05 17 09 Resolving Conflict In Our Marriage Part 2 Conflict Resolution Communication Keys For...

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Transcript of 05 17 09 Resolving Conflict In Our Marriage Part 2 Conflict Resolution Communication Keys For...

  • West Ridge Church Marriage MinistryCan You Hear Me Now?Communication Keys for Couples

  • VII. Resolving Conflicts in Our MarriageMisconceptions about Conflict

  • VII. Resolving Conflicts in Our MarriageMisconceptions about Conflict

    1. Christians are supposed to avoid all conflict.

    Matthew 21:12Jesus entered the temple area and drove out allwho were buying and selling there. He overturnedthe tables of the money changers and the benchesof those selling doves.

  • VII. Resolving Conflicts in Our MarriageMisconceptions about Conflict

    2. Wives should automatically cave in to theirhusbands wishes.

    Ephesians 5:21Submit to one another out of reverence for Christ.

  • VII. Resolving Conflicts in Our MarriageMisconceptions about Conflict

    3. The best way to handle conflict is throughcompromise.

    Psalm 25:5.guide me in your truth and teach me, for you areGod my Savior

  • VII. Resolving Conflicts in Our MarriageTypical Responses to Conflict

  • VII. Resolving Conflicts in Our MarriageTypical Responses to Conflict

    1. Avoidpretend it doesnt bother me

  • VII. Resolving Conflicts in Our MarriageTypical Responses to Conflict

    1. Avoidpretend it doesnt bother me

    2. AccommodateIll give in.

  • VII. Resolving Conflicts in Our MarriageTypical Responses to Conflict

    1. Avoidpretend it doesnt bother me

    2. AccommodateIll give in.

    3. CompeteIll get my way.

  • VII. Resolving Conflicts in Our MarriageTypical Responses to Conflict

    1. Avoidpretend it doesnt bother me

    2. AccommodateIll give in.

    3. CompeteIll get my way.

    4. CompromiseIll meet you half way.

  • VII. Resolving Conflicts in Our MarriageTypical Responses to Conflict

    1. Avoidpretend it doesnt bother me

    2. AccommodateIll give in.

    3. CompeteIll get my way.

    4. CompromiseIll meet you half way.

    5. CollaborateIll work together with you.

  • VII. Resolving Conflicts in Our MarriageSteps to Resolving Conflict in our Marriage

  • VII. Resolving Conflicts in Our MarriageSteps to Resolving Conflict in our Marriage

    1. Get a firm grip on who youre talking to.

    Philippians 2:3Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit,but in humility consider others better thanyourselves.

  • VII. Resolving Conflicts in Our MarriageSteps to Resolving Conflict in our Marriage

    1. Get a firm grip on who youre talking to.

    Philippians 2:3Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit,but in humility consider others better thanyourselves.

    See and treat your spouse as a VIP! becausethats what they are!

  • VII. Resolving Conflicts in Our MarriageSteps to Resolving Conflict in our Marriage

    2. Establish some ground rules for handlingconflict. (aka fighting fair)

  • VII. Resolving Conflicts in Our MarriageSteps to Resolving Conflict in our Marriage

    2. Establish some ground rules for handlingconflict. (aka fighting fair)

    Adopt Gods Word as the definitive standardfor decision-making.

  • VII. Resolving Conflicts in Our MarriageSteps to Resolving Conflict in our Marriage

    2. Establish some ground rules for handlingconflict. (aka fighting fair)

    Adopt Gods Word as the definitive standardfor decision-making.

    Hosea 4:6.my people are destroyed from lack of knowledge.

  • VII. Resolving Conflicts in Our MarriageSteps to Resolving Conflict in our Marriage

    2. Establish some ground rules for handlingconflict. (aka fighting fair)

    Adopt Gods Word as the definitive standardfor decision-making.

    Mark 12:24Jesus replied, "Are you not in error because you donot know the Scriptures or the power of God?

  • VII. Resolving Conflicts in Our MarriageSteps to Resolving Conflict in our Marriage

    2. Establish some ground rules for handlingconflict. (aka fighting fair)

    Adopt Gods Word as the definitive standardfor decision-making.

    Psalm 119:165Great peace have they who love your law, andnothing can make them stumble.

  • VII. Resolving Conflicts in Our MarriageSteps to Resolving Conflict in our Marriage

    2. Establish some ground rules for handlingconflict. (aka fighting fair)

    Adopt Gods Word as the definitive standardfor decision-making.

    John 8:31-32Jesus said, "If you hold to my teaching, you are really my disciples. Then you will know the truth, and the truth will setyou free.

  • VII. Resolving Conflicts in Our MarriageSteps to Resolving Conflict in our Marriage2. Establish some ground rules for handlingconflict. (aka fighting fair)

    Adopt Gods Word as the definitive standardfor decision-making.

    2 Corinthians 10:5 We demolish arguments and everypretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God,and we take captive every thought to make it obedient toChrist.

  • VII. Resolving Conflicts in Our MarriageSteps to Resolving Conflict in our Marriage2. Establish some ground rules for handlingconflict. (aka fighting fair)

    Adopt Gods Word as the definitive standardfor decision-making.

    Life is hard; its even harder if youre stupid. John Wayne

  • VII. Resolving Conflicts in Our MarriageSteps to Resolving Conflict in our Marriage

    2. Establish some ground rules for handlingconflict. (aka fighting fair)

    Adopt Gods Word as the definitive standardfor decision-making.

    People experience conflict primarily overconflicting values and desires.

  • VII. Resolving Conflicts in Our MarriageSteps to Resolving Conflict in our Marriage

    2. Establish some ground rules for handlingconflict. (aka fighting fair)

    Adopt Gods Word as the definitive standardfor decision-making.

    We should decide once and for all that His Wordwill be THE source of truth.

  • VII. Resolving Conflicts in Our MarriageSteps to Resolving Conflict in our Marriage

    2. Establish some ground rules for handlingconflict. (aka fighting fair)

    Make a commitment to honesty ANDopenness.

  • VII. Resolving Conflicts in Our MarriageSteps to Resolving Conflict in our Marriage

    2. Establish some ground rules for handlingconflict. (aka fighting fair)

    Make a commitment to honesty ANDopenness.

    Psalm 34:13keep your tongue from evil and your lips fromspeaking lies.

  • VII. Resolving Conflicts in Our MarriageSteps to Resolving Conflict in our Marriage

    2. Establish some ground rules for handlingconflict. (aka fighting fair)

    Make a commitment to honesty ANDopenness.

    Proverbs 12:22The LORD detests lying lips, but he delights in menwho are truthful.

  • VII. Resolving Conflicts in Our MarriageSteps to Resolving Conflict in our Marriage

    2. Establish some ground rules for handlingconflict. (aka fighting fair)

    Make a commitment to honesty ANDopenness.

    Proverbs 15:4The tongue that brings healing is a tree of life, but adeceitful tongue crushes the spirit.

  • VII. Resolving Conflicts in Our MarriageSteps to Resolving Conflict in our Marriage

    2. Establish some ground rules for handlingconflict. (aka fighting fair)

    Make a commitment to honesty ANDopenness.

    Proverbs 26:28A lying tongue hates those it hurts, and a flatteringmouth works ruin.

  • VII. Resolving Conflicts in Our MarriageSteps to Resolving Conflict in our Marriage

    2. Establish some ground rules for handlingconflict. (aka fighting fair)

    Make a commitment to honesty ANDopenness.

    Ephesians 4:15 Instead, speaking the truth inlove, we will in all things grow up into him who is theHead, that is, Christ.

  • VII. Resolving Conflicts in Our MarriageSteps to Resolving Conflict in our Marriage

    2. Establish some ground rules for handlingconflict. (aka fighting fair)

    Make a commitment to honesty ANDopenness.

    Ephesians 4:25 Therefore each of you must putoff falsehood and speak truthfully to his neighbor,for we are all members of one body.

  • VII. Resolving Conflicts in Our MarriageSteps to Resolving Conflict in our Marriage

    2. Establish some ground rules for handlingconflict. (aka fighting fair)

    Make a commitment to honesty ANDopenness.

    1 Peter 3:10 For, "Whoever would love life andsee good days must keep his tongue from evil andhis lips from deceitful speech.

  • VII. Resolving Conflicts in Our MarriageSteps to Resolving Conflict in our Marriage

    2. Establish some ground rules for handlingconflict. (aka fighting fair)

    Make a commitment to honesty ANDopenness.

    Everyone should have a chance to be heard.

  • VII. Resolving Conflicts in Our MarriageSteps to Resolving Conflict in our Marriage

    2. Establish some ground rules for handlingconflict. (aka fighting fair)

    Make a decision to always treat one anotherwith respect.

  • VII. Resolving Conflicts in Our MarriageSteps to Resolving Conflict in our Marriage

    2. Establish some ground rules for handlingconflict. (aka fighting fair)

    Make a decision to always treat one anotherwith respect.

    Ephesians 5:33 However, each one of you alsomust love his wife as he loves himself, and the wifemust respect her husband.

  • VII. Resolving Conflicts in Our MarriageSteps to Resolving Conflict in our Marriage

    2. Establish some ground rules for handlingconflict. (aka fighting fair)

    Make a decision to always treat one anotherwith respect.

    1 Peter 3:7Husbands, in the same way be considerate as youlive with your wives, and treat them with respect

  • VII. Resolving Conflicts in Our MarriageSteps to Resolving Conflict in our Marriage

    2. Establish some ground rules for handlingconflict. (aka fighting fair)

    Make a decision to always treat one anotherwith respect.

    1 Peter 2:17Show proper respect to everyone

  • VII. Resolving Conflicts in Our MarriageSteps to Resolving Conflict in our Marriage

    2. Establish some ground rules for handlingconflict. (aka fighting fair)

    There is no room for name-calling !

  • VII. Resolving Conflicts in Our MarriageSteps to Resolving Conflict in our Marriage

    2. Establish some ground rules for handlingconflict. (aka fighting fair)

    There is no room for name-calling !

    We dont raise our voices at one another.

  • VII. Resolving Conflicts in Our MarriageSteps to Resolving Conflict in our Marriage

    2. Establish some ground rules for handlingconflict. (aka fighting fair)

    There is no room for name-calling !

    We dont raise our voices at one another.

    We dont talk over one another.

  • VII. Resolving Conflicts in Our MarriageSteps to Resolving Conflict in our Marriage

    2. Establish some ground rules for handlingconflict. (aka fighting fair)

    Stick to the issue at hand.

    Genesis 3:11-12 And he said, "Who told you that you werenaked? Have you eaten from the tree that I commandedyou not to eat from?" The man said, "The woman youput here with meshe gave me some fruit from the tree, andI ate it."

  • VII. Resolving Conflicts in Our MarriageSteps to Resolving Conflict in our Marriage

    2. Establish some ground rules for handlingconflict. (aka fighting fair)

    We effectively admit that we are wrong when we:(1) blame our spouse for our own deficiencies

  • VII. Resolving Conflicts in Our MarriageSteps to Resolving Conflict in our Marriage

    2. Establish some ground rules for handlingconflict. (aka fighting fair)

    We effectively admit that we are wrong when we:(1) blame our spouse for our own deficiencies(2) twist the facts to justify our own behavior

  • VII. Resolving Conflicts in Our MarriageSteps to Resolving Conflict in our Marriage

    2. Establish some ground rules for handlingconflict. (aka fighting fair)

    We effectively admit that we are wrong when we:(1) blame our spouse for our own deficiencies(2) twist the facts to justify our own behavior (3) derail the search for truth by going on rabbit trail

  • VII. Resolving Conflicts in Our MarriageSteps to Resolving Conflict in our Marriage

    2. Establish some ground rules for handlingconflict. (aka fighting fair)

    We effectively admit that we are wrong when we:(1) blame our spouse for our own deficiencies(2) twist the facts to justify our own behavior (3) derail the search for truth by going on rabbit trail(4) drag up ancient history to make our own badbehavior not seem so bad

  • VII. Resolving Conflicts in Our MarriageSteps to Resolving Conflict in our Marriage

    2. Establish some ground rules for handlingconflict. (aka fighting fair)

    Both should agree to proactively reach out to make peace.

  • VII. Resolving Conflicts in Our MarriageSteps to Resolving Conflict in our Marriage

    2. Establish some ground rules for handlingconflict. (aka fighting fair)

    Both should agree to proactively reach out to make peace.

    Matthew 5:23-24 Therefore, if you are offering your gift atthe altar and there remember that your brother hassomething against you, leave your gift there in front of thealtar. First go and be reconciled to your brother; then comeand offer your gift.

  • VII. Resolving Conflicts in Our MarriageSteps to Resolving Conflict in our Marriage

    2. Establish some ground rules for handlingconflict. (aka fighting fair)

    Both should agree to proactively reach out to make peace.

    Romans 12:18If it is possible, as far as it depends on you, live atpeace with everyone.

  • VII. Resolving Conflicts in Our MarriageSteps to Resolving Conflict in our Marriage

    2. Establish some ground rules for handlingconflict. (aka fighting fair)

    Both should agree to proactively reach out to make peace.

    Romans 14:19Let us therefore make every effort to do what leads to peace and to mutual edification.

  • VII. Resolving Conflicts in Our MarriageSteps to Resolving Conflict in our Marriage

    2. Establish some ground rules for handlingconflict. (aka fighting fair)

    Both should agree to proactively reach out to make peace.

    Be mature enough to reach out to the otherperson when they are emotionally hooked.

  • VII. Resolving Conflicts in Our MarriageSteps to Resolving Conflict in our Marriage

    2. Establish some ground rules for handlingconflict. (aka fighting fair)

    Make it our policy not to allow conflict to go unsettled.

    Ephesians 4:26-27 "In your anger do not sin": Donot let the sun go down while you are still angry,and do not give the devil a foothold.

  • VII. Resolving Conflicts in Our MarriageSteps to Resolving Conflict in our Marriage

    2. Establish some ground rules for handlingconflict. (aka fighting fair)

    Make it our policy not to allow conflict to go unsettled.

    Because if we dont, we give Satan a foothold inour marriage.

  • VII. Resolving Conflicts in Our MarriageSteps to Resolving Conflict in our Marriage

    2. Establish some ground rules for handlingconflict. (aka fighting fair)

    We establish ground rules when all is well, not in the heat of battle.

  • VII. Resolving Conflicts in Our MarriageSteps to Resolving Conflict in our Marriage

    3. Stop the fight before it ever begins.

  • VII. Resolving Conflicts in Our MarriageSteps to Resolving Conflict in our Marriage

    3. Stop the fight before it ever begins.

    Learn to manage the expectations of others.

    Proverbs 17:14Starting a quarrel is like breaching a dam; so dropthe matter before a dispute breaks out.

    Proverbs 20:3 It is to a man's honor to avoidstrife, but every fool is quick to quarrel.

  • VII. Resolving Conflicts in Our MarriageSteps to Resolving Conflict in our Marriage

    3. Stop the fight before it ever begins.

    Learn to manage the expectations of others.

    2 Timothy 2:23Don't have anything to do with foolish and stupidarguments, because you know they producequarrels.

  • VII. Resolving Conflicts in Our MarriageSteps to Resolving Conflict in our Marriage

    3. Stop the fight before it ever begins.

    Learn to manage the expectations of others.

    Two keys to managing expectations:

  • VII. Resolving Conflicts in Our MarriageSteps to Resolving Conflict in our Marriage

    3. Stop the fight before it ever begins.

    Learn to manage the expectations of others.

    Two keys to managing expectations:

    (1) Anticipate

  • VII. Resolving Conflicts in Our MarriageSteps to Resolving Conflict in our Marriage

    3. Stop the fight before it ever begins.

    Learn to manage the expectations of others.

    Two keys to managing expectations:

    (1) Anticipate

    (2) Communicate

  • VII. Resolving Conflicts in Our MarriageSteps to Resolving Conflict in our Marriage

    3. Stop the fight before it ever begins.

    Simplify your lifestyle.

    Proverbs 10:22 The blessing of the LORD bringswealth, and he adds no trouble to it.

    Proverbs 17:1Better a dry crust with peace and quiet than a housefull of feasting, with strife.

  • VII. Resolving Conflicts in Our MarriageSteps to Resolving Conflict in our Marriage

    3. Stop the fight before it ever begins.

    Simplify your lifestyle.

    1 Timothy 6:6-9But godliness with contentment is great gain. For we broughtnothing into the world, and we can take nothing out of it. Butif we have food and clothing, we will be content with that. People who want to get rich fall into temptation and a trapand into many foolish and harmful desires that plunge menInto ruin and destruction.

  • VII. Resolving Conflicts in Our MarriageSteps to Resolving Conflict in our Marriage

    3. Stop the fight before it ever begins.

    Simplify your lifestyle.

    Much conflict comes from chasing thingswe dont need and cant afford.

  • VII. Resolving Conflicts in Our MarriageSteps to Resolving Conflict in our Marriage

    3. Stop the fight before it ever begins.

    Make time to plan ahead.

    Proverbs 21:5The plans of the diligent lead to profit as surely as haste leads to poverty.

  • VII. Resolving Conflicts in Our MarriageSteps to Resolving Conflict in our Marriage

    3. Stop the fight before it ever begins.

    Make time to plan ahead.

    2 Corinthians 1:17When I planned this, did I do it lightly? Or do I makemy plans in a worldly manner so that in the samebreath I say, "Yes, yes" and "No, no"?

  • VII. Resolving Conflicts in Our MarriageSteps to Resolving Conflict in our Marriage

    3. Stop the fight before it ever begins.

    Make time to plan ahead.

    Have a time to sit down and plan your schedulefor the upcoming week.

  • VII. Resolving Conflicts in Our MarriageSteps to Resolving Conflict in our Marriage

    3. Stop the fight before it ever begins.

    Make time to plan ahead.

    Have a time to sit down and plan your schedulefor the upcoming week.Work together on your schedule to increasemargin and reduce stress.

  • VII. Resolving Conflicts in Our MarriageSteps to Resolving Conflict in our Marriage

    3. Stop the fight before it ever begins.

    Be careful who you hang out with.

    Proverbs 22:24Do not make friends with a hot-tempered man, donot associate with one easily angered

  • VII. Resolving Conflicts in Our MarriageSteps to Resolving Conflict in our Marriage

    3. Stop the fight before it ever begins.

    Be careful who you hang out with.

    Proverbs 12:26A righteous man is cautious in friendship, but theway of the wicked leads them astray.

    Proverbs 13:20He who walks with the wise grows wise, but acompanion of fools suffers harm.

  • VII. Resolving Conflicts in Our MarriageSteps to Resolving Conflict in our Marriage

    3. Stop the fight before it ever begins.

    Be careful who you hang out with.

    Our friends influence the way we treatothers.choose wisely.

  • VII. Resolving Conflicts in Our MarriageSteps to Resolving Conflict in our Marriage

    3. Stop the fight before it ever begins.

    Enjoy making love regularly!

    1 Corinthians 7:3-5 The husband should fulfill his maritalduty to his wife, and likewise the wife to her husband. Thewife's body does not belong to her alone but also to herhusband. In the same way, the husband's body does notbelong to him alone but also to his wife. Do not deprive eachother except by mutual consent and for a time, so that youmay devote yourselves to prayer.

  • VII. Resolving Conflicts in Our MarriageSteps to Resolving Conflict in our Marriage

    3. Stop the fight before it ever begins.

    Enjoy making love regularly!

    God invented sex for our enjoyment.go for it!

  • VII. Resolving Conflicts in Our MarriageSteps to Resolving Conflict in our Marriage

    4. When your spouse fires the first shot, keepyourself under control !

  • VII. Resolving Conflicts in Our MarriageSteps to Resolving Conflict in our Marriage

    4. When your spouse fires the first shot, keepyourself under control !

    My response is my responsibility.

  • VII. Resolving Conflicts in Our MarriageSteps to Resolving Conflict in our Marriage

    4. When your spouse fires the first shot, keepyourself under control !

    My response is my responsibility.

    Proverbs 29:11A fool gives full vent to his anger, but a wise mankeeps himself under control.

  • VII. Resolving Conflicts in Our MarriageSteps to Resolving Conflict in our Marriage

    4. When your spouse fires the first shot, keepyourself under control !

    My response is my responsibility.

    Proverbs 17:27A man of knowledge uses words with restraint, anda man of understanding is even-tempered.

  • VII. Resolving Conflicts in Our MarriageSteps to Resolving Conflict in our Marriage

    4. When your spouse fires the first shot, keepyourself under control !

    My response is my responsibility.

    Proverbs 15:1A gentle answer turns away wrath, but a harsh wordstirs up anger.

  • VII. Resolving Conflicts in Our MarriageSteps to Resolving Conflict in our Marriage

    4. When your spouse fires the first shot, keepyourself under control !

    My response is my responsibility.

    Galatians 5:22-23But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace,patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness,gentleness and self-control.

  • VII. Resolving Conflicts in Our MarriageSteps to Resolving Conflict in our Marriage

    4. When your spouse fires the first shot, keepyourself under control !

    My response is my responsibility.

    The course of a fight is not determined by theinitiator, but by the responder!

  • VII. Resolving Conflicts in Our MarriageSteps to Resolving Conflict in our Marriage

    4. When your spouse fires the first shot, keepyourself under control !

    Reach out and touch someone.

  • VII. Resolving Conflicts in Our MarriageSteps to Resolving Conflict in our Marriage

    4. When your spouse fires the first shot, keepyourself under control !

    Deal with the root issue behind the emotion.

    Proverbs 20:5The purposes of a man's heart are deep waters, buta man of understanding draws them out.

  • VII. Resolving Conflicts in Our MarriageSteps to Resolving Conflict in our Marriage

    4. When your spouse fires the first shot, keepyourself under control !

    Deal with the root issue behind the emotion.

    Proverbs 18:17The first to present his case seems right, tillanother comes forward and questions him.

  • VII. Resolving Conflicts in Our MarriageSteps to Resolving Conflict in our Marriage

    Luke 20:19-26..the spies questioned him: "Teacher, we know that youspeak and teach what is right, and that you do not showpartiality but teach the way of God in accordance with thetruth. 22Is it right for us to pay taxes to Caesar or not?" 23Hesaw through their duplicity and said to them, 24"Show me adenarius. Whose portrait and inscription are on it? Caesars" they replied. He said to them, "Then give to Caesar what isCaesar's, and to God what is God's." They were unable totrap him in what he had said there in public. And astonishedby his answer, they became silent.

  • VII. Resolving Conflicts in Our MarriageSteps to Resolving Conflict in our Marriage

    4. When your spouse fires the first shot, keepyourself under control !

    Deal with the root issue behind the emotion.

    1 Corinthians 2:11For who among men knows the thoughts of aman except the man's spirit within him?

  • VII. Resolving Conflicts in Our MarriageSteps to Resolving Conflict in our Marriage

    4. When your spouse fires the first shot, keepyourself under control !

    Deal with the root issue behind the emotion.

    If we dont solve THE PROBLEM, well be havingthe same fight for the next 50 years!!!

  • VII. Resolving Conflicts in Our MarriageSteps to Resolving Conflict in our Marriage

    4. When your spouse fires the first shot, keepyourself under control !

    If emotions run high, take a time out ANDagree to talk later that day.

    Colossians 3:8But now you must rid yourselves of all such thingsas these: anger, rage, malice, slander, and filthylanguage from your lips.

  • VII. Resolving Conflicts in Our MarriageSteps to Resolving Conflict in our Marriage

    4. When your spouse fires the first shot, keepyourself under control !

    If emotions run high, take a time out ANDagree to talk later that day.

    Either spouse should call for a time out if thingsget too heated.

  • VII. Resolving Conflicts in Our MarriageSteps to Resolving Conflict in our Marriage

    4. When your spouse fires the first shot, keepyourself under control !

    If emotions run high, take a time out ANDagree to talk later that day.

    But be sure to get back together quickly toaddress the real issues.

  • VII. Resolving Conflicts in Our MarriageSteps to Resolving Conflict in our Marriage

    5. Apply time-tested Biblical principles toresolve conflict.

  • VII. Resolving Conflicts in Our MarriageSteps to Resolving Conflict in our Marriage

    5. Apply time-tested Biblical principles toresolve conflict.

    Set a time to talk about the tough things.

  • VII. Resolving Conflicts in Our MarriageSteps to Resolving Conflict in our Marriage

    5. Apply time-tested Biblical principles toresolve conflict.

    Ask God for help.

    Psalms 127:1Unless the LORD builds the house, its builders laborin vain.

  • VII. Resolving Conflicts in Our MarriageSteps to Resolving Conflict in our Marriage

    5. Apply time-tested Biblical principles toresolve conflict.

    Ask God for help.

    Proverbs 16:7When a man's ways are pleasing to the LORD, hemakes even his enemies live at peace with him.

  • VII. Resolving Conflicts in Our MarriageSteps to Resolving Conflict in our Marriage

    5. Apply time-tested Biblical principles toresolve conflict.

    Ask God for help.

    James 1:5If any of you lacks wisdom, he should ask God, whogives generously to all without finding fault, and itwill be given to him.

  • VII. Resolving Conflicts in Our MarriageSteps to Resolving Conflict in our Marriage

    5. Apply time-tested Biblical principles toresolve conflict.

    Ask God for help.

    We are only kidding ourselves if we think we canhave a joyful marriage apart from a relationshipwith Christ.

  • VII. Resolving Conflicts in Our MarriageSteps to Resolving Conflict in our Marriage

    5. Apply time-tested Biblical principles toresolve conflict.

    Examine your own heart first.

    Psalm 26:2Test me, O LORD, and try me, examine my heartand my mind;

  • VII. Resolving Conflicts in Our MarriageSteps to Resolving Conflict in our Marriage

    5. Apply time-tested Biblical principles toresolve conflict.

    Examine your own heart first.

    Lamentations 3:40Let us examine our ways and test them, and let usreturn to the LORD.

  • VII. Resolving Conflicts in Our MarriageSteps to Resolving Conflict in our Marriage

    5. Apply time-tested Biblical principles toresolve conflict.

    Examine your own heart first.

    Matthew 7:3-4"Why do you look at the speck of sawdust in yourbrother's eye and pay no attention to the plank inyour own eye? How can you say to your brother,'Let me take the speck out of your eye,' when all thetime there is a plank in your own eye?

  • VII. Resolving Conflicts in Our MarriageSteps to Resolving Conflict in our Marriage

    5. Apply time-tested Biblical principles toresolve conflict.

    Examine your own heart first.

    1 Peter 5:5All of you, clothe yourselves with humility towardone another, because, "God opposes the proud butgives grace to the humble."

  • VII. Resolving Conflicts in Our MarriageSteps to Resolving Conflict in our Marriage

    5. Apply time-tested Biblical principles toresolve conflict.

    Examine your own heart first.

    We need to acknowledge that we just might bewrong.

  • VII. Resolving Conflicts in Our MarriageSteps to Resolving Conflict in our Marriage

    5. Apply time-tested Biblical principles toresolve conflict.

    Examine your own heart first.

    We need to be self-aware and recognize whenwe are emotionally hooked.

  • VII. Resolving Conflicts in Our MarriageSteps to Resolving Conflict in our Marriage

    5. Apply time-tested Biblical principles toresolve conflict.

    Emphasize relationship over rights.

    2 Corinthians 5:18All this is from God, who reconciled us to himselfthrough Christ and gave us the ministry ofreconciliation

  • VII. Resolving Conflicts in Our MarriageSteps to Resolving Conflict in our Marriage

    5. Apply time-tested Biblical principles toresolve conflict.

    Emphasize relationship over rights.

    Your relationship with your spouse is moreimportant than being right.

  • VII. Resolving Conflicts in Our MarriageSteps to Resolving Conflict in our Marriage

    5. Apply time-tested Biblical principles toresolve conflict.

    Focus on the Problem not the Person.

    Ephesians 4:29Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of yourmouths, but only what is helpful for building othersup according to their needs, that it may benefitthose who listen.

  • VII. Resolving Conflicts in Our MarriageSteps to Resolving Conflict in our Marriage

    5. Apply time-tested Biblical principles toresolve conflict.

    Focus on the Problem not the Person.

    Colossians 3:8But now you must rid yourselves of all such thingsas these: anger, rage, malice, slander, and filthylanguage from your lips.

  • VII. Resolving Conflicts in Our MarriageSteps to Resolving Conflict in our Marriage

    5. Apply time-tested Biblical principles toresolve conflict.

    Focus on the Problem not the Person.

    1 Peter 3:7Husbands, in the same way be considerate as youlive with your wives, and treat them with respect

  • VII. Resolving Conflicts in Our MarriageSteps to Resolving Conflict in our Marriage

    5. Apply time-tested Biblical principles toresolve conflict.

    Focus on the Problem not the Person.

    Do define the core issue and attack it not yourspouse.

  • VII. Resolving Conflicts in Our MarriageSteps to Resolving Conflict in our Marriage

    5. Apply time-tested Biblical principles toresolve conflict.

    Develop a process for decision-making.

  • VII. Resolving Conflicts in Our MarriageSteps to Resolving Conflict in our Marriage

    5. Apply time-tested Biblical principles toresolve conflict.

    Take turns asking questions and expressingyour thoughts until you reach an Agreement.

  • VII. Resolving Conflicts in Our MarriageSteps to Resolving Conflict in our Marriage

    5. Apply time-tested Biblical principles toresolve conflict.

    Take turns asking questions and expressingyour thoughts until you reach an Agreement.

    Romans 12:16Live in harmony with one another.

  • VII. Resolving Conflicts in Our MarriageSteps to Resolving Conflict in our Marriage

    5. Apply time-tested Biblical principles toresolve conflict.

    Take turns asking questions and expressingyour thoughts until you reach an Agreement.

    1 Corinthians 1:10 I appeal to you, brothers, in the nameof our Lord Jesus Christ, that all of you agree with oneAnother so that there may be no divisions among you andthat you may be perfectly united in mind and thought.

  • VII. Resolving Conflicts in Our MarriageSteps to Resolving Conflict in our Marriage

    5. Apply time-tested Biblical principles toresolve conflict.

    Take turns asking questions and expressingyour thoughts until you reach an Agreement.

    1 Thessalonians 5:13Live in peace with each other.

  • VII. Resolving Conflicts in Our MarriageSteps to Resolving Conflict in our Marriage

    5. Apply time-tested Biblical principles toresolve conflict.

    Take turns asking questions and expressingyour thoughts until you reach an Agreement.

    1 Peter 3:8Finally, all of you, live in harmony with one another;be sympathetic, love as brothers, be compassionateand humble.

  • VII. Resolving Conflicts in Our MarriageSteps to Resolving Conflict in our Marriage

    5. Apply time-tested Biblical principles toresolve conflict.

    Take turns asking questions and expressingyour thoughts until you reach an Agreement.

    State specifically what you have agreed to.

  • VII. Resolving Conflicts in Our MarriageSteps to Resolving Conflict in our Marriage

    6. If a Discussion Takes a Wrong Turn.

  • VII. Resolving Conflicts in Our MarriageSteps to Resolving Conflict in our Marriage

    6. If a Discussion Takes a Wrong Turn.

    Remember the Law of Holes.

    Psalm 7:15He who digs a hole and scoops it out falls into thepit he has made.

  • VII. Resolving Conflicts in Our MarriageSteps to Resolving Conflict in our Marriage

    6. If a Discussion Takes a Wrong Turn.

    Remember the Law of Holes.

    Psalm 7:15He who digs a hole and scoops it out falls into thepit he has made.

    When you realize you are digging a hole foryourself, stop digging!

  • VII. Resolving Conflicts in Our MarriageSteps to Resolving Conflict in our Marriage

    6. If a Discussion Takes a Wrong Turn.

    Ask for and be willing to grant -- forgiveness.

    Ephesians 4:32Be kind and compassionate to one another,forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgaveYou.

  • VII. Resolving Conflicts in Our MarriageSteps to Resolving Conflict in our Marriage

    6. If a Discussion Takes a Wrong Turn.

    Ask for and be willing to grant -- forgiveness.

    Colossians 3:13Bear with each other and forgive whatevergrievances you may have against one another.Forgive as the Lord forgave you.

  • VII. Resolving Conflicts in Our MarriageSteps to Resolving Conflict in our Marriage

    6. If a Discussion Takes a Wrong Turn.

    Ask for and be willing to grant -- forgiveness.

    Hebrews 8:12For I will forgive their wickedness and will remembertheir sins no more."

  • VII. Resolving Conflicts in Our MarriageSteps to Resolving Conflict in our Marriage

    6. If a Discussion Takes a Wrong Turn.

    Ask for and be willing to grant -- forgiveness.

    Learn to say these simple but powerful phrases:

  • VII. Resolving Conflicts in Our MarriageSteps to Resolving Conflict in our Marriage

    6. If a Discussion Takes a Wrong Turn.

    Ask for and be willing to grant -- forgiveness.

    Learn to say these simple but powerful phrases:I was wrong.

  • VII. Resolving Conflicts in Our MarriageSteps to Resolving Conflict in our Marriage

    6. If a Discussion Takes a Wrong Turn.

    Ask for and be willing to grant -- forgiveness.

    Learn to say these simple but powerful phrases:I was wrong. Im sorry.

  • VII. Resolving Conflicts in Our MarriageSteps to Resolving Conflict in our Marriage

    6. If a Discussion Takes a Wrong Turn.

    Ask for and be willing to grant -- forgiveness.

    Learn to say these simple but powerful phrases:I was wrong. Im sorry. Will you forgive me?

  • VII. Resolving Conflicts in Our MarriageSteps to Resolving Conflict in our Marriage

    6. If a Discussion Takes a Wrong Turn.

    Ask for and be willing to grant -- forgiveness.

    Learn to say these simple but powerful phrases:I was wrong. Im sorry. Will you forgive me? If you add But or If you negate the apology!!

  • VII. Resolving Conflicts in Our MarriageSteps to Resolving Conflict in our Marriage

    6. If a Discussion Takes a Wrong Turn.

    Dont hold grudges after the fight is over.

    Romans 12:17-19Do not repay anyone evil for evil. Be careful to dowhat is right in the eyes of everybody. If it ispossible, as far as it depends on you, live at peacewith everyone. Do not take revenge, my friends, butleave room for God's wrath, for it is written: "It ismine to avenge; I will repay," says the Lord.

  • VII. Resolving Conflicts in Our MarriageSteps to Resolving Conflict in our Marriage

    6. If a Discussion Takes a Wrong Turn.

    Dont hold grudges after the fight is over.

    1 Corinthians 13:5 It is not rude, it is not self-seeking, it is not easilyangered, it keeps no record of wrongs.

  • VII. Resolving Conflicts in Our MarriageSteps to Resolving Conflict in our Marriage

    6. If a Discussion Takes a Wrong Turn.

    Dont hold grudges after the fight is over.

    Dont keep a mental list of past wrongs to beatyour spouse with.

  • VII. Resolving Conflicts in Our MarriageSteps to Resolving Conflict in our Marriage

    6. If a Discussion Takes a Wrong Turn.

    But what if a spouse violates our established Ground Rules?

  • VII. Resolving Conflicts in Our MarriageSteps to Resolving Conflict in our Marriage

    6. If a Discussion Takes a Wrong Turn.

    But what if a spouse violates our established Ground Rules?

    (1) First let them vent without saying anything.

  • VII. Resolving Conflicts in Our MarriageSteps to Resolving Conflict in our Marriage

    6. If a Discussion Takes a Wrong Turn.

    But what if a spouse violates our established Ground Rules?

    (1) First let them vent without saying anything.

    (2) Then confront them gently.

  • VII. Resolving Conflicts in Our MarriageSteps to Resolving Conflict in our Marriage

    6. If a Discussion Takes a Wrong Turn.

    But what if a spouse violates our established Ground Rules?

    (1) First let them vent without saying anything.

    (2) Then confront them gently.

    The spouse will Back-Peddle (if mature) ORthey will Back-Fire.

  • VII. Resolving Conflicts in Our MarriageSteps to Resolving Conflict in our Marriage

    6. If a Discussion Takes a Wrong Turn.

    If you cant resolve an issue on your own, seek counsel from another!

    Proverbs 12:15The way of a fool seems right to him, but a wiseman listens to advice.

  • VII. Resolving Conflicts in Our MarriageSteps to Resolving Conflict in our Marriage

    6. If a Discussion Takes a Wrong Turn.

    If you cant resolve an issue on your own, seek counsel from another!

    Proverbs 13:10Pride only breeds quarrels, but wisdom is found inthose who take advice.

  • VII. Resolving Conflicts in Our MarriageSteps to Resolving Conflict in our Marriage

    6. If a Discussion Takes a Wrong Turn.

    If you cant resolve an issue on your own, seek counsel from another!

    Proverbs 19:20Listen to advice and accept instruction, and in theend you will be wise.

  • VII. Resolving Conflicts in Our MarriageSteps to Resolving Conflict in our Marriage

    6. If a Discussion Takes a Wrong Turn.

    If you cant resolve an issue on your own, seek counsel from another!

    Proverbs 19:20Listen to advice and accept instruction, and in theend you will be wise.

    Dont settle for a M&M marriage!