0 G . VERNMENT GAZETTE - Government Printing...

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Transcript of 0 G . VERNMENT GAZETTE - Government Printing...

~OPI .23rdJanuary; 1964

All correspondence referring to announcements and subscription of Government Gazette must be addressed to its administration office. Literary publications will be advertised free of charge provided two copies are offered. .

Toda a correspondencia relativa a anuncios e it assina­tura do Boletim Ojicial deve ser dirigida it Adminis­traGao da Imprensa Nacional. As publicaGoes literarias de que se receberem dois exemplares anunciam-se gratuitamente. . . .


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Rs. 20/­Rs. 16/­Rs. 20/-

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. .


Secretariat General Administration Department Administration Office of Pernem

Notice no. I

'Ananta Xiamba Sinai Borcar, Admlinistmtor: I . hereby make it known, at the request of the Cama'ra

.Municipal of Pemem, that as the tithes and deposits reserved .. as a· securlity for the under mentiJOned work, lare to be re~ : turned, aU the interested parti'es are hereby notified to ap­proach this ()ffi-ce, withlin a period Io! 30 days, from the

.date of publication of this illotice lin the GOVleI'1ltIr1.ent Gazette, with any complaints they haV1e, as regards the non-paymelit

. of salaries :or for materli:a:ls and lO,ther indemnificatioll1s to which they a;re ·entitled in accordance with sub-clause 1 ·of artltcle 60 of the Labour Legislation (Lei das iEmpreitadas) .in for·ce:

lJ - Works of paV'ing with stones of municipal mads Per­iIlem-Morgim and Pernem-Arambol, each <to the lengtth of 1 Kim . executed lin the year 195·6,carriJed out by the ,contractor Vas,. .sudeVla Puilldolica SiaJ;car, from V,asoo da Gama.

Pernem, lOth January, 1964, - The Administrator, Ananta .Xamba Sinai BDrcar.

• Administration Office of the Comunidades of Salcete


::NI8ir:c:inlV~ :S'arasvaJf]; Visi!1um is'inai iVelliligcar, AdministJrtator:

lF1urtl1:e,r to the adV'ertisement pu!blisihed in Ibhe Gov.ernment D-a21ette 1m. 2" series TIl, IOif the niinth instant, It is hereby

·'announced that '0111 the' 26th of the period 24th to 28th 'Of ~:curreil1t, January, fixed fOT the payment of the dividel!1ds :aI!1d ::other credits of the Oomunidade of CaNrllona and 'others IOif 2nd group, no payment will be made, being, thel1efore, added -to the said period the day 29th of January.


As per higher order, the CoIffiunidades 'of this COIl1oelho ·:aVe hereby convened flOor a. sesslion at their session house, on the days :aI!1d hours mentioned below, in order .to 'express

. their opinion on the. payment of thel,l' sl!!lre ()f the 1;>dll ·of RJs. JJ3'.000/-, SIU'bmJiJbted by ooulpoor SOO CIjIll1IStal!1c:i~ FI~­des for exeooting and placing .of thl'eepanels of art.in the 1buHdfu;g, ofltlJ;ia. A&:piiIliStratdon Office, oneibeilllg a,ll1eady

']>lac-ed and· iothe'<rtw:o . lying: ~h th~~~i~ ~~lpt9~" whilch bill


GOVERNO (Tradugao)


GOA. 010


Secretaria Departamento da Administra~ao Geral

Ad,ministracsao do Concelho de. Pernem

Edita,1 n.:' I

Ananta Xamba. Sina[ Boircar, administrador: Fag<> saber a solicitagao· da Camara Mun:tcipal destecon­

,celho que tendo de, ser restituidos os declimos e dep6sitos re­S>eWMOS :pan-a a garantia da obra lin.fra mell1cionada, sao PQ[' · este avisados todos os interessados a vlirem apresentar nesta Administragao, no prazo de 30 d:iJas a cOil1Uar da publicagao deste. no BoZetim Ojicial, quaisquer reClamagoes pOT falta de pagamento de jo.rnais, materiaJis e OUitras iIl1d~z~oes a que se julguem loom. di11elito, nos termos do § Lo do art1go 60.0

da Lei das Empll'ettadasemvdtgor:

1-Obra de 'empedramento da lestrada mun'icipaJ. de Pe'r­lllIetm..[MOIlgim e Pe,rnem-tArambol, na extensao de 1 KID • cada :respectivarriente lexe,cutada no ano de 19'56. 'Darefa· de Vassudeva PundoiJica ,Salcar, de Vasco da -Gama.

Pernem, 10 de Janeiro de 1964,-0 Administrador, Ananta Xambd. S:inroi iBorcar .

• Administracsao das Comunidades de Salse+e


iNaticinva ISarasva,ti: Visnum 'Sinai lVie~ca;r, 3!d!J:niIlldJsitrador:

,Em aditaffiento 310 edital ~ubJioado no Bloletim Ojicial n.O 2, :3." seme, de 9 do· corrente; tOtrno pUlb:LitCO que nO' dia 12:6 do periodo de 24 a 28 de J'aneirocorrente, marc-ado para pag;a­mentode dividendos e outros 'cremtos das ,comunidades de ICarmona ,e outras, do s~do if511111po, IDiio .se lefeC'buara 0 ~aga-

· mento,.ficandopo(("em adic~onado 3>1) dito peri()do 0 dia 129 de Janeiro. ._.


Em Icumprilmento duma determinagao supeI1ior, saO' convo" cadas as comunidades deste concelhto para, reunindo-se nas

· SU3!S ~ de Se8'SO'es, nIOIS Oilias e hOll'8iS 3!baixo designados, : ip['\()[lUil1c1Wem-Sie sobre 0 pa,gamenrto de qUIOm-ptal'lte 0Ia; iltnlpOlI'­tariCla de Rps. 13.000/- que e 0' montante o.a conta tapres'ert­Imda pelo IetSloo1tor Sr. OOIl1:Stfuncio FlemandelS, defacltura

· e coloc'~ao de paiIieisde arte no edilficiO 'desta .AdInJilltstra­'~o, .esmruro·ulri:l' jaCOl~ooado.edOlis emporde:r.idloi·dfitol es'cultor,

. ~ \'>. ... . .>.: J:.: "

~ennains SItill tmpaid. It is made, ·cliear thalt tJhie GQlVlernment !is not wiil!1ing :to ·oOillitrilbulte more for the .ex:pen.d:irture of the said building than Rs. 101.666/- it has already granted.

On the 16th February 1964, at 10 a. tn.

The OOlIDUJlIidaJdes of CuriQlI'lim, Benaulim, Margao, Vierna, Bemlbatim, Thlaulim, Dicarpale, DQncQlim, o.Qnsua, Vane­lim, AmbelJim., Dramapur, Chmchinim, ChandQr, LQutuIim, NlaigQla anJd cavelossim.

On the 23rd F1ebruary 1964, at 10 a. m. The CQmunidadesQf Cavm:Ona, Riaia, Orlim, Varca, .Calata,

Cana, Aquem, Sirlillll, DavorlJim., MajQrda, UtQrda, Seraulim, SarZio:I'a, Guirdolim, CavQrim, CamQrlim, Assolna and Velim.

On the 29th February 1964, at 10 a. m. The GomullJidade of S'eIIDabatim.

'On the lIst Mallci1 1964, at 10 a. i!)1.

The COIIDUillidades of Macooana, DeulllSUa, Gandiau1ti:m and Golva.

MargaQl, 16th January, 1964. - The tempomry Adroinds., tratQr, Narcinva Sarasvati Visnum Sinai Velingcar.


IS'ealed tenders are invited for the exeout100l of the iUlllder­mentiQned works, ,of the Comunidade of Aguem, ·cQnjointly, !fQr total :paioe Q!f Rs. 7200/-, modernwed es1:limates, SOl as to (['eacih this ,offi'oe uptQ 1:2 noon on the 12th Qf lFebI1Uary next:

1) rRepairs of the dam oIf the lake «IConto1em»­iRs. 670/-;

12) rReconstructiQn Qf tihe di:sohwrger 'Q1f t1he lake «NOIVlem­..rrolerri» - Rs. :2800/-;

i3) rRec()crlstI1Ucmon Qf the discthaiJger of rohe 1aroe «Oon­-tolem» ~Rs. 2800/-;

4) lRepaiins of tb.e dMIl of the !lake «!NQvem.TQlem» -Rs. geO/-.

'I1enders will :be opened at 3 p. m. Qn the said day in the pr:esence of the tJender61's. Thiere belin.g no :bender thalt day tJhe time limit Lor the presep.tatlon of same botfh fQr adjudication <of 'works, conjointly 'or msep8Jrate, will' be' extended uptQ 1.2 nQon of t,he 14th of same F<ebruary and will 1beopened

'iai't e p.m.' Qn that day. In thls 8JU0tiOOl tenders presented ·,conjomtly will be .,giv.en p,referen'ce. '. The dauses' and oqndiUons are mentioned lin the' respec­·i1:dvefilesnos. 88/1962, 89/19'62, 90/19612 and 9'1/1962, w:h~ch may. he consulted on all wQrking days, duI1ing office hours.

" Notice

lSiealed i1:'enders'are invited for the e:x:ecutiQn of !the runder­"mjenttoi!lJed . wor:ks, ,slO as to 1'ealOO 1::h;i;s offke uptOi ]2 nQQn <on ij)he 17!t:h :of February TIeXlt: -

.1) 1G0nstruc1Jicm of a dMIl in ·«!N8JUXeta», Qf ithe COIIDU­nidade of MaI1gao, ·estimated at R:s. 4000/-;

12.) lOon:structton <of two abutments '·and Ibhr.esh6ld in the dam of 12nJd '«iColvadQ»of the Comunidade of MargaQ, estimated at Rs. 1600/-;

3) COi!llStructilOn of a:butments·8Jn.d threshold :in the dam :of «Odicihem AJdvQna» and «lBelorin.a» of the 100-munidade lOf 'Raia, estimated at iRs. 2'500/-;

:4) iCons1muction 'Qf five cul'Velrts in the path of the 1001-munidade of Sirlim, lestimated at &S. 2130/-;

'5) -rR.e'constI1Ulction of the sluice-,gate OantQl' ~ Dois al1CQS -, of the ComunMade ·of V.eliirri, estimated 3Jt Rs. 900Qv'-.

Tenders :wiII ibe open,e,d at 3 !p. m. Qn the said day dn the ;p~ese.nce of the tendel'ers. There ibeirug nQ tender tb.at day

. !the same may lbelPxesented :u;pto '12 noOOl .ofilie 19th of the :same fF1ebruary 8Jtld wUl ibe opened at 13 p. m. Qn .that day.

Tille d8JUses and Icondittons are mentioned iin tile lJ.1eslPectiIVe fi~es nos. 182, 119i2, 1:919, 85 3mJdJ 42, aal 'olf ;1.9.63.


" .g·e8Jled tendJers aerie in V1iItIeid 'SO' illS ,'to :r1eaoh thi's offi Cle upto 12 .noon oIf tbie 1!Qth 'Oif FellJIl1uary !IlJextfor theU!IldiermentiQned .. work'S: . '." ..

~ "..-'I). OliealWlgoftW()i p:udJdilie's iin~ Cla:s~.ru¥)HoIf. (yN.agrn,O<iem»

00d «Pug18Jlily» of the Cioit11!U!Ilt(l!~ Qf O.l:\lllffiOlllii, esti-maJtied at Ris. ,1Q3W-. " -. .


OOIIltia eiSlba 'aJindla 000 piaga. El;1cirurece.,ge que 0< Ex. rno GOlVlernQ nruQ esta na diisposil:;ao de oontrihuir mais para a despesa dOl referidQedificio, alem da comparticipal:;aQ ja cQncedida de Rips. 101.666/-. .

No dia .16 de :F1ever·ei<l'o .de 19164, as 10 horas: As comunidades de Curto rim, Benaulim, Margao, Verna,

Betalbatim, Telaulim, Dicarpale, DOi!lJCQldm, Gonsua, Vane­lim, Ambelim, Dramapur, Chilnclri!llJinl, Ghandor, Lo'Utulim,. Nagoa ·e Cav·eIQssim.

No dia 23 de Fevereiro de' W64, as 10 horas: As comunidades de Carmona, Raia, Orlim, Varca, Galata,.

Can.a, Aquem, Sir:lim, Davorl:tm, Miajorda, Utoroa, Sieraul'im,. SaTZlQra). Gutrdolillll, 08JV0Tirm, Camorlillll, Assoma e Velim.

!NQ dia 29 de Fevereiro de 19,64, as 10 horas: A comunidade de Semabatim.

No diia 1 de Marl:;O de 1964, as 10 horas: As cOIDUillidadJes de MaClalSlaiIlla, Deussua, Ga:ndaulim, e Golva.

IMargaQ:;,.l6 de J,an.eiro de 19·64. - 0 LAJdrrninistrador mterino, .. Narcinva SarasvaU Visnum Sinai Velingcar.


.A!oeitam-se p:ropostas em carta f·echada ,e lacrada :para a ,execul:;ao das obras 8JbaJixo destgnadas, da oomunidade de­AigUJem, em .oonjiUnto, pelo pvego total de Rws. 71200/- - Q1r~­jmenrtos actuali21000s ~, devendo dar 'enwada IlJesta :RJepar­rtil:;aQ ate as 12 horas do dia 112 de iF'evevei,ro .seguinte:

1) rRepanwao da represa da Alagoa «IContolem»­Rips. 670/-;

12) Re:oonstI1Ul:;ao do descarregadoT da a,lagoa ,(-:Novem-­-Tolem» -Rps. 12800/-;

~) iReconstrul:;aQ .do dLesc8Jm'egadorda alagoa ,«iCQntolem» - ~s. 128{)O/ -;

:4) lRelpara~o da represla da Alrugoa .(~NO!Vem,-r.rolem»­IRps. 9'30/-.

iA!s ·cartas se,rao aJbertas as 16.horas do dito dia na pre­sen~ dos p~etendentes. iNaQ h3JveilldQ PTQPostas nesse dtia,. poderaQ ser ap,resentadas para a adjudic:ia'l:;ao das ob'r·as; errn ',cQn(juntQ OiU em sepaJrado, ate its 112 horas dQdia 14 dOl mesmQ :iF1~vereiro :e s,erao abertas as 1:5 horas doose rna. Nessa pra'!)a .terao p.red'erenc:ia oS que apresentarem p.ropostas em CQnjiUnto.

. As'Clwus.ulas ·e 'cQndil:;oescoL11stam ,dos ;reslP'ecttvQs proces,so,s. n.US 88/19,6·2, 89/196,2, 9011962 ·e 9,1/.1.962, os qUI8Jis poderao51er 'consultados em todos os ·dias uteis e durante as floras reg:u'~·

: lamental1e8 do i8eJ:'IVtl:;0. .


AceitMIl-se propostas ,em carta !fech8Jda e lacrada para a eXiecul:;3;o das obr:as :a;baixo diesignadias, deV'e:nido !aalt' €iIJ.ltradia nesta Repartil:;ii:Q ,aIte rus 12 hom8Js do diila 17 de FeVler:e:ixo' se­


1) !Conslt·rul:;ao duma rep:resa ,em «!N·auxe'ta», da' 'COmu-· nida;de de (MaJrgao, 'or~da ,em Rps. 4000/-;

12) iConstrugao de dQis encontl'os !Ila l'epl'esa dOl \2.,°«001-V'ad6» , da ,comunidade ide Ma~gao, olrgadaem. IRps.. 1600/-;

13) ConsltllUl:;fuo de en:contros ·e soIeira na;s Il'ep·resas de' «Octiohem AdlVooro> e «Be[orinla», dia ooifIllUIliidade {lia

rRaia, Qrgada em tRps.. 2:500/-; <4) Oonstru~o de ICi<noo canolS nD cMIlinhQ dIa (jolllll1ll1idade

,de Sjjrllillll, orl:;ada em tR;ps. 2i130/-; 5) iReconsitml:;ao do pDrtal lCantor-lDods ar'cos-, da'

oCiffiun1dade de Velim, orl:;8Jda '6lll iR!Ps. 9000/-~

iA;s ICaJrtas serao ra'be·rtas as 15 ihoras dD <liitQ dia na pre-, sen~ dos p,vei1:endentes. !Nao hav;endQ ptl'Oposttas nessedia, PQde,rfuo ser apresent.adas ate as 12 nO(['as do dia 19 dOl. mesm:O"

.lFeveJrie:Lro Ie sera·o 3ibertas [le'las 16 iho.ras do mesmQdIia . ks cla,usulas e demaisoolilidigoes oonsmm dOis prO'c:les:sos . res­

jpectilVos n.06 '18'2, 1'9'2, 1199, 8'5, ,e 14:2, tadiOis da srer:i:e dOl anD, de 19'613.


. ACiei'tlaJrn-:s'e pr:Oipost8Js lem .~ feCihadia Ie !liac'!'aida piaraa . ex;ecugaQ d8JS ob:r:as wbaixo dJeS!ignadaJs, dielVelIlidio dJairI entva;dJa; !IlJeslUa.· ~eparr1ligaO''' ate ru8 12 hooas do <ilia 10 de Fe:V1el!1ei~o·

. SleguiilnrtJe: ~

1) D~oIb~trugao die 2 cilallOOIS lIliaIS C:aJSanJ8JS de «Nwgmo­- . "de:iID> . e. «pwgal:ly»,.oo oomumdJaidie de Qa,l'!tiJIonii,,, . org,3,da em RillS. '1I036;'~;

23RD JANUARY~ 1964

2) C}elarlimg oil' thrlee puddLes 1n the il'i:eld «Ollii:eilnpotLchem c:8.iS'ana» oil' :tJhle Oomuniidade of C3!rmona, estimated art Rs.23!03/-.

3) C]earilig oil' four ipudidiLeSi tin Ithe fieI'd oil' «VlaJinaily 80-co!LIemclasana» oil' the Oo.mliIllKlJade of Cannona,esti­ma'iJed at Rs. 21124/-.

4) ImrpiI'OIVement of twa 'Slelctilons of tire bund: of «Ol1em ,CaSalIlla» of the Comu!llli.diaJdie 0If C3!rmona, iestima.t:ed tat Rs. 1170./-.

5 )me3!rmg oil' f:iVle rprudidiles in tire field oil' «Odnem ca­sana» of the Comuniidade !of lOarmona, esttmated at Rs. 30.74/-.

6) Oplerililng of twa puddlLels .Iof «Ranbor€m»of the Comu­nidiaJde 'Of OuiJI'dlO!lim, I€isttmated at Rs. 11010.0./-.

TendeI's ,wiIil ble olpenedl tat :31 p. m. on the said dia:y [[:j, ;the pI'eSienCie oif 'the tiendie!l:1elI1S. TheDe beiJng no 'bender that (lay, the ltume liIDir1': for the p'vesentation of !SaJIDe wi1l be extIJended urpto 12 nolan of 1:Ihie 13th ,of the same Fiebruary alU!d will be openeid at 3, 'po m. Ion that dJruy.

The clauselS and eond!i'iJiJolIl'Sl 3Jve !lllIen:tiioned in the fHe,s nos. 12015, 12{)6, i2m and 2:0.8 of 196,3, 712/U)163 aJ1Id'1913/1963,'WIhiich malYi be 'oo!ll!Slu]ted Iby rplaJrbtes concemed on laU Wlorking days, durinlg IOffi'ce hqilH'S.

IlVIia,rgao, 1i6th January, :19'64. -IThe !S,eClr:etary, BogilJlonto Vitol Ptorob:o Chimu~car.

Vasai. - The temrporary A!d!rniinlstvaitOtt'" Nm'cinv'a SamsilJlati Visnum Sinai Velingoar.

Office of the Collector of IDaman

Notifica:ti!on undelt' section '6(2) of 'the DailTl!an (AJbaLLtion of Pro;prli'ettotr~hip of Vill8Jgles) Regulaoon, 19'62.


'In eXiellCcisle of the po'Wetr's VI€ISlbed i!n him under section 6( 2) of t1he D3JII1aJn (AJ'boiliitilQn of lPII1opr'ietolrshtp m V!i:J:l8Jgles) Regu­lation, :L9r6i2 the OOQLectolt' iof D3JII1aJIl her;eby nOibiifies for gleD'ellxd iill:orma:tton, tthrut the prices lof paJddy or otheTCDops whfuch shall be adotpted fo[' IdetermininJg the ,cash eqUiva1enit oil' T'€nt payabLe U!llJdler daulsle (ti) of the rplt'o:vtso to sub section (1) of 'section 6 'of the said Regu1:atton, slhall be las ill rt:Jhe schedu1e raltltaJohed herleunder in Tlesrpeclt ofbherent which haJs bieeome due fo[' the year 19,63.

SI'. No.


2. 3,.



Name of Crop


(i) Kada (i'i) DanlgQ

(i'ii) Ko1am

Kodra Udid Gram

Price per Hara




DaJman, 4th J'anuary, 19,64. -The OOlllecttor, 'H. K. Khan.

••• Planning and Development Department

Forest Department

Sale notice

Open '8.luction 's8Jle ,~l1oT the ma!teriaJil' to ibe felled dn the ,mbiber rp1antation al'ea at the iSddha forest in: il:lhe SaJIlg;tLem ;R:a,n,ge wHl he iheld in the S3Jl.guem Range Offliiee on 27th

.Ja'nJuarY,19'64,J3t 3 p. m. e

,For debaHs rplease .contact tile ,concer.ned lISange Forest Oiff:i'<~elr\

PaJIljim, 13'bh Jan'Ua;ry, 19'64'.; ~ iJjIc OOIllS'enva;tor 'Of iFo,rests', T. B. B'JwJt


2) Dooobsitrugaodie 3 lcih~'iCOS no. campO' de «Olliempoi­.chem Cla;sana», .dIa ,eoml11dlJidade de CaTIrliOna, o:rgada em Rip'S. 2,31031'-;

3) Dc'solbstTUgilJo Jdie 4 ehavc:olSI !Il10 ,Clamrp~), de «V;ainJaiy So­'coilem CIa'Sana», dial cotmu!llJidiaJdie de Carmona, or~ada em Rps. 2[124/-;

4) lJ3ernelfillcdagao de 2 tJ:10lgas do V1aIladn de «OHem casana», da ComtuThidia!de de; Cammona, o!r'gada 'em Rps. 1170./-;

5) Diersoibstrugao de5cnar,colS no' ,(jaJIDPIO die «Od:n€m ca­is'a:rua>>, da Ic:omunidade de Cia,rlmorna, Olrg8Jlia em Rps. 30,74/-;

6) AJbelrtuI"a de 2 ehact'cois die «H!3II:lJtolleu:m>, da eomunidalOJe die GutLrddliim, orgadla ,em Rips. 100.10/-.

As clarbalS SierilJol3JbelrtaB 8;S 15 hiolre:s dio' dito dia" nia pr1erslenga dOIS prertend€ll1JtJes. Nao ha'V',em:Io p:rlorpolslbaJs' ness'e rna, podera,o ser iaJpI1eSieDtalda;s a;te 8;S 12 hort'8JS dio d~a 13 db, mesmo Fieve­reriI1o,e 'seo:'3;o aibe,rtas pelaJs :1,5, hiOiI'8iSi db m€lsmo ma.

As ,Cllii.'Usilll1as e _ diemais Cloillidigoies c:on\S1tam dos prolc€ls'sO's n.O" 2,05,- 20.6, 2107'18' 2i)8-,d:a ser1e de 119,613, 72,/19613 e .1;913V1963, osquaJiJs rpodleil'ao :ser consultadols pellQlS interelSlsadiolS em todos as (Lias uteis Ie dm"aJnl1Je a,s hOII'8)S' ll'egUJ1ame[JJbares dO' sellw:igo.

.M,arga,o, 16 de JaneivO' de 19'6,4. - 0 SecI'etario, iB1ogvonto V~tol Porabo CMmuloar.

fVilsito, ~ 0 AJdmims:trado:r, interino, NaT1cinv'a S'arGJ8vati ,Vis­

num Sinai' Velinglcatr.

---..... -----

Reparticsao do Collector de Damao

Awslo IliOIS te:rtrnols ldo laJJ:1UgO' 6(2,) de «Thie Druman (Abo[,ition of PrO'prietO'rship of 'Villagers,) Retglllation, 19'612».


No uso diaB facu1da;deB qUle Ihe Isao eornf,eIi.iJdias plelo 'a1'­t~go 6(2) do. The Daman (AboJiLtilQn oil' Pl4O;pr~elttolr1shLp of V!iH8Jg,es) Reg,uJ:wtulon, ]916,2, a OOIHeoto[t" die DamaOi tOlrna pubU,c:a plam ,conhec!i.tmJenro ,g,erlatl. que '01S prlegos de 'blabe on outrias rp'Todugoes, que ISeirWO laJdorptaJdlolS prura d~D8!rlminari 0

equiilV'alenl\:ie' ,em dinibJeiJrol dial rlenldia rpwgruvel nOISI termors da wtineJa (:i.) do p;aCl."acgraJo (1) do 'aJr:tJ~ga i6i.0 do 'referido «R€lgu­lwm,on», s:erao OIS que sle ach3!m iTIirnClaJdosl [JJa rt:Jab~ta qUie 'Segue, no ~,e\S<pei!bante a rendi!'!; devida dUr'alU!te '01 a,nO' 'die 1963.

N.O de serie


2. 3. 4.



(i) Kada. (ri) Dangi

(hi) K0'1aiITl

Kodl'a Ur1d Gra,o

PreQo POI' Hara




Damao, 4 de J,aneirio Ide ,19'64. - 0 CO'lilelClbor, H. K. Khan.

• •• Departamento de Planifica~ao e Fomento

Reparticsao das Matas


TOlrna-se puiblJiJco que ius 1'5 ihoras do di,a i27 de .Janeiro de 19:61, s'e prO!CedeTa a 'Venda, ,em hasta ipu'bli1ca, no Range Offioe, 'em S.aJ!lguem, Ido materjJala sler oOIllD8Jdo illig, areia da !p1antaga,o de lborra,cha si:imadia na ma!tadSidha» do :conceIho de Sa.nguem.

Para ;(nMS iillfolrmago.es as iintererssaidos deV1eTao :d!iir1gJer-se 8;0 RJaruge iF1O'rest Officer, ern Sa:ngulem ..

Pang:im, '13 de ,J;anieko de 19!6'4. ~ 0 lOanseTViadoTldrus Matas I/c, T. IS. 'Boot •.


Education, Public Health and Public Works

Public Works Department

Sub-Division Diu

Tender notice

IS,ea1ed tenders ,ame ii.nM.ted, i8@aMl, f<I'.o[D, <I'egistexed ci¥iI OOlllitl'ruCilJors or F1iIl:'Ims !in P. W. D. Subc!divlsdolll oil' Diu upto 12 Illoo!llof 201t1h Febll'Ua;r'y !llleXit for the ,eXlecrutiolll of the wo,rk ibelolW mention ed:

Work no. <228/1'9'63-'64 of Ml!phal't macadrun 'roaid SlUrfa:cdng of !lllaitiollla'l ;wayl- iR8!m8JI Ponte [)iJa:mante -, estim,ated rvalUie - Rs. 16.99'1-28 n. p.

,T!he tender ,sihouLd !be accomjpanied !by a .(toCIUment lP!rolving that ,e'a!I'IIJ;es:t ,money eqru:ivaq,ent to 12,5 per ,cent of ltihe value of Wlortk haJs been diepOlslitedJ in the St!lJte BaInk oil' Saul'alShtrla, [)ilu.

The 'conibI1a:ctor iWi.11 havce :to lPay tl:!he ,tax of «!Contrtbuigao Ind~slllrjJa1» I8.!Ild olther IOCia;l taXle's prle'V'e[l;bed in tb.ds cO'l1,ntry.

The 'P!l8.illlS a;nd eSJ1Jimatle!s of abov:e work a;nd .o>tlhlers sip'eci­:ficrutions ar.e a;V'~laib~e at :the of;f:iilce of !S'l1b~divisi-on P. W. D. Diu, whene the sameCian 'ble obtalliDJed Olll aJ.l wotrlcirng days d~ng ofil'jice hOUl'S.

:FIulbliJc WOirks [)'epa;rItm;ent at [)iu 1I41t1h J,anuary, 1964.­For the iEngineer D'iJrie'ctor,' ,Vinvayak MukWYlld fBhabe.

••• Industries and Labour Department

Directorate of Industries and Mines and Land Survey

Land Survey Department


INotice is hereby given that 'bhe houses/rots sdtuate:d in the 1i81!lJd talriBadYI'leq'llli.'Sliti'OlIledi amid '1Jaik€lll. OVIe:r fOIl' ltl1li.111Jary [pUJrposes funder tihe Defence 'Of [DJd['a Act, 19'612, 8iround Na­lV,eldlffi Military !Camp' at CotOlca, iAlqUJem and iMJandopa, Na­veliJm 'Oil' Sa1cete t.a1uka, are to fbe takoen OIVeT with effe:ct from I2l2nd JaIlJuary, 19164 ma:ccOlfdance with the .r.ejquds[I!;i'On ol1ders nos. M-1/64 t'O M~7.;164,dated ,13th January, 1964 (copy of whi'c!hcan be iseen druoog Wlorktnrg h'OUiI'lS, IaJt S'8.1-,cete taluka AdministratoT'S Offiioce, Margii;'O), and the J:1es­ope:cUve 'compeIlJS'albion for the structure will Ihe paid t'O Ibhe lPemsO!llis ~own OT heUev;ed to fbe IiniteI'ested thel'ein at tihe time 'Of taking 'OiV'er. -

.A:U 'the pers'oTIS Wh'O have any iright, !interest ()IT lClaim over this property O'r 'aI'e entitled t:o a:ct for persO!lls SOl interested are herelby lcalled llI!P'On t'O app'ealfl personally or iby his autho­rised a,gent a;t site on the day of talUiitJg over or at the Land lS,mwey Department, iPandim, 'on ,o:r hefore 8thF.e'bruary, 19'64, during wOlrking hours, to state the nature of il:!!heilI' intereslt m .the saiJd immo!Vable p,l'olPerty and ip'arrticulars 'Of thei,r :cIailrns t'O ,comp'e!llSatiolll f.oJ" the same, 'With documental p,roof.

mhe particlulars of the structUll'ies and thelO'cati'On piJ:an can be seen 'by the linlterested !party in tJ::te Land .su,rvey Depal't­ment, Panjim, during working hours.

'Any Iclaim J:1eceived after 'theeXipLry 'Of the notice period L e. after '8tih F.ebirruary,19i64 "NHI not be ent'e,rtailned 'by this Department.

Direc:toTate .of Industries and Mmes and Land ,Survey­Land fSu;rv;ey D'ep,arti!Uent, Panjirrn, 117th January, Hl64. -The Dil'ecl\:{)T, eompet~nt Amtho:r'1ty, Porab'hakeer Kammt.

••• Advertisements

Notarys Office of the Judicial Division of Salcete

Ant'Onio Vicente da FQIll.seca, Bar-at-Law by the Univ;ersity .of Lisbolll, with Diploma in the Oourse .of the «Escola SuperroT Ool'Onia'l:» iand Notary-Publi.c in the Judicda'l District .of Salcete:

I hereby make it known that by deed dated 22nd December, 19'63, IWIitten in thtl.s offiice, on the [lropeI' book n'O. 81312, from page 35 verse, ::Maria Luisa Piedade Epif:ania Nunes, by .other

Instru~ao, Saude Publica e Obras Publicas

ServiC$os das Obras Publicas e Transportes

Sec<;Cio de Obras Pliblicas de Dio


Sao 'Par leste mero nOrwlmen;te 'cOII1vidiaJd'Os, os CO!llSltrutJories dVlise ,emp'reitei-ros, 'bern 'como as fiTllXtas de ,const.ruJgao dNti.1, ,a 'ajpres'entarem as pro!posltas lIl!a Se:c,gao das OibreJS 1Pulbl'iicas ,em ,1Di!o, ,em ica:I1ta fechada Ie lam'ada, a'IJe as 112 ihoras do dia 2{) de iF1ev:elI':eiro IPr6x:im'O, para a execu~ao ·lda seguinte oibra:

Oibra n.O :2\2.8/196i3-64 de asfaltame!llJto do lP&Vlilmooto da estrada n8!cional «Ramal Ponte Di;aJmante», sob a 'base de ldcdtagao de Rps.16.9,91-2'8 n.!p.

lAs PTO[posta:s devera'O <Vir '&companhada:s do documel'1t'O corn­pttl!Vlaltivo die ter ,eifectUiaidO', noI Startle Ba:nk lof Sauraslhtra lDio, _ Pc, d,~!p()'sito !prov'i;s6i:rio 'correstpolll!doote a :2,'5 pOl!' fCooto d~ ibase de J.:tcifagao.

00 ,a;dj,udicat:furioestara sujeilto a lU'ma ,taxa de lOon'br~brudgao linJdiust.r.iaI Ie orwtl1'iaJs ItaXlas 10IcW!s.i 0 iplr~d.ect:o, 'orgam!eDlto,cadJerno ~e enicargos e demai's condi,g6es podeTa.o ser 'conslULtaidos pelos 111JteI'e!Ss:ados na iSeegao de Ohras Pl11bliJcas de [)io, em ftodos 'os ,d[asuteis ,e loorante as Ihoras ll.'egIU1aimea:litares de oor1vigo;

ISe'cgao de OIbras iPnllbLtcas de Dil:o, '14 de IJaneiro de 1964.­Pel0 Engenhe,k'O Director, Vinayak Mukunil Bhobe .

••• Departamento de Industrias e Minas

DirecC$.3o de Industrias eMit-as e ServiC$o$ de Agrimensura

Re,parti<;Cio de Agrimensura


Torna-se p,wbli:co, que 'c~ efieit'O a :pamr. de 2,2 de Janeim de .1964, sera tomaoda poslse, de ac'Ordo COirn as relquisigoes n.O' M.-l/64 a 'M..;67/64, de '1,3 de JaneirO' die 19,6k1 l(uma.:cOp'i:a das Iquais. poideJ.'la ser cO!llSultada, durante as h'Oras rregrula­menitaIies de semr,igo, na IAldtninistraga.o do 'concellio de S'&lsete Margao), daiS Icas,as/icholUpa.nas sitrurudas n'O te,I1rle!110 ja requi~ s!ictrua'O e ,()lcupado' para fins Iffiilitares" aoo abrirgo de ~<The De­!lience of md[a IAJ01:, 1962», em 1VIO!1ta d'O acampamento Iffiilitar de iNave1irrn, 'em iCoibo<ca, LAqUJem ,e LMandoipa, de iNavelilm do 'co[ljcelho de ISals-ete. A 'resipe01:iva ,com;pensagao pe10s ma~e­!riru1s das !referidas construgoes s"er13. !paga as :partes inter.es­sadas na altura ,em ,que for t'OmaJda a !posse.

:Os ~!IlJd.ivid'll'os Ique tenha:m Iquaislque,r d.iI'eitos sobre a pro­priedade acima referida 'OU !que sejam re!pr,esentantes legais das paTibes i!llJtJeT~slS.aidiaiS, 'sao aJVjJSiadOIS a cOImlp-8irecerlem P!€ISS'O'al­mente .oU fazeve[Il-se representar lPelo agente autm:izaao, in ~OiOOJ no dda em Ique sera tomada !poss'e, au na ReparUga.o de ~rimenslU,ra, ,em iPangim, atle 8 de iF1eVeTej,l1o de 1964, durante as hora:s ,regulamen1tares de ser:vigo, a fiim de de'cla­ral1em os sel\.lJS ,direlitos ,em rrelagao, a /I',eferiJda propriedade imOlV'el e fOlme,cer pomneno,res s'Olbre a co~p:e!llSagiio pela mesma, ,com ipmova daciUlffientada.

lOs pormenores das, IconstJrlUgCies ,e a planta de localizagao poderao 'ser COilllSlU~ba;dos, p,elas !partes inte["essadas, na RepaJ"­rt:igao de iAlg',rimensura, ,em Pangim, durante as horas il'egula­mentaresl de se1':vlig'O'.

Qua:]quer Ir:e'Clar.m.a,giilo ,veceibida depois de findar 0 iP'razo esltalbe]ecidlo, k,rt:o e, dierpods de 8 de Fle'V'ere~rOl de 1964, naO' siera considerada.

:Dir:ec,gao de [ndiUstrias 'e Minas e :S,eI'ivig'Os de LAg;rimensura, R.epartiga.o de .A:g'rimeilllSura, Pangirrn,17 de Janetro de !1964.­o Directmr 'e IAJut'OridaJde COl!Ilp'etente, iPra!bhaketr Karmat .


Notariado da Comarca de Salsete 10 Li'cenc'i:a:do em [)keirto pela Umvensidade de Lislboa, Ant6ni'O'

Vicente. da F.o:nseca, diip!J:omado com '0 ourro da Escola .superior Cqlonial 'e notario na camal1ca. de .salsete ,com ,cartori'0 em-Marga'O na Pl1aga de Jorge Barreto num edifi­cio que tOTneja para a Rua de Isidoro Eitl1.itio Baptista:

Faz saber que por 'escritura de 12 de Dezembro de 19'63, Lalvrada no icartfuii.O a seu ,cargo, desde f'OTb.as 135v, do lilV.o n.O 832, de nota:s para lactos e coilltratoo entre vivos, Ma:ria

23RD J ANU ARY~ 1964

name Maria Luisa P:iJed:ade Epifania Nunes e BarrGs, frQm .AssQJna ;and living in Margiio, was declared the :only heir o£ her mQther TeQnila (ou TeomHa) EspeciJOsa LQnguinha CGs·taQr TeQnila Especiosa LQnguinha Oosta Nunes e BarrGs, who expired in Asso.lna., on 11th January, 1959, without any will ..

Against this decLaration can be shown, in legal tim'e, any ~ oplP'ositl'QtIl, be£'ocre the 'Competent o±1Hce.

Margao., 7th December, 19:63. - The Notary-Public, Antonio Vicente da Fonseca.

V. no. 1374/1964


Notary Office of the Judicial !Division of Daman

2 wt is he'relbY' l\1l:3)deknOlWn to ,the puibli:iJc by It:lris! 3JlllIl.O'1ln­:cement thaJt fun the lliOltalry orfif'nce loif the :JuldncilafJ: Dtvis:to.n of D8JmaLll :i!n ,chall'ge' o,f Ithe nO:D!l!ry rpulbltlic XienJcO'raJ AillolrneTI'CWr, situa'ted i!n ,the buil~d:i!ng df the JlI'dnC'iiail; iQOUlI1t !Oif 'this DiViis,ion :jin DalmaJn~l1aga, 'there ,was Idrruwn up OllJ paige s~ty e[lght balck of the boolk nUrniber two lhu!1Jared and 'e'~ervellJ, a! deed oif Gelc,l[lJra,t:iJO!l1 of. sUlccess!ton, Iqwail'!tf:iJcwtion or lc1irv:iJs~on, M'1h:e'll,~lby­the san ·of :the .autJholr :oif :iInh:erilballJce MOIl'a;r lN3:rallJe, 'the ftrst paldy Ha!rgonaJaals 'aJl!ilas Hal1gO'aJIl€ iMoraJr ainld 'the grwndson, son of hils ~aJte ,son named Ra;mg.ilbaJi MJo:raJr 'aJl:iJas iRamgi1\1)o­l'aT by rilght of relpl'eS'elllitaJtton, ·wel'e ,qwa:lJtfjJeld ars· sdLe arrud u[ri~ 'v,ersal hei!l'!S Otf the IsaJid author !o.f mneritallioe Morar !Narane., who did noit J,earv:e ialny !otheT heilrtSl who maly COi!lJCUJr tOI the di­'VeVsi:on, 'in terms lolf ,tare 'alit~ol!es ItWO' hwndr1e1d arrud ten allid ,twO' 'hiwndl1ed .and eIelV'en lof 'the Decree !llJwmber fO'l'ty two tho:usarud f':iJv.e hU!IJ:dreid allJd siocity ifQrve, !pwb[iilshie!d Q!llJ Ithe: IGolv:e11nTlJ!e!llJt GaJ­zeltte numlber fomty tSleiV1en, f1!rst 'sertels, idalteid twe!llJty ,eiighth Norvember 'One tho.usand llIi:ne hundred an lSixty one:

'Those wiho, lmJvoe ainy Irj:ght Ito 'the 1InhemiJtalllJce lof the saJid Morar Narane, :3100 hereby n'Olwrfiied ItO de!dll'ce, wjjthin 31 tiJme­-llimit o.f thirty days, from the date of p:ubli.catci!on 'of this an­'D1ouncement, ithe 10IpipO's:jJti!on hef,o!t'e ,the OOIUTit of Jus'tiJo.e of iDiarman" IgilvilllJg nOIt;[c·e 'Olf the same !orppols:ilt;[olllJ :Do. 'tib:e s:aJid no­taJry publ:iic, wiltMn ,the saiJd itime-~:im'ilt otf Ithrr.ty days, un!der the ipe!llJa'}ty 'Of belilnig Q'ssu'e!d by 'tMs 'O~f:i!o.e to: 'the I'espe'cti:ve' paiIiHtels CO!llJOeTneld :the' ICoipy lolf ,the aJborv·e :de'ed, cotns'iider:ing tha!t ,the,re hatS: been no op.posWbi!on on :the s!atld nOlta>ry wct, fOT ius ull:teTi:o:r Ite'I'm's.

NOitalry Oiffilce of the' IJudilciaw !DtilvJis'd!on .olf iDtamaJn, on tb:e fiftelenlth iN.orverrnlber 'OlllJe ,th'O'wsalnd TIme hwndr1ed anJd siiXty 'three. -The Notary Public, (sd) XencomVlilmUlm Nuique Alornencar.

3 [{it ms hei!1eby malC!e mo.wn to the pubUc by Ithis aJUIl.oun­cement fualt in the notary ,<Y.f)fice !of :the JudlLc:iJal DiV'ilS1ion of DamaJll in ehal1g1e of the nOitary pUJbli:iJc XjencoiraJ Alorn€ncar, situated! u.:n :lJh)e bui:JJdilng .of 'thie Jwdlilcli!aJl OOll.lrt of tills Dti:vision in lDaman-Pra,ga, tb:ere was draJWlIl fUip' on ipage sixty two hack of Ithe book numb:er 'l:iw101 hundred 'allJd 'e1eV1en, a deled of suc­oesisicon or quaMcaltfuon dOll1lJ:lation wiith la;ccep~anC!e, whwelhy the f11'standse:cond part~es', Raltanben i8:a:glolane laJliacs Ratan Naran, widow lof Bagoane Ma;canle auJJd Ques'soul:a;l BalglQla;ne a1~a;s Qll'e'sls10'U'laJl Bhago:aiDJdaJS MOIhilinii, mal1I'i!e:d, 'fJITlIp;loye,eof the priViate fil'm, !both :major in :age, propiriettors, of D;ama.o­-Bequffilo" weI1e "quaJ1ifi,e'.drus IsoiLe Iood un['Versal heiTs :of the aJUltho.r of 'in:hJeribanee siaid i8:rug:oane Macane, w[h0' 'I1I:'3.:S, aIEl" known as B'aJgloane MaoaJne MOlhini, reSiplelctiV1ely, thelir husband and f:ather wh'Ol :did not 1elav,e olther hiei-riB who may 'Cloncur to the dilvfiJsion, lim rtJel1ltIls ·of the rul'lti!clles two bwndlJed and ten a'l1!u twa huncWed and ellJe~ffiL ,of the Decree number fOflty two thO:li's!arud five hwnd'lJed and lsixty fiVle, publitShJed lin :tJhe GOlver1n­ment Gru21ette number fOl1ty lSIeven, fil1slt steries, d3Jted twenty leighth NOlV'ember one thousand nline hundred 'aJlld sixty one.

A!lllth'ehieirs of the irnhemaJllce of <thJe 's~d BalgO:aJlle Ma:cane, who f,ind :tJhellIllSleLrves ;offended :i'n theill' rdghts with the drawing up of the ISlaid nollary act, ,ave helleby nort:ifiJed ·to'deduC'e, within i3J tfurne-iI:iImiIt of trnr;ty d3JY'S, from the :daJte of publioation :oE tth:is annOlwncemeIlJt, the oipipolsirtion Ibefo£l'le the Oo:urt of Justioe of DamaJn, g[rvin:g nOitioe :of !the same oipiposlition lbo, the said notary p:ub'lic, wtthin ;tbie slaJid tlmle-limiJt 100: !thirty d3JYIS', under ithe ipienru!\::y of bleinJg 1slsuOO by thiis :offioe to theI'eSiplecti:V1e parties the IC'oPy lof :the ooorve deed:, ,cOiDJsideil'1nig that there has Iblelffil I!lJO orpipiQIslitiO!l1 !On Ithe 's!aiid notary :act, for itsl ulte.ri OIl' terms.

NoibaJry Offilce of ,tihe JuditCiial DiV'i!si:on lof D9man, s1tll'ated m Ibhie tbuiffidiDig of itJhJe JudicitaJl Court orf Daman, :on Ithe fifte­;mth N orvember on:e thOllllS!aind nliine hundred and ~ty three,­'rhe 1N000000y Public, (lSId) XencooQJ Vi,mum, Naiqw:: Alornencar.

V.nG. 13,81/19i64


Luisa Pi,edade Ep;ifania Nunes, pOT outro nome Maria Luisa Piedade Elpifania Nunes e Barros, de Assolna e residente em Margao, se habilitou co.mQ finica elll1i'versal herdeira da sua mae ,Teon'iilJa (IOU TeomiJa) Especiosa LQnguinha CQsta ou Teonila EspeciQsa LQtIlguinha Oosta Nunes e Barros, fale,eida em Assolna, no dia .11 de Janeiro de 19,59 sem qualquer dispolSigao de bens. '

Contra ·esta habilitagi10 !p'Odem ser aJp~esentailia no perazo Uegal e perante a estagaocoITllpetente qualqll'er QPosi,gao.

Margao, 7 de Dezembro de 19<63. - 0 No.bino, Antonilo Vlicente da Ftons(Jca.

G. n.D 1374/1964

• Notariado da Comarca de Damao

2 iPelo pre:sente ,to'rna;.sl8l p:UJblJilco! que: n'O no:tart'ii:al daJ ,c:o­maJl'ca: de iD3Jmruo Ie! peUJo. ical'toC!'io do 'escrirva'Ol-lll!olta:rilo' XeIIlJCO!l'aJ AJI:ort'lIlJenc3lr, SH10 no :e!diif~ciO' Ido. Q'r~'bunlall JudilciJaJl destaJ 0.0'­mamoaJem nama.o~lralgaJ, se '1a~I'Ou 3J £'oUlbiaJs 'sess!ell!taJ 'e o!iJbo. v,erso ,ao l!iJv,I10 lJi<iJme\[;OI'dwentO'.s Ie: .oIWe, umaeslcriituTa de de·­:?lal1a;gi'Lo de sueessi10 halbilitagao. ou partHrua pela Iqmvl foraJrn Ju~g,aidos lc:om'C) umcos Ie ·wnw·ersadls ·hierdedir:os' 'do'auuolr da ihe­raJngaJ Mo,r:alr Nial1allJe: '0 s:elli' fiQh6 '0 p'rimeilro iOiU1tOTigallJte: Ha!l'­gOlarudals por outro. Ill'omie H:amgo'alD!e: 1\1!O'ri8Jr ,e: netol f:i!!lh!o' 'do seu predifuntG fHho de nome iRaJmg1i!ba;1 Morar [pQr OU.tl1o. nome iRJaJmgi! Mlo!r:ar pOlr di!l1e:iltO! de meipreslenbaJg8;o: nao' tde!UxaJndo 0' re'­fe:~ildo' aUltor da h'eralDJga 'M:ol1alr iN:aTlallJe, quatlislquer iO,wtrolS her­de:]r.oS' quec'OlllJcOIrrarm .aj p:all'tilha, nos ,t;ea'lllJlOISl dosl al!'itigos dUlze~tols ,!e deJz 'e duzent'Os ,e IOllJ21e do D!eore.1:io' iDJUm,eTlO!quaJrenta e do!l's m'lI} Iquinlhentos sles'senta 'e <Cia::uco·, pub'lilleaJdo' IlliOI Boletim o f~drol !llJl:irnlero qru3!velDJuaJ ,eselte, primeill'3J s!erriJe, de v.iu:rteJ e' otiJto 'de iN.oVlernibro: de mn! :nolv:ecentosl S'esiSeIlJtaJ e' um.

S§!o por etSte iDJo!tifi,caJdos' 'bodo'se qwailStqwe,r li!n!teressialdos: na h~·ranlga do. meif1eriidol, 1\1braJr NaJraJlle ipa!raJ !llJO' p!!'ooo detrinta d:lal3 '$ lc'OlllJtar d3J pUlbJiiJca!gruo destJe :aJnUnc:iJo ,vj;rem delduziJr llJO pralZO' de trmm dlJaJS ip:eralnte: 0: Jrnzol daJ OOlmaJl'caJ de: [):ami1o detll;1J:r,OI do 're,fw:iJaoi pr3!Zio· de tcr'ilD!taJ dVas, dando, Icomu!ll!i!cagifu '310 'verfe:riido nOltal':iJo! dadedugao' ,da; opos1!gaol 'solb penaJ det se!!' [p'aJslsla!daJ ,pOIr eSltJe ruOIS 'neISlp:ectilVos mte'l1ess'aaols ai loopfua da ffi!etsm'aJ e'slcr1tur31, Ico'lls~de:rauJJdo'-s'e naol Iter havildo, opOlsi'gao. sobl'e -0 referido acto n:o.taria~ p:ara os seus 1lermos ulte­ri'ores.

OalJ:ltor·io lliolt3!r:ilaJ~ d31 com,arlel)! de iDamao, tqUlinlZet de lNo­V181mbl'o de miL novelcentos S'8IsSlellJta 'e' tres. - 0 iElscrirvaO'­-nota!I'i'O, Xenoo71a Visnum Nwique Alornenoor.

G. n.D 1:3:8'2/1964

3 Belo p!l1esenbe t'Orna-s'e publico que no: nJoljlarial d:a eo­marca de Da:miio. Ie plelo cartovio do 'esc:rwwO'-notaruol Xfflllco:rla Alornencar, Isiilto no edificio d'O Trd.'bun:aJ Judicial desta c:omarca em Damao-Praga se liaJVr'oua lfoil'haJs SIElSls:enta 'e dUaJsl verso do li'VJ'o numeTio dU21enil;os ,e 'Oillze urma eSlcritrul'a de SlU!cessaQ ou halbili'bagao doagao c:om 'aced.ltagao .poela qual f:oram jul'gado's como Uinfucos 'e unive!l'!SaJis herdffioo:s do autoi[' :da :he,rlanga Ba­goIaJIle MaloaJne que e!l'iai c:o.nhecido :tamibem com 0 nome de B3Igoane Mac:ane MO'hiini dO' S'e'U 'marildo ,e paJi do primeiro, 'e 'siegundo Guboll'gante: Ralta:'lb!en Balg:oanle ipor :O!U'tr'Ol nome Rata;n NlWan, viuvia de Brugoane Maoalllie :e Que:slslotU:lial Balgoooe pOor outro nome Quessoua·aJl Bh3JgIOlaJndias MOhilni, I03isaao, e:rnp~e­g3ldo da fd;rma particular, arnb'ols ma10ries, p!J:1oiprietarios, de DaJrnaoHPeqUJellllO', :resrp,ecti!v1arnen1:ie nao odJelixandJol :oru:tros he:!l"dei-110S que ,COiIJ:oorrram la parltiihia dOl referr;udlot BaglO'alllie MaJcane Mohi!ll!i, DlOIS Ibermos dim:! ,aJlittgo.S duz>8:ntOis 'e dee; Ie du)2'Jentos ,e OI11ze do Del0rleto numeflOl qU'aI1elllta e -aoUes mil qruinhe!1JDOIS ses­senta e c:inCo., publicladio. no BoZ61tim Of~ciJa,l numero qll'a,renm 'e sete de 'virnte !e oito de NloIVen:lIb110' de mjl] nOV1ec:enrt'O,s 'sesslenua e um, ip:rfume'iiJ:1a :serte.

Sao ip'O:r este nobiftcaJdios todos 'e qua:i'squer helrdieiros na he­ra;ng:a do !!'.efer:ido Balg'OlaiDJe Ma=e, que jUilgam ,00f:ffildiJdos n.os sellS dil1eitos com aJ pramca do ;lJefemao iaclto llIOltamlal .dediuzirem no prazo de ttrinta di;alS a sua 10IPosigaG perante 0. (fuizQl da. comarca de Damao., deillltJ:'o db ref,er,iido prazo del tr:mta di:as, daJndo cOITmnicagao .a!o. ~erfer<iJdJo nlotta:rio da delduga'O' d'a o.po­s1gi'Lo \So:b tplelJJla de 'sell' rpaJsslaidJa ,por :eslbe: aoiS ,reISlp,edmVos jnte'­r.elssaJdos a cop:ia da mesma ·escI1itura con's:iJd'erandJo-:se nao t,er

havidio 'oposiigao sotblJe 0 l'cilerido lacto nottalrilaU. para lOIS seus

tenrr:uos ulterio!l'les.

CaJl't6rio notal1ilal da {lomarca de DamaOl, sito iDJOI edJiifi'CI10 do. Tribunal de DaJrna.o, aos qu1nze de NOlVembro: de millliorve:clen­:tos Isessenta e tres. ~ 0 Escriva;o-noltar'i:G, Xencora Visnum N'aiqwe AZorn'8ncar.

G. n.D '1:3181/1964


Directorate of ,Industries and Mines and Land Survey

Land Survey Deparb;nent

4 In terms and fOir fue purpose mentioned in the ar­tide 1237 of !Decree no. 3'60i2 of 24th [Novemiber 19>17, is he~eiby allJIl'O!unced that GOlda'V'aribai Molio, alias, Loc:xJilmiJbai :Quenirrn, assis<ted :by her husband Esvonta iGmninda Quenim, of Panjim, wants to sign a document lof acceptance 'of sOV!ereignty (domi­mo dJir,ecto) of the Goverl!1fITl:ent plot gmnlted on ~ease ,to her fatiher deceased, R,a.a:nam.a;ta Sirraa. Molio, who was from Panjim, situated in the neiglhbouriong zone of Palmrur Ponte of Panj'i:m, by Alvara no. 613,7 'O'f :14-3,-1916" bounded on the ,eaJst, no['th, west and south by the Goive,=ent plot, halving an area of i2'69,i18 m2, on an 'annual t,ax of RIs. '6-95 Ill. p., residing in Margao .

.If anybody thin'ks he has vhe right to oppos,ethe afore­mentioned claim, :should do so Iwtbhlin 60 days f,rom the date of 2nd pUiblication of this a:dve,rtJisement in tihe Gov:ermnent Gazette.

Directiort'ate of Industri'es 'and Mines and Land Sur'V]eY'-:: LaD!d ISUI!'1Vey IDepartment, in IGoa, 31st De:cember, 19'63. ~ The Officer, Armaooo de Lima Pereira.

Vli:sa. - The Director, Prabhakar Kamat. V. :no. 1373/1964

(2. R vez)

• Adm;nistragao do Concelho de Mormugao

5 In accordance with and for the purpose mentioned intheartic1e 330 of the Code of Comunidades, it is hereby announced that Voitol Nagappa Agrahar or Vithol [Nagappa Agrahar, married, busirressman and resi?-ent at Vasco da Gama, ,applied for the lease of an uncultlvated and unused plot no. 49, belonging to ,the Comunidade of Marmagoa, for the construction of houses and its dependencies. It ,is bounded on the east with the land belonging to the Comunidade of Vwdem; 'on the we'st <WiIth 'the :ta!iJJd 'belJ!o!llJgiI!lJg tOt ithe Oomu~ nidade of Marmagoa and on the north and south with the same plot, covering an area of 1000 m".

V. no. 1349/1964

6 In accordance with and for the purpose mentioned in the article 330 of the Code of IComunidades, it is hereby an­nounced that Naguexa Sitarama Naique, married and resid­entalt MlalJ:lgao, has atppLiled focr the llie'a8'e <:If an uncU!1ItiiV~ted and unused plot n.O 44, situated at Oortal1m and belongmg to the same Comunidade, for the constructilOn of houses -and its dep'endencies. It is bounded on the west with the Nat-vonal road that leads from Cortallim to Margao, and on the east, no'r,th aDJd SO'llJth with the part olf ,the Isame' pllolt nQl. 4<4 wi.thin the 3Ire'aI of '50 metre" .o1f the' 'sarrn:e naltional1: roa:d, ,covecrinlg an area of 1000 m',

V. no. 1357/1964 (Repeated)

7 In accordance with and for the purpose mentioned in the ;article 330 of the Oode of Comunidades, it is hereby an­nounced that <sundari Naguexa Na:rque, ,resident at MargilJo, hialSaJpp:li!ed f.o'rthe ~eaJse 'Od' a'n UI!l!cwtiIVa;ted and unuse:d plot no. 44 situated at Cortalimand belong~g to the Comum­dalde olf ,the S,aIrne' vi<11age, for ,the' ,const'ruction ,of ihous'es and its dependenlciles'. Lt is bOUl!lded Olll the west wilth the naiti'onal road that leads from Cortalim to Margao land 'On the east, no'r,th 8lllid ,so'uith wiith the pail't of the same plo't nQl. 44, c01vering an a;r,eru -of 11000m'.

Vasco da Gama, 31st December, 1963. - The Secretary, Mahablesvar Visvonata Sinai Sirvoicar.

V. no. 1358/1964 (Repeated)

• Administration Office of Ponda

8 tAJocoriding 00 fue terms amid f,or the pUI'ipose establJished in the artiole 3310 o<f !the Code of IComunidooes, it Iits hereby announaed tha;1; GajananJa Vi,tola Oa:moti.m, maI1ried, merohant, resd!diing 3Jt P1anjiimhas ,appllJed Ifor. lea:sl~ for the pu1''P~'s'e olf -construction of a house of an uncu11:iilVa'ted:, 'I.l[IJtlSed aud wilthout any sp'ecial denominamon plot IOf land, of the il'eserrve'di plot of lland uo. XV[![, meant Tor ,construc'ti!on olf house'S, bOUl!l!ded on the eaJs1; !by the plart of the salix~ reserved plot o<f land applied TOT lOOISe by Bal\'lJgi Ca:motliJm; on the wesrt; by the pam olf ,the said re<served plot :of land applied fur leaJSIe iby RirumaJchollldre


Direcgaodeln'dustrias e 'Minas e Servigos de Agrimensura

RepartigCio de Agrimensura

4 [Nos termos e para os fins do ar'ti:go :23'7.° do Decreto n.O 13:602, de 124 de Novem\b'ro de 19'17, se a;nuncd:a ,que Goda­varibai MoH6, POI' o.ucbro nome i1Joxio:ntbai QuenilIn, assistida do seu ID8Jrrdo Esvonta GolVIinda Queni:m, p,retende assinar 0 teTmo de Tecofihe-c1mento do' dommi'o IWII'elcto do, Eslta:d!o', ,em r.ela&§;o a um te!'1reno do iEstado concedido em aforamento a seu finado pat Ra.ma.nata IS'inai Mollo, Ique foi de Pan:gim, sito na zona a!'1rebalde do :8a1mar Ponte de P;angim, po,r a1vara n.O 637, de '14 de Mar~o de 19::1:6, confrontado de nascente, ,norte, poente e suI, com 0 ter.reno do Estado, da aTea de :269,18 m2, e do foro anuo de RIps. 6-9'5 n. p., sendo ela resi­dente em Margao.

'Quem quiselr' opor-s,e a essa iPr,etensao, 0 fa.ga dentro do prazo de 60 <Has, nesta Rep'8Jrtl~ao ou na Adrrllinistragao do Gone'eliho de Goa, aeontar da 12." ,pUlbliJeagao des:te no B.oletim Oficial.

biTeegao-de fudustriJa;s e Minas e Servigos de Agrunensura, RepartigilJo de Agrimensura, em Goa, 31 de [)ezembro de 1963. - 0 Oficial, Armando de Lima Pereira.

V>isto. -.0 DilI1ector, Prabooar Oamotim. Go n." 1373/1964

(2nd time) --_.-+----

Administration Office of Marmagoa

5 Nos termos e para os fins dOl artigo 330.° dOl vigente C6digo das Comunidades, anuncia-se que Vitol Nagappa Agrahar, por outro nome Vithol Nagappa Agrahar, casado, comereiante, residente em Vasco da Gama, requereu em afo­ramento para construgao de caSta cOlm suas serventias, urn terrenO' outeiral, inculto, 1'oehoso e desaproveitado, eomp1'een­dido no lote n.O 49 _ da comunidade de Mormugao, na area de 1000 m'. Confronta~se de nascente com 0 ter:reno da comuni­dade de Vadem; pO'ente eom 01 terreno da comunidade de MlormugaO'; nOl!'ite ICOlm 0 telmeno do,lTI'esmo lone e su]: com 0 terreno do diito' J1ote.

G. n.O 1349/1964 (Repetido )

6 Nos termos e para 'Os fins do disposto no ;artigo 330.° do vigente Codigo das Comunidades, anuncia-se que Naguexa Sitarama Naique, easado, residenoo em Margao, requereu em aforamento para cOlllstrugao de casa e suas serventias, urn terreno 'outek,al, inculto, rochosG e desaproveitado, ;com­preendido no ~ote n.O 44 de aforamentos, sito em Gortalim e pertencente a. comunidade da mesma aldeia, na area provavel de 1000 m". Confronta:-'se de po.entecom 'aIe,straida naJcional que de Cortalim se dirige a Margao, de nascente, norte e suI Gom a restante parte do refendo lote n. ° 44, no raio de 50 metros da dita estr.ada nacfona,l,

G. 1ll.0 1357/1964 (Repetido)

7 NCB termos e :para os fins do disposto no artigo 330.° do vigente C6digo das Comunidades, anuncia-se que Sundari NaJgU!exaJ Na:iJque, l'es,Ldenle :em M1rurgao, Teque:reu em ,rufocra­mento para construgao de ,casa e suas serventias, urn terreno inculto, ooehoso e desaprov,eitado, compreendido no lote n.O 44 de alf,o'ramenuos, s'nto em COl.1iJrulim 'e' pe,rte!llJcente a comUlIlJidaJde da mesma aldeia, na are:a prtovavel de 1000 m'. Confronta-se de pOlenlte ,com a; e,sltrruda naJc~onaJ1 !que de CortaJl.im s:e dilrJ!ge a Mal1ga'o 'e de :nascente, norte e SUlI com a restante parte do referido lote n.O 44.

Vasco da Gama, 31 de Dezembro de 1963. - 0 Secretario, Mahablesvar Visvonata Sinai Sirvoicar.

G. n.O 1358/1964 (Repetido;


Administrac;ao doConcelho de Ponda

8 Nos 1leItrI1los ,e pl8Xa os fins do disipOSito no arltJiJgo 330.° do C6dJ!gJO dialS Oomunidades, s~e' anUilloi:a que Gajanana Vdtola Camol\:Jirrn, 'ca:sa:do, 'comerciante, residente em Pangiim, requweu em a:fo~a:menltG para os fins daeonsrt;ru~§;o dia easa um ,terreno moulto, desaJproveita:do e sem denominagao especial, do lote reser.v,a:do n. • XVIII, des'tlilllaao para ICOnstTUga:O de casas, site em Bandora e ,per'tencente a ,comunida:de da mesma aldeia, 'confrontrudo de uascente ,com a parte do dito lote reseTVaao reo querido !em af:Qra:mentO' pOI' Brulaigi ca.moi\:!im; de po!ente COIlll

. 23RD JANUARY, 1964

,Sinaii. Co,iSlsoro; 00. the novth by Ithe naJti.onJaJl road Wh!iJeh from Panj:iJm 'looil!s to PoodJa and 00 the south by the plot of land no. 'i~-lst d1visicn, oovertiillg an area cf '2000m.2. File no.. 110/

. ~9163. Cia


9 LAooOlrdtin,g to. the tenns and fc!r the pUTpcse established lin the article 330 o.f the Co.de ()I:f Com1lJlfudades it is hereby

.3mnounced th81t Ramachondra Sinai Ccissoro, widower, govern­mentemployee, residing at Panjlim has aa?plied f.or lease ()I:f 00 ThIlcmti!Vwted, ,UIlJus-ed and .witholU!t ,aJUy Slpedwl denl~m1n8JUcn, fOir the pU!I1pose of 'OOlllSlbructron of 'a houlS,e, plot of laJnd of the '1I'leServed plot, o.f land no. xvm, meant fOT ccnstruction cf

o hou\SIes" S1ituruted at BaJndora !all!d belonging to Ithe Comunidade olf the B,ame vilil!wge, bounded 01rlJ the east by the' pIlat of LaJUd of the .said plot o.f land no. XVJ.ll aa>pIied for lease by Gaja­D8Jna Oallnomn; 00. the west 'by the plot of Land of the said 'plot .of land no. xvm applied fo.r lease by Li.n,gU :Do.lvi; o.n the Dlolrth by the naticnal road whi'ch from Panjim leads to ,Pionda and on the south Iby the plot of land no. 72-~sIt divisio.n

'COlV!ering an area ()I:f 20010 m2. File no. 109/1963. Cia


, 10 Aocording-to the tel'l.ThS and fcr the purpose elstabJisiheq.

~i!ll the aI"UcLe '330 ,0If 'the .ccde of ComulllliJda;des, Jit 'ils hereby .announced thaJt Sadananda Mahadieu Cuvchorcar, marvied, ,government em,pIoyee residing at Panjim has aa?plied fOT lease cf an unculiti'wllted, unused and without any special deno­,IIl!iillJaJtion, plot of land, of the reserved plot of Lam.d no. XVIIII me,runt fe'r cO[ljstruoti'on of hOUJsesl, stitU!ated alt B8lUdor8J 8lUd 'belonging to. the OomunidJade of the saJme VliiUage, bounded on ·t'he least by the remainilIlg 'P'aJI"t of the 0000: plot of liand no; xvm appLied for ,lease by Lingu Do[vi, on the west by .the liimit ofth~ said l1eserved p10t of land no. xvm on the north 'by 'ilie publ'iJc rcad whioh from Pl8Jnjinn leads Ito Pond1j,

o and on the south by the pJot of land no.. 72-1st diviSJioo., co-;-v'ering area of 2()OOm2. rue no. 1.07/1963. ' .

Cia (Repeated)

11 According to the terms and for the purpose 'established ·in the article 330 of the Code .of Comunidades, it is hereby --anno.unc,ed that Lingu Roguvira Do.lvi, married, go'vernment employee, residing 'at Panjim has applied for lease fo'r th~ purpose of construction of the house of ;an uncultivated, unused and without any special denominatio.n plot of land,

o of the reserved plot of land no. xvm, situated at Bando.ra · and belonging to. the Co.munidade of the same village, bounded · on the east by a part of the said plot o.f land no. XVIII ap,.. pU,ed for lease by Ramachondra Co1.:::8cro; on the westby the remaining part of the said plot of land no. xvm applied for lease by Sadananda Curchorcar; on the north by the public road which from Panjim leads to Po.nda :and on th¢ scuth by the plot of land no. 72-1st di¥i.sion, cOViering an

: area cf 2000 m'. File no. 108/19'63. Cia


12 According to. the terms and for the purpose established · in the article 330 of the Code o.f Comunidades, it ~s hereby announced that Balagi Camotim, married, clerk of Comuni~ dades, residing at Batim, has appUed for lease fcr the purpo.se

,ofccnstruction of a house an uncultivated, unused and without any special denomination plot of land, of the reserved plot of land no. xvm, meant for ccnstructi'on of ho.uses, situated at Bandora and belonging to the Comunidade of the same village, bounded on the east by the plot of land no. 72-1st division; on the west by the vemaining part of the plot or land no. xvm; .on the north by the national road which from Panjim leads to Ponda 'and on the south by the 1st divis;j.on

o cf the said plot. of land no. 72, co.vering an ,area of 2000 m'. File no. 106/1963.

Cia (Repeated)

13 There having been divergencies between the bounda­'ries indicated in the in'Lti:al petition and thcse verified by inspection, it d,s again announced acco.rding to the terms and for the purpose established in the articl~, 330 of the Code of Comunidades that a plot of land witho.ut any speCial deno.­minationcovering an area of 1000 m 2 'and' which is the part

, .of" the plot of land no.. XX,' reserved for construction of 'houses, situated at Bando.ra 'and belonging to the Ccmuni­. dade o.r·· the same village, bounded: on the east by the plot


ap,arte do dirflo iote veservado vequellido em aforemento.po,r iRamachondra Sinai Coiissor6; de n.orte com a estr81da:naaiJonaJ. ,e de suI com 0 lote n.O 72-1." adigao., na area de 2.000 m2. P:ro­cesSIO n.O LI0/1963 .

C/C (Repetido)

9 Nos ,1le:ttrnJos e pM'a os fins dio disrpiosto no avtitgol 330:' do Co<ligo das Comunidades, se anunaiJa que Ramachon9-m Sinali CodisslOro, viuvo, funcionario publico, vesiidenJte lem Pan­ginn, requereu em aforamento para os fins deconstrugao. da oasa urn te,rreno :inculto, desaa?I'olV'eijc'-.ado. e sem: denominagao esp-ec1al, dio lote rerseTVaJuo n. ° xvm, d1estinJailJo para cons­trugaode :~s8.!S,silt.oem Bandora 'e p'e:rteincente a comunidaide .d:a mesma aldeia,conrlf'ontado de nascelllteco.m 0 terreno do dito lO'ten.o X!vm re,querido ,em aforaJment() POl' Gajanana Oamotim; de pOiente 'com 0- terreno do <lito lote requeviJdoi ean aforamento por LiD/gU DOil'Vli; die nortle com a ,eSltrada naol!ouail

. q'UJe-de PaJ:l,gfun -se 'dirige a Pondae de 'suI com 0 lolte n.· 72-I." adiigao, na allea de 120()O im2 • Piro-ces.so n.O 109/1963.

C/e (Repetido)

10 Nos 1levmos Ie p'ara os fins do disrplOsto- no artliigo 330.° >do. Codiiigo das Comunidades, se aDltmcia que 'Sadananda Maha­deu Cur,chomar, 'casado, runcionaric p'uiblioo., vesidente 'em Ban;gJ:m, reqa.teIl6U ern. afo~ento p81rla OS fdms de c01l:Stru~aode :casa urn neneno moulto, desaPTOrv,eitado e s,em denomin:agao eSIPecial, do. late ,resevvooo. n. ° xvm destinado. p,ara Co.nstr:ugllo deC8.!SaIS, sito em BaiIldora ,e pevbencent'e a ·co!nunli.dade dJa mesma ald€lia, ,conifl'ontado de nascente com a p'arte do <lito. lote n.O xvm requerli.do1em a1;10I'8lmento por Lingu,DoM; de poente com 0. lIimite ® . dilto lolte reservado. n. ° xvm; de norte corm a estrada publica que de PangUm se dirtiJ~e a Ponda 'e de suI com 0. lote n.· 7~-1." adigao, na area de '2000m2• Processo n.O 1017!19!63. '

C/C (Repetido)

11 Nos. termose para os fins do. dispost() no, artigo 330.° do. C6digo c:}as Comubidades" se anuncia que Li!lgU, Roguvira Do.lvi,o casado., funcionario. pUbliCO, residenteemPangim, ·requereu em aforarnento para o.S fins de construgao da casa um terreno. inculto, desaproveitado. e sem denominagao ,espe­cial, do. lcte resrvado n.0 XVIII, slito em Bandora e perten­cente a co.munidade da .mesma aldeia, cOnfrontad.o ,de nas­cente com a parte do dito lote n.O xvm requerido em afora­mento por Ramachondra Coisscro; de poente com a restante .parte do dito lote n.O xvm requerido em aforamento. por Sadananda Curchorcar; de norte ccm ,8, estrada publica que de Pangim se dirige a Ponda e de suI ccm 0' lote n.O 72-I." adiigao, na area de 20(}Om2• Pro.cesso n.O 108/19.63.

C/C (Repetido)

12 Nos termos e para os fins do. disposto no. artigo. 330.° do. C6digo. das Comunidades, seanuncia que Balagi Carn.otim, casado., escrlirvao da eomunidade, residente em BaUm,. re­quereu em aforamento para os :t11ns de co.nstrugao da casa

. um terreno. inculto, desaproveitado e sem denominagao espe­cial do. lote reservado n. ° XVIII, destinado para construgao. de casas, sito em Bandora e pertencente a comunidade da mesma aldeia, ccnfrontado de nascente com 0. lote n." 72, I." adigao.; de poente com a restante parte do <'!!ito lote n. ° xvm; de norte com a estrada nacional que de Pangim se di'I'ige a Ponda e de suI com a dita I." adigao do lote n." 72, na area de 2000 m'. Process.o n.O 106/1963.

C/C (Repetido) .

13 Por ter havido diivergencias entre as confrontagqes . constantes da petigao inicial eas d.o terreno medido em :aforameIito, novamente se anuncia nos termo.s e para os fins do gisposto no arj:igo330.0 do. C6digo. das Comunidades, que ~F.otu.Sinai Quencro; soIteiro; proprietaI'io, residente em

: Comool'jita, 0 fo,i medid6 :emaforamento· para· os fins de cons-trugao da casa um terreno 8em· denonunagaQ' especial que

: faz parte do lote reserv'ado n.· XX, para ccnstrugao de casas, si-to em Bandora e pertencente a comunidade da mesma al-


of land nO'. 20 applied for lease by TrhnbO'ca QuencrO'; on the west by apart of the said plot of land nO'. 20'; on the north by. the nation.al rO'ad which from Bandera leads to' Pondaand O'n the south by the first divisio.n of the. plot of land no. 74-Sarpangal, fO'r the 'annual lease rent O'f Rs. 10'/-. File nO'. 66/1962.

Cia (Repeated)

14 AccO'rding to the terms and fO'r the pUI'p'ose established! in the a;rttcle 330' ,of the iQode' otf OorrnuiniJdaJde's, :iJt liis hereby an­nO'unced th8Jt Derv;daJtba ViSIV~lJmjlYora; is-ina:iJ QueJ:'iOOil' OT iDervd~th Vishwambh,ar iKerkar,Qnarried, dector, frO'm Ponda, nO'w residing at Margae, has a;pplied for 'lease fO'r pUTpose of culti­vatiO'n of fruit trees and legumes otf a plO't of !land, situated at Bandorai'll the ,proximittes to the Temple Xxi Maruti, from Ponda and be~onging to' tb:eOO'munidade of the same village, of :the plO'tef and no. 72, 1st divisiJO'n, beunded on the east by the plot land be'IO'nging to'Visrama S:inai Cande81parcar, that of the TemplJe of Xri MatrUltiiJ and thaltof the mU1llliJc:ipaJl ,crematiJolOJ groulOJd; on the west hy the' plolt of LaJnd leased of ,the viJl1aJge Quew'a now beil'O'I1'ging <to Joao fualciJOl GvaJCiJa;s; on the n~)\r.th by the naJtionl8.ll r08id ,and p'llOlt of lalnid belonging to' Ma.zawores 'and '0'11 the south by the plut of 1am:d 'of borrnurodad~of Que'wa ood thaJt of RaJma;choilldT8i N~que Gaiu!ne!llJc8JI', cO'VleTmg 8i!tl ~'a of thre'e 11ectares. rue no. 114/1963.

C/al (Repeated)

15 According to the terms: and fO'r the purpO'se established in the8irt:ide 3,30' of the Code of Oomun1idaides, jjt is he,reby aJn­noulliCe'd thalt GaJjan:ama Visrv8!mbora, S!iIlaJjj QUCII'lcatr or G8.(jana;n 'VisiW,a.n'J,bh8Jr KerkaT, baJc'he!lor, cOlIDmeTcil8.ll employee, re:.siJdLng ,altP'o!llJda', hlas .'a;ppIfu¢'d ;/jOT 1ea:se foOr the purrpos,e of 'cWtirvatriJon 'Of 'fruit 'trees aJnd !Legumes of ~ p.lot of l~d, s~tuaJtetd ~t Ban-­do,m, in ,the "prbX:iJm:iJtiles 'Of tfb!e Templle of Xti ::MaJruti, 'Of PO!tlda anlid beJ,ongmg ,to. the OomuniidaJde 'Of the same villtl'81ge, of ,the ploit of 1aJnd no.. 72-1st ,diiV'i,SIi!on, bounded 'on theeaiSt by the' plot ,of land oe1ongb:ig to Visrama .sinai Candeaparcar,that of the Temple of XI'ii Maruti and that of the municipal crema­tiO'n ground; on the west by the pl'Ot of land leased of the viJ1lage queula n'Ow bel'Onging to JlOa'O Inacio Gracias; on the n'Orth by the national road and pl'Ot of 1'and belonging t'O Muzavores and 'On the south by the pl'Ot of .land of Oomuni­dade of Queula and that 'Of Ramachondra Naique Gaunencar, ,coveting an area 'Of 'three hectares. File no. 113/1963.

O/a (Repeated)

16 According to the terms and fO'r the purp'ose established in the article 330' of the Code of C'Omunidades, it is hereby ann'Ounced that VisV'futnbO'ra Sitarama Sinai Quercar, married, residing at Ponda, has applied fO'r lease for the purpose of cO'nstruction 'Of a"house for living 'Of a plot ,of land bEilong­ing to the Comunidade 'Of Bandora known as «Sarpang811», c'Omptisingin the plO't of land n'O. 74, 1st division, situated in the ward Ourpassa, bounded on the east by the' 'part 'Of the p10t of ~and nO'. 74-1st division, applied f'Or lease by Xan­itabai A. S. Quercar; O'n the west by the part 'Of the said pl'Ot of land n'O. 741st divtsion; on the north by the part 'Of the said plot land nO'. 741st division, appUed fO'r lease by Loximicanta Pandurenga Naique Nomo:x;1car, from Bandora and O'n the south by the reserved plO't of land no. XXI, .cO'v,er­ing an area of 10'0'0' m2. FUe nO'. 112/1963.

Ponda, 18th December, 1963. - The acting Secretary, Ra­macanta Sina~ Oontoco.

• Administration· Office of Quepem

Section of Comunidades

Cia (Repeated,:

17 In acc'Ordance with 'arid fO'r the purpose established :in the article 330 'of Code oif Oomunid8ldes, it iJs hereiby annO'unced Ithat Balsu VilttO'ba F'Olo !Dessai, ,bachelor, Tesiding in Pirla, has appUed for the lease 'Of a land for ,cultf;vating fruit trees and paddy, an area O'f ten hectares 'Of an uncultivated and 'dfussi:pated ran:d knO'wn as «lOarea;mola», situated in Pirla and lbeloriJg1img ito. tihe Comunidade of Pirm, bounded Olll t:he lea:st !by limit of .sulcorna and DatO'rdem; 'On the west by ,the !l'evulet; on:the noOrth by Us,galimoOl of CO'nstanc:io AntoniO' iBarIleto .and on the soutlh by iBaida. of ,Criis!llJa Xexi. OuJ!'lado an'd 'ot;hers. JFHe nO. 2/9'64.


deia, cO'nfrontadO' de nascente com '0 terreno' do lote n.· 20" requerido. em afO'ramento por Trtmboca Quencr6; de poente '<tom; a parte" do ditoO lo.te n.· 20'; de no.rte com 'a estrada nac:ional que de BandO'ra se dirige a Po.nda e de suI com a prhnei:ra adiigaO' do lote n.O 74 S'arpangal, na area de 10'00 m O


e p.elo. ifo'ro anuo de Rps. 10'/-. Processo n.· 66/1962. C/C'


14 Nos termO'se p.ara os fins do disposto 1Il0' artig'O 330'.· do-06diigo {las, OomUiIhldaJdes, se anunciJa: que De'V'daJttaJ Vi'svrum­bOO1a ,8in3Ji Quercarr 0lU Dervd8!th Vishwamb'hatr Kerk8ir, 'OOJSado'" mediJco, de Fonda, 'OTa I1esdJde,nte em IM:atrgao', ve,queveu em afo­ramen/tO' paI18l OIS f1ns de ,cul!tura; de ar'VOTeS' frutife'ra:s e legu." me'S, urn terr,en'o', siJoo em Bandora, nas proilCimidaJdes da DeJVl8i-' ~adJa de Xti MaJrUJti, de Ponda e pertelOJcellllte' it ,comunida:de da, mesma; 8ildeia, dOl l'o'te des,iJgllla;do sob 0 n.'· 72, La adltgao, con­·:fron,'baJdo' de !llJa;scoote ·com 'Oi terren'O' de Vi81'ama SIDai Calndea-, pa~C8ir, da,DeiV8iladJaI de XTIi: Mialr'l1'ti e doO cremat6:ri:O' mun:iJcilpal!; ae pO~n'te' 'com '0' alfuI18imento' da;aJ1deliJa Queul,a ora:· de J 000 . lnac,~() Gra:cias; de Il!olI1te com a 'estrada !llJaJci'O!tl8i1 e tecrreno de MlOlZ!8IVo'res 'e d~' suI ,com 0 teTren'O da ComundJd8!de de QU!eUJia, 'e de Raimacho!l1ldraJ NmtqU!e G8iunencaT, n~ we'a de tres, heCltaJres'. PiI1olcesso n.· 114/119&3.

c/e:: Cttepetldo I

15 NoOs termos e para os fins do dispostono artigo 330.· do­COdiJgo d8!S ComUlD!iJd~des', se' anuncia quel Oaj8inaJn8J Vtsvam-· bOTa Sirn:aJi< Queroor ou G8.(jalOJaJn Vishwambh8ir KeTka;r,solteiTo, maJiolt', empT'eJg~do comeTlc:iJaJ1, de' Ponda, requereu ,em afora:-' me'llloo .p8ira os 008 Ide cUiLtura de 3JrVOTeS' frutiferas eo legumes, um ter,renO' isilto 'em BaJndora, il1J8!S pTOximliJdJades· da Dev,8ila:iJal, 'de Xri Maruti de Ponda e pertencente a ,comunidade da . mesmal a;l!deia, doO w,te desiJg.naJdJ01 soob' '0 n.· ~, 1. aadigao\ oon­fronta;do de n'8!S'cente com 0 'terreno' de Vjs'rama; Simi! C8iU-­deaJip'8ircatr, da iDerv'aJliaJia de XriJ MatrutiJ Ie do 'erem8!t6I'i!o muni­-ciJpaJI; de po!ente 'com 0 aJ1ior'8iIl1JOOlto Ida ailde<iJaJ QueuI'a'O'ra de' .ToaOl 'LIliiiICiJo GraJciIaJs; de nolt'1te, ,com 8i :e'stmclia; lOJaiciionall: e ter~ reno de MuzaV'O'res e de suI ,com 10 terreno da comunidade de QU!eula 'e de Ra;macholndm Nafuque IGalU'll'encar, na area dec 'itres heCltaI1es. Pro,oess'o n.· 11\'3>/1196,3.

c/c· (Repetido)

16 N,os termO'se p.ara os fins do disPO'sto Ill'O'artigo 330'.· do C6digO' das Comunidades, 'Be anuncia que Viisvambora Sita-' ranla Smai Quercar, casado, residente na Vila de Fonda, re­quereu em aforament'o para lOS fins de ,construga-o da ,cas a de habitagao urn terreno. da comunidade de Bandora deno~­minadO' «Sarp.anga1»,cO'mpreendido no lote n.· 74, 1." adigao,. 'siuo nO' bairI10 Cunpassa, c-onfrontado de nascente coma parte do dito lote n.· 74, 1." ailigao, requerido em aforamento 'por­Xantabai A. S. Quercar; de poente cO'm parte dO' dUo. l'Ote­n." 74, 1." adigao; de norte 'com a parte dodito .lote n.· 74, 1.' adigao, requetida em aforamenTo por Loximj,canta Pandu-' rO'nga Naique Nomoxicar, de Boodorae de s~ c'Om 0 lote' rese1rV'ado n.· XXI, na area de 1000 m2

• Processo n.· 112/19'63.

Ponda, 18 de Dezembro de 1963. - Servindo de SecI1etario" Ramacanta Sinai Oontooo.

• C/C'


Administracsao do Concelho de Quepem

Sec<;ao doas Comunidades

17 Nos te1\IllJOlS e pama oOS fins de aritigo 3'30.· dO' vigente­C6digo das Comunidades, 'a11l1mcia-se .que B'aLsu Vd:ttOlba F'Olo [)essai, sO'lteiro, residCl1te 'em iJ3ali, Il"eque'reu em aforamento para a cultura de arroz e arvo!res frutiferas, uma area de .dez hectares do. terr'eno incultO' e desaproveitado. denominadO' «OweanroJial», 'silbo' ,em !P:i!r1aJ 'e perte[lJcelIlte a ,comJUmda;del de Pirla, cO'nfrontado de nasC'ente com 0 1im:ite de Sulco.rna e Daterdem; de poenc(;e com 0 regueirO'; de norte cem Usgalimol de ConstancioO Ant6nio.BarretO' e de suI co.m Baida de Crisna

. Xexi NaJique Curid6 Ie outros; ProcessO' n.· 2/964.

(Repetidp) ,

23RD JANUARY, 1964

18 'In woco~da!nce wilth arnd foc the purpose estaJbl[shed in the a~mcle 33{)of Code 'of Comunidades, it is hereby announced that IChanda Cashinat'a Kandepar,car, mam-ioo, cleirk of the comercial activities resi<id.ng at Ou.~chorem; has a,pplied for the lease of la land for cultivating f:rullit trees and paddy an area of ten hectares of an uncultivated and dissipated land known as '.«iCotid'ongoir», siltuated at Pirla and belonging to the ComUll1JiJdade of iPirl!al, bounded on ~he te,ast by the rivulet and lMalll8Jbanda of Pagoda of IShri Deu 'Mialhad'eu and others on the lWest by Adeohemmol of ChandJu Gaunl'3!O and' others; on the north by iDovorneamola of Xabaji Hiriba (Sinai SanvoT­dencar and on the south by the land of Xalba Rama Naique and oti1e1I'!s. IFile no. 1/1964.,

'Qiuepem, 16till Jia!nJuary, 1916'4. - The .sec~etaTY, Jaianta Vis­vOnJata Sitrtai N'a<rcornim.


Cia i~ep€llt .. ·j)

Administration Office of the Comunidades of Goa

19 In acco.rdance with and for the purpose ielSta;bliShe1i in the artic~e 330 of the Code of Comunidades, in force,3t is herebyannlOunced that Madhucar Naique Gauncar has applied for the leas'e of an uncultdvated and unused plot fo.r the 'cons!tru.ctfuon of :a house ibeI'ong'inlg to :the IComunidade ocf Cujira, comprised IOf the :rote no'. 1 named «CondoHim», bounded on the east by the hill of the aforeS>aid Comunidade; on the west ,by the p~ot of the same lote iDJO. 1 appJied fo'!' its leas,e; ,on the noirth iby the p,r1op,erty 'of Va;lente de iSousa and on the south by the national road, Ciorveting an 'area probably of 1000m'.

Goa, 4th April, 1963. - The Secretary, Bogvlonto VifJo,l Porobo Ohimulcar.

V. no. 1383/1964

• Administration Office of the Comunidades of Salcete

20 In alccoTda!l1ce Wli!th amid foil' Ithe' 'PUlIipmS!e estalbl!ils!held in rurltidla ,31310 'OIf the .colde otl: Gomundldade's in force, it jis' he'r'eby aJIl1l1jounce'd thalt Ma;rQ'aJ iHtl,daJ Vis'ltagiLo dru DiiiVina Brorvide!lldla; Fwgueifl'eld)(y e SelllJal, mrul'riJe!d, f'rom Loutuil'im andres'iJdinJg [In

P'oi!lJda, has a,pplied for leas'e, f.o.r ,construction of house, an uTI!cullti;v;alteld pototof ianld of 8JbolUlt 11000 nY' j!IlJ ai~ea;, of Ithe 00-mU!n,tdade m Na!~oral, call1Leld «OalsteQ'ai iMJatty» , 'sdltuwte'd 1!!l Na­gOlai ,and bQJUlliaeld O!IlJ.true iealsit by Icas'h!ew-grolve of 'tl:J!e' heilrs L8IZ'a(I1o Be!IlJeldibo do, RJoS',8JI'dio' GOiIlidiJga~lo, Plere'iJrw and the pals­tu~e-i!laiIlid ,«ICaiSltealaJ Miaitty»; on lfue, west Iby Ithe JJand '!'e'Sierved ai~O!llJg the madin. 'roald; O!IlJ the :no'r:th by the siamd JJa!IlJd «Oa!s,tell8J l\llJwtty:» nolW a.!pIpHeid fOT l!e'aJse' by: [RiolqUie s,al!l!tana dw P:iJerdald'e Bena and on the .south ,by the iand reserved :along the main :J:'olald. FJ'~e 1llJ0'. 2/11964.

V. no. 1113;91/:1964

21 I'll alClcoTdaillce rwwth amid fOil' Ithe 'PUIl'lpos!e eSltalbldisbied in alJ:1tide 13,30 ,of the C'oldei otl: C'omulllJ~da:d:es i!l1 fOT:ce, iit iis he're!by a1nno'Unced tlhialt Rlolqu'e! ISalllJtan!aJ da Plile!dalde SelllJa, naJtive otl: N algoa of Ve!I'na a!l1d Ire'sildill1!g iin Ponda:, m'aII'lI'lled, halS alppliUed fOIl' leas'e, fOT CQlIlst'I1U1Ct'i!Oill of houlS'e, ,aill U!ll'cuil!ti;vaiteld pQoit o.f lalllJd 'm lalbouit ,1{lOO m 2 i:n alr,ela;, 'of !tbJe IOomUll1iiidaidei .of 'NaJ~OIa:, cawh~d<~C8iSlt,eil:w iMiaitty», s'ilbualted in iNaigoa; and bounded on the: ealst by the Ica;shew-igrorv,e otE the! bJelVoo of TJalZlalOO Helll!e!d1:tol do R'ois:aTIVO GOiIlidigalllOI Pe'rei'ra and the paJSitUir:e-~iailld «OalSlte[a lVlJa:ttYi» ; ,on the: wesit by the' i1Jalll!d 'I'elS!eTV'e:d aIDo!!llg Ithe' !miaiin 'l'o'aid; on the nOlrth by itb!e: s'aiid laillJd «:C'wste:l'a Mait!tYI», nolW 'a:p­p:lileld fDT J,erusel !by D. Nnlll!a NOToiIllha' Ie Oalbl'all and on the s'outh by the laiIld reseTlVeld a!llong the mam rOald. F.il~e '110. 1/1196'4.

MaI1g8io, 3rd January, 1964. ---.: The Secretary, BlOg'IJonto Vital Porobo Ohimulcar.

V. no. 1:3,92/1964

---------AdministraCSBo das Comunidades de Bardis

22 In the :terms and foil' the pu~ose established in the article 330 of the Code of Comunidades, it ~s hereby announced that Seguna Siurama Caroicar, from Moira, has applied on lease for the purp.ose of construction of "'a house, an unculti­vated and unused plot named «2.° SOirV6»~ part of lot no. 44, situated at Moira at the ward Bamborijem and belonging to the Comunidade of the same village, bounded on the east by the land of the same lot no. 44; on the west by the plot belonging to the heirs o.f Joaquim dos Milagres Vcloso; on


18 (Nos termos e ,pwm os fins do artig03!30.0 do vigente C6digo das IComunidades, alllUncia-se que [Chanda Kashllinata Kand81p'arcar, ,casaldo, em);J1:'egado Icomercial, residente em OuTchol'em, rerquereu em afora;mento p'ara a cultura de arroz ,e I8JrIVOI'eS frutifera;s, uma liTea de dez hectares do terreno inc.ultoe desaproveitarlo den.ominad'O «lCotidongoT», 8[1;0 em Pirla e perten,cente a cOiIDumdarle de Pirla, cOn:Drontado de

naJslce:n;te ,com '0 '!"egue:i>ro e' MalIJ:abandw do, pa:gode de 'Sri De'\] Mamadeu e outros; de poenbe com Adec;hemmol de G1:randu Gaungo e outros; de no.rte com Dovorneamola Ide Xa'b'ajli> Hiriba :Sinai ISanvoI'aencar e de suI com 0 p[r<edio de Xaba Rama Nalique e outros. Process'O n.O 1/964.,

Queperm, '6 de Janeiiro de 1964. - 0 Secretario, Jaianta Visvonata Sinai Narcornitm..

c/e IRepetido)


Administralic30 das Comunidades de Goa

19 (Nos termos e par:a. os fins d'O disposto no artigo 330.° do vigente C6dii~0 das Comunidades, anuncia-slelq'U'e [M,8!dhucar Niailque Gauncar,cas,a;do. e r,esidente na ciJdade de Goa, requereu em :aforamento um terreno incu:ltoe desaproveitado. para constrngao duma ,casa, pertencente a comunidade de Cujira, compreendido no 1.0 lote de «Condolem», :confI'ontado de nascente com 0 outeiro da dita comunidade; de poente, com '0 terren.o do ,mesmo 1.° lote requerido; de n.orie, pela propriedade de V'aIente de Sousa 'e de suI, oom aestrada nacional, na area provavel de 1000m'.

Goa, 4 de Abril de 1963. - 0 'Slecretari'o, B!ogv'onto Vital POT'o>bo Ohimulcar.

G. n.O 1383/1964

• AdministractBo das Comunidades de Salsete

20 Nos termols e pairaJ os filll!S dO' dilSlp>oslto :no amtigo :330.° do' w!ge[Jlte ICOdilgol da;S' 1C0mun~daldes, aiIlU[llC,tm-s'e' .que il\I[arila; H'IlId8J :V:i!siltaJgao' dill Dirvi!l1a; P't'o!v~den!CiaJ iB'il~ueill'eido Ie Siena, calswaa, de LOlUtulLim e'res'i!dente' em IPolll!da, ~e[quert1eu em aifo-. ramento', p'a!ra ,cous'truQij;o' !de Icalsa;, um 'tel'ren'O inCU[itO 'coma a~ellll p'r!oIVaVle[ 'die :1.000 m', idw Icomunllda:d:e [de Nal~oa, denomlI­=::io <~Calslteilial Mi3Jt!tY1», lS!itol !em NaJgoae Icoll1lfrolllltadoi de nas­'cen:te pelo te:I1~eno pJlaUlitaldo' de .ca!jue~l~ols dolS: helrdeirolS de Lazalrlo Bemletdi!to do iRolS·ruriiol Gon!diJgaQ'O PerreiUra! ie' !ternelll!ol «Cas­tell8J 1VlJaltty;» resieirvaJdol prura; pas<tal~em [do ga:do; de pOlen1te 'COlm 0 tel'relll!o, saillvwdol 1'8[0. 10iIligo;dw es!t~a[daJ nalcj;o!!lJa!l:; de noll'1ie com ,0: d!ltO' t,erreno '«IOrusltetaJ Matty;» o~ai rt1equeTLdol em aif!oTw­mento! pOil' ROlqUie Samta:da; dal iP:iJe1da[de' Serra e de: lSull com 0 tenrell1!o slaQIVa;do 1810' ;}Iongol da ,esitrwda U!ruci!on8!l,. iP'rolcelSso n. °2/196,4.

21 Nos term'ols e paira 'Os filJ]ls dO' dilsPQislto no! all1tigo3:30. 0

do 'V,tgente C6d;i:gOi .daiS! iComunildaides, anuU!c'i!al-'s'e que, :Rolqule SalIlta.n:a da IP1'edalde is:eiIl!a,, nlalturaQ, Ide Na:gOla de V,erna e ,r.es'it­dente em Ponlda, 'calSado', reqUJe,relU' 'elm aiforamel!l!to, paTa; ,conlS­trugao ,de ICllIsa:, umterI'elll!ol :jncul!;tiol com 8J a~ea; provavel! de 1000 m2, ida; 'Comurn:ida;de de Naigola, denominado «Gaste[:8J Mialtlty;», silto ,em Nagoa !e ,co!llf'ronta,do' de! U!alslcente: pello teT­'relJ]lO p:llall1ba:do, de 'ca(jU'ed!rols IdOlS' helrdeiirols de! Lazalr!o Ben:ediito do! Rms,ari:o QiOlnidiJga[lol IPer:e,iJI'a; e terreiIJiOI ,«ICaJsteila; M:a;tty!» Te­se:rrv'wdo, palra p'wstalgelm Ido! ,galdO'; pOII' PlQlente Icom It'er'l'elJ]lol sla;l­Vlaloo,a;o. lonlgoi da; .es[tra:d:a: n:alc:ilolnlal; pOlr nOlr!te' com '01 dltol telI'-' renlo «OaI3ite'll8! Maltty;», 'oral'equelrido em afoira::m:enlto' pOl' D. N'in!'8, N o'roillha; e Oalbraf1 e pOII' Slul Icom It'e'rreln:o' Sa;llValdol alO' 10lJJ~0 da le'Strada nalc'tonaiJ!. Prolee's'So n.a 1/19'64.

Margao, 3 de Janeiro de :1964. - 0 Secretario, Bogvonto Vlitoll Porobo Ohimu,lcar.

• Administration Office of the Comunidades of Bardez

22 Nos termos e para O'S fins dO' dispostO' nO' artigo 330.° dO' C6digo das Comunidades, se anuncia que Seguna Siurama Caroicar, de Motra, requereu em afor,amento para construgao de casa, um terreno inculto e desaproveitado denominadO' «2.° Sorvo» parte do lO'te n.O 44, situado em M'Oira, no bairro Bambordem e pertenC'€mte a comunidade da mesma aldei:a, confrontado de nascentecom '0 terreno do mesmo ~ote n.O 44; de p.oent,e com' 0 :aforamento dos herdeiros de Joaquim dos Mii1agr-es Veloso; de no'rte com 0 caminho n.O 170 e de suI


the north by the street no. 17'0 and on the south by the other street no. 91, coyering an area of 1'0'0'0 m'. File nO'. 376/1963.

Mapuga, 16th December, 1963. - The Secretary, Manguexa R. S. Quencro.

V. no. 1342/1964 (Repeated)

23 In the ·terms and. fOIl" the pUI1pO'.se ,eslta;b1Lshed m the artic~e 33'0 of the Code of C=umdiarles, it ils herebya:runcunoedi that N 001' Maha!l"ll[I]Ja,u Karillm, f.relffi MJapuga, has lapplied on lea'sle feT the pUI1plosle 'Of ocns,tI1ucti.on O'f a hcuse,an u!tlJcultti­vated la!tlJd unused pLot na;med «Temeri:oho,.Sc,rvo» 's'i!tUlat:ed at Mapugla and belongiing to the Comumdialdie cf thesaiITl!e 'ViiHa;ge, lbounded 0iIl itih'e ·ealst iby the l'and reserved for r.QIald; cn ilie west, north and scuth, by the land of the Comunidad~\ coveTIiinJg an ialI1eaof 1'00101 1ffi2. FUe nO'. 38·8/l,963.

V. IliO. 1372/1964

24 In the terms and for the pUI'pcsle lestaibLisihed.ID_ :the' .article .33'0 of :the Code of Comunildades, it is her€iby anncunced that Roberltina \A;pclon~a RebelO', from J.V[a,pu;ga, has applied 'cn le,as.e \fOil' the parnp·ose of ccmstruotli!on of a house,a -lhilly, uncultivated and unused p.10t, named «:I'e:me:r:iJClho-!Sol'lVo» 'Oct nO'. 8), situated aJt Ma,puga aJnd bellO!l1ging to' .the CcltIljlIDiidade of the same vil!lage, bcunded on the east and wesf:by the mserved lands for rcads; on the nCII'th by the lct no·. 1 (land ·cf ·the CClffiunLdalde) and on :the scuth iby tJhe lct nO'. 9, cov:eriing an area of 10'0'0 illJ.2. FHe no. 394/19613.

v. no. 1377/1964

25 In the terilllS and for the perpose established in thh art~cIe 33'0 of the Ccde of Comunidades, it is hereby :an­nouDiced that XiTi RaIna Corga:ocar, residing at Mapuga, has appl:ied on lease fcr the purpcse of ·oonstructicn 'Of a hcuse a hilly, uncultivated land unused p']:ct named «T,emer1ch!c~ -Sorvo», s~tuated at Mapugaand belonging to the Comunidade of the same village, beunded on the ·east by the Land of Loximibai Salcar; 'on the west by the land 'Of the Oomun:i­dade; Ion the [)<orth by the landcf Siva Oroocar and 'On the south by the land of Esmael Haga and Icf Ccmunidade, cever­mg an area of 1'0'00 m'. File no. 391/1963.

V. no. 1387/1964

26 In the terilllS and for the porpose established in th'e article 33'0 of the Oode of Comunidades, ~t is hereby an­nounced that Rcghunata Atmararna Sacardande, res:iding ,at Corlim of M'apuga, has applied on lease for the purpese of ccnstructicn Icf a house, an uncultivated and unused pLot. named «'I1oIiechc-Sorvo» and belcnging to the Comunidade·of CorUm, blcunded on the ·east by the plot leased to' Bablo Narana :8arxencar" froillJ. Ccrl1m;oIl the west by the lot n.O 10, ncw appl.ited by Zoivonta Manguexa Naique; on the north by the ~ct nO'. 17 of the Ocmunidade cf CarUm and on the south by the reserved raad"cavering 'an a,rea of 1'00'0 m'. File no. 334/1963.

V. nO'. 138-8/1964

27 iI!t:JJ the terms and f.or the purpos:e lestalblJilsihed in .the al1tic1e 33'0 of \the Oode of Comunidades, R is hel1eiby announced that V'alsa;nali Hasalffi Isan:i, from Ma'puga, hals applied on lease fer .the pUlrlPos'e of CCDS,trUCtion of a llcuse, an UDlcuRivated, ih'illy, and unused prot named ,«r:De:rnernlclhoJS:CilWO» situated at Mapuga, and belenging to the Comumdade of the same vtllage, bounded ·on the east and west by the ilJand of the Ccmu­ni:d!ade reseilWed fOil" Q"oadls; on the north by the land of the Ocrmunicl:alde (lot no. '9·) and cn the scuth also ibythe land of the ICcmunidalde (let no. 19), ,cov:ernng an area of 10'0'0' m2. Fii:le [)<c. 3915(196.3.

V. no. :13'78/1'964

28 In .the terms and for the purpcsle lestaib1liJshed in .the .artide .33'0 of the Qade of O=unidades, it is hereby anncunced that lismail J.UlSab Vltrani, residing at Mapu:ga, lha:s :a[lplied on lease ~o.r the purpcse ofconsnrlutC'tion of a house, an hilly, u!tlJcul'twate!d ·and unused plot named «.TemerichO-lSomvo» (lot no. 1), situated rut Mapuga and belon,ging to tihe IOcmun:idade of the same village;ibounded on the east and west by the land reserved for roads; on the ncrth Iallsc iby the land ,res.erved far ro!ald after which Cals sirturuted Ithe prcpel1ty of th!e heirs of Lucian.o Farciaand on: the south by the land of the Comuni­dade (lot nO'. 8), covering an area of 1GG'Om', FjIle no. 39·3/1963.

v. nO'. 13'7:9/1964


com 0 outrc caminho n.D 91, na area de 1'0'0'0 m'. Processo n.O 376/1963.

Mapuga, 16 de Dezembro de 1963. - 0 Secretario, Man­guexa R. S. Quencro.

G. n. ° 1342/1964 (Repetido)

23 NOls te-rlmCS .e plara as funs do dispostc nO' lartiJgo 3'3'0.° do CodJ1gc das Comull'idiade!s, se ianunCiia que Ncolr MahaiIllilDad Kanim, de Miapuga, reque·reuelffi aiforlaJrnento palra Iconstruc,fiJo dia ca;aa U!lU terreno mcu1to e deSiaprO!V1e:i.ibaIOO denollllilinJadc, «Te­mericho--8oriVo», peI'lbe!ll:cente a CiomundJdaldie die M·apuga, con­frolrri;ado' de nasce'llJte .cern 0 terreno reservaao parlal canritriho; de pcente', norte e 'SuI, ccm :0 terreno da Icomunidade de Ma­puga, na aDea de 1010'0 m2. Pr!ocieSiso n.O '3'88/m63.

G. n.O 1372/1964

24 . '~c.s \eI1mos e p~lra CIS fins do dispostc no ari~e 33'0.° <l? .:CodI:gc das iOcmum~ades, se anum~.ia Ique Rcibertina A'po­loTIiJ:~ Rebelo, de MapUiga, reqlU>e~eu errn afc!ramento ipaJra ccns­ItruQll<o da .casa, um terreno outteilI'ial, inculto e des,aptrovei'iado den!Omi:nadio«rr,emeriCh?-'SOI'IV'O» (Iote n. ~ 8), sito ·em M8{Puga e. perten!cente a ,Colffiu!tlJ~dade de Mapugla, 'confroDltJadc de nalS­eente e :poenlte 'ocm os ter.l'enos irElSielwaJdas para lCaJmmb!O.s; de nerte ,ccm 0 lcte n.,o 1 (tter,veno da ·ccmunllidade) e de suI ccm o .lote n. ° 9, Uta a,rea de 1'000. m2. :8rc:cesso n. ° 394/1196:3.

G. n.01377/1964

25 NtO's termos e para os fins do disposto no artigc 33''0,.° do C6digo das Comun[dades, se ,anuncia que Xiri Rama Oor­giiocar, residente em Mllipuga, requereu em aforamentc para .CO'l1struga:o da casa um terreno outeiral, incultoe desa;p;ro­veitado denominado TemeI1ichc-S,ervo», sito em Mapuga 'e !pert·encente a Icomumdade da mesma, aldeia, .ccnf'l'c'llJtaido de nascente ·com 0 terreno .de Lcximtbai Salcar; de poente com o ie-rreno da ,comunidade,; de norrte ccm 0 terreno de Siva Oredcar e de sul com 0 terrenc de Esmael Haga e de ccmu­nidade', na area de 1'0'0'0 m'. Pm:cesso n.O 391/1963.

G. n.O 1387/1964

26 Ntos termcs e para os fins de disposto no artigo 33'0.° do Codiigo das Oomunidades, se' anuncia que Reghunata Atillla­I1ama Sacardande, residente em Oor'lim de Mapuga, requereu emafcram·ento ;para ,construgi:UO' da .casa, urn terrenc inculto e desapl'oV'eitado denomJinado «Tolie'cho-Sorvo» e pertencente a co:munidade deCorUm, ,ccnfrcn'iJado de nalscente ccm 10

aioramento de Bablo Narana Parxenear, de Ocrlian; de pcente ccm -0 lote n.O 1'0, 'ora requeTiido pOi!: Zloivonta Manguexa Ntaique; de norte .ccm 0 lote n.O 17 da ;comunidade de, C-orlim e de suI ·com 10 'caminho reservade, na area de 1'OG'O,m'. Prc­cesso n. C 334/1-9'6·3.

G. n.O 1388/1-9·64

27 NO's tenmcs e para CIS fins de ldispcsto no arl:i·go 33'0.° do C6diigo das OOIffiJUnidades, se ianUIJ1iC~a Ique iV-a:sanaN iHasam iLsanii:, de M'a,ptUga, l1e:quer,eu em lafoI1a.m.ento !plaraconstrugiiJo da ealsa 0 terr.en,o outeiJr:a:l, inl3ulta :e desaJp!I'olVeQt.ado, deno­mina;do «Termericho-ISc,!'vo» (lcte n.O 14), sito .em iMapug.a e rpertencente a-comunidade da mesma alde~a, confrontado de na.scente e peente CCJD os tel1r.encs da .cemunidalde a:eserYaJdos para eaIT1inhcs; de norte ccm to ter!'eno da com'l.1llidade (1ote n. ° 9) Ie de suI tamiblean com 0 ·te:I1reno Gla 'Comuni'ciade (lote n.O 19), na area de 1'0'00 m2. Broeesso n. ° 39'5/19:63.

G. n." 137.8/1964

28 Nos termcs e para cs fins do ldispos.to no artbigo 33'0.° do CotdLg'o das CCillJ.uniida:des, s·e laIlJJullJcia ique Ismail JiUJsalb 'Vlrani, res:iJdente em M'apu~a, l1elquer.e:u ,em afor-amen'to rp:ara construgao da casa, um terreno outeiral, IDiculto e desapro­~eitaldo, denctmiliITaldo «Temericiho-iS'OII1VO» (lote n. ° 1), sltc em Mapuga e perteDlce:nte it ·coffiiunidaide da iITl!esma aldeia con­flronttado die nas'Clente·e ,pO'ente ,coon os rter.rencs resewac10s rpara Icaminhe:s; de ene:rite COilll. 0 te,rren'O tarnlblem reser,vado palra caminiho depcis do qual fJ:ca 0 p~edi·c dO's lheJrldeircs de lLuci'3JDO Facr'1a e de StUI :eolffi 10' t·errena da Iccmuni,d!alde (lote n.O 8), na area de .1GOOm2. P,r.cYcesso n.~ 39,3.jl19'63.

G. n.O 11379:/1964

23RD JANUARY, 1964

29 In;the ,teI'lIThS and fQr the P'UI'!Pose iesitaJbliiished in it!b:e articIe ,330 Qf i\:he Oede oIf Conniuillidades, it is heI1ebyanneunced that JoaQ Damasceno EstaquiQ Mascarenhas, from Mapu<;;8., has applied IOn lease fer the purpose Qf constructiQn of a house, ra hii'11y, uDiClUilti~ated and unus,ed pIlOt lot DJO. 9 nanned ,«Teme­richo-SorYlo», sfutuated at Mapuga, bounded on the east by the ,reseIWed land for ,~eadB; IOn the nerth by the land Qf the Oomuni'<l.ade (let no. '8) and on the south 1311810 iby the land Qf the CemuniiJdade (let nQ . .14), ,cOiVeI1i.ng a:n 3)rlea ef 1000 rn2. ]J'ii;le 1ll!e. 3912/1963.

Mapuga, 4th January, 1964. - The 'Secretary, Mml"guexa R. 8. Que'lVCro.

V. ne. 1,380,/1964

30 On the 4th March 1964, at :11 a. m., a public auction will be held at the gate of this AdministratiQn, Qf an uncul­tirvated H.mdi unus'ed' pilet, ~eser:ved lQIt !I1l()l. 125" sItua:bed at «'alte die P;e!!WoI"i.im» l!lJnd helQmgmg to the Comuni,dJade of ,soelTIlhi, ap­plied IOn lease fQr the purpos,e of constructiQn of a hQuse by Jacinto dos Milagres Estibe'iro, from Panjim, oo'unded IOn the ,east by the land of the Comumdade; en the west alsB' by' the land of the Comumdade conceded tQ Sripada Pay Dhun­ghat in file no. 13011960; IOn the north by a strip or land five metres wide reserved at the side Qf munidpal rO'ad that from the national highway Betim-Mapuga leads tQ Paitona, and on the south by the land of the Comunidade', covering an ar,ea Qf 9,90 m' IOn an annual lease rent oIf ten rupees:. Fii!.e no. 178/1962.

Mapuga, 16th January, 1964. - The Secretar'y, Manguerxa R. S. Quencro.

Visa. - The Administrate'r, SQuza GongaZves.

V. mQ. 1436/19>64

• «Comunidades»


31 The i!lJbovement:i!Qned Oemunidade is cenvened fO'r an extl'aordinary meeting, at its Meeting Hall IOn the 3rd Sunday afte,r the pulblica:tien ef this nQt:i.ce irn tJhe GQMerrnment Gazette, at 10 a. m., SOl as to give its QpiniQn on the f1V1e no. 276/1963, :in which Arvinda Harichendra Ohicalicar, l'esdding at Mapuga, has lapplied fortthe lease, fDr the purpose IOf the construct~en of a ilrOU8e', one hilly, uncultivated and unused plQt, named «Temeriche SOrYlm> situated at Mrupuga and beIQngling te this Comunidade, ,covering an area of 1000 rn2

Mapruga, 17tih IDiecember, 19613. -The Clerk A'wtonvo Fran-cisoo Xavier da P. da Cruz. '

V. no. 1385/1964 Bambolim

32 The ,abOlvememtiened \OQmun'~dade ri.S iheooiby IconViened in O'rder to meet at its usual place on the 3rd Sunday after t!b:e tpuhl:icaJtiell1 Q:f ,thils in ltIhe GQrv'ertn!ment GJ8IZette, at 10 a. m. to p'renQu[JJce :10111 the apiPUcaitien of Ibhe lease:[Fiile no. 1712 of 196,3 alPPUe!d iby Mania Alcina da lRocha iP:inrto !P8Jclhelco de Figueiredo, of Panjiim, of pIlOt «Paragaly» Qf the Comuni­dade fe,r the purpese of censtructiO'n of a hQus:e.

IBambDlim, ,15tbh J:anlU'a,ry, 1964. - The 101erik, CaTms,to Mar~ tirnho Joao Dials.


33 It:is Ihereiby piU!blished fQr 1:!he knQwLedge Qf 1:!he tinte­restted p'arties 'that itlhe meeting, !I'egwding the [JJQtbi!ee lP;wb­liished in GO'v;ernment Gazette nQ. 2 Qf 9th of this month will be 'IOn 4th ISunday and not en 3rd ISfllIlJday a:s !bills, !day is a publiic holiday. .

lGor't-atIim, 14'th .If\>Thuary, 19'64. ~ The Olerk in charge, ShwratohwnJdrra Vvtol Gau'I'IJoar.

V. no. 1399/1964 Serula

34 The abovresaidComUDJidade ti,s hel'eby ,cenvened fQr a special meeting at its Meeting Hall, en the 3rd Sund!ll'y after the publicatli-on Q:f this netice in the Government Gazette, rat 10 a. m. SQ as to give its opinion Qn the fli1e no. 261,/1963, drn which V'amQma Muounda NiaJique Rratap Rau Sar Dessai, resident at Santa Ines of Panjim, has reppUed flO!' the lease for the pU11p:e,se of the ,constructiQn of a house lOne h!illy, uncultivated and ·unused plQt, let reserV'eo. [DJO. 123, situated at «alto de PeTVDrlim» and belO'nging to this Comunidade, covering an area of 1000 m 2

V. no. 1400/1964


29 Nes termos e' p'!lIra, lOS fins de IdiStp.QiSitO no rar<tli;go 330.0

de C6d:i:go. idas OQml\lJl'lidredes, se anu[JJcti!a Ique J'oao Dlamas'cenQ Estaiquio MaSlCal'e!lln!lJS, de Matpuga, r:e!quereu em afol'rumento prara constI'iugil<e da .ca:sa, ,urn teI'!!'e!IW 'Qu'te:iJrIM, i!l1lClulIto e desa­rp,relVeWtalTe, lete n.· 9 denom:i:nooQ «rremer:tdho-ISoQ!1'Vo», si,tQ' em Map!U!{a e pertencente it ,cemutoidaJde da meso:n:a a!Ldeia, CQn~ f,rontadQ denas'cente e PQ'ernte com os :teirrenos reseJ:1Vl3ides ;para 'eaminhQS; de nQlribe cern 01 terrene da IcernunidadJe (lote n.· 8) ,e de siUl tamhfun cem 0 teil:1I1enO' da cQllUJUni-dade (IO'te n.· 14), na al'ea die 1000m2 • Proc;esse rn." 13!912/19'6:3.

rMrupuga, 4 de Janeiiil'e de 1964. -0 S,ecretanQ', Manguexa R. '8. Qwencrr6.

G. n.· 1380'/1964

30 NO' dia 4 de Margo seguinte, pelas 11 nQlras', sera levadQ ahasta publica a PQrta desta AdministragaO', um terl'eno incultQ e desapreveitadO', lete reservado n.· 125, sito no alto de Bor,vorWm Ie pre'I~tell::t0ente it 100000000000000dardJe de S'eruil!a, !t1equericdo. ,em afo,ramentQ para construgaO' da casa pOI' JaCiintO' dos MilalgIles E]slti;bei'no, dia ddMe idle GO'a, aernfrQ[JJtadiO' de n!lls­cente 'clOrn' o"lbeTlrenQ dacQI1l1u:nidi!lJde; de p'OIente 'com e! iberreno diaoQrnumdia:die ClQ[JJcedJirdb a ,Srilpraidla Pay Dham.,ghalt no pro~ cessIO n.· 130/1960; de norte cern a faixa dO' terrene' da lar­gura de C1incO' metrO's resiervado ,ao Iado. da estrada municdJpal que da nacio[JJrel Bet:iJm-Maipugla ISle ~i,gJe a iPiaitomla" 'e ldie 'suI cern 0' terrenO' da comunidade, na al'ea de 990 m' e CQm 0' foro anuo de dez rupias. Processe n.· 178/1962.

Mapuga, 16 de Janeiro de 19,64. - 0 SecretariQ, Manguexa R. S. Quencr6.

Visto, .. ---< 0 MimJirnisitrardo,r, SOUSi(Jj Gongi(Jjlves.

G. n,· 1436/1964

• Comunidades


31 E ·cenvO'cada a sQibredtta 'eQilTIJunidade, [);are s,e reunir em sess81O' extraord:inaria, na {~8Jsa das suas sessoes, no ter­ceire domingo ap6s a publicagaO' deste no B:o,letim OJ.icial, pelas 10 he'res, a fiim de delib-erar slO'bre 00 prO'cesse n.· 276/ /19'6,3, 'em Ique 'Alwi.nda H!lIricne.ndra IChi'caliicar, resli:dent.e em Mapuga, requerEm :001 aforamento. para cQnstru,gao de casa, um terrenQ IQuteliral, mcultQ e des!lIpl'Qveitado, denJOminade «Temeri:ch6-Sorv6», sitoO 'em Mrupuga 'e pertencente a esta comunldade, na area de 1000 m'.

M!lIpuga, 17 de Dezembro de 1963. - 0 ,Escrivao, Ant6rl1io Francisoo Xavier da P. da Cruz.

G. n.· 1385/1964 Bambolim

32 E eQillJvoca;da ,a SlUpradita ICQmu!llli'daJde lPaTa se reuni.r moO seu lruigar .de :cosrtU!:IlJe inO ter,cetl'Q, dQllIlJiingo ap6s a pulblicagiW desibe nQ Boletim O;j.iJc1Jal, iP,el!lJS' :10 ihoras, a Ifdm de pronun'Ci'ar IS'Qbre '10 pedide de afOlrlaJrnento-: Pro'cesso. n.· 1712', Ide 1963, re­,quenido pOI' IMiaria Aloma Ida iRQlciha !PIin'i:Q PI!lJcihe'co de Fi­gueiredo, de Pangftm, dO' terrenO' «Paragali» desta comunidade p'aJl'a 'lOS frins. de 'C'Qrnsrtrugao de ,casa.

Bamlbelim, .15 de .Janeiro de 19!614. - 0 IEscr:Lvao, Calisrto Mar­tinho Jo{jo DilM.

G. n.· lJ395/1964 Cortalim

33 Faz-se pubticO' para cQnhecimento. des ~nteressadQs que a :reiUnia.O' ide !comunidade 'cQnsita;nJte dQ iMlIli:n!cio lPulbfl:iicade ne Bol61tim Oj~ciaZIll.· i2de 9' de ,CQlrrrente, :bera 'lugar ne !quarto domingO' e naQ no terceiro domingO' per neste recair feriado publico.

ICort!l!lim, 14 de J:anetro de ,1964. - 0 IEslcrliiv'iW, ,encarre;gado, 8 lvatravcl/;a;lrVd,ra V iltolGauncar.

G.II1.·1399/196f4, Serul([

34 E ,clOnV1ecada a sloibl'edita ,comunidade pare se reunir na ,casa das suas sessoes no terceiro domingo ap6s a pubJJi­cagao. deste no Blolerti'm Ojicial, p:eLas 10 hQras, a fimde dellLberar sebre 10 pl'ocesslOt n.· 261 de .1963, em; que Vamorna Mucunda Nlaique Pratrup Rau .sar Dessai, residente em Santa Inea na iCidade de Goa, pretende em. aferamento ;para cons­trugao de ,casas urn terreno rOuteira1, ;jnculto e des'ruprO'velitade, lJQlbe Teservado n.· 123, sito no. alto de Piorvorim e pertencente a esta comunidooe, na area de 1000 m 2

G. n.· 1400/1964


35. The lahovesaid .Gomunidade is hereby conV1ened for a speciial meeting at its M~tfug Hall, on the 3rd Sunday aft'er the pub1i'cat1Jon lof this notice in the GOV1ernment Gaz'ette, at 10 a. m. so. as to give its opinion en the file no.. 212/19'63, in whtchRamacanilaGajanana Naique Pratap' Rau Sal' Dessai, residing at Panjim, has3Jprplied on the lease for the purpose of the constructro.n ,of a hous'e one ihilly, uncultivated and unused plot, lot no'. '123, situated at «alto de Porvorim» and 'belonging to this Oomuni'dade, coverlngan area IOf 1000m2.

S'erula, 31st December, 1963. - The Clerk, Xricanta B.icoba Sinai Quencr6.

V. no. 1408/1964 Ban:iora

36 11'he aibov'ementioned OotIDunid3Jde tiJS hem,'by convened for a siP,ecial meeting at its Meeting HaLl on the 3rd iSlUnday after the publication of this notice jn the Government Ga­zette, at ·10 . a. m .. , [n order to consider file nos. 89 and 91 of 1963 in which Fondu iBogvonta S:ilnai Quercar and Bedro Paule Vicente Piedade Isodo,ro de Melo, from Ponda, have app1i>ed f'or ,lease ;Bor ,the punposeof ,construJctJiJon of iholUse on ihi'lly part of plot no. 19, 'coMering an area of 1000, m 2 !t>'er each.

iBandora, 15th January, 1964. - The Clerk, A'/1Jant~ Saunlo Quercal·. "

V. no. 1401/1964 Batim

37 Under orders from the higher authorities the above OomurrW'!l!('Le ,is !hereby Iconlv;ened, to meet on 31I'd Sunday after this notke has been published in the Government Ga­z'e:tte at 10 a. m., laJt its Meetinig HaIl to gLve tts: opinion a,bolUt the use of plot of Alta fileld e¥ery year, for playing greund after the kharif crep.

Batim, 17th January, 1964. - The temporary Clerk, Rau,gi Sinai Edo.

V. no. 1420/1964 Assolna

38 The alb'ove Corounidade tiJS here'bycoill'Viened If:\Qr a meet­ing at its meeting place, at 10 a. m., on third Sunday after the pulbHclation ihereof ill :the GOiViernment lGazette in order to gi¥e !its epinion on the estimate IOf the work of cons­truction of five dams in the field «DlOncona», estimated at Re. 7500/-.

Assolna, 14th January, 1964. - The Clerk, Jl'rancisquilnho de Barro~,

V. nlO. 1421/1964 Chicalim

39 The ·aJbolv:ementioned IOollUlUi!llidaide ~s !hereby convened for ,an ,e:x:t1'am:dinary meeting whidh waH !be !held in H:s s'essilOn haIl, ,on 3:1'd !Sunday, at 10 a., m., ,after :the pUiblicati-on of tihts noii'ce in :the Go;v,er!ll1Illent iGaiZette lin order to deUberate on ',the appli'catiion made by tRui da ICo!st'a :AT8;uje, !Fomum Gaudo ,and Q!tihe'rs - f:He no.. 38/19:613' ~ in wrnich they ajp[p'lied for Ir:ebate ,(field '«!PorXleta»).

IGhIca:1im, 8th January, '19164. -l1he ICl,erk, Eugenio Jesus Piedade Seblastiii.o Martirvs.

V. no. 1423/1964 Usgao

40 The scheduled date for the extraoirdinary meeting, fiXied :in the not:i!ces nO's. 4;2 and 43, published lin the Govern­ment Gazette no. 2,series III, dated 9th January 1964, being Republic Day, the said meeting whi,ch sha:ll be held at the usual meeting place, is postponed to the 4th Sunday after the publication ef this notice ~n the Government Gaz'ette.

·Rale', .17th J!3;nuary, 19,64. -The Clerk, IsidoT'o Hermog,enes Gradas.

Visa. - The President, A. S. Usgaocar. V. no'. 1426/1964

• «Caixa de Previdencia de Goa»

2nd notice

41 It is h€lr:eby announ'ced, IDOl' due pUI'!P'oses that Cana1da ElUlalia ·F1emandes, resident in iGoa, w.idow Qf the late sUlbs­criJber of 3,rd graJde, 111.° 59·0 a~d 4th 1911atdJe no. .15[1" d3JSS C, Joao :Mal1binho Lourengo" requested to. this Caixa ,the payment ·of ,allowance and bonus, to lWihl:cIh she :i:senrt:itl€1d. Therefore 3>11 those S'3Jme amount, Slharuld srulbmit themr lPetHlions to !tills offruce, within 30 daylS, from the pubHcatiJon of lthtis noticie in the GOVer'Ililn!enrt: GaZiette.

Goa,8:bh JaniUary, <1964. - The :Secreta;ry, lBovronim Sirvai R'almanim.

V. n.O 14:27/1964


35 .:E: ,c.onvDcada a s:obredita comunidade pava se reunirna casa das suas sesssoes iI1iO temelirio' domingo apos a pubiicagao deste no. Bo~etim Ofidal, pelas 10 horas, a fim de deliberar sobre,o. prO'cess:o ill .. o 212 de 1;963, 'ern que Ramacanta Gaja­nanaiNaique PrataiJ Rau ,Sar DesSait, residente ,em Pangtm, pretende em laferamento para construgao ,de casas urn ter­rena outeira:I1 inculto e desaproV!eitadO', lote n.O 123, sito no alto de Pcrv::::rim e pertencente a esta cemunidade, na area de 1000m2


Serula, 31 de Dezembvo de 19'63. - 0 Escrivao, Xricanta Bicoba s'inai Quencro.

G. n. ° 1408/1964 Bandora

36 :E: convocada a supradita comunidade em sessae :ex­traordinari:a n.o terceiro doming.o, peTas 10 horas, na casa das sessoes apos a pubHcagae deste no BOiletim Oficial, a fim de pronunciar sobreos processO's deaforamentos n.O. 89 e 91 de 1963, requeridos per Fendu Bogventa Sinai -Quercar e Pedro. Paulo Vicente PJledade Isodore de M:ele, ambos resi­deutes na'Vila de POD'da, no· l'ote Iresemra.de n.O xmx, na area

. de. 1000 m2, < par-a cpnstrugalO de casa, cada urn.

Bandora, 15 de Janeiro. de 1964. - 0 Escrivao, Ananta &aun16 Sinai Quercar.

G. n.O 1401/1964 Batim

37 Nos termos da determinagao superior, e cenvocada a sohredita comunidade para se reunir nD terce'ire domingo, apos a publicagao deste no BoJetim, 0fioial, pelas 10 horas, nas casas das suas sessoes, a fim de se ptonunc!i!ar sQbre 0'

uso do terre no da casana Alta, paraanualmente servir do camiPo de jo,gos .apos ,a .co'Ihei'ba de sorodiO'.

Batim, 17 de Janeiro de 1964·. - 0 Escrivae interino, Raugi Sinad Ed6.

G. n.O 1420/1964 Assolna

38 :E: convocada estacomunidade no. terceiro domingo apos a publicagao deste no Bole1tim .a fic:ial, as 10 horas, no local das suas sessoes, para deld:berar sobre 0 orgamento de IObra de censtrugao de cinco represas no campO' «Doncena», orgadas em Rps. 7500/-.

Assolna, 14 de Janeiro de 1964. - 0 Escrivao, Frwnc'is­quinho de Barroo.

G. n.O 1421/1964 Chicalim

39 E convO'cwda a soibredita ,C'omunid3Jde para, r,oonindo-se, €jm sessilJo extraJO'ndinami,a, na sua [casa :da:s sessoes, no ter­loeiro do,mingo, rus 1;0 horas, ,apos a pUJbli!cagao deste no Bolet:ilm .aficial, deliiberwr sOlb:reo priO'Cersso n.O ,3.8/:196,3' em ,qlUe RiU! de OOlsta iAJr,liuj-o, Fornum G3JUdo e Qutros, requerem a Iquita Ida Vlarz,ea «Porxeta».

ICihicalim, ,g de JaneirO' de 19'64. - 0 iEscr:iJvilJo, Eugenio J'esws Pieoode Bebas1tiao 'Marrtilnis.

G. ill.O '14l23j11964 Usgao

40 Fi'ca adiada a sessao 'extr.wrdinaria dO's anlinci'ors n.O. 42 e 43, pub:li:cados no Boletim Oficial Ii.O 2, 3." serle, de:9 ide iJ,an'eirO' de 119'64, palrta 0' qU3Jrto do:m:inge, p'elas· 10 horas, apos :a ,Publkagao deste no BoZe.tim OfiC1ial, por ter it',ecaido 0.

dta da ReprUlblica.

PaIe, 17 de Janeiro, de 1'964.-0 Escri'vao, IBidoro Herm6-genes Grrocias.

Vista. - 0 Presidente, A. S. Usgaocar. G. n.O 1426/1964

---<o_----Caixa de Previdencia de Goa

2.° anunci:o

41 'Pa,ra lOS devidos efeiltos se anull:cia ,que Cilmdiida Eu­laJ1a fF\ernande,s, cresl~dente em l8-anta ICruz, na quaHd3Jde de v,Lu,va dO' fiTI:ado 'sodO', n.O '5:90 dO' i3.0 ,gram e 1ll.0 1'51 do 4.° Ig1'au Ida Icl'russe IC, Joao Ma,rtinho 1L0ulrlen:go, cr~qlUere 0. paga­menrt:o dos subsIdios ie :bOIllIUS a Ique tem dLreito. Pialr iss'O Iquem se juLga;r ICOlm meJhor diredto ·8'08 iDJ,esmos, 'queira 8)duztr perante a iDire,cg8;O' .Jdesta CiruixJa, nO'. IPr3JZo de 30, dias, :con­tados da rPu:blicag3Jo l(tes'te nQ rBoZetim Oficial.

'Goa, 8 de Janei~o de 1:9'64. ---'.0 lSe,c1'eiJ3i1Tho da iDirecg3Jo, Bovanvm 18~nai R'amanJim.

G, u.014127/1964

23RD JANUARY, 1964


Xri Xantadurga of Queula

42 -- On the third ;Sunday after the'pu.blication.of this noltice in the Gov,ernment Gazette, 'at 10 ·a. m., at tJhe usual place, ItlheaJl1ct~on for the lease of the paddy fields belonging to this iDevalaia will he held again as :per list attaJooed to 'tihe tfile for the ~emamlrIl!g part of3 yeans period of 1963-19,65, with a ~edulctionof 1/'5 lin the respectLv:eestionate, SJUbjeCit ito !the conditions Icontaining in the Isame If He and OiI:Jhers s-ug­il5'ested lOy the Bund iCormmiJttee.

Queula, 15th JanuaJry-, 1964. - The lC1erk, SUIli:aji Sinai Mol­cornencar.

Visa. -The IPres~dent, Naguexa X. S. iP1!ssurlenoar.

V. n.O '1410/19-64 Xri Naguexa of Bandora

43 On i£hesecood Sunday, alftJer the puhlication of' tms nO'l:~ce tin .tlhe Government Gazette, a,uction will take place -at Ithe meeltin;g place, at 10 a. m., for the lease of the asset x<:Deucasana» lOelonging to t1he Deva,laia, fOir the remaining pemod of 196i3 to 1965 (two years), IW1ith a l'eduction of 2j15-' on the estiJrnate, a,cc()vdin,g to the 'conditions 8.(P.pll'OVed by GOIV'e:rno:nent. . -.

Boodora, '16,th JaIIl'UJaxy, 19164., ---; The Secre,1:iairy, VassClm,ta G. E. Queroar.

V. n.O 14:11/1964

• Private advertisements

44 EmiillMlt 'RJeIb81l'O', widow oil' J 0001 OaJetooo 'Fl'aIlICis,co, DiInillz, l'esiidmg in Assolna, hereby aIIlIllOUllee's thaJt she- wishes to I1eg:ts,be,r din her na;me' fwe' shaJresoil' the' Oormunildade ,of As­sOilOO, [lIOS. -1'452 ,to 145'6, and ,00' co,iQe-ct the aJccI1Ued a,nd unpa,itd: diJv:iide:nds, 'amo.unt;ng to les,s thaJU Rs. 500/-, as Ithe heil!' of the deoeaJsed h01lde1r, the s,a:id J'O'fuo.

'Those who thmk _ they have a, ri'gM ,to 'the 'SaJIne' should :Jiodge their ,c1aJirrn wiJthin the' ,tJime l'imiilt esbalblis1he'c;l by 18Jw.

'V. [lIO. 1136i1/1'964

45 SulDJdrur'aJbaJiJ ISmaii! -MaJtmo" wi,dow, of 1\!IJaipuga, being ,the he'~l'ess and ,imbeves,ted Ipa'l'ty in -the' ~ega;cy oil' her ~a;te' husiba:nd, Y-isll1U!IU ,sma1 1\!IJaJtmo oil' Mlaipuga), wJislhe:s to- draw from the Trea-.s:ury of :the Oomuniildade' olf NerL1!ra;-o-gvande the diWdends olf the ye!3lI1S i,95'6 ,to ,196'2 '8JmOUll1ting ,to RIl. '542-75 [lI. p. be­[O!llJging to he'r laJte husibood Vdlsnum Sin-aJi: M~IJtmo.

Thos'e Who wiish to .pveslent a; ,clairm-, 'should do so' :in ,the cOlilllpeltent olffiJoe wilthi.!n the tilme~J.;il!I1it ipIle-scribed by law.

V. mo. 13,65/1964

46 Mama Augusta BI"wgaJnga e Castlanb!a firom Oalianguue ,helreby aJU!llo.ulnoes ,thaJt ',she' wishes :to l'eceiJV,e frorm fue trea;­Sl.try of the Oomuni:d8Jde of -Nav;elim the dilvidend of jonos aJmo'UJntill;g. to' Rs. 51/- ,oil' the yeaJr 1958, pertaindlng to he'r deoe'8JS'ed husbaJnd Jeron.ilmo fuacio Oastanha, who was from Ca!lOOigute.

Whose wiho haJVe any .cla;irrn to' lDdge may do so, WJi:thin the :ffim:iit esta;b~~shed in :l'aJw, im .the: Icompetent olffiJc-e.

V. no. 13,67/1964

47 lines AillJa Maria Anl5'eJJiica Grao, from S. M~s, helreby announoes that she wishes Ito reoeiVie from the tr:easuTy of the Oo.mun~d8Jde of Mail!ar, a ,sum oil' Rs. 6,1-60 n. p., tof the rebaJte '00 the I1eWsed 'esti.maJ1Je, oil' the yeaa:' 1961, per.taJi:nlIDg to her deceased husband Ma;tias Xa;Vlier FraJnc:isco Pioardo of S. Mat'ilas.

Those who haJV1e 'ooy ,cladm to' [odl5'e rma.y do so, withiiln thJe tilme limiilt pr€1scT'.ilbed Iiln law, bed'OI'ie the clOlffiplebent artlIthor1tres.

V. [lIO. 137Qj1964

48 Ans,elmo Matias Oonstancio Landez, fI10m Tiv.im, wishet.Sl to' wrthdraJW !from :the ComlUllJiJdaJde oil' M.aJrn,a, a:n amount of Rs. 181-43 n. p. of jonoo belonging to his 'late: fallier Antonio Xavier Landez of the years 1955 to 19'59'. Those who wish ,to. claJim &Jgamst the wrthdrawa!1. caJ:n do, so' IWitlhm ithe pTe:scrJJbed time in the comq;>elt~t olf:.fice.

V •. lliO. 1376/1964_ '"

49 CaIIIiIdaJs/31al ){jetJe lNalgvenlClaa:', of ~a:, Iherelby makes knOlWill! tlhalt ihle' wishesl too -coil!l:ect :1iromI /the Oorrn1mllidaide of -.'



Xri Xantadurga de Queula

42 No teI'ceiro doma,ngo -a;pos a [p<Ublicagao deste no Bole-­tim Olioial, pelas 10 ho!'as, no !oeal de costume, serr-oo levadlaS novaJrnente a praga a,s lV8;rzeas desta [)evalaia,- cOlllstantes da !Vela\:ao anexa 13.0 ~espectivo ca1ool-0, para 0 aI1l'endamento do­restoote periodo do triendo de 1963 a 1911)5 ,com a diminuigao· de ,urn ,quinto na base do meslIDo Icalculo SUlPemormente amto­rizado e ,com ascon~goes deste ,e loUtVas ,sug-eridas pela [)i,rec­gao, da Ec,onomia,

'Queu'la, 1'5 de Ja:ne~ro de 1964. ---< 0 IESlc:r:iV'aO, Suriagi Sinai: Molcornencar.

Vds:to.-O Pres:i.denue, Nague'Xu, X. S. Pissurlenoar.

G. 111.° 1410/1964: Xri Naguexa de Bandora

43 cAnuncia--se ,que no s'egUJndo domin.go, ap6s a pu:blicagao deste no BQletinn Olicial, lPelas 10 ihoras, 'Vao a Ipiraga as _aJVengas tda iree~d,ta da 'Vliirzea «lDeu!casana», Ipertenc-ente a esta Deval!aia para- O~,t1estante lPeriodo de 1963 a 1965, (dois anos) 'COllll diminrui\:oo de 12/5 na base, no Wuigar <tas sessoes e s'egundo 00 :respeCltvioo ,cal-oolos 'e ,COIIlJdi\:o,es s11p1er:iJormen<be la;proVadQs:.

lBa;ndo,ra, 1,6 de Janeko de 19'64. ~ 0 iElsCirivfuo, Vas8antla G. B. Quercar.

G. n.O 1411/19640 •


44 EmHiilaJ. lRebe,lo', viurva de Joa,o. Ca;eltooo> Fl'oooitscol D-in1z;, resQ,deiDJue 'em .A,ssoma, de,sejaJUdo. 3;V'e'l'bar a; s'eu il'avor 5 :aIC\:oes. da -comurudaJde de Assoloo n.OB 14512 a: ,1,456 e a;rreoodar OIS­

seus ,recti/tolS V'en-ciJdos e nao ,coibraJd:os, naJ imrpOirtanci<a: &Ierior aJ Rps. 500/-, ~eomo. heI1dei!!'a do seu t~tulia!r dilbo, Joila-, aJViSaJ por 'este melto paJl'aJ v'i'rem, no. pra:~O' 'llega!1., oipo:r 'll! esta prelten­saiO! /bodos qUaJntos ten'hiarm n1sso' J:nte·ress:e.

45 SUIlld8JraJbaJi ISiJn,a,i :MaJtJm6, - ",mv,a, tde 1\!IJaip'uga, runu:ncitaJ que pre/te!llJde- Le'V'a:ntar do ·eofre' daJ ,coilUun,~dade, .de' lN~ura-o­.JGr'aJnde, na. qualltdaide' de villlv'a e dJnJte'l'es'sadaJ lila; heranga <Io· seu fJlltaJ~o. ilIlJaJriJdo Visnum 'SimaJi M,atmo, que foil de M.aipu\:.a, a;qua,nt'ladeRips. 13if2-7'5n. p. p'ro~eil1iie[llte- dOls l'editos das a;c\:oes do's anos de' 195'6 -aJ 11962, ip'e'vben,eentes' ruo' se'll filI1aJdo, maJIi:do tdi/to V!isnum 8imtaJi MaJbm6.

iQuemqurse:r r,ecLarrnaJr lCion/tral 'esta p-re'tensiiJo 01 faga dentro do pralZlo l'e1gall: 16 ThaJS' eSlta:goes, IcoilUlJ?etente,s.

G, ll!.0 11365/1964

46 Maria Au~us,ta Bra)51anga 'e Castanha, de Qalang,ute,. anuncliia que prelbendie arre,oodar,do cof,I1e da oOlD:lJUlIllidMe -die NaveWim a, qUaJ:ntilaJ -de M rUipva:s ipCroi"\neilJlieQ1Jt!e ·de jono' do' .alno de !19'58; pe{rtenc,en-te BcD s'eu. fmado marido J'er6:Jidrri:to Inacio' Oa;sitanhaJ, que foi de, Oa!1.18.!U"gute.

QUJem quiseT .reoI-amar 0 f1aga -denltro dO, P!ra,zo' leg,af nas esibag5'et.SI compelte>n:bes.

47 :mel'> Ana: i:MaJrilaJ Angel!i1ea Grao, de IS. MaJtia;s" aJIlUill'cia;

que rp-retendie aI're'ca.dia:r diocoif!1e dJa comunidade, de Malar, a quantiaJ de !Rrps.. '61--60 1l1. p., rpTorveill'ilente Ide deSiconto de Tevrsi:iJO dio ,oa.lculo, do a.no: de '1i9!61, plert,enoel!1J1Je ao Sleu fiIlIa.do marido,. MaJtiIas XBcvierr FI'IaIl1ciscOi Picardo, ,que fbi die S. MiaJt:lil8Js.

Quem quiselr relCiJallnar QI faga dJentro dO' prazQ le1)51aJ nas· esJtagoes completeDJtes.

G. n.O 13;70/1964

48 Anselmo Matias Oonstil.ncio Landez, de Tj,vim, pretende levantar do cofre da oormunidade de Marna a qua.ntia de Rps. 181-43 n. p. de jon os dos anos de: 1,955 a 1959" perten­,centes 8JO seu fmado pai Ant6ni:o xavier Landez. Os que queti.r.a;m reoliarrnlaa:' 0- f~ llllaJS elstaJgoes eomp,e1tentes> e: no> prazo legal,

G. n.O 1376/1964

49 Ca!1.litd.al'>Sa ){jete. NaJgwtellllcaa:', de Alvpora, :a!DJUllC'iJa, que pre­;te.Illde arrecadax dO' ,cofil"e dJa Icoonuni:dade de Nagoa, os divi-

.iN".ago'8J, the UIlJpaJiJd alnd U!IlIp'l'e,s,crilbed 'diJv1iJdends of '5 s!hwes be­il!ongmg ,to his ~81te' faJthelr 08.ild!l::lJaJt3! Xete' N aJgvencar, of Ar­po,ra the totaiLaJIDou<!]It beilIlJg 'Les's ·tha;n 300 rwpees. Tholse who' hav·e any 'cl<aJiIm sihoutd sUJbmtt it wilthm Ithe prescrtbed 1egaJt tlime IdJrrrlJt.,·

v. <!]IO. il\3I84/19'64

50 Ro:s'a Oo'rr,ev3!, wildoiW, :vrom ISlat!1Jta Oruz, 'hel'eiby rutlIIlJou:n­ces thaJt she wilslhes to ·coillect from the lre'3!swry of the Oomu­nidadeof Calapor, the sum of Rs. 52/- p.ertainmg to the re­baltJe aipprteld for by he,r LaJte husband Domingos Bernardo Dilas', iIn Ithe ;!ij'1e no'. 17'6/1961, ,of N:iJco,18JU Antoill!Lo' D:'as Saipeco and either l.ea'se hoQ:ders. Anyone haw·mga cl.airrn should Lodge ·i1t in ·the ,co'Thcerned off1!c:e, within the: tilIDe ];imilt e's,ta:bldshed by .l<a:w.

v. 'Il!o.]3IS8/:1964

51 Vamona IR81m81CJhondraJ iCao:noitim, maTried, from AJn­ju:n81,hereby 8IIlJI10UIIWes, 'as heLr lof hilS la;te' fathe'r, R8lIIlJ3!chon­drru .CalIDotim, who was fl'orm Anjun3!, that he intends to: T€­

'g',tstell' din Ms ill3!me, t8Jfter pl'mous .renew811, the cell'tiiftJcaJte illO. 775, ,containing one share no. 19'76 of COmunidade of An-:­jU!ll.a, md t'ocoitl'ect ·the dilViJdends of the sa;me shatie wlli,ch have 8:(fcvued 'but. not lapsed. Anyone halVing a cla;im _should

. iliOidge :ilt. wtthiillthe· eSltaJblished Ittme ltmit, iW'iJth thea,.utho,fIt­ties .concerned.

52 XaViiJeriito Ide ISolU!za, !ilro!IIlJ is]oll:ilm, a:rmounces thart: he ·wishes to l'eceive from the treasury of OomUJllidade of SQolim, the dividends of shares amountilI1g to Rs. 164-16 n. !p. of the ~ 111959 to 1963, that al1e in the (l])8lIUe ·of his IlllJte fatlher .Angelo 1Vfatnuel Niepomoceno de Souza, who was from Sioil:irn.

Those who thinkth3!t they have' <8Jlly rilght toOl the saiid .amHYllJIlt shou,ld iIJodge i1Jh'eill' ,claJiJm w;vthiIn ,the iliirrnliit ipIl'escribed :by la;w with authorH:&es ,concerned.

V, 'Il!o.i>4!312/1964

53 iNoernia JuJIi!a 00s Remedios M9illteih'o Ie ·SOU!sa, from SiOllillll, am.:nouooes that 'she wishes to l'eoeiV'e :frIom the trea­.sury of COOIWillidIa.dle of SlioJilm, Ibhe OiiivIideillds of shaJroo am.o­,unting to Rs. 150-58 n. p., of tlhe years 1959 to 1003, that are . in the name of her husband MiaJteus AntolIliol Feldcissimo' da:s . 1Jur<iJels Men,ezes e Souza, who was ;f.rO!IIlJ Sio1iJrn.

Those who 1Jhmki .that they hawe! a;ny 'rJight to,the samd amount ,should lodge :their ,claim wiJthiln tlhe liiJrniJt pl1€Sca:1iIbied 'by law .w.ith authorJ:ties ,CIQIIlJcEll1ned:;

V. no.,14:313v"1J964 •

State Bank of Iindia

'.rule fdllOWtinig a,pipOOll\:m}ent on the iBamk's ISltaJff is !hereby notified: - .

IShn IC. 'V. Hegde to !be Agent :at IDam.an !Branch as Iflrorn tile 'Close of 'biusine'Ss on tlhe '18th DeoembeT, 1963, :vtLce SIhri [)~ J. KJhandepaI'lkalI1.,

IE. N. Ohettwr, ISeCll'etary & ~easurer.

[BomIbay, 4th January, 19614.

:141tih Pruusa,1885 :(,Sakia). Cia


doodos parrudos €, nao pT€!SCl'i,tos de5 'acgo'es' pertencentes ale) ,gteu m3!do: PM GaJXmata Xe'te NaJgvooca'l', que iDom da: d~ta de Al'pOll'a, na impol1tanc:iJaJ iillf'erriJocr: a 300 rUip~as. Os que quetram :t1e1claJm8lr 0 ia;ga:m dentm do prazo lieg.oo.

G. no" 11:384/1984

50 RosaColl're~a:, VlUVaJ, de ,SalIl'ta 'Cruz, des,ejando amre­cadiaJr do ·cofre dru comUill:iJdaJl:le de CaJ1aJpor,. aJ irnportoocia de Rps. 5,2/- iPI'Oiveniente da guita ,requerida pelo seu fina;do ma­rctdo DomLngOis Be'rnamdo Di'aJs, 1J:10 processo n.O 17'6/1961, de NilCOIJau Ant6nio DVlllS SGJPeco e outrosl 8lrrendata:riJos. Quem ll,e . judlgue com ,mveiiJto .miC1ame naiS 'estlllgoes' ,oo'Inpe:te:nte's e no praiZo ,llelg811'. .

G. n.o l1'386/!19M

51 Vaimoll1a lRiamaJchoillJdra; CaunO'tim', fC3!saJdo', de AnjU'Tha, alnuIlJda que ua qU!8ll:iJdaJde de herdeil!'o dO' s!eu filUJaJdo p3!1, Ra­rrnaJchondra' CanwtiJrn, 'que folda dila, !plr'etende· averbar a 'seu 'favor, ciom IPvevfua renovagao, 0 titulo n.O 775 contend(l IUrna acgao do n. ° 191r.6dacomunidade. de Anjwna, bern cqmo .al'l'leca;a8lr.·os TediitolS v,encidos ,e 000 pres·cr~tos ua importan~ :CLSJ !Ilao '8upeIDio,i:' a; lQOvupioo. Quem s.e jul<gue lesaJdo, Il'ecl<a;me no p rllJ2lO .'~e.gaJ1 e' n.a 'esltagao' IQOiffipetenj;e.

G . .n.o il:3·94/19614

, 52 XYa;vi!erito de SQusa, de Siof1i:m, anuillclaque deseja aT­

veoodar dIa tesoul'aJl1ia Oa oomunidlade de Siotim os redliJj;os das alcgo'es na i!mpoll'tanc~a de R,ps. 164-16 n. !p. dos a;no:s de HY59 a 1'9<613" ·que figurani em nOme do, seu' :J:ii:n,ado pa:i .AJngelol iM'a;­nUJel Nepo!IIlJoceno, de IS'O'USI!ll, que £0'1 de ,Sio~,mn.

Todos a;queles que jU!bg'uem com 'rureito palrru aJ lirrnpo:rtanJCiJa !Su!pra delV'eIU re.cl.am3!r 3113 a,wtoriJdaJde,g ,conllp'etentes nO, prazo l1e>gaJl

53 NOOmIiIa JUfliJa dOlSRleo:n:eOlios MOil1ItIeO.ro e Sousa, die SiioJim, anIU:tlcia que deseja 8X'l1ecada;r da ilJesourlartLa da ,comunidade de SioJam os TOOlitos daiS .acgoes i!lJa ilmpOll:'tancia de Rps. 1:5.0-58 u. p., doo l8JllJoS Ole IfJ59 a li963, que ftguram enn illome dO' seu lfina;dO' unaniido' ;Mja;teus Ant6nd!o iFe~liJciss1Jmi()l das Luroes iM'ellJe­eElS Ie S()IIlSIa, que foli de .SiOOm .

Todoo aJqucl.es ·que juillguem 'oom d:ilr€!ilto' p'8lra 'a; ~mpo'rtanci!a; SUipI1a devJelffi xeCl1amaJr 3;s autlOlriii<'J;ad~cOOlpel1JenJ1Jes IDO prazo ileg1all. .

G. n." li4i33jl19£4

«State Bank of India»

TOJma-iSe :p.Uib1i,COi que foQ ef·ec1l11ooa a ISegIUinif;e :llJOiffieagao do pessoal do iBanco:

C. V. Heg'de - nomeooQ gerente da SlU'cursal dO' B8IIliCO ,ern Damao, desde 0' encerra,mento de transacgao ern 18 de [)~ernlbro de 19,613.; ,emsubSltitmga,o, do 1SJri. ID • .1. Khan­dep8lrkaT ..

R. N. Ohetrtwr,IS,ecretario e Tesoull',eiiII1o.

iBombamn, 4 ,de Janeli:ro de 1964.

14 iPaJUsa, 1885 (ISaka). c/e

~-.-----~.,------. "

"1' ,,-+~,l ~ c., .". ,_~ ,,.. • ,~

GOVT. PRINTING PRESS - GOA" (Imprensa Nacional - Goa)

. PRICE - 94 n,P.