02/10/13 ADECCO EMAIL (For Translation)

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Transcript of 02/10/13 ADECCO EMAIL (For Translation)


DID YOU KNOW? United States of America President Barack Obama’s and his Legal Counsel Baker Donelson

Bearman Caldwell & Berkowitz’ and Banker/JP Morgan Chase Bank’s DISCRIMINATORY

practices are so SUBTLE and MASKED; however, see if you recognize these

UNLAWFUL/ILLEGAL discriminatory practices. For instance, have you ever seen white

employees who CANNOT do their jobs; however, relies on SUPERVISORS/MANAGERS to

COVER-UP/SHIELD their INCOMPETENCE? Perhaps you have had to TRAIN LESS

QUALIFIED white employees who may later wind up getting your job and perhaps you being


QUALIFICATIONS, EDUCATION, etc. getting job(s) you qualify for?

PLEASE FEEL FREE TO VISIT OUR WEBSITE AT www.vogeldenisenewsome.net





TO: ADECCO – c/o Gerald and Brittany

FROM: Vogel Denise Newsome

RE: CZV Assignment – Notification of Complaints Submitted – Concerns Regarding

THIRD Party(s) As United States of America President Barack Obama,

His Legal Counsel/Attorney Baker Donelson Bearman Caldwell & Berkowitz

And JP Morgan Chase Bank‟s Interference With Equal Employment


DATE: February 10, 2013

This is in follow-up to our telephone conversations on Wednesday (2/6/13) and Friday

(2/8/13) regarding my concerns brought to CZV’s/Brian’s attention on Friday (2/1/13) and

the meeting on Thursday (2/7/13) requested by CZV’s Jerry Hostetler (?sp), Jerry Smith and

Brian. While I may want to believe this matter is resolved, I am confident that it is NOT

because of HISTORICAL reasons and because it appears to be a CONTINUED PATTERN of

attacks that have been leveled against me (i.e. spanning over 20 years) for RACIAL,

DISCRIMINATORY and PREJUDICIAL reasons. Unlawful/Illegal practices that the

PERPETRATORS clearly want to be kept HIDDEN from the PUBLIC’S/WORLD’S view.

However, appears may have to also become a matter for PUBLIC SHARING to provide the

PUBLIC/WORLD of how such issues continue to exist in 2013 and the attempts to


The following information is PERTINENT/RELEVANT in addressing the CONTINUED

PATTERN-OF-DISCRIMINATORY/RACIST attacks that have been leveled against me and

to IDENTIFY the CULPRITS carrying out these UNLAWFUL/ILLEGAL practices – i.e.

culprits who it now appears are looking to add ADECCO and/or CZV to their list of CO-

CONSPIRATORS if they are not already WILLING participants:

LAW FIRM/Baker Donelson Bearman Caldwell & Berkowitz – CLIENTS:

United States of America President Barack Obama/Congressional Members (Senate

and House of Representatives)/Supreme Court of the United States Justices/Federal Judges

Association and JP Morgan Chase

Unless a man is honest we have no right to keep

him in public life, it matters not how brilliant his

capacity, it hardly matters how great his power of doing good service on certain lines may be... No

man who is corrupt, no man who condones

corruption in others, can possibly do his duty by the community” - - Teddy Roosevelt.

Essence of a conspiracy is an agreement to commit an unlawful act. Agreement to commit an unlawful act, which constitutes the essence of

a conspiracy, is a distinct evil that may exist and be punished whether or not the

substantive crime ensues. Id.

Conspiracy poses a threat to the public over and above

the threat of the commission of the relevant substantive crime, both because the

combination in crime makes more likely the commission

of other crimes and because it decreases the probability that

the individuals involved will depart from their path of

criminality. - - The Supreme Court of the United States finding in U.S. v.

Jimenez Recio, 123 S.Ct. 819 (2003)

The “freedom of speech and of the press” guaranteed by the Constitution

embraces at least the liberty to discuss publicly and truthfully all

matters of public concern without previous restraint or fear of

subsequent punishment - - United States Constitutional Amendments 1

and 14 - - The Supreme Court of the United States finding in Thornhill v. State

of Alabama, 60 S.Ct. 736 (1940)

JP MORGAN CHASE BANK and ADECCO Relationship: https://www.adr.com/Home/LoadPDF?CMSID=628bee305ae04b8ab907c9b7d00c195d



America’s President Barack Obama’s FAVORITE BANKER:


The above information and that to follow have been provided to ESTABLISH what is known as


DISCRIMINATORY/RACIST attacks that have been leveled against me (Vogel Denise

Newsome). According to the United States of America’s DEPARTMENT OF LABOR’S

Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, “Discrimination often is subtle, and there

rarely is a “SMOKING GUN,” because of the way such unlawful/illegal practices are

carried out and then COVERED UP! - - By the way the LAW FIRM/Baker Donelson

Bearman Caldwell & Berkowitz (i.e. which appears to also have

TIES/CONNECTIONS to the KU KLUX KLAN) that is legal counsel to United States of

America President Barack Obama and JP Morgan Chase is ALSO legal counsel for the United

States of America’s Department of Labor. So that it is clear on how such matters have been

allowed to remain HIDDEN; however, is NOW getting PUBLIC EXPOSURE in

addressing RACISM and DISCRIMINATORY practices leveled against myself as well as

PEOPLE-OF-COLOR here in the United States of America and the TRUE motives for the

WARS that have been started by the United States of America here and


Conducting a Thorough Investigation

Because discrimination often is subtle, and there rarely is a “smoking gun,”

[Fn. 45 - See Aman v. Cort Furniture Rental Corp., 85 F.3d 1074, 1081-82 (3rd

Cir. 1996)(“It has become easier to coat various forms of discrimination with

the appearance of propriety, or to ascribe some other less odious intention to

what is in reality discriminatory behavior. In other words, while discriminatory conduct persists, violators have learned not to leave the proverbial „smoking

gun‟ behind.”); cf. McDonnell Douglas Corp. v. Green, 411 U.S. 792, 801

(1973). . .] determining whether race played a role in the decisionmaking

requires examination of all of the surrounding facts and circumstances. The

presence or absence of any one piece of evidence often will not be

determinative. Sources of information can include witness statements,

including consideration of their credibility; documents; direct observation; and

statistical evidence such as EEO-1 data, among others - - See EEOC‟s Compliance Manual Section 15: Race and Color Discrimination

Shortly after my FIRST Assignment (GSI – ending on about December 21, 2012) through

ADECCO because I was drawing UNEMPLOYMENT Benefits, I submitted a claim to draw

on the week(s) in which I did not work. My claim was handled over the telephone in which I

made known of the Work Assignment through ADECCO. It appears that based on this filing the

following events occurred:

1) United States of America President Barack Obama and his Legal Counsel Baker

Donelson Bearman Caldwell & Berkowitz (“Baker Donelson”) RELIED upon this


(i.e. as a THIRD-PARTY) with ADECCO to provide them with information

regarding income paid to me (Vogel Denise Newsome).

2) On or about FRIDAY, January 4, 2013, my Account (i.e. providing

PAYROLL/PAY STUB information) with ADECCO was HACKED

into/COMPROMISED (See Email ATTACHED) for purposes providing United

States of America President Barack Obama and his Legal Counsel/Lawyer Baker

Donelson of determining whether I worked, how much I was paid and other reasons

KNOWN to these CRIMINALS). ADECCO following its procedure, NOTIFIED

me of the change to the PIN on this account to determine whether or not the change

was made by me – i.e. in which it was NOT made by me and NEITHER

authorized by me. At the TIME (8:04:26 A.M.) of such CRIMINAL acts, I was

ON-THE-JOB at CZV which does NOT require COMPUTER/INTERNET access

to carry out my day-to-day functions of the duty(s) assigned.

This DATE (1/4/13) is also relevant because President Barack Obama and

his Legal Counsel Baker Donelson having KNOWLEDGE it was a DEADLINE

regarding PROTECTED activities in which I am involved and they have

INTERESTS! Therefore, they were interested in seeing whether or not I would be

responding and trying to determine whether or not I had an INCOME since PRIOR

to the HACKING into my ADECCO account they had come AFTER my Federal

Unemployment Benefits and worked with ANOTHER one of Baker Donelson’s

BANKING CLIENTS (US Bank) to SHUT DOWN my Unemployment Benefits

Card for purposes of DEPRIVING me monies so that the January 4, 2013

DEADLINE would be missed. However, they FAILED in their efforts and I was able

to fulfill my obligations through their CRIMINAL attacks and their

UNLAWFUL/ILLEGAL practices. The SECOND such FAILED efforts in that

their attacks on one of my PUBLIC/SOCIAL forums had also FAILED and the

PUBLIC/INTERNATIONAL communities were made aware of such CRIMINAL


3) On or about MONDAY, January 28, 2013, I had another matter involving

PROTECTED activities that required my attention. This obligation was met.

4) From my research and the ability to determine that United States of America’s

President Barack Obama and his Legal Counsel Baker Donelson had

STALKED/TRACKED me down and was engaging in FURTHER STALKING

crimes – i.e. following me from JOB-TO-JOB and STATE-TO-STATE and

contacting my employers for purposes of NOTIFYING them of PROTECTED

activities in which I am involved. Engaging in such CRIMINAL acts in contacting

my employer(s) – i.e. as ADECCO and CZV for purposes of having my employment

TERMINATED, it is important to note the following:

EEOC COMPLIANCE MANUAL at No. 2, Page 13: "Adverse

Actions Can Occur After the Employment Relationship Between the

Charging Party and Respondent Has Ended" . . . Examples of post-employment retaliation include actions

that are designed to interfere with the individual's prospects for

employment, such as giving an unjustified negative job reference,

refusing to provide a job reference, and informing an individual's

prospective employer about the individual's protected activity. [See,

e.g., EEOC v. L. B. Foster, 123 F.3d 746 (3d Cir. 1997), cert. denied,

66 U.S. L.W. 3388 (U.S. March 2, 1998); Ruedlinger v. Jarrett, 106

F.3d 212 (7th Cir. 1997)].

CONTINUED criminal/civil violations leveled against me and in FURTHERANCE

of PATTERN-OF-DISCRIMINATORY practices. In fact, with one of my previous

employers (MESSINA Staffing and The Garretson Firm Resolution Group), it

appears President Barack Obama and his Legal Counsel Baker Donelson relied upon


Manager/DEPUTY Chief of Staff/DIRECTOR of Personnel for the

TRANSITION TEAM (Jim MESSINA) to Messina Staffing and The

Garretson Firm Resolution Group to come AFTER one of my previous jobs. Then

President Barack Obama and his Legal Counsel RESORTED to one of their MANY

tactics and had ANOTHER lawsuit brought against me (Vogel Denise

Newsome) for purposes of getting their hands on EVIDENCE that they did NOT

want the PUBLIC/WORLD to see. Of course I did NOT entertain their

FRIVOLOUS lawsuit in that my research found that they file lawsuits against

PRIVATE citizens for purposes of getting their hands on evidence – i.e. as in the

Debra Palfrey (a/k/a the D.C. Madam who apparently had information

they did NOT want released regarding the September 11, 2001 World

Trade Center Attacks in that there are allegations that HIGH PROFILE

Political Figures on Capitol Hill involved in 09/01/11 Attacks were

Clients of hers) matter. So what it appears happened, Baker Donelson being legal

counsel to also former President George W. Bush and Vice President Richard “Dick”

Cheney (i.e. whose Government Attorney and CHIEF OF STAFF DAVID

ADDINGTON being a Baker Donelson employee) had a FRIVOLOUS Criminal

Lawsuit filed against Ms. Palfrey. It appears because of Ms. Palfrey’s FINANCIAL

situation, she turned to a FEDERAL PUBLIC Defender to assist her with legal

actions. What President Bush and his Legal Counsel Baker Donelson did NOT tell

Ms. Palfrey and the PUBLIC/WORLD was that:

a) Palfrey was FIRST represented by A.J. Kramer/Office of the FEDERAL Public

Defender for approximately 2½ months BEFORE a withdrawal motion was filed;


b) FUNDING and APPROVAL of appointment of attorneys for the Office of the

FEDERAL Defender is handled by the DIRECTOR of the Administrative Office

of the United States Courts – i.e. in Palfrey’s case, the DIRECTOR at that time

being JAMES C. DUFF (an EMPLOYEE of Baker

Donelson). Therefore, it appears providing the United States of America’s


and ACCESS to information/evidence that Debra Palfrey possessed – i.e.

moreover, to DESTROY information/evidence and get rid of Palfrey because of

the SMOKING GUN TRAIL leading back to the United States of America’s

WHITE HOUSE and Legal Counsel Baker Donelson Bearman Caldwell &

Berkowitz . . .

Therefore, it appears that once President Bush and his Legal Counsel Baker Donelson

were able to get the documents from Palfrey, she was KILLED/MURDERED and this

was covered up as a SUICIDE although Ms. Palfrey made it PUBLICLY known that

she would NOT be committing SUICIDE:



The reason why this information is PERTINENT/RELEVANT is because it

goes to the ESTABLISHED PATTERN-OF-CRIMINAL activities by United States of

America Presidents and their Legal Counsel Baker Donelson and their

CONSPIRATORS/CO-CONSPIRATORS in that about a year ago President Barack

Obama and his Legal Counsel Baker Donelson used my (Vogel Denise Newsome’s)

former employer to bring a FRIVOLOUS lawsuit AGAINST her for purposes of

getting their hands on documents/EVIDENCE they did NOT want the

PUBLIC/WORLD to see. However, FAILED in their attempts to get the documents

and this information is NOW a matter PUBLIC record. As shared, such VICIOUS

attacks that have been leveled against me by Baker Donelson have SPANNED

OVER 20 YEARS! Now it appears that they are doing everything they can to

keep ADECCO and the PUBLIC/WORLD from finding out; however, failing in such

attempts because here we are! How bad is it? It appears Baker Donelson relied

upon their TIES/CONNECTIONS to Government Agencies to POST FALSE and

MALICIOUS information on the INTERNET regarding me for purposes of having me


in their CONSPIRACIES leveled AGAINST me:

Where statement of “opinion” on matter of public concern

reasonably implies false and defamatory facts involving

private figure, plaintiff must show that false implications

were made with some level of fault to support recovery - - United

States Constitution , Amendment 1 - - Milkovich v. Lorain Journal Co., 110

S.Ct. 2695 (1990)

Such VICIOUS attacks have been responded to PUBLICLY with the TRUTH being

told by me and, again, are a matter of PUBLIC RECORD!

Paul proclaimed his innocence to . . . leaders. When is it wise to make

a public response to false accusations, and when should we just let them go?

In the case of Paul, the gospel would have been discredited if he had

not spoken up. His circumstances made him look like a criminal, and he had no

history with these leaders to expect them to assume otherwise without a proper


If we have been publicly slandered by credible

sources, we should probably make a public response.

Otherwise our own witness will be compromised. . . Jesus

warned us that some people will say all manner of evil

against us falsely, so we should not be surprised when it

happens. But we do need to exercise wisdom when we

become aware of it. - - 2009-2010 Standard Lesson Commentary (King

James Version) - August 29, 2010 Lesson Entitled: “Upheld By God” - Subtitle: “Let’s Talk It Over.”

5) On or about FRIDAY, February 1, 2013, realizing that I had AGAIN become

a VICTIM of President Barack Obama’s and his Legal Counsel Baker Donelson’s

STALKING, and that such evidence was being observed in the CHANGE in the work

environment of CZV – i.e. appears to be turning to a HOSTILE and

DISCRIMINATORY work environment TARGETING me – I spoke to one of CZV’s

Managers (Brian) and made him aware of my concerns. Making known that it appears

that from my observation, if not addressed, such practices may continue and/or escalate.

Sharing with Brian that the subtle approach being used were attempts by a co-worker

(Tammy) “to find FAULT with my work while MASKING the TRUE motives;”

however, such attacks were met with my sharing with her that:

The harasser can be the victim's supervisor, a supervisor in another

area, a co-worker, or someone who is not an employee of the

employer, such as a client or customer. . . .

Constructive Discharge/Forced To Resign

Discriminatory practices under the laws EEOC enforces also include

constructive discharge or forcing an mployee to resign by making the

work environment so intolerable a reasonable person would not be

able to stay.

a) Jerry Smith (1st Shift Manager) stood by me and watched me

perform my duties and found NOTHING wrong with my work


b) Tony (2nd

Shift Manager) stood by me and watched me

perform my duties and found NOTHING wrong with my work

process – i.e. I have not seen Tony in almost TWO weeks.

While concerned, I would not be surprised if Tammy is

EYEING this position being she is BUDDY-BUDDY with

Jerry Smith.

c) Betty (1st Shift co-worker) was assigned TWICE to review my

work and found NOTHING wrong with my work process. I

advised Betty “that she TRAINED me well and that I was

carrying out duties the way she had TRAINED me;” and

d) Virginia (1st Shift co-worker) was assigned to watch me

perform my duties and found NOTHING wrong with my work


Tammy mentioned to me that there were SWIRLS showing up so she wanted to see

how I was placing the padding on the tools. I shared with her that my work processes

had been checked and I also asked Tony whether or not I was doing it correctly and

he advised I am. Also mentioned to Tammy that each individual may have their way

of doing things and there are those who suffer from OCD. Therefore, no matter how I

may do my work, a person with OCD may find fault with it.

According to Jerry Smith, this was being done with the 2nd

Shift Crew

because there were problems such as BREAKS, SCRATCHES, etc. of the lenses

being processed; however, the problem was NOT with my work – i.e. POLISHING

will remove scratches, etc.. Nevertheless, I have been REPEATEDLY targeted

WITHOUT just cause! In fact, TAMMY had mentioned to me on ONE occasion

that the problems were NOT with me with the issues being found and that any

such errors/issues were BEYOND the area of my work; however, there she was on

FRIDAY, February 1, 2013, it appears FULFILLING her duties in what may be

the CREATION of a HOSTILE and DISCRMINATORY work environment – i.e.

for instance, in a previous conversation, I noticed how it BOTHERED her that an

AFRICAN-American male (Antonio) was driving an Escalade (i.e. an

EXSPENSIVE vehicle). I’ll leave it at that. Antonio is NO longer there and he was

noticing how management was watching him and shared his concerns with me. On

FRIDAY, February 1, 2013, Tammy (White Female) made a comment to me about

my clothing. My impression, seeing what happened to Antonio and the comment to

my clothing left me with the impression that AFRICAN-Americans are not supposed

to be driving an Escalade and/or able to DRESS nicely. Based upon the VICIOUS

attacks that are leveled AGAINST me, this appears only to act as a FRONT


appears that CZV may have been contacted and advised of protected activities and

perhaps THREATS made against them if they do NOT TERMINATE my


6) On MONDAY, February 4, 2013, Brian came to me with a Complaint

from TAMMY (White Female) alleging I was “acting like a mother hen!” How

does that sound? Brian asked for my feedback. I directed Brian to my

conversation with him on FRIDAY, February 1, 2013 and AGAIN REITERATED

my concerns and observations – i.e. HIGH TURN over in the POLISHING section,

etc. and my concerns regarding the TWO culprits’ (Tammy and Marisa (?sp))

PERSONAL and INTERNAL issues motivated by “ILL intent.”

IMPORTANT TO NOTE: My Friday, February 1, 2013 VERBAL

complaint coming approximately FOUR Days after the PROTECTED activity

carried out on Monday, January 28, 2012, and I had noticed the CHANGE in the

work environment turning towards what appeared to becoming MORE HOSTILE

towards me. The January 28, 2012, PROTECTED action taken by me which

involved providing United States of America President Barack Obama with


According to Brian, he came to me instead of Jerry Smith. Apparently,

Tammy had gone to Jerry Smith (1st Shift Manager and her FRIEND/DRINKING -

BEER – Buddy) to engage him; however, Jerry had spoken to Brian and Brian

agreed to talk with me. Again, I shared with Brian my conversation with him on

Friday, February 1, 2013, and that I do NOT engage in such work practices as


certain GROUP of people and are practices that “I do NOT stoop to

NOR engage in.” Furthermore, that I am there at CZV to do a job and will

continue to do it. Mentioning to Brian that when I began working at CZV that I ate

alone until invited by Tammy to join her and Marisa (?sp). However, upon seeing

their mentality and DISCERNING certain things, I elected to separate myself from

them. Brian thanked me for sharing with him my concerns and

encouraged me to continue to do a GOOD job and he is pleased with

my work. Brian mentioned that he would share this with Jerry Smith. I had no

reason to believe that Brian would not.

7) On TUESDAY, February 5, 2013, familiar with OVER 20 YEARS

of STALKING and the OBAMA Administration/Baker Donelson practices in

contacting my employers, I decided to begin a PRODUCTION Log as to

how many TRAYS were being PROCESSED by me and sent through. On this date, I

had begun later in the Shift to BEGIN keeping count. At the end of the Shift, my

counter had shown approximately, 88 POLY and 41 PLASTIC. Why?

Because based on my experience and training, I knew that there most likely would be

an attempt to make it appear that I was SLOW and could NOT do the work

– which was NOT the case and the problem was NOT with me!

8) On WEDNESDAY, February 6, 2013, PRIOR to going into work, I

called and spoke with Gerald “Jerry” Rauen at ADECCO and placed him on NOTICE

as to the meeting I had with Brian on Friday, February 1, 2013 and then with the

incident regarding Tammy going to Jerry Smith on Monday, February 4, 2013.

During my conversation with Rauen at ADECCO I shared with him my concerns

brought to Brian’s attention as my observation of Tammy (CZV employee) and

Marisa (?sp – an ADECCO employee) and the attacks that have been leveled

against me. I shared with Jerry my concerns that hopefully, the MONIES that

ADECCO receives from CZV would not have an ADVERSE affect in my sharing of

this information and their handling of this matter. Rauen thanked me for sharing the

information and told me to keep up the GOOD work and that he had NOT been made

aware of any issues with my job performance.

PRIOR to getting started, Tammy had come to Daniel (another Adecco

employee) and I to mention that she wanted us to wash blocks since it seemed as

though we were finishing our work ahead of time and had time to spare in washing.

She called us over to meet with JerryHoestetler who showed Daniel and I what he

wanted done. During this meeting, it again appeared that the washing was to be done

by those (i.e. not JUST Daniel and I) employees who had the time to share in

washing the blocks. However, that Tammy was ONLY targeting Daniel and myself.

Therefore, I asked Tammy for clarification purposes as to who was supposed to wash

blocks and she mentioned that Daniel and I and HESITATED – but added – “and

whoever else had the time to do it.”

MARISA (?sp) came to me during the Shift and advised that Daniel and I

did NOT need to wash blocks because she had done them and our help was not

needed. However, from my observation, Marisa could NOT be trusted. In has

EVER come to me on the line to speak.

When I returned from the LAST Break of the Shift, Tammy was

WAITING on me to ATTACK. She had verbally stated something “AT” me rather

than talking “TO” me while walking away MUMBLING something. Daniel was

concerned about Tammy’s behavior and asked me what was that about? Of course I continued doing my work in that it was obvious to me that Tammy was

attempting to create a HOSTILE work environment and wanted me to engage her an

ALTERCATION which I did NOT entertain! Rather than take me Break in the

Break Room, I had taken it elsewhere.

Tammy later came to me and mentioned to me that she was acting under

the direction of Jerry – Jerry Hostetler in that he was trying to figure out why we

were NOT meeting our numbers when in the BEGINNING of the

assignment we WERE. Therefore, what was the REASON why our production

had dropped? I advised, Tammy that we can ONLY process what is sent

to us. I advised Tammy to look and she can see for herself that ALL

trays had been processed and that we can only work and process those

trays that are sent our way. Furthermore, we had COMPLETED ALL

trays sent our way that night. Tammy was the person RESPONSIBLE

for blocking and sending the trays through to Daniel who would get

them and then process and pass them on to me. I mentioned to Tammy

that I could foresee such attempts to make it appear that Daniel (? Asian-

American) and I were NOT doing the work. Therefore, I was a STEP-

AHEAD and had BEGUN keeping COUNT of the NUMBER of trays

processed – i.e. something Marisa was doing at one time; however, for

some reason STOPPED keeping record of the number of trays being

processed. Near the end of the Shift while cleaning my area, I went and pulled the

mop and leaned it against the table in my area so that I could mop my area. I had wet

the floor and before I could go and get the mop that was resting against the table in

my area, Marisa came through and took the mop. When I shared with her that I was

about to mop my floor, she was ADAMENT about returning the mop advising me

that she was trying to hurry up and get her area cleaned up so that she could go and

wash blocks. I advised Marisa that was the same reason I was cleaning my area so

that I could also wash blocks as instructed by Jerry Hoestetler – i.e. I knew NOT to

trust her because her actions and character displayed DISTRUST.

At the end of the Wednesday Shift, my counter had shown

approximately, 149 POLY and 64 PLASTIC. IMPORTANT TO

NOTE: Poly is run for approximately 2.5 MINUTES and Plastic for

approximately 1.5 MINUTES. Therefore:

149 x 2.5 minutes = 3725 ÷ 60 minutes = 6.2 HOURS

64 x 1.5 mines = 96 ÷ 60 minutes = 1.6 HOUR(S)

Trays are being PROCESSED on two lines with my having to run/walk

back and forth BETWEEN both lines because Jerry Smith made it

CLEAR in a meeting that he did NOT want POLY run on the

PLASTIC side and vice versa. Should he hear that this is being done AFTER being told not to COMBINE the lines, this WILL

result in DISCIPLINARY action. When Brian came to check on how we were doing, I shared with Brian my

concerns regarding Tammy’s comments and what she had mentioned regarding Jerry

Hostetler’s comments about production. I showed Brian my count for the Shift and

my computation; therefore, it was not clear to me why I was attacked. I showed

Brian that ALL of the trays had been processed and he agreed with my computation

that time was NOT spent just being idle. He mentioned to me that he will talk to

Tammy as well as Jerry to find out what is going on.

9) On THURSDAY, February 7, 2013, PRIOR to starting, I was met by

Brian who had asked me if I could meet with them. Brian asked me to follow him so

I did. He took me to Jerry Hostetler office where Hostetler and Jerry Smith joined. I

was advised that there had been COMPLAINTS submitted regarding my work;

therefore, they were wanting my feedback and advising that there are “TWO

SIDES TO EVERY STORY” – so they wanted to hear mine regarding

the Complaints. In reiteration of the above information regarding my meetings with

Brian and encounters with Tammy, a SYNOPSIS of what I shared in this meeting is

as follows:

a) My FIRST coming to Brian on Friday (2/1/13) and

sharing my concerns/complaint with him regarding Tammy

and Marisa. Doing so in hopes of SQUASHING such

employment practices that I believed were not

CONDUCIVE to productive work environment. Wanting

to address such issues at the early stages so that it would

SNOWBALL/NOT ESCALATE into anything further –

i.e. which clearly was the right action to take based on the

meeting called and the HIDDEN/ILL motives at play.

b) My carrying and conducting myself in a

PROFESSIONAL manner and NOT engaging in

OFFICE Politics/Gangs/Clicks which EXCLUDE

members of certain Groups – i.e. in this case I was the

ONLY African-American in the meeting and those who

LAUNCHED complaints (Tammy and Marisa) BOTH are


c) The ATTACK on my clothing and the fact that I do NOT

own a pair of blue jeans and that I wear clothes that I

believe are CASUAL and I can work in.

d) Tammy’s mentioning Jerry Hostetler concerns about the

fall in PRODUCTION – i.e. however, FAILING to

mention the HIGH TURN over in POLISHING. In fact,

that on Wednesday night (2/6/13), Marisa yelling to Caleb

to SLOW DOWN! Another observation that Daniel

and I noticed about Wednesday was THE DROP and

the number of trays Tammy had processed and

sent through.


my observation Marisa (White) was NOT able to

keep up with her WASHING duties of the lenses and

keep the trays moving through. Therefore, she yelled

at Caleb, telling him to SLOW DOWN. Not only

that Tammy was NOT blocking and sending the number of trays through in efforts to COVER-UP

Marisa’s INCOMPETENCE and they were

TARGETING the POLISHING area and may have

been DELIBERATELY finding FAULT with their

work and working to get them TERMINATED

and/or MOVED to HIDE/SHIELD Marisa’s


While Caleb SLOWED DOWN, I continued to process

my work and passed them on to Polishing/Caleb for

handling and he just allowed them to STACK UP and

processed, it appears, when given the okay by Tammy and

Marisa to begin sending them through!


Tammy and Marisa were successful in getting

Antonio and Jacob out of POLISHING. To me it

appears it’s only a matter of time for Caleb if the

issue is NOT addressed. Caleb will be the next

VICTIM. Interestingly enough is the fact that the

AFRICAN-American (Antonio) is NO longer at

CZV. He was replaced by Jacob (White) – who

spent time TEXTING as well as going on 15

minute breaks while on the line (i.e. PRIOR to the

scheduled breaks). However, Jacob was NOT let

go but from my understanding MOVED to

ANOTHER department at CZV – i.e. the African-

American let go and provisions made for the White

person in another department. During one of the

Group Meetings it was made known that Gerald

(Manager) knows Jacob’s FATHER. Believed

Jacob’s father and Gerald worked together.

NOW they are TARGETING Daniel

and I in and appears are trying to


opportunities while they make

SPECIAL provisions for WHITE

employees as Marisa and Jacob.

Shared from my observation that Antonio and Jacob were

getting the job done and it reminded me of this movie (Ice

Castles) that I had seen where the problem were NOT with

the male skating partners but the “go-to-girl!”

Furthermore, how Jacob had ADMITTED to SWAPPING

lenses around – i.e. a question I had because it was NOT

clear to me how this could happened if he took them out

and replaced them in the same order prior to removal.

Furthermore, they may be marked with L=Left and


e) Shared that the reason that I took my concerns/complaint

to Brian and NOT Jerry Smith was because of my

concerns that Jerry Smith could NOT be impartial in that

his Buddy/Drinking Buddy (Tammy) was involved and

his inability to remain FAIR and IMPARTIAL in the

handling matters.

f) Shared that when I do NOT understand something, that I

have NO problems in asking for clarification and

proceeding to do my job as instructed by MANAGERS.

For instance, when Jerry Smith advised NOT to run POLY

on the Plastic side and NOT to run PLASTIC on the Poly

side because it would lead to DISCIPLINARY action, that

on the PRIOR day (2/6/13), Noel had tried to get me to go

AGAINST the instructions that Jerry Smith had given and

I REJECTED, advising that I did NOT hear this from

Smith, therefore, I will continue to run both sides as


g) Shared concerns that I saw the 2nd

Shift more so as the

Police Academy 2 Group and because of his behavior

and/or conduct, that Jerry Smith had given me the

impression that he wanted the 2nd

Shift to FAIL!


brought to my attention (i.e. Tammy sharing this

information) that the 1st Shift was upset with the

bringing on of the 2nd Shift because it cut in on the 1st

Shift employees’ overtime and/or eliminated

overtime for the 1st Shift employees all together.

When we began working at CZV, there seemed to be

NO problem with OVERTIME. However, I


the ability to work OVERTIME when President

Barack Obama and his Legal Counsel Baker

Donelson TRACKED/STALKED me down to this


h) Jerry Smith mentioned in the meeting that he can come

over as being a little rough/hard (i.e. which to me was an

UNDERSTATEMENT) and was an area in which could


i) Shared my concerns on the attacks that have been leveled

against me and how I have taken the necessary steps (i.e.

separating myself during breaks) to NOT engage in

ALTERCATIONS with Tammy and Marisa and NOT

come DOWN on their mental level in that I could discern

their spirits and motives were not right.

j) Shared that my experience led me to observe and that my

conclusions had NOT been wrong and the meeting with

them supported it. That while my background is in

corporate, I strive to do a good job no matter what and take

pride in my work.

k) Regarding the alleged DROP in production, I advised I saw

that coming and, therefore, have begun to keep a COUNT

of the number of trays processed.

l) During the meeting all THREE (Jerry Hostetler, Jerry

Smith and Brian) advised me that I am doing an

EXCELLENT job and to keep doing so. Thanking me for

my time.

m) Jerry Smith came to me AFTER the meeting and thanked

me for my feedback and advised that he had learned things

about me from the meeting that he had not known and

appreciated it. Moreover, shared that our work ethics may

be similar in wanting to get the best results. Advised to

keep working and NOT to give in to the young people’s

work practices.

At the end of the Thursday (2/7/13) Shift, my counter had shown

approximately, 111 POLY and 166 PLASTIC with NO trays left over.

10) On FRIDAY, February 8, 2013, PRIOR to starting work, I noticed that the

NUMBER counter that had been there since about the time I started working at CZV (i.e. approximately ONE month) has

COINCIDENTALLY disappeared. That at the beginning of the Shift

there were approximately 44 POLY and 16 PLASTIC left over from the 1st Shift.

Virginia had mentioned to me that at the LAST minute, Betty was

PULLED from Fining to go and work with BOB and Alba (?sp) and they

SLAMMED her with Trays; however, she could only do what she could. However, I

KNEW from this information what was probably going on. My conclusion was

RETALIATION. Why? Because the Number Counter that had

been there since my starting work with CZV had DISAPPEARED and this was the very NEXT day AFTER the

Thursday (2/7/13) meeting. Nevertheless, this did NOT stop me from

counting the Trays BEFORE I started and to get an idea where the NEXT

attack would be coming from. Jerry Smith saw me counting the

Trays and making a note as to what I was starting with. My conclusion

was that they knew I was onto their NEXT attack and the REMOVAL of

the Number Counter SOLIDIFIED that. It appears that the ONLY reason

why the Number Counter from the Plastic side was NOT taken, was because it is

screwed/bolted down onto the machine.

Not changing anything the way I worked, I began my work moving from

side-to-side as usual and keeping count. I had found ANOTHER Number Counter

that I would walk over to (i.e. AWAY from Poly) that I used to track the work done

by ME on that side.

From my observation, Jerry Smith realized that I was onto them, therefore,

requested that Tammy assist in processing the Trays on the Poly side since they were

STACKING up and, like Virginia, I continued to do my work as normal with

KNOWLEDGE that the LAST–MINUTE piling of Trays may have been

RETALIATORY and further attempts to get me to QUIT and/or find FAULT in

the EXCELLENT work that I was doing! Tammy asked me to help her with processing the Poly trays because she felt it was TOO

much for her to do by herself. Making up some lie that those

trays the Poly trays needed to be processed for alloy purposes – i.e. I had seen them staked up before on the 1

st Shift as well as


Shift. While the 1st Shift is allowed to run Poly on the

Plastic side and vice versa, the 2nd


from doing so! However, I advised her that I am NOT to run Poly on the

Plastic side per Jerry Smith and REMINDED the Managers of these

INSTRUCTIONS in the meeting held on Thursday. That unless, authorization

comes from management which would allow me to do that, I could not assist her –

i.e. in other words was not going to allow her to SET ME UP. I advised Tammy

unless a Manager advises me otherwise; I would NOT be defying Jerry Smith’s

instructions. Tammy, therefore, went and talked with Brain who came to me and

asked me to assist Tammy with processing the Poly on the Plastic side – i.e.

information that was also shared in the Thursday meeting (that I would await

instructions from management as to protect myself and to assure that information is

received correctly). Remember, Tammy is the White employee that had

submitted the complaints against me. I shared with Tammy that it was not

my wanting to help her but due to her complaints why it was important that I had

MANAGEMENT Approval. Furthermore, why it was important to me to address

concerns such concerns on FRIDAY (2/1/13) due to the PATTERN that it

appeared was developing. I advised Tammy that I had notified ADECCO of my

concerns/complaints on WEDNESDAY (2/6/13) in that ADECCO employees were

involved BEFORE their Thursday attack. Advising Tammy that experience and

observation of her and Marisa had proven to be correct. Tammy shared that she has

approximately 10 years of experience. I advised Tammy I have OVER 20 years

and a COLLEGE degree. That my CORPORATE background prepared me with

meetings as that with the Managers on Thursday (2/7/13) and I found to be very

informative. Moreover, that their time would be better spent in doing their jobs

correctly rather than attacking me. I shared with her that as in the meeting that I

would NOT be coming down to her and Marisa’s level NOR entertaining their

spirits. Tammy after receiving this information appeared to be ANXIOUS to move on

– i.e. LEAVING trays behind for me to process.

PRIOR to the final BREAK, Loretta (i.e. THIRD person in the chain-of-

command that Jerry Smith advised me of AFTER the Thursday Meeting) came to me

and advised that I am to shut down the machines at 11:30 – i.e. NOT to

run anymore trays. My work process was to STOP at 11:45 and BEGIN

cleaning because at the time it does NOT take me a WHOLE hour to clean my work

area. My concerns that such a request was done to CUT into my PRODUCTION

numbers; therefore, I began running and pulling the trays when the machine stopped

and stacked them and at 11:30, stopped running the machine as requested.

Nevertheless, I finished processing the trays that had already been processed.

At the end of the Friday Shift, my counter had shown approximately, 130

POLY and 154 PLASTIC – i.e. which included some of the Poly that

was processed in assisting Tammy. Therefore, the TOTAL count for the 2nd

Shift did NOT include the number of trays Tammy processed.

In conclusion, should ADECCO want to know how: HOW IS BAKER DONELSON

BEARMAN CALDWELL & BERKOWITZ LINKED TO VOGEL DENISE NEWSOME? Its attorneys appeared as opposing counsel in PROTECTED Activities involving Newsome!

Matters in which they took a SHELLACKING and apparently has led to their

ENGAGEMENT of other CRMINAL Activities – i.e. planning and carrying out of the

September 11, 2001 World Trade Center Attacks and other TERRORIST Acts. Clearly these are

the results when such CRIMINALS are not stopped. They go on to commit further CRIMES!

Essence of a conspiracy is an agreement to commit an unlawful act.

Agreement to commit an unlawful act, which constitutes the essence of

a conspiracy, is a distinct evil that may exist and be punished whether or not the

substantive crime ensues. Id.

Conspiracy poses a threat to the public over and above

the threat of the commission of the relevant substantive crime, both because the

combination in crime makes more likely the commission

of other crimes and because it decreases the probability that

the individuals involved will depart from their path of

criminality. - - The Supreme Court of the United States finding in U.S. v.

Jimenez Recio, 123 S.Ct. 819 (2003)

Furthermore, are using their CONNECTIONS/RELATIONSHIPS to CLIENTS to STALK

Newsome from Job-To-Job/Employer-To-Employer and State-To-State in the carrying out of

their CRIMINAL/CIVIL violations AGAINST her on behalf of THEMSELVES and their


It is IMPORTANT TO NOTE that Baker Donelson Bearman Caldwell & Berkowitz and

its Attorneys/Lawyers are a WALKING LIABILITY! Hopefully, ADECCO is

NOT using Baker Donelson and or its AFFILIATE firms as Legal Counsel. Furthermore, from

research I have found a case for instance in Utah involving Title VII/Civil Rights violations by

Adecco against another employee for participation in PROTECTED ACTIVITY:

Equal Employment Opportunity Commission v. Adecco USA (United States

District Court – Utah - 1:06-cv-00124-BSJ)




By copy of this email, I am providing Congressional members with a copy of same in that it

appears that such issues are a matter of PUBLIC/GLOBAL/INTERNATIONAL interests.


Unless a man is honest we have no right to keep

him in public life, it matters not how brilliant his capacity, it hardly matters how great his power of

doing good service on certain lines may be... No

man who is corrupt, no man who condones

corruption in others, can possibly do his duty by

the community” - - Teddy Roosevelt.

Should you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact me.

With Warmest Regards,

Vogel Denise Newsome