04 04-2012 the two brothers cism day 3 alt

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Transcript of 04 04-2012 the two brothers cism day 3 alt

The Two Brothers Using text



Quietly write what way(s) you can use text to

support how you feel about something?

On this date…

Congress decided the U.S. flag would consist of 13 red & white stripes and 20 stars - 1818

On this date…

The Kennel Club is founded, the oldest and first official registry of purebred dogs – 1873

On this date…

Hank Aaron tied Babe Ruth’s career record by hitting his 714th home run – 1974

On this date…

Microsoft is founded as a partnership in Albuquerque, New Mexico – 1975

Famous Birthdays

Muddy Waters – 1915Maya Angelou– 1928Anthony Perkins – 1932

LA Fact ofthe Day

Name some non-verbal parts of communication

LA Fact ofthe Day

Gestures, body language, facial expression, tone of voice, eye contact…

The Mysteriesof Life…

I Know Why The Caged Bird Sings

Extended WritingThe Two Brothers

With your group, see if you can decide which brother made the right decision and why.

Extended WritingThe Two Brothers

From your Using Text to Take a Position worksheet, write about the prompts.

Extended WritingThe Two Brothers

What ONE word would you use to describe happiness as presented by the elder or younger brother? Use the text to defend your answer.

Wrapping up…



knowledge of something secret or private


• Long, slow, or dull


dreadful; ominous


to yearn painfully


family or relatives


to ask; beg


the surrounding of a forfeited place to force its



Write a sentence for each word. Make sure the definition of each word is in the sentence.

Cause & Effect

Cause - a person, thing, event, state, or action that produces an effect

Effect – outcome, consequence


How do causal relationships within the text affect the lives of the characters?

How do fate and human error play a role in Romeo and Juliet?


As I read the first 8 lines of the Friar’s monologue aloud, mark the places in the text that you see each of the following:

H– caused by human error F – caused by fateE – effect

Discuss your codes with your group.


Continue to code your text as I read the rest of the Friar’s monologue.

Discuss your coding with your group.

The youngest person in each group should be prepared to share one example of the H code (caused by human error), the F code (caused by fate), and the E code (effect or consequence).

Vocabulary Review

• Each of your has a word, definition, or sentence from the play. To form your groups find the 2 people that match your card, and then find a seat.


How do causal relationships within the text affect the lives of the characters?

How do fate and human error play a role in Romeo and Juliet?

CISM- Day 2Directed Note Taking/ What If Questions


• To paraphrase- is to restate what the author is saying in your own words

Looking at the text

• Paraphrase what Shakespeare has said in each sentence of the Friar’s speech. Pay attention to where the sentences end.

Working Together

• Original Shakespeare: “I will be brief, for my short date of breath/Is not so long as is a tedious tale.”

• Notice that even though this is 2 lines, it is only one sentence. It is broken up this way to fit into blank verse and iambic pentameter.

• Paraphrase: I won’t talk long because I fear my life will not be as long as this tale is.

Working Together

• Original Shakespeare: “Romeo, there dead, was husband to that Juliet;/And she, there dead, that Romeo's faithful wife:/I married them; and their stol'n marriage-day/Was Tybalt's dooms-day, whose untimely death/Banish'd the new-made bridegroom from the city,/For whom, and not for Tybalt, Juliet pined.

• Again this is 6 lines, but only one sentence• Paraphrase: There is Romeo, dead, and he is married to Juliet,

also dead. I married them, and it was on that day that Romeo killed Tybalt and was banished from Verona. And, oh yeah, it was Romeo that Juliet was sad over- not Tybalt.

On your own

• With a partner work to paraphrase the rest of the monologue. Begin by numbering the sentences on the monologue and then paraphrase them in the graphic organizer. We will share what you came up with as a class.


• Your group should have list with different events that happened in the play and summarized by the friar. Create a post it note for each event (write the event number) and create a cause and effect chain. Once your group has agreed, one person from your group should take your chain and place it on the wall in the back of the room in the correct order. The first group to have the correct order of events in the chain posted on the wall will win!


• Romeo killed Tybalt• Romeo was banished• Juliet was sad• Juliet’s parents wanted

her to marry Paris• Juliet said she would kill

herself• Friar gave Juliet a

sleeping potion

• Juliet appeared dead• Friar sent a letter to

Romeo• Letter did not get to

Romeo• Romeo thought Juliet

was dead • Romeo killed himself• Juliet killed herself

What if… Questions

• What is a “What if…” question? You should ask questions that ask someone what would have happened had something else not have happened.

• Example: What if Romeo was never in love with Rosaline? (this example is clearly not related to the monologue, but is an example from Act I)

On your own

• Write one “What if…” question for each of the categories of cause and effect (human error, fate, and effect) . Your questions should clearly relate to what you paraphrased.

In a group

Choose your best question from each group and write on a separate piece of paper.

Trade your questions with another group

Answer each question on your graphic organizer.

Choose one question and answer to write into a one minute skit using dialogue.

Example: Q: What if Romeo had never been in love with Rosaline? A: Romeo probably wouldn’t have gone to the party and would not have saw Juliet

Benvolio: Romeo, want to go to a party?

Romeo: Why?

Benvolio: To look at some girls

Romeo: It is a Capulet party- probably not a good idea.

Benvolio: Okay, lets go have a burger instead

Wrapping it up

• Answer the multiple choice and the extended response question at the end of the worksheet. Be sure to answer the extended response in PEE format.