVER •CotTtm~ncemEmtJilans •· in the parish haIl for the chil- ' A penny sale will be held at ~'. "Com~encementactiV~ties'~rt: dren, and their parents. 7:30 Saturday evening, June 6, tomorrow. afternoon 'at . Saive·b...· the' Women;s Guild in th.e '

ST MARY'S I Regina College, Newport, with' . '.. parish hall. Mrs. Alice Oliveira· MANSFIELD 'lB' 'w' 'charge Gf arran"ements. 'class day. exercises sched,uled

TW~ hundred attended the .... at .~~... ". .: , ..• ..;closing .. banquet of. the Catho!ic '·:10 Salette Pilgrimage A tea bonoringgraduateswill:Women's Club, at which 'Very be held at 3 Sunday afte~noon,· Rev. Roger Quilty; c.s,c."supe..ForFive Thousand May. 24,by the College Guild.· rior of the 'Holy Cross'seminary, Massachusetts, Connecticut and A ' day of. recollection,1011owed· North East~n,. spoke. . . Rhode . I~land, members of the by a .senior-sophomore supper,

Assumption Society will be rep- is set for Wednesday, May.27.·resented at a' pilgrimage to La The' commencement ball winSalette Shrine at 3 Sunday be held Friday ~vening,May 29after~oon. Qand Baccalaureate Sunday 'will

Ceremonies will includeros- begin with an n o'clock Mass,ary proceSsion, way of the cross, followed at 12:30 ,bY'dinnerfor'serman, blessing of the sick, out- gradu~tElfl and parents.deor Benediction and .blessing of .automobiles. - Five thousand· are 'Bishop Russell ..1: McVinneyexpected to ~articipate: of Providence will. preside at 3

o'cl.ock commencement exercisesMonday afternoon, June 1, with·,Dr. J'ohn D. Donovan, head 'of·the department of 'sociology,Boston ·College Graduate School,as chief speaker.


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HOLY CROSS.FATHER~North Easton, Massachusetts .(Enclose this ad with request) IG)

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Priest-Teacher Hoine Missio';erForeign Missionary Parish Priest

::'MJS$IQNA'RY SO~IETY.. " .. of_' ,

'STe ..JAMES··· TH·.E •APOSTL'EFounded in 1958 by Cardinal Cl:I~hing

. I ' ~ , .


. As of Sept~mber'His Eminenc.e':"'ill accept stud~nts to st~dy~for the priestho6d' as members of The Missionary SoCiety'·

. of St, Ja'mes the Apostfe' . ,

RT. REV. EDWARD F. SWEENEY, ,:,.j; ..1 ".. ' ... '

,49.,Frankfin .Street•.. ,;,;. .' .' ,",oston'.,10; Ma~·.

WHAT ARE 'YOU' WORKING .FORl,, - - - .. WEALTH? .HONOR?$ECURITY?:~'. The 'Capuchin' Irothers ,are ";;'orking for "0 h~nd,ed"'·fol~· ,,!nd life everlalting." ,,' ,:' .. : 'find -,"cippin~.. ""';'i"9' God~er. ;ond ioi-'fohrilJll

' ..MiS5,i~I.. ,as 's~~i,~~'" '~techist, ·infir","arian" oHice :worker. gardener, chef, tailor, doorkeeper, co,........

. 'ler, ,·...ctricia~~· 'mciint,.,nonce MOft, ·etc.~ . ; \.,YouQg'·me.. betw_ l8··and 35 interested No joini ··llieCapuchin,.Brothers .to·.·wark: for Christ .",;,it•• · ··

REV~. FR. ~~ARD, •. O:F.M. Cap.St~'.Law;ence Friary, 175: :Milton ~t.· "

,,' ...~,~~~~~~~~~~·~M;i~lt~o~n..8~6:;;,:.·;;M~a;:;";;a~c~h;;us;:e~"~s:-~""'~

Rite ChipsAsk.. For Thfun·'.Toda., ",

•:'. ". '.!..y ,.... ~ ,':.,' ... ':.'


DIOCI!et!, Of". ,.ALL "'YIEII •. MAtMt•. · .. '

';1 10 -'THE ANCHOR'• ·Thurs., May 21, 195'·

Bishop Sh~en:

Plans Book'ROME (NC)--'::Auxiliary Bish­

op Fulton J. Sheen of New York· revealed: here he is working ona new. book - a photographic

· tour of Rome. .

The Bishop, who is' here forthe annual meeting. of 'national

- directors of the Society for thePropagation' of the Faith, said'

· that in' the book he will bedepicted showing the .shrines ofRome t6his ~nine-year-oldnephew, Jerome F. Cunningham,

. . . III. ·The.photographs are, being

AT, SEMINARY DEDICATION: l\Yenty-fourarch-,' ta.ken by 0 Yo~s~f Karsh ..'~.bishops and bishops attended 'the dedication' 'of the $3500 _. Ottawa,. andBntl,~h~ t~~,::el . a!cl­000 'sf T'h .'. . . ...... .. :.,. ..1 ". thor H. V. Morton· IS wntmg the

. . .om~s·th~ .Apost~elV1aJOr Semmary, ay :I~enm.or~, ';coo;mEmtary. . .Wash.. ,. mcludmg HIS. Emmence,'. James .FranCIS Cardinal I't' . M' K '.. ','MIt' (' t) . L' ..' . . '.. . . . . , '. . was r. arsh who did the

'. c '!-. yre . cen er of oS/Angeles,:·.Archbu;hopThomas A . photography of BishOp SheenConnolly of. Seattle (left) and Archbishop. Edward D.. · ·for the book "This is the Mass.;'Howard.of Portland.' NC. Photo.' . Jerome Cunningham' app~'ared

. . '.' in '. the book' as the Bishop'•server.

'Appedl"Gift~;COlltiilOed 'rompa~.e· Seven, .

New BedfordST. LAWRENCE'

$1,000Most Rev. James J. Gerrard,

D.D., V.G.



" ::

.. ~"{" .,


.;.':-,',., "'",

~ ". :


~~~gar~t ': JohnsOrl;·Mt. & :,Mrs;..,"George, Kate~' ':Winifred'" Keri~·..eally...· 0

Mr. & Mrs. ,An~ew Keimedy,. Mr'. & Mrs.' John :Kling, francis.Lafferty, Mr. & Mrs;JohnF.Lally, Nora Leary.' . ,

Mr. & Mrs. Peter Lemos, Mr.& Mrs. W. Litchtenmayer, Mrs.

$100 Gharles. Lubker, Mr. ·&Mrs.A Friend, Mr. & Mrs.'T. Ma- Joseph MacFarland, MaryC.

honey, A Fdend. MacFarlane.$75 Mr.W. MacFarlane, Mr. &

R J h J M h . Mrs. Frank Mahon, . Mr. & Mrs.. ev. 0 n . urp y, .Rev. . ."Arthur K. Wingate.' .John J. Malone, Mr. &. Mrs.

$50 . Paul·Malone,. Hugh. McCue.Rev. Justin J ..(Quinn; Mr. & .Mr. & Mrs..M. McGrath, Mr.

Mrs.. Jeremiah J. Kelleher, MI'. & Mrs. Ej K. McIntyre, Mr. && Mrs. P.Saunders, Mrs: Pem- Mrs. R. Molieo, Mr & Mrs. Emile .berton Nye. . . , Monfiis; Helen Moore.

'. •$42 . In memory of J. Edward· &:.Johll N. PoweU. .FlorenceE.---Moore,. In memory

, ..\ of Mr. & Mrs. 'John P~ Moore;,$30 '" ,

. '. :Neil C.' Fit~ge.ra~d,.JohnB~' Mr.. & Mrs. C. Morse, Mr. &'. Shea"Mr..~ Mr~. JphnKenney,. !VIi's. FrancisJ.Muidoon: Mr. &

Kr.. & :M'rs.R. Richards;·, ,.' :;Mrs,: L~wl,'ence.MullaneY. ." The Burke Family.. ': ,., " .Mr. & Mrs. J. Newby, Mr. &

. :, '., $Z~'" '. . . Mo,rBs.·... A.~ H' ~unes'L ,. Eoli~Ba~ethElizabeth Cassidy, Mary' Dow- . pen, . e,en... rlen,

neY, Anna ·M.. Driscoll,' Mr.··& James: J;. O'Brien Jr.,Mrs;E.Harrington·,AnnaMeade.' 'Mary T. O'Brien; Mr. & Mrs.

Mr & Mrs M' J Norton & W. O'Brien;' Mr. & Mrs: C.'. , '. . , ..' - O'Leary,. Gayle' P,a.radis, Dor-· Family, Helen &. Elizabeth '

· O'Connor, Mr. & Mrs. Thomas .~o!hy:..A.Peers. . Lawrence Lamarre, Mr .. & Mrs. Joseph Phelan, Mr: & Mrs.Osborne, Mr. & 'Mrs. Charles . Mr.&..Mrs. Zigmond .Peret, C. Lanagan. . 'Louis Roy, Mr., &¥rs. Ralph BO'st'o'" C'ollege Head. M' . . Mrs. Hannah Reilly, Mr. & Mrs. Timothy LawlOr, Mr; & Mrs. Royer. '. . .'Phelan, r.& Mrs. ·P. E.Tripp. . ,

Mr. & Mrs. john' J. Dunn, Mr. R.Rivet, Mr. & Mrs~ Adolphe .A. Levesque; Mrs. Alice Lynch, Mr. &.Mrs. Ha'rold Sherbino, ..Hit.s L.oyalty Pled.ge.. '~ Mrs. JR Kiermib, Mr & Mrs. Plante, ... Mr. & Mrs. George Mr. & Mrs. R<;>bert Makin, Mr. & Mr. & Mrs. HSmith, Clara T.~. ,Page, Mrs;. Edith Smith.. . Ponte: . Mrs. ',Thomas MallarkY;SmHh, Mrs. Mary Warr,' Mr. & WASHINGTON'(NC) .~. A-n

Mr. V. Brimley & Family. GertrudeIi.'Boyle, Lena Cant:. .' Mr. & Mrs. E.,L. Manley, Mr'. ".Mrs. William: Whelan..· . affidavit required' uncier the'. $24' . '. well,Mrs. Anastasia ,Davis,Ann & Mrs.' JosE;ph McAvoy, Mr. llt Isabelle :·E. SUllivan,Jos~ph National Defense Edu~ation Act

.Mrs. Stella Cauette. Downey, Mary Downey. Mrs. E .. McCann, Dora McCar- Sulliy'an, Mary L. ,.Sullivan, ·Mr. for students who receive' loans,$22 MarY·Doyle,¥~s. ·John J: thy, .Helen C: .McCarthy... : & Mrs'-·J. Theodore,Mr. &·Mrs. grants an.d stipends under its

Mr. & Mrs. Benjamin DePiro: Finni, Mr. & Mrs: Thomas\Foye, Kathryn R. McCarthy, Mr. &' Merton'Walker.' provisions; 'is '''unnecessary and$20 . . Mr: &; Mrs. Ernest :G8QZ, ,Mr. & Mrs.. W. K. ·.Mc?onald, Mr. &: ,.' Mr.-& Mrs.P~t~rW.ilrd,Mary inappropriate."

Mrs. Alan Campbell .Mr. & Mrs.M. Griffith's.. '. Mrs., J. McGmnls & Jean, Mr. ·T.· Winsper, Mrs:' . Kathleen. . "The patriotism,. loyalty and.,:Mrs. Edward Ry·an. ". ';: .,;:.. Mr,.'&·Mrs;··Owen Hackett, &. ·.Mrs. A.~cMullen,Mr.,.& ,.'Zwi.ers, Mr..'& Mrs: Jo!m:Zygiel". integrity, of our students in'. our.. ~Mt.s.·. ~atherine BudkieY.i '.Mr: ,¥r. &:Mrs; '!~hn ,Harney, Mr, & .Mrs...J. J.I.1c.QUlI~an& F~milY.. Mr.~, :!\Irs..Bradl~y Tabei:'.., . colleges and universities are, a&, Mrs. ,R.:Ford; .. Mr.:·&:,Mrs.. : Mrs; M: FI3yes; Mt:&'Mrs. Wil- .'. Joseph Megglson,Ohve Meg- .. "IreneAceiilo' Mrs. Helen' Aus- ·matter~i'pu.blic:knoW:l~dge,.andNelson Dumaine ·Gertrtuje.Glea::,·:li~m Kasi>er;:Mr.<~Mrs. p;' . ,.gison, Mr.: & ).\1;rs.·R. -MeggiSon;' . ~in, Margaret 'A-ustin, Mr~&; Mrs. their p'osiiiy~ allegiance'a:, i:nat-

." lIOn Mary ,Glea;on:. . .. .,.. , . Kuszyckii . ..' . .. Alice Murphy, Bernard Muq)hy'. James Aylwal-d', Mrs~' Mary E. ter ofpublic ·pride arui confi-, . ···.Mr: &'Mrs.,WiilisG~odwiri.'. Faith";Leahy','William, Leahy, , Helen. \.¥urph~, ' Mrs. Rita Bannon.';"'; . .~ .c· ".,. .,dence,'~.declaredFatherMich~ei.. ~ 'Mary A: Ktmn~aliy:·.Mr:'&.M~~:-- ,.·.M(·~':.Mrs:T):io~as:·!;.Loilg;'Murfl~y,:¥r;.&>·Mrs: F'ra:nc,~~.)I:;" ••.Mr~; & Mrs. 'W:iliia~ :Barte~, ;P,; Waish;'. ~.J., presidept:.if

" .. ' >"Yilliaril ~iJ:lg;Vict~r·.T.,:Kond,i;/.EdmUnd'.Luby,Jo""n-!:.LubY:·',: Murray;.~r..& Mrs. William ,,~·Mr.'& Mrs.. H: llishop, Mr.. ·& Bo$tori. College.· .. ....::.•... ·'i·; ~r. &f .Mrs: John 0'RourK~. ' :, '"Mr.l&' !\i~s.. W.. M~I~y,.'Mr...~ ~Urrai, Mr. ~ Mrs,' Aro:e,J:'ico ;Mi-s.. ,Fergli~· B8Itoh; Anp:a "M: ,.., "

:.': ".-, .::l4:r..' ·~~~r!l(jaine~.~oin~skei; .. ,¥is. J:; Mallpi!,lg~: Marg~~et 'Man;'; OlivaL.. ' .' ,. ... .' .' . Brady" Mr:',~"Mrs.' ~. ·:Biittilm.. ,r--~,,!"!.~,..--....--....",!,,,~.-;.-,.! • , . :.r,.;&;¥r.~ .. John. Dilxbury, ·The·: .. nmg, L017tta Mee;;Mr.:&:,~rll. . Mr, &, Mrs:' .rames ·O'Neil,.·~r.,I.,.• ; ":. Turn ito .p32'~ Elnell" ..,:'; , :~: .·:·T:..r·.•in.'·.et·..0'.···,.··o'·n .. _ '.. . .:,'MisSes HanIiigan,Mr.. E; i.Har:' " Jqseph'¥~llo..· ..... '. .'& Mrs"Th!>mas Parker Jr., Mrs. .'';'" .:,' " . ~,.. < ..,~ .. r~9gton5.J,r·:;":G·e~rg~·.#ar~irig~6.~.·: ~~, ~ Mrs,'Frank pe~rYf~rs. I John Patten, Mr. & ,Mrs. Jam~s , .. ' .... Shrln~ t~ Open; :,. ". 'F"'ot":h'e'",,'5',., .: .:.

~'" ,~. ,.,' ...'. Mrs:.' Catherine., B:ay~s,Mr:,& "ghdlP 'Pr()c~er; Mr..·&Mrs.·A'. ·Payne ,Mr. & Mrs. A. S, Peder-.'. '.: ISLE LA.'MOTTE" (NC),TheJ ,:'~, ., • ,: ,Mrs:EdwardLopeS'M'r:&i: Mrs: .;Sanfo·~;··:Mr; ~&;.·Mrs. W;Silva, .~n:/· , . , " . "famous shrine' of ·St. Anne here :.,', ""'" ,:.' .; ". ..... ! ".{

.,.:,:"i>C.HeSford,F~~nces·;M~her ; Joseph'D: Toomey.' I .,', ,Mr.. ~ )\{is:~.J.' Pier~e, Mr. &' 'wiU be'Qpened foith~' 'se'asori on '.' ,BOYS ,WANTED . for the" . :', .' M~:&·.Mrs.Francis'MahoneY.:~ .:Mt;, &;. Mrs:· Sylvester' Ver- \ Mrs. August.us p;on~e..& Beverly, • M~y :'30, it,has been annQunced. .Pri~sthood 'and Brotherhood:. ;."

i..:' '4r~ & Mrs. John.'Mcinlgh; .M~, .ceil(;)h.e; ~lizabe~~'Wiikinson, c' Mrs.M~ry .E•• Re~nolds,. Mrs. The','shriIie: is"onthe. site of the Laclc ;ot: fundaNO imp,di.:"'.Mrs. R: 'A. McIntyre, ,Mr. '&.' Maryytilkiilson.'., ." .. ~ry' Rlbelro~ Mr~ & Mrs. J"firstW'h'ite'iettlement inVer- ment; .'. .~Mrs. Peter . Moran . Mrs.,·Cath:'. Kathleen Roche, Mr...&··Mrs. RIvet. '~ •. ", ! .." "m'ont; ~here in 1666 the first ..erine L: Ray~ond:Richard p.·J..~lie·Rose,"Mrs.. T:' Rushton,- "Mrs. An!?-ie,.Rode:riCk,Mr. & Mass was'offered and in' 1668

" Regan & Helen. < Clayton Russell, 'Mr..cllt Mrs. Mrs; Kenneth Ross, Mr; &. ~rs.Confirmation was. administeredMr. &. Mrs. Dani~l D~yer; Antone .SantOs. . A.· Rutkowski, . Mr. ,& .~rs. J. .for the first tinie on· Vermont'

Paul & M~rion Keane, Mr. & . A:lbertSrriith; Mr:' & Mr~. Am- Ryan, Mr.' &. .Mrs. D. Sciscento. soil.Mrs. Romeo \Langlois, Mr. & brose Smith, Mr. & Mrs: R. D: Susan Shannon, Mr. & Mrs.Mrs. ChaTles Pelezar, O'Malley Smith, Mr; & Mrs. Robert Sulli- Robert. Shea, Theresa Sheehan,Fa~ily, Mrs. Mary Wheaton. van,' Liilian Tablas. Kat.herm: ~he~man, Mr. &. Mrs.

. ' $15 . Mr. & Mrs. Primo Tarini, Mr. EmIle CiprIani. '. ,Lawrence Finni, Mr:& Mrs. F. & Mrs. Elmore Treadup, John F: . Mr. & Mrs. T. W. Clynes, Mr:

Gillin; Margaret M. dog,~in, Mr. Treadup" Nora H. Treadup, Mrs. & Mrs. J. T. Connor, Mr. & Mrs.& Mrs. Victor Turpin.' Sarah Treadup. R. DaRocha, Mr. & Mrs. Charles

. Mr. & Mrs. C. Bramwell,' Mr. Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence Weaver, V!' Deasy, Mr. & Mrs. E. Desro-&, Mrs. George Carignan, Mar- Mrs. Josephine Whelan & Ann, SIers. .garet Downey, Mr: & Mrs. Rich- Mr. &,Mrs. M. Williams, Mr. & Mrs. John Donnelly, Martha

__ ard Fontaine, Edward E, Fitz- Mrs. Peter Ziemba. . Douglas, Ellen Downey, Kath-· gerald.' Mr. & Mrs. Robert Arnett ryn A. Doyle, Agnes Driscoll.

Helen M~ade" Helen Morrison, Mrs. Frances Connelly, Rose &. Mr. & Mrs; Eric Besso, Mr. &~r. & Mrs. Joseph' Smith, Mr. Elizabeth Foster,Raymond Fos- Mrs. C. Burke, Mr. & Mrs: W.

· & Mrs. J;.eoM. Sullivan, Mr. & . ter, Mr. & Mrs. John Lowney. Bruce, Nicholas Butler, Mr. &Mrs. Myron Tdpp.· Beverly A. Hogan, Mrs. Laura Mrs.· Clifton Butts.~

· Mr. ~. Mrs. E. Cormier;. An- Hogan, Jennie McAuley;, Susan Mr, & M~s. R. Carroll; Mr. &,rela :'J: Hayes, Steph~n. Hayes, M.. Kane;· Mr.. & Mrs. William Mrs. .E. Cunningham, .~ames¥r. & Mrs.E: Judge, Mr. & Murray.. ···... " . Fanning,· Mr. & ·;Mrs; GeorgeMrs..Odee· Landry.:· '" Mr: & Mrs~'Wilford Peckham Gaudr:eau',Mr. & Mrs, D<>:nl;lld. Mr. &.I\frs. A:M~deiros;MrS:Mr;--''& Mrs. G .. Roche, pete; J .. Harrington. ',.'"J:dward Murphy, .Mr.l &. ·Mrs.Roch(!Mr. &. Mrs. JohrtRyan Mr. \& Mrs. R "I'. Mat~ieu,:.J9~~;S!8g~r,Mf,~&':Mrl!,:~)I'~Mr: &::Mr~""Leo·Gallagher.. ' . ,}oIrs....Hazel . McCrphan,:' Mi!!ll,,'

,St. Aubin: .. 0 • '. •• Mr.:& -Mts. M:·GuerreiroMr. '•.J:oh~nnaMcCroha.n;Mr.&'.Mril,~~:·...·.l~, . &Mrs.~ Thomas KeIiei/"Mr. ;'&" wmi~m.M:urp'hy',.'~r.'"'&';Mrs.~:·" "~

,:MarY::J:.?a~:;~~:': . ,:, ':.. . '.MM::E&¥:ti~~::~~:·n1/H:. B,~~- .::' .l·'J~.:~~:Ml:~; .. Y(~~:i·~'p~~~~:·~.,·:~r;·~.,~~<·Felix ~ruce, ,~r:-.:. ter';, Teresa Beehari,Mr:' '&'~rll . .'~~r: i;~·.Mr~. .J..~~ters,,;~~Ii~;:~aM~s..~tl.IurBuckley,·.Th()mas,' .,.~..J::B.uckley, ·l4.f&:Mn. M:.: . .'Carney, Mi:':' & Mrs: 1£: Cloutier; F. , Burke;"" Richard 'Burke. . .,: A Delicio~; "'... '

······Kr. & Mrs. William ·Coogan. Mr.·& Mrs.W·. K:<BurkeMr :' " .. ,. Gertrude Gorish; IjelenCorish, &:Mrs, ,Maurice:Burnet't,:Mr. ,&" .' " . Treat

Mr; & Mrs: E . .cusson(Mr. &. Mrs. F:rancis Cairns; Mr. '&~Mrs: ", Mrs. ~dward' Delisle, Mr. & . ~heodore Calnan Mr.· & . Mrs.··.¥r.s~ J.Desrochers. '. J.J. Carr.Jr:·.· '.," "

Mrs.' Cat~erine -<;;: Dia~ond, . Mr. & J1rs. iJ:' .~arrSr.,·Helen Doherty, . ,:Margaret ~o-Mr. & Mrs•. Leo Cassayant, Mr.herty, Stephen Doherty, Thomas '. & .Mrs.. J. Corbett, Mr. & Mrs. '

..' ·Doherty.. ' ...... '. •... Jos",~hborreia, Charles .Finn .BI: .Walter Doherty, Mr;: &.·Mrs. Family... '.' . .' ..

D. Doyle, ·Mrs. Elsie Doyle, Wil-..·J9hn,FinIlell, Ida Fir\rien,Mr.. "liam Doyle,Mrs,' Mary ·Driscoll & J'drS.·\F. J. Foley,.Micha';l ':~ Eileen. Foley, Mr. & Mrs. Angus Gillis.

·Mr. & ·Mrs.' :'E.. c Ennis, Mrs. Mrs." Charles' E. Harrington {.Agnes Esslinger,. Mr. ~'. Mrs. 'Mr; & Mrs. M. Harrington, Mrs: .R.;>laIld· Farland, ,Mr.,:& Mrs. Gladys Hawes;: Mr. & Mrs. Ed­William Fortier; Mr. & Mrs: E. ward Hayes.,Mr.' & lVII'S; J. ·A.Geneste.. Hayes. ,., .....:

Mr. & Mrs. Hugh Gillis, Mrs. Ann . Hooper, Mrs. ErnestineMarcia A. Glenn, Mr. & 'Mrs. KeepiJig, Mr. & Mrs.> CharlesArth~rGreene, Mr. & Mrs. E. . King, Mr. & Mrs. George Kuliga,HarrIngton, Mr. & Mrs. Paul' Mr. & Mrs, A. Lachapelle:

. Healy. . Donald LaIavor Mr. & Mrs.Mr. &i" Mrs. William' Hurri- PitilLiiFcirrest,' 'Mf.·· &. Mrs.

phrey, Cornelius Hurley, Mrs. Maurice LaFrance, Mr. &.Mrs.

I'.• : \'_'.'"

I·•• •••


~olunteers JoinLpy ·'.Mi~ssio·~.~ ryWork Program.

PATE R SON·'(NC)­Twenty-one laymen who willsoon leave tliis country toserve in the Church's for­eign missi9nS have been formal­ly inducted into the Associationfor International' Development.

BIshop James A. McNulty,- ofPaterson presided at the indue­tion. AID, which has headquar­ters in Paterson, is an organiza­tion for, recruiting an~ trainin,lay missionaries.. .

The 21 new members includeboth single JIIleIl and marriedeouples.

In the group U'e five teacher..a building contractQl', a journal­'ili; a social worker, and agricul­tural expert; two credit· uniOllspecialists and, 'among the 'wives,two .nurses. Most new membeNwill serve hi Chile Or ·Mexico.'. ,

Conference Coordina. WASHINGTON (NC)-Msgr.Raymond J. ·Gallagher,. an assist-

,ant director of Catholic Char­ities of the Cleveland diocese.has' been named' Catholic eo­ordinator for the 1961. WhiteConference on the Aging.


THE DA Y IS ALMOST HERE when thousands01 hapP7 refugee children will be lln.i.ed toOur Lord iD 'be Blessed Sacrament rOI lbeyer7 ftrst time. Tbe lives 01 ·tbese poor cbil·dren baye known but little real jo;r. CaD'OU belp tbem k) make First CommunionDa," a lime 01 perfect bappiness. $10 willoutfit a ahUd for First Holy Communion and811 his day with JOY, Can you help ONE'r.hild?

~'lleartBstOlis~ions.'"ANOS CARDINAL SPELLMAN, P,••ieI.... '. . Meet.,et.,. ,....,....... S.c', '


480 Lexington A"e. at 46th St. New Yorte 17~ N. Y.




, "

ST. THERESA'S.$250 ,

Rev. William E. Collard:$120

Ronald Loranger.$100

Confirmation ClasS, WilliamBela·nger.

NEW MISSION POST IN 'BORNEO: Father EugeneW. Lynch, S.M.M. (left) ofJack~nHeight8,N.Y., has beennamed the 'first American' M&ntfortFather assigned to theVicariate of Sintang on the island of Kalimantan (Borneo).The '3,500 sq. mi. Vicariate is the first foreign mission posttobe undertaken by the UnitedSt,ates Province of the Mont­fort Fathers. Father' Cornelius M. Heiligers; S.M.M. (right)Montfort Superior General congratulates Father Lynch.NC PhOto.

MAr IS 1'HE MONTH OF LIFE .• ',. in the beauUlul dan 01Ma, we lief) tbe Iile of the earth begin anew as thougb tbe

world were ,jus. beginning. MIKHAIL andPAULOS wisb lo devote themselvN ...bringing tbe Dew life 01 crace:lo .the soul.01 men. Tbey wisb to ~ priests 10 tbat'through lbeMass aDd the Sacrameats 'be

$50 life. 01 . God,. ,tbe life Or Graee ,o~ , brAD,.,Rev. Clement F ..Duf9ur. ,: D~W etrenctll, and .Dew .collrage'k) 't~e !naQ-

,< ,', $25: ." .. .. . poOr ,~,eople'.' or Iraq' ·.'bo, k.BOw ~im. D~:"Mrs. Cecile Boudreau, ,~ugene,n;" . '"/,,, , , ' ' , .. Ea~b b~, mUeSq.a,-e a:.s~n80~ '.wb~: w~lI .~~

,;Lemieux;, VaItheas' PaqUin" Mr. ",'. : 1tiI.~eo~~~, ,~Jlpe....ses 01 .100 a ;r,CU :durl~C bi,s ..~U:,~.~ar".eml·_;;' .&' Mrs,· Roland'Gaouette,. Knights " ,~,~u~.. 18, tb.is ~'mo~tb of:. Ufe" 'w~,u~iJ: '~., lIk~.,~,••b~r. ':, :of"Columbus Bishop:. Stang ,!:~,' ill ,br~ntlDc"tbe.~te f or ~1ist to soals1 ", ..

"eouncilf4532,',Marcel Masse.1 ,', '~O':S~REN~'l'H~:N"'rH~ ARMS OF CHRIST'JS THE PRIV.. '···" $~5. . . LEGE OF ALL' THOSE :WHO SEND STRINGIJESS 'GIFTS' ITO',' .Zephyr ~aqum;:Ohvler' GI- ',.j THE' NEAR EAST, MISSIONS WHEN YOU HELP THE

guere" Cormne Burgess; Reseda '.".' HOLY FATHER' YOU HELP CHRIST " STRENGTH .1'0Giguere. .... : 'FHE ARMS OF THE HOLY FATHER IS STRENGTH 'TO ,THE '.

'10 t, AR~S: OF CHRIST .... ,.·. SEND A"STRIN9-LF$S, GlFT'TODAY. ,The LenlalrC"H&' p~pin Fam- ':.

ilies,GeQrge Girard, Family of. ".,SiS'I'~R. MAR r"UONNE ,and SISTI;R MEDE.LEiNE, OF, .....Edmond Blain, Mrs. Emma I.e- 'ISITNflQN baveall!.o ~en tbe, aew"llte.oI aa'ar,e ... It ~,ea."Blanc, Villeneuve Fa!Jlily. . '.' &hrougJs -turin. tbe .montb 01 .Ma,.. Tb~, .,

Roland'Lemieux, Antonio Le- " wOald like'tO belp, tbe ute or Graoe break '..mieux, ·Mrs. 'Yvonne Desrosiers, *,ucb' ia ~ .. lJOa.IS of' ,be pOOl' ltDd .lIII· '!;

OVlla . RocJl: .. Armand Dudevoir. ..... fortunate ·wbo·'sa....ouad 'them .·1ilJ 'lides,JQseph 'H.'Fredette, Alfred tJH;,. ,,,oulti"' like' U b~ome Sisiet. .. the· " ,

,Lora~ger, Meperic' Vigeant, Dr. ,(;oOdSbeplier•. Can ,oa ~lp Ulem' Eailb' ., .'Hector. Roy'" ·Clovig"·:f~cteau.: ., ""'cit); .... baye a ~DsOt wbo Will pa,

, 51SO a ,ear for Deeessar;r: ew:peDSe. 'wbi~'Emile Beaiiregard,':Family ol .'eMapJetes 'bertwo yeu perlot1 et Doyitlate ....-1••' A••',

Anthony Sylvia, "Edgar A. F. ;. .' "'.uchier hi Mary" '..~ &his '_til et'twa,:'Langis, Gerard 'Richard, Wilfrid ',' : '.',Belanger,' .'. Ome,r.RaYIllOnd, Mr. &; Mrs.

Edouat<i Cote, Gaston Loranger,Aurthur Luiz, Marcel Jenkins.

Paul Bedard, ~ger .LeBlanc,·Ronald Fortin, Arthur Frenette,Claire Lemieux.

Marguerite,' Lussier, Mrs. Er­nest ChaPdelaine, 'Mrs. ArzeliaRoy, Mr.. &; Mrs. William' Sa­voie, Frank Richard.~ to Page FOUI_, .


,UFrank Kulesza.

$19, llIJary Perry, Bronislaw Gacek,Michal Zaj'ac, Jozef Winiarski,Mildred' Maziarz~

Charles. Daviski, J:lzbieta, Patla, Adolph Golda, JOhnBarylski, Nellie Kuwaskl.

Amelia 'Caton,. Edward PrZO/­byla, Stanlv Szulik.

Appeal GiftsIooUuued from Page Ten

New BedfordST. JQSEPH'S

$500. Itt. Rev. LO,uis E. Prevost.. , . $200

lit. Joseph's Church Societies.$100

Rev. Louis R. Boivin, Mr; A:Mrs. 'Conrad Seguin, Dr. &;' Mrs.Albert G. Hamel.

$50Mr. A: Mrs. :Maurice Danse­

lIeaU, Mr. &; Mrs. Marcel Roy.$35

Mr. It Mrs. Raoul Mathieu.$35

Mr. A:' Mrs. Herve Couture,'_I': &: Mrs. Anic>ine 'BertTand,'Mr. A: Mrs. Edward' Melanson,,Miss ;Lucille Allain, Mr., &: .Mr•.,Louis Vaudry Sr. ' , . ,'" ':,.

$3Z , ,"•• 6: Mrs. Allred Boucha~.

,$20 "Mr. &; Mrs. Donald LeBlaBC,

IIII'. &; Mrs. Francois Bouchard,Mr: &; Mrs. Omer U. Grenon,Daniel & Miss Yvonne Gardner,Mr. &; Mrs. Theotime Leblanc:

Family of Donat Labrie, Mr.A: Mrs. Thomas Bourassa, Mr.. &;;Mrs. Anthony Paiva, Mr. &; Mrs.,Albert Roy.

MOCCM _ PRfo'L .,.,... _AN. kene Beique, :Miss Therese Cou- .10iJ)~; ,Mr., &; ,Mrs. Normatl~

.RQbitaille. ': ~" . . . ,! ·Aiexan:drerSeguip,·:Mr. Ii Mrs.Alfred Morel,'Mrs.:'· tlin.a Roy,Smith, Mr, & Mrs.' Wilfrid Le­blanc, Mr. & Mrs, Frank Gallant.

Mr. &; Mrs. George Chamber- -,lain, The Misses Arcand, Mr.& Mrs. Ernest Berube, Mr. "'&'Mrs. Joseph Begin" Mr. & Mrs.,Edouard Raymond.

Mr. & Mrs. Ovila Bolduc, Mr.&; Mrs. Leo Cardinal, Mr. & Mrs.AUred'Dupre, Mr, &; Mrs. Ar­thur Powell, Mr. &; Mrs. SimonLanguirand. , '

Mrs. Henri Bouchard, Mr. &;Mrs. Lucien Bernique, Mr. '"Mrs. Mathias Poirier, Mr. &;-Mrs.Arcade Marcoux, Mr. &; Mrs.Adrien Charpentier, Mr. &; Mr.:Alphege Rol?itaille. ,

Mr.' &; Mrs.-James Coggeshan.'Mr. &; Mrs. Origene Coulombe,Mr.·&; Mrs. Ernest .Menard, Mr.&; Mrs. Hem'i Fredette, Mr. &;,Mr's. Jean Luc Parent.' , '

Mr. ; &; Mrs. 'Walter Midura~'Mr. &; Mrs. Alfred Bernard,Mr..&; Mrs, Firmin T6ibault,. 'Mr, &;Mrs. Leon Branchaud, Mr. ~

Mrs. Marc Demanclle. _David Parent, Mr. &; Mrs. Deo

'Br'unette, Mr. &; Mrs. Theophile. Arguin, Mrs. Emma' Lefebre,

Mr. &; Mrs. James Medeiros.Mr: & Mrs. I,.aurier Audette,

Mr. &; Mrs. George H. Wilkin­'son, Mr. & Mrs. Abel Hebert,Mr. & Mrs. George Sleight, Mr.& Mrs. Joseph Dufresne. Secularism. Main

$18 , . '.Mt;.'~)VI~~, Eugene La~e, MI:. THE LAND OF COTTO. ': Mrs. LeOntine Michaud '. &; Mrs.' Arthur Gallant,' Mr. & Th t t W t' n .: ',. . ' $15 ," ,.... Mrs. G'eorges Mi'chau'd,: Mr."& rea 0: ·es ", • • I

'b~ .been wid 0; in SODg alld SWry (ot II long lime.:" Ul:nl:yet·,Mr. &; Mrs. Paul Renaud, Mr. 'Mrs. Pail! Bernique, Mr..&'Mrs. " LONDON' (NC)-The ni a 1n .'. .We· tbink "or tbe fields orciotloD we seem toiJilagine bapp,.

"'& Mrs.'Leopold Mathieti.,'¥rs.James Kelley. ' . danger to" western civilization. .' bapp,' peoPIe'workinc outiDt'"··~umiria Lamontagne; Mr. & Mrs. \,. Mr. &; Mrs. Raymond " St. is ilo't thehYdr~gen age, but ,the ,'.:' OpeD ail' ••• singiq au the da,:'.•'. ,". Arthur Seguin, Mr..& 'Mrs. Pierre Mr. & Mrs. Arthtl'r Fie- threat that'it is falling into "the.." oJ' delicbted wnb their work. Tbis mar· Philippe Mathieu.' :c~~tte: Mr. & 'Mrs. Norrna;1] Fau-satrte'mllterialism as Soviet Rus- .,. be die eue. iD some plaees, bat'.,it.., Mr. &: Mrs. Hector' Tetrellult'.cher, :Mr. &,t; Mrs. W~lfridDu- 'sia,only 'in: a more' "decadent 0 'oertaial, ill DOt Rue" $IJle Jields" .·.... &;. Mrs. ~udger.·Robfda: ," ..fresne; Miss Rita Maranda': form." , .. ' e.00". to be KeD a& TeueDei (t;Ua~:· , . , , .. ' $1~' " M~. &; Mrs..;Leo Cour~manche, " B ish 0 p .Jottn Murph,y ,of ,. .. opia)..CoU9Dbas, reG.tI, ",D,~

;,1 1Il': II: Mrs. Maurice·Desha~es. 'Mi; '&;' Mrs. Raymond Methot, Shrewsbury has said those ~ho' , &rodueed·bere as a ~~ e( 'II'pPGI:~..$11'··1, ," - - :··Mr.... l.. Itt "Mrs. Emile- _Saulnier, v· joi.n prot~st.marches against. ijle_ OR; ror ,Iae ••tioaa) eooDOmJt _aDd ~ , ,

••. Alexin' Cormier. -'Louls P... Lefebvre,: Mt;' &;' Mrs.. hydrogen' bomb. are m'archi~1 ' II Rill ill UIe uperimetl.al Race .$10 , . Armand Tanguay. against thewrorig. p~ople. ,. Valort_atel, &be people are 110& ill.

Mr.. A: Mrs. Philemon Munroe, Mrs. Juliette Cormier, Raoul 'tit U.L 1l1'-<L-l.Uu..:...M ..!~ ,alae "eJlperhaeDtal "ace"-aD4I ~.. 'p 'hi ·.·Asserting the, West is "super- ._, '-'-1"'-11I8 eel rood' ._ohi';· ~ .... '-a.-ISe • Ii' w_r. A: Mrs. amp.e Leto\4r- LaPlante, Mr. &; Mrs; Roger ,naturally, civilized,". and ,that it "-tlJtom.r.tChttim 'De .' a.... D, ,a_. -.. ,I', o·neau, Mr.. &; M~s. Ludger Va- Piche, Mrs.. Emma Harr,ell" Mr., rr . ' 'eYer. lbeit bitll it 10 skOD, ... tiler

' '1 ' is, through t,he, Christian tradi-' Ou L d' .a. ....' I,rieur, Mr. &: Mrs. Ro and Gobeil, ,.& Mrs. 'Roland D'oucet. feel dIe.etA 01: 1', or s preKDee !linon, _em ' .•eeD,tion and discipline that ,'!the ...be 8- .... .a._ d .- II eba-l Tbe, willi ow..Mr. A: Mrs. Rene L'Heureux. '''''''r''.· "&;' Mrs. Stanislas Legere, . : at. ' ..n _m, _" es..... • ,r-.

, . . . '1 ,.In ,", bloom, of. ,Western c.ivilization L d·.- -_ - Ii .: .•a. m' C·a'8 ','ou belp' Ulem ill"·Mr. '&; Mrs. 'A bert Moquin, 'Mr.·& Mrs. Roland Salvail, Mrs. or ... oome, _ , ve ,am & ...e " .' ..Mr.':&:" Mrs. 'Raoul TetTeauit, 'Aline' 'Hebert, . 'Mrs;Corihne has developed," the Bishop, e~n- ,. ' • ." .work! "'be eost oIa eomplete cbapel will be 55.001.

'Mr. ok' Mr~. 'Adelard Breault, '. Maranda, Mrs. Maurice Marcoite.tinued; .Mr. A: Mrs. Philodore' Trahan, .' ':Mr'. &; Mrs. Ligouri' Girard, "There are' two ways of de.'

. ; 'Normand Lussier. . :Mis. 'Sylvio Cote'. 'Mr. &; Mrs. ,stroying this civilization. ,.J

I Mr. ~ l\iIrs. oIoseph .~achnick,: 'Leorice Methot, Mr. &; Mrs~ Eloi, ", "One is to drop a bomb on it,Mr. ~ Mrs. TheOdore Girard, :'Caron, Mr; &; Mrs. L~utier Mar- a~d even then}f there are a fewMrs. Emma' Courtemanche, Mrs.. Coux. " ..' human roots remaining, it eouldAlbertine Boucher, Mr. &; Mrs. Mr. &; Mrs. Alfred W. Sylvia, - 'grow again.' .Aldege Cote. Mr. &; Mrs: Gerard Bergeron, "And the other war is' to '

Mr. &; Mrs. Pius Allain, Leo- Mr. &; Mrs. Napoleon Poirier; ,attack its very roots, which ispold Dion, Joseph Dansereau, Mr. & Mrs. Lucien Masse, Mr. &; 'precisely the. attack which isMr. &; Mrs. Willie Brizard, Mr.' Mrs. Roger Renaud. .' being mounted today by the ag­&; Mrs. Edouard Bertrand, Mr, & Mrs, Thomas Weaver, nostics, the materialists, the

Mr. & Mrs. Ernest Hod~on, Mr. & Mrs. 'Armand Fredette, neo-inh~llectuals, without any-. Mr. & Mrs. Louis Poirier, Mr. &; Mrs. Aurore Levasseur, Mr. & .onl;! p~cking' up a banner and

Mrs. Hilaire Tremblay, Francois Mrs. Gerard Bernier, Mr. & Mrs. marching." ,W. Boyer, Joseph MarchesSault Edmond Vieira.&; Family. Mr. & Mrs. Laurier Cormier,

Mr. & Mrs. Alfred Cardiel', Mrs. Sarah Cravel, Mr. & Mrs.: Mr. &; Mrs. Eugene Plaud, Mr. Normand Gendreau, Mr. & Mrs.

& Mrs. Philla1'l Jodoin, Mr. & John Gaudet, Mr. &'Mrs. Ray­Mrs. Eugene Labbe, Mr..& Mrs. mond ·Leblanc. \Fred Paquin. Mr,. & Mrs. Robert Cormier,

Lea Lemaire &- FamilY,Mr. &; Charles Dansereau, Mr. &; Mrs.Mrs. Louis Leblanc, Mr. & Mrs. Laurent Antaya, Mr.- & ,Mrs. LeoFrobe Caron, Mr.. & Mrs. Ray- Pelletier, Mr..& Mrs. Henrimond' handiw" ,'J,'he1V,lisses' Piche;'" Tardif. '. '.

Mr. & Mrs. Theodore Mag- , .nant Mr.'&: Mrs:: Alex '-Phaneuf; .1 HOLY ROSARYMr....~&; Mrs." ~imeon ,Lafrance, ,. .' :. . " $HI ,,:, ,Mr. &; Mrs., Leo Leblaoc;·Mr.·&;" .L~ Rac~ne, ',Artl\ur ~ajlbot,Mrs. 'Donat 'Fortin. ", ", ". ,',' 'Mallu'el Pi.mentel·· &;, F.llmily,, 'Mis. Plii1ia~ Fortin' & Family~ "'Leon ;Bl'anc,naiJ"a;~'Fre(tT~t!ea~lt.

:~:"~.Mtt:'i:'~~~:~~.()~t1:':~·'::':~::'.,','" >'.:~T':;to~NE:~~>::<~>'Nap,oleon Leclair, ..:Mr, ~ ,Mr•• ' ........ "'A'" d'J "L' v'''asseur'' St

B 11'· . nev. ~man .', e . " .Edo~ard. e ,veau.. '., ;: 'Yincent de 'Paul'" SOdalities' of.

Mr; &;, lVII's. J ~sep1.l ~~rg~~~n", ,p ..... h '; ,..,'" .:;. ,.'Mi Marie C. A,l~~rd, Miss. arlS. ;.•.~' '., ,:; ,ss .. ,' .., " " ,>' ". '~$O '~m~n~a -MarUn; '~~.&; , ~r.s.." Rev. Ernest R.' Be~ne.Honmsdas Robe~t,.Mrs. Met"llda $10 -

Leblanc, &; Fam~ly. Charles Lebeau, Arthur Fon- .Mr. Ii ,Mrs. J;.~on~l, ~a,rchand,... 'taine Gabrielle &; Bernadette'

Arthu,r Demers .&;. FamIly, ~r. &; Cay'e~ .Felix &; Jeannette Four-Mrs Onesime Despres Mr. '" " ... .' ", ner, Yvonne' LariViere.Mrs Henn Gardner, Mr. &; Mrs.. Ge d C t W'll' Saul-" "d R . rar 0 e, .1 laIDArman oy. .

Mr.:&;, Mrs: Va!nlore Poi~, Diet'. , '.

Mr. &; Mrs: Stan~e7 Milas, Mr. '" ST. HEDWIGMrs. Joseph Parent, Leo Vail-. $100lancourt, Famil7 Ot'Marie Ance FrancIScan' FathenMass~au. . , ' Conventual.

Mr. '& Ml'S; Ra7mon~ Poirier;MI'. &; Mrs. Wilbrod, Dufour, Mr.A: ,Mrs. George 'Pratt, Mr, ,&; Mr••.Arthur Powell, Mr." A: Mn~Adrien' Cloutier. . ,

Mr. &: Mrs. Maxime LeBlanc,Larocque Family, Mr. &; Mrs.Albert Bourgeo~s; Miss DoI'a M.Paquin, The Misses Methe.

Mr. &; Mrs. Frank Goulart,... ",:Mrs..Alfred~e.MiN

'';,,1 '

(Teachers 'Learn New Phases ~ and>Projec~ii1·Education


. .

: ... ,'

,~ "~,,,~.,"", ".' ~ ,.- :~ -.:'., . .': ,"' , ,- ~" ~:' ;... ~, . '-



...-------I"--~;,---------------~---------------------_ ...._-----------.. -,TrelnendousSuc:c:ess~MarksWomen'sCouncilConventiolJ

. ,

R,~9f~X~Ai"9:~",~r.s:Jamf1$. QUi~k'~SouHi'YarmQvth,rignitre9Ide,r~!; .,~rte) ·vr.~.d,~s, ;·?;~,t~ty!!.'~!.}~ft! ~~:4Ml$,~~r~in:. IJ{, .Joyceil.

""'JIM I , hlillp Oe.mpseYI\SQuth Yarmouth, Clnd Mrs. Jam~1 .uiiordlL: y,.:a".{«jttheJr"Jitll.,,~.~.·: .. ,.,".. ,,~., ' ".;,;



'. ':-


fan River

" ll'-:~'- '-/~~' iJ ... '!''-' ",,'..

.1: "'f.


PntICf'iPttOM caRed for e:tnd Delivered. ;

6 TIMES DAILY' IN' FALL RIVER..:30 r.M.• day itt Somer~ Clnd' Swcin'" .CIt

'/ Special' Attention Gi~en ., r,.Emergency.· Prescription.

at· .,

New -Bedford':& ~Acushnet

CO-O'perative Banks-

....~~. ';.


With." .'De~ndt.bl.



115 WilLIAM ST•.

ArlItur J. Shea, Prop.!02-206 Rodt Street . .

.1 •••• ~,:'. ~ ~." • ::~:: '. ,.,." .:~;. ;';' "":F"';;; ,.V""'~;~ .:-i-..

:' $acrifice~No ·Matter,HoW Sma"

New Bedford"':'"itT. ANTHONY OF PAlmA

$500'. ·at. Rev. Albert Berube.. $60

" The William Beauregard.Fam-, .,..

14'..OF .F~~;H:':~~:~;·· ~~;~~i~~~~~~~~;:~~;~\~;··:;~~f.. Thur~., May' 21 ;1959 "$15;< :..'.. ""'e:',

Appe·. 01 G·I~f·"t..s"'.. ··.· ".' ',' Rev. Leo T,·s.uili~aq,·'~ev.. :Heriry T. Munrpe. ..'..... .' ,

".. . . '$50 .By Most,Rev. EultoR J. Sh,~n, ~;D. ,., ....._.. ,... ,',hntlnued from pa.ge Elevea ' '.

Anonymo·us. The world 90 much needs the CroSs. that when the CbriBtians$25drOPU:theCommUliists pick it Up. The CroSS ·Stands·for self-

In memory of .. Thomas· 1>.. saCrifice: self-denial, and the 'crucifixion of our lower nature andDury, Leonard Entwistle & Fam- our base~ passions that we' may rise In the neWness oftbe spirit.i1y, Mr. & Mrs. Michael Wilson. . of Cbrist: . . '.

$20 . '•. Mr.' &; Mrs. Allan "Bessette; The Communists always preach sacrifiJe.·Raymond Lima, Harriet I. Mac- In China ·they have organized "Sacrifices. for

$50, ponald.., Commu·nism". Among the sacrifices suggested, Rev. Henri Charest, R~". Ber- Arthur D. Bancroft &; Family; to the people are: .tran!i R. Chabot, Rev. Clarence Anonymous, Mr. &; Mrs. Patrick .' 1) To give up smoking ,l. D'Entremont. Conlan, Alice M. &; Hazel E. ," 2)' To give up salary '.

$at Davis, Anthony Edwar:ds. .' 3)' To give 'up wea'ringShoes..Omer Tardi. . .' Lawrence Harriey, Mary Phe. 4) T6 work sixteen hours ada,.~

. . $!'I ..' lan, Mr. &; Mrs. WillilllJl Powers, .5) To live, on one meal a day.Mr. at Mrs. Arthur DelcbeDeil. Hugh Shanahan.· .' - . _._-':,.. " "25 .... . $15.,. elM•.we let it be said that the' Commu-

· Louis Parent, :Joseph Z. Boa- Mr. at Mrs. James J. Clark,.' ;"niSts . iill;do inore' for. the cause of Satan"eller, Anonymous,. Edgar: ~ Eric' Erickso~i Dr.. Edwar4 - A SIOUX BRAVE:. An.-. than we will' do' for 'the cause' of -Christ?·. 'IfMU, .George ..Charles.· '.' . We!~h, Josep~: F, Gorman,.' drew Thunder Hawk:"is the we Catholics :return riot to the CroSS we.will" Henri L. G~lipeau, "~n;e' .,James. Harrington, .LouiseLa-· ··'·periso by,·the sword~ :Make a daily sacrifice"'F.r~nce, . IlOche, ·'J.lhonias Sweeney: .name -. of this ,brave little DO matter how'small and at the end of' the··m·onth send,the equivalent

$17 ,. . .' .' . . $12 ..' ,Sioux Indian lad of the Holy ·of your' accumulated sa'crifiees to the Society for the Propagation:.~ Esa Ii: Faroi"'. , ., Mr.at'Mr.s. :James J. 1'0' '.Ro.sary.Mission, pine :Ridge, 011. the Filith.Among the sacrifices, suggested are:·~ ,",1 .

$15 '.. /. $10 . South Dakota.. NC Photo. . "'1')' Give' upai>ackageof eiiJarette..· ",_rna Dagesse. 'Antoo~..Balthazar, .Donald 2)' Give upa martini;' ' .:.' '

$12 Bancroft, John Barlow, Mr. &; Ocean Grove 3) Give up that 'tempting piece. of pie •. 1a mode. 'Lionel Brassa~d at Fam~,.. Mrs. Prior Bassett, Eric Besso. 4) .. Gjve up that popular LP record you've Deen saving for:

$10 Raymond Bourbeau, Charles ST: MICHAEL' Ii)' Give up a taxi ride and' take' a' bus instead." .J.. James W. Carney, .. :Joseph Bowen, 'Wilfred Brimley; Dennis . .' $250 . I, '. . .

-·~.80ares, Henri Pelletier, Alfred Bruce; Edward Bruce.' .' Rev. Joseph A. Cournoyer. Each time that you' sacrifice, that is "A"ive up" a legitimate{;authier, Rita Parent. , Edward" Bruce ·Jr., . E'dward • . . .'$50 pleasure gi~eit up in the name of Our Lord 'and send it to The_ Gerard . Rousseau, Laurent ~urns, Mrs. Mary Cheetham, In' Rev. MaurIce .E. Parent, Mr. Vicar of Christ, Pope John xxm' through the Society for .theItoy, Henri No.lin, Eva l\{ai.lh~t, memory of John F. & Katherine C & Mrs, Lawrenc~ Borge, Dr." Propagation of the Faith.Blanche Bernier. :, ~ . Daley, Kathleen Downey; . , Mrs. Raymond .DlOqne. , ,

.' Donat Letendre, Antoit:1ette .' Hugh Earley; qenevieve .•.. . . $30 , . 'GOD LOV.·E YOU to J.B.H. fo.r.• ·o$200,·,.,.UAsa~~ifice f~r.·".a .r.~t\p;n- p'I'er're Roger RacI'cot . Ce Foley John Foley Patr'l'c'k Mr. &; Mrs. Edward Creamer. .""'.,. , . , ., - , ., $25 to tpe.Sacraments." ... to-Mrs. W.I;...T. for $6.90 ."Through the inter-.Ue Boucher, Albert-Morris.. · ..J:oley, Anonymous.·. . ,," ... ' . _ '~eSsion of St.. Jude ;i·nd.SCAnthony f.'Sold: Som~,Property.. This)s" Romeo .P:arent, Zoe' Spidet, :.. Peter .Giammaivo, Anthm:~y • Mrs. LIllIan Valcourt. 'na.. ',rt. ,of..• largerd~n.. atioD 'promised in: thank.s.~iy.i!1g':':":~ wIll :;eiidSQSeph Lacroix, -Alfred Ph~!1~uf, 'Giannetto, Patrick Harrington". $20..., "'-: .. " .. C B f $50 UTh' f' I d I' -h . dJ"Q' L ':George Higham,' Mildred' HOd_~r.. &; ~rs. John Farias. .' more.. .. to . .' or . IS w,as . (),r a. ~p~la .r~1JS' s °Rpe· 'MI,IlSe 'R'~lVesqueLe' ' ,,:.,. h son' .....' . ( . ". . .$15 .'. around and never found anything·.,s))ec~a~.. !eno~~~, ..lio.} decide?.to"0'. rs.· omeo, mue, ,osep . send it to the Missions" .. .' ..Rebert, A,rthurLariviere, ~rpe,st: ;Mr.. '&; Mrs. Arthur.H.\l.nt,: .M~.. ~ Mrs. DanierCa~ill.~;· ....' • . .'. ,.'.1 .: ", .' ,.'" 'i:"--

P.eslauriers,. 'Thaddeus ..Gu-" .~r~nkKalish, Chester Kawa,. . $~O .' •. . /. ..;...; ,.,'" .". ,".iennY. . " ". . ..Thomas: . Keeping, '. Cbris~pher . .. M~.1e Mrs.' Joseph· Aubl.n .Ie The Holy Father' says the' WQRLDMISSION. ROSAtJRY ,everyd",4rtl,lur Ro,usseau,. Anto~"ette ,Lachamacher . , " '.. . ... ~arn!IYf Mr. &; Mrs. Alfred BIlllS, cia,. Will you join him,in pray'er? Send u5.-yol,lr$2.1X,) 0 erillg a.1)aoy, Mrs. Alfred :Judd, (~scar ;"Louise" Mackay Hormida.' )fr. '. at· Mrs. ,Adri~le . Bou~~r, ,our request for the rosary and we will,send.oneJo you. Eaeh..time.Ma~tin,..~aymond . &; .:Jeallilette Marcotte, Thomas Meredith; 'M,r; .Ca~holic Women's Club, Mr. '" ,o~ firiger the WORLDMISSION. ROSARYfing~your.poCket~kCarrier.' .at~rs; Thom;ts 1'. ~09re,,Rod•. ~rs.EugeneComeau. . . :..00 and·.put;aside'a daily.sacrifice:for the Missi~. "'" ·.i'

.-:.. Roland '. Benoit, .T~, ¥isses erick Murray. . . . ,',. .' Mr. &; Mrs. Manuel Corga, Mr. . ,..'j ".'. • ---' •

Ross, . Julien· Menard,,' .A\lre~ Raymond Ner1:lOnne...Joseph A::' .. at· 'Mrs,,- Frank Crane," Mr. "'. C~t out ~is column,' pm 'yoursaCi'lfice Wit .and mail it to the.. CQrmier, E,ugene Laplan~..;..: Norris. Mr .&; Mrs. Th Mrs. Henry. Dion, Mr. ~ Mrs.. Most Rev:: FultODd: Sh~ .National Director Of '1'lle SocIety' fOl',.; Mr.' &; . Mrs. Ernest LebJane, ():il.on~ll Ehn~r Pa';l,' c~~as William Furtado; ~r.., at Mrs. ·the propagation'.oHhe Faith; 366 Fifth 'Avenue,' New' YOI'k 1, N. Y..,<"ymond .Beauvais.,. . '..,: Regan .. , " ..•• .: ~ Frank Gallery. .or your 'DIOCESAN nIRECTOR REV. RAYMOND T. CONSIDINE,

Jeannette Mandeville, Roger ~r~h Reynolds, Armand' A...• Mr..~ 'Mrs::Artbur' Gardella 368 North Maib Street, Fall'River,' MailS;' ...•."rthelemy, . Blanche .. Leboeuf, ..Rock, Mrs.. Francis Rose..,.Wil. at FamIly, M}'.: &; Mrs.~John .~.. '" ": ",' .. " ,....,,:~ge Griffin, ,R~sari~.Savll~1a.. li~m.: Rousseau, MI'lI" ~or.ge Harg~a~~~, Mr•..~ .Mrs...If>UIS. "I ••

",., .M.arcel LaVergne, Leo, ,~r- .Sharp. . . . .,' '. Heffernan, Mr.. &; Mrs. Edward .... I .. " i. "".

leron, Normand .Desprell,: Leo •. :W:illiam,smith, Joseph .E.·.Ste. Hodge, Mr, &;~rs. :James :John- 'IS"~ . W· h'" ;S· "f'.' .\ ".:"Rebert, Henry Jenkins, &r>i:am- Marie, Robert Swain &. Famiiy soJ;l ... :.,. , .". . . .. ,.... " CI;VC: It... ,·· ..; ~, ·~ty ':'.ar,. " ... '.' ". Robert Tapper' Mrs.' Adelord~ Mrs. Elzear. Lapomte, Mrs. . .

:Joseph Bouchard, Roland. Roy' Tetreauit'. .,' .... Flora Laurendeau, Mr. &; .Mrs;..", . J.eanne LaFrance, 'Ubald : Leo Tippi~g NorriS Waie~kaJames Lu.ddy \Jr:, iMr. &;. ·-Mrs.LaFrance, H~nri LaFrance. I, Charles Westg~te. .."., Walter Mal0x;'e, Mr.· &; . Mrs.

Mrs. George Methee, Gustave Einar An'derson; Francis Ayl- Edgar R. Morm... . .Lamarche, George .Florent, ward Ralph Booker Ra 'd Mr:... &; Mrs. ,Ludger Nadeau,,A.lexina 'Cna'Usse, Henry Soucy. Bosw'ell Maurice Bo~q'ymon Mr. & Mrs. Louis Read, Mr. &;. Wilfrid . Mailloux, Lena' &; Frank Bures M r u~ Mrs. John Rochefort, Mr. &; Mrs.Imelda .Mailloux, Albert Pa- Franci~ By:ers,':' Mr~ y &. ~~:: A.lfred Ruel, Mr. & Mrs. Albertquin, Alfreda Poirier, Rodolphe Charles Cafferty, Alphonse Ca- SImoneau. .Prefontaine. maioni" Mr, & Mrs. Charles ,L. Viens,· John Pombo, Mrs. Edward Alfr~d Choquette, Joseph'"Cot- Mr. & Mrs. Charles ~illiams,Bussiere, Edoua~d Gautreau, ter, Harold Coughlin, William Mr.. & Mrs. Edward WrIght, Mr.Victor Belanger, Emile Roy.. Demsky, Clarence Dupuis.. Ie Mrs. Albert Zahralban.· Del. Langlois, & Sons, Joseph Joseph Fitzpatrick, Mrs. Rita . . W·)Jinette, Frank Cormier, Henri Foster, :S,tiulley 'Gorczyza; 'An- ' .. estport

, .Brule, Augustin Allain. thony Govoni; Mr. & Mrs: Leo ST. GEORGE~8.: Edward Belanger,. Ephrem Griffith.. $200

. Gauttier, Gerard Langlois,· Ro- John Harringto';', John Houli- George Considine., .Iimd Duval, Simon ·Comeau. han, Teresa, Houlihan,' William $1'75:.: Eva Benoit, Fridolin Blan- HOUlihan, Rose Jones. Rev. Lorenzo H. Morais.;; ehard, Wilfrid Masse, Way:ne John' Kelley, Thomas E. $50.:,QIoiffin, Lucille-Lecours. . ,,' J<:.elley,·Ladies Auxiliary.:....,An~.·: ;' R~X' Ed~C?n<t.R. Le~esqu~j Pel-",:;..'~ OUR LADY OF""· ~ dent' Order of Hibernians DiV~ taVlDO SIlk Mill, Inc. .:.' PERPETUAL HELP , 19, Stephen Ledwell, :John. Man- $25.... "

'250. < ' .';'.';:.:". ··,ning.·'·:.··,· ,.' '.;.. '. :)\ ....,\. ·':S~•.aeGrge. 91fO, Mr. '&i, ·M",,··,.'. Franciscan 'Fathers, O.J'.M. ·Mrs...Augustus Marchi' 8te. Emmet Almond, William Bes-::,: ,~onv. phen,: Markey, Josepb F.' Mar- ,lIIette&; Fl~~ence, Faida p~rri~r~:.".'.'{' $100 shall, Anne 'Marie,Mason, Mr. &: Oscar LarIViere. .

Mr. at Mrs. Frank B.' S7lvia. Mrs; Leonard Mason. '. I, $20'" . $50 Mr. & Mrs; John McDonald ·Thomas Wilcox, The MiS981

AttOOymous. . . Lawrence McGrath' 'Edith .Mc~' Ne~e.tt, ~ :fi'ril'l!1d ',... $25" Y"lntyre, Helen M~in'tYre, '~Paul" .' "$15' ''' ':,".Mr. &; Mrs. Ignace ItaszYDsld, McNeil. .' David Butler, Potter'. l'uneral

Mr. &: Mrs. Andrew,Blln;as.·. :_" Manuel ,Mello, >rhomaa' Mu'l- ..Ser!ice.· ., " .,.,'.;_ $15. .' doon, Constantine Murnin, Fred.' $10, Mr. Henry A. Bartklewlcz: ef,ick ~u1!es,'~rs. O'Brien... Josep~ .. Bercier, .. AlphOlllle'. $10... .. 'Jean' "Pendergast, .John 'Pen-' Bourbeau, '.' Charles Callagha'o',

'. Mr. & Mrs. J. Mldurskl, Mr: &:: dergast Sr;, William. Pendergast, .Dr: '&;_ Mrs. Mark Castro, Ernest.. ~rs. A. Buzniak, Mrs. Helena John Riley, Caroline Roche. Clatt$lburg.·: £)zczech, Mr. &; .M~s. D. Duguay, , Bernard Skiba, FrancISSulli-. Norbert Crothers, Albert Du-

.': !Kr. &; Mrs. Casimir ~~~;l. '.:: ~""'; van, Jam'es ;p, S~eeneyrAlbert pre, Francis X. Flynn, Amedee'. . Mr. &; .Mrs.· S'. Dziura, Mr. &: Tomke, Mrs, 'Julia Vieira. Goulet, Ir"ing Grant.,. Mrs.: Ulnc ~no.lt, Mr.. ~ .. ~n;;.,.' 'Stanley Waisb, Walter Watson, Almedor Houle, Stephen Ito-

.EdWlD Marmk, The. Dziuba Peter Wayner Harold Williama Tar, Joseph' &; Mary L'Italien,." ~amilY, Mr. &; Mrs. Harold Cam-· ~e Misses Y~ies. ' AureleLe(ioux &; Mother, Mr..

...on. at Mrs. Walter Lennon.

. Mr. &; Mrs. B. Arabasz, Mr.. &: 8~. ANNE, '~ Arthur Magnant &: Famil"Mrs. St<\.nley. Subczak, .~.'" ; $25' ,;." ":Joseph' Muscarella, Mrs. Eliz-Mrs. Z. Stankiewicz, Mr. &; Mrs. St. Anne's 'Cre<iit· Union.' abeth. Pettey, . 'Howard Platt,Stanley Smiechowski;Mr.· &: $%0 Mrs. Emily A,. Por~r.

, Mrs.' John Janasiewicz, Mrs. Annand Vermette. Daniel Ring, Thomas Ryan,\I'iJ 1Io.e Jeglinski.' $10 . Edwin '.1. Smith, John B.' Steele

HOLY NAME Dr, Louis Perras,'Marcel Mo- "~amily,Mrs. Rita Townsend.$500 rencT, Pierre Y,""";er, Louis Arthur Trundy, Ernest Volt•

•. Rev. Timothy P. Sweeney. Plourde, A1cide !toss. .noutka, John T. Ward, Thaddeul$~OO William Brabin,The Gaud-· Wicberski~ Edward Wojnar.

.ADoPv-..,.. ·re!,\!. Family~ Lucien Bnwatta. 'I'owDto P~e' Fifteea


· DIOCI!SE Of". "ALL ,IIIIVEIII; ,~~.S.,;.

~~~r:!N~~~~~'19~9'15 .

Appeal, GiftsContinued from Page Fourteen


,~M~!h·;Jose· c.anastra, Mr".& " . B d B.,M:~s:¥;trion Niewol.s~i;,Mj. ,& .' ',' UZ%Gr s· ay :Mrs. Louis Texeira. .' . ". ' ST. MARGARET. Grace &:Qiane Salt~ 'Mr': .& ' $600 I

Mrs. Nicholas Nicholas; Mr. &' BeY. David' A. O'Brien.Mrs. Joseph Mello, Mr. & Mrs. .... $101James Noland, Mary Pfaffen- Oyster Bar.~. - ~

New B~dford Mr. & Mrs. Edward Davis, Mr. Justin Lopes, Sts. Margaret &ST. KILIAN & Mrs. John Silva, Mr. & Mrs. Mary Guild, St. Vincent de Paul

$500 Edward Sullivan, Mr. & Mrs. Conference. •.Rev. Edward L. Killigrew. Manuel Dias, Mr.' & Richard $35

$75 Rose. Mr. & Mrs. Joseph LaBouliere.Rev. WilliamJ. McMahon. Mr. & Mrs. James Sullivan, \\ $25 '

$25 Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Knowles. Mr. George Theroux, A Friend;Mr. & Mrs. Frank Lawler. & Mrs. Ovila Frechette, Mr. & Mr. & Mrs. James Tamagini,

$20 Mrs. Dennia Pimental, Dorothy Mr. & Mrs. John Bourne, Mr. &Mr. & Mrs. Erriest Kobza. Ferreira. . 'Mrs. Harold Marston, Mr. & Mrs.

, . $15 .Mr. & Mrs. Ernest· Gelinas, Clayson' A. Tucy, Tucy Bros.,Mr'..& Mrs. Joseph Berna,rdo, Mr: & Mrs. Norman Sevigney.. . Mr. &. Mrs. Jameson Risser.

Mr. & Mrs. Edward ,Conner, The ST. MARY , . $15Spirlet Family. $300 Caldara's Bait & Boat Shop,

$12 Rev. John J. Hayes: Mr. & Mrs. James P. Walsh. .Mr. & Mrs. Gideon DesRoches. $50 . $10

$10 ..~ Rev. James A. Clark, Mr., '" lI/If. &. M,rs:Eugene Sweeney,Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth .'l:aber, Mr:s: Robert Donth..: Mr;' & Mrs. Paul Govoni, Mr. &

-Mr. & Mt·s. Frank Taylor, Mr. . $15 Mrs~ Charles Fuller, Mr. & Mrs.& Mrs.. Adrian Messier, .Mr. & Me.. & Mis. Theodore' Ziemba.'~ennethLuce, Mr. & Mrs. Doh-Mrs. John Santos, Mr. & Mrs. $10 aid' MacCormack...Blais. . Mr. & Mrs. Romeo Beaudoin, . Mrs. Edw:ard O'Brien, Mr:

c &Mr. & 'Mrs: Robert Benjamin, Mr. & Mrs. Patrick Dowd. Mr. Mrs. F~imJ( Rocchi, Mr. & Mrs.

Ellen Goughan, Lo.uise Finnell, .& Mrs. Theodore Pageotte, Mr. .. Paul ,Coghlan, lYIr. &' Mrs.Mary Finnell, Catherine Finnell, . & Mrs. Joseph Poirier, Mr. & ~ Eugene Sassone, Mrs. HarroetAnnie Kenney. . , Mrs. Frank Priwkniak, Mr. & . Templer.' .'

Mr. & Mrs. Charles Gonsalves, . Mrs. Peter Wojtuszewski. White. Rabbit . Restaurant;Mr. & Mrs. Frank Lawrence, ST. F~'ANCis OF AgSISI Bolles Package Store, Baker'sMr. & Mrs. Albino Silva, Elaine . $250' Store, Sunoco Filling Station, InGersin. Rev. Alfred R.' Forni. memory of Margaret Cook.' ",.

Mr. & Mrs. Vince/it Powell, $25, IGA Super'market, Ma'sMr. & Mrs. William Yates, Mr: St. Vin.cent de Paul Confer- Doughnut Shop, Mr. & - Mrs.& Mrs. Arthur Des Roches, Dor- ence. William McLaughlin, Mr: & Mrs.othy Mahoney, Bernice Gibbs. $15. Lawrence Ellis, Mrs. S. -Bamii-

,Mr. & Mrs. Roland Dalbec, Mr. & Mrs. Paui Vanclni.. : ton. . "Mr. & Mrs. Ernest Arnaral,Mr. $Ui" Mr. & Mrs. John F. McEiroy,& Mrs. Manuel Pires, Mr. & Mr. & Mrs. Domenic F. Cata- Maj, Reginald Stark; Mr. '& Mrs.Mrs. Ma'urice Pelland,' Mr. & lano, Mi. & Mrs. Frank Figazolo, . PHOTOGRAPHED TWO POPES: ' Re~alling that Pope Francis Burch,Mr. & Mrs:JohnMrs. Henry Lyonnais. . Charles & Ca~t:erine Palla~roni, . John; XXIII, while stationed at Istanbul in 1935 became. Ke~!1erly, Mr. & Ml·S. John F.

Mr. & Mrs. ,Jar;nes Moran, D. ,J. Tarpey.. - . affili1lted .'to the <Christian Brothers and' had ~erved as"· BUw'r.nl·lsl·I·.am Mc'C.o·y, A'.ug·ust T hpe_J!lnet Hardman, Mr. & Mrs. Wilr V· d'H' . hI" .' . .. ..... " . . . . .LAJ ...

}iam . Walda, William Huntet, .Ineyar ' aven' ", c ap..am,at the B~9~her~':St·1oseph:S~lleg,e, Rome, Mr. C., J:afi.tesGonsalves,Peter 'An-Mr. & Mrs. Alfred Benoit. • ST. AUGUSTiNE'" HarrIson ,Conroy" of New York, pioneer color photogr~pher, drews, John Gonsalves. - .

Mr. & Mrs. John Warner, Mr. . '$20" ·presents his latest, picture of Pope John to the Christian' Benjamin Fernandes, Ange-· & Mrs. Walter England,. Evelyn, Western Auto'Ass~ci~ie c(),";l3roth,ers .'novitiate at Ammendale, <Md. Hanging on the i lil'la Monteiro, Manuel J.CorreY,

Chlcppa, Lillian '\reit, Mr.' &.. ':' ,$10' . . Dr.'- wall a90..ve is.a 'c~l.or, phot.o. o.f ,Pope' Pius X.II taken bY',Mr.,'. ::Aer·nl:cthk·o..··n.,Y..An,drade" Julius Rod-Mrs. Edward Blouin. . M.: V" FUileral"liome., C 1951 Pdt M C ' .

Me'; .& Mrs. Joseph Almeida; Joseph ·Frisch, .. Bert's 'Barber . onroy. IP.',. . ~cture, ,WI h ..r:.. ,oJlr~y, are Brother E. '. Mr.. & Mrs.. George Caron,· Alfred Silvll,Mr.' &; ·Mrs~ Paul • Shop, Yates Drl,lg"St6re,t: M*n-' Joseph :,(right)" ma~ter: ..()f .ilqv1Ces,!,;~nd :13rother.Edw,ard Joseph.LOpd, Mr.~. ¥I's ... Joh.,

Steiblin, Mr. & Mrs. Allen Bent;. sion House." . :~n'sehll' r assistint. directo:rg~neral.,NCPhoto.: '. . . ,F... Enos, !\1.r. ~ & Mrs. Robertley, Mr. & Mrs. Charles Arrud!!. .. Gene's Service' 'Center; Dora's" ." .. ,,'. . , : :, . . ,Andrews, Nick Fernandes.

.Mr. & Mrs. Norhi.jui Cloutier, .. Sea Food; Mr. & ,Mrs. David ·Cot-· .. '. ,:Ce~~rafVi.llag'e ... <, ...,. $15 '. :' Mrs. Olivia. Gomes, ',Charles .Mr: & Mrs. Lambert DesnoYe~s, rellus, Mr. & ~rs, Rober-t$)rl~.Mr. &, Mrs. Robert Albanese. . Alid'rade; Arth~r~Jola, Mr: ..Mr. & Mrs..Le«>pol'd .Galoriska, ' via,Donald Desorcy. ' " . sT. JOHN' THE":BAP:':isT, . .. ;,: Mrs.,.Robl;lrt ·L. McGrew; Mr.•·Mr. & Mrs. James Mello,. Mr. &. Michael. Fontes,' Jr.; Conti-ae:' ., . '. . ". , . ;.$':(0, ." .Mrs.· John F. Cook. .' .. 'Mrs. William ;Talliete: "; tor. " ,,'.' $ZOO ' . -: Mrs.. EstherSams4:m; Mr. :& ·.. ,·Mr.,&· 'Mrs; Robert Muncey;

. Mr: &' Mrs.' .Joseph Poirier, S" .". "" .·Rev.William ~. Jordan, Mrs. Marion, Lew'ls,' Mr. & Mrs., Mrs..Harold .Nickerson, LauraMr. & Mrs. Raymond. Poirier, W.ansea Bernard Kelly,' Dr. Peter F. . Barros, Anto.n~ Pjmi, , Juliu.Mr. ~ Mrs.: William Higgins, ST. DOMINIC M & M ~150 . Piccinini; .Mr. & Mrs.' Walter,. Lop~s.. , . '.'lVir. & Mrs: Maurice Magnant, $50 r. . rs. phn DeNadal. ,,' Le~nar~.· H;athryn Fernandes, Mt':' '"

. AIda Souza:' R. B. Negus Lumb~r Co. , $35. Manuel P. Silva, .Mr. & Mrs. ,Mrs. Joseph Moylal1, Mr. & Mfa.Mr. & Mrs. Charles Barton, $10 Mr. & Mrs. Casimir Bartkie- 'Jos~ph Audet, Mary L. Medei-' Virgil Daniels.

Mr. & Mrs. ·Rene Bachand, Mr. Sumner Stacy. wicz. ros. Turn to Page Seventeen


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REV.' FRANCISJ. EAGAN, <:.SS.R.,. . , ... ..




Bas~lica of Our Lady of Perpetual Help1545 TREMONT STREET


The Red'emptorisf,:Fathers5 East 74th· Street

New York 21, New York.


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FaU 'River 'Developmenl(orporalionri" ."'.... " > ', •• ,

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Success after'~u~~~~,g~~eted, the eff()rts ,of the Greater F;;:tll River'Deve~opment :Corporation: -So 'much so ,that, today, the ..econ6mic' "pictu're of Greater Fall River has- taken on a new'corripleiion~ :','

'Industrial div~~i1icati(m has supplanted a "O~e-IndustrY;' ~om- .'rnunity and, GrealerFali -River ,at long last i~·on th~' thr~silo1d'of ,',~brightandp'rp~per~-usfutura ',-",.

~ ~~ri ., ,", . ;

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Fi~e' years ago a !l~~II group of p~blic spirit~d'dtiiens bami~d."j' ,", tQg.ethe~ 'tQ ,eX:ch~n.gi'ide~ ,and formulateplaris ,to revitalize the

"economy' of Greater Fall River.

As aresult of many conferences the Greater Fall River Development·"Corporatio~ ~as. org~nizedand invitations extended to business,:,industrial 'and Civic groups as 'well as to the general ,public: to','

',';~':' '~om~ shareh~ide~s'j~thi8:~oh~profitcitizen's Organization:. ;":.. .. .; . . .~ . . \ '

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',. ,B~ilt 2'New Planti;' 't"."

• "Bought a'nd "RemodeledMijfcha~~~~ill "" For' Arkraff 'Fixtures' :': " ' " , ' " " :r'

~.',' .

;, .. '

BeGause B~etl~ Pla,stics ~as .S9 ,iprprel'lse<! yiith the spirit o{~operation that existed between the CitY. Govet:Iiment and F~URiver'sindustr:ial age:ncie~, a beautiful single-stol7.piant is now a beehiv~of activity. .",' ',' , , " .,' ,'

'. Provided;MCihufCiduting Fa~mtie~: :~_':', For 6 Diversified Industries ' ' :, '

i.Created ~~dj~r 'Sav~d 562 Jobi

• CrEtOtedand/or Saved $1,784,000in Annual Payrolls

What Fall Rive', MAKES'MAKES Fall River!


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Great~rFalr ~Jver '[)eY~ldpment ,'CorporationHOTEL MELtEN~'PHONE"OS'born~3~9708/

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,NEW B~DFORD',.: ..

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. . . for DonlesUc

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oil ':B'liriiears . ,Service'WY 2-9.4,(7



C~mplete 'LlneBuilding Materials


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D .& D Sales and Servic't..INC.



..' ~~II: for It"mediat. O..li....,



..AND CHAIRS ., -,. ;,


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WY 5..7830

BROOKLAWNFUNERAL HOME, INC.·R. Marc..J Roy -,- C. Lorraino Ro7

RoII'f'r IAFranet'

AppeaI GiftsContinued from Page Fifteen

TauntonST. MARY'S

'$50Harold. Sheehan.

$40Mary Fountain.

$30Catherine' Brady & Famny,


$25· James E .. Griffin, Mr. & Mrs.

Edward Lehan, Mrs. John LMcNamara, Edward J. O'Brien,Mary O'Brien.

Edward O'Gara, Irene Rowley,Mrs. Joseph Sheehan, Josephine

· & Mary McNamara, Alfred San­ford, James A.. Ward.·

$20Margaret. Coleman, Ruth Dias,

Paul Fountain, Margaret L. &Maurice' Gamache, Mr. & Mrs.Joseph C. Megan: .

Mr. & Mrs. F:rancis P. Norton,John D. O'Connell; CatherineMcCarthy, Mr. &. Mrs. RobertW. Menard, Leo Poirier, MichaelStavros.

Bury, Anna Callaghan, Lawrence DIOCESE OF FALL RIVER. MASS.

T. Callahan, Dr. Walter C~mp- U; ~bell. THE ANCHOR - . 1

Mrs. Dorothy Champagne, . Thurs., MaY,_2 ~, 1959Mrs. Kathleen Cowal1; RobertCowan, Frank Dernoga, John . Place Emphasis

· Dooley. . 0 M . I V IWalter Fitzgerald, Bernice A. 'n o~a' a ues

Fountain, Walter Gonzalski, I . Ed ·El~zabeth McKenna, . Merrill n ucahon

· Maynard. CON V E N T STATIONJohn E. Murphy, Walter Ne-.vitt, George O'Brien, William (NC)-An education whichPeckson, John C. Seekell. does not result "in 'a convic-

Cyril Tucker, Mary E. Wall, tion about moral values'" isGeorge Wilbur, Herbert Wittig, alailure, Secretary of LaborGeorge' Bagge. . James P. Mitchell dec.Iared her~.

Mr. & Mrs. LUdger Benoit, The cab i Ii e t member wasEsther BuckleY,Ethel',Buckley, . presented' With the Vinc~nti~n

· Mr. Ter~ance Burns,: Mrs. John Award of the' College .of St.J. ·Carr. . ' . Elizabeth, a women's institu-

Henry J. Col~man, Arnold ,tion of higher lear~ing con-Colpitts, Walter Dermody, Rob- ducted by th'e Sisters of Charity,ert Dias, Mrs. 'Henry ·Dolhain. . by . Sister Hildegarde Marie,

Howard . Donahue, Martin ~oliege president'. The Secretar,.Donahue, William J~ Do'nnelly, .waS cited lor "noteworthy ac-Andrew Dooley, Donald Dooley. complishments in' the field of

Mrs. Ethel DO~e, Mr. Charles ,ocial justice."Ducharme, 'Edward Duffy, Lelia Mr. Mitchel~ said that theDuffy, Mr. & Mrs. John J. Fitz- Chris'tian conscience dictate.,immons. that lessons of kindness, toler':'. Augusta Fountain Flanagan, ance, love, unselfishness an';

$19 'Louis Gilchrist, Mrs. Louis Gil- sacrifice are needed to constructAgnes Mc6rath, Marion Mc- christ, Mrs. Amelia Golemo, a social system "in which th~

Grath, Ruth McGrath. . Charles Grady. Vincentian ideals" are deeply$15 William' Grant, Louise Hig- bred.

Charles Anderson, Ralph gins, Robert .J. Hill, Donald "Who would imagine, lor ex';'Buckley,. Mary Mulholland,' Holmes, Jam'es M. Holmes.. ample," . the Secretary asked,~'James. J. Hauck, Mr. & Mrs. Hopper Feeds·Engineering Co'., BQOKS FOR. MANILA'S BLIND: Books on Sacred . "that respect for an individualJohn Keatl·ng. .. . . . Mrs. Marjorie. Hubbard, Ed- . Id b . b d u the kl'nd

.S.cripture in Braille, donated by the Xavier Society for the ·wou ease ponGertrude 'Lawlor, Mr. &: Mrs.' ward Hyland, Mr. & Mrs. . .of an .automobile he drives andPatrick Lyons, Edward' J. Me'- Charles Kingsbury,. ·Raymond .Blind, New York, have been presented by the Catholic Re- the size of his bank accountNamara' Jr., Walter Parker, Ed- Lamoureaux: lief Services-NCWC to the' M~nila Social Welfare Associa- rather .than upon how well .heward' Quinlan, 'Staniey Tokarz. Winifred Laughlin, Mary I.; ,tion. Pictured :reading the books are trainees of the Office ,respects the virtues? Yet. these

$]2 '.)., ; .Nellie ;Leary, Martha M.Leon- of Vocational Rehabilitation. Left to right: Sister La CroIx judgments are !Dade by society.'!Aiic'e Correa, John Lavaooour,' . ard, Cha~les H.' Lincoln, Mrs. . . . ,

""" 'Ch 1 'L' . I . of the Society' of. St. Paul deCha.rt,re.s·, M,rs. Lee Sanborn, ' ~' .......__..Arthur Murphy Jr'. ar es m~o I)" .' . .' ..

$10 .. ' ,Mary E.Lynch, JQseph Mador, .•Wife of the C;R.S.- mission director.if!. ManiIaand·Mrs.VH~V' it· A . 1 . Gertrude Elizabeth Maio,. Emer3;. . Malo" lamore of the Social Welfare Adrriinistration. NC Photo. :

10 e mara , .... Mrs. Eileen Martin., .. ' . . . . ,Baker, August Barber, Mary MD' . Id' C·' t' 'Sh M ' IIli.I '1.;.. Mrs. David Rich. . ,Barrington, Mrs. Margaret'Bent-· ... 'M

conF3 .. orps.eM' CQPbe'··s.r:.. . I...~rton Mr. & Mrs. 'Gerard Roberge.

ley..' " ~ ~s. ral)Cls ,.' . c,.~ . . t:., . ST.' MARrS .,. .. James' McGovern Mr I.; Mrs' , J.r., Mr:.'~ ..Mrs.. .'t,homas· Roch:"Leo Berube Joseph A. Betten- ., . "" . .., <' . ,," ••2'00' ' .

· . h.' B .. t WIllIam McGowan .. Alice. Mc:- ... '.fo,rd" Mr. ,& Mrs. Eugl;ne' Roy,eourt, Josep me M. ettencour, ·K··.. ' . ...., .:," ", ". "',.. Rev; Willi~m D. Thomson.· 'M,; &'" Mrs.•.. William Scherer,BrUl1.0 .,Bisio, 'Fred BOI.ugo.in: ., esnu·ns·lla·n" 'M'.·c:K:'e':nn'a:". R"u' t',h" . 'M''c-" . " ..$1"';. '. .,

C vv ·Mr. &; Mrs:.P/lul, Shaw·.·· .. ',WIlham J. Boyle, 'LOUIS a-.' '. ' .. ,,: .. ,'.' " ...., .'. .', "", .•bana, . William " Cahill, .. ,Mrs.. Kenna?, .C~therme," . )'dcKeo':l, . In Memory olJ.ohn B"Fal'r~Jl;.:'. TheJ,'ohn Simpkins Falpily.,,:

. A ",C Il AileE Ch isty .MadelIne McKeon, Ma.r,,: MC-.$SO . 1t{r. & Mrs..David Stentiford,nme arro, . . n ,,' " a '. Keon.· " .:'. .. R B . F S U' ,. The .Mrs.. ·Gertr~.de SutCI.ilfe,. ,Mr,. Ii

· Joseph L.. Chalsty, Margaret .' "W"l . d M "K '.' .... F." ' .. '"I' .c ev." ernaru '. u IVaJl,' M.r.s~. I>9J;lald Thibeault; " ~rs.Chaisty, Matthew Chamberiain, M' Ihll!111re

d·· cEo ;~Q'~t1 .. ··Mraednc.I~. '. " 'Charles Drane, tamily, St.Vin:.

G Id' Ch' Loui Chiesa u 0 1m , . ,rnes· ....el~ps, '~ent de Paul Society. ' . 'Harvey.walker. ,.era me lesa,. .s '. ,. George Megan" John' MUlhol':",' :.:',.',... ..36.... ·. ... Hel)ri 'Yelle,. Pl\ul L. l'"ung,Mrs. John Chflsmas, : Mar- .,!.' '.' . '.,.... Z . k

«uerite M. Clalfy,,' 'Dorothy land: . ' .. :, )"........ . ,:TheAlbert .ThibeaultJ'amili. ;Mr,. & Mrs. Paul... upan1c,Clark Elwood ·ciark'. William .', -Mr. Laurence ·J".~,~mse, Mrs., ... ~... ;".$30 ...:" 'Leo'Al;lard ~amily, . MajlUel .Clillo~d. . ,:"" " .... ,. : ~li~ :&J~m~s·Mu.riJh~,Jr:, .WiX.... : Peter Mondor ,Family: .D.'Aguiar.. " . _.

·Mrs. Mary ·Con.nors, Mrs. boin- . lFla'i~: dNavIn, .J;II,!e~ .0 BrIer, ..A. '. . " $25 . Samuel Arena· Family, Robertr en 'F ·,~arltlicbael.,Family,;Mr. & Mrs.Inick Corrigan, Leo Cronan Fam- . p"a'trl:ck O'Don'nel·.I,. 'Jo'hn MO.. Mr.;'&· Mrs. W'illiam.'V.. la,.·

... ,S,tl,l~ley Kirylo"Herbert Silverily, Robert Doherty, Anna Dono- O'H A' O'K ., r 'R b . cherty; T:J. Holmes Co., Inc., .Family, Adrianne.Leroux. ."an. .' . earne,. nnl!.,· . ee.e, ~ - .J. ·Ri:Kilburn ·Glass Co.,: Inc:, '1' L

Gerald Dooley, Rich'ard Doo- ~rt Perry,.. Mrs. Ropert .Perry. Ernest'Precourt, Inc.;.Mrs. Anna Anthony Pires, Faml y, Mr....R II P ter n Mrs Jame- '.' Mr.S" . Andrew Radnor, August

ley Jr., Jeremiah Dowhing Jr." '.- usse M e ;·ir" R····' ;. ,Shea. 'Ribiero Family, Herbert Schrei-Mr. Andrew Driscoll, Mr~, T, J. ,~oW~ls.J·.;s.~/~~ ii:n ; ·<Mr. & Mrs. Homer Simmons, 'ver Family, Peter' F. Schreiver:Feeney. ame '. yan, I lam '. ea-. John Blottinan 'Family...

F . k F't . W·· gan Jr.. .20 Turn to Page EighteenrederiC I zSlmmons, 101- A H R It A th .. . I

-- M Ed nna. aery, r ur M & M Pt' k De r R _-_---..;.-----~fred Flaherty, Mr. 0'; rs. - Ii d S J h R'll M . r. . rs. a ric. V 10,' •mund T. Flynn, Francis.Flynn,. ee. r.,. 0 n el y, . rs. Lodico, Mr. &·Mrs.-Antone Me-Mr Ch rle Gillon G~orge Reilly, Harold T. Sh.ee- .deir.os,· Victor & 'Philbert Pel-s. as., ..' han'

John Gonsals, Mae Gorman, '. .' " chat; Mr. &, 'Mrs: Chester Vota,Daniel· Grady, John :n. Grant, ,Marguerite C. Smlth'T;lllIan .' Mr. & Mrs. Charles. Wickland.

· William Hanrahan. Theroux; Robert, f... . Igpen,. $15. .' .Theresa Haskill, Henry Hodge; Edward W. Tonry, Mrs.. ~J,mon The' Gerald Bernier Family,

M R b t K 'th Th L. Turner.. Th Th B t F '1 Mrs. 0 er el, eresa R ' W t'h' i h W t e omas ryan . ami y,. r.Kennedy, Helen McCarthy. aymond e c, ~,n . en - & Mrs. 'George Charette' Jr" Mr..

Patricia McClellan, Robert worth, Harvey~:~Ilson Sr., '&. Mrs.. Ernest· Harrison, TheMcClellan, Joseph A. ~acDon-' Mrs. Adelbert Young. :Paquette Family,' .aId, Francis J. McGivney, Mrs. HOLY ROSARY '$10Lillian McGrath. $150 ·Mr.& Mrs,' Robert Barboza,

Mary McGrath, Owen Me';' Franciscan Fathers .O.F..M: .Mrs. Margaret Bartley, Mr.' &Kenna, Dorothy McManus, Mar- Conv. Mrs. George Bauza, Mr. & Mrs.guerite McManus" Mrs. Michael Rodney Berube; Mr, 8? Mrs.F. Mahoney. $50 Armand Brown.

Mr, & Mrs. Joseph Marion,. . Holy Rosary Confirmation Mr. & Mrs. Donald Butts, Mr..Mrs. Mildred Maxwell, Harriet Crass. ',& Mrs. Joseph Cabral, Mr. &Megan, Francis Menard, Mrs. Wood's Hole Mrs. John J. Carvalho, GeorgeAnne C. Morris. . Charette Sr., Mrs. Tho'mas Cur-

Mr. & Mrs. Harold Mosher, ST. JOSEPH ran.William P. Mulher, Alice M. Mrs. Irving Fillmore, Mr. &Mulvey, John J. Murphy, Mar- $100 Mrs. James F:tzgibbons, Loretta

Paul T. McCusker. E d Fgaret V. Neenan. Flanagan, x ras ontneauFrancis O'Boy, Helen O'Brien, $50 Family, The Peter Gonsalves

John O'Connell, Vincent O'Neill, Megansett Friends.. Family. ,Louis Ors1. . ,$25 Mary Harrington, Mrs. Cecilia

Pauline Orsi, Manuel Perry, Mr. & Mrs. Paul Archambault, Hayes, Mr. & Mrs. Damon Hope,Lawrence Pivirotto. Mr. & Mrs. Mr. & Mrs, Ralph Simoneau, St.' Mr. & Mrs. Leo Laroque, Mr, &Joseph Quigle;,·. James Reid. . . Joseph's Women's Guild, Mrs. Mrs. Walter Mallon.

Mario Riva. George B. San- Claudia Pendergast.' Edward Marvel,' Ellen Mc-ford Jr., Francis Sara'ceo, $20 ,-' Adams, Mr. & Mrs. Robert Mur-Joseph Scarano, Mrs. Catherine ~ Jane McLaughlin. phy, Mrs. George Norton, ·Mr. &Schein. $15 Mrs. Thomas O'Brien.

A ndrew Scherben, John ·Mr. & Mrs. Homer Paulus,Mr, & Mrs. Stephen Mcinnis. ' ,Scully, George D. Sea,rs, Mr..& Mr. & Mrs. Edward ParadiS, Mr.Mrs. Arthur Shaw,. Cecelia $10 & Mrs. Louis Pelchat, Mr. &

Mrs. Dorothy Berg, Mr. & M L R '. u MrSheerin. rs. awrence appmea., . .Mrs. Herve Houde, Mr. & Mrs.Mary Sheerin, Clarence Shove,Thomas Gleason, Thursday Club,Helen Shove, Anne 'Silvia, Mr.

& Mrs. Leonard N. Sousa. Mr. & Mrs. Harold McComiskey.Mrs. Esther Sullfvan, Louis Joan Medeiros, Mr. & Mrs.

Theroux, Mrs. James ·W. Tran- Manuel T. Medeiros, Mr. & Mrs.ter, Arthur Travers, Charles H. .Robert McKenzie, Helen Mc-Tripp. Kenzie, HarryE. Handy.

Mrs. Frederick Tripp, Mrs.. Mr. & Mrs. Eugene Mysona,Olivia Vrattos, Dorothy Wal- Mr. & Mrs. Charles Downham"ford; Leonard Walsh ·Sr., John' Leeside Cale, Mrs. Gloria Mc­E. Welch Jr.. Albert Wilson. Lean, MJ·s. Mary Condon &;

James F.' Bruns, . Alexander John; Helen Scott.


Super Markets18 59 ~ III I RI(" I DIP I NDt. 8 Lr '0 aD '01 f R(II ~ ~ Tin 5 Q





'BONE IN/. '. .


Jane Parker Large a-Inch


Wins Medal.

·SpotlightiQg Our-Schools




C~LONIAI;5 18 2 89MAS~ER ." ~AN e, .


Chuck Roasll849c

-:----~-~---..,;.,-- -:.

$ISMary E.. & MildredMrs.


.:.. ',




18 " : - THE ANCHOR IThurs., May 21, 1959,

ST. l\'J.ARY'S$500 .

Rev. 'Edward L. O'Brien.$250..

A F.riend.'$11)0

A Friend.

A Friend.

A Friend.


"Appea I GiftsContinued from Pa~e Seventeen

Osterville.OUR LADY OF THE


Rey.' Walter J. Buckley.. $100 ' ..:

,F~lix A. Mirando, Anonymous'.",$50 . ,

. Mr. & Mrs.. Joseph Beecher,·Peter F. Connolly, Mrs.' WalterHall, Mrs. Jane York.


$35Catherine Hansberry.,

$25 . ,John B. Lebel & Sons; Inc.

. $20Thomas Kelley,



Rev. William' H, Dolan:$1% $50

Mr, & Mrs. Joseph J: Kirby, Rev. James F, Kenney.Maude O':8rien. $25 ' '

" \$10 ' - Mr. &' Mrs.. Joseph Mozzone, COYLE' HIGH SCHOOL, HOLY' FAMILY,Mr, & Mrs. Beif Anderson, Mr. & Mrs. Raoul Ducharme. TAUNTON NEW. BEDFORD .

. Mrs. James Bellew, Mr. &' Mrs. $24 John Sparks won a 'bronze The Msgr. McKeon Deoat~ng. -i'lugO Carbonetti; Dayid Crotty, Mr. & Mrs,' Joseph Raposa. . fourth place medal in extem- Society will hold its 'Second

Mr. & Mrs. Fred DiGiovanni~ $20 . poraneous speaking at the 11th· Annual Parents'Nig~t, topight,Mr. & Mrs. ~dward Gonsalves, Mr. ~,.Mrs.."Will,iam McAloon. Massachusetts' High S c h·o 0 I at the Kennedy Youth Centt~r.

'Mr.& Mr~. Arthur Kane, Mr. & ·$15 Speech Contest sponsored by A forQ'lal debatC:l will -be pr'e-'Mrs. John McGee, Mr'. & Mrs. Joseph Perry. Suffolk University,Boston. ~ented, wi9t ~ary Jane WalkerGerard Precourt, ~: & Mrs. . -$12 JESUS MAR . and Kathteen Morrissey rEipre-Ralph Sarro.. Angelina Correia,' Mr. & Mrs. -Y ACADEMY, senting the Affirmative, and"

A Friend Shierlino Amici _ Christopher McCarthy, Mr. & FALL RIVER George Thomas and JustinLucy Chafe,' Mr~ & Mrs; Roland Mrs. F{;ancis Perry. May Day observance is ·sched- 'Kelleher, 'the Negative. Kather-Clement, Mr. &, Mrs. Nicnolas .v $10 uled for Friday, May 29, in the - ine Kelleher will serve as chair.Carpeno: ' . M~ .. & -Ml,"s. 'Ernest AndTews, school auditorium. The theme man. .'

Mrs:"" Eva Marie' Foster, A- M;r.·& Mrs. 'John Areias, Mr. & is !'Catch 'a Falling Star on the Robert Lawler, State winner, Friend,-!\y. ~ MrS. J~hn King, Mrs.. Benjamin Berthao, Mr.·& Way' to -Hea.ven" with the fol-' 'of the American Legion Orator­Mr: & Mrs. Joseph Leanues,.Mr. Mrs. ·Russell Chamberland, Mr. lowing'part of the r~ligious pro., _ical Contest, will present his& Mrs. Edward McCalsky..' " & Mrs. Arthur CoJlins., graw: Mass" at Notre. Dame prize-winning oration, "T h e

Mr. & Mrs. George Pierce, Mr. . Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Content, Church followed by Communion Constitution - Worth Having,& Mrs: Frank: Regula; Mr. ,&' Alice- Correia,. Mary, Joan Cos~a, Breakfast in the school' cafe- WOJth Defending".' ,

Mrs. Charles Mrs.. Walter Vallett; Troop 1~. Yvette D\lcharme, Mr. & Mrs. teria;.a skit entitled '.'Stairways As a result of a'test sponsored',Boy Scouts gf. America, "St.. Sylvano ·Farias. . . to Paradise" with Doris Des-' by the American Association of

$15 Mary's Parish, Agnes Britton. . Mr, &, M15. AntOniO Gomes,. forges as soloist; announcement Teachers of French; a ContestCharles Cammett, Manuel Mr. ,& Mrs,. Eugene Britton Manuel Gomes, Mrs. Alfred of new officers\vith the presenta- certificate was awarded to two

Moniz, Anthony Campana, Mrs. Mr. & Mrs. Edward Cody, Mr. & Judge, Mr. & Mrs, Michael' Lar~ .. tion of corsages by prefect Jac- members 'of the Jupior Class.'Burton Trask, Ralph J. Shea, Mrs.•Americo Crescetelli D &: Mkin; Michael. Larkir. Jr.. ciueiine 'Plante. The afternoon Raymond Lagesse w'as rated first.lohn Murphy. . Supply'·" Co:. Mr. & M;s. E~r1 'Robert Larkin, Mary Lin:" session will include the recep,"'; among those having a Non-

$12 Fenstermacher. hares, Mr. & Mrs, Arthur Lor- tion of new Sodalists arid proba- French background, and Jocelyn. Mrs. Roland" Ashley. W. C. Fuller Co.,- Inc., Mary' tie, Mr. & Mrs, ,Alfred Macpado, 'tionists. Menard with those having a

. $10 Hyatt, Mr. & Mrs. Alfred J. John H. Martin.. The members of the faculty in French background.'Alfred Lecombe, Mrs. Ellen Kuplast, Paul Mitrano, Inc., ~r. &. Mrs. Alfred Mattos, conjunction with the Student 0.n e of the scholarships

t~ ,Bobson, Bernard MacQuade; Morse MOnument 'Co. Sadie Motta, Mr. & Mrs. Bruno "Counci~ and the \ Honor Society awarded annually' by the Cath-Joseph P. Ros~,. Mrs. Teresa Mr..§t 1V!'rs.Joseph Murp~y, Mozzone, Mrs.. peter.'Murphy" voted 10 Patricia La' Fleur as' olic Woman's Club of NewWright. Mr. & Mrs. William Palanza Mr. & Mrs. Fred Patnck. school president for the scholas- Bedford was merited by Miss

Kenneth Bailey. John Gal- Edwood B. Shepard Florist Mr: / An'nePerry, Mr. & Mrs. ·Primo tic year 1959 and Pauline Le Sandra L. Leclair, 28 RutlandJagher, Mrs. Oselie' LeBlanc & Mrs. Vincent Smith, Mr. & Ricci, Ellen, Rya'n, Mr. & Mrs. Boeuf as~ce..:president. Street.

Mrs: Rober' Cross. Mary CroSs: Mrs. Walter Alfieri. John Sienko, Mr. & Mrs. Wil- -~--------------------------_., James Shields, 'John Linehan, . Mr. & Mrs. Antonio Antosca' liam Silvia.Wilson Perry, Joseph M. Daniel, Mr; & Mrs. Robert Barr' Mr & Mr. & Mrs. William Willette,Char1~s' Gardner. . .... . Mrs.' William Bellew Sr.:' Mr: & Mr~ & Mrs. 'John Zeiba. ' ,

.WiUia!TI Leo Shields, Zilpha·',:Mrs. Roy Boyden, Mr. &' MrS. ST. MARY'S",Wright, lV,lrs. Mary O'Connor,' Paul Boyden'- . ' '. $1000"Edward.Daniel,John ,Rosa. Mr. & Mrs. Clarence Brazil Rt.Rev. James Dolan.

Anonymous;-" John· J.Bowes,.:·· Mr., & Mrs. JameS Breen & Fam~ $75Mrs.•E., Lester" Carroll, Anony- i1y, Mr. & 1\'1rs. Lawrence Bryan, Rev. William F. Morr~s.mous, Redmond Fitzgerald. .' Mr. & Mrs. Carl Cardinute" Cl ' . $50,

Osterville ~ews Stand, James .A Frierid. " .Rev. Norman J. Ferris,' kev.'.B. Mullan, Charles MacEache-:- Mr. &:, ~rs. William Creeden, Charles H. Poirief.ron, Mrs.' Shirley C. Crosby, Mr. & Mrs. William Cunen, Mr. - $20'Mrs. Lillian, C~in. .&' Mrs. Charles Damato, D'Agos- ,H~rold Galligan.

Richard Cain, Mrs. _ William tin,o Fal)liIy', Mr. & Mrs. Bradley .. $12Adams, Donald Coombs, Mrs. Dauphinee. ' Kathleen R. Hogan.Herbert Coombs. Mr. & Mrs. Harry Davison, . , $10

A Friend, Mr. & Mrs. Fred De- The Behan Family, HelenLutis,' Dr. & Mrs. Francis De- BiI:d, Mary E. Bird, Peter Cara-Stefano, Arthur Dupree'. mos, Harry Cooper. .

Mr. & Mrs. William Eastman, George E. Dion, Robert Dion,Mr. & Mrs.. Jos~ph Falotico, Robert E. Doherty, James V.James R. Fernandes,' Dr. John Duffy, Stephen. Doucette.Finn, Mr. & Mrs, Frank Finn. Julia .Galligan, George P.Mr~'& Mrs. William Fioretti George, Eileen' Gorman', Joseph

.. ,....-, The First-National 'Bank of 'Gorman, Catherine McNaimira.·$50, 0' Mansfield,; Mr. ~. Mrs. Peter Da'niel J. Magh.ery, "joseph

R.ev. Edward 0,' Paque'tte, A Fontanini, Mr. & 'Mrs~" Francis 'Mori.fl, John Murphy, .Thomas"riend, Darm'edy Family, Dr. & J. Fox, 1\ Friend., N'"oonan, John O'Donnell.· .Mrs, Anthony Gasson, Dr. & Mr. & ,Mrs. John Gallivan, Edward ... Tokarz, Michael~rs. j"ohn Kenney. ' - Mr. ·&·'Mrs.James. Gallo".Aldo Welch.

A Friend, In' Memory '01 Gemiriiani,·Mr,-&:,Mrs.'·!Jamcs . SACRED HEART. Father Elliott, In Memory: of Goff, A Friend.,. . . . $350

Father Harrold, Mr. ,& Mrs. Ar- Mr.·& Mrs. Howard Keith 'Mr R F . M K .. & M F d' Le' ., ~.. ev. ranclS c eon.thur Babine, Mansfield Catholic .~s. re mITe,Mr.'&:, Mrs. $'75Women's Club.' ':" Angelo Linari, Mr. &:. 'Mrs.Re F . C·" ,

M fi ld C it K f C Frank M·t· II' A F . ' d v. rancls B. oonors, ·KeY.

ans e ounc . . 0., _ . ar me 1, nen. Ed . 'St. Mary's St. Vincent de Paul Mr, &: Mrs. William Markt, ward J. Mlt;::ll.Conference. ' Mrs. Gladys Morse,.tJohn Mc- ME' J II .

$40 Intyre, Mr. &: Mrs. Williafu Mc- 'U'_ rsC' h uglene


erson, Mr. '&L hi

'" M & M . ......·s. ar es or en., aug 10, r. rs. Paul Mc- . $20Namara.

Mr. &' Mrs'- 'Edward Mc- MMr&&~rs'JRaymond Corey,Namara, Mr. & Mrs.' Howard Mr. &' M rS'

La~eVs H

C' Lynch,

,McRae Mr & M V· t 'N . . r. " rs. OUlS • ook, Mr.ciso Mr &'M Crsh' llC °Or'Marl- & Mrs: Donald Webster.

, . . rs. ar es a - $12ley, Mrs. Emma Pascucci. M .. .' ,

Mr & M R be t P' I . r. & Mrs. WillIam Rodgers.. . ,rs. 0 r., ~u ~on, $10' ,

Mr. & Mrs. <;::laude Plcclandra, John F· 'c II . M & MMr & Mrs V

· t P . . . u en, r. rs.. . mcen olrler, Mr. Ch I DIM

& Mrs. Anthony Porfido Mr &: ar es a y,. r. &: Mrs.. Mrs. Frank ProhQdsky. ' . Charl~s CorreIa,. Mr. & ~r~.

A Friend Mr' J ~; R FranCIS Perry, Mr. & Mrs. Fran-' .. '. s. osep me e- cis Jaros.

pUCCI :& FamIly, Mr.' & Mrs. " . , ...... Alfred Sarro Mrs Eth I Sh . Mr. -& Mrs. Clement Brad-han Mr & '"lI"r' 'Ed ed' Tee- . shaw, Mr. & Mrs. E>uane Allison,

, . ".. s. war or- M M B . .rance.' • , . rs.. . ary . Jones, MIchaelMr. 8/; Mrs. -Fred Vallett Mr SullIvan, Mr. -& Mrs. George"

, , . Overton& Mrs. William Vallett A . "Friend, The WelCh Family 'Mrs I~r. & Mrs. ~. Frank Doyle,Mae Wood' & Joseph Gibbons.' ElIzabeth Doyle, Mary Kennedy,

Ernest Yelle Mr & M Mr.• & . Mrs. John' Boudreau,Albert' Zaffini. ,. rs.· Mrs~ Helen Smith. ,

. James. Flynn, Mr. & Mrs.Taunton Roland ,Renaud, Eugene Sulli­

van, Mr. &: Mrs. William J: Coe.IMMACULATE, CONCEPTION Sr., Charles, Tarr. I,

$300 ' M·r. & Mrs. Willhim E. Bunt-Rev. Thomas H: ,Tayl~r. lng, F,rancis .LunneY, ·Mr. &:

. $'75., ' ~rs .. James A. Cooke, Mrs. Mar-Re~. :J:ames F. Lyons. cellil1~ White, Mr. & Mrs. Ar.-

'. . $2S thur Carter. . .J~seph MlcManus:Dr.Clem~nt Mr: & Mrs. Patrick' Murphy:

Maxwell. . ·Mr..& Mrs. Frank Longo, Rob,.. $15' ert Palin~, :tyIr. &. Mrs.' Barney -

Mrs. Donald Ma~Lean. A. Floor, Helena Ragge~t. ''. ' Mr.: &, Mrs. Coy Folcik, Mrs., '$10'" Anna' Sullivan, Edward, Boud-

~aryFenton~Frank Hanieski: reau, Mr. & Mrs. Robert Dewey,·John" Hayes, ¥r. & Mrs. John ,Margaret Slattery. .,~eene Jr., Cornelius Kiley. Mrs. Elizabeth Whooley; Mrs.. Mr. &. Mrs;" Edward ~nhares; G. Raymond Bolduc, Mr..&: MrLSusan McGuire, Marion Mros, Clarence Brady. ,.The Wal~h Fami~. . TUfa ae Pac. Xj_'_

$25Herbert E. King Agency, Mr.

&: Mrs. Joseph Kuzdzol, TheMisses O'Malley, DonoghueFamily, Dr. &. Mrs. CharlesColella.

Mr. & Mrs, William Jackson,Mr: & Mrs. Edward Jameson,Dr. & Mrs. Raymond Ockert

. Mr. & Mrs. John Dunn, Mr: &:Ws. James Hinchey. ' .

Mr. & Mrs. Robert Lovely,Mrs. Fillion. & Dion Family', St.Mary's CYO. ,

$20Mr. & Mrs. ~ichard Ball, Mr.

&: Mrs. Edward Finn, Mr. &Mrs. William Morton, Mr. &: Mrs.'G~orge Pomfret, Mr. &: Mrs.'HarOld L, Qua:iters.

Mr. & Mrs. William Watter­lIOn, A Friend, The Bishop Ger-.rard K. of C. Class, Mr. & Mrs.Orlando Souza.• \" ' -$1'7

A Friend.$15

A Friend,' Christie's PackageStore, '0. Gemininani Family.Beatty Family, Lilly's Drug'Store, C. ·S. Lord Drug Store,Mr. & Mrs. William Fox Ed­ward Fitzpatrick. . ' '

..".-: Carallo Family, Mr. & Mrs..William V. Haymes, Capone

, Family, Mr. & Mrs. Merl Gris­~old & Larry, .Mr• .!It Mrs.Geocge. Farnam .



Middleboro Rood. Route l':~:'


E.W.GOODHU.E,Lumber Co. Inc~· .


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Continued from p ...e O.

Ing that study of the catechismshould be of primary importancein the curriculum.

"We' must give children thereasons and the background 01what we believe," he said.

Both Most Reverend James L.Connolly, Bishop of Fall River,and Most Reverend James J.Gerrard, Auxiliary, were pres­ent at opening exercises of theconvention. Bishop Connollyspoke the first day and BishopGerrard led prayers. BishopGerrard spoke the 'second day.

In addition to general morn­ing sessions, there were twollpeakers each after'noon of theconvention and numerous sym­posia and specialized discussiongroups.

'Over 700 teachers from aUparts of the Diocese attended.


Teachers Meet

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~"'''''''''','''''''''''''''''''''''"'--~-''''': kiTCHEN MAID: DEBROSSE OIL: ... '--ecITCHENs--/", co ,., . ,.f friendly woo'-, " .: Hea~ing Oils :, d B ( ,: an urners:,. ,: 365 NORTH FRONT STREET:: NEW BEDfORD • :,. ,, WYman 2-5534 , M..II co..... TlHl.,I ', , , -r- , , I' f __--- _

Onifrio Papsodora, Mr. & Mrs~

AI Arsenault, Raymond L; Grif­fin, Mr. & Mrs. Alex Morin, Mr.&; Mrs. Thomas Morin.

Mrs. John Augusta Jr., JosephA. Sheehan, Herve Lajoie, An­gelo Burgess, John Antonicelli.

Mr. & Mrs. Dino Paglierani,Lt. Paul Kaminski, Mr. & Mrs.Joseph Brown, James J. Navin,.Mr. & Mrs. Charles E. Morrison.

. Mr. &: Mrs. A. Kaspar, H. V.Lawrence Inc.,. Dr Robert Toal,Mr. & Mrs. Leo Griffin Sr.,Capt. &; Mrs. Curtis S. Clauson.

Mr. &; Mrs.-Francis L. Hankin­son, Mr. & Mrs. William Goss,Mr. & Mrs. John P. Rose, Fal-

mouth Firemen's Association'IBI~~~i~luoksOil's, Sgt. Vincent Luckraft.

Turn to Pace Twenty


A.,..tHary ......


Maia Olliee and .....


TelepboDe Lo~n

QL .-..sa ... GL 7-''''

All Kinds Of Insurance


DIAL WY 8-5153Personal, Service -





$60Wood Lumber Co.

$50Rev. William' E. Farland, Mr.

& Mrs. Michael Ames, Stone'sBeauty Shop. .

$30Major & Mrs. Roland De­


Mrs. Eileen' Finnell, Mrs.Loretta Doucette, New BedfordBargain Store, Romiza's TexacoStation.'

$20Mrs. Marion Tukey, Mr. &:

Mrs.- Paul Olenick, FalmouthAuto Sales, Mr.' &: .Mrs. JohnHughes, Dr. &: Mrs. Gerald L.Doherty. -

Mr. &: Mrs. Leo Griffin Jr.,Mr. &; Mrs. Winthrop Lumbert,Mr. &; Mrs. William Keating.

$15William McCann, Tony's

Diner, Smith's Variety Store,Mr. &: Mrs. Joseph B. MiskellJr., Jerry's ':Bar &: Grille, Mr,&: Mrs. Joseph Cardeira.

Mrs. Francis Cobb, Cmdr. &Mrs. J«;>1:1o M. Joseph. _

$10Frank Makeley, Thomas

Dolan,. Mr. & Mrs. Terrence L.Dineen, Major &, Mrs. VincentRicci, Mr., & Mrs. Edward Bour­goin.

(Lee Bourgoin, John Malloy,.Louis Botelho, Mrs. Lewis Law­rence, Mr. & Mrs. George Fon­seca.

Mr. &; Mrs. John Giabbai, Mrs.Charles Riley, Mr_ &: 'Mrs. JohnW-hite, McAdams Shoe Store,Mr. & Mrs. John Ferreira Jr.

H. L. Baker Co., Frederick V•.Lawrence, Inc., Mr. &; Mrs. Man­uel - Lopes, Appel's FalmouthPharmacy, Mr. & .Mrs; LeonardMartin.


$250 .Rev. James E. GleaS()n.

,$100 •Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Smith &:


AT R~DCLOUD'SGRAVE: Bishop Francis D. Gleeson,8.J., of the Vicariate of Alaska is shown with Father L.Edwards, 8.J., Superior of the Pine Ridge, S.D. Mission,at the tomb of Chi~f Red Cloud, the great Oglala Siouxwarrior and statesman who invited the Black Robes (Jesuits)to found a school ~mong the Oglala people. NC Photo.

Hannigan, Mr. & Mrs. BernardHarrington, Mr. & Mrs. JobnHarrington, Mr. &: Mr~. DanielHurley..

William Lally, Mrs. John R.Lavender, Mr. & Mrs. EdwardLevell, Catherine Lynch, Mr. &Mrs. Patrick McCann.

The John Manning Family,Mr. &; Mrs. Thomas Manning,Mr. &; Mrs. Edmund Mitchell,Mary Mitchell, Margaret Mur-phy. .

In Memory of Mr. &: Mrs.George Newberry, Mrs; Lc:?uisePonton, Mrs. Annie Roach, JohnRyan, Mrs'. Virginia Sullivan.

ST. ANNE$200

Order of Dominican Fathersof Fall River.

$40Mr. &: Mrs. Aime Giroux.

$35Dr. &: Mrs. Paul DeVillers.

$25Parishioner, Marguerite &

Blanche Gendreau.Anonymous, Boule .Funeral

Home, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Mo­quin.

$20Mr. &; Mrs. Bernard Paquette.Adrien Hochu & Family.

$15Benoit GaiIthier, Dr. &: Mrs.

Alphonse Poirier.$10 _

Mr. &: Mrs. Joseph Cabral,Marie Cote, Mr. &:-Mrs. GeorgesFournier, Mr. & Mrs. AndreGiroux, Mr. &: Mrs. Louis Gou-let~ "

Mr. &; Mrs. Aime Lafleur, Mr.&: Mrs. Charles Levesque, -Mr. &Mrs. Nobert Martineau, AdeleOuellette, Mr. &: Mrs. Albert'rherou~ Sr.

Mr. Onesiphore Theroux,Anonymous. ./

Mr. & Mrs. Joseph A. Beau­chesne; Mr. &: Mrs. ReginaldBellerive, Alfred Bernard, 'RoseBernier, Helene Boucher.

Juliette Cardinal, Mr. &: Mrs.Joseph Charette, Anonymous,Mr. &: Mrs.' Fernand· Cote,Joseph Coulomhe.

Mr. &: Mrs. Fernando DaSilva,Mr. &: Mrs. Aurele Dion, DoreaDoucet, Berlra' Duclos, Mr. &:Mrs. Georges- Duclos.

Mr. &: Mrs. Emile Duval, J!ea­trice FoIster, Yvonne Froment,Mr. & Mrs. Honorius Goddu, Mr.&: Mrs. Adrien Guay.

Mr. &; Mrs. Joseph Hamel,Mr. &: Mrs. James Kirby, Mr. &;­Mrs. Albert Lavoie, Mr. &: ·Mrs.Bertrand Letendre, Eva Leten­dre.

Mr. &; Mrs. Edgar Levasseur,'Romeo Paquette, Mr. & Mrs.Hector Proul~, Mr. & Mrs. HenryRing, Florida Rioux. .

Elisa Arsenault, Mr. &: Mrs.Benoit Beaudoin, Mr. &; Mrs.Antonin Bedard, Edilbert Brault,Mr. &: Mrs. Benoit Canuel.

Lucette Cardinal, Mr. &: Mrs.Albert Couture, Mr. &:Mrs.David Driscoll, Aurielie Fran­coeur, Emilia Gauthier &; Fam­ily. . I

Mr. &: Mrs. Arthur Gendreau,Mr. & Mrs. Paul Lanciault, Ar­thur G. Lecours, Bertha Martel,Mr. &; Mrs. Reul Martel.

Alice Michaud,. Mr. &: Mrs.Eugene Morin, Celina Normand,Mr. &: Mrs. Charles Parent, Mr.&: Mrs. Georges E Pelletier.

Mr. &: Mrs. Arthur Plante, Mr.&:Mrs. Andre V. Raymond, Mr.& Mrs. Nelson Rioux, Mr. &Mrs. Edgar Ross, Dr. &; Mrs. O.St. Denis.

Rosa Smith, Mr_ & Mrs. RolandSorel, Therese Sorel, CecileSutton, Martha St. Laurent.

Ida Simard, Joseph .EudoreVautrin.


'$150Chor Bishop Joseph' Eid.

$50MonS()ur Ferris.

$25Albert Faris.

$10 -Holy Rosary Sodality, Chil­

dren of Mary, Mr. &; Mrs. Ed-:­ward Khoury, Mrs. TanousFaris~ Mr: &: Mrs. Nasib Shaker,lIr. & WI's. George Shaker.

ST. ROCH$100

Rev. Reginald Barrette.$50

Rev; -Adrien Gauthier, Rev.Robert -Kirby.

$10Leo Vezina

Appeal GiftsC:ODUnued from Pue E~btea


'250Rev. Arthur W. Tansey.

$100Rev. Alfred J. Gendreau, Dr.

It Mrs. Fred J. Sullivan.$75

Rev. Walter A.. Sullivan, Rev.Paul F. McCarrick..

$50Rev. James F. Buckley, Mr.•

Mrs; Lawrence Coyle. .$30

The Lavatnino Fami17.$25 '.

Mr. It Mrs. James Coyne ItI'amily, Rose Dowling, Mrs..Josephine Hurley, Mary E. ItRose Hurley, Mr. &; Mrs. An­thony Perry, Mr. It Mrs. Ber­nard Sullivan.

. $~Mr. &: Mrs. Wilfred Callaghan,

Mr. & Mrs. John Duggan, Bar­bara Dunn, Margaret Dunn, Mr.& Mrs. Jeremiah Holland.

Helen Joy, Mrs. Nor~ &; MissMary Malvey, In 'Memory. ofJohn: S. &: Alice V. Moran, Mr.&; Mrs. Edward Sullivan, Mary,Margaret & Kathryn Dailey.

Mary J. MurphY,The ArthurRussell Family. \ .

$15Mr. &: Mrs. George Boitano,

Mr. &; Mrs. Edward Falvey ItFamily, Mr. &; Mrs. JeromeFoley Jr., Catherine P. Harring­ton, Genevieve Harrington. .

Julia T. Harrington, MissMarie Hurley, Helen Kenney,Nancy Sullivan, Ruth Sullivan,.Mrs. Angela Wingate.

$11Mrs. Catherine Keating.

$10Mr. &: Mrs. Edward Setty,

Sarah Booth, Mr. &; Mrs. Wil­liam Bradbury, Mrs. HelenBrenner, Mr. &: Mrs. John Ca­mara.

Mr. &; Mrs. Thomas Carroll,Mr. &; Mrs. Norbert Carvalho,Mr. &; Mrs. J. Louis Clemmey,Robert Coggeshall, Anna CoD­nerton.

In Memory of Charles E. COB­nors, Angela Cyr, James Dacey,Edward Darcy, Mr. &; Mrs.Joseph Desrosiers.

Mr. & Mrs. Michael Dignan"Family, Margaret Diskin, Mr. &;Mrs. Edward Doolan, Mrs. Dan­iel P. Driscoll, Mrs. Alice &: MissAlice Duggan.

Mr. &: ,Mrs. John Dutri, Mrs.Raoul Gagnon, Mr. &; Mrs. Ed­ward Gahan, Mr. &: Mrs. DanielGrace, •Mr. & Mrs. Frank Han-ley. ,

Mr. &; Mrs. Gerald Holleran,Janice Hurley, Margaret Hurley,Mary Hurley, Mary T. Hurley.

Ruth Hurley, John Kenre~,Dorothy Kirby, Mr. & Mrs.Eugene LeClair, Mrs. LueUaLittle.

Mary Little, Mr. &: Mrs. Den-.a nis Lynch, Mar)' Maleady, Mrs.

Bertha Manning, The McPart,.land Family..

Robert Mitchell, Francis A.Moran, Claire &: Hillard Nagle,.Mr. &; Mrs. Thomas Nataly,Ellen O'Brien.

Lillian O'Hearn, MI'. &; Mrs.EdwardRegan,Mrs. Lean Reilly,Mr. It Mrs. Raymond Reynolds,Robert Roach. .

John Rogan, Mr. &; Mrs. Ber­nard Ryan, Mr.. &: M,:s. JamesRyan, Joseph Ryan, Daniel ,'I'.Shea:

Mary Shea &: Helen Goff,Amelia Standish, Ann Standish,Richard Sullivan, Eileen Sulli­van.

Gertrude Sullivan, Nellie Sul­livan, Mr. & Mrs. James Swee­ney, Mr. &: Mrs. Henry Thomas,.Mr. &:Mrs. Charles Tizard.

Agnes Tunney, Mr. & Mrs.Frank Whelly, Mr. &: Mrs. Wil­liam White Rose A. &: EmmaWorsley, M~nuel Almeida. -

Mr. &: Mrs. Bruno Baiocchi,Mrs. Cathe~ine .Barlow, Mr. &;Mrs. Eugene Bertrand, Mr. &:Mrs. William Blythe, Mr. & Mrs.John Boynton.'

Mr. &; Mrs. Thomas Brown,Mr. &; Mrs. Thomas Carroll, Mr.& Mrs. Henry Cottrell, MI's.Juliette Crawford, Mr-s. Mar­garet Dacey.

Edward Daylor, Mr. &; Mrs.Francis Duckett, Mrs. FrankDuffy Sr., Mrs. Catherine Faw­cett, Alice Fitzpatrick.

John ~itzpatrick. ~tta












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Clor~x J~~l 53c l/~~tl 33cFOR QUICK EASY BISCUITS

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10c SALE,See what real," value

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'5;:, J':. 29c lOW-off J~~. ' ,

eRABMEAT· ~~rl~~~w:e~;:c~C 6~~~Z 69c

Frozen Food Specials!"YO;''' Garden -~ Leaf l

,5 pOI N A,C~H,

'2. ~~~25c:,-

Raisin' Bread l6~f

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'~~~,':JOc' 'Jelly, Roll -r:::;:~," 'eA

Whole, 18 10White ',clN'~:" C ''Coffee ,;Ring ~=;', 'EI\

The' Freshestln,Pi'oduce! - "

FRES'H; 'C.O~O'".Sweet'F.:IU 'Eah":--:'Fu/l, of, 4 ....".29"

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_.O'·R A N;'G' :E:5

FRES~ O~ SMOKED - Lean, Tasty

S'houlders9' . An appetizing pot

Boneless 6 ' c' roas' ,- is a winne~, ,_' everllme ~erved. a

, LB. ,family .faVOrite

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$callops :=;~'flNAST - All HADDOCK - 8 0% PKG 29c

Fish Sticks ':tee:

, ' - ,\' \'C~'ifornla Valencia,-,Good 5' ,La :59cSi~e WIth ,Plenty o( Juice ,- ,lAG,

To ga,nishmost anything, enhances natural fla~or of foods

LEMONS Sunkist ,Ce~ :k9 :25.c

leKas-Bermuda-Mild mellow variety.ld~;'ifor seasoning

ONIONS .'3 a'fG 25c

, "YOR", GARDEN ..,. Reg Of French

Green Beans -'2 ~~s


,Richmond .' B~::sDiced CarrotS'FinaS"'Sauerkraut, 'Fi~a~';,'. '


Royal'Gelatines.TOMATO SOUP


Wesson' Oil a'lJT 35cHYDROl( - I lB CEllO 43c >

<Sunshine Cookies


'. '.-',,"fa II, Rive',OUR LADY OF HEALm

", $ZOO

,Rev.' Maurice Souza.,$20

Angelo Pereira.$15

Manuel 'Freitas.$10

The Almeida Family, Clarence'Harney,' A 'Friend, AdelaideCouto, John Rochjl.

Alfred Almeida, Lecipoldin~

Sousa, A Friend, Manuel ,Pitta, ::---­Maria Silvestre Oliveira.

Francisco Silvia; SeraphimMachado, James Costa, France­lina Vicente, Albert Fournier.

August Santos Jr." AntoneOliveira, A Friend, Maximino,Saraiva, Jose Mello.'A Frie;;ci, ,Clara Oliv'eira &

Family, Manuel Pacheco, OurLady of Health CYO, Alfonso.,Oliveira., Joseph, Luongo, Richard Ter-'

lisner; Francisco' J.' ~Pacheco,Manuef Vital, LidgoSousa, An­tone Barreto, ;Jose. Sousa' OH..ve'ira.' '


Atty. Manuel Rezendes.Sl5

A'!tone Sousa.,$12

Manuel S. Medeiros.$10

Arthur Amarello, Edward'Costa, Alfred Gaspar, FrancisLennon, Maria Medeiros.. Noel. Medeiros, Antone Mello;"

Edwal'd Raposo, Manuel Reis,Jose Rego.

Manuel Cardoza, Manuel Car-'reiro, Antonio Lindo,'Irene"Pe-:oreira, Richard Roderi~, Man-'"\.leI Furtado. '

Turn ie' Page: Twen~':

~C~ESI[ 0" FALL 'RIVER., MAS'•.'20 " - THE ANCHOR ,:, 'Thurs., May 21, 1959 ... '

Appeal Gifts'Continued from, Page, Nineteell


Rev. M. P. L. Lariviere.$'75

'Rev. Donald E, Belanger. ', $50,Rev. Rene It. Levesque, Henri

Demers, 'Marie-Ange Rouleau.'$30

Mrs. Jean-B. Yokell & Family., $25 '

o St. Anne's Sodality, Confer­ence of St. Vincent de Paul;Parish' Couiilcil of Catholic'Women, Holy' Name Society.

. $20 I

Aime Goyette & Family, An-'toinetle Michaud, Joseph, Lavoie& Family, Arthur.'Gauthier. '

, $12.Octave Fluet & F,amily; DanieJ

Marchand. 0

"$10 " ,ST. ,ANTHONY OF PADUAArthur Dubreuil, Mrs. Benoni $300

Goy.ette, Arthur, Vidal, Philias ' Rev. Laui'eano C. dosRws.Ouellette & Family, Edgar $50Chenard. - Rev. Joao C. Martins. ,

Robert Tach,e & Family, AI,- $20bert .. Rioux, Emile' Rancourt, • Mac .Andrade.

.J.:.i,. George Cote, Armand Desma.,. " Si5, rais' Sr.' , Angie's Fashions.

Edna Clement, Mrs. Aurore , $10Clement, Mrs. Clovis Mayrand,. Frank Silvia Hazel Medeiros'Roia,nd Piliotte, Manuel Correa. 'John It. Vince~t Emery Gomes'

Mrs., Ovide p.ilotte, Joseph 'Orlando Confo;ti, Tiargo B:Valcourt, Flavlen ~agace, Silva 'Council of CatholicEdouardina & Joseph GUimond, ,Wom~n. 0 '

~n~m~ ,Mr~. F,rancois Vaillancourt, OUR LADY OF ANGELS /

Ru~sell Roy., Paul Casavant, $250Cha~les Lavoie & FamilY, Lionel ;Rev. Joseph L. Cabral.

D. ' $50," /'

esroslers. , ' 'R M I A .Mrs. Charles 'Gendreau, & ,ev. anlJe ndrade.

Family, Donat Blanch~tte.. ' ' ' $25", ,George Casavant, Dr. J.D. Milot, Joseph Theodore, Julia Simas"

, Oscar Phenix. ' John Travis. ' 'Armand Thiboutot, Alfred $10 '

'Ca~on Henry Guay;' Thomas Alfred F. Almeida, Manuel 'Tachel i:eoriidas'Moreau. ' ArrUda, .Manuel I correia, Fur-'"

Odilon Ouellette,:Maurice'Be- '. tado Family,L_wrence Pacheco;1an'ge~; . Jos~ph' ,Laroche, fran':': Alice Pontiff, Joaquim Costa;cois Deschenes & Family, Agathe ,~anuel'Costa, Mr. & 'Mrs. An­6: Odile Gagnon. / ',' -" tone' Michaels, Atty. &,' Mrs.,

",'. ' : Mrs; Rosanna Paquette,: Nap9~ Frank. A.Rodrigues" Nicoliui, leOn' Picard, Daniel Arsen,lUlt, "Teixeira " ~',"'" . .'Eugene Gagnon, Ernest' Oue,l-. \ SANTO CHRISTO ,Jette. , ' $:eOO :" ' ' '. '

Dr. Robert Milot, George'Le- Rev. Francisco C..Bettencourt.l8uit, Ovide Talbot, Deneiie,- , $100 ,Bergeron; Alfred Gagnon' & Rev. Anthony, M. Gomes'.Family. $75, Donat Mailloux, A Friend, AI- Dr. Raymond It. Costa.

phonse Laroche, Joseph Labou-' $50 . , ' ,liere" & ,Family; Mrs.. Napoleon 'Dr. & Mrs. Jesse Baptista, Rev.PI&urde, & Cora. I Daniel L. Freitas. "",Aldrich Bamford, Matthew $25 ' ,

Labecki, Arman'd Gauthier, Ed- Representative Manuel C.mond St.' Michel, 'Demetrius Faria, A Friend, John Brilhante.Ouellette. $10

Wilfrid Bourassa, Lena Gte- ,Antone Souza, Maria'& -Alex-'ni~r, Theodore Grenier; Armand _ andrina f'acheco, Oliveira Fam"­Theroux, . Ernest Gagnon .& ily, ;i3eatrice &: Anibai Souza,'Family. ' , , ' Dolores E. Beiga, .

Mrs. Alfred Desmarais & Fam.,. Alfred L.' Campos, Anthony,Uy, Mrs. Adrienne, Theriault; Pacheco, Mrs. Antone Dias, John'Arthur, Bizier, Albert', Beau- ,Moniz, Carl Frederick. . '

,doin, Edward Sullivan. Mrs. C. Pereira, In memory of... ' ,The Cote Girls, Albert Talbot, Thomas Fontes, Manuel J.

'Alfred Bernier, Albert Blan;-' Monte,' John Moniz Jr~, Williamchette, Alma Rouleau, Leo Thi- ' Santos.billilt.' . , Joseph y.,Medeiros, William

Mrs. Elery Chace,;Mapl~wood, ,J. Reis, Mrs; Frank 'Pacheco,, Win-dow & Holise- Cleaning Co., Manuel Raposa, John" Mello,

, '.lOurne'ymEm,Barbers Union #331, : John Nascimento. " "Philippe Clement; Raymond' Vidor S. Aguiar, Flora Moniz,Francoeur. Antone Cavaco & Famiiy,

Henry Drapeau, Albert Ross, Georgina Rebello, Joseph An- '_Emile Thibault, Charles La- tunes, M.J. Silva Family.pointe, Louis Lavoie. ST. MICHAEL

Roland Lamarre, ,Robert For- $1,000cier, Albina & Alena Florence, Rev.;'Arthur C. dos,Reis.Edmond Bellefeuille, HerveLe- - $50vesque." . Evelyn Almeida.

George Talbot, Andre Carrier, • $40 .Raymond' Melanson, Arthur Rev. George J. Sousa.Dau'phiilais' &' Family, Edgar . $25 " ,Frenet,te. Rev. Ernesto' L. R., Borges;,

Ar'marld' Gagnon, Robert Belmira' Tavares, Beatrice' Ca-GrandmaIson, Mrs, Rosal)na Pel- ~to.

letier. Rene Dupont, GeorgeChabot. '

Emile' Petit, Maurice Dore,'Albert Dufresne, Roger Caron,

.. Omer Blais. ,Oscar Martel, Gilbert &

, Roland Fiola, Omer Martineau,Edgar' St.' Yves, Mrs. M~'rielGamache. ' '

Henry Gagnon, Joseph Dionne,A Friend; Joseph Levesque, Lio~'nelI?upont. i .

-.' Armand Desrosiers, AlfredCharette, Hubert, Giblin, JosepllMedeiros, Wilfr,id Hamel. .

Reina Cy.r., Roland Matton,.losep~ Bisaillon, - Mrli\. 'LeOPeron;.: .

"_~~ Eiectrica..... ':'V~ CoritractOn

~~. -

~- ~,~.

~944 County_.St.New Bedford

leal Estate loa~.Savings ~hk Life Insuronce

ChristmaS and Vacation Clubs~avings Accounts

5 Convenient Locations

Bis~opsil{enef: ,-J.',

Ag'ency Assists­Flood Victims.~E-WYORK (NC)~Relief

suppfie.svalued at $235,000'are being shipped to victimsof recent floods in Url,lg~ayby Catholic Relief Services­National Catholic Welfare -Con­ference. The U.S. Bishops' reliefagency is sending 150,000 poundsof Clothing, shoes and blanketSplus medicines and vitamins, to"50,000 victims of the floods inthe 'i>asm of the river Rio dlfla Plata.

The shipments are being madein 'reap,onse to an urgent re­quest for aid from the govern-'ment 'of Uruguay. Torrentialrains have caused the· Rio de iaPlat.a to overflo~, causing con­siderableproperty' damage andrendering thousands homeless.-

Within 48 hours after the re­quest 'for aid was first receivedaf CRS-NCWC headquarterShere, 5,275 pounds of clothing,shoes and bl.ankets and 5,785pounds of medicines were flow..fram Washington, D. C., to Ur­uguay aboard a Uruguayan gov­ernment plane.

Subsequently, 4,500 terr~myciDcap'sules, 1,000 vials of inter­muscular terramycin injectioDIIand' 8,000 vials of one million­un\{penicillih injections wereflown from yvashington to Uru-guay. ,

The remaining clothing, shoesand blankets are being shippedto Uruguay through the coop­eration of seven steamship com­panies which are donating their'services.



·CO·MPA·RE·- .

•• ~ th.n --,ioi:~ theSWITCH,. TO





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Mary Kennedy, ~ Mr. & Mrs.Thomas Kearney. Mrs. Marialaconis.

Available/for'.. Banquets;Testimo~ials,Etc.

Mrs. Elbert Gaudette, Mr. &Mrs. Francis Doran, Mr. & Mrs.

:William Durant, Mr. &' Mrs. LeoCIQutier,- Louise Corrigan.

John Corrigan, Jane Carley,Mr. & Mrs. George Bryant, Mr.& Mrs. John Armour, Mr. &' Mrs.Fred Glover.

l .• ;.

" '..J -

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At New Car Dealersand Service Stations



_...........,;.---...,;.-_., ,


North AttlebOro, . -, ..',

ST. MARY'S$800

Rev. Edward B. Booth.$109

Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Wright.$50

Rev. Edwin J. Lo~w, Rev.. Armando A. Annunziato, Mr. &

Mrs. Alfred Kivlirt. '$30

Mrs. Elizabeth Croke.- $25

Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Ferland,Mr. & Mrs. James Coogan, Mr.&- Mrs. Raymond McCarthy,David McQuade', Mrs. WilliamKiehn. .

Attleb.oroST. JOHN'S

$1,000Rt.: Rev. John J. Shay.

, $200Mr.: & Mrs. James.A. Carey.

:$120;'./Mr.: & Mrs. Atthur' CiolfL

'.$100 '. .Mr: & l\1.rs. Freci. Blillock, Mr.

& Mrs. Fred Mutphy)~J'r.

_~, $75 _~.:.

Rev. James·F. 'McCarthy, Re,\'.Edward A.Rausch.. ·.· I ." PRINTING and

$50 .-Mr. & Mrs. John W"McIntyre, MAl LING'

Mr. & Mrs. Robert .:Romero: . '·$25' . ··,234,Second St~ .Fall Riv.r· '

Edmund Henry, Mr. & Mrs. .' ....Joseph Mahon.'.

. $20 . ~: ;"1~

Mr. & Mrs. 'John' P. Lee; Mr.& Mrs. Charles Cain, Mrs.Blanche Ronco; _Mr. & .Mrs..: .Joseph A. King;, '

$15 ,Mr. Peter Silvia, Mrs. Walter

Kendall, Mr.. -& Mrs. GerardKenton, Celestine Whalen.

$10Mr. & -Mrs. William- Bowen,

:Mr. & Mrs. F. J. Carney, lVIr. &

AttleboroST. JOSEPH

$250Rev. 'Ubalde J. Deneault.

$50Rev. Henry R. Canuel, Yvonne

Bamel, Joseph DesVergnes.$25' ','

Beatrice Peloquin.$20"

Adrian Antaya, .Oscar 'Desro­Iliers.

$10Mr. & Mrs. Philippe Vaillan­

eourt, Mr. & Mrs. Leon Boulan-'ler & Family, Mrs. Adela Le­vesque, Mr. & Mrs. Leo Arse­nault,. Mrs. Emerilda Parent.

Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Guay &Family, Mr; & Mrs. Felix La­fond, Mr. & Mrs. Herm~nigilde


OIOCESE OF FALL RIVI!R. MASS. : '-:Mrs. Henry creeden, Mr. & Mrs.

ITHE ANCHOR- 21 I Edward Finnerty, Mr. & Mrs.Thurs., May 21, 1959 George' Fredette. :

--. - Mr. & Mrs. Bernard Gamache,Fall River Harvey Gariepy,. Mr. & Mrs.

Continued fro'm p~ge ~eDtY' Thomas HealeY,Mr: & Mrs. Au-EspuhTO SANTO -' gustus Kurdrnac, Mr. & Mrs.

John Meegan. .:i . .$,3~0, ' Miss Exilda Moriti, Mr. &: Mr~ ..

Rev"i Joao V'$~~~,sende,s, Charles T. O'Neil, AlbertF.. ' Ousley, Mr..& Mrs. jOhh' ·Red-

Miss .Mariana Oliveira & Sis- ding, Mr. & Mrs. Robert Rovzarters., '$12 Mi: & Mrs. George Wefer~Mr. & 'Mrs. Joao Pacheco 'Mello Mr. & Mrs. JalTles Zmudsky,

$10 Annie E. Adel, Mr. & Mrs. Rob~'ert Callahan, Mr. & Mrs. Wil-

Mr. & Mrs. John. Nunes, Mr. & liam Demers.M!rs. Diamantino Bernardo, Mr. Mr. & Mrs. Edward Dowdall& Mrs. Man!Jel· S. Pach~co, Mr. 'Ernest Doyle, A Friend, Mr. && Mrs. Louis Perry, Mr;, & Mrs.. Mrs. Cyril Gagne; .Mr. & Mrs.Antonio Oliveira. . Gerard LaCombe. .

Mr. & Mrs. Edmund Pavao,Mrs. Georgina Pavao, Mr. An- Bernice Morrissey, Mr. & Mrs.tonio Miranda. Vincent Pedro, Mr. & Mr.s. Emu

ST. MATHIEU 'Wilbur, ·Mr. &, 'Mrs. William$25 'Woll, Thomas Boisclair.

Edgar Poisson. Miss Beatrice Carney". Ray$15 Cooney,,, Mr..& Mrs. Joseph

Mr. & Mrs: Eugene penoy. . Hughes, Mrs. Lois Kennistort,$12' Mrs. Mary Kilburn.- '

Mr. &: Mrs. Wiifrid Pelletier & Mr. & Mrs. Ernest Jost, , Mr.Family. & Mrs. William Perry; :Mr. &

Mrs. William -Reilly.

Madeline Gorman, Mr. & Mrs.'Herbert Gray; Mr. & Mrs. Pat­rick Grimaldi, Mr, & Mrs. Rob-

$24 ert Habershaw, Mr. & Mrs:'Nancy Chabot. Thomas Hyde.

$20 ., c.$15 \' ., : . Mr. & Mrs.. Reginald Curran, ':Mrs. Alice Jel?son,: Mildred

George ,Juaire. ·Mr. & Mrs. John Gaffney, Mr. & Leary, Marilyn Madden, ·Mr. &$10 ." Mrs. John Hamm,: Mr;' & Mrs;' Mrs. Magnani, Earle Meyer.

Roland Brochu, Richard-Cas- Rollins Maloney, ~. & Mrs; M~s. Gertrude Mond~r, 'Alice'tro, Gaetan Collette, Cyr~l Cote, Edward Nolan. MullaneyI' Mr. & Mrs. Peter:Frank Frazer. . . '. $15 .' . MUllen,Mr.. & ~s.· Raymond

., Joseph Rosario Fredette," ,·Mr. &: Mrs. Rudolph Berthold, Murphy, WalterM~Cann:-Theodule Mandeville, Arthur Mr. & Mrs. -Norman Bressette, -

M & MMr. & Mrs. ~eorge. McGee,

Mullins, A'11herst ,~e~l~tier, ~he. r.. rs. Douglas Gaudette, M G -Pion Family. Mr..& ~ Mrs'. - Arthur Fillooly, c_ rath Family, Mr. & Mrs:

. James McKeon, Frank McKeon,Edw~rd Daigneault, llaY.lllond Mr. & Mrs. Thomas McCarthy, Rose McLean. - -

Brassard; Ernest Croteau, Jean' Mr. & Mrs: Harold Sumner•.& Joseph: F; , . Fortin 'Bertha""" :" . $12 _. ,_.' Marcella· McLean, Gertrude

, J . A ....-" & 'M' O'Donnell & F.lorence. Ellis,',' Mr~Fontneau _ '.' .' I . '. "..., enme ,ngus, "WI. rs.Doris '. Levasseur . "Ed:~ar:d Jelix"Yatusites:' . ~ Mrs. Edwin O'Leary, Mr. "~

Gaudreau, Fred ,Vadr-ais, Donat'·" - ''': ""', $10 Mrs....CjohnO'Neil,.Mr..,& Mrs:Desroslers, Louis :Rerry. ,Mr.. ,& ·Mrs. Melvin Andrews, John Paino.

Lucien F. Paul Samuel Pino ,Jos~ph. Bourgeois, . Mrs. Mary' Mr. & Mrs. Philip Rushlow,Richard Thimot ~ Ephrem Ba~ Be-aulieu, ·Mr.. & .Mrs. Robert 'Mr~ & Mrs. Dorily Sarazin, .Mr.chand;. Lawren~ Governo. Booth; Gertrude" Carr., :' & ,Mrs.. R9ger Sarazin, .Mrs.

\. Roland Provost, Leonide Gau~ • , Mrs.- Catherine Chatterton" Annie. Smith,Mrs.. Elizabeutlin Clarence Gurn1paul Lafer- Mr. & Mrs. Virgil Chilli, Mrs. Smith~ _.'rie~e, Wilfred Joubert. . Augusta Collin's, Margaret <;:ur- Mr. & Mrs. ·John Spadoni.

Armand Pimlult LE:Qn Cham- ley, Mr. & Mrs. John Curran &~ Clara Sullivan, Mr.· & Mrs. Ed-pigny, Armand D~ucette, Roger Family.. ' - ward Wolfe, Mr. & Mrs. JamesAchin, Leger Tuicot~e. . Mr. & Mrs.-Paul Danesi;- Rich;;.. Whalen, Mrs. Sarah Willersin.

Lionel A. Demers, Henri ard 'Darlton, Mrs. Marion De- Mr. & Mrs. Wil\iam Woloshyn,Proulx, Leon Nolan, Alfred Priest, Rose Diamond, Margaret Helen Wright, Mr. &' Mrs.Pellissey, Robert George. Doran. ' Joseph Zain & Mai'y,_Mr. & l\~rs.

Frederick Lincoln, -Frank & Mr. & Mrs. Gerald Dorey; Joseph Miconi, Mr. & Mrs.Eunice Hutchinson' Adelard Mrs. Rita Dunham, Mr. & Mrs. Jos,eph Cabral.Turgeon, Frank B~ivin, Mary 'William Emmett,. Mr.. & Mrs.:,Boudreau. Frederick Fisher, Catherine' ~------------'"

Lelia, Agnella &:' Eva Goud-: Frazier & Sarah Monahan. Spend' A ~utifui,reau, Eugelle Touzin, Ernest Mr. & Mrs. Albert. Gaboury, WEEKENJ;> IN NEW YOR~

Boyer, Aurore ,Green, George Gagnon 'Family, Mr. & Mrs;·Paul, . Rosario Proulx, Eugene Harry ·.S.tanford,Mr. & Mrs.Toracinta. Mich.ael Nolan; Mr: &. Mrs. Ed~

ward' Smith. . ". -",Mr. &' Mrs. F.rank McManus,' ­

Judith McEnroe,' Mrs. JosephMcEnroe, W'miam McCarthY,"Mr. & Mrs. Jo1m Kiernan. .. Mr. & Mrs. Norman -LeTour­

neau, Mrs. Katherin~ Kennedy,




,', .


j ........,.: ......~., • I


Laminated .(~at in.: Plastic)

l5.~·ea. ·2..;fo·" 25c p ..p.:., "24 HOUR SERVICE . .

S:EAl..A'st, ··.ox .. 574,'.: NEW lEDFORD, .MASS.: \ .

.' " 'J... .., .•

Science AwardsrTHEANCHOR=-~' iiTh\fi:s., May 21, 1959

Continued from Page' One

honorable mentions received.. 'Named were Michael Pisarczykffor a compafative stlldy of ani­mal brains; and Ronald Tanguayfor' "The. Solar System."

Others weres Louise Boulay,Mt.· S.t. Mary's, "Crystals' as

'. R a d i 0 Frequency Dete,etors";Raymond Meunier, Coyle, "TheQuadratic .Slide Rul.e**; BetsyRobbins,·St. Mary.'s High School,Taunton, "Quantitative Analysisof Crude Platinum."

Also -Muriel Thiboutot, Do.minican Academy, "Crystals andCrystal Growing."

-. Judges for the fair were Sis­ter Catherine Frances, S.C.N.,Science Dept., Archbishop Wil.liams High School, Braintree;Brother Peter, F.S.C., ScienceDept., ,De La Salle' Academy,Newport. .

Also Brother James, F.S.C.,Science Dept., La Salle. Acad­emy, Providence. ".

.Thirty-nine students, repre.,..senting' nine high schools of theDiocese, exliibited. AU receivedcertificates of merit.

.. '

., ...-'-"'-'-'~"~'-'-"--'._'..-.. - "-.'" ,'"


$20& Mrs. Albert J. Lajeu-'

··Appeal. Gifts'Continued from page Zl

. ·1\'Ir.nesse.( . $10"'Mr; & Mrsl Frank Kasevich,

· Mr; & Mrs. Donald Dufour.ST. JOSEPH

$100.,,: Mr. & Mrs. Garrett Schuler,Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Francis, Mr:,,' Mrs .. Joseph McGann. .

$'75 '. ~.

Mr. & Mrs. James B. Buckley.. $50

Mr. & Mrs. John Correira De-'Meilo, In memory of VincenzaSaldino, Mr. & Mrs. DominicNicolaci.

K.: .ft'1t_, m' ment"",. «' D: .Raymond O'Leary, Mrs.. Cle· ...mentine Mayer. . . :'-

·Mr. & Mrs. Antone LewiS,Mr.·&. Mrs. John Gorman, Mr, &.Mrs. John Duddy, Lucien Briere,Mr.·& Mrs. Lester F.Edwards..

. Mr.' & Mrs. James Lanagan,Mr. &: Mrs. Manuel Almeida,Alice. & Helen Perry" Arthur

. Cousineau, Mr. & Mrs." LouisCardoza.'. . .' , :

Mr. &: Mrs. HoWard. Rick·et.: 'son, M~:·&· M·rs. Edwin .McQUiI.

:l~n, Mr. & ·Mrs. J.' G .. Marques;Mr. & Mrs.' Romeo Daniels, Mi'.& 'Mrs. A. J Gonsalves .. Mr. &. Mrs. George: Edwards,

Mr. &:' Mrs. Augustus Medeiros,.Leslie W.· Baker, Mr. & Mrs.Jaines Hanlon, Mr., &. Mrs. Os­car Morency.

Mr. &.Mrs. Arthur S. Richards,E. 'R. Genest, Mr. & Mrs. FrankBettencourt, Anna Xavier; Mrs.

$25. . Flora X. Fisher, Mr. & Mrs.Charles Pittle, Mr. & Mrs. Ma""cl Pachpco.. .

Gerald P. Walsh. Dr.. & .Mrs. South .D.ol!.tmouthEdward L. Soares, James T. •.Dunn, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Kraj- ST. MARYcirovic. $400 .

A Fricnd. John B. Davidson, Rev. Arthur G: Considine. CREIGHTON U. HONORS' DEI,EGATE:, Archbishop'Mr. & Mrs.' Jose'nh Kobak. . $100. . . El,ddio Vagriozzi, Apostolic Delegate to the United States,".,.. $20." . Mr., & Mrs:.' Francis J. Ma- . receives the honorary degree "of Doctor .. of Laws from

'Antone D·aTerra. Mr. & Mrs. honey, Mr. & Mrs.'Thomas :M.Joseph MarPonaid, Joseph P. Greene, In' Memory .of .Thomas Father Carl M. Reinert, $.J. (right) president of CreightonBlo'uin & Family, Dr. Be.rnard Baldwin. . University, Omaha, Nebr. ArchbishopVagnozzi addressedr. carter, Mr. & Mrs. Earl Dias. ." . :$'75 the c.p.A. meetin'g .and calle,dthe Catholic press ~'an indis-

.,!,-:..•9.h;lrles A.. Stiles,·lVIr . &~rs. . lVIr. & Mrs.;Ecfwii1 Brady'. pe'lisable instn..lment. of the C.hu.rch." .Ne Photo.· Edward 'Loughlin, Mr. &. Mrs. . . . ,$65" " . . . , . '.

".' Manuel .Pimental, . Mr.~· ,,lVlt;s. . . Mr;: &Mrs.Walt~r O'Brien'. ..\,\frs.: Ecim~nd ~. ,Mal.~n~, Mr.: &, ' i.,BQ. by'<·Sitt.ersllIarti'n~o~d~ick,'.br'. t. c, VogC .. ... 'sso':'.- . '. Mrs James Hayden, ._ : .. : "" .~15·~ ,"~ .• : Dr: &: "Mrs: Thoina~ 'Flyim, .', . "./'. ,.·,.:CHICAGQ(NC)~TwentY-·flve"I:"dmund.Ellison~EnosDays;.Mr': &: Mrs: Joseph Donaghy. 'Dr:' .' Mrs. -Ernest., .Parker, ·Mr... ~ • hundr~d ~elega'tel!,. 555 children

: iii.;s...Ro.j;e: p.·.·..er.·ry.&.' F....am.i.ly;':.Mt-: ..... &, ~~..•' ·~.alll .E,: 'C?r:l~~; !dr. &, Mrs._ M;lnuel .Perry., Mr.· & MMrrss·.... and 85 .baby sitter-s.are expected'M · &: 1 . ., '., :Li<mel 'Fournier, Mr.· &: . ·to atten'd the. 11 th ann'uai Chris-· .

6:. Mrs.. E.r..Qest.. Ca~rI~J,.. : t:...... :...~rs.~os~~~~: G,ennon; . 'Charle's AI'"'onse, MI'ss. Berth~ t'I'a'n··.. ·. Fam'I·ly·. M'o'vern'e'nt .co·n.ven·:•.· . .' CarrollCdstello:·. :' .~..,. '.. .''' $40·.' :'.' ,. It

'.' .'. ':a~::":~:" ciP1~~.~~~~·'· (1~~~,in:,. ; ,~~~··~f~'f.'~~~·3~.:' .':, ....,:,,~o~:r\~~rY"JOhnSon, ·Mr.. .6: :~::':~f.::t.~~;~;r~ ~~ :~~~~~.-', "$12 '.' ..:., ,< ·Mi~·&':'Mr's:~··john 'J. Smlth. Mrs.~: Alexarider ". Joi'le'S, '4t...· ':&:.' ...w:aS._,ann9unce(fat,~the movement

··W"illiaJriC. sltiiili.· ,," >""". . '.$25 .... ,. . Mrs. 'ManuelCdsta; Mr. &:. Mrs.. hea.d(i'ual'terah~,re. .' "'.· "'''':-. $1~ .'. 'f" .•... : ''M~:''&;:' Mrs. Frarik·Coleman.' 'JoIlh ·Bettehcou·rt,Mrs:.EvaA.· .,-

·'Mr.&:' Mrs.' Joseph Blowet's,": Mr; &i::'Mi·s:.'Vincent .Hayes;"<Lawrence. .... ,.. '.'. ', Mr.'&:. Mrs. George Lamoureux, "DaviiiSimmo;'s;' The' .Silveira' : Mt.· &:Mrs. Anthony Andr:ad,e, . .•.• :. • •. 4t.•. • .• • ~. ~ _....~'. .:. •.Dr: &.:·M~s'. Artliur J: 'Mullen,. : Filmily, Mr. &:.Mrs:·Gerald· Mur., Mr. & Mrs. Edward Entwistle;, ' .' . . . .,.Mr:'&'Mrs; Manuel Goulart, Au-' ··phi.. · '. .. . . . Mr. &. Mrs: Ventura Sylvia; Mr. •·iustus H. Xavier.' .' ··Mr.v &, Mrs. Angelo DeMello; &:\'Mrs: Antone. Braga,. Mr.: ok '.

,Mr. & Mrs. Albert Resendes, 'Ka~tlleen"lferon;'Mr~ & :Mrs;.Mrs: PhHipCorreia, '. ...• •Mr: & MJ;s. Grover C" Johhson~. '··Th~ma~ . M. Q'uinn, St: Isidore Mr: &: Mrs. Harold J. Fowler, .' :. •Mr: &·Mrs. Casill?-ir Koczwara; ':Council, ·,K. ·of· C.;· St, 'Mary's···. Richard A. Griffin. Helen Gam-:-Mr: & Mrs.R,ayArchamba~It,.. 'Gl'Ji1d, Mf.··.&Mrs. Francis. S; "ble, Henry' yamble, Margaret • •J ..R. :Anderson.· ' . Whisper; - ','. . Gamble. . . .• •.·Mr. & Mrs. Arthur -Mc9or~..., '., ..$20,.. . Mrs.' DorothyH~rari,Mr: at. . ,.. .•malt, Mr. &·Mrs. Kenneth Noyer,"': Mr.. &:~Mrs. 'Manuel-DeMelloiMrs Louis Vieira Mary Rogers.Mr: & Mrs, Edward L.. Kerin,:' : 'Dr;.& Mrs::Alb.ert Amarantes'Mr:'& Mr~. Loui; Viera, Mr. &: .•.. •¥t.· & Mrs., Wallace W,; ·Alden,. , $~J'.: _... Mrs. Roger' Labelle.' . .• •Mrs,'JoseJ?h Dawes; :'.. . ... '. M:ary .c.oughhh, Mr. &'Mrs;. Mr: & Mrs'. Joseph Vercam-

Miss 'Marguerite"Carroll,' ~rS': r 'Joseph· ·~ylvia,.. Mr•. ; & ' IVlfs. . men Mr. & Mrs'-Antone Rogers; '. .e·.. . .' . .'.' .. '.' •..~rg~ret &. Alice ,O'Leary,: MF~' ·'·C~.~He~: Murr..lY. . : ,,:. . Mr. &: ~rs" A,:,thony Freitas. Mr;.. . • ~ . {:. •~, M.r!!: Jo~nc-.. Bresne!ian, Mr:.. . _. .:; $12 '., ". .,.:: ' &:. Mrs. ·JOseph .Souza; . Mr. & .,..... '.'.'~".i~l.:..I..·..•~.' : /:.' . .._

&'Mrs. Henry'. T;· Olden, ·Mr: &' :Mr. &,Mcs; Manliel ·H.·SYlvia.' Mrs: ·C·eOfge'Angelo·.· ". . C;~~4

IIfrs. Les~ie C. ~.1~en.·· '<'.' .' '.' '.' .. ' ,~O .'. '. Mr. & Mis. Arthur' Martin, •:~}~Ir:·.'& Mrs; Stanley. 'Wojc'j~,.....' l\1r.,~·~.Mrs.·H.enry.:.~.·.ca~~~e~·: "':Mr;' &;Mrs.::~r~nk-Moniz,·Mr. & ...... ' ... ; . -. . .- r/; .' •

:Mr. & ~rs:'JosephCa?ral,.~;al-:1v.'I,~ ... ~.:¥rs'!-'()\.I!SVt;lri;l,Mat;~0nMr~:'..;\riton'e'~osta,Mr. &: Mrs. . ~'.'.':•.·,·.,.A:·'~.~.~.", " ..~~~. ~~.~.,·.A~ ..••..tel' Ohnesorge, Raymond Nazar.,. ·.Freltas, Mr. &·Mrs. Manu_eL.Be.t~ Julius Alexander,'· ··Mi'. '&. ·Mrs. QJ I'll"enyk, Eliot c: Benn~tt: ,:: : " "tencour-t ·Jr.;' Mi.·,&: .Mrs. Peter- Mailliel Brillo; Mrs. 'Mary Healy.

Donald "Wagner; Kenneth Mang'ai1elli.· .. >'," :. • .'. , IG~ace, Mr:' & Mrs. John Rogers· :' Mrs:' -Michael. Smith, ·Mr~ ,ok" . N~ntucket.· ..; .... :.,., ...:.. .... '... '.'~... (J,~tISJ·,.., .. ',' ...:,..' .' .','.,' ..•: '. _~'J!!.,' JeremrahRoza,Jo~ph&.. Mrs..·josepfiPoilte; ·RtithDe~sY;·~. .,

·.1'J;ances Andrad~:-. . .... ," i 'RaiinonCl ' Shell,' M'r,';&: ~"M'rs:' : .\~T.. ~R'y'S,;-·.Mr.· it Mfs. T~oma.'s A. Rielly.'. Harty' ·O'Neili. .' '.' > .. , .. ;.. . OUR' LADY OF THE ISLW,

Mr. & Mrs.. JoSeph "B. Andrade,' Mr., 8: Mrs. John', Whalley,'. $100. . •Mr. & Mrs: cliartesMotta, Ru"': Mary lVicGnitfi~ Fr;mkSilva, 'Mr; . St. Vincenfd" Pa·ul·Societ'y. .'dolph dendron, Mr. &. Mrs.~··Mrs...Thorn,,!; Brooks, 'Hilda, . '$50'. '. •William Towers. . .' . ",-King. :' . '.. . Knights· of .Columbu~,' . St. D

. ; Edward Couto,' William ..Ma-· 'Mr;,,& ,Mrs. Joseph ·Goley, Mr.. ' Mary's Guild,' Island Service .Co.·~hado,.E.R. Genest, Mrs: Edytli~, ':.& Mrs.. c'aillstus Sylvia Jr., Mr.~ . . . $25' " .

'Rankin, ·Mr: -.& Mrs. Frederic'" & Mrs.' Charles BabsonJr., Mi., ...·".Mr. & Mrs. Preston Manches-Franklin. . &. Mrs. Jo'seph R. Lyonnais, Mr. ter, Pacific Nationa~ Bank, Ma- . , .'" Miss Hilda· Gracie'; .Mrs. Dor-·. & Mrs. Louis Piva.· . ·rine,-·LumbeJ:.. Co., Mr.· &:' Mrs.othy L'. Ha'ft&'Caroi''&' 'James', .... "Mr:-& ,'Mrs: Fr~nk'~'M~Uo, Mr:Walter. Glowacki, :Mr. &. Mrs. ." '.. .' . ; ." ':.~r.· &·:M1-s.· Johrt ..'Bartlett> & &i Mr~: joseph. G:Sylvia, Violet Charles:E.·,Flanagan.. ,.",,,.e.r~~il.v., l\fr: &Mrs~ _Jo~n:J.ar-. :RoIt?h, Mf..~ Mrs: ",os~Qh ~a~.. . .... . $20 '. ....., ~.,.' . 'T···O··" 'p.. r . V,A'LU'"E' ..••,Yls,.Mr.. &: Mrs,:Harry YOU~g.·· " .. 'checo, Mr. & Mrs.·LoUls,Cor- :..,Mr.. "'·NI"s: James'W<:>t'th, ~r:

): Mr. &Mrs~ GeqrgeSilvi.~,;lVIr.\mier.,'. '.i·. '.' ....:& Mrs. Charles Fleming. .., • . .•'It Mrs. Joseph Corderio; 'Mit ,& ;:;: :David. McDonald, Mr; &:Mrs. . " :· .. ·$10'· . '. .• ' " . :,: ." ,. :'.. .

,Mrs. Charles Higbe, Mr...·.&.:.Mrs..L1Qi1e(p,.p.o.lycatp(),·l\,fr:. &Mr·s,'Mr.' &t. Mrs. 'James Kiilen, Mrs: .•. • II S}Joseph" Sulliva.n; .. A1fr~~t.RaY:~·-·H~ilrYyaienti,.·Mr."~ Mrs. John George Lusk, Mr. '& M{s. Don-: '., . , . '••:".'...;m9nd... '. ':;~ :..; '.~' ""-"; .....perry,.Mr..&: Mrs. Jo.hp Cost~.Jr;:·ald·. H.A~aujo, Mrs: Mary. Mur-. . ..- •.· 'Miss Gla'dys Raymond; .·Carol· : ,Mrs~. "Betj;y ',McKee; : Ernest. . phy, Manuel. Barboza: '. '., .....'RaynlOJld,', :Willjam _.C,"·;Ben.6~t,.,\·Ke,rwin',.:::Mr:..'&,Mr.s:. ·.Homely~L.. ;. John. Thomas,' 1\'1'1': .&' Mr.s••

. ' Md& Mrs:J9hn JarvisJ~,,:·Mrs.:·Messier, 1\1:1':- .&:. Mrs.. o!osepq: .':Marshall' Farrier, . Jacl- Perry,,···· :.:'Pasq~lale'Nic()lacL . '. .:::' G1E!nnon,· ..Mr.·· ~-:·:Mrs. Norman; Johri·J.. Perru·MichaeIPerry;:.: ., .. ' .•' ...... ;.~,.,):. .' .' ',' '.. '.' •· Ml's.·Yvoime··AuffreY,·:Mrs; ·M·enard; " ...•... ·r.· ... " ./Mr,·&:·Mrs.. ·John·Saritos·Sr.... · ALL THIS' W'.EEK •.'· ·.~lizabeth '1" . . 'Zalewsld, Mi,chae( ··:.Ftilei Family, Mr.. &: Mrs. John· 'Bridie L~ciweil,' Matild~ .Prince,' . ',:c 4t .:,';: " .: '. ." ". .':.' '.. ..' ".

J. O'Leary.. Mrs. William Grind-:- . Roberts, .·Mrs;·Veronica, Sch'qlidt, .."Wa1terJo!m·son,. :·Mts. /. Albert· .• " ·.. P.,..... · .' .. ." .... " .' .....'rod,.Mr. & Mrs. Manuel·.C.a:bral;- Mr.:&·Mt:s:.RosaireSurprenant,'·:JohJi~n.·;.... ." . ...." . .''~. Miss Gertt-ude 'Stiles, Edwih>-,··Mr·.·&·Mrs'·"lfralik;S. Gracie. . Mr.' & 'Mrs.. Arthur,· Howe's; '. '0'·'t··· ·STO·P· &' '5'H'·'0'.pi·R. Stiies;' -Domingo Sylvia, ·:;NIr.s;,· ·Mr;.& Mrs.Joseph·Teixeira;·Caroline· F:leming,' Mr: ·&Mrs:· '..:.' .... ." .' .' .' •Hilda Dargis, Mr.. &: Mrl!::John Mr. &'Mrs,: Joseph D. Medeiros,.' 'Tobias'FlEiming, Mr: & Mrs..Al': . •.Perry.. '. . . ' .. Mr.. &·'.MI·s:.Narcizo"Cordeiror bert Silva"Mr.. &:Mr.s~·Robert ..... ·Wowl.TWO Top Value· Stamps •

..;: Mr. & ·Mrs: Anson .Pain¢,.Mr.· Mrs: Nelson Clevelal1d" Thomas' Haley. ". .. d f .' S . -&: Mrs. Fran.k ·Folger. NIr.4t Mrs. M. QUi~I~Jr.'. " ... , . Dr;· & 'Mrs: F)'ed v'allett,: Mr.. Insteao .on.at top. Shop. -.. ..Thornas .I:'t, Thoma.s,Mr. & Mrs, , ~osemary .Qui~ri; Mr: & MrS,..'.~ MrS. Edward Quigley; MC&; .~,'~ . 20, stiunps fc)revery dollar. • ..John 'Caton; Mr.-&Mrs"Henry" David. J .. .Bolton.. , Mr;& ·Mr!!.· . Mrs. Joseph Veit, Mr: & Mrs.. " •• 750starnps'for • ,$37.50 IFortin. "... ,. 'Arthur Flirt~do": Mr. & Mq;Albert· Egan :Sf:;·Mi,,· & .Mrs: purchase.,- enough to fill half" ......:. Mi'. & -Mrs. Eaul.,Hu~on,.·Mr, 'John .Moniz, Mr:. &., Mrs: An,,' Mark Joiuison"· . '.:' • book! Noc6upons to·'r~eern; • T

Ie ·Mrs. Albert' Benac,' Mr. ·&Mri.thonY Teixeira.. :' " . . .•. : ;lYJr .. ~ i.\,\frs:.;r¢ren;li~p. To~hi1,l, . 'no minimurh purchase, n-o.,·'er- •...Pliver Rivard, Teofilia' Jankow": . Mr. &. Mrs.. LeviChris~ie, ·.Mr. MI'. &..Mrs...Frank .M.urray, Mr. ..•. . .. ' ..:....· . ". tra c.ostl ·]li,st.stock up' On ttl.:Ika, Julia Chadwick.... '. .,.", . , ..~.' Mi's: ,Ey,gene .~ron, Mr. && ,Mrs." 'I-i~nrY:HuY$er, .,Mr,&'. •

· .; Mrs. Fralicis. Holstius; ,George: ; .Mr:>: (i.eorgc Gifford..Mr. & Mrs..' Mrs. Charles Yarbl'ough, Mr. & woriderfulrrt'Oney-s8ving bUYI ..•. \ ": ~lIrBreault.._Mr. & .Mrs.. Tii~Qdor,-e.· Belrn:irl).Marks,Mr-":~-Mrs:Wil:' ··'Mrs. Jbhil M·cOonald... · " '. 'y,ou Iil~~yifind;iltStop~Sh<,>pf.' .. Tetrault~.Joseph Furta~o;David: ·'liani Ne~ry.·· '. . '. ·Mr.... &·;M·rs:·:Joseph Nicholas;" .,.... ." .:'. • .•

.... . Gallgh.:.~: . .' .", .. " io' ,. ' •.:.' .. ' ~v;& Mrs.-·JamesP: Rolsto.~, ,. Mr. &·Mrs.,.RobertMcGrath;~Mr.· . . .:; :.\.. ~ AJbcrt.·NI.Gonsalves ,·Jr:".MI' .. :'N,lr.·.&··Mrs JosephMed·eiros,;Mr: ·'-.&Mrs.C.Kemieth Pease, ' "'" .',•••.•-' -: ~ .':;:':'~'.i~:...~.:,..~:.,M.l'll; ..~u~.ustine.";'LOJlao •. ]!;:thel-:..~; .~}!"-~&': 'E_d~j'~E~AJ.:~,~~~·~:;·. :...~:.:: ,~T";" 'P~Ir_e;.;T~~~ ....

.-..... ..


New Bed,...: /,

-: ": I; :;'"

.LL R'VDI. ~...

at Food· StONl ...

.. South "EaStenI ,.. . .

MaMoc:huIetIi •... ', . ~. '.! oJ ~:

.,.: :~:,; ..

"'E, ,ANCHOR - . ., 3Thurs., May 21, 1959'·

wtOUEbL .",

$10The Sewing Box; Colonist

Drug Store, Edgartown DrugStore, Edwin Lopes, Mr. &1Irs.Herbert Mercier Sr.

,.M.n. Philip J. Norton, Mr. "Mrs. Fred Higgins, Mr. & Mrs..Arthur Metell, Mr. & Mrs. JohllBower, Mrs. Isaac Norton.

Mr. & Mrs. William Brown,Mr..& Mrs. Joseph White, Colo­nial' Inn, Charlotte Inn, Captain& Mrs. Tulley. '

Mr. & Mrs. Jos~ph Mello, Mr.& Mrs. Frank C. Mello, Mr. &Mrs. Albert K. Sylvia, Mr. &Mrs. Charles Madeiros, Mr. &Mrs. Theodore ...~. Henley.

Mrs. Margaret & Miss MaryMedeiros, Mr. & Mrs. EdwinGentle.


$200Rev. James E. McMahoD•

$100Alley & Son Electricians, Our

Lady of ~urdes Council K of C.$'75

. Holy Name Society, St. Vb).eent de Paul Society.

$50. Rev. Gerald T. Shovel~a,""Sa~red'Heart Guild.

Sacred Heart CYO.. . '$20 ' ;,:

Mr., & Mrs. JaJbes P. Cat~o....Mrs.Williain Bernard. .. "'r

'" . ': ..' $35" . " :,'

'Mr;',& Mrs:: Armando' Pacheco;''. ' :" $30": ' ....""

>OMr':'~ Mr's:"Henry Cotey.· .~:- .. $.25.' 0 ' - ... '::-";'

Mr. & Mrs..J~ines Bowler, Mr.& Mrs. David' J. Vinceilt,' Mr~" •Mrs" William. Norton.,.~!',,,.' "", '''.$;(5,' , .' .~,'. Mr, .'~ Mrs. Dep.nis P. Aile,.,

Mr. & "Mrs. ,Alfred :(VIetell.·.':Mrs~ 'John n.' Sylvia.' : ,=.,:. . $10 .Mr. & ·Mr~. Charles Davis, 'M. '"

S. . Duarte Oil Co., LouiSeThoinas, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph ~

,'bert, Mr. & M;rs. Meredit,yFisher.

Mrs. Marion Labbe, Mr.•Mrs. Peter L. Regan, Mr. & MrS.Eugene Costa, Mr. & Mrs. FrankSimmons, Frank R. Swia~tz, ~~& Mrs. Michael Fontes.. ' "

Mr.. &. ·Mrs. Charles DoWOf,Mrs. Everett Robie, Mrs. Cele8;:tino Oliver, Mr. & Mrs. J~p~Telles, Anna Oli:ver. /' .' .

,Humber-to Coloneri, Mr. ,'.Mrs;. James Rego,- Herald D~Store, .:BC;r.geron:s Garage. . ",'

Mission' .. Col'lection.C'I~s~to$17 Mill'io~,.'ROME (Nt) ~ Close io· .I!

million ~llected throughout theworld in' 1958 by the Society f.the ProP!lgation of the Faith tehelp supPort the Church in Ofti'

'100 miSsion territories.

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GLEN COAL & OIL CO., nc.Successors to DAVID DUFF & SON

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., .

Mrs. Raymond Leblanc.Mr. & Mrs. Albert Ne'ssler,

MI'. & ,Mrs: Eugene Dabrowski,Mr. & Mrs. William Oehrle. Mr.& Mrs. Fred Borisoff, Mr. &M'I's. Richard H. Barry. :

Mr... &, Mrs. Leonard Lafer­p.i~re,·· Mr. & Mrs. George" 'F~:­gundes; Mr. & Mrs. ,Oscar"La';palme, ¥r., & Mrs. ,~lft,ed'J:;Plante, Joseph .~equita.·· .

Russell Lawton; Edward MO­niz; Mr. & Mrs., Martin McCoy,Mr. & Ml:s. Walter Njemic, Mr.& Mrs. Mitchell Szwaja.. Mr, & Mrs. Henry Hesketh lr.,M~:' &; Mrs. Thomas Fem~i~l:l,Df~tiaT~~guay, Mr. &. .t.fr~·;Joseph ~. O'Brien, Mr, &: Ml7s~Leo E. 'Cormier, Mr. & Mrs.Albert L. Fortin. ' ,..,


$'75St. Elizabeth's Guild.

$50Mr. & Mrs. Donald Berube

$25Connors . Market, Corinne's

, Beauty Shop, Alfred Hall. . ,Mr. &; Mrs. Ellsworth Fisher;

Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Flyrin, Mr..&; Mrs, Alfred Doyle.. ,

, . . $20

Harborside Inn, HarborsideLiquor, Store. . . ., Mrs. Esther JohnlOn, William

P. Silva.. ' .$15 .

.,AI's Package Store, ~orge T.S~lva; Patricia' Brown, Mrs.Teresa Brown, Mr. & Mrs.

. George Lane; M. V. Cooper~tiveDairy...

,~ Mr.. & Mrs. J~hn O'Neil, Mr.&; Mrs. Herbert Mercier Jr:,Roland Authier. '.

. ~.

. "

,DQrothyCox'. Home made


150 Var;etMK".- , " ~ . '," .

ROUTE "6 C Near

.' Fairhaven ',"Auto'" Theat.." FAIRHAVEN;' MASS.'

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A.. D. McMULLEN~ '.," , Me:


hi RiV..., New ...0t4cape Cod AIM- ~-'= ,

~ERO MAYFLOWEI.. ' TRANSIT CO. INC.,': Nation;'wide Mo"..... '"

WY",an'~ ".,'IN·..-.-. Bt.;·,N"~.

FIRST ANNUAL CPA AWARD: At thE! annual con­vention of the Catholic Press Association, ArchbishopEgidio Vagnozzi (right)' Apostolic Delegate to the UnitedStates, present:;; the first annual CPA award, a statuetteof St. Francis de Sales to Dale Francis, editor of the LoneStar CatHolic of Austin, Texas~ Bishop Albert R. Zuroweste,of Belleville; Ill., honorary CPA president looks on. NC Photo

/ ,

Hyannisft. Ji1lANCIS XAVIE.

$25J. William Bowser, Mr. "

Mrs. Sherwood ,. Tondorf, Mrs.Celine Martin, Mrs. Hilda Bar-foot. '

...d. a ...,. .roseph Seam, Mr. ..& Mrs.·George J. Henry, Mr. &Mrs. Bart Hunt, Mr. & Mrs.Lewis Jackson. ,

Mr. &'Mrs. Les Kennedy, Mr.& Mrs. George 'Labelle, Mra.Pauline LaFrancois, Mr. & Mrs.Lucien Lemonde, Mr., & Mrs.Clem. Lesage. .,

, ne ' Mr. & Mrs. Alfred Letourneau,Mr. & Mrs. John McConnen,. Mr. & Mrs. John M. Livesey,

.John R. Reyburn, Mr. &; Mrs. . Mr. & Mrs. Fred, Lord,' Mr.· &Julius Morin ~r. Mrs. Francis Lynch, Mr. George

'15 Marchand.Mr. &: Mrs. Peter F.·Nelson.,. Mr. & Mrs. Ralph Mathieu,'11' Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth McCartpy,Mrs, Angela Spinney. Mr. & Mrs. Fred McGarrity"

'10 , Mr. & Mrs.. Joseph McGrath,Mrs. Theresa Bergen, Ellz- Mr. & Mrs. Thomas McGuire.

abeth Jeanne Bergen. Mr. & Mrs. Mary McLeish, Mr. &Mrs. Paul .Dumont, Mrs. Mary' Mrs. John J. McNally, Mr. &Harron, Mr., & Mrs. Sylvester Mrs. Fred Morancy, Mr. & Mrs.Francis. ' Leonard Mournigl).an, Mr. &

Mr. & Mrs. Patrick Kelly. Mr. Mrs. Arthur Murphy.& Mrs. Nerei Allain, Lawrence 'Mr. '& Mrs. John Murphy,O'Rourke, Cecilia O'Rourke, Mr. Mrs. Cecil Nelson, Mr. & MI:s.& Mrs. E. Gosselin. Bernard O'Brien, Mr. & Mrs.

Mr. & Mrs. John Levine, Mr. William O'Brien, Mr. & Mrs.& Mrs. John Connelly & James, Ernest Perry.

. Mrs. J. B. Marquette, Mr. & Mr. & Mrs. Harold Perry, Mr.Mrs. Theodore Holmes, Mr. & & Mrs. Kendall Porter, Mr. &Mrs. Louis Vander Loop. Mrs. Harold Provost, Mr. & Mrs.

Mr. & Mrs. Richard Haydon, Angelo Sabatini, Mr. & Mrs.Mr. & Mrs. Bernard Aikens, William Skeese. 'Mr. & Mrs. Harold Williams, Mr. Mr. & Mrs. Oscar St. John, 0 Orleans& Mrs. Edward Bonney, Mr.- & Mr. & Mrs. Stanley Szluck, Mr.Mrs. Robert Klimm. . & Mrs. Laurent Thibert; ,Mr. & ST. JOAN OF ARC

Mr. & Mrs. Harry Sylvester, Mrs. Howard :V~slet, Mr. & ,M:r,~ . $100John F. Dempsey, Mr. & Mrs. Antone Vieira. ' Rev. 'James :E. Lynch:John Howard, Mr. '& Mrs. Steve Mr. & Mrs. J.ohn :Walsh, Mrs. .,: ,$50 .Clark, Henry': Texei.ra. Agnes Welden, Mr. & Mrs. F,~an- Rev. Francis M.. CoadY.

Katherine "M."L."'y·ons',"Mr. '& C"I"S',"Whalen, Mr. & M.rs. Arthur. Ralph W. Guipa." ,.., "", '$25 ',' :' '"Mrs. FI1inkMarsnall,. MrS'", Patri- ~ise!, Mr.':Wiliia~ 'J:~r~~r~~:

cia T.Chase, ~r. &,Mrs, Eugene , Mr. & Mrs.·Charles DI)DJ;lelly, Ffrst Nll'tional Balik of'ProV'"Roy, Mr.·& Mrs. R~ymondPaine; Mrs.' Monic~,'Kirk, Mr. '&''Mrs:- incetoW'n....:..6rleans Braiich;Cape

. " ',,'. ,...... T'·"'· Cod Trust Co., Mt.',&Mrs,James·~r. & Mrs.:Ralnh'Amadi>. ,'[CillephT;'a~.non, ,M,,,r. ~.. ~..rs, ~~' . . ". &:\\1: . F T. Clancy, Emile A. Olivier,SEfekonk,,, ,:, .'.,' garrit~, Mr., ," ~~'<,. ra!,1,<;ls Arthur Baronousky.,, .'" I:

, lilT...MAR'YlS 'ii.:·~·"'· . '~f~n&";'M;'~.J;.?';~s.,Lal,i~ef,te~ ,,'Kathryn" Hennessy" Anna$200., ..'., _ Mildred Masgay, Mr. &: .. Mrs. Hennessy, ·RobertP,eno... ,.'"

Rev. Cornelius J. Keliher. Raymond Parent, Mr, & Mrs. 'Jeremiah ·,f.:rowley:"$150 - John P. Searles, Seelfonk Mfg. $20 .

Mrs. Pietre ·'LonsburY.•\ ,,' 'Co. . . '. ."Arthur Norris.' .,,'$100 St. Vincent· De Paul So'CietY,'$l5. ' ' .f,

Attleboro l?ye;.& Finishing Co. "'Mr. & Mrs. Leo.Tracey, Mr.. & Nickerson Funeral Home, Mr., '$50.:'" ,.' '.' Mrs. Larry Welch, Mrs. Clinton 8i Mrs. Clarence Vanasse, Ed-

St: Mary's Holy Name. Ainsworth Mr. & rs: E. Walter ward Smith.$25 '.\ Barton:' ' ., .James Coogan.

Mr. & Mrs. David E. Blake, Mr. Ralph Bella'lance, Mr. & $10·Mr.. & Mrs. Omer Ferland, Miss Mrs. Joseph Bradsllaw & Fam- Frank Purpura, Jean Gauvard,June Marchand, Mrs. Leland ily, ~r. & Mrs. Harold Cum- Clement P. Ozone, WarrenSmith, St. Mary's Women's, mings '·Jr., Mrs. Neil Copes, .~r. Daniels, Dr. James H. Leach..Guild. & Mrs. Pasquale DePietro. Julia Ann Zelik, Eva Maria

Mr. li Mrs. Richard Blake, ·Mr. & Mrs. Frank Dias, Mr. & Dane; Elwyn Doane, Jane Davis,Edna Masgay. ' Mrs. Peter Donato" Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Cour~nt.

. $2. John Duffy; Mr. & Mrs. Frarcis .,David Bessom, Joseph. L.Mr. & Mrs. Rudolph LaPalme. Farrell, Mr. & ·Mrs. Robert Far- Selansky; Edward Berry, Ef!lil~

.$20 rell." DeVille. ' ..Mr. & Mrs. Joseph .F. Bi~n,- .·.··Mr. '& Mrs. R'oger Ferland,:,Leo"Barry, Wilfred, Ferreira.. ,

"enue, Mr. & Mrs, John. Con- ,The Misses Fisk, Mr. & Mrs. Leo Gallagher, George Davi~,nolly & Family, Mr. & Mrs. J:ohn Richard Gallilcher, Mr:· &. Mrs. Charles Borgarello.S. Francis, The Lynch Family, Frank GoVernl Jr., Mr. & ,.,rs. ·,Leonard· Tarvers, ,.RobertMr. & Mrs: C,Edward . KileY, . Henr:Y JasionowSki.', , Clark,,,George Duffy Sr." JohnMr. & Mrs. Joseph'Aime Lam- " :Mi- .& Mrs; .. Herbert Leddy, Leary, Leonard ,Francis.. '"

' .., ,. "" . ,', .' , M & ~·,Cornelius Spillane,. Uly~esbert. ' ..' " Mr. &,Mrs. Gilbert Lee, r.,-15 " ' Lo: 'M" .& M Remillard, Ma.iuiel Packett,. . .' Mrs; John mas, r.· "rs.

Mrs. W~lter Amos, Dr'-,& Mrs. John Lukasi~wici;' Mr. & 'Mrs. Frank Gallant,:Cora ,Taber.John :Belsky, Miss ~gnes ~la,ke, 'HaroJd' McCormick." Terrence ,Kerrigan, Edward'Mr.·&"Mrs. James F. Coogan, Mr: & Mrs. Manuel Mello, Mr. Kinder, Warren A. Doe, WalterMrs. Mary E. Coyle, Dr. & Mrs. &; Mrs. HentyMessier, Mr.' & I'ulvin.." ". ,c •.

Alex. MacIssac,. .' Mrs. Henry Nesbitt, Mr. & Mrs.,. 'AcushnetMr. & Mrs. Joseph Trojan, ~. Thomas O'Rourke;.: Mr. ,,& "Mrs. '

& Mrs"Robert Basiliere; Mr. & Arthur Patenaude.' ST. FRANCIS ](AvlEaMrs. John 'Marshall, Mr. & Mrs. Mrs. Robert ,Pritchard; Mrs. '25Ostiguy, Mrs. Eva Sweeney, )IF.' Eunice Schiller, Mr. &, Mrs. . I Mr. &.Mrs. George Liarikos Jr.iI: Mrs. Cyril K; Brennan. Joseph. Strycharz, 'Mr. & Mrl!. $10

$~~..' . John Sullivan" Milll" Margaret Laurette Senecal, Pierre Lon.-Mr. & "rl. Avila Grenier. Sullivan. . pre, Mr. & Mrs. C.amille OeSorcy,

$1;·. .' Mr. & Mrs.. George St.G~r- Mr. &' Mrs. Edward Ouelette,Mr. iI: Mrs. Bertrand SullivllIl.... maine Mr. &' Mrs. James Tom- Charles .Bellefeuille. . .,;'

;. $':.. linson: Mr. &: Mrs. Lucien J'rem- Mitchell' Smola, Mr; &. Mrs.Mrs. Alice Arab~an, Mr· &; I blay; Mr. ,~.¥t:.s. Le~is Truccbi. 'A. O'Gara, Mr. & Mrs. Henry L.

Mrs.· ~lph Ba~?,g~rt.el, ~.: .& . 'oua LADYOf'. Gli'ilbeault; Mr. "& Mrs. Willia~..Mrs. .' Daniel . B~vilaqua, Mr: & MOUNT CARMEL J. Crom~leholmeJr., Mr; ai:Mrs; John ~Ielagus, Mr. & Mrs. ." ',. . ;'.Robert .BIron....... ~ ". ',' . ".:. . ,: '~.. , "; .. ,

Mr. John Blake, ~r. &.·~r~ :,~~v. James E. OReilly.John Blake, Mr. &!\f~s. Wllha~$Z~ :.Blake Arthur· Brousseau; Mr..& ' .John . Hendricks, ,::~Id~ric

M:/o:n :~s~~~u~r c~~rori,Jacques, noMr.'·& Mrs. George. Casey, Mr. Kinnane's Drug Store.& Mrs. George.~ote,Mr.·& Mrs. " " " ,.15 ,':. "William Cotter;':Mr,~&·Mrs. Wi}.': , , ,:Jeanette Vi~erit,/M:r. & Mrs. '.liani ·E. Coyie"sr: ., , John McAlOOn, Mr.'& Mrs. Vi~-

Mr;' & Mrs. St~!,ling Dalton, , een.t..Mc~amara." 'Mr. &: Mrs. Charles Doh~rty" Mr. ":.':" ".' $10.',& "Mrs.: AugustuS: 'Drywa, .' Edward~oy,.Mr., & . ltfrs.Matthew Duffy, Mr. & Mrs. Henry HarriS, Richard DlOpne,Joseph Duf,9rt..-_ ': . .... c., Mr.,·., & Mrs.' ~war~ Gorman,

Mr: '& Mr.~. J;l. ".Dzija, Mr:.·~ .. Joaqu~tn. Hendrlc~s.. .':Mrs. James P. Elliott, Mr. &;. Manuel Santos, Mary FerreIra,Mrs. Eugene" Fe't'land;' 'Mrs. ld:;" Manuel Hendric~s•.Ma~~ F. ~!JI­ward Fisk 'Sr., MiA ·Cathetifte· livan, Mr. ,& Mrs: R()ger Bras-Fisk. ' "', . ',~lard. • ..: '

Miss Mari~n,Fisk,.,Mr. & Mrs. Grace" Flatley in inemo~y .ofThomas' Fla.l}ag~n.;(r., ~r. ~' Daniel Fla~ley, Manuel, M~lt?za, .Mrs. William Fletcher" Mr. ~ Lester, Klern"M.:rs. ;WllllamMrs. " Arthur ''''For'tin,' Mris. Laithwaite, LouiSe: C. ~allon...Thomas Freeman.' . ,,'. 'Jes8e·.l!~,Mr;& ~rs. Ke,n-

Mr. & Mrs: ,'. Joseph: Galvin,' '. 'Jieth 'Read, Mrs." Harold, Peck,Mr. at Mra. Armand Gibeault, Martha Peck;· Ardelia Oliv~. 'Mr. &·Mrs. Thom/:ls Giblin Jr., Nelson H. Little,"Mr. &. Mrs.Mr. & Mts. Charles Gregger~ : Willia.m: Drohan; ~r. ,& ,~rll.Mr. & Mrs. Edward Harrop. . . Adrien .B.' Vincent, .Iobn Vm-•• " lira. .John HarringtoD, eent;



b, YEAR-ROUND JOB: Vocatio~s are the year-round concern of Rev: 0 of a vocation: kit distril,luhid throughout the Dioc'ese. At right center, girlsJohn J. Hayes, Diocesan Director Of Vocations. Vocation exhibits are one, from St. Mary's Academy in Fall River,staff a booth on behalf of the Sistersmeans of bringing the message to youth. At left,:Brother Efren L. Musingi,' of""Mercy. J.;eft to right are Nancy Smith, ,Geraldine Rodgers and RachelleM.S., La Salette seminarian;, 'shows th~ unique c~o'ss ,\worn by,~ the com- BOIichard.At far right, youngsters 'are absorbed in material shown themmunity to Richard Cote of Blessed SacramEmt....CYO,-Fall River. Richard, by:'Father Norman; SS.CC. ;Left to.right are 'Raymond Landry, Richa~d,dressed as a priest, manned a booth at Blessed SacramEmes recent vocation. P~quette and-l'formanq FQurnier.' May js'Yocation-month, butdaily prayer·exhibit. At left center, Father Hayes examines a tea"c~er~s guidebook, part for vocation is essential.. ' . .


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~. Find: HAPPINESS in Timeand HOPE for Eternity

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, "

,u. S.,~atholics ~ Di.ocesan 'Voca~ion "'~~d Urge~,Prayer ,on ~'ll;· .-Monk$'Take ~art·,Continued from Page One .,' , I ' . In Health St d .

c· ::~:~ut::.c~~;y 3~~:1~~~~C~~,~, /' '~SaY.8 ,Horne, J8 N'ursery,., (jf.' ~~.ligio~' ,-' .S;. BERNARD (NC~-B!ne-'last year

o-and20,728 religious' ' " '.. .,' 'dictine· and Trappist !T1onks are

priests,. an increase of 1;060. A' ',',' . ," . .By,PatrIcIa McGowan .". . .,', ,I . •' .. :' serving, as subjects in a public~tal Q~2,545' newlY .ordained', . This is Vocation' Mont)l in the Dioceseof FallRiver,~utthat doesn't mean v.ocations ,~ealt~ study. of the influence ofpr!ests' are listed. ,for the first are neglected for the rem~[niriii 1 rriorith~'.O f."th~ year,. The' priest' whoseesthey';e .ndt .. : diet',~If a~teriosc1erosis, .~-- type

. time. " . is R.ev. JohnJ.·'}Iay~s; adminlstrat9:f ofSt·.MarY'~(parish;New .Bedford;He is Director . o~ ha5~en~ng o,f Jhe·,~rterles.", Professed 'religious .personnel, ~f Voeations 'for 'th~" PiOc~se:'The firsf holde J::' pf the off~c~; he' .has·, h,ad'~ the.aSsigtiment .' T~'~, Georgia J:)~parfmerit of:include .. ' 9,709 . Brothers and' . . 1951 h' D.' '.. '. '. >. ' ,'." . ."',' , .' . -: .. " , . '.' ,., .':". . " p,ubhc, l;Iea.lth said long-term, '.' . " . ' . SInce ,wen,· lOceses m .. ". ,'. '...' 'J' " .,' .","., 'b t' 0< th1164,922 Sisters, repr~senting re-, ,',,'. '1 'b' ". " ", . ';"t'~ " ."Everyone,'should say it" em-" 'g"rowiilg:, activity' of Serra. 'Club~ " companson. e ween men m. e 'llpective' in'creasesof 15 'Brother's g~ner~, . egan. appo~n"109 phasize'd"Father HayeS.'~n'~t"just'il' fine sign' of lay interest i~ ;:f:Wo.""Qrders; .both' ofW~Ichre"','

(J and 347 Sisters.'" , speclal"prlests for,the,Job of ,the .children."··" , " ·,vocations..Serrans h'ave for their' _ quire a controlled life but which" The fulltime teachi~g staffs of nurturing interest in the 're- Varied Infonnationaim' tile' material and" sPiritual ' .differ .in diet, will be. a,:ailable.all educational institutions under ligious life.. encouragement \ of ,vocations. TrapPIsts are vegetarIans,,'

." , . Info'rmation about vocations' . , ,, Catholic auspices, hl!-ve increased H.is work is many':facete,dbut, ~ , Clubs have l}een ac.tive in Fall ,.. "Per'iodic ,.'physical. examin,a-"~' . open 10, youth is supplied' in

~y 8,78~, or' alinostsixper cent, s;lys.:fatherHayes, it boils down' River since 1952 ',and, In .:AttIe"-," tions blood. analyses arid: diet, ~'a rec9rd total 'of 156,116, to' a two-fold· program: first· many ways, '1;'his year vocation, b9ro since 1956. A third" group, , .:reco;ds will be' made. of 'the'

CQmprising,,, 10;429" priests,' 920 comes prayer for vocations' then .kit.s' haVE< 'been distributed. to in New, Bedfor.d, 'received ..'its 'Trapnists at;·.Our, Lady' of the., '. . .' , ,,' ev'ery7ih. and'" 8th grade claSs.. . .." .scholastics, 4,506 Brothers, 95,516 information 'about, them.' .. ' . .. . , charter 'last month. '. , '.. Holy Ghost,Abbey Conyers Ga

Siste'rslmd 43;745 fay '.teachers.' ...., in the, Diocese. These . confain' , . '. ' , ." ,,' .' ,,, , ? .., .. ' ,H~a~l.ing the spiritual progr;lm ,'posters, factu,al' material arid a: : Chief r~sponsibility for voca:- ,a~d .tpe B~nedictines at S1. Ber-

There are 8,616 mo~e,,1ay, teach':' ,. is the annual triduum of Masses', guidebook. for teachers. ,,' tions, however, must 'lie" with: nard Abbey here.en, an inc.rease o,f .2~:~ I>er c~nt. . for vocations,h~ld thi~y~ar in ' . ', youth. itseif, and 'Father ,Haye$" " ",

Father Hayes' acts" as a ciear- . ...--~.---~------.More Seminarians, Fall River;' New Bedford and, jng.house 'for members of reli.,.." is:,: optiluistic ,a I;> 0 u·t .,today's', S,iI".,'merCottciges,.

The' directory 'reportS ,16,185 . Ta~nton.· '. ' gious 'orders who wish to visft,· you.ngsters., ':'They' are attracted -parishes' wit~V'esident'pastors-::- . Pe,ntec~st ,Sunday iscon~id-:- schools. and speak on. the. work, by Iiig.h ideals' andev~~"if"t~ey For Rent 'an increase" of 193~ ,anp. 568' ered 'Vocation Sunday ~n'd.lead- of their communities: With re":"" irv~olv,~ !!.acr:ifice, ~hey: ar¢ .will- ,Week; Month, 'SeasonPan,'shes wit.hout residen't, ..Clergy, 'ing, up to it isa novena for voca- .gard 'to information on the iiIi- ing to embrace' them."' . .' '.' ." h' h ' "', l' " ,. Near' Beach "Warm water;~a!ting a' record total of 16;753 tlOns, at w IC a .specla prayer portant role "of' the Diocesan.' ,He 'quotes, :too, words 'of' Pius '

'. Catholic parishes _in the~U.S. 'is recited~ . clergy, he' has.a group ,0£..12, XI; "We' shall always 'discover' Surf· bcithing; Sa"ndy beachAlso listed are (867 missions, "Cards bearing ,the prllyer"'are, priests .who assist in the job of . ourselves unab'leto cOn.tribute .. Call' or See IiERBERT VOSS1,603 stations and 10,390 chapels distributed. aIulually to school speaking. in scllools. B?ys" at· to anything greater, than' the '., \. ": ,S~ifd ,:lieach R9.Od-an increase of 586 places children of the: DioceS,e.aitd it'is' Coyle HighSchool, -the, DIOCesan ,making ,of a good 'priest."" . Warenam,:Mass. CY 5-0935where Mass is' regulariy cele- recited after every Mass for the' secondary school" have, ample .' '. ,.;' '.. ~ , " " .'brated. nine days preceding Pen~ecost. opportunity to eyscuss' possible-' " t' :

A new high of 13,619 separate vocations to the pJ;'iesthood wi.th" ~.

educational institutio"ns in.cludes Pupils 'in 9,814 parish ele~~- them. " f ~94 diocesan seminaries; 424,re-:- tary schools. now total 89,859. The Director, of Vocatio;'s SSO'ligious order semina~ies, novi,;,' Ther'e "ar:e 11,567 sbidlmts in' the stresses the importance of par- , .tiates and scholasticates, 258.. 128 protective institutions, :ents' in. encoura~dng,' pudding.' ~" '

:'Ifij' CQlleges and, universities, ~,583' Care for' Sick. , "interest)~ 'the priesthOOd ordiocesan and parish high schools, ,'" The flif.ther '·progr~ss·of r~li:';' Sist~rh?Od'. <'f\. 'gOOd Catholic ~ , ' Oil BURNERS.845 private. hig.h schools,. 9,814.'" • ' ". hom' the' ur e f 'AlsO compiete Boiler-Burner, .gious ."iiIstrliction . to coildren; .; . e' .IS " , . ~!.;n ,sry ,:0 vo~a-., 'or" Furnace 'V'ni0;' Effie'JADOParish e.lementary s<;ho.ols,~ a.n'·, ' ," -,.' . 'hons" he saId 'In commenting -. ~ •.u,·nder.. reIe.ased'tiine;dn;reli~iou"s~ ,.'. :'n' " h'< ." ,-.J :" .,'~' .... ", , low cost. heatInc. Burner andincrease of 1~1-illid.<.l73 pfivate vacation' schools .. ' and ' other 9 .f e n",~ber ~ of cases wh~re 'fuel oil sales'and service.eiementary "schools; . There ,a"e' classes is evidenced :by 3313852' n.ot· one, bu~ two or. three v~a-" Stan"le'y.O'.•ol' C'o·0' In''coaiso 128 protective. 'institutions, "pliblic ' s'choo( children r~cei~ing' bons come 'from a smgle famIly. 'with 11,567 youths in attendance." religious. i.nstruction, a'· y'ear's \" Lay Interest . 480' Mt.: .Pleasant StreetNew educational institutions in- ' New Bedford , WY'S-2melude three diocesan seminaries, increase of 588,270 ?upils.Of Fattier· Hayes termed theThe 94 diocesan seminadesre-·' these 855,180 are high school . ,Port enrollments of 19,602 semin_ pupils and 2,458,672 are in ele-'

mentary grades. ~ A total.. of children' cared for in fosterarians,can increase of 514, while 8,549,019 America'n.yo.uths in all ' . , ,the 424 novitiates and schoiasti:" homes, however, ate, 1,381inore .

'grades are under Catholic in- t!lan a year ago. The total 'ofcates' of the religious orders .. struction-:-an increase of 798,642, 48,621 dependent children. re-have 18,5Q4 students or 611 more, or 10,3 per' cent over'c'omparable .., ,flects an increase of 343 withinindicating a total of ·38,105 can- figure.s for, ·1958. h " , .didates for the priesthood. . t e past year. Homes for .in-

Three new'institutions bring valids and the aged ngw number,Students Increase the number .of Catholic ho&pitais 332, an increase of 18, with addi-

The upward trend in Catholic, to 942, while bed capacities have tional facilities of 1,292, forcollege and university enroll- been increased by 2,718, to a 29,182 residents~

ments for the sixth year is re- total of 145,190. The number ofI f 'Gain in Conversionsf eeted by an increase 0 19,374, general -hospitals' is 803,. wit~

. CQllege students during ,1958, The 133,819 beds. For the 13th year in succes- 'WHAT? b.' " ..' To' com at ERROR w,' ith Truth.recorq' post"war decrease of SlOn, the number of ,converts, 31,699 occurred in 1951-'52. Cur- . ~ Nurse'Training. entering ,theCathoiic Church WHERE? On the BATTLE FRONT, of the CLASSROOM., rent enrollments f. now ,t 0 tal . The 139" s p e cia r '~~spitals exceeded 100,000.. During 1958,', .." ..~ " ,: 290,867, or 21 per cent more col:. accommodate 11,371. Patients 140,411 becarrieCatholics, bring-.' .-WHY?T9,SANCTlFYSEL~cindONE~S·~NEIGHBOR.. lege students than 10 years ,ago treated, in .1958 increased ,by :ing the -total conversions during ',. '..,'" . < '. ~ •

< "':"':an increase of 50,819 over the ..344,541, to '8;. 'record high of . the past d~cade to 1,301,355. '. ,.HO'w?,iBy:,ir:nparthig, ~~OWLEDGE ill1bu.edwi~h CHRIS-., 240,048' in )949.. 12,084,317. '''' , , '. The number oflD58 infant'. " " 'TIANIDEALS;, " " " "

The number of'~' full-time Curre~t enrollments .0£.35,205 . bapti;ini was 1,307,666,' an ip-, WHEN?' THAT ANSWER IS:IJP.io YOU. ",.; pupils. in' Catholic' elementary students in the, 346 .Catholic, cr~ase of 23,132; compared to'an ' ,

, , a«:td high schools reflects' a, rec- ~raining. schools for:~l1rse~~rep- increase .of28,~01 .. infant hap..· --:,."" F,or _F,u~~her. ' ,rifoirT!~,tion :,'Addr~ss::... ~. ord iflcreaseof189.,951: ..T~e: 1,583 r~~nt an,:,increa~~, ()f.~~2. .i>~p,ils.. ~ tis~sduri~g'1957: M.~~r~ag~~,ie":" . 4,.. ",,' I • '. - .,; .' • .<,.J" :::,'1' _. ',', .

,~rish and diocesa.n high. sChooi~ ,Seven ~ew sch~ols we.re b~g~r. "corded· decr~ase'c;l,'~Y 10,~60 j~ ,. ,', ' .' REVEREND MOTHER' PROVINCIAL. ·,~port"500;394,pupds,an· mcrease' .the, numi?er,C?f ,c~i<~d.r~n'i,n the.:. 314,~89.. pur~ng.. the\~.~e. Pe~i~; ",,~ ' .." . '::.' '." . "'520 RdcK> ~TREET ',' .. ' .

•; .f,.,' •••. ,. '~(;:t~9~ig~~~~~~:~i~;~'i~;:::">,e~~o:::~~j~:nt;'~.~3~t.iZy.;:::'~Js~~·5i;~:~?~~e:'~~::i~n:u:,::~;.':\': ~::':', ~ :":r:~i;t illYEI:: .:: , . ':, ",:":" MAS$'A~H~'m$,,,, .': " .' , ..,' .... ,an -1i1creaseoL" .14,315.' . prelenttOtalof2G,'i66~ Tbe:21;85jF'iii:the:p~evioul'''1eal'~'', : "';", .':' '~":: ::.'.i:. ,:-:.:,::::-:;' '~,; :...• ;""., '...,.... '" '.: c::.... ...:: ,', , . __ ,.'

, ',.- . " .~" . ,'" '-- ""