02-02 Phone Conversations 2

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Transcript of 02-02 Phone Conversations 2

  • CATEGORY: BUSINESS GROUP: 2. TECHNOLOGY & COMMUNICATION Topic: 2. Phone Conversations 2 Introduction: Sometimes you need to call into work sick or late. Its best to call the office as soon as you can to let people know you wont be in as scheduled. Sometimes, you have to cancel meetings too. This is often unavoidable. Dialogue: The following short dialogues provide examples of how to call in sick to work, how to call in late to work, and how to call to cancel a meeting. Phone Call: Calling in Sick (phone rings) Greg: Greg Flanders. ABC Marketing. Lewis: Hi, Greg. Its Lewis. Im feeling under the weather today, so Im not going to

    be able to make it in. Greg: Oh, no. Whats wrong? Lewis: I dont know. I was up all night throwing up. I though it would get better but it

    just got worse. Greg: I hope you dont have that bug thats been going around. Lewis: Me too. Greg: Well, feel better. Thanks for calling in.

    Copyright 2007 English 1 on 1 Corp. All rights reserved. No reproduction without expressed written permission of English 1 on 1.

  • Lewis: Thanks. Bye. Greg: Bye. Phone Call: Calling in Late (phone rings) Molly: This is Molly. Jill: Hey, Molly. Its Jill. Molly: Hey. How are you? Jill: Im fine. Im going to be a little late though. There is a huge traffic jam on the

    highway and I cant move. Molly: OK. When do you think youll make it in? Jill: I dont know. As soon as this traffic clears up. Ill probably be there around 9. Molly: All right. Thanks for letting me know. Jill: Sure. See you soon. Molly: Bye. Phone Call: Canceling a Meeting (phone rings) Receptionist: Dan Wisemans office. Oscar: Can I speak with Dan please? Receptionist: Sure. May I tell him whos calling? Oscar: Its Oscar Kipling. Receptionist: Just one moment.

    Copyright 2007 English 1 on 1 Corp. All rights reserved. No reproduction without expressed written permission of English 1 on 1.

  • Dan: Dan Wiseman. Receptionist: Hi, Dan. Its Oscar Kipling on the line for you. Dan: You can put him through. Receptionist: OK. Dan: This is Dan. Oscar: Hi, Dan. Its Oscar. Dan: Hi, Oscar. How are you? Oscar: Oh, busy as ever. You? Dan: Doing pretty good. Oscar: Listen, Im sorry but I have to cancel our meeting next week. My wifes mother

    is sick and we have to take a last-minute trip out to see her. Dan: Oh, Im sorry. Thats no problem. Do you want to reschedule it for another time? Oscar: Are you free the Friday after next in the afternoon? Dan: Lets see. Sure, Im open. How about 2 p.m? Oscar: That sounds fine. Dan: Great. So, Ill see on the 22nd at 2:00. I hope your wifes mother is OK. Oscar: Thanks. Me too. Sorry again to cancel and Ill see you soon. Dan: OK. Bye. Oscar: Bye. Vocabulary: under the weather: sick throwing up: vomiting bug: illness traffic jam: many vehicles blocking each other so they cant move put him through: connect him on the phone to me

    Copyright 2007 English 1 on 1 Corp. All rights reserved. No reproduction without expressed written permission of English 1 on 1.

  • last minute: unplanned Discussion Questions:

    1. Have you ever called in late to work? Why were you late? -Yes. Ive called in late to work many times. Sometimes I didnt wake up on time, sometimes my car had problems, or sometimes I had an appointment in the morning.

    2. Do you ever call in sick to work? Why or why not? -Yes, I do. If Im not feeling well, I call in sick to work. I dont want to be at work sick. We get a certain amount of sick days at my job, so I still get paid for the days I call in sick.

    3. Have you ever called in sick to work when you werent really sick? How did you feel about it? -Yes, I have. Ive called in sick to work when I wasnt really sick. I just didnt want to go to work that day or I needed some time off. Sometimes, I felt a little guilty about lying. But usually, I was just happy not to be at work!

    4. Do you get in trouble for calling in late or sick at your job? -No, we dont. If we have a legitimate excuse for being late or are really sick, we dont get in trouble. However, if employees constantly call in late or sick and it starts to affect their work then they might get in trouble.

    5. Do you have to make up the time if you call in sick or late for work? -No, I dont. We are allowed a certain amount of leave time and sick time each month at work. So, if we are late or out sick we still get paid and dont have to make up the hours.

    6. If you had the day off of work, what would you do? -If I had the day off of work, I would sleep in late. Then I would eat a nice lunch at home and watch some TV. I would probably just relax and read or hang out with friends.

    7. How do you get to and from work? Is it a reliable way? -I drive my car to and from work. Its very reliable. My car runs very well, so I never have any problems with it. Its never caused me to be late to work.

    8. Have you ever cancelled a meeting? Why? -Yes, I have. Ive cancelled meetings before due to illness or an unexpected conflict. Sometimes I had to go to a doctors appointment or meet another colleague for something urgent.

    Copyright 2007 English 1 on 1 Corp. All rights reserved. No reproduction without expressed written permission of English 1 on 1.

  • 9. Would you be allowed to take time off of work if one of your family members got sick? -Yes, I would be able to. We have a program at work that allows people to take time off of work and care for an ill family member. The company is understanding and allows you to take time off to do this.

    10. Have you ever overslept and missed the morning at work? -Yes, I have. In the past, my alarm clock didnt go off or I just didnt hear it. On those days, I slept too late and was late to work. I had to call in and explain things, but I didnt get in trouble.

    Copyright 2007 English 1 on 1 Corp. All rights reserved. No reproduction without expressed written permission of English 1 on 1.