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Transcript of 01-13-1949

Hope College Anchor LXI — 8 Official Publication of the Students of Hope College at Holland, Michigan January 1 3 , 1 9 4 9

Iowa Preacher Will Lead Religious Emphasis Week

Dr. Will W. Orr of Des Moines, Iowa, will be the guest speaker fo r the annual Religious Emphas is Week services this year. The week will be observed f rom Februa ry 7 to 11.

Dr. Orr is pastor of the West-m i n s t e r United Presbyter ian Church of Des Moines. During his pas tora te there, the church has de-veloped into one of the largest and most aggressive organizat ions in tha t pa r t of the country.

He is as well known as a youth worker as he is as a public speaker . During pas t years, he, with his wife, have annually organized a summer youth camp on the campus of Central College, Pella, Iowa. Dr. Orr has also served as Vice-Presi-dent, of the Bible Ins t i tu te of Los Angeles. He has become well ac-quainted with the R e f o r m e d Church, due to his membership on a committee studying a possible union between the Reformed and United Presbyter ian churches into a single denomination.

Neither is Hope College a com-plete s t r ange r to Dr. Orr . He also served as our Prayer Week speak-er in 1946. The following is a quo-tation f rom an Anchor issue of tha t year : "Dr . Orr possesses tha t r a re combination of good humor and zest for life and conscientious Christian thought that make him an intensely interest ing person and challenging speaker. He is a t once fun-loving and genuine, possessing a fine personali ty tha t has endeared him to so many young people's groups."

During the week, worship ses-sions will be held each morning a t 9 D r . Orr will address each of these meetings, with the devotions and special music in charge of members of the student body. Each af ternoon a t 5:00 o'clock, an im-portant p rayer sen-ice, led by vari-ous facul ty members, will be held. Less formal discussion and ques-t ion-and-answer meetings are also scheduled for Tuesday and Thurs-day evenings. Personal confer-ences with Dr. Orr by individual s tudents will also be a r r anged for .

Moerdyk Joins Faculty; Served Missionary Term

A new ins t ruc tor on Hope's cam-pus next semester will be Dr. Wil-liam J . Moerdyk. Dr. Moerdyk who has re turned f r o m Iraq a f t e r a twenty-five year te rm as a medical missionary, will teach Physiologic Hygiene. He is scheduled fo r two lectures and three labs.

Dr. Moerdyk was g radua ted f rom Hope College in 1913. He t augh t languages and mathemat ics at Hope and then at tended the medical school a t the Univers i ty of Michigan.

While in Iraq he was in charge of a hospital a t Amarah . His daily routine consisted of clinical duties in the morning and calls in the af ternoon. He also per formed necessary minor operations. An-other important project which he undertook was the care of a leper camp for seven years .

Dr. Luther Gable To Demostrate Atomic Methods

The assembly program scheduled

for F e b r u a r y 1 will f e a t u r e Dr.

Luther Gable, noted lecturer . Dr.

Gable will speak on "Atomic En-

ergy — Radar and Television in

Peace." The program will be a lecture - demonstration wi th black light. Dr . Gable will speak in par-t icular about new fuel, new indus-tr ies and new methods in this Atomic Age.

A uranium-radium physicist . Dr. Gable formerly served with the United Sta tes Army Signal Corps. He was an instructor a t t he Amer-ican Television Laboratories .

Dr. Gable holds membership in the Society of American Military Engineers, American Society for Advancement of Science and other prominent organizat ions.

Reeverts Named Committee Leader

Dean Emma Reeverts has been appointed by Mrs. Kate Mueller, chairman of the program commit-tee of the National Committe of the National Association of Deans of Women, to plan and direct a sectional meeting for new deans of women in our colleges. The pur-pose of the meeting is to give new deans an opportuni ty to learn f rom those who are experienced in the field. Mrs. Mueller plans two sec-tional meetings of a s imilar na ture , one for the small colleges and one for the universi t ies and large s ta te colleges.

Miss Miriam Shelden, dean of women a t the Univers i ty of Illi-nois, has been invited to sponsor the meeting for the new deans in the universi ty and s ta te college group.

Mrs. Mueller spent a few days on Hope's campus, s tudying our counseling service. She visited our campus through an invitat ion f rom Dr. Lubbers. She represented the American Council of Educat ion as a Counseling Exper t . Mrs. Muel-ler is the Counselor for women at Indiana Universi ty a t Blooming-ton, Indiana.

Miss Reeverts is now in corres-pondence with new deans of women all over the country, asking for their suggestions for making this meeting most helpful to them. The National Convention of the Na-tional Association of Deans of Women will meet a t the Stevens Hotel in Chicago f rom April 17 to 21.

RoHschaefer To Speak A t Kappa Delta Meeting

Dr. Margare t Rot t schaefer f rom India will be the speaker a t the J anua ry 17th meeting of Kappa Delta. A let ter has been received from the W i n n e b a g o Mission thanking us for the g i f t s sent to the children at Chr is tmas t ime.

Curriculum Schedule Shows New Departmental Expansion

The schedules dis tr ibuted for t he second semester of the yea r 1948-1949 show the addition of courses not listed in the catalogue.

Professor Haverkamp of the Psychology department offers Sta-tistical Method in Psychology and Tests and Measurements. The for-mer course is a two-semester course in the use of and interpre-tation of elementary statistical techniques in psychological re-search. It will be given throughout the year 1950-1951, two credit hours per semester. The latter sub-ject is an introduction to the inter-pretation and construction of tests. The student will be required to construct an achievement test in the subject matter field of his choice.

The Physics department offers a three-hour course entitled Analyti-cal Mechanics (Dynamicii) which c ;nues the work dealing with

dynamics previously studied in Physics 61. Mathematics 31 and 51 are also prerequisites. Mr. Frissel will be the professor.

A new three-hour course, com-posed of two lectures and one lab-oratory, especially recommended for pre-forestry entitled Plant Ec-ology is being taught by Professor Unger of the Biology Department. Emphasis will be placed on plant life typical to this area and to the United States. Botany 21 and 22 are prerequisites.

World Problems and Internation-al Relations will be taught by Dr. Hawkinson. Three hours credit will be given for the course in both the History and Political Science de-partments. A development of in-ternational law, machinery, and systems will be studied with em-phasis on the operation of agencies for international understanding on problems of today's world.

Architect's Detailed Plans Approved For Construction

This is an elevation drawing of the recently approved tromen't dormitory. The view shown is that from Tenth street where the building will be situated between the science building and the president's home. Construction bids will be returned within a week, and shortly after, ground-breaking ceremonies will l>e held.

Tickets Available For P&M Play

There a re still t ickets available for the th ree remaining perform-ances of "The La te Chris topher Bean" being presented in the Little Theater , four th floor Science Build-ing tonight , Sa tu rday af te rnoon, and Monday evening by Pale t te and Masque. All P & M members have t ickets.

Marion Hanna, Roger Gunn, Mary Voskuil, Betty Dowd, Sandra Lanning, Dave Kars ten , Marvin Mepyans, Ken Smouse, and Dick Leonard are tak ing p a r t in the three-act comedy, directed by Douglas Cameron, which is guar -anteed to tickle your f u n n y bone.

Students May Confer With Deans, Faculty

Dean Hollenbach said today t h a t s tudents who have any problems ei ther academic or personal a r e urged to see the i r counselors or Deans or any member of the fac-ulty with which they wish to con-fe r before the new semester.

Miss Geegh To Explain Political State of India

IRC will hold its next meeting on J a n u a r y 19. Miss Mary Geegh, missionary to India, now home on fur lough , will be the speaker of the evening. Miss Geegh will speak on the "Political Si tuat ion of In-dia ."

Glubs Wil l Feature Panel Discussion

A panel discussion about " Joan of A r c " will be fea tu red a t the next meeting of the English Ma-jo rs Club on Thursday, J a n u a r y 20. This is to be a joint meeting of the English Majors and the French Club, and will be held in the chapel basement a t 7:30.

Bernard Rowan is in cha rge of the meeting, and those on the panel a re Peggy Prins , Glenn Van Haits-ma, and Carolyn Ingham. Other members present will be given the oppor tuni ty to enter into the dis-cussion and also to ask any ques-tion concerning the topic.

College Band Will Feature Works of Contemporaries

The Hope College concert band will make its first appearance of the new year at the J a n u a r y 18th assembly with a p rogram com-posed largely of works of Ameri-can contemporary composers. A portion of the p rogram will be de-voted to the per formance of sev-eral of the bet ter known concert

marches. Featured on the program will be a brass quar te t composed of Victor Kleinheksel, C a l v i n Swart , Lee Brower, and Rodger Kramer , and a trio composed of Myron Van Ark, Robert Wojahn, and Richard Stewart . The band is under the direction of Morre t te Rider of the music facul ty.


First Semester 1948-1949

( J a n u a r y 24 to J a n u a r y 29)

Monday — 9:01) — 2 M,W, F Regular Classrooms 1 :00—Bib le 11 Chapel Auditorium

4 Thur s Regular Classrooms 3:30 — 6 M,W,F Regular Classrooms

Tuesday — 9 :00— 1 T,T, and 1 T,T,S Regular Classrooms 1:00 — 2 T,T, and 2 T,T,S Regular Classrooms 3:30 — Psychology 31 Chapel Auditorium

Wednesday — 9:00 — French, German, and Spanish

(Elementary and Intermediate) Classrooms to be designated

Intermediate Greek Classrooms to be designated 1:00 — 3 M,W,F Regular Classrooms 3:30 — 5 T,T Regular Classrooms

Thursday — 9:00 — 4 M,W,F Regular Classrooms 1:00 — English 11 Classrooms to be designated 3:30 — 5 M,W,F Regular Classrooms

Friday — 9:00 — 3 T,T, and 3 T,T,S Regular Classrooms 1:00 — 1 M,W,F Regular Classrooms 3:30 — Bible 31 Chapel Auditorium

7 T,T Regular Classrooms

Saturday —

9:00 — 6 T,T Regular Classrooms Examinations in certain specific courses will be given as express-

ly indicated. Otherwise, the examinations will be held according to the period schedule.

All examinations will be given on the date scheduled and at no other time. Students are not permitted to arrange special examina-tion times with instructors. Any irregularity must be brought to the Dean of the College.

Paalman To Give Recital Monday

A tentat ive p rogram has been released by Miss Hazel Paalman of her recital which will be given next Monday evening, J a n u a r y 17. Her selections are divided into four g roups ; a group by Handel, a Ger-man group, a group in French, and an English group. The selections are as follows: "O Sleep, Why Dost Thou Leave Me," Handel; "Somm* Dei," H a n d e l ; "Every Pleasure ," Handel; " T r a u m Durch die Dammerung ," S t rauss ; "In Czitterenden Mondlicht," Haile; "Ein Ton," Cornelius; "Zueignung," S t r auss : "Quelle Souflfrance," Le-normand; "Chanson Revee," Pesse; "L 'Heure Exquise," Hahn ; "La-mento P r o v e n c a l e , " Paladi lhe; "We Two Together ," Kernochan; "Think On Me," Scott ; " I 'm Wear-in' Awa ' , " Foote; "Song of the Open," La Forge. Miss Paalman will be accompanied by Miss Jan-tina Holleman.

Photo Club Members Plan Annual Contest

The Photo Club held their last meet ing of the semester on Mon-day evening, J a n u a r y 10. Af te r critical inspection of recently de-veloped prints, the members fo-cused their thoughts upon the next semester ' s activities. Foremost of f u t u r e plans discussed was the photo contest to be sponsored by the club next semester . All photo fans , take note.

President, Dean of Men Travel to Conference

Dr. Lubbers and Dean Hinga l e f t recently to a t tend the annual meeting of the Association of American Colleges being held this week in New York City. Although the Association has annual ly held meetings for college presidents, this year a meet ing fo r deans of men is also being held. The Asso-ciation is the la rges t organizat ion of its type having over one thou-sand inst i tut ions as members.

New Dormitory Will Contain All Latest Facilities

I" inal plans fo r Hope's new dor-mitory have been completed. Dr. Lubbers recently announced. The dormitory will house 100 women and contain all the latest facili t ies of modern dormitory design. The archi tect is Ralph R. Calder f rom Detroit .

The archi tecture of the residence hall will be of modern or contem-porary design. The pa r t i cu la r style of a rchi tec ture will be Dutch sim-ilar to the type of buildings which a re now being constructed in Am-sterdam and Rotterdam.

The building walls will be a mod-ern composition of ledge stone, limestone and red and orange brick. Flower boxes of ledge stone will f r a m e the ent rance s teps leading to the covered f ron t ent rance. At the lef t of this en t rance will be the large windows of the living room and reception room, above which will be the windows of the two floors of bedrooms. To the r ight rise the ladder-like windows of the main s ta i rcase.

Upon entering, one will find him-self in a large hospitable lounge which merges without an obstruct-ing archway into the cheerful liv-ing room. This l iving room has two walls almost entirely of glass, the wall to the lef t fac ing the street , and the opposite wall which faces south contains French doors leading out onto an open te r race with a southeaster ly exposure. There will be no windows on the wall fac ing the Science building. This wall is to contain the fire-place.

The main foyer also leads to the dining room which will seat 175. This room is lighted by an almost continuous wall of glass and doors leading into the same terrace . Fo r receptions in the spr ing, summer and fal l , the doors f rom the living room and dining room can be thrown open, allowing the te r race to become a th i rd living and so-cial a rea .

There is a serving room where cafe te r ia sen-ice can be maintained a t b reakfas t or Sunday evening suppers if so desired.

A modern kitchen and dish-washing room will be ad jacen t and on the west side of the building. At the southwest corner is the

Continued on Page 4.

Coffee To Be Served During Torture Week

Coffee and other refreshments will be served again this year at Gilmore Cottage and at the Lub-bers home during Exam Week. Miss Reeverts will be hostess at G i l m o r e Cottage on Monday through Wednesday from 2:30 to 4 o'clock. Mrs. Lubbers will be hostess from Thursday and Friday afternoons from 2:30 to 4 o'clock. "Come before your 3 o'clock for fortification and after your 1 o'clock for relaxation." (Reeverts.)

Committee Announces Rules, Judges of School Pep Song

The opportunity for h a v i n g really popular pep songs at Hope's games and pep rallies has come. Recently it has been decided to have a contest among all college students for songs of any type as long as they are original and writ-ten for Hope. The contest is su-pervised by Herb Ritsema, chair-man, and Professor Robert Cava-naugh. It has been decided that all entries will be printed in a booklet form to be distributed and used as soon as possible. The first prize song will be adopted as the school song. The following rules have been adopted:

1—The contest is open to any stu-dent or students who are en-rolled at present at Hope Col-lege.

2—The song may be of any type, as long as it is original and written for Hope.

3—Participants may enter as many compositions as desired.

4—Entries must be enclosed and submitted under an assumed name.

5—All entries must be turned in to the College Music Office in Walsh Music Hall by February.

After the judges, Mrs. Harold

Karsten and Mr. Morette Rider of

the music department. Dr. John

Hollenbach of the English depart-

ment, and Nick Yonker represent-

ing the student body, have offi-cially chosen the winning song, the winner will be immediately an-nounced so that the songs be sung during the basketball season. This is a wonderful opportunity for everyone to create for our col-lege some songs which will really pep up our games.


Hope Col lege flnohor EDITORIAL STAFF

Herman J . Ridder - Editor-in-Chief

Donna B. Sluyter | Associate Editors Walter B. StuddifordJ Richard L. Hoebeke Business Manager John H. Hoekstra - Asst. Business Manager Donn Kieft Advertising Manager Dorothy M. Davis News Editor Ruth C. De Graaf Feature Editor Mary E. VanLoo Society Editor Owen J . Koeppe Sports Editoi Hazel M. Vander Woude Exchange Editoi Pierce E. Maassen Circulation Managei Ted E. Flaherty Photographer

Alida Hibma, Betty De Ryke 1 Betty Herr , Margaret SchoonveldJ



Irene Heemstra, Dave Karsten, Ginie Hesse, Dot Contant, Bea Lockwood, Donald Postma, Marcia Jacobs. Joan Wilson, Bill DeMeester, Nancy Vvyer-berg, Wayne Blakeslee, Joyce Thatcher, Gwen Kooi-ker, Al Sauder, Elton Bruins, Helen Dykstra, George Zuidema, Norwood Reck, Esther Schmidt, Jack Tay-lor, Bill Dykstra, Joan Ten Hove, Evelyn Van Dam, Marillyn Van Weelden, John M. Smith.

ADVERTISING STAFF Bob Van Dyke, Gerald Boerman, George Zuidema,

Edward Kerle and Bill Link.

COLLECTION STAFF Jack Brinkerhoff, Jim Hoffman, Melvyn Rowan

and Lamont Dirkse.

Entered as second class matter at the post office of Holland, Michigan, at special rate of postagt provided for in section 11U3 of Act of Congress October 3, 1917, and authorized October 19, 1918

Subscription Kate: $2.00 per year.

Published every two weeks during the school yeai by the students of Hope College, excepting whei.

vacation periods interfere.


E d i t o r i a l s

Fair Play A Christian college — what does it mean?

Does this title stand only for a school which is supported by some Christian chuich. Does it mean that it is a college where Bible is taught and students attend chapel? Or does it mean much more — that the students themselves daily strive to uphold the piinci-ples of Christianity and guide their lives by them. We all know that Hope College lias long stood for the last definition and it should be our highest aim to remain true to that

ideal. How should this aim affect our daily lives?

Perhaps we could sum it all up in two words — "fair play." At a basketball game we bit-terly denounce a player who is a poor sport and are proud of our own teams when they play hard and clean. But now let us carry that poor sportsmanship to the classroom where a student writes an entire examina-tion with his notebook open or a little 3 x 5 card in his pocket. That student we merely call "clever" and smile because he is "put-ting one over on the teacher."

However, when we look more closely tit the student in question, we discover that he is not hurting his professor. He is hurting himself and he is hurting us! By raising his mark through cheating he may be lowering the grades of all those who are doing their work honestly and fairly.

After ten or twenty years, who will re-member whether he received a C or a D? What will be important is that this student began to develop the habit of cheating, and once developed, such a habit is hard to over-come.

With final exams just around the corner, we will be even more strongly faced with the temptation to copy "just a little." But re-member— if we wish to become honest and respectable men and women in the future, we must continually practice "fair play" now.


current study of several subjects stimulates mental activity. The vocational emphasis is fatal t6 a liberal education. Character train-ing is a fundamental part of true education, and education in any field must have for its central aim the development of the whole personality. Education must be flexible and cannot be bound by any fixed system or set of rules. The teacher should so frame his questions as to teach the pupil to think. Hard work is an essential part of education, and mental laziness in the child should not be per-mitted. There is no fear that the boys will .ind their work too much of a strain. The itudy of language has an important place in education. Thorough training is necessary to uhe best success. And finally, the supremely essential factor in education, above all rules xnd systems, is the ability, character, and .emper of the teachers, for they are as par-quets mentium (the parents of the mind).

"The vocational emphasis is fatal to a liberal education." Reading that, one would think the writer saw our conditions today. Colleges in America are filled with people who want money and lots of it. It's stifling to free and honest inquiry and killing to the soul. If you can't get any more than a living jut of an education, you've been robbed.

Again, we wonder how much of education n America today is concerned with the whole

personality. Not more than a segment! An 3ducation that "sees red" when religion is mentioned isn't concerned with the whole personality. An education that makes superhuman effort to put "God in his place isn't concerned. Any system that denies the religious nature of man is not only ungodly but also unscientific. As was said at the in-auguration of Eisenhower at Columbia by a prominent educator. "Ike doesn't know a thing about education. But then who does?" Education today is like somebody with no place to go and no way to get there. Let's put God back at the helm and steer for the

redemption of man! "Hard work is an essential part of educa-

tion Would that we could get that before the eyes of some of our left wing progressive 2ducators! Says Paul Mallon in his book. The Ease Era, "Tests are made out by the teachers nowadays which can hardly do oth-3rwise than develop a nation of graduated half-wits." Or. again. "A Philadelphia psy-chiatrist who studied 19.000 juvenile court cases there, found just one general causo— Mack of sense of responsibility for behavior. He sees only one cure — discipline." Any-thing worthwhile in life demands hard work and in education there is no exception.

Finally, teachers are described as the par-ents of the mind. Something we've been wanting to get at for a long time. Teachers are influential and the only teachers eligible to rule any mind are Christian ones. We're not speaking of Christians by confession but by profession. We're not pleading for neu-trality in the class room (there is no such thing) but we want a positive Christian tes-timony. The educational system needs teach-ers vitally concerned over the Christian gos-pel. As T. S. Eliot says in the Four Quar-

tettes: "The only hope or else despair Lies in the choice of pyre or pyre — To be redeemed from fire by fire.

We only live, only suspire Consumed by either fire or fire."

"Faith, where it is genuine Christian faith, is a passion." says Dr. McCartney in Theol-ogy Today. "It is no cold conventional ac-ceptance of inherited beliefs — it is a pas-sionate commitment of life — to Jesus Christ — to give one's self in joyous abandon to Him as one's Saviour from sin and the Lord of one's life. What a deathless passion of devotion it can kindle!" Back to that convic-tion, teachers, or shriveled souls shall be your harvest!

R A M b l l V

K^Reck Once again we enter a new year

at Hope, a f te r spending a vacation of two weeks which already seems as if it never took place. I sup-pose we are all too guilty of leav-ing the "books" alone and enjoying ourselves to the utmost. Now for a pleasant thought we face exams but as Mason said to Dixon—"This is where I'll draw the line!"

o I met Dr. Zslros a few days ago

and during our course of conversa-;ion he commented on one of his first observations upon coming to this country. — "When I first came to New York I couldn't understand why so many American people were talking to themselves."

"Oh is that so, gee! I never no-ticed that before," I said.

"Well. I really thought that was 30 until I suddenly found out — they were only chewing gum!"

Speech Department Posts Extensive Activities' List

Partington. Van Saun Speak At Y Meetings

Professor S. A. Part ington of the Department of Education ad-dressed a meeting of the YMCA on Tuesday evening, J anua ry 12, in the Chapel basement.

Dr. Walter Van Saun. Philoso-phy Department head, spoke on "The Open Door of 1949" at a simi-ilar meeting on Janua ry 5.

Final plans are being formu-lated for the observance of Prayer Week, an annual Spring event.

asked to speak one evening at a dinner party. Time was fleeting by and he was wondering when he should start. " I t ' s funny," he said, "but every t ime I'd go to get up —I'd hit my head." It wasn't till one hour later when he realized he was under the table. So all he

The S p e e c h department has

scheduled a Women's Speech Ora-

torical contest fo r the lat ter pa r t

of February and announces tha t

any girl interested in participating

is asked to contact the Speech de-

partment immediately as to re-

quirements and regulations in-

volved. This is to be an original

oration of approximately 1,400

words concentrating on the subject

of peace. The winner of this con-

tent will represent our college at

tha Michigan State Peace contest.

On the 14th and 15th of Febru-

ary there will be a collective pro-

gram of oratory, debate, and dis-

cussion to be held a t the Illinois

State University, Bloomington, Il-

linois. Entrants from the college

are Harvey Moes. Harold Grissen, Dennis Shoemaker, and F l o y d Goulooze.

The speech 11 classes are also could make his speech to were i n e s p e e ( . n 1A c i a s s c a a i e ttlo. Larry Masse has only one thing ( th ree cockroaches and a midget s p 0 n s 0 r i n g a contest with each sec

to say about his recent tr ip to w h o came in out of the rain. t i o n s e i e c t i n g f r o m a round of five-

minute speeches, a representative to compete in a fur ther elimina-

New York City: "Give a taxi driver an inch and he'll take a fender."

Coach Hinga tells me that on a recent occasion Dr. Osterhaven asked him to lend him ten dollars.

"How much have you g o t ? " "I got between ninety-eight and

one-hundred dollars." "You got what? Why, that is —

you mean you have between nine-ty-eight and a hundred dollars and you want a ten spot from m e ? "

"Yes. between those figures is what I have — two dollars!"

Hud Ridder tells me that he was

Lady (to street-car conductor): "At which end shall 1 get o f f?"

Conductor: "Either end, madam —both ends stop!"

Country Kid: "Beat it, the bulls ara comin'!"

City Kid: "Aw, stan yer ground. Ye ain'e done nothin.' "

Achievements, like trousers, get threadbare if you rest on 'em.

N. K. Reck.

tion contest. This reduces the number to six finalists v.ho will compete in a final public perform-ance'contest scheduled for Monday, January 17 at 4:00 in Van Raalte


The annual Raven contest for men was held Wednesday, Decem-ber 15. Selected as Hope's repre-sentative to the Michigan Intercol-legiate Speech League was William Dykstra who spoke on the subject, "The New Look." Runner-up in the co.itest was Howard Koop.

Or Shriveled Souls Out of the dim past, come some of the most

applicable thoughts on education we've seen in a long time. They were composed in the first century A.D., but are as relevant today as they were then. The author is Quintilian and the thoughts appear in his book. Educa-tion of the Orator, a translation of which is in our library.

"The early education of the child is of su-preme importance. Mental work should be first presented to the child as play. The best literature should be used in education, even if the child does not appreciate it at first. Short cuts in education are undesirable. Con-


Campus Conduct The social life of a college student ex-

tends through all his activities. And the manner in which he learns to behave in his social milieu is an integral part of his edu-cation. If his education is adequate in this respect, he learns to cultivate high stand-ards of honorable conduct in all the major areas of human relationships and in every aspect of day by day living. If he learns to make habitual the choices which will issue in honorable conduct in specific situations in dormitories, classrooms, dining halls, li-braries, and laboratories, it is most likely that he will also behave honorably in other real-life situations. If he acquires the moral skill of employing modes of conduct made smooth by the continual practice of kind

impulses, he will succeed in eliminating much shrillness and violence from his life.

Courtesy and manners have more meaning than the superficial aspect of ceremonial procedure would indicate. Codes of manners and conduct are founded upon the dignity and order inherent in human nature. Cour-tesy, if it is to be of more than trifling use, goes far beyond the mere mechanical rules of procedure or the equally automatic pre-cepts of conventional behavior. But the de-tailed rules are an important lubricant for the friction of human relationships. There would be fewer divorces and fewer dead hus-bands if ugly words and hasty, ugly deeds had not prefaced the final blow. Good man-ners and courtesy are an asset to any man or woman and an important aspect of a cul-tured society, for they are deeply concerned with every phase of ethical impulse or judg-ment and with every choice or expression of the individual.

Unless an individual is a hermit and comes in contact with no other human being, social conduct is inevitable. The phases of social relationships upon our own campus are many and varied, and the foregoing statements have direct applicability to the social life of Hope. As members of a Christian school we have a surer basis for courteous conduct than utilitarian principles afford; for we have the responsibility of treating others as we would like them to treat us. We may dis-regard this obligation, getting all we can, giving as little as possible, and treating our fellowmen with disrespect; or we may more wisely be loyal to ourselves, our friends, and our principles an try to make our small contribution for improving ourselves, our campus, and our world.


A New Code? "An eye for an eye and a tooth for a


In the sense that all justice must mete out punishment in proportion to the inten-sity of the crime, all laws still rests in part upon the tooth and nail psychology of Ham-marabi and the ancients.

Have we, however, in the recent war crime trials, reverted more than "just in part" to the same savage promptings of that early code — are we behaving in the ruthless man-ner in which our recent enemies treated cap-tives and minority groups?

The conviction of Hideki Tojo, Japanese war leader, and 24 co-defendents revives once more these ethical questions voiced as re-cently as the German war trials by those who most deplored the horrors of that war.

"Is it justice to punish men who were not actually responsible for atrocities committed by their subordinates?" they ask. "Is it jus-

tice to convict a man for the crime of loyalty to his country?"

Carrying this to extremes we can as easily ask, "What is jus.ice?" and once more reach the metaphysical dilemma and stalemate of the philosophers. But Justice cannot wait for universals. Pragmatically we are justi-fied in condemning these men.

In pagan times man savagely and brutally wrested his desires from other men, rarely sparing the enemy. Later c i v i l i z a t i o n s adopted feelings of respect toward enemies who fought valiantly, and since the toll of battle was often small, and war one glorious game, they could afford to be magnanimous in their treatment of captive leaders.

Today, however, weapons are so destruc-tive and widespread in their effects, so hideous in results that chivalry through leniency in treatment is a luxury in which we cannot afford to indulge. For such so-called chivalry can only encourage ambitious rulers who see they have nothing to lose personally and the whole world to gain by aggression.

In the decisions of the tribunals we see the first tangible formulation of an interna-tional law of moral conduct. We are estab-lishing a code of justice all nations may abide by and respect, and all transgressors must suffer the penalties of these laws.

Once again the feeble plea may be reiter-ated, "I did not know!" Well, maybe not. But perhaps by an example others will.

In this fashion new laws are born. The Daily Californian (ACP)


WE NEED ONLY LOOK around us to perceive that the activity proper to real science is not the study of whatever happens to interest us, but the study of how man's life should be established — that study of religion, morality, and social life without the solution of which all our knowledge of nature will be harmful or insignificant . . . If but one-tenth of the efforts now spent on objects of pure curiosity or of merely practical appli-cation were expended on real science, organ-izing the life of man . . . people now sick would not have illness; there would be no poor-blooded and deformed children growing, up in factories, no high death rate, no de-terioration of whole generations, no murder-ing of hundreds of thousands in wars, nor those horrors of folly which our present sci-ence considers a necessary condition of mod-ern life . . . Real science lies in knowing what we should and should not believe; in knowing how the associated life of man should and should not be constituted; how to treat sex-ual relations, how to educate children, how to use the land, how to cultivate it oneself without oppressing other people, how to treat foreigners . . . and much more that is impor-tant to man's life.



Deputation Teams Conduct Services

Hope's Deputation teams, spon-sored by the YWCA and YMCA, a r e comprised of s tudents f r o m the campus. These t eams usually con-sist of a chairman, speaker, pian-ist, and special music. Deputat ions a r e sent to a reas a round Muske-gon, Grand Haven, Holland, Zee-land, and Grand Rapids.

Dur ing the month of Februa ry the Y teams will conduct a C.E. meeting and church service a t the Central Reformed Church, Muske-gon, Rev. J . M. Hagenboom, pas-tor . Also they will direct the Young Married Couples' meeting a t Fairview Reformed Church in Grand Rapids, Rev. Daniel H. Flys-t r a , pastor .

Anyone interested in joining a deputat ion team, please sec Evie Van Dam or Gerard De Loof.

Philosophy Club Seeks Revitalized Interest

The Philosophy Club held its first meeting of the new year on Monday evening, J a n u a r y 10. The thought and discussion of the eve-ning were centered around a paper read from the History of Philoso-phy class.

To help realize the importance of philosophy in our day, the read-er is referred to a le t ter to the edi-tor by Mr. Ed. Nelson in this An-chor. Mr. Nelson, president of the Philosophy Club, urges all philoso-phy inclined to watch for notices regarding fu tu r e monthly • meet-ings. This invitation includes young women.

Van Vleck View

Feel Exercise Need? Try Mountain Climb!

Ames, Iowa — (ACP) — There a re many ways to exercise, and one of the best is mountain climb-ing. At least this is the opinion of Dimitri Mitropoulos, noted pi-anist and conductor of the Minne-apolis Symphony Orchestra .

Mitropoulos, whose hobby is mountain scaling, says tha t it takes less energy to climb three good-sized mountains t ha t it does to conduct an orchest ra f o r a week. Ready for a shower and a rub-down at the conclusion of each performance or rehearsal , the con-ductor will tell you t ha t every muscle of the body is used in the mere physical process of directing an orchestra.

One of Mitropoulous' principal means of recreation in vacation season is climbing precipitous peaks. He has climbed mountains in Wyoming, Colorado and Cali-fornia and European countries. An avid reader of l i te ra ture and scien-tific information rela t ing to moun-tain climbing, he is also a member of both the Greek and the I tal ian Alpine Clubs.

Has Draft Answer; Wi l l Become King

For Worth, Texas — (ACP) — TCU voice major Jose Eduardo Chiovarou Seg. R. has the answer to the next war . He plans to go to the small island of Chios, in the Aegean Sea and claim an age-old title, "Varo de Chios."

His fa the r is in direct lineage of the Genoan-Catalonian family tha t ruled Chios for the King of Spain for almost 300 years. Should the king re turn to his throne, the title could also be restored. The island is now semi-independent under

Greece. At present, however, the possible

ruler prefers to be known as p l q j h i ^ Joe Chiovarou, and he is American, even to his birthplace — Winches-ter, Mass. But come another war, and Joe says his address will be

the Aegean.


I represent a par ty which does not yet exist — civilization. Tha t par ty will make the twentieth cen-tu ry . From it will emerge the United States of the wor ld—Vic-tor Hugo.

Thig i« an elevation drawing of the new women's dormitory a$ viewed from a vantage point in front of Van Vleck hall.


Milestone Staff Sets Several Deadline Dates

February 1 has been set as the deadline for several Milestone pro-jects. All seniors must have their pictures in by this date , together with their activities lists. All ad-vertisements are expected at this time also.

All group pictures have been taken, and the next project will be the facul ty and administrat ion pic-tures.

Any societies that desire to have pictures of their winter formal part ies in the yearbook, must sup-ply the Milestone with negatives.

If I Were A Freshman Again "I would budget my t ime to in-

clude both studies and extra-curri-cular activities.

"I would get more sleep — at least eight hours.

"I would worry less about how I was going to get things done and go ahead and do them. 1 would worry less about exams, but keep up with daily work.

"I would t ry to budget my al-lowance so tha t by the second day, I wouldn't be broke. I wouldn't spend all my money on new clothes and then write home for more. I wouldn't call home (reverse the charges) every time I got a de-ficiency.

"I wouldn't let anyone make me ashamed of working part- t ime, be-cause I know it will be a fu tu re asset.

"I would cut down on the 'cokes' and nabs, diet and eat meals regu-larly.

"I wouldn't be so critical of the fooa. I'd develop more interest ing table talk.

"I would make friends with my

profs and not hesitate to ask them questions. 1 wouldn't approach the faculty with flippancy and disre-


"I wouldn't cut classes more than 1 should. 1 would attend more of the social functions.

"I certainly wouldn't believe all the gossip on the campus concern-ing s tudents or faculty.

"I would be more considerate of roommates when I had 8:30's and they didn't. I wouldn't borrow clothes. I would fix up my room much cuter than 1 did. I'd have gay curtains and spreads and I'd have a place to pin souvenirs.

"I would read a book on bridge. I would write cheerful le t ters home instead of woebegone ones that were full of all my little heart-aches and troubles.

"I would balance the see-saw be-tween ' j o i n e r ' a n d 'stay-in-the-roomer."

"I would be sure to keep a good 'rep' and be my true self."

ACP — "The Bullet," Mary WiuhinKton ColleKe



w i t h




Mills-Peterman Ice Cream Company 206 College Ave.

Teachers To Train For Sunday School

Sta r t ing Jan. 24, a religious in-s t i tute will be held on Hope col-lege campus every Monday for ten weeks. The purpose of the insti-tute is to train teachers for Sun-day School education.

It is in collaboration with a pro-gram throughout the United States to qualify Sunday School teachers. Delegates will be sent f rom church-es in Holland and the surrounding terr i tory .

Dr. Richard Oudersluys will lead the first meeting on the life cf Christ . Attendants then will sspa-rate into three groups. Those in-terested in teaching children will meet with Rev. Harold De Roo as

leader. Dr. 'Henry Voogd will lead the devision of youth teachers, and Dr. Henry De Pree will b a d those interested in adult teaching.

In former years, institutes of this type have been held at Hope College but on a smaller basis.

WAS Funds Send CARE Packages

Eleven CARE packages have

been sent this semester by the pro-

ceeds of the World Adventure Se-

ries. Three have been sent to Ger-

many, three to "needy s tudents in

Europe," and five to Sarospa tak ,

Hungary . With the exception of the three to "needy s tudents in Europe," all have been sen t to spe-cific persons or families.

If you know of any persons or families in foreign lands who are really in need of food and clothing, please leave the name and address of such in the hands of one of the committee of the World Adventure Series, or leave a slip in the next Adventure Series collection and a package will be sent as soon as funds a re available.

The next Adventure Series show-ing will be on Saturday, J a n u a r y 15 at 8:00 p. m., in the Chapel basement.

Alibi-ography For Students What to say —

When you are given an objective tes t : "I t doesn't let you express yourself ."

When you are given an es3ay tes t : " I t ' s so vague. You don't know what 's expected."

When you are given many minor tests : "Why not have a few big ones? This keeps you on edge all the t ime."

When you are given a few major tests : "Too much depends on eich one."

When you are given no tes t s : It 's not fair . How can he possibly judge what we know?"

When every part of the sub.ect is taken up in class: "Oh, he just follows the book."

When you are asked to study a part of the subject by yourself: "Why, we never even discussed it!"

When the course is lecture form: "We never get a chance to say anyth ing!"

When the course consists of in-formal lectures and discussion: "He just sits there. Who wants to hear the s tudents? They don't know how to teach the course."

When detailed material is pre-sented: "What ' s the use? You for-get it all a f t e r the exam anyway."

When general principles a re pre-sented: "What did we l ea rn? We knew all that before we took the course."

— Robert Tyian, Dept. of P?ycholoKy. Hunter College

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Blue Key Society Holds Convention In Chicago

The national convention of the Blue Key National Honor f r a t e rn -ity was held in Chicago at the Del Prado hotel December 28 and 29.

Perhaps the most significant ac-tion the convention took was the deleting of the constitutional clause stat ing t ha t membership would be restricted to "male members of the Caucasian race." This action made possible the election of anyone, re-gardless of skin color.

The next convention site will be San Antonio, Texas , two years from now.

Hope delegates to the convention were Vergil Dykstra and Herman Ridder.

A A U includes Hope As Cer+ified School

Hope was among the fo r tuna te recently when the Association of American Universities closed its doors to f u r t h e r membership. The Association has now adopted a pol-icy of devoting its energies more exclusively to g radua te work, and therefore, has terminated its activ-ities in the field of accredit ing un-dergraduate institutions.

The chief grounds for the inclu-sion of a college is tha t a college is successful in s t imulat ing schol-arly interest in its s tudents and in prepar ing them for more ad-vanced scholarly endeavor. T h e Association also takes into account the character and quality of the student body; the facu l ty and the conditions under which it works ; the adminis trat ion; its l ibrary, its laboratories, and its educational facilities of all sor t s ; its curricu-lum; and its character as an in-stitution.

Hope s tands among two hundred and eighty institutions selected by the Association. Other Michigan schools listed are Albion, Kalama-zoo, Marygrove, Michigan State. Wayne, and Western at Kalama-doo. (The University of Michigan belongs to the Association as a Graduate school.)

Robiee • • • •


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Faculty Members Travel Extensively Throughout Nation

Many facul ty members attended conventions and conferences dur ing the holiday season. The confer-ences met in various cities through-

out the United Sta tes — f rom New York to San Francisco.

F rom December 28-31, Prof . Al-ber t E. Lamnen of the Math De-par tment attended the 33rd annual convention of the Mathematical Association of America and the 55th annual convention of the American Mathematical Society which were held simultaneously in Columbus, Ohio. The National Council of Teachers of Mathema-tics also convened in Columbus. Ohio State Universi ty was host to the conferees. Papers were given, Dr. Everet Welmers, being the au-thor of one. Dr . Welmers is the son of the late Dr. "Thossy" Wel-mers, a former professor of Hope College.

In the Stat ler Hotel, Washing-ton, D.C., Prof . Edward Avison and Prof . Irene H a r t e r of the Speech Depar tment attended the annual conferences of the Speech Associa-tion of America, the American Ed-ucational Theater , and the Amer-ican Association of Speech and Hearing. Various general and di-vision meetings were held. Mr. Avison was present a t division meetings concerning Interpreta t ion and Drama while Mrs. H a r t e r was present at those concerning Debate and Speech work. Two prominent men in the field of speech, Col. Hershey and Maj . Estes, were im-por tant speakers.

The American Association of Teachers of Spanish and Por tu-guese and the Modern Language Association convened in New York at the New Yorker and Pennsyl-vania Hotels, December 27-28, 29-31, respectively. P rof . Don Carlos Madrid of the Spanish Depar tment attended these meetings. At the first convention, papers were read concerning teaching of Spanish and their related problems. A fiesta concluded the conference. At the Modern Language Conference, Mr. Madrid attended the Spanish divi-sion. On his re turn to Michigan, Mr. Madrid visited his sister in Washington, D.C., whom he had not seen for a number of years and who had just re turned f rom Tokyo, Japan .

A presentation of the new dis-coveries in the field of acoustics highlighted the meetings in the Stevens Hotel in Chicago attended by three professors of the Music Facul ty : Miss Hazel Paalman, Mr. Robert W. Cavanaugh, and Mr. Milton U. Johnston. This confer-ence was the combined annual meetings of the National Associa-tion of Schools of Music, the American Musicological Society, the Music Teachers National Asso-ciation and the National Associa-tion of Teachers of Singing which met December 27-30.

Last week, Coach Al Vanderbush attended the National Collegiate Athletic Association in San F r a n -cisco. Dur ing vacation. Coach and Mrs. Vanderbush spent the holi-days with Mrs. Vanderbush 's f a the r who lives in California. The Rose Bowl game was the destina-tion of the coach on New Year ' s Day.

"F lo r ida" was the theme of the De Graaf family 's Chr is tmas va-calion. l l iulr t r ip down South by car included Nashville, Tennessee to Jacksonville, down along the eastern coastline of Flor ida to Mi-ami, across the Everglades, up the western coast to St. Petersburg, then to Tallahasse and New Or-leans. On Chris tmas Day, the De Graa f s swam in the Gulf of Mex-ico a t St. Petersburg. The scenic beauty of Florida amazed them. The whole t r ip was 4,000 miles long.

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Hello again. I keep telling my-self tha t I've had a vacation for two weeks; it's all a pleasant mem-ory now. The first day back on campus I received so many assign-ments, I was certain I never had a vacation at all.

On with the music news. Monday evening. January 17, Miss Hazel Paalman will present a voice re-cital. She will be accompanied by Miss Jan t ina Holleman. Those who attended Miss Paalman 's last re-cital will know that this shouldn't be missed. Let's see you there!

Watch for notice of the next music assembly. Mrs. Rider and Miss Meyer will give a joint viola and piano recital. Perhaps the stu-dents who are new to Hope's cam-pus this year didn't know that Mr. and Mrs. Rider are both accom-plished musicians. Also, that Miss Meyer not only teaches French, but is truly a pianist in her own right.

The music majors are really working hard on their approaching recitals. There are three definite joint recitals scheduled; others also are in the making. Frances Rose at the organ and Ellen Froelich,

Mr. Avison Reports On Dramatics Meet

Professor Edward Avison of the Speech Department, recently re-turned from the convention of the American Educational Thea te r As-sociation, made several comments concerning the t rends in dramatics throughout the country and noted the favorable showing tha t Hope College has made in relation to other schools usually thought bet-ter in relation to dramatics work. He stated that the Palet te and Masque display held a very promi-nent position in the Town Room of the Hotel Stat ler in Washing-ton, D.C.

Concerning theatrical trends, he noted a surgence toward children's theaters , led by Claire Tree Ma-jor. More interest is being shown by professional players in com-munity and college theater groups, and their services are being made available to these groups. It is felt that new material fo r the profes-sion will be found in amateur •roups. A new push is being added to the drive for a national theater , the American National Theater and Academy.

Prominent at the meeting were Garre t t Leverton, editor for Sam-uel French, Inc., publishers, Gil-bert Miller, Broadway producer, and Glenn Hughes, of the drama-tics department at the University of Washington.

Alfred Arwe, in charge of elec-

Campus Mailbox

tended the conference.

Prof. Cavenaugh's voice student, ^ will give a joint organ-voice recital j trical work for P. & M., also at-

on February 15. March is the date set for the voice recital of Marge Angus and Tim Harrison. P. J . Sherman and Paul Kranen-donk will give their joint voice re-cital on March 15. Try to keep these dates open and hear your fellow students perform. A lot of hard work and effort goes into the making of a recital such as this. If it seems simple to you, t ry it some time. Exams will be over by then, so let 's show a lot of ye ole Hope spirit and come out full


Don't forget the deadline for the school song contest is the first of February. Don't forget , too, that the All College Sing is on the calendar for March 11.

Until the next issue of the Anchor, best to you in semester finals. Such a droll note to sign off on, but even the Music Box plays minor chords occasionally!!

v Evie Van Dam

•'Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself ," is applicable to na-tions as well as to persons. — Pat M. Neff.

Dormitory Continued from Page 1.

service entrance containing a serv-ice elevator to the basement where deep freeze ref r igera tors and gen-eral food stores will be installed.

On the ground floor under the living room or east wing is a room placed there because the land forms a slight ravine and larger windows can be obtained here than in the usual basement. This room, larger than the living room above, will be used by special groups for din-ners and conferences. A kitchen-ette adjoins it which will facil i tate the serving of food. A fireplace contributes to the good cheer of this room where it is hoped many campus organizations will meet from time to time.

The upper floors contain the stu-dent bedrooms where m o d e r n wardrobes and built-in chests of drawers are featured. On each floor is to be a kitchenette where the women may serve tea or very light refreshments to fr iends.

Dear Editor; When plans were made to re-

model Van Raalte hall, we were sure that the improvements would be more advantageous to all. But one big mistake was made. The new setup left no place for us to hang our coats! When we first came to Hope there were lockers around the first floor wall. Even then, with the smaller enrollment, these were too small and inade-quate. When they s tar ted to lift Van Raalte 's face, we thought bet-ter facilities would be provided. But now with a larger enrollment, even those lockers are gone, and there is no place to hang our coats —plus hats, mittens, boots and all the ex t ra paraphernalia of winter time. It is especially inconvenient for those of us who live at home and sometimes have to carry enough books for the whole day with us from class to class.

But for all s tudents this is a problem of health and convenience. Coats and boots are little protec-tion against the cold when they are worn for a couple of hours in warm rooms, and many of the classrooms are too crowded to fa-cilitate room for wraps. Can't something be done about this prob-lem immediately?

Mary Vande Wege.

EDITOR'S NOTE: Many others have felt this same need. Recently The Gay Philosopher took up the cudgel in its behalf. The student body has expressed itself. The next move is the administration's.

The Right and Wrong of It "Habits are important in the

lives of all of us. We do some-thing over and over again and, if we keep repeating the action long enough, whether it is good or bad, it becomes as much a part of us as the mole behind our r ight ear or the distressing corn on our left


"True, both moles and corns can be removed by surgery and so can a habit we don't like, but the re-moval isn't easy. Accordingly, no mat ter what your circumstances, no mat te r how your fr iends and 'set ' act, it will be better if you acquire good social habits rather than bad.

"Introductions, like greetings, are everyday affairs. Most of us who like people and like to mingle with them are probably introduced to or introduce s t rangers every day of our lives.

"With the exception of nobility and high-ranking clergymen, men are always presented to women, regardless of age, social position, or degree of distinction. Hand-shakes a re exchanged only if the women offers her hand.

"The first time a lady and gentle-man meet a f t e r an introduction, the first recognition must come f rom the lady.

"As a general rule the young girl or lady is always presented or introduced to the elder. A lady who is introduced to another lady may shake hands or not jus t as she

pleases. She will never do it if she must cross a room or pass in f ront of other persons.

"When you have a date do not be tardy. That is very rude. Never at tempt to bring a girl fr iend along, and a man is equally rude to bring a chum.

"When you s tar t out on a casual unplanned 'date ' do not force your escort and others in the party to do what you want. If you really want to impress him there are a few simple rules you should always follow:

Don't talk about the latest things in shops or intimate family details of an unpleasant nature Do not brag about your other friends and 'dates ' to him but subtly let him know that he is not the only man in your life, right up to the moment that he slips the ring on your finger. "Do not be critical of a man. Never make him the target of your jokes or remarks of sarcasm. If you have been together for a long period of time and have an under standing that you correct each other 's faults, do not ever mention these in the presence of others, nor scold or nag him.

"Never question him deeply about anything in his past or current life Never make him entertain beyom his means, m d whatever you do don't let him know you are chasing him, even if you are."

(ACP)—Denton, Texaa Daily Laa»-o


P H O N E 3 1 2 0



An American Chrittma*

Dear Editor: Before Christmas vacation some

friends asked where I intended to spend my holidays. The Christmas edition of the Anchor dated De-cember 16, included my name on the list of those who planned to remain in Holland or who had no definite plans for the vacation. Since the re-opening of the Col-lege some have asked to know how I spent the vacation. This is, quite apparently, an expressed concern from several quarters , and interest, in my welfare I thought, therefore, I give a brief account of my first Chris tmas in the United States.

Edwin Nelson, Sophomore, in-vited me home with him for Christ-mas. That was about two weeks before college closed. He said we would "hitch-hike" — a new exper-ience for me. My sanguine desire to see at least a part of the East (1 came into the country through the South) combined with the hitch-hiking experience stirred up in me a deep sense of grat i tude to "Eddie." Karel Botermans of the Netherlands was also a host-to-be of fr iendly Eddie. We, the trio, decided to leave Holland on Mon-day, December 2(»th. Meanwhile, I, in the company of Eddie and Karel, had a good time in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Har ter — stu-dent and speech teacher respect-fully at Hope. On Sunday, the 19th,

dined with Miss Peggy Prins and family. Af ter an enjoyable ride to and from Muskegon with Mr. and Mrs. Harter on that Sun-day night, I became Karel 's tem-porary roommate. He was consid-erate enough to see that the de-serted " B " Barracks would be too cold and lonesome for me.

The expected Monday came. At 8 o'clock in the morning we were on highway route 40, waiting to be given a lift . Thir ty minutes later we left Holland. Hitch-hik-ing was successful for 22 miles in two cars. At Allegan we waited for awhile, but it seemed people took three peaceful and well-mean-ing college students for holligans, and so many cars passed by. 1 shouldn't blame the several ladies, driving alone, who showed us no sign of sympathy; three men were really formidable! We did the re-maining t r ip by bus. At about 12 midnight on Tuesday we arrived in New Brunswick, New Jersey. A few minutes later we were wel-comed home by the Nelson family.

Dr. T. C. Nelson is head df the Zoology Department at Rutgers — the State University of New Jer-sey. He was at the London School of Tropical Medicine and is there-fore familiar with some aliments in tropical Africa.

On December 23 we all (except-ing Mr. and Mrs. Nelson) went out caroling with a group which in-cluded some Hope students other than the trio. After a while the singing party settled in "eur" house — the home of the Nelsons, where we enjoyed several Christ-mas songs, Including parts of the "Messiah." R e f r e s h m e n t s were served intermittefitly. Many be-came Interested in me. We dis-

cussed a t length, I was happy in-deed, but the sweet memories of Chris tmas in Nigeria came up in my mind often and often. On Chris tmas Day presents were in-terchanged among the Nelsons and to my fiurprisc "San ta Claus" (we call him "Fa the r Chr is tmas" in Nigeria) gave me gif ts careful ly chosen.

On the suggestion and at the ex-pense of Mrs. Nelson, Karel and I went on a flying visit to New York City, Eddie was guide. Our time was short but we visited the Em-pire State Building. Below us cars looked like moving toys and people on the sidewalk resembled nothing but busy ants! Other places visited were the Times Square and Radio City. I marvelled at the swarms of people, like homeless locusts, al-ways in a hurry in New York City. There one is among a heavy crowd and yet alone. Large cities, despite their wonders, are perhaps no place for soul ease, body comfort and exhilaration! Before leaving New-York we saw the popular heroine, "Joan of Arc"—on the screen. But there was no t ime for me to visit "Afr ica House" and see some Ni-gerian students who live there!

As for parties and invitations to dinner, I had enough. We attended a par ty of youths at Second Re-formed Church; another was of Hope students in and around New Brunswick. There was a party in Eunice Mayo's home (Eunice is a Freshman at Hope). The last, but not the least, of the many parties was that of New Year's Eve in the home of the Nelsons. Before this party broke up each presentee made resolutions. With each letter of the phrases — my "Happy New Year" rhyme was "Hand to All People Peace and Yearning for New but Everlasting Ways to see the Year 's Events Always Right."

My feelings are much more able than my pen to tell how very much I enjoyed my first Christmas in a foreign land. I hereby thank those who were anxious about me. To Edwin Nelson and his family 1 will always be grateful for their friend-ship and generous hospitality.

Lawence A. Fabunmi ( "Lar ry" )

German Club Postpones 'William Tell' Picture

The J a n u a r y meeting of the Ger-man Club has been indefinitely postponed due to a delay in re-ceiving the film, "Wilhelm Tell." The club has decided definitely to present this English t rans la ted German story for s tudents showing at the school. No exact da te has been set for the film but watch for f u r t h e r announcements which will appear previous to the show-ing.

Hopeites Offered Aptitude Guidance

Through the cooperation of the University of Michigan, a r range-ments are being made to offer to Hope College students a series of guidance and apti tude examina-tions. These tests are the same as those given in professional coun-seling centers, and for which large fees are demanded. While the tests a re most appropr ia te f o r use with freshmen, they will be of value to any student uncertain about his abilities and his voca-tional choice. The testing date will probably be J a n u a r y 31. Any stu-dent who wishes to par t ic ipate should leave his name with Mr. Haverkamp, VR 308, before Janu-ary 22. There will be a charge of 75c to cover the costs of scoring and constructing an ability profile, which must be paid at the time of application to part icipate in the program.

EDITOR'S NOTE: The above are excerpts from a letter received from Larrv.

Pilot* or DetprtiT*?

Dear Editor:

It is certain that the ship of humanity will not save herself. It makes no difference how large the vessel may be or how fast she may be able to travel across the seas, if no one is concerned with thinking out the course the ship will be lost.

Civilization is lost. We are like the crew on a lost vessel, yet it is s t range that we do not seem to realize that we are lost. We are all concerned with our daily tasks of chipping paint, greasing cables, or looking with pride upon the great turbines which drive our ship. The mighty roar of power and the per-fect machinery by which our ship is operated seems to give us a sat-isfaction that we are in progress. No one, or better I should say few there be who suspect that the cap-tain of our vessel has left the bridge, and that our char ts have turned brown with age. The bow lookout searches ahead and seeing nothing cries out the hour "Eight bells and all is well sir." All is well indeed! The engines roar, the ship throbs with activity, but no hand knows the course.

Will philosophy realize her duty and step up again into the pilot house?

Will she unroll the new charts and begin again to plot the course ? A new philosophy of life is needed for our age which will lead the en-slaved minds of our people to a new hope. The duty of philosophy is to lead, to chart the course. The t rue philosopher is a pioneer he must search for new land.

Here at Hope we have a crew of over a thousand souls. How many are there among us who realize our danger? How many can see through the fog? Religion, it is true has told us our part, our destiny, but it is up to philosophy to figure our course. By following the leaders of past ages we cannot hope to find our way in the present. Men of vision, get up from your comfortable chairs and struggle into the frontier lands, for unless you do we shall perish. Take your stations wherever they may be, but if it be in the pilot house or at the chart table do not deny your call-ing for all who do so are deserters.

Ed. L. Nelson.

Try Music Therapy A t Michigan State

East Lansing, Mich—(ACP) —

Michigan State College now offers

a course in music therapy.

Music therapy is the t rea tment

of physical and mental ills by the

use of music. Here is a sample ol

how it works:

A woman is brought into the hos-pital suffering from a mental mal-adjus tment . Since GO per cent of all mental patients are suffering from environmental disorders we will a t t r ibute her behavior to this cause. Withdrawing from all real-ity she is now living in a world of the unconscious. She cannot per-form even the simplest voluntary action.

It is an exceedingly difficult task for a psychiatrist to aid her while she remains in this state. At this stage the music therapis t brings various types of music f rom his file. A study of the pat ient 's back-ground has revealed that she is a descendant of foreign born parents . Folk songs are played repeatedly. Suddenly one of them causes her to weep bitterly. It was a song tha t her mother sang to her as a child.


Hope's C h e m i s t r y depar tment comes in for a little well-deserved praise in the December issue of the Journal of Chemical Educa-tion. Hope was chosen to repre-sent the large number of small colleges which contribute so much toward maintaining high s tandards in American Chemical education. The article entitled "Chemical Edu-cation in American Insti tutions," is a t r ibute to the fine work by our chemistry professors.

If perchance you have heard a senior science student t reat ing the French language a little freely, he may have been one of the lucky seven who is taking advantage of a s o u p e d - u p scientific reading course in preparation for graduate school. The course offers s tudents planning to take reading exams for doctorates or admission to Medical schools a chance to get a good reading background. Interested jun-iors should watch for it in next fall 's program. Bob Snow, who has a flair for the stuff , expresses the sentiments of the group when he says — "Take me for instance, when I started the course the only French word I knew was combien. Now I know three or four words."

Bob Van Eenenaam doubled as an interior decorator one afternoon when he tried to whitewash the Organic Lab. Bob has an ingenious method which he keeps secret, and refuses to discuss.

Dale Vanden Brink and George Zuidema are better rat psycholo-gists than rat physicians. Their psychological experiment in animal learning was slightly fouled up by a high mortality rate .

The boys in the senior lab cer-tainly think a lot of "Shadow" Rutgers. They chipped in to buy him some second looie bars for his war correspendent 's rain coat; and a red, white and blue bugle with which to rally the boys to a f te r -noon coffee. They thoughtful ly in-cluded the music to all the army bugle calls. " Jus t like old t imes," says the Rut. This is also the suc-cess story of the year. From T-5 to Second Lieutenant in one jump. That ' s what a college education does for you.

Warren Eickelberg, never a man to be outdone, achieved more than local fame when he managed to get his picture in a Washington, D. C., newspaper. For fu r the r informa-tion, please see Eick, Room 33, T Barracks.

How To Wear Jewelry "Along with the new look, every-

one is wearing unusual costume jewelry. A pretty bracelet, neck-lace or a pair of unusual ear screws can add tremendously to any cos-tume if worn in the r ight combi-nations. For example, one would hardly wear delicately carved gold bracelets and ear screws with sad-dle oxfords, plaid skirt and a sweater.

"Another point to watch is how you combine your jewelry. A gold bracelet and a silver pin might each look all r ight with a particu-lar dress, but when worn together would be very inappropriate. Never mix gold and silver jewelry.

"Some jewelry is quite versatile. A small pin, for instance, can be used to hold a scarf in place on your shoulder, as a pin to hold back your hair, as a decorative touch to dress up a plain purse, or on a simple pair of black gloves.

"Another thing, don't wear your watch with a formal no mat te r how pret ty your watch may be.

"If you are lucky enough to have a diamond ring and it is a g i f t

f rom your parents, don't wear it on your lef t hand. Not only is it poor taste, but it is an excellent way to scare off men and who wants to do t h a t ?

"Although we often don't pay a whole lot for our costume jewelry, it eventually adds up to quite a sum so the economical thing to do is give your jewelry proper care in order to really get your money's worth. Don't put it all together in one little box. This scratches it and causes it to tarnish much quicker. A quilted stocking box which is divided into sections makes an excellent container and saves wear and tear on the nerves when you need a part icular piece in a hurry .

"Last ly , never wear too much jewelry no mat te r how well it all matches. An old policy, but still a very good one, is a f t e r you have completely finished dressing, s tep away f rom the mirror and get a good full length view of yourself , then remove one piece of jewelry and you will look much smar te r . "

(ACP)—Denton, Texaa Daily Lans-o

W A . J ? e „ S 5^ E- EIGHTH ST.-166 W. IJ^ST


The KnitlKerbockcr fraternity held the first meet ing of the year in the Science building. John Hoekatra opened the meeting with a short prayer . Tha t grand old man of KHN, Je rome A. Veldhuis, then conducted the glee club th rough some perennial favori tes. Charles Link delivered a paper , "Elements and Processes of Psy-chological Activity," . which the f r a t e r n i t y received in wide-eyed amazement . fcLaverne S i k k e m a (back on the f a r m ) told KHN of the te r rors of f a rming , according to city slicker Zwemer. John Rys-kamp served as Master Critic.

All energies a re being directed towards the winter f o h n a l ' par ty which promises to be the best ever.


The Cosmopolitan f ra te rn i ty had thei r first l i terary meeting of the year in the basement of Hope's chapel on Thursday night, J a n u a r y G. Charles (Bob Hope) Mulder re-lated some interest ing articles f rom a special issue of t he Anchor. The paper provided some interesting sidelights of campus activities. Also quite revealing were the in-terviews of many of Hope's more illustrious personalities. John Ver-geer then presented a very inter-esting analysis on the "Art of Con-s e n a t i o n . " A fine evaluation of the night 's activities was given in the master critic's report by Bob Stoppels. A short business session following the l i terary program concluded the meeting.

Film On Calculus Shown To Math-Physics Club

Last evening the Math-Physics Club held its monthly meeting in the science building. A film en-titled "Integra l Calculus" was viewed by the group. This movie showed exactly what happens dur-ing integration and proved to be both interest ing and informative. The program committee for the evening was composed of Shirley Leslie, Carolyn Ingham, and Irene Heemstra . The showing of a film on physics is planned for the next meeting and other films as sched-uled for f u tu r e use.

Hopeites Compile Enviable Record

Hope College is honored in an

article in the December edition of the Journal of Chemical Education. This article was wri t ten by Dr. Malcolm Dull of the University of Pi t tsburgh. Dr. Dull is a graduate of Hope College.

Hope was chosen to represent the large number of small colleges working to maintain the standard of chemical education in this coun-try.

For many years graduates of Hope have been compiling an ex-ceptional record of successful ac-complishment in g radua te study and professional activities in sev-eral fields of science, especially chemistry.

Hope ranks eighth among Amer-ican educational institutions in the number of successful candidates for the Ph.D. in sciences per thou-sand students, according to a table taken f rom the Steelman report "Manpower for Research." Hope gradua tes who received Ph.D. de grees during 193G to 1945 totalec thirty-five. Student population for 1939-40 was listed at 525. Kala mazoo college ranked third with th i r ty- four degrees compared with a population of 384.

Since 1912 approximately 200 students major ing in chemistry have been graduated f rom Hope with the A.B. degree and have en-tered the profession of chemistry either as teachers or in industry. About th i r ty- three per cent of these have earned the Ph.D. while

^"mrether thi r ty- three per cent con-cluded the i r graduate s tudy a f t e r receiving the M.S. degree. In addi-tion some of the remainder have earned advanced degrees in other fields such as physics, medicine, education, etc. Since the incorpora-tion of the college in 1866, approxi-mately 225 graduates have earned

M.S. degrees.

Of 188 graduates in chemistry not now engaged in graduate study, twelve are high school teach-ers, th i r ty- three a re college or uni-versi ty teachers, and the remain-der are engaged in research or other fo rms of industrial or gov-

ernmental activities.

EMERSONIAN On Thursday night, Dec. 17, the

Cmersonian f r a t e rn i ty kept their tradition of past years by serenad-ing the gir ls ' dorms. A Chris tmas par ty was held following the sing-ing.

On Thursday, J an . 7, the Emer-sonians had a business and l i terary meeting in the chapel basement. The meeting was opened with prayer by Chaplain Dean. The song fest was led by "Bones Kerle," followed by a serious paper by Je r ry Boerman. The humor was presented by Robert Van Dyke. Master of ceremonies was Duane Jooi,

The highlight of the evening was the installation of the new officers, Cx-president, Dave Hoogerhyde

gave his exaugural address and the newly elected president, Rus-sel Norden, gave his inaugural ad-dress. Other newly elected officers are vice-president, Craig Van Zanten; secretary, Jack Wickar t ; and sergeant-a t -arms, Norman Si-derius.

HOi»t C O t L E ^ r - / T N C H O R

Our Fifth President

Page Five

Dr. Edward D. Dimnent

New Books Cover Variety of Fields

Among the many excellent new books available now at the l ibrary, the following have been suggested for your reading interest . Candle in the Wind by Maxwell Anderson is a story of an American actress who uses all her resources and in-genuity to effect the release of her lover from a German concentration camp. It is a moving story of courage, loyalty, and fa i th against a background of Nazi trickery and betrayal.

The book, Bedside Book of Fa-mous French Stories, is a collec-tion of 150 years of the best French l i terature. "Pr isoner of the Sand," "The Escape," "Tank Trap ," "Ma-dame Telliers Excursion" a re some of the selections.

The College Seeks Religion by Merrimon Cuninggin is a book which should be read and thought about. It presents plans for reli-gion in outstanding colleges and universities. Administrat ions all over the United States are begin-ning to realize the i r responsibili-ties for religion.

R. W. G. Mackay presents a book entitled Y'ou Can't Turn the Clock-Back. The problems of the present world crisis a re examined and so-lutions presented. It presents every aspect of world government. It is a book which will s tar t le many Americans and br ing us face to face with realities.


Our fifth president. Dr. Edward Dimnent, w a s g r a d u a t e d f r o m Hope College in 1896 with a record that may have been equalled, but] it was never excelled.

He entered Western Theological Seminary the year following his graduation f rom college and at the same time taught classes in Geol-ogy at Hope. During the two years he spent at the Seminary he also tutored in E n g l i s h , Latin and mathematics.

D r . D i m n e n t w a s a p p o i n t e d Ralph Voorhees Professor of Greek in 1898 and held the position until 1919. As a Greek professor he wrote his own guide and outline for the course.

In 1910 he became Registrar of the college, a position likened unto the dean of an institution. He was registrar until 1917. For the years 1916-1918 he was t reasurer of the college.

Vhe position of president was

given him in 1918. As president he began to set the physical pro-perties of the college in first class shape. The "De Hope" print ing office was remodeled and became Hope High School and now as we see it today, Columbia Cottage.

As we go each morning to wor-ship in the Hope Memorial Chapel we enter into a chapel of stone and mor tar t ha t represents the genius of Dr. Dimnent. I t was necessary for him to persuade people tha t his vision of a chapel to seat 1,500 people was not too large. He also had to persuade them that the spiritual level of the college would remain high and not go out of hand. The need we have today for such a chapel more than justifies all his efforts .

During his years as president the student body enlarged f rom 200-300 to 500-600 and many of the present f a c u l t y m e m b e r s were brought to the campus. The fi-nances, too, were great ly improved. He was the first man to begin a physical education depar tment with a full t ime man in charge.

Miss Boyd relates an interest ing story c o n c e r n i n g D r . D i m n e n t . "When Dr. Dimnent was president of Hope College he used to sit on the platform each morning for the chapel service. About once a year when he arose to announce the opening hymn there would be no student pianist present. When Dr. Dimnent realized tha t there was no one there to play he would pick up his hymnal, walk over to the piano, seat himself a t the instru-ment and play the accompaniment. The students did not sing as well as usual on such mornings for their eyes were fixed so intently on the president tha t they could not fol-low the words in the song book!"

Dr. Dimnent has and is giving himself to the best in a broad-minded Christian education.

#oror!tfcs SOROSIS

Sorosites held their first busi-ness meeting of the year on Fr iday, January 7, 1949, which was called to order by our president, Con-stance Miriam Hinga. Discussion was devoted largely to our Valen-tine par ty to be held on February 14. Ginny Montrose is chairman of this for thcoming social event. Plans were also discussed fo r our coming meeting with our Brother Fra tern i ty , the Fra terna l Society, of Hope College. The business meeting was adjourned to the reg-ular song-fest .

Thorns To Speak To Biology Club

The Hope College Biology Club will have as its guest speaker a t its next meeting. Dr. Wells Thoms, a noted medical missionary. Dr. Thoms graduated from Hope Col-lege and the University of Michi-gan Medical school. He served in Mutrah and Muscat in the Omar District of Arabia. While there he was instrumental in the build-ing of the Knox Memorial Hospi-tal which served as the local medi-cal center for the neighboring com-munities.

Dr. Thoms followed in the paths of his f a the r who also was a medi-cal missionary in the same area. His topic will be "Arab Medicine, Ancient and Modern." The meet-ing will convene in the science building at 7:00 p.m. on January 17, 1949.


The beautiful evening of Janu-

ary 7 provided a perfect se t t ing

for the Thesaurian informal par ty .

Thctas and their f r iends gathered

for a "hay-lar ious" ride around the

outskirts of " tha t dear old town."

Energy fo r running behind the

wagon having vanished and the

hay somehow having also disap-

peared, we journeyed to the Coun-t ry Club to enjoy the remaining part of the evening.

When everyone was breathing

normally again, Hazel V a n d e

Woude led in commmunity sing-ing. Then Cynthia Fikse^told the exciting experiences of "Bet ty at the baseball game." Not forge t t ing the cultural ( ? ) aspect of educa-tion, Lorraine Van Farrowe, Hazel Vande Woude, Gladys Keizer and Cynthia Fikse presented "Othello" in a musical and comical form.

Af te r a delicious lunch was served, square dancing was led by Mr. and Mrs. Ketchum. Professor and Mrs. Haverkamp, our chap-erons, deserve a word of thanks for contributing to a very enjoyable evening.

What Employers Look For

U N E M A ' S o H O E S E R V I C E

230 River Avenue

"Throughout your schooling and your life it would be well to work toward the following goals which are the high criteria posed by em-ployers and by life itself. These goals are based on the recent find-ings of Russell A. Stevenson, dean of the School of Business Admini-stration, University of Michigan, to find what they believed to be the outstanding qualifications con-sidered when employers interview graduates f o r executive or semi-executive positions.

"Physical qualities, appearance, character a n d p e r s o n a l i t y a r e t ra i t s most desired by employers seeking t ra ined personnel for de-velopment and advancement to high positions in business. Im-portant , but of secondary concern to e x e c u t i v e s hiring personnel, a re in order: intellectual qualities, leadership, 'promise ' and finally, performance.

"Included among the desirable physical a t t r ibutes ra ted as No. 1, are dependable health, physique, energy, endurance for long hours, quality of voice, sight and hearing.

"Under 'appearance ' were listed: neatness a n d c l e a n l i n e s s , dress.





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manner, bearing, poise and impres-siveness.

"Under 'character ' : honesty, de-pendability, initiative, resourceful-ness, loyalty, decisiveness, perse-verance, courage and sense of re-sponsibility.

" M o s t desirable ' p e r s o n a l i t y ' t ra i t s included: ability to cooperate with o t h e r s , t a c t , consideration, courtesy, responsiveness, self-con-trol, self confidence, ability to 'mix ' with others.

"Judgment and common sense headed the intellectual qualities most desired, followed by recep-tivity, logic, ability to think adapt-ability, general k n o w l e d g e , and last — knowledge of a particular profession or trade.

"These, then are the most im-portant things an employer con-siders: physical qualities, appear-ance, character and personality. Of less importance is knowledge of a particular profession or trade. It might be wise, then, to revamp your program to include more school activities which develop such desirable personality t r a i t s and which, incidentally, add pleasure to your l ife?

U. S. Civi l Service Seeks Specialists

The U. S. Civil Service Commis-sion is accepting applications for pharmacologist positions which pay salaries ranging f rom $3,727 to $10,305 a year. The major i ty of the positions to be filled are in the Food and Drug Administration and the National Inst i tute of Health of the Federal Security Agency, in Washington, D.C., and vicinity.

To qualify for the pharmacolo-gist positions, applicants must have had appropriate college study or a combination of such study and ex-perience. In addition, they must have had f rom 1 to 3 years of pro-fessional experience in the fields of bio-chemistry, animal physiology, pharmacology, or toxicology. Ap-propriate g radua te study may be substituted for professional expe-rience up to a maximum of 2 years of experience. No writ ten test is required.

Applications will be accepted in the U. S. Civil Service Commission, Washington 25, D.C., until fu r the r notice. Application forms may be secured a t most first- and second-class post offices, f rom Civil Serv-ice regional offices, or direct f rom the Commission's Washington of-fice.


H O F F M A N ' S



"Wedding Bells" was the theme of Friday night 's Sib meeting, in honor of Sybilline Connie Bergers Kool who was married J anua ry 3rd to Bernard Kool. Joan Sheel wrote a humor paper concerned with newspaper reports of weddings. Georgia Boss played wedding mu-sic in the mood of weddings. Alice Moolenaar read a serious paper on the history of weddings f rom cave-men style to the present. Games and refreshments followed.

The business meeting was con-cerned mainly with party plans for our formal par ty to be held this week. At the Sib Christmas meet-ing of Dec. 15, election of 1949 of-ficers took place. Election re turns are as follows: President, Shirley Knol; Vice President, Lucy Brun-sting; Secretary, Barbara Scarlet t ; and Treasurer , Marilyn Fry.

Our next regular meeting will be held on J anua ry 21st with our Brother Fraterni ty , the Knicker-bockers.



Dorians met for the first time in the New Year and held a short business meeting followed by a lit-erary program. Dot Fennema gave devotions and Barbara Woods gave a very interesting serious paper on the atomic bomb. To sof ten the impact of the impressive topic, Nancy Smith sang, "Bless This Home" and then was joined by all the Dorians in singing the sorori ty song.

Steketee - Van Huls



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Tulip Restaurant

P a g e S i x H O P I C O L L I O I A N C H O R

Hope Cagers Meet Albion, M IAA Double, Saturday

The Hope Dutchmen wind up a busy MIAA week Saturday night when they face Albion at Albion. Hope has shown a liking for large floors this year and are hoping that Albion's spacious court will prove no exception.

Since the war Hope and Albion have dominated the MIAA. In three years each school has had a championship, a co-champion-ship, and a second place. During those three years each team lost only six conference games. How-ever Hope had the pleasure of ad-ministering four of Albion defeats .

Last year the teams split with the home team winning in each case. The Britons won at Albion 73-62 in a game which saw two great guards, Mulder and Black, score 21 points each. Two weeks later Albion invaded Holland fo r one of the grea tes t games ever played in the Holland Armory. Hope finally pulled away and won 85-71. Four players on each team scored over 11 points.

Albion has lost two all-confer-ence men f rom last year 's cham-pionship squad. They were center Lou Moon and forward Je r ry Ed-wards. All-MIAA guard Lou Black heads Albion's letter men on this year's team. Forward Allen and guard Hornbrook were also out-standing on last year 's outfit.

In their conference opener this year Albion trounced Adrian 86-50 The following week they took i 62-52 defeat a t Alma. They played at Kalamazoo earlier this week.

M I A A S t a n d i n g s

w Hillsdale ..2 Kazoo 2 Albion 1 Alma 1 Hope 0 Adrian 0


1.000 1.000






58* 90

138 103 99 50*


55* 85


96 104


•Hillsdale defeated Adrian, score not available.

Games This Week

Hope at Adrian.

Alma at Hillsdale.

Alma at Adrian.

Albion at Kalamazoo.

Hope at Albion.

Hillsdale at Kalamazoo.

Women's Sports Basketball

The basketball tournament will be under way this week. Last week each team was given an op-portunity to practice. A few scrim-mage games were played. Now everyone is set fo r the 1949 tour-nament.


High scores this week a re : Shir-ley Knol 151, Mary Breid 129, Bet-ty Vande Wege 128, Mary Lou Rae 125, and Louella Rozeboom 124.

The high averages at present

are: Shirley Knol 125 Betty Vande Wege 119 Amy Koning 118 Mary Breid 114 Jean Brondyke 114

There are only a few more weeks of bowling so come out this week and have some fun.

The Kibitzer

Dutchmen Trounce Percy Jones 73-32

Scoring almost a t will, the Hope College basketball team star ted the 1949 version of the current season with a 73-42 victory over Percy Jones Hospital a t Battle Creek last Monday.

Ten men figured in the scoring as the Dutch completely over-powered the a rmy boys. A f t e r a close first quar ter , Hope opened up and jumped the score to 40-20 at half t ime. From then on they had

no trouble. Percy Jones played without the

services of J e r ry Scott, their stand-out guard who scored 20 points in the Holland Armory. However an-other s t a r was blooming in the per-son of Collins, the Batt le Creek center. He led both teams in scor-ing with 15 while Buter and Vande Wege scored 12 each for Hope.

Box Score Hope (73) FG FT TP Buter, f 5 2 Vande Wege, f 5 2 Hinga, f 2 0 Marema, f 3 0 Wagner, c 4 2 Brieve, c 2 3 Holwerda, g 4 0 Yonker, g 2 1 Van Dorple, g 1 1 Bremer, g 3 0


Hope Edges Michigan Normal

51-50 In Non-League Thriller


Kazoo Downs Hope 46-44 In Overtime

In a thrill-packed overtime bat-tle, Hope dropped its first home game to the Kalamazoo Hornets 46-44. It was the first loss to Kazoo on the Armory floor since the war and Hope's first home loss since January 1947 when Western Michigan won 76-60.

Kalamazoo was ied by Frank Walters who personally accountet for 20 points offensively and was continually outstanding on defense Vande Wege led the Dutch with 14 while "Moose" Holwerda played a beautiful game covering the de-fense boards and scoring 10 points.

With seven minutes to go Hope led 36-29 but Walters poured it on and when the regulation game was over the score stood 39-39. Af te r Hope took a three-point lead in the overtime Kazoo came back with six quick points and proceeded to freeze out a victory.

Box Score Kalamazoo (46) FG Pizzat, f 1 Simanton, f 4 Cuda, f 0 Sentz, c 3 Poth, c 1 Bos, c 1 Stanski, g 2

. . . . By Owen Koeppe

Hope fans got a look at some of the finest pivot-centering they have

seen for a long time latt Saturday night . That Jackson of Ypsi

was really good. Any time you get 24 points with a guard like "Moose"

on you you got to be Rood. All the more credit to Hope's team I'd say.

They certainly looked sharper than against Kazoo. The TEAM that is.

This week and next ought to tell the story in the MIAA. We played

Adrian Tuesday and go to Albion this Saturday. Next week it 's Alma

here and Hillsdale here. Four important games in twelve days. (Pre-

exam days they tell me.) About all we can say is "Good Luck," I guess.

All the other conference teams are having a rough grind these two

veeks too. Frankly the MIAA basketball race looks just as close as

that in football. Adrian should be able to fill Albion's football role

unless they show some marked improvement. They have the same team

vhich continually gave teams trouble last year but haven't been able

o find themselves.

No team is going to go through the basketball season unbeaten an

happened in football. Kazoo with their two great guards will go

long way but Alma looks more like the team to beat. I think they've got All-Sports Trophy on the brain up there. A basketball title along with a first in football and second in cross-country would look mighty

big. Inter-fra t basketball got rolling again this week. I wish I didn't

have to write this so soon. Then I'd know how that Cosmo-Frater brawl came out last Monday night. The winner should have no trouble win-ning the "B" league. That other league is really close. All but one game have been won by eight points or less.

Rex Roseman signed a football contract to play with the New York Yankees next fall. Ward of Hillsdale also signed a pro football con-tract. Roseman was named most valuable in the MIAA last fall. It'll bo interesting to see how these players make out in the really big time

Well the bowling league is called off I guess. The Frats don't seem to be interested. Too bad things couldn't have been started back in December.

FT TP 0 2

0 8

1 0 1 0 0

Totals 31 Percy Jones (32) FG FT TP kludge, f 2

Harris, f 2 Collins, c 6 Slayton, g 2 Murray, g 0

Harold Buter 's f ree throw com-i

binrd with Bud Vande Wege's late scoring splurge was just what the Dutch needed to edge Michigan Normal 51-50 last Saturday a t the Holland Armory. However it took the splurge plus a lot of fight f rom the entire Hope squad to offset the deadly accuracy of the Huron center, Jackson, who poured in 24 points to keep the Ypsi boys in the game for the whole forty


From the opening whistle it was evident that this was going to be a knock down, drag out affair . Al-though the Hurons led through most of the first half their lead was never more than four points. Jus t before the half Buter's tip-in gave Hope its first lead. The half-time count was 23-22 Hope.

Michigan Normal jumped back into the lead again early in the second half with Jackson again pouring in the baskets. At one time Ypsi held a 7 point lead. With five minutes to go Normal led 45-40. Vande Wege and Buter com-bined to knot the count at 40-up. Leo Turner retaliated with a push shot to put the Hurons ahead. Two beautiful long shots by Vande

Totals 12 8 32

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Wege made the score 50-48 but J ax

sneaked in alone for a t ieing dog

shot. Buter 's game-winning char-

ity toss came with a minute to go.

Hope regained possession of the ball and successfully f roze the ball till

the clock ran out, al though Normal

tried desperately to get it, even re-

sort ing to some clean football


Box Score Hope (51) FG Buter, f 5 Vande Wege, f 7 Marema, f 1 Van Dort, f 1 Wagner, c 1 Bremer, c g 1 Holwerda, g 3 Yonker, g 2

FT T P 3 13

15 3 2 2 5 6 5

Totals 21 9 51

Mich. Normal (50 FG FT TP

1 1 3

3 0 6

2 0 4

1 0 2 10 4 24

Sweet, g 1 2 4

2 3 7

Totals 20 10 50

Indies Beat Emmies 30-29 In Feature "A" League Tilt

The Independents continued U be the surprise of the "A" league as they edged the Emmies 30-29 in a real thriller. The Emmies led throughout the game holding a 18-13 half t ime advantage. The final whistle sounded as Streeter 's game-winning shot was in the air. Deck er again led the Emmie attacV with 11 while De Groot and Skaal en had 9 each for the Independents.

The Arcadians surprised th( Fra te rs by leading them most ol the way before bowing 29-24. Th( Arcadians were still ahead midway through the final quarter . Vissei was high for the winners with 11

Af te r trai l ing 16-12 at the hall the Cosmos came back to take the Knicks 30-27. Phil Meengs helc" Etterbeek to only three points but Van Wieren came through with 12 for the winners.

Leading Scorers FG

Slikkers, F ra te r 18 Etterbeek, Cosmo 13 Decker, Emmie IT DeGroot, Indie 11 Boerman, Emmie 8 MacCullum, Knick 10

Walters, g 7 6 20

Totals 19 8 46

Hope (44) FG FT TP

Buter, f 3 3 9

Vande Wege, f 4 6 14

Muyskens, c 1 2 4

Yonker, g 1 1 3

Holwerda, g 4 2 10

Bremer, g 1 0 2

Van Dorple, g 1 0 2

Totals 15 14 44

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•A" League Standings

The Cosmo "B ' s " continued on their merry way by trouncing the Knicks 59-18. Though unneeded Bob Becksfort added 21 points to his league leading total. The rest 3f the Cosmos all scored liberally.

The Fra te rs kept pace with the Cosmos by defeat ing the Arcadians 11-21. The game was closer than he score indicates. The Arcadians ituck with the winners during the irst half . Del Koop had 14 points.

The Seminary opened up the sec-md half to whip the Emmies 39-21. The Sems held a scant 15-9 half-:ime lead. Dick Miller led the los-jrs with 12 while every member Df the Sem squad scored.

Leading Scorers FG

Becksfort, Cosmo 28 D. Koop, Fra ter 22 Van Wieren, Cosmo 11 Hendrickson, Fra te r 10 D. Miller, Emmie 8

FT TP 8 64 4 4 6


48 26

26 26

'B" League Standings

W L Pet. P F PA

Fraters 3 0 1.000 103 74

Indies 3 0 1.000 93 82

Emmies 1 2 .333 83 85

Cosmos ... 1 2 .333 87 96

Knicks ... 1 2 .333 86 101

Arcadians ....0 3 .000 72 86

W L Pet . P F PA

0 1.000 166 60

Fra ter ... 3 0 1.000 136 52

Seminary- .2 1 .667 100 96

Arcadian ....1 2 .333 73 89

Knicks ... 0 3 .000 49 125

Emmies 0 3 .000 50 152

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