The Critical Cs of Peacebuilding Dr. Maya Soetoro-Ng and Dr. Kerrie Urosevich University of...

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Transcript of The Critical Cs of Peacebuilding Dr. Maya Soetoro-Ng and Dr. Kerrie Urosevich University of...


The Critical Cs of Peacebuilding

Dr. Maya Soetoro-Ng and Dr. Kerrie Urosevich University of Hawai‘i Manoa


With support from and in partnership

with:Omidyar ‘Ohana Fund

Association for Conflict Resolution Hawai‘i ChapterFamily Hui

University of Hawai‘i College of EducationHawai‘i Department of Education

Life Ready Problem Solvers



Courage Confidence

Calm ReactionsCuriosity


ConnectionCritical Thinking

CreativityConflict Resolution

CommunicationCareful Listening


(In Service)

CommunityCall to Lead/CatalystCivic Engagement


Planting, Nurturing and Harvesting the CEEDS of


We want to think about

the harvest…

By nurturing the ceeds to help children grow into compassionate,

collaborative and courageous leaders in our families, schools,

work places and communities.


1. To bring together families, community organizations and school staff to learn the ceeds and strategies for raising peacebuilders.

2. To support teachers in integrating the ceeds of peace into existing curriculum and provide them with professional development opportunities.

3. To support families and community organizations in planting, nurturing and modeling the ceeds in their every day lives with their children.

4. To build bridges between home and school, ensuring children are hearing and seeing similar messages about peacebuilding in both places.

5. To raise generations of peacebuilders who can effectively problem solve the complex issues facing our communities.

Ceeds for Hawai‘i:

Barriers to Peace: a snapshot

In Hawai‘i

Unresolved indigenous rights issues

7th highest poverty rate in the U.S.

2nd in nation for meth related treatment admissions

Persistent school violence

Since 1997, Hawai‘i has topped the national average in domestic-violence homicides per capita

6,000 reported cases of child abuse per year

Around the World

37 current armed conflicts, millions killed, 75% of victims are non-combatants

195 million children have stunted development due to malnutrition

2.5 million people trafficked every year, 80% of them women and girls, 79% of them for sexual exploitation

Ceeds for the World

Why Plant?

Why Now?

Restorative Practices


Every child and adult: Loves learning because Curiosity and Creativity are encouraged Learns Compassion and how to be an empathetic listener Has the ability to look at an issue with Critical Thinking skills Works well with others through Collaboration Learns to Complex Problem Solve by using a variety of Conflict

Resolution strategies Learns how to take Care of their bodies, physically and emotionally Learns how to use their moral Courage to stand up for others who need

it Learns and practices Conservation and how to share our planet’s

natural resources fairly and responsibly Sees her or himself as an important part of a larger Community and

contributes positively to that community

Children Learn and Live PeaceThrough Teaching and Modeling

Modeling Part 1

Modeling Part 2

Why 360°?

360° Influence

Home School


360° Thinking• Critical

• Compassionate• Creative

• Collaborative• Courageous

• Conflict Resolving

To achieve peaceful and thriving communities….

Average Hours We Spend With Children






School Age

Teaching PeaceCommunication, Compassion, Courage, Community, Creativity, Critical Thinking

Teaching Peace Critical Thinking, Collaboration,

Compassion, Creativity

Teaching Peace Compassion, Critical Thinking

When do we begin planting ceeds?

From birth………………….

85% of our brain development happens between the ages 0-5.

Research has noted changes in the prefrontal cortex (critical thinking and judgment), the cerebellum (attention, emotions and stress hormones) and the limbic system (memory formation and controlling emotions) in 3 year olds who are living with toxic stress.

The way we talk to our children, discipline (teach), nourish and structure family life, classrooms and programs is critical to the social/emotional and physical development of a young child.

The earlier we can promote peacebuilding, the better.

From Infancy

The power of…..



Action Plans

Describe here

Action Plan Framework

Prepare the Soil

Envision the Harvest

Spot the Weeds

Plant the Ceeds

Nurture to Sustain

Prepare the Soilinquiry and discovery

Ceeds Tools

Careful Listening •Double Listening •Open Ended Questions

Compassion •What Would They Say?•Active Listening

Critical Thinking •Identify Needs and Interests•Listen for Core Team

Community •Deconstruct•Cast the Net

Envision the Harvestcreate the future

Ceeds Tools

Critical Thinking •Think, Pair, Share•Change the Ending

Creativity •Paint and Post the Future•Create Shared Values

Community•Canoe Travel•Talking Sticks

Remove the Weedsbarriers to peace

Ceeds Tools

Critical Thinking •Shared Story Media•Systems Analysis

Compassion •From the Source Storytelling•Try It On

Careful Listening •Double Listening•Individual work/ Group pairings

Plant the Ceedsfor prevention

Ceeds Tools

Careful Listening •Ekphrastic Poetry (hear the message)•Weekly Family Meetings

Compassion •Try It On•Literature

Critical Thinking •Facing History in Ourselves•Doubting and Believing

Complex Problem-Solving •Consensus Building•Rewind Game

Creativity •Media comparisons

Collaboration •Shared Decision-making Pacts•Shared Values and Commitments

Courage •Role Play•My Kuleana

Community •Cast the Net Family/School/Comm•Pohaku Bowls

Plant the Ceedsfor intervention

Ceeds Tools

Careful Listening •Talking Stick•Weather Ball

Compassion •Switch Seats

Critical Thinking •Reflect and Reenter•Paths to Resolution

Complex Problem-solving •Shuttle Diplomacy•Peace Rose•Mediation/Facilitation processes

Creativity •Engage Nature•Movement Healing

Collaboration •Ho‘oponopono

Courage •Power of the Bystander

Community •Restorative Justice

Plant the Ceedsfor sustained resolution


Sincere and Sustaining Apologies

Next Time Commitments

Peer Messaging

Taking Temperature

Monitoring and Evaluation

Plant the Ceedsfor elementary social studies


Benchmarks Ceeds Tools

Plant the Ceeds for secondary social studies


Benchmarks Ceeds Tools

Plant the Ceedsfor elementary health


Benchmarks Ceeds Tools

Plant the Ceeds for secondary health


Benchmarks Ceeds Tools

Nurture to Sustain

What do you need to make your plan successful?





To Learn More……•Check out the Ceeds of Peace resource list

•Sign-up for Family Hui if you have children birth to age 5•Become a member of the Association for Conflict Resolution

Hawai‘i for more workshop opportunities