02 shenzhen Thursday July 19, 2018 SZ likely to be named...

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Transcript of 02 shenzhen Thursday July 19, 2018 SZ likely to be named...


Thursday July 19, 2018

At a Glance

FU YINGYING, a 24-year-old woman who intended to start a new life in Shenzhen, never expected her plan would be changed by a sudden fi re in her rented apartment.

At 10:30 p.m. on July 2, the second day after she settled down in the city, Fu was seri-ously injured by a fi re, which was caused when the water heater in her bathroom exploded.

Fu was preparing to take a shower in the bathroom of her apartment in Pingshan District. However, when she turned on the water heater, it suddenly

exploded, and her body was engulfed in fl ames, the Southern Metropolis Daily reported.

Hearing the explosion, the apartment’s sublessor immedi-ately went upstairs, called the police and brought Fu to a hospi-tal. Fu was diagnosed with severe burns covering 93 percent of her body. She is currently receiving treatment in the intensive care unit (ICU) of Shenzhen No. 2 People’s Hospital.

According to the sublessor, the water heater was suddenly set ablaze and the fl ames imme-diately covered Fu. She ran out of

the bathroom in horror. Both the bathroom door and the kitchen door were pushed to the fl oor by the force of the blast. The iron gate at the main entrance was also deformed.

Fu’s sister said their family is not well-off and Fu’s doc-tors said it is likely that Yingy-ing will need to be treated in the ICU for at least a month. The hospital told them that they could apply for medical assistance, but they must fi rst affi rm who is responsible for the accident.

However, Fu’s family said no

department was willing to help them with the documentation.

At fi rst, the Kengzi Police Sta-tion and the Kengzi Subdistrict’s safety supervision department passed the buck to one another, the family claimed.

According to a lawyer, the public security department is responsible for carrying out an investigation and issuing an accident report. The family can fi le a lawsuit in light of the report, and a liability statement about the accident will be issued by the court.

(Zhang Yu)

A VARIETY of vegetables have been illegally planted at a cul-tural relic protection site in Nantou Subdistrict, Nanshan District, the Southern Metropolis Daily reported.

Several deputies to the Municipal People’s Congress and the Nanshan District Peo-ple’s Congress, as well as some government offi cials, visited the Yingge Hill Neolithic Age Ruins between Nantou Middle School and the west entrance of Zhongshan Park on Tuesday after receiving complaints about the plants from residents. The vegetable fi eld, covering an area of about 400 square meters, is surrounded by green belts, which were littered with waste, despite a plaque stating the area is a cul-tural relic protection site.

This cultural relic protection site was discovered in 1956. Some pottery and stone imple-ments have been excavated from the site since then. In 1984, the site was confi rmed by Shenzhen Museum as the remains of the late Neolithic Age.

The plaque for the protection site is standing in this vegetable plot, meaning that the vegetable fi eld is right on top of the cultural relic protection area.

The deputies and offi cials also investigated another heri-tage, a watchtower built during the 1940s, and found that the watchtower had been covered up with trees and weeds due to a lack of protection.

After an investigation, the deputies and offi cials discussed methods to tackle this problem. They suggested that the vegeta-ble fi eld and surrounding waste be cleared soon.

Relevant departments should take measures, such as planting grass and establishing fences, to protect the site. Additionally, they proposed that the site be reconstructed into a heritage park with the watchtower reno-vated into a patriotic education base.

According to the deputies, relevant departments should pay attention to protecting historical sites. Zou Yongyi, a Nantou Subdistrict offi cial, said that the subdistrict offi ce would enhance communication with administrative departments about cultural relics to better protect heritage sites.

(Cui Chenxin)

FOURTY-FOUR apartments in Yutiancun in Nanyuan Subdis-trict, Futian District, were fully booked 12 minutes after they were offered following a reno-vation, the Southern Metropolis Daily reported Tuesday.

The apartments in the urban village cover between 13 and 25 square meters with monthly rents ranging from 1,200 yuan (US$179) to 2,500 yuan.

The rooms are equipped with a bed, a desk, an air conditioner and a wardrobe. If a tenant needs a washing machine or a refrig-erator, they can rent one for 50 yuan a month.

The apartments were leased out to tenants through the Dutch auction method, that is, by gradually lowering the bid-ding price until it is accepted by the fi rst bidder.

Last September, the owners of a dozen buildings in Yutian-cun signed agreements with a renovation company. In Janu-ary, buildings No. 33 and No. 35 were the fi rst two buildings to fi nish the transformation. On April 6, 44 apartments were available for rent.

Zheng Xianchao is the owner of building No. 35 in Yutiancun. He said after the facelift, the rent

rose by 15 percent. “The renova-tion has also solved fi re hazards and saves a lot of management costs,” he said.

At present, nearly 40 build-ings in Yutiancun have joined the renovation plan, accounting for more than 40 percent of the total property in the village.

According to statistics, 33 buildings are currently being reconstructed in Yutiancun. In addition to the two buildings that have already been put into use, another four have also been transformed into apartments, which are expected to be leased by the end of July. (Zhang Yu)

Vegetables illegally planted at historical site

New serviceSHENZHEN traffi c police will pilot a new service allow-ing postal service employees, who collect residents’ docu-ments at the door, to confi rm IDs using facial recognition devices starting Saturday.

This method will help improve effi ciency and save time for those applying for driver’s licenses and vehicle license-related service.On-demand serviceTHE aviation control sta-tion of the Shenzhen airport recently introduced the D-ATIS system, which can automatically respond to inquiries from fl ight crews regarding departure times.

The system was fi rst piloted on 70 fl ights Monday. It is expected to improve the punctuality and effi ciency of fl ights by reducing the amount of time wasted on communi-cations between the control tower and fl ight crews due to information asymmetry.Greener dieselTHE city will introduce more environment-friendly diesel fuel that meets the national VI standard starting Sept. 1 to further reduce pollution and improve air quality, according to a draft plan issued by the city’s economic, trade and information commission Tuesday.

Prices will remain the same as the national V stan-dard diesel fuel, barring any unforeseen price hikes.

AFTER meeting the 40 require-ments and indexes listed for eli-gibility for National Forest City status and offi cially submitting an application to the national forestry authority recently, Shenzhen will likely be granted the title of “National Forest City” by as soon as October, the Shenzhen Economic Daily reported.

The Shenzhen Municipal Urban Management Adminis-tration held a news conference Tuesday, briefi ng on the city’s efforts toward earning the national title by distributing

more plants and fl owers over the past three years.

According to the bureau’s spokesperson, Yang Lei, Shenzhen initiated a citywide campaign focused on making Shenzhen a city of trees and fl ow-ers in 2015. A total of 52 major projects have been carried out.

Currently, the city’s forest coverage is at 40.68 percent and the green land area per capita is 15.95 square meters. The city now has a total of 2,443 kilometers of greenways and as many as 942 parks. Shenzhen is one of the cities

with the most parks in China.A total of 11 natural parks, 36

urban parks and nine wetland parks have been opened to the public in recent years.

Plants bring fresh air to resi-dents. Shenzhen’s average PM2.5 recorded in 2017 was 28 micro-grams per cubic meter, making it one of the top 10 cities for air quality in the country.

Restoring the ecological environment has been a key task, according to the bureau. Shenzhen has invested 1.06 billion yuan (US$149 million) to develop and uplift its forests.

The OCT Wetland Park in Nan-shan District has been listed as a national trial area.

In terms of planting more fl owers, the city has decorated 23 boulevards, 79 streets and over 120 key urban areas with various sorts of fl owers.

The next plan for the city is to construct more greenways, pedestrian pathways and eco-logical corridors to connect for-ests with urban areas. Shenzhen is also probing better uses of urban spaces where more trees and fl owers can be planted, according to Yang. (Zhang Qian)

Renovated urban village flats highly sought-after

SZ likely to be named ‘National Forest City’

Young woman severely burned in water heater blast

The permanent campus of Shenzhen MSU-BIT University under construction in Longgang District is scheduled to be put into use in the fall of next year. Infrastructure construction for the campus was recently completed. Liu Yujie

SZ MSU-BIT University campus being built

The plaque states the Yingge Hill Neo-lithic Age Ruins is a cultural relic protec-tion site. SD-Agencies