…. The Parable Of The Wedding Feast Matthew 22:1-14.

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Transcript of …. The Parable Of The Wedding Feast Matthew 22:1-14.

The Parable Of The Wedding Feast

The Parable Of The Wedding FeastMatthew 22:1-14Matthew 22:1-14

Setting Same as The Parable Of The Two Sons In Jerusalem on Tuesday

During the last week of Jesus’ earthly life It was His final day of public teaching His “triumphant entry” was 2 days prior

Mt 21:1-11 Lk 19:39

The Wedding FeastMatt 22:1-14

Setting In Jerusalem on Tuesday

On Monday, Jesus cleansed the temple Mt 21:12-13

Indignant, the Jews demanded Jesus produce the “authority” by which He was acting Mt 21:23

The Wedding FeastMatt 22:1-14

Setting In Jerusalem on Tuesday

Jesus agrees to answer their question if they will answer His question re: the baptism of John Mt 21:24-27

Jesus tells 2 judgment parables… Parable Of The Two Sons Mt 21:28-32 Parable Of The Landowner Mt 21:33-44

The Wedding FeastMatt 22:1-14

Setting In Jerusalem on Tuesday

The Jews understand Jesus’ pointed teaching…He has been talking about them Mt 21:45

They seek to seize Him but do not…they still fear the multitude Mt 21:46

The Wedding FeastMatt 22:1-14

The Parable A king’s son is getting married…the

feast time has arrived v. 2 He sends out his servants to summon

all those who had been invited v. 3a Those who had been invited were not

willing to come v. 3b

The Wedding FeastMatt 22:1-14

The Parable The king’s 1st response…patience v. 4

He tries to convince them to come and partake of the blessings he prepared

The king doesn’t do as he could…he did not order or command

The king invites

The Wedding FeastMatt 22:1-14

The Parable Those invited still weren’t willing vv. 5-6

Some remained preoccupied with other material concerns

To “make light” = “neglect” Heb 2:3 Others took the servants, mistreated

them, and even killed them

The Wedding FeastMatt 22:1-14

The Parable In The Parable Of The Landowner, the

vine-growers showed contempt for their duty Mt 21: 33b-39

In The Parable Of The Wedding Feast, the 1st invited guests showed contempt for the king’s goodness Mt 22:2-6

The Wedding FeastMatt 22:1-14

The Parable In both parables, the character who

represents God displayed great patience Mt 21:36-37 22:4

The Wedding FeastMatt 22:1-14

The Parable The king’s 2nd response…wrath v. 7

He sent his armies to destroy those who had been invited and to set their city on fire

A reference to Jerusalem’s destruction in A.D. 70? Most likely… 23:37-39

The Wedding FeastMatt 22:1-14

The Parable Two main sections…

God’s grace can be “despised” vv. 1-7(what we saw re: the Jews)

God’s grace can be “abused” vv. 8-13(what we’ll see re: the


The Wedding FeastMatt 22:1-14

The Parable The king’s “new plans” vv. 8-10

The first invitees were “unworthy” He commands his servants to go out and

find as many as possible to invite The wedding hall was filled with guests…

both “evil and good” Mt 21:31-32, 43

The Wedding FeastMatt 22:1-14

The Parable The 1st group invited = Jews The 2nd group invited = Gentiles The Jews had “privileges” Rom 2:1-4

3:1-2 Acts 13:26, 46 Eph 1:7-13 Yet, they showed contempt toward God

The Wedding FeastMatt 22:1-14

The Parable The wedding feast vv. 11-14

Interacting with his guests, the king notices a man who was not dressed appropriately in “wedding clothes”

He asks him how he managed to get in The man was “speechless” Rom 1:20

The Wedding FeastMatt 22:1-14

The Parable The wedding feast vv. 11-14

Once again, the king passes judgment He orders the man bound hand & foot

and cast out into the “…outer darkness where there is weeping & gnashing of teeth”

The Wedding FeastMatt 22:1-14

The Parable The wedding feast vv. 11-14

Some might view the king harsh toward a “last-minute invited guest”

There is no evidence to assume he could not have still made the necessary preparations to attend the feast

The Wedding FeastMatt 22:1-14

The Parable The wedding feast vv. 11-14

Re: well-to-do wedding feasts, some hosts provided attire for their guests

Given this was a “royal” wedding, this could have been why the man was “speechless” (without excuse)

The Wedding FeastMatt 22:1-14

The Parable The wedding feast vv. 11-14

Either way, the king had expectations and the man had no excuses

Those who are invited are expected to live up to the Divine demands re: the feast Gal 5:13 Rom 6:1-2

The Wedding FeastMatt 22:1-14

The Parable The wedding feast vv. 11-14

What were these “wedding clothes?” It seems best to see them representing…

…righteousness Rev 19:7-8 …obedience Eph 2:10

The Wedding FeastMatt 22:1-14

The Application The Lord’s only exhortation v. 14

“Many are called…few are chosen” Not many will make the necessary

preparations to become as the Lord desires for them cp. Mt 7:13-14

The Wedding FeastMatt 22:1-14

The Lesson Have I prepared myself for the wedding

feast of the King’s Son? Have I rejected God’s grace in favor of

other interests? (Jews) Have I abused God’s grace by not

becoming who I ought to be? (Gentiles)

The Wedding FeastMatt 22:1-14