01 - Alif - Pages 23 - 56

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Transcript of 01 - Alif - Pages 23 - 56

  • 8/3/2019 01 - Alif - Pages 23 - 56


    ; ;1 ;1 fDidst thou not see? (105:1)

    L :~;~~~I

  • 8/3/2019 01 - Alif - Pages 23 - 56



    J!!l l I . : ;1: t " 'o I : ! - l ,c : ' . ( t . .V""_' '" ~ ~~':'Y. J t 'And for his parents each oftbem sball have one sixth,

    {4: 11 Jfathers (physicalIy)(1) (n. p.) !t'i\

    ~(~l:~Y;And do not marry womenwhom your Cathers preyiously married. !4:22J

    forefathers (2)0;t!;~(1J~ G ,t @ j .f f J

    Or lest you say; it was butour forefathers who asso-cia ted afore. [7: 173)

    According to Raghib theworc$ ~1'inctudes, besides,fathers, forefathers, pat-ernal uncles, teachers ofthe old, spiritual leaden.etc. * -.,. '. ,.. ~-grass (n.) ace. ~ f

    forever (I) (adj.) i . . J,-r-'I~ I '_~~.r/~1~~~I"

    Staying in it for ever [18:3J(2) never

    Q~~J~lWe IIdl never enter it. [5:24J24

    f ** - = , 1father (II.)

    declined with letters asnom.ace.gen.

    The word in sigular signifiesfather inth e sense 0 fblood relationship as.r~.._: - "'~tf""':' ~r;~~-.tf,;J;~ u . . ; : . . . . . 1 : : J

    Mohammad was not fatherof anyone of your men.

    [33:40Jmeanwhile the singular den-oates the meaning of pluralfrom, and is used for fore-father iu spiritual sense.

    ._- I~( : ; . ' " '~. . .- ,~ \ -f . : ' . J : " l "J- ~The creed of your forefatherIbrahim. [22:78]

    Zamakhsbari observes ;s:;~): ; ~ & i ~I ~~J: ;1~.~'ij'~ ti J .~]_it ; ; ' 1I r- ~_.J"" w _Ibrahim was forefather ofthe Messenger of Allah.Thus he became father ofhis community: as [heMessenger's community isas good for him as hisdescendents.parents (n, dual.) ~-;.~ I ~ \;'

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    VOCAIIULAilY 0" THE HOLY Q.tlaAl'f

    (perf. 3 p. m. plu.) Ij)they refused

    /;:,.1perf, 3 p./. plu.) .....they (f) refused

    (lmperj. 3 , p.",. ling.)-refuses[imperf; 3 , p.m. ring)--refuses

    (with a N particle)

    ,~~~~tg y~9"JLet not the scribe refuse towrite. (2:282)

    [imperf. 3 p.f, slng.],_.refuses

    ['f(perf. 3 p ; m. sing.] rJl ~ . 1 ,'"'" came perf 3 p. f. sing.] ~ I(perf 3 p.f dum) c-1

    they (twain) came(perf 3 p. f plu.]

    they ([) camewe carne (perf. lit p. plu.)


    < ......ted (perf 3 p. m. ling.) ~to run away. t , - : ' 1 t\- ' : ; 1 ~ . l o Y .escape (as a slave)

    * ** !l "':' 1J !I "-J see ~~! '* J "-J

    '\." )\came l [n.} l o Y ; . ~a flying creature {n.} ~~0

    J 0 Y see (n.) &):;1

    (Comp. 1 .5 + yl ) , J . \my father ~(Comp . . . : . > + 1 , . , 0 1 1 ) . . . : o . ~ i ,o my father . ~ ,. (perf. 3 p.m. sing.) ~< ,...refused

    to refuse, reject,25

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    give, pay(perate m. Iing.}lv 9 ' "(pp. 3 p. m. ling.) Iv 4;~he was given

    (pp. Jp.m. pJu.) I., \ 1 j 'they w ere g iven(pp. 2 p. m. ling.) iv

    thou was given(pp. 2p. m. plu.] iv

    you were given(pp. 1sf p, sing.] iv

    we were gi \ en(pip. 3 p.m. sing.) iv

    he is (or will be) given(pip. 3 .m. lu.] iv

    they are (or will be) given(pip. 1sf p, sing.] i , s : . , 'Iam given

    [ap-der. >iv m. plu.) 5;j\the givers(pis. pic. m. sing.jused for

    ap-der) ace, tJ;comer certainlythat is to be fulfilled

    (Imperj. 3 p.m. Ifng.) Q \be comes

    (impeif, 2 p.m. ling.) ace. ~ ~ { t i \ : 'thou com e - ~they come [lmperf. 3p.m.plu.) 5 1 ' "(tmperf, 3 p. m. sing.] ace. ';\he comes{imperf, 2 p.m. plu.] acc5j~ I \Jl;you come(imperf.Ist p.plu.) ace.we comecome! bring! [perate m. sing.)

    (perate m. dual)(you twain) come !

    (perate m, plu.) 1 . # 1(you all) come!to bring,to give

    (perf 3 p.m. sing.) iv 61< ......rought, gave,(imper[. 3 p.m. sing.] iv

    ........ives[imperf. 2 p.m. sing.) iv

    thou give(imperf. 3 p.m. plu.) iv :_;; y .

    they givehousehold. (n) ace.goods,

    ~ L 1 1 ~ \ " \ (imper]. 3 p. r plu.} ivthey (f) give2 6

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    J..! I ' VOCABULARY OP THe HOLY QURAH-effect (2)

    Mark of them is on theirfaces from the ef fect ofprostration, [48: 29]effects (1) [n.p.] ~f\4 k = : ' ; : . . t . ? I J I j t ~

    Look, then. at the ef fects ofAllah's mercy. [30: SOJtraces (2)

    l "r i ' I"" ' ' ' . I ' "J,. ~ .~ .... s I# "- , c r t J i_;i(B~Ir--I'_NThey were mightier than theein strength and in thetraces (which they haveleft of their power andgl'ory). (40 : 2 r 1footsteps, after (3)i".~J~iJ;(-;I'~fb~~

    Haply thou art going to killtheyself over their foot-steps. [I 8 : 6)

    trace (4) t , e 1r .. ~ . i'~l'\' . " . ' _ I':: - s : . . . . . . .1

    ~~ ir''J (.UI~~"r'"'"',;,J..-r:.,Bring me a book before thisor some trace of know-ledge. f46. 4]

    * J ...;..Ternarisk

    t v

    ' - - - _ * _ ) ..!J 1 1(perf. 3 p.]. plu.) & S : : l

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    J ~l VOCABULAJlY 0' TH& HOLY Q,tJRAH r ~ ,

    o my father f hire him, forthe beat that thou can hireis strong and trustworthyone. [28: 26]

    reward; hire {n.) ~ ~rewards; hires (1) (n.p.) ~;: \

    . - ~ \ ~ I I!\~ J o . ! " ' ( : - ' : . : . J , 6 1 "~ :n;:') ~ < : , ( ' . . . ;.l}....Ji~h::~ .9."'\ . . . . .~And as for those who be-lieved and worked righte-ous works, he shall repaythem their hires. [3 : 57)

    dowers (2)f~~~-. . . . . , ~ . , . . ) . . !k1 I I I ,. 4 . . . .f ~ " J * ! & ', . . u

    So give them theirdowers stipulated. [4 : 24]* J ( C J

    reason (particle)1lJj~~

    because of that (5 : 32)(an appointed) term (n)

    ( '- - I '~ \ - ~ _ ;~, 4And for every communitythere is (an appointed)term (i.e. in the divineplan). [7 : 34J

    2 8

    * r t o ! r t".\;J~lf\ r : '

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    ~t 1 VOCABULARY 0' THe HOLY Q_URAI'C J t. '(o) T~\;; T ~ l ~ \ 1 ;1 tw o term s (dual n.} ~~I

    to take, put, catch(perf. 3 pl. nng.) ~~,lhe took, put

    they took (perf. 3 p ../. plu.) ~ j ; . '. . , .you took {perf. 2 p.m. plu.} 1 1 ; . 'we took (perf. 1 S t p. plu.) ~ ~

    [tmperf, . ) ~~Lmperf, 3 p.m. smg, .b-\,.......will take

    ( " . , . . .imperf. 2 p.m. sing.] .l,;.\i 'thou shall take

    J.I' ~~[imper], 3 p.rn.plu.) ;jj~~they w ill taken\(imperf. 3 p.m. plu] ace. Ij,l,;.\,;

    they take (or) may they take

    nom z,J~t: ace. r~;':[imperf, 3 p.m. plu.]you will take

    (thou) take! (perate m.sing.) U"you) take! (perate m. plu.} I , J . . L . : : : .,

    --is taken {pp. 3 p.m. si.'1g-Jl.,:.1- -


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    ; , t ' VOCABULAILY 0' THE HOLY Q,UIlAH[imperf. 3 p.m. slng.] viii ~,.,..takes (1) - (':._;Z:~I;4it'_;:"r:'1?1n~;And the dweller of the desertis one who taketh up thatwhich he expecteth as afine. (9 : 98~

    .......et up (2)I~IXI~l ~_;~~~';;v::~1~~And of mankind are (some)that set up compeers

    unto Allah. (2:165)(imperf 2 p.m. sing.) viiithou take

    , . . -nom. 0j~ acc.l(imper], 3 p.m.-p/~.) viiithey take

    _ .1 - ,nom. , : , J J . . . ; . ' : J acc.] I .J~(imperf, 2 p . m . - p m . ) vii!you take[imperf. t. p. plu.) viii Uswe adopt, take . -

    take! (perate m. sing.) viii Lli- ~(perate f sing.) viii ()~l

    (thou f.) take!

    (perate m. plu.) 1 ; 1 . . 1 1(you) take! -taking. overtaking (l) (v.n.) L.130

    u:L:.:;- .

    [imperf. J p.m. sing.} iii 1.;.\''' ' '- Y . .,_ w ill call SS to account~~1i" ~fll.,M.f.('.t '11'_1~ ~ _ 'W~ :.. '~!.'!)JAllah will not call you toaccount for what is vainin your oaths. (2 : 2251

    ~-!-[peratelneg.} iii ~! _;;"lpunish not, reckon riot

    (perf 3 p.m . sing.] viii< ,....,e has taken- . . ~to adopt.T;,Uil ULsEI

    to 'take' - Note,' Raghib has mentionedthis root in ~ ,t'~others put it in ~,t,

    1~~I51I~ij;And they said, Allah hathadopted a son (or) Allahhath taken a son. [2: 1161(perf. 3 p.m. plu.) viii

    they have taken(perf. 2 p.m. sing.] viii

    thou hast taken(perf Ist p. sing.) viiiIhave taken(perf. 2 p.m. plu.) viii

    you have taken(perf Ist p.m. plu.} viiiwe have taken r .

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    .J t 1 VOCABI,Jl.ARY OF THE HOLY QURAN~ ,one who takes (ap-der>viii)~'; I

    SS as possessor of,certain adjectives (l.L.).

    1 . . .1 ...... r , , T , - = $.I.J_~t! ...~~lv.iI9"'~!..oINor was I one who takesseducers as supporters.[18:511

    ,. . ~ _ ,{ap-der. m. plu, n.d.) IS~~takers SS in certain object

    And not taking (them) assecret concubines. (5:5]

    {ap-der. f plu.)those women who take someone (in friendship forsinful, illegal relationship)

    L* J t t(perf. 3 p.;". sing.} ii : ) , . 1.......ut behind, delayed.

    to delay, T . . . " \ f . . . . I ! . .. . _ 'qput behind e .rJ'. f(perf 3 p.! sing.} ii ~).1

    (she) put behind, delayed( , 1 1perf. 1st. p, plu.) ii ~

    we put behind, delayed" 1perf 2 p.m. sing.) .;,thou hast delayed.

    thou hast delayed meT"\

    And such is the overtakingof thy Lord. [11: 1021grip (2)

    Whereof We 1aid hold of(took) them with grip of(Our) might. [54:42]grip (n.) $ 0 0 , t;,L;.\

    ~ ? - Tact. pic m. sing.}one who holds SS with grip

    No moving creature is therebut He holdeth it by itsforelock. [I 1:56](act. pic. m. plu.) ace.

    those who hold SS, takers

    ( c o m . & " . i . , ; . T +. =nd.). . . . . . _. ~.L;..1-.- - -overtakers, holders with grip(of it or him).

    taking [v.n.>viii)Verily you have wrongedyour souls by your takingthe calf. [2:54]


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    . ,c : VOCADL'LARV 0' THE HOLY Q.UIlAl'f .J C f[n, plu.} nom. 3;;,:.r ace. &:~Tothers -

    another (J.) (n.)others (/') (n, plu.)

    final, last, that is to (n.)come later, after

    Last Day (Hereafter) ~~ f f : Rlast, coming after [n.] ; ~i

    the abode of Hereafteri)!-~ ~I~l* J I:brother (n.]

    declined as y1 with lettersnot vowels. Thusnom.;;'l Ace. C . l gen. ~

    ( I) siginfies A male personhaving the same parentsas another or others orhaving only one parent incommon.;~4M'

    He took his brother to him-self. [12:69]

    (2) A person of the samedescent, land, creed orfaith with other or others

    ~. .-r! I ' '~..~~~l~"""~1~.> \ .:. lr" ... .... . :_ . ~The believers are naughtelsethen Brothers.

    [49 : I OJ32

    i~: . . ;.IIC

    . . t o .. . .(lmperf. 3 p.m. plu.) li ~ JI..-delays

    (imperf Ist. p. plu.};;. :;-;we delay _, t o : ~#(pip. 3 p.m. sing.} if ,.;.,.., is delayed, wiJl be delayedwill Dot be delayed :;. . '1

    (perf 3 p.m. slng.} 1 1 ;lJdelayed (1). - r . . . . . . . ., - ' \ l r . . . . ~ , . . "

    ~~).~~'U")And w hosoever delayth onhim is no sin. (2:203]

    that comes later (2)

    Tha t hath preceded by thyfault and that which maycome later. [48:2)

    ..;:1-(imperf, 3 p.m. Sing.)., ,;~....,lays behind (imper]. 3 p.m, plu.] x 5j..r-~they remained behined.to remain behind J , . " t : ,

    (imperf. 2 p.m. plu.) xZlj;:.byou remain behind.[ap-der.t>, m. plu).acc.&.'~t:.:i!who are delayed behind. -

    another (n.) : : : ; . 1other two (n. dual.) ~I):.T

    other two (n. dual.] ace. i,;..rrr

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    VOCA8ULARY or THE HOLY QURAN .J t 1I.,..[lmper]. 2 p.m. plu.) ace. Ii J,):;

    that you pay backhand over! (perate. m, plu,) Ij~l

    ".I:~lo deliver up (y.n.) ..(the thing entrustedto its owner)

    * .j .) r(perf. 3 p.m. sing.) 0~1,..."allowed (I)

    C.r) ~~lS~~ 3~110 bear, perceive, respond,listen, allow

    J ' ' ' ' " - = 1 ~'i"" ",.,,. . .~1~_;.. I 'V(,;)~ (:)"".lIlExcept he whom the Bene~'ficent allowed. [78:38]

    (perf. 3 p.m. sing.) ~~lperceived, heard (2)And listened to its Lord andis made fit. [84:21

    (perf. 2 p.m sing.)thou permitted (3)

    {imperf. 3 p.m. sing.}.....,permits

    ?-~ i1 ':f~.~iJ~V)..J.> ':::r?Until my father permits me.r 12: 80)

    /Lmper]', Is!. p, sing.] ~~TI give permission.1"1"

    ... , as:~n the genitive case, ,{j)i ' ; : ' ; < J ; L I JSo cover the dead body ofmy brother. [5:31J

    ...'" , "".~?,,.,'.I-I....( . U :i : " " '~ lI"'''''-U i!Y ... _ .~To show him how to coverthe dead body of hisbrother. [5:31J

    (n. dUll/.) acc-gen,two brotherstwo brothers en. dual.) nom. ~';"

    brothers (n. p.)brothers (n. p.)

    sister (n.)two sisters (n. dual.] ~~'I

    sisters (n, plu.) & 1 ; . 1* ,),),impious, disastrous (n.) ace.

    (imperf. 3 p.m. slng.) ti--delivers ~~; _ s j Y . J . ) lt o pay, p e r f o r m ,

    t el. 3 p.m, sing .] ii~ i n o r d e r to p a yback, should pay back


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    ,~~;&itJtThen say; I have warnedyou all alike. (2 I: 109)to declare (2)

    ~~f!,t:~&;\ r ; l l iThey will say; we declaredto thee not one of us canbear witness. (41:4 7)

    1 0 _ . , . .(perf. 1st. p. plu.) iv ~)\we declared

    (perf. 3 p.m, sing.) v -~;\;I"'W proclaimed

    (perf 3 p.m. sing.) x 0 s t ; ,-asked leave

    (perf 3 p.m. plu.) xthey asked leave.

    >iimperf. 3 p.m. p. sing.) x 5~~-- asks leave

    iimperf. 3 p.m. plu.)they ask leave

    proclamation,an nouncemen t

    permit, leave (11.) ~~ ~fJ~'(metp.) (n.) ~;"ar; all cars orhearer


    (pp. 3 p.m, sing.] 0 ~ ''" is allowed

    -l-:'v{pip 3 p.m. sing.] ~, J'.,_ is allowed

    excuse (1) {perate m. 8ing.)

    Excuse me and try me not.(9:49)give leave (2)

    Give leave to whom thouwilt of them. (24:62).

    be apprised (3)~ ~ " ' _ } - : " J . . l f I " ' ' ' ' ' ~ ~ \ " ~ " ' ~ '~_,,,~ ~"r'..f""IJ.Yj\"j

    Then be apprised of warfrom Allah and Hismessenger. (2:279)

    , , , , , , )(you) permit {perate m. plu.) \J~l

    . . . . . .~~\(perf. 3 p.m. sing.) ii ~~announcedannounce! [perate m . sing.) iicall !make known to every

    b o d Y{apder. >i m. sing.)

    an announcer(perf Ist, p. sing.} iv

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    . . s ~ VOCABULARY or TU& HOLY Ql.:ilA .... . --:r!~(tmprf, J p.m. plu.) IV vJJ~.

    they give trouble, harm orannoy

    timperf. 2 p.m. plu.)you annoy, give trouble

    . ( 1 )/.:'"give punish- perate m. sing.) 1 . . ) 1ment!

    (pp. J p.m. sing.)......has been given troubJe,persecuted ~They were ipp. 3 p.m. plu.) \;;_;\persecuted . .

    we were per- (pp. 1sf p.plu.) t,;.:j_,'secured(pip. 3 p-f. plu.)

    they (f) should begiven trouble

    ailment (1) (n.) ~;,~ .., to . . , ......-"" " '"'};-1~(j;I~JI

    Or has an aliment of the head.[2: 196] harmful (2)

    Say Thou : it is harmfulKeep aloof from womenduring menstrual charge.[2:22::!]

    ears (I)

    It might be retained by theretaining ears. (69; 12]all ears or hearer (2)~~~~~~;

    And they say: he is all ears(hearer, looking for news).{9 :611 ,,-,'(plu, of ~~')

    his two ears (dual n.d.)(both ears of him)

    * * * *' " . . > . , ~-~1. J i. J ~ see w ~ ~

    * r S ~(perf 3 p.m. plu.) iv< They maligned, annoyedT.\~t : ;~~.J~J~i.!l- -

    to hurt, cause bodilypain. wound the feeling


    (perf 2 p.m, plu.) II 'you maligned. annoyed

    ,, . , . .~i\1 ~.,j(imperf, 3 p.m. sing.) iv I . S J Y.

    ,._ gives trouble, harms.annoys


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    r .J 1 VOCABULARY Of THl HOLY Q.UIlAHthrough disease orextremeold age have lost reasonand m anhood.

    (Jid. >Rgh.)purposes (p[u. n.) ~-l.t;

    (Jing. ~J~)

    earth, land. city,country

    * !l J ,thorns iptu. n.) ~()' " ~ ~(sing. ~~1 )* r J i

    'IRAM' oriArarn' - r J!asaccording to one account.the name of the greatfathers of ~~, fromwhom the tribe took itsname; and according toanother the name of thecity in which i t lived.The ~~ are called.!l~ \ ,,; ...\~ , th e word- ~ -

    )~_ means 'lofty build-ings' supported by co-lumns.


    injury (3)J'.;1Y~f'~ gp

    Then they follow not upwhat they spent with re-proach or injury. (2:262)

    annoying (4)

    And disregard their annoying(talk). (33:48)

    IiI. The word . ~ : , 1 signifiesa . 5 1 ight evil, sl ighter thanwhat is termed(LL.) ; or anything caus-ing a slight harm. (Rgh.)

    remember (particle) '::,when, (pointing to the past),that time when .

    (particle) 1 : : ' 1when (pointing to the future)

    need In.)means

    those male attendants \\ hol"i

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    VOCAJut.AayOp THe HOLY Q.U1VJf f J ,back, strength ~~1(n) JJI

    c S ~ r ~ : ; ~ !IConfinn by him my strength.(20 : 31) (Arb.)

    Strengthen by him my back.(lid.)

    * j j .~(imperf. . 3 p. f.1ing.) (assim 1 ' )they (sa tans) incite. . . . , . t . , . . .I]t;....j_;jThey incite them by an in-citement. (19: 83)* ...; ,.

    (perf. 3 p.], sing.):J)strengthenedto help -;)5~ -;;\strengthen

    * * * *Azar (p.n,) :5j'TProphet Ibrahim's father, anan idolater. Accordingto Bible quoted by lid.his name in Bible is Terah(also Zarah), He was theChief Officer of KingNimrod and a greatfavourite \~.ith his royalmaster.


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    . . 1.JI,J" VOCABULARY OJ' THE HOLY c,v;RAlC .J J" ,

    * .J V'" ialtered (pact. pic.) ~ 1

    tj.e. water, the colour andsmell of it are altered ,)

    * J . . r , J.

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    VOCABI.li.It.R. Y OP' Till. lIoLY Q.UlI.AH

    fie! Oh! iinterjec.)

    * J J,~- ,A(n.p.) J!; T (n. sing.) jll

    horizons; horisons

    (imperl. 3 p.m, plu.) ";j~~

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    ~t;'" ..~(pip. 3 p.m. p/u.) c ; ; J ' . Y . .

    " i,J'"lee ~L': 'ti

    * J . !l iate (perf J p m. nng.) (h.v.) "'$'to eat#if J~j\ ~1 J i . . .ea t (addressed to a woman)


    is turned away(pip. 1.m. plu.) ~ ..ti{,J';they are turned away

    ..-:y-:~,(pip. 2 p.m. plu.) '-'j)...';you are turned away

    ~ >a lie; slander (n) < ! l ; 1~ t;,big liar; big slanderer (n. ent) . ! l ~ i

    (ap-der. viiif sing.)the subverted (cities)the subverted oroverturned (cities)

    I * * * * . .,.,.., , .~ LJ J s e e . . : . - : i 1* J J

    set (perj. 3 p.m. sing.) (h.v.)

    ......set (per/ 3 p.]. sillg.) (h.v) ';-~1(act. pic. rn. pm.) ace, ~J

    setting ones. (moon, sunor stars)

    : . .

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    ~ J 1 VOCABULARY 01( THE HOLY QUaAHcause to deprive of. ordecrease

    [ * :,J 1(plu.) YJ'I (Sing.) ~~\

    (dual) ace . 6j\.-(relative pronoun) (dual. n) ~'lnwho, who that

    (Sing.) ~I(Qt) c I~ , ti~(rei. pronouns I) (plu.)who, which, that

    (perl 3 p.m. sing.) ii< """ 'united, joinedto acustom

    .J'~""(imperl 3 p.m. sing) ii ~j(units, joins togetherprotection (Sale.) (v.n. iv) c.;~ 1taming (Pic.), keeping (Jid.) ._

    ' " -;(pis. pic. ii,Ising.) G1 j . :that is made to incline

    and those whose hearts areto be conciliated. [9:60]

    - : . . J -(perate m. f.dual) ~eat (0 you twain)eat (you) (perote m. plu.)

    eating (n)"\~j'~1~ ,- & ;act or state of eating (ace.)flavour, fruit, food (n)

    (act. pic m, plu.) (n) ace,eaters

    greedy (n. lnu. plu.)(sing. ~~, ) .P

    (pact. pic.) tl1't;eaten up, devoured* J J

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    J J , VOCABULARY 0' nHt HOLY Q,()R.AN JJ ,anything other than theUNIMAGINABLE SUP-REME BEING.

    The word hasno corresponding word inEnglish or in any langu-age of the world.

    Io Allah! ~I(According to some gram-.!marians rt-lll is a short

    form of ~ GT ' ~ 11 ;'" . . . -ie. 0 A llah , w e believein good. (Rgh.)* J J

    timper], 3 p.m. plu.) (h.v,) Z J j ' ~< they will fall shortto fallshort, refuse, be remiss

    They shall not be remiss incorrupting (your affairs).(3: I 18)

    " 9 , I(ace) : J . ji,~l (particle) IJjlpossessors, Owners of ~ )_those who are - ; . t - 3 ; j]iowners of wisdompossessors. owners of (f-) ':::"~j'~1

    one thousand (card. numb.} : : . i ~. : - _ / " ~ ' 1(card. numb. dual) ace. ~two thousands

    (card. numb. plu.) ~ j 1 , : : . ;; Tthousands* r J

    (imperj. 3 p.m. plu.) ~)i~they are suffering, Lasuffer, feel pain

    (imperj. 2 pm. plu, )you ars suffering

    (act. 2 pic. adj. m.)effective, painful

    * ~ J igod (n)

    !o 1-gods (n. p.) 4_;..~\The proper name app- (n) ,~lied to the Being who ex-ists necessarily by Himself.,)J~j\ ~!\:J comprisingall the attributes of per-fection.

    The word has neitherfeminine nor plural andhas never been applied to

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    ; r ' VOCABULAR.Y 01 THe HOLY Q.URAN .J J 1to keep away from the wife

    (v.n.) ~~~l "The bearers~'~imperj. 3 p.m. ling.) ,iii i.[ "--swear off

    And let not the owners ofaffluence and amplitudeamong you swear off fromgiving unto the kindred.[24:22]favours bounties, (n.p.) "~ T

    (sing. {}\. ~1)* ._:,i

    d, ( (),;,rugge ness n) ~ Ic : : r Y : : : { ; . . ~ ~ " 1 ; ; \ : : "

    ~ . ~"t.t(,$ ...d)Wherein thou shalt not seeany crookedness orruggedness. (20: 107)

    a distant term, time. place (n) ~1* J r

    (perf 3 pm. sing.)......commanded

    of burdens" (i.e. pregnantwomen) , ,

    those, these (demonstrative) l1:Jj\these (demonstrative)

    ~ ""~jl) .-

    : J j ' I j , , '(a separable preposition) IIto, till, with (I)(plu. of f~ )


    From the Sacred Mosque toto the Furthest Mosque.{17: I]

    with, adding to (2)~1 ; . r J !~91~~_V;

    And devour not their subs-tance with (i.e, by addingit to) your substance( 4:2).

    till (3).: " 1 ..._1 -' ..,.J ;J l \ .nr4J1~1

    (And) complete the fast tillnight (fal!). [2:187}

    * o S J ,~ j (imper], 3 p.m. plu.) iv 0Jj.

    they swear:0 swearto be off from \\ ire .

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    (pp. l s; p. Jjng.)I am/was commanded

    (pp. IJI p. plu.)we were/are ordered, com-manded

    (pip. 3 p.m, sing.)-iscommanded( l ) -: I'" .~,pip. 3 p.m. ptu. oJ.J:/~.

    they are commanded,y(pip. 2 p.m. sing.) :;;

    thou art commanded ,"- : ~,'" ,-(pip. 2 p.m. plu.) I.JJ[/ .J 'you are commanded

    -: ., 1~~""limper], 3 pm. plu.) viii I.JJ.JS ".they are laking counsel

    \) , -: .1. ,i perate. n. plu.) viil JJ'!:-'

    take counsel! O f 'atter, affair (1) (n) v

    ;: 'SJ\: '~~And matter has already beendecided. (2:210)

    news (2)~ r;.Gb_;jt{~~,,;~j.1~{\;.t~JS, ,~ ~~ ,- .

    But if any news of securityor fear comes to them.they spread i t abroad,(4:83)

    command (3)

    The command descendsamong them. [65: r 2]


    'J"~perf. 3 p.m, plu.) , vthey commanded

    (perf. 2 p.m. sing.) ~0thou commanded(perf Ist. p. plu.) ~0

    we commandedcaution: the beginners should

    note the differencebetween C ~ (Ist,p, plu.-we havecommanded) and

    (3 p.m. sing. -:-- ~. -hehas commanded us)

    itmperf. 3 p.m. sing.)-commandstimper]. 3 p.m. plu.)they camrnand

    (imperf. 2 p, f. sing.thou (f) command

    (imper[. 2 p.m. plu.'you (m) command

    (imperf. l st p. sing.) V - : " ' -Icommand(e.m.p. lSI p. sing.)

    I surely will commandt perote m. sing.)

    give order. command .(pp. 3 pm. pi ....) ~j~l

    they were given order

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    VOCABULAa Y OF THE HOL V QUItAN , ; r '* r r ,

    mother (1) (n)-r ~ ' ~ ! J 7 ' \ r ; ' u.y(J"'..Y'~ . );~n

    And We inspired the motherof Musa. [28:7]

    ~mothers (n.p.) ~~,y ' I ' - . k ( I~ - * I . . : . , . . r

    Forbidden unto you areyour mothers. (4:22)

    Note : The printery meaning

    of ~fr is motherand in all secondry sig-nificances some ideaof the primary sig-nificance is retainedas illustrated in follo-wing verse's.

    dwelling (2)L.1ir"~.J.. < \ . : 4 uHis dwelling shall be theAbyss. [ I 0 I :9 J

    the source, origin, (3)foundation or basis.

    JI i, ~~ I ~1" ~...... o ; : t : i . _ , II"~:;I';:'.:o.~ .~:~Wherein some verses arefirmly constructed, theyare the basis of the Book.[3:7]

    authority (4)f'~tJ)

    The possessors of the autho-rityor who are inauthority. [ 4 : . s 9 ]( ). ,;'~..~Iffairs. matters. n..p. .,.1commands (but not newsor authority

    '1. . .J r see .~. . .- - .J r see ~;;;l,J i se e ( ! ; ); .J r see (~i\:;)

    (n.) ( 9 ~ 1grevious v - - . . . .Thou hast committed a thinggrievo u s [18:71]

    (act: pic. m. plu.) ~j~'j\those who command

    (inI5f) ~ ) t i \wont to command

    [ * . . . , . r iyesterday. nearpast, (n) . _ ; . : : : j \recently

    * J rhope ( n ) J . ~ \


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    or (a conjunction)

    r r 1. " . _ 1 " ' ' ' ' ' ~ . " i f .' !" ~ . 'I~r, --'-

    ./' j"'f"..>w " l''r",'J.1(i'~. -!.1~Y\ : : . o ~ _ ,It is equal for them whetherthou warn them or warnthem not, they will notbelieve. [2: 6)(act. pic. m. plu. a33im) 1 / ~1 'IIfirst instance .s j : c I 1 ~iisthe mother of thetowns; the metropolis,particularly Makka ;because it is assertedto be the middle of theearth; or because itis the Qiblah of allmen, and thither theyrepair; or because it isgreatest of towns indignity. (Jid>LL)The conjunction ~

    is generally used inthe second of twoalternative preposi-tions, the first of whichis preceded by ( i ):both may by rendered

    "weather",' see ( t )

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    r r , VOCABULAIl'l or Ta& aOLY Q.UIlAHThus Ibrahim is describedas possessor of virtues inhis own self that is expec-ted from the people or acommunity.

    ,_ .unlettered (n) L i '9 \

    Note: Raghib has quoted aview of some un-known and irreliablecommentrators, that

    J1 .gives t i ' as a relativeadjuctivei.e. the inhabitant ofMakka. This view isbut a guess, not sup-ported by grammaticrules.The Holy Quran inanother verse 2: 7 8(forthcoming) hasgiven significance ofthis word.

    J 1 . J 'iplu. of ~ t) 5;~'unlettered ones

    " >(plu. of {j'~1) ace,un lettered ones

    ~l ~ ' } \ - : : : : - . f : - . o ! : : 1 ,_!,: -: ~ \j,.,.-..::,),I~ (""'t~And of them are un letteredones who know not theBook. [2:78]:,v

    before, in front of (n.)community, nation (1) (n.)

    i~~!6iJ-!;:l 'GlrMankind was one commu-nity. [2:213]

    a period (2)- A l ,F . .. .. .. .~r.~ 1.M :l;)"

    And he recollected himselfafter a period. [12:45]

    a (certain) way, (3)course, mode, rule of lifeor conduct, religion.~ f$S : t i f,;;; i i I

    Verily we have found ourfathers on a way (of con-duct or religion). [43:22]

    pattern (4)(an example, a model to befollowed, in respect oftrue religion and piety).-Razi; Ibn Kathir)

    Verily Ibrahim was a patterndevout unto Allah, up-right. [16: 120]

    Note : According to Rgh .' . . .. L : . 1 in this verse mea-ns community or group.


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    1 trusted (perf. /JI. p. ling.)

    Except as I trusted you withhis brother. (12:64)

    (imperf; 3 p.m. sing.)'"'"'feels ~ecure

    But none feels secure fromAllah's plan except thepeople who perish. (7:99)

    .>\>~ 'i;imperf. 3 p.m. plu.) . J " 'A they trust

    timperf'. 2 p.m. sing.) ~ \;thou trusts

    iimper]. 1st p, sing.) 1) ;1I sha II trust

    ~;t:i~Shall I trust yau. [12 :64]

    (perf 3 p.m. sing.) iv ~1< ,....,believed

    to believe ; have faith(perf 3 p.], sing.) iv ~,;;1-eel believed

    _,~_f(perf. l st p, Sing.) iv -= - II l.e lieved48

    .,J(n.p.) (""Igroups, communities nations. . _ .

    comp, of :;. + r ' ) ; : , ! lpart ic le , interrogative, 1 1 t ,T : " i !t r J : . . ..f ~ ~;",y:.,.. ...~G_,...1;r"

    Is he who is devout in thewatches of the night. [39:91

    (perf. 3 p.m. sing.) (h.v.) )became safe, considered one-self safe, trusted a personwith anything>. . . , . . " ,."~clj t\;' jl;lS;~ ~,to be safe, trust, considersomeone safe.

    r.........;;;,., 'i ~ T - : '~' ',~1~If one of you trust another.[2:28)18\:,";"'~'r;1 ;i!.jl - ' 1 ~ ; r ~ l; f~ _\;) r.5 .;- ( " . . l o - A 1$

    Are the people of the townthen secure from ourpunishment. [7:98]

    ~t~\r;.;m~And when you are in safetyremember All,'h. [2:239]

    (perf . 3 pm. pfu.)they are in safety

    \/1~(perf . 2 p.m , pZu.)

    you are in safety!""' ..:.{

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    .J r , VOCAIHJLAItY OF THE HOLY Q.UI\AN ~ r '~ 'Y ..... T(n.) r J . 1 = ! ' ace, ~

    (act. pic. m. piu.)those who are safe, inpeacev secure

    (act. 2 pie.] ~trustworthysecurity (n.) l-d

    ~. . " " " ' ! _ ; . J " ' . " I " .?. ,. ,,~ , ...'.,...;,...! I V . m. sing.] .~fbelievernom.

    [ap-der, lv, m. plu.}believers

    ~ l : . . '" -';> l!...~[plu.} .:J'. ~ sing.A...;...1_oJ _yo[ap-der."> iv, f)believer, believers

    place ofsafetysecured

    [n, for place) t;tot'(pact. ric.),;y.l

    not to be felt secured ~;:t;jj.* .J i

    . . ..-a bondwoman (nJL..- \

    (. l "!;ierf, J p.m. p . s.) .r-they believed

    ~1perf. 2 p m- plu.) ,you believed'''',-1perf Ist p. ptu.) .._.

    we believed(imperf. 3 p.m. sing.)

    ,_ believes{lmperf, 2 p.m. sing.]

    thou believe....J .1[imper]. 3 p.m. plu.) ,J:~ : : '

    they believe

    [imper], 2 p.m. plu.}you believe

    [imperf. Ist, p. plu.]we believe

    J ,J. . .v:~;" V(emp. 3 p.m. sing.} VI~ Y o

    .-.certainly believes orshall surely believe

    (emp. 2 p.m. sing)thou shall have to believe

    {emp, Ist. p. plu.)we shall certainly bebelieving

    . ~ . : . . ~ . , , \security. peace (nJ " .r 1~~- .~\(l) L~(m.) ~peaceful (AN. pic, s ing.]


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    ~ . VOC ....OUI......RY 0' 'tf[~ HOLY Qua";,,~. I f ~ : t (n pace 0 .. . 'be is or 2)

    he was to' as :l : : . : i r : "ti.1;t6;: I..j_,~,.:). . .

    He had well~igh le d usastray from our gods.(25:.42]

    A negative particle. And (3)in this case it should befollowed by ~i .as:

    ..t";:~iIJ;9Ji~ ~~This is naught but a wordof a m an. [74:.25]that, indeed, (particle) 5 1certainly (this particlecomes to introduce a .statement)

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    VOCADULAIlY OF THE HOLY Q.URAJ'iI ~ ,! f Cmen (n.p.) .J

    men (n. plu. of ~ l) ~ ~ ,(perf. 3 p.m. ling.) i, ~T<

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    Given to drink of a springfiercely boiling. [88:5} ~vessels (2) (n.) ~ - . " '

    '" I.., ).-1.' ..~f~0~ ...~~~.~\ J- _JAnd brought round amongthem will be vessels ofsilver. [76: I 5 1e n + 0 : pronoun)its time (of cooking)

    wherefrom Unterjec.)~4~rWhere thou got it from?

    [3: 3 7]

    * J A ipeople (1) {n.} ~Ji'

    tJ~jG.\~~'~~'L;f;And if the people of theBook believe, surely itwould have been better forthem. [3:110]

    worthy, lord, owner, (2)being entitled

    i'~I"';I' /!.~\\.:J~,." .., )UJ-I".; rHe is the Lord of piety andthe Lord o r forgiveness.

    [74:561family members (3)(such as son, brother.wives and kins.)


    A nose for a nose. [ 5 :451just now (n.) ~ TCi~I~(:

    What is that he bath saidjust now'! [47: 16]

    * ( .;creatures (n.) ~~

    [imperf, 3 p.m. sing.) (h.v.) ~t:< .......om es "(J" ) T ,C l ~ ~ J'to I:e time for SS

    ,;/)t-:"ll. t 'l!~J,,'-:.J-'Is not the time yet come tothose who believe?

    [57: 16]times; hours; (n.p.) ~~T~~l TG.:i act. pic.m.) 1,,)1. - ,.

    boiling (1)! " o ~ _boiling WI < (act pic. f) ~~ \

    ) _ ..., ....\;.;: ... ~'1'"~~I.:t-:'-' ~.I;)_,.I~Going round between it andboiling water, fierce.


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    And Allah; with Him is thebest g oal (or resort). [3: .14]one who is oft-returning (ints.)~I)lthose who are (in/s. plu.) ; ; ; : . ! ) 1oft-returning

    * i{imperf. 3 p.m. sing.]< -tiresiv (~ ) T ~ ~ si ~)ito make tired.

    \"'Ji!! (}~~y. . ,..~a'J_;: ' . .JAnd guarding of the twaintire Him not. [2:255]

    * J Jinterpretation (1) [v.n.>N) ~~tr

    !.I-;;.;~h. 1 ' . i;"I-::'V':'""zl.> ~~.J "-t'.J'" ~This is the interpretation ofmy dream of old. (12: I DOlresult, final sequel, end (2)

    \'i' 'I::} ...,..::6.:" -:'u',"",,!\;~!.I~.>

    This is best and more suit-able to (achieve) the end,


    n~' V~'~"v;- '1.2. ~}.;:"'..i"M y Lord ; surely my son isof my family. [11 :45]responsible persons, (4)elders of a family.

    So m arry them with thepermission of their masters(elders of their family).

    (4:25) ~ice .families, (plu. of ~, )family members

    * y J[perate'; u . f sing)

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    [ * J< long-suffer- (in/so slng.} ~I~ing one (one who mournsor sorrows much.)(0)( - : : 1 T . . ; jr.jl -:. : T )

    to call out oh : feel pain,lament* ! . . S J

    (perf 3 p.m. sing.]ro-J sought refuge

    (perf. 3 p.m. plu.] Ujlthey sought refuge(perf Ist. p. plu.)' C _ J i

    we sought refuge (perf. 3 p.m. sing.) iv

    gave shelter,< '"betook, lodge;1 . 1 y ' ! . s ! y . ~J\to give shelter

    (perf. 3 p.m. plu.] iv IjJTthey ga ve shelter , _ .(' r f 3 I i . !";.J'.,mper] . p.m. p u. IV I..;>thou give shelter , .,shelter, [n . of place) ISJlllhome, abode

    j* * * *( . 'r lye, yea I particle) """_S4


    ~[,1 . . . . , . . . . ." een f. of Jjland J J 1 --{)\,.:e) ~~

    fulfilment, consequence (3)I ! , . r:::d........~,' r::'~I-:')t!.....: : ."'!'~I.IU~~\i~\;;JI...: ,)-- '~v-Do they wait for aught butits final sequel? on theday when its f in al sequelcomes. [7:53]

    first (card. num.) )~JJ iFor Allah is what

    is coming after andwhat is the First(lid. nn. 27,427) [57:31

    ;first {card. num.f.) J . , , '(this word is opposite to~ _;;)i: " : J I j,Hereafter)Y'\"i(zr , ~il~(JJ.)I .J DJ"':.)I ... ,

    Allah's is the First and Last.(i.e. life and afterlife.)[53:25]

    ~ _ 9 I'.J J is e e ~.p'~ ~ j l l ~ji

    woe! j)i

    Woe unto thee woe. [75:34](,vote .... the difference bet-

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    VOCADULARY OJ' THE HOLV Q.Ull"" ) . . s ,tators, such as Razi,and Ibn Kathir, thetwo tribes, thoughclosely allied, weredistinct.people, followers (n)

    C aut Io n: According toRaghib the word is deri-ved from ~ i. e. is turned to ..:..~as its derninutive form

    ?y.in J . ' o \ . The differencbetween and~I~t, h fvI IShat t e or-mer is possessed only'to man, while the latteris possessed to man,time and idea etc. ase. g. it may be said~Ll'J i ' but not

    -; . '-- J _ U I J \ .The word originallysignifies people and

    nation. But in case ofProphet Mohammad(P, B. H.), in s omeaccounts, it is termedfor h is kith and kin .According to anotherview it is to be genera-lised for the followers,'Ummah',

    ~1'1:\'1""'" j(fU"'"OjJt.,JYea! By my Lord this isthe truth. [10:53]

    * ' ..J ) I . S see [plu. of ~) : S . ! I _ i. . .(perf 3 p.m. sing.) if " "" ... ~~And the heaven, We havebuilt with might, [51:471

    ~ .!jx ' i ,

    wood, thicket, another name 1 _ ' - ~ 1 \of Midian (n) -

    Note : 1 S J f signifies thethicket or collection oftangled trees. Noel-deke identifies thesepeople with theMidianites. Accord-ing to Muslim cornmen-


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    VOCABULARY OF THE HOLY QUllAl'I' r IS t(particle)when (question abou t time)

    whichsoever (particle)alone (adv.)This particle is alwayssuffixed to a pronoun e.g.:tl j!Jl:l etc.- . . . . . . . . . .

    Thee alone do we worship,and of Thee alone do weseek help. [1:5]

    sign, verse {n} \t~isigns, verses [n.p.] :;\;1

    ; : ' l f l

    c .~.~1 -single women .J-t~\(t.e, unm arried.divorcedor widow) ~~iing. r .