· Success Psychology 101...

Post on 07-Sep-2018

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Transcript of · Success Psychology 101...


Success Psychology


Your Syllabus for Success



The following 50 books have been selected, mostly because of their value, also because they’re all available in audio format.

I recommend listening while you’re exercising or driving. You can listen to them in any order,

but I recommend listening to the first 10 to start.


Success Psychology 101

Listening List

Title: The 10X Rule Author: Grant Cardone Length: 7:24 Category: Sales Philosophy, Motivation Summary: Cardone is an extremely energetic and powerful speaker. His books not only cover sales, but life in general. The basic message here is that greatness requires 10 times the energy and effort than you think, but if you do it the rewards are unlimited.

Title: Secrets of the Millionaire Mind Author: T. Harv Eker Length: 3:19 Category: Money, Philosophy, Motivation Summary: Eker comes off as a little goofy at times, but his message is clear: ambition can be broken down and understood, then applied to your life.

Title: Think and Grow Rich Author: Napoleon Hill Length: 9:35 Category: Personal Development Summary: Classic. A book most successful people have read. Hill was commissioned by industrialist and business mogul Andrew Carnegie to study highly successful people and identify the characteristics they had in common.

Title: The Power of Less Author: Leo Babauta Length: 3:54 Category: Organization Summary: Wonderful in its simplicity and attention to basic details of life. A way of organizing yourself, your time, and your surroundings for optimal productivity and peace of mind.


Title: Awaken The Giant Within Author: Tony Robbins Length: 1:31 Category: Personal Development, Motivation Summary: This book helps you understand your potential and how to get at your strengths and minimize the impediments that hold you back.

Title: Peaks and Valleys Author: Spencer Johnson, M.D. Length: 2:08 Category: Psychology Summary: Your life – your internal world (your mind) and your external world (your life) will be filled with ups and downs. This books helps you navigate the highs and lows with understanding and a proper perspective.

Title: The Start-Up of You Author: Reid Hoffman and Ben Casnocha Length: 6:42 Category: Personal Development Summary: By viewing yourself in the way new companies view themselves, you can development a perspective on your future that can vault you past your competition in the marketplace.

Title: The Magic of Thinking Big Author: David J. Schwartz Length: 4:10 Category: Motivation Summary: By enlarging your perspective of who you are and what you can accomplish, your life takes on a vitality that can energize you.


Title: The Genie Within Author: Harry W. Carpenter Length: 6:20 Category: Psychology Summary: The subconscious mind plays a powerful role in our thinking and our lives. By understanding the subconscious, you can make it work for you rather than against you.

Title: 50 Success Classics Author: Tom Butler Bowdon Length: 10:22 Category: Motivation Summary: This is one of four of Butler-Bowdon’s books in this syllabus. It elaborates on 50 of the greatest books in the “success” literature and does so in a clear, engaging style.

Title: Rich Dad Poor Dad Author: Robert Kiyosaki Length: 6:09 Category: Money Summary: Kiyosaki provides a contrast between his real father and his mentor and how their divergent understanding and philosophies about money shaped theirs – and Kiyosaki’s – destiny.

Title: The Fred Factor Author: Mark Sanborn Length: 2:29 Category: Personal Development Summary: Sanborn’s mailman – Fred – is the subject of this little book with big insights. How Fred performs his duties in a superior manner is a lesson to us all in terms of how we do what we do in all areas of our lives. In short, why not be excellent at all we do?


Title: The Road Less Traveled Author: M. Scott Peck Length: 4:16 Category: Psychology Summary: An easy-to-follow philosophy book that looks at the big picture: values, spirituality, discipline, love. Many strong insights.

Title: The One Thing Author: Gary Keller Length: 5:28 Category: Business, Personal Development Summary: At any given time, what’s the one thing you could be doing that will bring you maximum long-term results? If you can identify the one thing and use it to guide your focus, you will be more productive, more accomplished, and – probably – happier.

Title: Emotional Intelligence Author: Daniel Goleman Length: 13:36 Category: Psychology Summary: A breakthrough book. Smarts aren’t just related to intellect; they’re related to your understanding of yourself and other people. Applicable in both personal and professional contexts, an essential read.

Title: Why Marriages Succeed or Fail Author: John Gottman Length: 8:03 Category: Relationships Summary: Happiness and success are often the by-products of a successful marriage, but most people go about this part of life haphazardly, feeling their way through as they go, often unsuccessfully. Gottman is a researcher and writer who unveils the secrets of successful marital relationships.


Title: 50 Prosperity Classics Author: Tom Butler Bowdon Length: 12:21 Category: Business, Money Summary: Summaries of 50 books related to prosperity and wealth creation. A great guide that may spark your interest in particular thinkers that resonate with you.

Title: Willpower Author: Roy F. Baumeister & John Tierney Length: 9:10 Category: Psychology Summary: The backbone of discipline is willpower – the ability to bypass immediate pleasures for long-term gain. In this comprehensive study of willpower, we learn why some people have more of it than others and what you can do to maximize yours.

Title: Flow Author: Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi Length: 5:31 Category: Psychology Summary: What truly makes us happy? Csikszentmihayi identifies that it’s full engagement resulting in “flow” that makes us most happy and is tied to productivity, accomplishment, and creative expression.

Title: Drive Author: Daniel Pink Length: 5:53 Category: Motivation Summary: Pink shows that it isn’t money – or just money – that motivates us. It’s a combination of things we strive for that give us psychological satisfaction.


Title: The Personal MBA Author: Josh Kaufman Length: 13:25 Category: Business Summary: Kaufman’s message: don’t spend your money on grad school. Save that money and read this book instead. Tells you everything you need to know about business in an easily accessible format.

Title: The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People Author: Stephen R. Covey Length: 13:07 Category: Personal Development Summary: Classic. Covey identifies and explores seven key habits that translate into personal success. Much of the personal development literature evolved after this was first published.

Title: A Whole New Mind Author: Daniel Pink Length: 6:19 Category: Psychology, Personal Development Summary: Pink shows how right-brain thinking (creativity) combined with left brain thinking (analytics) is the key to success in contemporary times.

Title: Talent is Overrated Author: Geoff Colvin Length: 7:30 Category: Personal Development Summary: Debunks the notion that prodigies exist. Greatness is instead achieved through time, practice, dedication, and vision.


Title: The Fountainhead Author: Ayn Rand Length: 8:27 Category: Fiction, Philosophy Summary: Follows the trials and tribulations of an architect whose vision is matched only but his unwillingness to compromise.

Title: The E Myth Enterprise Author: Michael E. Gerber Length: 4:27 Category: Business Summary: Gerber is a master of understanding how business works and how you can make it work for you. Many details and strong illustrations to bring the ideas to life. Particularly good on the concept of “franchise.”

Title: Sell Or Be Sold Author: Grant Cardone Length: 11:40 Category: Sales Summary: Cardone has a very direct style: enthusiastic, motivational, but also full of great ideas. Selling is approached not only with regard to business proper, but all human interactions.


Title: Feel The Fear and Do It Anyway Author: Susan Jeffers Length: 2:56 Category: Psychology, Personal Development Summary: It turns out that none of us is fearless: we all feel the fear. What separates the successful – in all areas of life – is the ability to transcend fear and do what needs to be done.

Title: Focus Author: Daniel Goleman Length: 8:08 Category: Psychology Summary: How to manage your mind, specifically your attention, for optimal mental performance.

Title: The Miracle Morning Author: Hal Elrod Length: 4:57 Category: Personal Development Summary: Elrod shows how using one hour per day can expand what you’re capable of achieving.

Title: 50 Self-Help Classics Author: Tom Butler Bowdon Length: 10:55 Category: Personal Development Summary: 50 more excellent summaries of books on personal development. These are books that inspire as well as education, meaning they appeal to your feelings and not just your intellect.


Title: The Entrepreneur Minbd Author: Kevin D. Johnson Length: 8:21 Category: Business Summary: 100 concepts that every aspiring entrepreneur should know about money, working with people, putting ideas into form, and executing.

Title: The Art of Exceptional Living Author: Jim Rohn Length: 4:41 Category: Personal Development Summary: Rohn is a clear thinker, excellent as distilling concepts and presenting an overall picture that provides a framework for conscious living.

Title: Do The Work Author: Stephen Pressfield Length: 1:25 Category: Money, Philosophy, Motivation Summary: Pressfield shows us how being a professional works: you put in the time each day with an emphasis on determination, not inspiration.

Title: 50 Psychology Classics Author: Tom Butler Bowdon Length: 12:23 Category: Psychology Summary: Psychology is somehow overlooked in the high school curriculum, which values multiple years of different disciplines over this one. This book provides an excellent introduction to the field.


Title: Manage Your Day-To-Day Author: Jocelyn Glei Length: 3:23 Category: Personal Development Summary: Similar to The Power of Less, looks at the organization of time and space to maximize productivity, creativity, and achievement.

Title: The Razor’s Edge Author: W. Somerset Maugham Length: 11:09 Category: Fiction Summary: Exploration of one man’s spiritual journey in the post World war II era.

Title: The Millionaire Next Door Author: Thomas J. Stanley & William Danko Length: 8:21 Category: Money Summary: A study of American millionaires brought surprising results. These are everyday people with good habits and sensible choices who have maximized their income through investment and frugality.

Title: To Sell is Human Author: Daniel Pink Length: 6:06 Category: Sales Summary: Pink isn’t a salesman per se – as Grant Cardone and Brian Tracy are – he’s a researcher, writer, and cultural thinker who shows in this volume how a sales perspective is vital in the Internet age.


Title: The Reluctant Entrepreneur Author: Michael Masterson Length: 4:50 Category: Business, Personal Development Summary: You don’t have to give up your good job and your free time to chase your dreams. You can weave your need for security with your ambitions.

Title: The Little Book of Talent Author: Daniel Coyle Length: 1:51 Category: Personal Development Summary: Subtitled “57 Tips for Improving Your Skills,” this short volume offers exactly what it promises: a number of good ideas easily applicable to your life.

Title: The Art of Mental Training Author: DC Gonzalez Length: 2:59 Category: Psychology Summary: Another short book that offers a number of insights into using our minds most effectively for productivity and peak performance.

Title: Mental Toughness Training Author: Jim Loehr Length: 5:42 Category: Personal Development Summary: Loehr applies his experience as a sports coach and psychologist to everyday life and business.


Title: Your Money or Your Life Author: Joe Dominguez & Vicki Robin Length: 2:25 abridged Category: Business Summary: Nine steps to personal fulfillment and financial independence.

Title: Brand Against The Machine Author: John Morgan Length: 6:24 Category: Personal Development Summary: How do you represent yourself and your company? This book offers insight into how to develop both your function and the imagery that goes with it.

Title: The Seven Spiritual Laws of Success Author: Deepak Chopra Length: 1:26 Category: Philosophy Summary: Chopra is influential amongst well-known people and this volume summarizes much of what his thinking has to offer.

Title: The Organized Mind Author: Daniel J. Leviton Length: 16:24 Category: Psychology Summary: How our minds organize and process information. As the subtitle says: “Thinking Straight in an Age of Information Overload”


Title: Good Idea Now What Author: Charles T. Lee Length: 5:30 Category: Business Summary: From idea to execution. Discusses how to take your creativity and turn it into business reality.

Title: The Success Principles Author: Jack Canfield Length: 21:11 Category: Personal Development Summary: Canfield is the author of the Chicken Soup for the Soul series, which sold millions upon millions of copies over the years. He has a lot of good things to say in this large volume.

Title: Advanced Selling Strategies Author: Brian Tracy Length: 1:25 Category: Sales Summary: Brian Tracy is a main player in the sales training world, and he has a lot of good things to say beyond sales formal in this book.


Index of Sources Listed Alphabetically

10X Rule Grant Cardone 7:24

7 Habits of Highly Effective People Stephen Covey 13:07

50 Prosperity Classics Thomas Butler-Bowdon 12:21

50 Psychology Classics Thomas Butler-Bowdon 12:23

50 Self-Help Classics Thomas Butler-Bowdon 10:55

50 Success Classics Thomas Butler-Bowdon 10:22

A Whole New Mind Daniel Pink 6:19

Advanced Selling Strategies Brian Tracy 1:25 abridged

Art of Exceptional Living Jim Rohn 4:41

Art of Mental Training DC Gonzalez 2:59

Awaken The Giant Within Tony Robbins 1:31

Brand Against The Machine John Morgan 6:24

Do The Work Stephen Pressfield 1:25

Drive Daniel Pink 5:53

E Myth Enterprise Michael Gerber 4:28

Emotional Intelligence Daniel Goleman 13:36

Entrepreneur Mind Kevin D. Johnson 8:21

Feel The Fear and Do It Anyway Susan Jeffers 2:56

Flow Mihaly Csikszentmihaly 5:31

Focus Daniel Goleman 8:08

Fountainhead Ayn Rand 8:27 abridged

Fred Factor Mark Sanford 2:29

Genie Within Harry W. Carpenter 6:20

Good Idea, Now What? Charles Lee 5:30

Little Book of Talent Daniel Coyle 1:51

Magic of Thinking Big David Schwartz 4:10

Manage Your Day To Day Jocelyn K. Glei, ed 3:23

Mental Toughness Training James Loehr 5:42

Millionaire Next Door Thomas Stanley 8:21

Miracle Morning Hal Elrod 4:57

One Thing Gary Keller 5:28

Organized Mind Daniel J. Levitin 16:24

Peaks and Valleys Spencer Johnson 2:08

Personal MBA Josh Kaufman 13:25

Power Of Less Leo Babauta 3:54

Razor’s Edge W. Somerset Maugham 11:09

Reluctant Entrepreneur Michael Masterson 4:50

Rich Dad, Poor Dad Robert Kiyosaki 6:09

Road Less Traveled M. Scott Peck 4:16 abridged

Secrets of The Millionaire Mind T. Harv Eker 3:19

Sell or Be Sold Grant Cardone 11:40

Seven Spiritual Laws of Success Deepak Chopra 1:26

Start-Up of You Reid Hastings 6:41

Success Principles Jack Canfield 21:11


Talent is Overrated Geoff Colvin 7:30

Think and Grow Rich Napoleon Hill 9:35

To Sell Is Human Daniel Pink 6:06

Why Marriages Succeed or Fail John M. Gottman 8:03

Willpower Roy F. Baumeister & John Tierney 9:10

Your Money or Your Life Joe Dominguez & Vicki Robin 2:25 abridged