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AP Human Geography Chapter 1 Test

1. Which of geography's five themes examines the arrangement of road networks?a. locationb. placec. regiond. movemente. human/environment interaction

2. Newspaper delivery areas are an example of which type of region?a. Formalb. Functionalc. Statisticald. Graphical vernacular

3. Who coined the term geography?a. Platob. Aristotlec. Eratosthenesd. Zheng Hee. Socrates

4. What geographical feature usually distinguishes time zones?a. 5 degrees of latitudeb. 5 degrees of longitudec. 15 degrees of latituded. 15 degrees of longitudee. 30 degrees of longitude

5. The prime meridian is what degree of longitude?a. 0 degreesb. 45 degreesc. 90 degreesd. 120 degreese. 180 degrees

AP Human Geography Chapter 1 Test

6. The linking of places by common traits or characteristics is defined asa. Placeb. Locationc. Regiond. Areae. Zone

7. What type of map has all lines of latitude and longitude meeting at right angles, creating much distortion at both of the polar regions?

a. Mercator projectionb. Robinson projectionc. Molleweide projectiond. Goodes-Homsoline projection

8. What geographical approach suggest that humans posses the ability to dominate their environment rather than that they are defined by the environment?

a. Animistic approachb. Temperate approachc. Environmental determinist approachd. Socioecology approach e. Possibilist approach

9. What is the term for the phenomenon that the farther a feature moves from a hearth, the less dominant it is?a. Central placeb. Concentric circlec. Regional analysisd. Distance decaye. Sequent occupance

10. If an area has objects in it that are lightly arranged, it is said to be what?a. Denseb. Clustered

AP Human Geography Chapter 1 Test

c. Dispersed d. Scatterede. Regionalized

11. Environmental determinism was replaced by which approach to geography in the late 20th century?a. Distribution approachb. Hierarchical approachc. Stimulus approachd. Vernacular approache. Possibilist approach

12. Which type of map would have the smallest scale?a. World mapb. Continent mapc. Country mapd. Regional mape. City map

13. 1:100,000 is an example of what type of scale?a. Wordb. Line statementc. Fractionald. Small scalee. Large scale

14. What is the difference between GPS and GIS?a. GPS uses GIS data.b. GIS uses GPS data to determine location.c. GPS is the layering of data, whereas GIS is the gathering of data.d. GIS is the layering of data, whereas GPS is the gathering of data.e. GPS correlates with GIS, but GIS does not correlate with GPS.

15. If you wanted to see the location of the city building in Seattle, Washington, you would need aa. Large-scale map

AP Human Geography Chapter 1 Test

b. Small-scale mapc. Topographic mapd. Graduated circle mape. Choropleth map

16. The spread of a new fashion first in large cities, and later to smaller towns is an example of expansion diffusion.a. Trueb. False

17. Density measures the amount of something per unit of area on Earth's surface.a. True b. False

18. The Christian religion in South America first spread bya. Stimulus diffusionb. Relocation diffusionc. Contagious diffusiond. Hierarchical diffusione. Force

19. Globalization of the economy has..A. Drained resources from more developed countriesB. Leveled economic differences between placesC. Decreased regional specialization of productionD. Heightened economic differences among placesE. Decreased investment in LDCs.

20. Which of the following applies to all aspects of human geography?a. Ethnicictyb. Genderc. Climated. Spacee. Desnity

AP Human Geography Chapter 1 Test

21. Which of the following maps would be most useful for demonstrating varying levels of oceanic elevation?a. Dot densityb. Isoline topographic c. Cartogramd. Proportional symbole. Azimuthal

22. A map that uses a symbol to display frequency (the larger the symbol, the higher the frequency) is a(n)a. Isoline thematic mapb. Choropleth thematic mapc. Proportional-symbol thematic mapd. Dot density mape. Cartogram

23. Kentucky, Canada, the Ohio River Valley, a German-speaking region, and Northern Ireland are all classified asa. Functional regionsb. Formal regionsc. Perceptual regionsd. Heterogeneous culturese. Shatter belts

24. Which of the following is NOT used by geographers to determine absolute location?a. Equatorb. Distance from the oceanc. Latituded. Prime meridiane. Longitude

25. Which of the following map projections shows the relative sizes of earth’s landmasses most accurately?a. Galls-Peters projectionb. Robinson projectionc. Mercator projection

AP Human Geography Chapter 1 Test

d. Molleweide projectione. Buckminister Fuller projection

26. Which of the following best describes the site of Manhattan?a. A regional transportation hub for the northeastern United Satesb. A midway point along an urban corridor stretching from Boston to Washington D.C.c. An island bordered by the Hudson and East Riversd. An important center for international trade and commercee. An urban center located two hours northeast of Philadelphia by train

27. New York City's ________ is approximately 100 miles northeast of Philadelphia and 100 miles southwest of Boston,a. Locationb. Sitec. Situationd. Toponyme. Jurisdiction

28. A geographer would be primarily interested in determining or locating a suitable ________ if he were wishing to study a remote, rural valley in western Africa where diamonds are mined.

a. Geocacheb. Situationc. Sited. Toponyme. Jurisdiction

29. An area distinguished by one or more unique characteristics is a(n)a. biome.b. landscape.c. region.d. uniform unit.e. ecosystem.

30. Which of the following could be a vernacular region?

AP Human Geography Chapter 1 Test

a. a sports "conference" or area within which sports teams compete with one anotherb. the area of dominance of a television stationc. the market area of a supermarketd. the area of dominance of a certain worldview or philosophye. the area served by a pizza delivery person

31. To geographers, the spread of McDonald's around the world representsa. economic proliferation.b. a unique taste in nearly every location.c. the relocation diffusion of restaurantsd. economic globalization but not cultural globalization.e. economic and cultural globalization.

32. The U.S. Land Ordinance of 1785 divided much of the country into a system ofa. townships, towns, cities, municipalities, and major urban centers.b. ranges, distances, scales, projections, and map symbols.c. town-county boundaries.d. quarter sections, range sections, town land sections, and county sections.e. townships, ranges, sections, and quarter sections.

33. The frequency of something within a given unit of area isa. concentration.b. density.c. distribution.d. pattern.e. dispersion.

34. A ________ is the spread of something over a given study area.a. Concentrationb. Densityc. Distributiond. Patterne. diffusion

AP Human Geography Chapter 1 Test


In this figure, which two boxes have the highest concentration of dots?a. A, Cb. B, Dc. A, Bd. C, De. All of these boxes have the same concentration of dots.

36. In this figure, which two of the four boxes have the highest density of dots?a. A, Bb. B, Cc. C, Dd. A, De. all of these boxes have equivalent density

AP Human Geography Chapter 1 Test

37. A hearth isa. The process by which a feature or trend spreadsb. A region from which a phenomenon originatesc. An area defined by one or more distinctive features or trendsd. The modification of a culture as a result of contact with a more powerful onee. The perimeter or boundary marked by a regional feature

38. The study of how humans and the environment interact is calleda. Environmental determinismb. Cultural diffusionc. Cultural ecologyd. Natural sciencee. Cultural Possibilism

39. Which of the following are forms of expansion diffusion?a. contagious and eponymousb. hierarchical and formalc. economic and relocationd. contagious and hierarchicale. relocation and stimulus

40. The concept that the physical environment sets broad limits on human actions, but that people have the ability to adjust to a wide variety of physical environments is

a. climate.b. environmental determinism.c. possibilism.d. spatial association.e. cultural relativism.

41. According to environmental determinism,a. the physical environment causes different types of social and cultural development.b. the physical environment sets loose limits on cultural and social actions.c. people cannot adjust to different physical environments because of cultural traditions.

AP Human Geography Chapter 1 Test

d. people can choose a course of action from many alternatives offered by the physical environment, and they can also engage in cultural behaviors that seem contradictory to the environment.

e. people determine their physical environment.


42. Parallels converge at the North and South Poles.43. The numbering system used to indicate the location of meridians is called latitude.44. For each 15° change in longitude, time changes by one hour.45. Every map projection distorts the surface of Earth in some way.46. A map displays in full detail what lies on Earth's surface.47. Regions are found only where physical and economic characteristics are strongly related.48. A functional region can exhibit the distance-decay phenomenon.49. The spread of an idea through the movement of people is known as stimulus diffusion.50. Geographers generally reject environmental determinism for possibilism.

AP Human Geography Chapter 1 Test



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AP Human Geography Chapter 1 Test



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AP Human Geography Chapter 1 Test



71. verbal, representative fraction, and graphic are all forms ofa. mapsb. scalesc. geographic themesd. cardinal directionsE. intermediate directions

72. The state of Texas is BEST considered a formal regions becausea. the climate is the same everywhere in the region.b. transportation systems converge in the major highways of the region.c. it is a part of the United States.d. only one language is spoken in most of the cities of the region.e. the same state laws apply everywhere in the region.

73. The name of a location on Earth’s surface is a a. scale name.b. site.

AP Human Geography Chapter 1 Test

c. Toponymd. geonyme. situation

74. A Computer system that stores, organizes, retrieves, analyzes, and displays geographic data isa. remote sensingb. USGSc. topographic analysisd. GPSE. GIS

75. Which of the following maps would have the smallest scale?a. City of Gulfportb. Countyc. Regiond. Boca Ciega High Schoole. World