BANNEDTHOUGHT.NET - Struggling against the suppression of ... · 7111 MI- .l .dl h be EGQZW&P~~&-~-...

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Transcript of BANNEDTHOUGHT.NET - Struggling against the suppression of ... · 7111 MI- .l .dl h be EGQZW&P~~&-~-...

relatloncr. Deprived of ooaI and b-, 4- of raw m a w .. hvingibfn~qaiIIbFfnmMmalllersuttofthedPLLF,th8I~ii '

bourgeoisie is incapable, though entIWy d l h g , to realbe h fun m-m the rlghb to g l u d e ~ a n d violate even thorn colonial -ll- lotm8nts asdgned to it by. mgland. -' . '

J a p s. n, torn-wikhimhsrfeudallben by caphlht mntradi; j I ictions,' stands on the veqp o t . * m t Yevorutlomry CIWs which

I. 18 aMady her .@pddW ~plmtiom, in epife of the' favorable fnternatlod edt&i9n,

I Thusl 'only two great p o r n remain: Gt r e a t' B r 1 t s 1 n andthe U n i t e d S t a t s e . I.

The Eugbb Xm- has d d imlf df the -ti0 rlmJry of k w h m and of the -'of Geman qmpetition. The mlH-

j. ' . targ gower.of Britain baa m w h 4 fts a m . England has slllc rounded the Con&ent a chat& of subject tl~ltfotlpl. 8he has sub- to lm ~ k ~ ~ d , BMhonfa and LraMa, thus deprf- vfng Eweden an8 N- of the la& vest@ of independam and conveFting the Baltic &a into a British bay. She has no rfval in the No* h Her BU- in South Africa, Egypt, India, P a and A f g d s h has convwbd the In&n Ocean inb a Bri- tish lake. Her dominatfon on the w makes her Ifkcdm I&- lmw of the continent. Her power mer the world ends only witB ' - the American Dollar R&ubIic and the Russian SmIet Republic.

The U d i t e d 8 t a t s s wasablaoluWythrownoffthe path of continenta1 provinchbrn by the world war. The Monmkt', doctrina - "America for the Arneriw' ' - which wma the grog- ram of the newly fled@ caplhlh., h u gbm plam to the imgmhllst w a t c m . - * w k e the Whole World Amwh'', Having dmbd with exp-tbe war and profl,-g iFom the Eluropem bloodshed by conmemld and indwtrhl deale and ex- ' change speculation, h & c a went on to mdpation in the world war, playing a predominant part in the deetruction of G w many and now IIUB ita hand fn all questlorn of European and world politiw.

Underthebannerofthe L . e a g n e o f N a t i o n 8 the United States tried to extend to thls side of the ocean ita policy of unttlng various nationalities on a federative badfa and bit& to ita golden M t the natioaalith~ of. Bump8 and other

4 , 1

a- mt pawm igt& polieylmmnotevenatnw

*Y*<:* b tho88 of &mat MW&S T h e n m ~ b o ~ + m ~ m m ~ * m r n u o t s o f * : ~ h r e ~ ~ ~ h ~ g n r m * i t m ~ a witole miat ai d i m t i - such iw A- H-, . Poled, Jugo-8IraVh, Bob- mthonl&, M* a n 4 A r m ~ G e o r g f i b ~ o 2z ~ ~ ~ m o p e n $ . o p p r e a d while othelul arc4 of8 $ k ~ b r r t ~ a s l t , ~ as -. BY m- of itss b@w, diwwM and cod wnmh, hpe-111 d~~ mesa w~~ dw* them to *ble m n o d c and mmnal- t~ anrt *- guinarp firtrlie. *

what an 0 ~ 0 ~ i m q of fate that the r e c o ~ c t f o n of P O W , which formed a part of *e pro- of the mohthn- arg democmcy during the &st m v o I # o ~ outbumta of the htes- nationd proletariat, &ouM now be bmught about by I m e for counter r s w I u t i m en&, an8 that the "DwnocFacy" of Poland, whose pmlemamWmd dled on the badcaolm of mpe, should be & as a fouI a d b h & magon in the murdegyls hands of the ~~h h d W 8 agd& the flrsE ProhWaa aep~w~hthemr .

'pem~~&W c-0-SJI- M sold ftseli t~ mch mphL andhaslfwmbhed WhibQm conthgmta tqpduat soviet Rnarsfa and Hungary*

The heroic attempt &'the Huagarfan pmIetdat to it- self from the national and eoondmfc chaos prevaWng fn central. Eumpe, and emerge upon the mad of a Bovfet IPsdemtlon, wMah is the onIy means to ealvittfon, wai a e d by the txmw forces of caplhbt .&on at a b e *en tbe pmldaxht of the more advan@ muntrfes of Europe, hi led by itrr e m , proved h- capable of doing its duty both Zowaret SwhlM Hungmy an8 its own w.

m e soviet W*C of m a overt- with the asdswnce of the meid &tom who siter b&g stayed in power for three and a bdf darn, wem themaekes omrthmwn by the unbrfdled comter-m~oniary c a d & t d n p d n g in its bloody deeds the mimes of KoIdmk, Denildn* Wmngel and other Allfed age&... But e m though temponu& muhed 8ovlet Hun- g ~ s r g f s l i k e a ~ n l f g h t t o t b e ~ ~ o f C e n t z a l ~ p e .

The Turks are mWmtng to submit to the base peace terms dictated by the -on mta. In order to gat these tgllma hrf- fllled Etghnd h a d t3- and EX& her mt Turkey. Thw both the Turk8 and tE% G m b ap #$vat o m to mutuwl dwtnre


ta deviwbn. A r m e n i a ' s ~intheAgfea*@ght

and in the war wlth 4wWa-EIun@wy. Whe data wma fofmed - with out^ h e s and

hy the %eugue of Natbm*', for A m d a * e a d contained neitha p e b W nor pkthum 'ZfbemkTf Brmenfa is now leshl w m tban aver bdom.

Ahnost dl the new$ ioFmed U t l o ~ " have th& m hitants, their fnhnal BlatIOnal ulcers.

. . At the mme -0 the MWW aWie within the hum& of the ~~w mulMm haplrEudud iQ r?nmsJt. TBe-IIhgmh bow ~ ~ w h f c 3 r . ~ b b e ~ ~ o f t h e n a t i u m o f & e mIFld hl incapable of solving ths l[rirah quatfon at home.

Still more thmtaing fs the mtfonarl quation in the wloni81~ @gpt India, Persia are m e n by f&m& ugheamk The to% . em of the mlonies are adopting the alogan of the Sovlet Mas- , t i o n f n r m t h a d v & l l c e d ~ e m o f ~ ~ A m & ~ &

0- ~lati~w d ~ W d -is Wzrope - after it -- e B f r o m ~ e ~ a n d t h e V ~ ~ ~ - i s J l t k e a h u r a t i c ~ - 'lum. he' petty &Mddly dbmmnbmed, 8(3onomid@ U l e d within their boundaries, wrmgk and fight with one another OTW seaports, prodm and mqaU towns. They wek the thn of the bfgger &be whose mu- antagonism Is frrcreasin% h m day to hy. 1- m d 0 in a ho@t@ gosftLon m t mce .~dhIJ~~ewftbGtesmanJragrsinath~~mn~EheIctG ter irt apbk oi mMng her head. Etame i~ mcomus with enw .tawardaEngh& an8 would not*he&ate to a& the whole of Ba- .rope on rn if that w o w only enable her to get baek her In-

. .mtd by IPrance, Ebgkmd mahtafns s state d chaotic impten- f n M p e , h o E d e r t h a t m o n e ~ b t a b l e b h ~ w i t h . h r a r in-c m t h e r i a , m e U ~ I M sww Japan to hmlve hemelf h Hibr& 90 that may mean- whfle get her naw into a U S ~ W &'@ her the upper hand of G m t BEftafn - grovlded E h @ d &odd not in her attempt .to have a WaI of stragth with Amwlca Mom 192;.

1 t ~ i n ~ ~ ~ t h W ~ t 8 ~ i i n ~ t f O n t r l ~ W the m e of the m u c h bourgmhde, Mimhal Po&, pmdkta that

. t h e c o m i n g w a r i s ~ E o k g h w h e ~ e ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ o f f : m e m, a- inaw or a'--

, aaes tnrJteard of the bayon& Workers and peasan% of Europe, Amwha, Asia, Aftha, Au-

stralia! ThEa is what you have d e v d & the aoA of h milltome of killmd. twenty mlllions of wubaed'md d m &


MI- .l . dl

h be E G Q Z W & P ~ ~ & - ~ - Meanwire the ruination of mnnkind tg gOfng on. The war ha^ rneahnfdly destroyed those universstl emno-

mica1 ties, the development of which Was m e of the most hpor- tant conquesb of capitdbm. In 1$14 E@and, France and IMy were separated fmm Centrral EmoN and from the new Ewt, in 1917 - from Russia.

During the few yeam d the war Mch b&B dWmyed alI that has b,een created by m y generatlom, htumm labor which had been &uced to a mhh~um, wats a@ed prindpaUy hh those spheres where It was n e c e e w 'to trrutafom the rcmeme~ of raw matem into goods, chiefly into armht and weapom of deatructlon.

In those badc b m c h e c ~ of eamxomy where man must enter into a direct struggle m e t the hardness and inertnew of Nature, namely fuel and raw material8 which have to be excavated and

- brought out l h m the bowels of the etulth - production pmgres- sfvely died down. The victory of the Entente and the Vemailh

. Treaty have not ~temmed the mnomic proms of ecunomfc dis- organhation and decay, but have only changed ita warn and forma. The blochde of &dethRusaia and the artMcial klndllng of dvll war m s t her f e e bordering s t a h have been and are cawing rzlcetlcuiable damage to the welfare of humanits* at large. If R w i a had the minimum technfcal upp port thh countrJr could, under the conditdons e~kblished by the Sopiet form of production, provide two md 'thme Umea the quantiw of proddon and mw material to Europe than that, which w a ~ provided by Czarist Russia; - the International atates thls in the face of the entire world. Instead of thia Anglo-mnch Impwidism Is compelling the Labor Republic to direct all Its f o m toward8 defenae. In order to deprfve the Rumhn workers bf fuel England held tbm in its clam that sourcece of ftle1, Baku, hmn d i c h only an hsfg- nfflcant part of tbis weal* , c o g , p e exported. The richest coal h e i n of the Doneb was periodicaliy devastated by the white guard bands of the Entente. men& fmhctors and sappers have work- ed hard over the destmction of Russian Mdgm amd dhadt~ . Up to the prewnt moment Japan O robbing and ruining Eastern Slberla.

G e m n technique and the high productiviQ of German la- bor - these most Important factom in the mnahwmce of the w- stem of production are now dter the V d e s m e , being pa- raIyaed much mom than was the caae during the war. The Entente is faced wftb c o n ~ c t i o n a . In order to eEtract payment it is indispensable that work be ~upplled. In order to supply mxk


-I A'm-94


em- Gmmmq Itre, mema to @ve her th6 zqportuniQ to become of recdatarrce. The policy of F o a of keeping m y in an wer tlghtmbg military vW, which ia to '

prevent -8 revid - h behg dictated by few of Ger- '

-s*e ~ h s r e 1 s a p n e r a . l @ o & e a n d 8 g e n e m n ~ The tracle '

1 b d a ~ ~ ~ ~ n o t o n l y _ d ~ a b n % h y t a W o f F r a n ~ e a r r d ~ -

.land L of a decidedly W v e t&amkwr The French State d&t ha^ the sum of 800 bHbn b m x . It mwt be mntioned that the mwtionary F V e d -tar Gaudin de W n e aaseFtrr tbat two-thirds of thls sum -.been lost by embezzlement, thiev- -=I---

~ ~ I E a b . f * - ~ r e n e h &trict$ mhld b the- lp, m m E s f d.-on. "The &Q*

~ f f u e l a s l d ~ t ~ r a a ~ a s ~ ~ , & ~ ~ ~ W ~ ~ f Ina-kU 0 W t a d ~ " . ..

manee wants gold, mce wants coat> @he Ebmh w g d l & pow3 to me ~ u m & . ~ v e a of the W W Gem- and @manrZpr ih M e n d r j . Gemmy muat pay! It mw& be m- membered that Gens F ~ c h bas 8ufUdent ne- for the oc- cupation of German f l e a Rum& must pax! la order to In- mulate the RumIm people with this Mea the Remh Go- ment m s bflliom upon the devastation of R&; m o m which mas orfglndy m11ecM and fntsnded for the mvlpal of -4.

The intmmtianal ihancfal compact wMch w&s to earre the - tax barden of FFttnae by a more or 1- tmnplete ~ ~ n t of wgu debts did not take place; - the United Statee no evidence whtmmoi~dea?m'tornaSEeEhwopea~of I O M U I O R B O ~ dollarri;

The Imue of paper c m n c y is oontinthg to an ever gmw& dent. While fa Sovlet RUB- the extensive introduction of pa- per currency mid fts devaluation h, colnddent with ther dew- lopment of a agr8bmatic ~~amgn&~&ttutbn of products wn ~n&e,introau&;eiit e d , only the result of the 'gradual dea* of the coinmom-riiiiney of pmduction, in 'mpi* couJl@wm ihe dher m, the spread of paw Km- mncy -era $he mwth of economic cham and the ap~raah of imwbbEe a e p m .

The mnmh ~I l feren# tray* h m plme to place lx€iemg bsglmthn at ail the 'l3mpe.m m*. Mpidende zm, demmded ~ r s r x n d h ~ ~ o c o ~ ~ ~ ~ t b e n u m b e r n t ~ ~ ~ t h e ~ ~ ' m a t m f i n g -€wok exchfuge of dead mw, * acttan- d d h -d6rtdghtly deddw the westfos of w h e m a shottgd &B 50% or 66% oftbe wnWbu%w'whiph &mpy fS W l e to my,

' ' 4 8 . a , - * . '*. '

b t h e p r u r ~ o i ~ e w c a ~ r n W ~ w ~ t n e w ~ ~ . The sp3tmmtic -n of Burp1m' mdr fn me prooess of pro- dtwbn, which is ,the w of econornfo pcsfitij, tmrm tao elemen- %wy to the b o w o b h who have -me wwtWrned to increase t h e i r ~ ~ , p i t e s l t w o f Q M ~ ~ ~ a ~ b ~ , h m ~ o f apecuhtion on the bat&$ & htmmtimaJ &@my.

The burgeokie -baa laat mrhh gm@&m Mdch stnod in i t d i w a y a n d b a s a c q ~ c e s t e f n ~ M b ~ ~ & ~ ~ ~ ,

. formerly. The war has awahrned it to the a- of the hunger blockade to whole mmtltrie~; to sfT Faid& ta ~)~

- and villages, to the de&&€t distributh of cholenr kcit4 to the 9 tranrsportatfon of dpuatte &&pbmafic vaMaes, to colmbrhlt- lng the paper ~ ~ ~ g n c y and 4mUt not= of the enemy, to m, espionage and contralmgd $S am h n t unheard of befom. The methodrs of war have besom upon the condudon of pmm M- fng methodsa The prkdpd opemtions am now merged ~n the ad* M the atatq a~hfch wta ltgg a band of robbemi arm- 9 ed with every msrrns of dolenee. The =wer the nmfperaal bam of production grow$ the mom furiorur, emel and e&mvagant the methods of aqui&ht

I To mb and to m t r b 1. me last word of the polby of k

piWmn, whfch has -88 the place of b W e and pmte&mt. The mid of the RoamuWm bandits ~lpon Hmgmy fmm whfch country they expo- Wmnotive~ and goHen rings ie a gad ~YrrnbOl 0f the e c 0 d ~ ~ 0 8 0 ~ ~ Of UO@ 'wm aad Of memnd.

The intend won- gmlIey of the htrgeoiaie is m I r - - able for its fluctuation b e h e n the pmgmm of hatfon, regrouping and d011troIhn the one haad and proteats m t State intenention -<.Which halj developed during the war, - on the other m a . h M patliament is o m n p ~ wRh the sendbe g tb dm&+: vh. the fom- ation of a "united of the Republic -out damage to @mb *Y 7

companies. At the aame pr6w X13 mnduotlng a vfcious cam* @ n ~ $ ~ ~ , agaht Stah i n a t i o n

1 whica ten& to mk prrm* -*

The pondftion of I

ized by the htta-g with the abli- i tion of state con-1. platform p r o d m to sa I rary state hmm. 1


*he head of Am- 1 ugdmt the natfondhatlon d which is 'behg ad-ted


- "IT r lL - - 1 I -

a a a ~ ~ t b ~ a n d ~ o f ~ - & a ~ ~ o f h t t h e d i d @ h h & v I a ~ ~ n o f ~ t h e S t a b ~

' ~ ~ ~ p e p ~ n I n ~ . t h e ~ i U m e ~ o f capitallst I lFi*atJoa t b h g tb-*oi capiuBt decay. To mui&er 7 the

pzinc@al bmadms ot pmdu&m.and &ap~rt fmm the hanaR of ~ ~ ~ i n t o ~ ~ a f the"~Won", L a , Wtlmhands of the barged# ~ , t $ w S h gsmwful and greedy a- mat, - not the'fhWm of h dl but fts &-ti-

~ b e m o f g r i c e a m a ~ r i s e o b t h e r a t e o f e x ~ f a b r r t a I

suprlkhl and tempomay @@@ of Wng8 caused by the 0 0 1 % ~

-don. The iItz&~@~n OF pries does 'not aBect the ghdpaI irrcta, nam.* &m&ge'-of mw and the Prrllofproduethity. Havjng@esd-%hmugba~ofexWm ~ d u e t o t h e ~ t h e ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ e o f ~ - ing at the a m rate and-iQ4ea p m I q , " e + & The des- t~uctbnwlthfnafewhourrs d ~ ~ . & I M ~ mate, the mb& &t~ml;ls gambBn,$ e v e r ~ a n t h e ~ ~ r a n d ~ tbm obj@ct Zearrrtrns ot m&aq a~e~m an automatic dkipbe in the wage damry of the w- chaw,

BOmgeoia no& and pubBdf3b spdK 01 a ''Wave oi iul0&' wM&h b 0- mge, und-, m - d o ktum The e m p l ~ m ~ a m indeawring ta mend ma- w m a m e g a 8 & the U g m - 0f the - w Butthathfnpain! I n ~ t o m v i v e ~ t u ~ t h e p m - ducti* of labor it is Pndbpmable that tb worker Be tulJ;v g u m ~ t h a t w e r y b h w o f t h e ~ ~ t e n d t o ~ h b own welfare and dlghtenment, *out mbjeMng him to the dangm at -on. Onlp.. s socfal RevoEution is to in- @re him with thk d d e n m .

The inatwe of the co~t of living fi3 a porn factor of re- volutb- aj@adun h all couatrlefl,' The -8 of &u@e, 1- and -ny and other B a t e s k en&mvm&g & b y ~ ~ t h e d ~ o n c a ~ b y ~ ~ ~ & a n 8 t o ~ th@ growth of the a i m 0 -t To mmmpR3u3@ the afghll- taral olasa for a pa~t of its eqmnWum &Jabox power Chi Hbta*

- in debt, f n d w in dishon& -a ,& . ~ m , b f + -at of ib 0- fand$ maldng 8vW b d&x th~ lhm

ofaeMement ~ ~ f t h e m f ~ a ~ c a t e g & o f w n ~ ~ ~ e t a n a a r d d U f e i a 8 0 m e ~ t h i g h ~ t h m i t w w ~ t O ' ~ ~ ~ f W h c t ~ n o ~ ~ t I o n t o t h e ~ ~ ~ ~ n o f

7' me ap1alfst wnnbim. m e enough d e ephem,@ ~ l t s am ' often obtained tatlay by cheating out the m m w , imt tbm I& "' little doubt tlqt wl11 had b t o p - dwt&@n and "

And the UWd H@esY "Ammica i~ a e hope of h-

u .

-thb phmw of Turgot fa being repeated in the -H of h I w d by w - h n c h bourgeotaie in the hope that itsl debts witl be an-

. n-, in spite of the fact that it itwlf never & in this way. ~ p t the Government of the ~ n l t e d states b, not capabie of W- lag Europe out of the economic impasse. Du@ng the hat e yeam America has exhausted its m s of m w &mid. Tbe adoption of her capital to the ~ ~ t s of the world war bzus wgulted fn s narrowing of hem induajU foutldatiow. European hmigm- tfon hae stopped. The counter mmnt of emQntfon haa deprived American kaduatrJr of hmdhd~ and harmdrede 01 thousands of Germans, T-e, Polea, Serbiam, l3ohmims, who were with- drawn by war mobWmtiawr were athcted by the vlsfon of a newly acqufrsd eatherland. T h e d m of raw material and of -' labor power hang8 over the Repnblic; o w to this the America11 proletariat fs now en-g upon-a new m v o l u t i o ~ of strugge. America In rapfiIly ~ p ~ .

Nor have the neutral countrim escaped the conmquenoea of war and blockade; like Hquid in connected Marts, - the econo- mic sy&em of production of h&ikcannecfed stat- whether large or &, fighting or neutral, victorfoue or defeatea, esrtablishd a uniform level, - that of poverty, stamation and degenwation.

Swltzerhd livm hand to mouth and every m f o m e a event menaces its equiUbrium.

In Scrandhavh the abundant flow of gold doea not solve the food problem. Coal has to be begged for in parcela, hat in hand, hr>m England. In spite of starvation in Burope the hhhg in- dustry its - through an unprecedented crferfs la Norway,

Spain mmab in an extmmely c r l t i d podtion as mgarda the food question owing to her having been drrtined of men and &ma by Fmnce. This state of tbingrs leads to stormy manUestatlons and ~ W k e s of the @taming masew.

The bourgeoisie ilmly r e H ~ on the agricultural distrkb. The bourgeois economists =rt that the welfare of the peaaanm h~ Improved very much. But thls ia an illdon. It l a h e that the m g peawntry of all ~ountFiea had to aome d e n t enricheu themelves durlng the war. Roducb have been mld by them at high prices, whifst their debta which were W e at tbe period when money was dear, must now be paid with cheap currency. That is its advantage. But it ahodd be mentfoned that the whde agrarlan economy was mpidolted and dIsorgWzed durlng the war. It is in need of manufactured goods, while prices for these have increased in proportion to the reduced value of money. The demand8 of state taxw have become gm&t in the extreme and threaten to devour the peasant with aU hlsr land and products. Thurs tatter a period of temporary improvement of the weifam of the s@ pe&san&y thefr condition becoma more and


, m m mdalt* Th& ~~m ,will mn~ually in- & bemupler they mmtltute the pet-

! nwent m, - the mall paan t ry has many unpl-t sur- prben for tb-b- , -1

The emno& rmtwation .of Europe made so much of by her m4ibwm,Isa%. ~ i i l ~ r r d n e d a n d t h e w ~ l e w o ~ l d along wfth her.

mere I. no A n in the' ca-t Bystem. m e pow of fmpdalbm daes not I m l to W wboition of deatitutim, but to itf3 IntenMCatIon owing to theflm&&ig of mwmm.

Raw matmid an8 fuel am ~ternatlonal quwftlom. They em We mlved only on the basis of m&lht&i production.

The ~bt8 dsbtsmu8t b m m l l d Ubox and its " .

p1-* ~ p l u ~ ~ m t ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ l f m r - jrslela M tend to subdlvIde .@w e n b &%em, of pWuHaq

bmt be mmoved. The Supreme E # h m of the 2 dmperhlbb of the mtente mud be mdawl w'aeg~upmme I b -

Carmdl of ths world m t , to d& a ac$ntWbd ex-

[":an opportmtty to b. + +.. A m

IIL BWpgSOib Regime Aft= the War.

7 The entire power of the prideged has been concern

trated upon .two querrtrons: to main- their place in the inter- national struggle, and to prevent the proletariat from becoming the owner of the countrg= This has led to the fact that the f o m r political grou- of the bourgeoisie have lost their power. Not only in Russia where the banner of the Constitutional Democ; mtic Party, at the d&e moment of the etruggIe became the banner of all propertied c&wa a@n8e the Workem' and Pmants* Revoluffon, but even in counb!iea with an older and deeper root& " polltical culture, the former programs which divlded the diirerent strata of the bourgeoisie had hat their sharp dhthdon before the proletartan revolution broke out.

Lloyd George i8 the epokesman for the amalgamatton of the Conaervativ88, the U n l o W and Ubcmh for a mutual struggle against the appmacbing domination of the mrldng clam Tbfs old demagogue strives to wtabush the church aa a c e n h l el* Wc station which fB to fBd ali the we8 of the p r o m clatrses.

In lbance the recent and dotorioue epoch of antf-clericabm has now become a mere phantom; tpe radial% royalbts and ca- tholic~ have formed a bloc of a national character agabt the proletariat which b lifting ita head, The French Clovment, being ready to a&t every madonary force, supports the m- tionary blackhundred Wrangel and re-eatabliehm diplomatic re- ,

latfons with the V a t f c a ~ Giolitti, neutralist snd pro-Gemmu, haa taken the helm of the

I W n Government as the generat leader of the interventionists, the neutralists, the deridst, M a z W b , ready to manouvra with regard to the different questions of fomign and home po- Ilcy, in order to offer a d tant le to the attack of the revo- lutionary proletarlam of ton. a country. The Government of Giolftti justly considem itself the last stake of the Italian bur- geoleie.

The policy of every German Government and dl the govern- ment parties since the'overthrow of the WohenmlIerm W been an attempt to errtabilsh in conjunction with the Entente ruling classes a general ba& of hatr@d of Bolshevism, i. e., a united force against the Proletarian Revolution.

While the Anglo-French Shylock ia mklng endeavom to gar- rote the German nation, - the German bourgeohie, without d i e t l n m n of parties, entreats its enemy to loorwn the nooee just enough to enable it to strangle the vanguard of the German pro-


- I


T n t h e U ~ S ~ ~ ~ l l t l e ~ f If~andai3bsmodfamw8n

arena of world plunder. At no other t h e have the hadhidual leadem and dgue8 - both in the opposMo Cabiet, - been marked by a6kh open cynlcbm w now. at the same W e dJ I-, all cliques, the bow&da gartI

demamscy am beiag tfodd~n.ugon and demollshd 3xt cmq of the 7ROrIiL

Sin- the war, d- w~~&,&wI the of"& hef~ectlve t~ough oatentatiou bpaiaWt Wue, the garliiuwnts fell tnta pmshtivn. An qaWolls oi fmpcwfwm wre theparlianmk ~ e i s ~ * J n W ~ widmhg of the parlimmtary ~rerpg&%td~es as sol

by the fm- jwgbr~ in Italy and in

efthedem&atedp~cesfnl%nce, hatlkmn @ amu for enthly dliterent puqmm* In ~~ fez

ge4ia mlutfon, in imlf an abortion of Wtmy, - this pmhnentr rrsrism s e e m In its infancy from every illnw ge'culhr to $mile becay. "The most deniomtic" Reichstag of the RBpubIic of Pl'bert fs powerlws, not only before the iron Marshal mch, but even before the Stock Exchange machinations of their own Stinnews, *

as weU as before the mllftary co l l~ ip imd~ of their wax clique. German prtrUamentarg democracy ie a void space between two dictatomhips.

The composition of the bourgeoisie &elf und-nt a great change during tbe war. Ia the g e n d atmosphere of the ianpver- hhment of the entire world, the mnc9ntraUon of capiW ~ ~ u d d a l y made a great 8stp forward. ' Fjrms which were formerly $n the


background now become promhat. Wlfdity, stabllfty, a tend- ency to "reasonable*' wmpmmim, the minhhance of s certafn decorum, both in exploitation and in the utilization of tbis exploit- a t i o n 4 this was washed amy by the waves of the TmperMd flood. ' .""L

A new c h of rich men has come to the foreground. It con- &ts of miIftarp contractors, mean- profLbem, pantenues, in&- national adventurers, contrabahdhha, tKd-cIad crooks - dI the unbridled cadl le huntlng far luxurj and ready to commit all kfnds of atrocities a@mt the Proletarian RevoIutfon, from wbick they can expect nothing but the galrom.

The &sting order, the rule oi the rich, standm now fnUy eor- posed before the masses. The post be11ulll p d o d in Amerfca, Fhmoe and England has been marked by an indulgence h luxury which has awumed the natw-of a mania. Pa&, med with in- . j tamtional patrfotic parasites, as admitted by the "Temps", re- 1 sembles Babylon on the eve 0th destruction.

Thi8 new bourgeokie pub I t s stamp upon polltiw, h, the pms , art and the Church. AU restmint has been thrown to the winde. Wilson, Clemeticeau, merand, Lloyd George and Church- ill do not shrink &om the most m n deceit, the mo& tramparent fwhood, and when expo~ed they calmIy go on to new mldnal deeds. In oampanlson with the policia of the modern bowgw,L statesmen, the c h ~ f c rules of political cunning =pounded by old Maehfavelli become mere aghorfeme of a provincial sfmpleton. The law courts, which formerly concealed their bowgwL esatmce '

under democmtlc fhery, have now openIy -me the agency of class brutam and counter-revolutionary pmvocatlon. The judges of the Third Republic have pascred a verdict of not guUb upon the murderer of J a m dthout a quber. The law court# of &IF

many, which ha# been grodahned a S&aBt Republic, a m en- 16

T h e ~ o l m i n d t ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ is Juat as fevedhazd ~ a a a z e t h e ~ ~ o n i t ~ z n a r k e t s . Duhgthei lmtfew months following the tmthatbfl of the wtw, the iatenationaX bouqwWe, especially the -On, trembled with fear bfom the oncumhug Cummm, m a m h g the degree of its immedkte parllbytheenormfty o t+ lha ,b logd .gr a r i me# i t h a d c o m-m.1 t t e & It haa, b0-, sustained the first om&mght. The 8odaM Partleer Tmda Udow of the S e m d fntma- tionaII bound by of CO- nmgamdbW@ fo the b o ~ ~ Welded the bwrgeoki~ and M e t h m i m h s the ab$& of the - wrathful onslaught of me toum: The b o ~ f s f e bought a. t empow respite at the price of the: uttfeF 0oUagsa of the Second Z a ~ t l o n a l . The c u ~ m l u t i ~ a a r y el&Jona to the &en& parliament pushed thmugh by CNmmceuu, a few months of -table BquMbrium,.the h £ h m of the May rstrh - all thh w suflldent to make k h 9 ~ o m h i e free1 conftdent of the CHI-

cu&y of ih -. 1b ~ - k g a n c e its aa gre&t today as - ita fear yeatemy:

The only method of pemuaaion used bg'tha bourgebhi8 to- day b thst of Intimfdation. It.&li6~e~ w more in words, it de- n action - m t s , C O ~ ~ ~ O I U , raid% e ~ e e ~ t i ~ ~ ~ . m- lug to play up to the bourgeobie, tbe bo-b mbbtem and par- -- pose a8 men of -1. Woyd George dr4y m m -

& the G- m m sboot bm the C m m a~ 3bmw dfd in 1871. It irJ p1rd8dent for any thW mte O~GM to ~ ~ 1 1 p m y h i r J ~ ~ b y d e B a n t ~ t s ~ ~ " o r l r - ing chum, to receive the loud appmvrtl of- the Chamber.

The o a W government a- become tmndormed hkto- a bloody weapon to the labor mommept. Aloqgdde prith it and undpr its ampi- varhg private er,unter-repqluWn~ w organWbtiogs have been orgadzed and have to work. They m r t to vloIenc% in order to to bresgbfk€38, to g m k e dfs- tllrban~~~1, to trump up ChWgM, to raid r e v o l a t i o ~ 0 ~ ~ s d. & C o m ~ in0muttom, ad orgdze -, ma f n ~ ~ r n I to murder the molutfona~g Memi d m r m d m i k d e d ~ for the purpose of safegwwdhg private p w aa8 -* . of the'landlonb am8 of the b& ?m-W, mtty bkgmb wbo haw I& tbedr burhgs and f ie deckwed dmmb,

- b?

-OW wbkh the emigrants of the Russian nobflltg m u g y the . m d m m t place, form an inexhzrmtible mervcdr for the

C fo-n ot munte~-mvolutlomry ban&. The e o n d of them -a%, ~EI fn the hands of om- who have gone through the school of the i m m t slaughter* ""' Fobwing the rebellion of Kapp-Lutwitz, meral thousand pro- &dona1 officers of the H o h e m ~ U e ~ -7 formed themaelves lnto a strong counter-vololutiomuy detachment, w!hich m o t be over- come by the German democmcy, and *ch could be crushed ody by the sledge-hammer of the proletarIan dictatorship. The cenhbed org.anizatIon of the old reghe terrorists obtain6 jts re-s Wrn the white partisan bands formed on the Junker estates.

In the United States the "Natiod Security hague", the r

g'hyal American bague", and s h d h organhtions constitute the picked armiee of capItaI, at the e r n e wings of which opemte ordinary banda of brigands in the perrton of private B e b d v e a g e n b

In France the "Ligue Civlque" represents a fashionable organ- ization of strikebreakers, while the reformist "Confedenttlon du Travail*' has been outlawed.

The o%cem Mai% of white Hungary and the counter-rev* lutionaxlg a e c u ~ o n m patronized by Englaxld, have shown to the prole- of the world a sample of that cidhatfon and humane- ness d v o c ~ t e d by Wilson and LIoyd George in opposftlon to the Soviet government and revolutionary VloIence.

The "Democratic" governments of Finland and Georgia, h t - - via and Estbonfrt are trying by all meam to live up to thh Hun- garian model.

In WceIona them is a band of asslassfns workhg under the control of the police. And eo it hi everywhere.

' Wen in defeated and devastated Bulgaria the omcers, with-

out employment, are uniting into mret wdeties, ready at the first opportunity to d e m t m t e theb patrfothm'upon the heads of the Bulgarian workingmen.

The program of the smoothing over of contmdictfone, of be cooperation of cla~lsea, of parliamentary refom~l, of gradual so&- hation, of n a t i o ~ unity, repreewnts a - fest in face of the bourgeoie regime such as it bas emerjged from the world war..

The bourgeoisie ha^ entirely abandoned the idea of m n d l - ing the proletariat by means of reform. It moontents itself wlth dernordhhg the few: labor aristocrats by means of bribery and holdfng the great massehl in subjection by blood and iron.

There b not a single serious problem togay which la dedded by voting. Democmcy haa left but a memory of itself in the minds of the mformlsts. The enthe stpite oqgmhaUon bas W n reduced

Iv. Sovlst Rurrik Amidst the unbridld @om of chauvbhn, avarice and

destruction, It haa has the principle of Communism alone that has manfiested a .d degree of M t y ahd co~~l)trac#e force. In the course of histoq- development the Soviet government haa for the first time been =tabwed in the most b a c M and ex- busted country of Etmp, Slimounded by a host of mighty foes. But in spfte of all that, .St has not only maintained helf in the strnggle against such odds,, but it bas irlao demonstnted in mty the great posdbillttm Inherent in CommuniRm. The de- velopment and cohmlidation of ths & M e t power in R e ie the

*c * m o ~ t momentous historical event of the pericd ~u&dhg the foundation of the Communist International.

In the eyes of clam mdety the m u o n of an army haa mual- 17 been regarded as the supremq,$e& of indmMal and State an- struction. The weakneas or themstrength of the a ~ m y haa been regarded tu evidence OX the w ~ ~ e s s or strength of ind- and the Hate.

In the midart of the strlfe%e ~ o v i e t power has m m t d a mighty armed force, The Red Army hrsfl demonstrated its' su- perlorlty n& done in the struggle with old bourgeois monarchist Russia, which was endeav~rbg~ to rewtabieih I m m by the aid of the Whit8 &es of Kol&ak, Dmlkh, Yudenitch, Wmmgd, etc., but dm in the atrug& with the national armies of the @'Be- mocracles" whlch world hnparlrtIIam L planting for ita own interests (Fhhnd, = o h , Utvfa, Poland).

That the $ovlet Governmffpt- has m d e d fn f n m a i n & i n f n g itself dlurlng the fbt three years fa a mbacuhm achieve- ment in the field of economy. The reason ppby it has wlthskiod an pressurn and continues to dewlop is that it hzm Wren the msajprr

of production but of the bourgeoisfe, and baa hm- formed them into instruments for h organization of fnd-, Amid the noise of battle along the endless ktt].ellronts, Soviet Rm&a not M e d to take advan- of every opportuniw of indus+lrial oonstruction. In the in- between the C P U B ~

defeat of D d l d n and the murderous attack of Poland, the Soviet government began upon a p W of an h , n s f v e organhatLon of labor conscrlptlon. It inaugurated rt precise regbhtion of em- nomic forcets and means with a view to their proper application; it a t b a d dw detachment's to the aQcO~plWment 02 fn- dm-' take, and above all It began to m b m h ita m r t system.


the Bussfan from md made it' go&ble to supply food to the Bed m. The CmtdhWn of s c 8 M mias. hc- toms, private milmad8 asd -%Ups hi^ as~ured t lm @sslbilfty oiproductlon and- -

he con~tmtfon ~l Why 02 &e mema of, &IS- portatfon in the M.& the giwemmmt ad^ to the tand dad- Mlg of tbe l n d w W am snd qwceer them the common'wprty ofmddy. O n l y u n d e r a ~ r q & m f s f t p o & b b t ~ f k & e mhlmum number of t$pw of BmnroHm wm. and ateamem to be manuf&@ud and repah@, and to caff~r 0amndaFd mmhc-

tivlts. seside the Impahlf&-r9t% smmg @tan& in the oi m e t R-*P f t d h -' and nothing 1. go- to p m t her -* d the Introduction of the Taylor tw&em, of c o p & its mpiwbtic f~~ of eqhmmon ahd d

Wbae in the re& of the world mWh&m&~ &ya0fqgm , i m m enmcbmenh wm0 aa the WUtm of inewddt wn- M c t e , u ~ a n d ~ , ~ . R u s & h a a ahownhm,w@y a Wwkem' Qovmment a m m n d h national m@mmentd WWI ladusby fntemlstn by pwglng the iomer 01 chall- and tEe latter of lmperldkm. ~~ &rhea to bring about a d o n . of dl FB-a, dirstFfcts, and naWpndMes by merrns of a m e d soda1 economy. Pbr an &conomIc cmtmdm freed from the ex- plolhtton of one dew by &other and Or om n a t h by another and, hence, bedkid to all alike can be broaght about w$t?mut any hbhgement upon the real MOM of national dwdopmnt.

All the oppmwd nadorms &- M~M, the peoples of %he Bril

demtlon of sovietRepubHa wfllmdse it- f w d t b e na- tional unfU of htpl+ts trr live in Pctendlgr -011:

~ a a r e s u I t o f t h e ~ u t f o n R ~ ~ ~ e t h e ~ g r o ~ ~ p a c S . DaFingthethreeygararofheraM.em8hW boundaria haw undeqom contfnm dwgw; thw ham dm?nk under the ezztmal pmfiftye of h~-onaX m m and d n d & agdn when W prermhlure mhxd. Tbe for ESovEet BUN& ha@ kmme m d e d with the atFuggle -St w- -

The atthde towards hvset'- f o m the Q#hsbne by which an kbor or-= m. Wben &e Q0= $u-

m h t Intermtienal. The IntemMoml pmiehriat will net aheathe the swoM unUl a Ekdemtdoa of Met Republics of the '

world, W e d together with Wfet RuMa wfn be an amompll&ed h c t


dal mtmamw got ln contmlof the &mmm€mt it k c t i p OI ww&m bp&&sm h e w of thmwhg

rSaviet GeFmanp anftgd wlth o SovLet RUE& wbuld have re-nt- ed a combined force exmdhg h m the vmy start all the a p w -



F .- . '- .=:.



1111 o m the world Cfva m'fs on th% oFder of the day. a 'Y r d i f i l - B B ~ f b m ~ t great ma- of hmp%y hiwe beem convated into P

Ietaxhm by capitdbu ImpEwwim haul ~~FOWLL th- -m ouf of bdance'aiu-started them on trtea mhtionaty r w L The m r ~ rn- of the term, "massedH, h w 4mdepgaae a &an@. T h w elements d c h w m regarded as^^ in the epxh of m- mentarhim rand W e Unionism Ism now become the w. m o n s and tena of lamow dho fmmwly HHved out&ide of political Ufe lmve now k a m e the m I n U m k ~ llwiEm. The War hha mused everybody, It has a-ned th's fn- o f t h e b ~ ~ t r t a n d m ~ i n ~ ~ ~ ' W h 0 ~ whbhwtmnotfultllled. T h e w d a l f o m d a M ~ m d ~ O M ~ of #e labor movement - the Wvhbn uf khr, tlxe ebega- =me Bmm of me smldard of Hving d h e trpm pro- e m - the W, ~prrtbetfc ho~ksmma am$w the 3- - a n t h b h a s i r r e ~ m ~ ~ a - NewlImiomhaveMhd the -&. The women who '.ipsve 1- their hwbands sad h- them m d have been compdhl to W e their pW%S bL+m m%ks O f labor 8- ha the -21k W O F m Y Q ~ w b i c b h a f l ~ w p q u n d a r ~ e s t O m a n 8 ~ ~ ~ W ~ ~ w a r meeta the Revolution a$ fEs native element,

I n ~ c c a t l n M e s t h e ~ f l a ~ t h m u g b ~ ~ t me& But it rfs the 3naI conflld. Not Wmguent.rS me waW of th9 m m t rush intg the obsolete channels of a r m - &em temporary VfWy- On the -a of the them am ~ f o a n 8 , -hwewndthem,oldtfme 0Bfitw- atd m o w There ixr atill much oonfwion pmjudfcw and M o n a . But the qavernmt*$p a witole is of a pmiomdly F e v o l u ~ ~ chmachr It is awmbwfq a d ip. rmmtble* It BpmmdB, B m m g t h e ~ and 3?urmw w w , aasd ~ t i n g a n t h e o l d r m b b i a h , 1 t a o o t ~ W ~ f t ~ abut the ride of thk world proIdmbL

The fmldmenw form of this movement la the Bwm mi

primeand potent causer lieah the ~~~~ ofthen* cewaria of Ufe. Not -urn- it Wls@~ on% QI @@i@ M ooniIicts, ~ t & o c o m a a a a n q ~ n o f W ~ ' ~ a g ~ t h e g o r r ~ w r ~ ~ s q u a b ~ @-&file feeling af wU,dmiQ w$th the oppmsrrasfl. 0f.d CO~DB* X&J 3 l b

&re, &rth g ~ ~ n o m f c 4 p3Bkw. YA ~~ -- ~ i i i t l t s o f ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ At

Umes thfer movement qufe& down, then breala out again, shlbkfng tbe foundatIo118 of production and keeping the govern- m a apparatm under constant -, and m a g the bourgeoisfe : mwt W e b by sen- fta exp-ne of greeting to 61aviet Bus&. The d e t y of the exploiters Is well founded, for the spontaneous strike movement in In Wty the Sodal Revolution; it is the roIl call and the nmmhalling of the International Pro- I e W L The clam interdependence between one country and another, which has been w catashphicdly demonstmbd during the war, lend8 particular sign~~csnce to tlis bhnchw of induatry . of each country, and puts the mllwaymen and m e p o r t work- ers in general in a moat promineat position. The tranhlport mrk- em have had occasion kt display soma of thdr power ia the boy- wtt of Wbtte Hmgary ~llld a t e Poland. The strike and the . . boycott which the workem resorted to at the dawn of the Trade Union movement, that b before it had hunched out on p a r - - mentary activiQ, now mume a new unwonted nature and a me- : nadng aigdficance, 84nihw to an m e r y preparation preceding the ftnal attack

The ever hmeadng belPlsSane~ of tbe c$ngles individual I

before the blindly acting forces of history have driven into tbe labor unions not only new elements of mrldng men and women but aha saLvlad at$byce~, =' and middle W intetlec- I tua~s. m e cowme of the pro16 evolution of n m ~ I bring forth the B d t r r , which wlll immediately a s s e e supremacy 1

ovei: the old labor orgmbtiozls. But in anticipation of that the, the toilem the of the Pbox Uons, toberating for the time being their old forma, tb& oif lW programs, and their do- minating a n i a t o v , but inhducing into the organhation an ever increashg revolutionary idroe of mUli011~l of m e m h who have stood heretofore outside. ,

The lowlle~t of the lowly 4 the agrlculturaI proletariat - I ia raising its head. In Spsln, &man7, and other muntrlea we ' witne~s a magnifimq& develop*ent of the revolutionary move- - ment among the a g r l c u l t u & f ~ n , fmkrmlly uniting with the - #

dty proletcwht. he poolrest elements of the =ts are changing th& at-

titude towards ~ ~ m . ThB p d h m e n w reformIsh3 have Med in vain to play upon the property-inwts of the peasants. But the bona Bde ~ u l u ~ n a r y b o v m e n t of the proletadat and its i m p h b I e W g l e wahst the oggreaaors gfve bfrth to feehga of hope in the h e w at the most backward and moet lowIy and p h m d e d iarmm. The ocean of human privation and squalor is bottomlei ... *erg sodal m v e rMng to the surfrsce leaves ben& it =other w&ve just about to rise. But the van- guard must hke * bid wfthqut wWng tot the mu to come

I -- .--

- . UP. only after the n*khg ctoa flas gotto If& the wo* o? awakdagI and bacr-bmtmn.

The Mem of the mZoW 'snd mml-donbl c o t m ~ ~ have' ' p: h T h e a m t i c m€BCleEL &f the 0- of E~@bh b p - ism hold fh their emb- the-* asma of Tnw fqgypt, Per&; but W Wmenalou~ hamq o e k &I EJ by hine-t bter- rial ahttwban~~~l, calming tbe my to exprhlm freqn&t dmpa of as well as heat&

Tbe nationid mntimentg Wuemtlp blend with the, social mnthnmta in the mvement of khe calm, cam-, Both these howe~er, a m dtreaBsdt &g&& Wader tbe greasm of modem Im- and 'th-p i5f thp! rBvoItltfa-

-- p n , ~ ~ ~ t h s ~ ~ w + ~ i n ~ ~ e a n p 1 6 . ~ k i m m ~ 3 a n d p k ~ ~ M ~ ' t D m o r e matum on- f * . ,..

T ~ B mhmhbug of the BaoUmedmcf&idAqW , m e d a n pwpw tdl f i e suffmhg under Bhq$it& .fmqgb h&mmn ~ n . g m m , ts xrttuet w IP++~~WW= i+ 23m#&nent intemdlyS by 8-g 'away PPWk -tb Mubnoe' ~f the d m and of ~ u ~ E @on; b;V- &t iu l I ;ane figtfhg the

expl* bgethrn With u boniedmte - &i feu- b ~ m d , t h e p r i ~ ~ t h e X d - t ~ growing a r m g . 0 ~ ~ 0 - lo- *bels Is mrqlng a gmnd ht-rio force and a mighty

for me world p1-t. The padahs have h n ! Thefr an,W sentbmts extend

eagerly towards Soviet Ruseia, b thenbmld8 bttttlca in the atreeta of (3eFman dties, to the growing eMke wave In (3- Bri- tain, ta the CmtmunIst Internatlopal.

The 80daW ,who aide d h d y - or fndkatly in mafn-g the p H e g m of one natlan tat the -88 of another1 he w'br, acquiwm in colonkl averg, he who & w ~ a line of d W n a between numi and colore ia the matter of humam e h t s ; he who halpa the botxpgeuhie of the me= b dm&u+ tion in the culonies b b d of the armed, bhe EMtW Sodalist who iiLils to eupport W pdbh IWUW tbe up14dngp in IreW, and 1- &.ghat t%e l p n l pIuto- mcyl - aucb. a E l o M shotrfd not oniy not get a mat&& 6f mnfldence fmm the workem but ahodd be 1h0t or at rab b m d d with m e .

At the w e the T m & m a ~ l m m l u ~ ~ i n i t c s ~ ~ t o H b ~ t e ~ , i a b & h g t h ~ m t m r e . W ~ and'-@ UaLon leadm who h8w d m b d a* fte Im& d- thamentpaid, &dbythefreCy#tErslP1,

m ~ b mt up between muntrf~ d- fhe m. I ..


The ladem of the. old Trade ,Unions counteract in all " manner 1 of the m~olutfonay struggle of the maaw and ft. If they cannot do otherwise they fmquentIy father a strike in d m to nulligr its re~ults by undahand ~ t i o n s .

The hfstoric treachery to the cam of the International pro- b-t coWttd by the &OW Democracy is unpkcedented in the annaIrm of histor~r. The moat glaring example of this treachery has been manihtd in Gemmy. The defeat of Ge- Im-

, perIallsm vaa at the sam time the d-ction of capitalist eco- nomy In the country. There was no dam that could pretend ta State power other than the proletatht. The development of tech- mica2 fadlfties, the hfgh cultural lever and numerical -- of the working dam &&tly guaranteed the ultimab triumph of the Social Revolution. But the G e m n Soda1 Democracy 'blocked the way. By means of htrimte combhadons, of cun- nIng and folly, it diverted the snergg of the proletariat from i,ts

. naturaI and emmtbl tzmk - the conquest of power. For a number of decades Social Democmcy had enjoyed the

mnfldence of the laboring maws, and men the critical moment came it made we of all its acdnuhted authority in an effort to save bourgeofs rrodety whose a t e n c e WM at stake.

Compared to the mon~tpom tretachery of the Sodalist Parties, the mure of lbwdhm and tlia cullapse of bourgeoi~ d e m o c m am but mere episodes. Even '& part played by the Church, the central power-house of consematism, as Lloyd George has dewed It, can not be cumpared with the anti-Sochbt role of the m n d in^^^

Social Democracy tried to just& ita treachery to the revo- lution during the war by the slagan of national defense, while fts counter-revolutionary policy 'following the conclusion of peace it seeks to hide under the watchword of demomy. NATIONAL DIWENZSH: and DEMOCRACY - these am the m h m formula^ setting forth the capitu?.atfon of the proletariat to tba will of the bourgeoide.

But this doerr not iatho&khe whole depth to which the Social Democracy has sunk. ~olIb&g'%p ita @icy of protecting the capitakt a t a h it k behg forced, like the bourgeoisie, to trample under foot both '"national defense'' and "dernocntcf'. Schelde- mann and Eb& are licking Qe boots of French Imperialism, seek- h g its protection against the Sodalist Revolution. No~ke has- become the pere~nMcaUoa of the White Terror of the bourgeois counter revolution.

AIbert Thomas b the hired sewant of the League of Natiom, that contemptible agency of Impe-m. Vandervelde, the do- quent pem~catlon of the superficiality of the Second Inter- national, at the head of which he stood, h w becume the Royal


defender of capftalht

who a p m on the scene n ~ w 8a Rofl Mh.Wter an ' ~ a ~ a b o ~ o p ~ t ~ o n t o ~ ~ ~ ~ ; ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ w h o : '

demands that the Soviet ~ ~ p n t fmni& documentary ePPff den= of the fact that thm rn rob-, murderem and l h fn, the Irondon G~venment, - WQO are dl these gentlemen if not the sworn enemies of the w ~ r ~ - Damdn&y and Tchkhddze, - every one of them inbrpata the . &graceful coIlap~e of the &cop4 W e r m t f o ~ W in term of thejr - petty government trick-"

many Rarl lu-, fom& theomtldm of the mod In- ternatiod and w-hfambt, ha&. inanitfes for the yellow press of

The mom p h t elements of the old Bodallsm haw dunged the apperrrrance and lor& uqder the pwasure ok the m m m , -

without &an- in, &a. T h e g b r e a h . a w w , . m - ~ m - I I

ta break .away from the Second fnhmatbal, at the same time 4 invariably SMnldng &omLl,every rievotaflqpary &vit;v 6L- me I

mamaea and born every seri~us-tfon for action. The fa& that the Polish SodaliEit Party, Ied by Dasc%in~W and patmnf@ .by Msudr~ky* that party of petty bowgeoip~ *& and duw- *tic: heathery, bras .procmmed its break wlth the s0cud In- tmmtional, b 8ufEdent to cham&dz% and band & maa- q u d e .

The leading parUamenhry -on of the Rhnch &cfaliat . - Fpty, vo-g now againert the budget and a@& the VmmJlkt~ W t y , ~~y remaim one of the mdmtay~ of the bourm@s repdblic. Ita porn of oppositfon goes o w m far ad 4 necmmwy to regah the partlal confidence of the mom cammV&tive al-b 01 the proletariat.

Rwdhg me fundame~@1 g@Mm of W?B -@, Bbnch parl@nenw Sodrrlirrm Benthwq at3 hembfo.m to de- m o W h the wlEl of the working clasE1, suggWfng b ft th@ me p-t moment ie not favorable f q the .conqu& d power, lm

mt3s is too w u ~ t e d . "P- me kli m the b, wartep~iqrtothey&rftwasthei@wtdd F g V l V a l t l k ~ h k m and stru ~ U e r it was the i n d u M d&~. Ale-a m. ~ a m a ~ s o ~ m d w ~ @ = e 1 ~ * f t - ~ ~ ~ mlaus q d mendadous -dl- of Joubazts: B X L : ~ CQ.

he mat!on of a &row, welded and dbc@l&@ bm- r n ~ ~ i n ~ m i s o ~ ~ ~ * m t o ~ e ~ & ~ r O - letmht *.

Gemany. The number of victhm Imwmuoh as the w~~ 80-

dal c0mtmtIy mmt& to tke Soefal Dem- of #&e t h e 8 of BeW, &lbg tu undemtmd the nature d the

I revolutionary e m , mchbg fFom civil war and mo- lutionar~r -rim, h d h@ng fn the of events In the expectation of a M e which la to come to the ras&&noe of their inef5dencg. But the party of Rma Luxemburg and -1 LfebZmecht @aches the &man workem in the h n t h e of battle to find the proper mad

The lstolidity 4n the upper ranlre of the h b r rnowment in m g b a if3 so gmat that they ham not ye& even mamd &et n+ ws&y of changing their weaporm: the leaders of the Bnttlsh bbor

stub- BMW to maintain their posftfon withh the Se- cond Intemmtfoaat At the tfme .*en the march of ~ t a dnrlng recent g@am has uudemhed the StaMliW of ecopomic We in con-

[ .. mrvatim lbgbnd and ha9 made the tom - most suscept- ible to a revdutfonary --? at thia t h e the ofEdal bour-


m b Bate ma@MneryI the Royal powex, the Ho- of hrds

rn . and C@mmm, the Church, the Trade Unions, the Labor Party,

'dY ., George the 3Wth, tbe Amehbiahag of Canenbury, and Henderson -

remdm intact aa a p ~ w m f u l ~ t m a t f c m e on the wheel of mgrea. Only a C b ~ m m t Pady, oIowIy united with the n m a organhations and free from routine and scQbm L able to lLPe up the lowly proletadmu agajast W s of19cM Irrletoffacy.

Zn Italy whm the bolugewe welf ownly &ta that the future death J of the country far in the hands of the BoddW Rwty, the mt whg headed by Turstt is M v h g to force the FroX- I

Revohtion, which is powerhlly developing, ht~ the &amel of parIfamene reform. This htwnal wbotsge mpmmb greatest me- oi the pmmt day.

Workem of I-, mmlm a e fate of H w l which hui oome d o n in histow as a &am wadng to the pmle&wht that w m t ~~ fur power the mnqllwt of pp* it mud stand ibn, m p i n g away dl elements sf uncerhhb and heaitoltton, and mer- mashing all attempts at treachery*

. The upbeam caused by War, *oh Itas Id to a profound economic crlsls, lm opened a new Chap* 3n the bbor movement in the United M a$ w e H as in the o ~ ~ x a m M m of the Ame- rlcm mnthenk TIM fail- of the W i h m h bombast wn8 fa&+ hood desmy at the saa~e time Amdean sodalism, whioh was made up of a mixture of pa&@ Wu&ns and b-e pur- a&, which m e d as a pemehl -&.to the left wing of the Trade Uniatlpl of Q o m m The e l o w soBdifimtion of the re-



that?lyth&impw and m m ft to m e

popti& ww&ion~-are mthlng mom +

IA$&W anplaints. The. latter aIwags dent .of the pmktdat is driv- fnb m p 01 m~~t ion . Thin b* of

ghoqld Uw worldng not encroach

WOQM have no need to remrt m w m . The v w itlea d counter revoIution would have no exlatmce If mvokrtions ' iveeunk~own ta history. If I f e u-gs of the pmWarht have 'arm Utdr h w b b l e pesrrlt the 0-n 01 the burgcmhde for S s l i d ~ and counter attack, thb only mmmi tbat Revolution h a ~ d t w o ~ n ~ l e ~ w w h i C h ~ e n d o d l y ~ the W vktor~r of one &them jZum&rn with con- tempt the policy of keeping *- bed by -intWdating them * m&lb of munter mlupon.

. Sn appd€ba to the dbintegratloa and an- of the cam- bit m a d , ~whieb L thmabnhg to d6~llohh In ib h t m n s aJl buman cultwe the mmmmht h$mnatrond sets up the united. Wggh of the intermtionrrl pmkhrht for the a h W n of fld mp&y in meass of production, and for the ~~30n8hctfon ofm&maJ and world economy an a-@om economic plan W- tub8 and maintained by a society of- grodu~ers united by wmm015 intmeds and mgonBimti68. M a m h a h g m o n s of **I% k allq part# of the world under the aanner opthe R i c t a ~ ~ & tbw

I Roletlvlat and the (lorrlst i o r m * ~ i ~ t , mf4 ComhmnM @&mational bdldrm up, OF- p&w its o m ranks, in



whi& begufte tbe pmhtarht openly or In da- b bei0mrm8 f & @ h ~ mw the &+.

. - h-mw- af the -0 time.

I :I:

-. - ' ' ..7T,"" -

p w e k h t ThcPaO* a9 sn in-Me weapon in

quer the power of government.

me labor movement of &OBB lead- who am or In- implicated in polltical o o m ~ t i ~ with the bomfede. W e m t

who ham 0- a m d 6 -8 bomb b d one of MOFW ha&€d; *e orgdm the plu,l&arkt for an fmplac- able m l e , who axe mady to'- the idamgent rarmy to the

,battle hnt, who am not going*- &p half way, whatever hap- " pens, and who d not &ak m & g to m m memum m t those who kJ att&H to amst tb.& progms~ by f o m

The Communist htmmtlgnal hi the intamatloxial party of pmetdm insurredon mad -pmm&m dhwemhlp. It ham M,

fbttha and pmbl8m other than tho= of the worldng dW3. Thg ' g w t e n t h ~ of petty wctm, each cia whI&.d&h& to have its m y leadingtntheiaWHmsr;tbewor~g c k i w areforeignmdpr hostile to the spirit of the -hf& s t ~ t l o ~ . ~reathg* no panacea, the Communist 1dmWonaf bases ftpr policy upOn the past and present intmmthtal @enc88 af the mrkhg clam; it purges that experience Or all fdhdee and devlatiowii W m

I the pmper course, it genemlhea the conquests made and rn cognhxm and adopts only ~uch r e v o l u t l o ~ fomalaa aa partake of the nature of maas actiotl.

The labor union, the economic and p o H W &rite, the by- mtt, parbmenw mmi&d eleethna, the pa~HtmentW platform, l@ rand illegal aglbtion, audirw in the army, the coopemthe, the bdcade - none of them forma of tion and methods of ~truggbb ~ p u M by the C o ~ ~ t In- t m m m a ~ , n o r i ~ ~ a i n g ~ e d k a e apaaacea.

The Soviet a~rstem of government is not an abrstFace prheiple oppoad by the Communist to; the principle of pa;rI lamenm. The Soviet II+ in a weapon of the wbrkhg d a a which muat do away with the parliament, and take its phm d d g the pltruggle and as a rest& of the m g i e . Camybg on an imwncllable flglat ag&inst r e f o r d m fn the Trade Wnfonti and against parHmmnUry cret inkg and carcmbm, the Commndst Intematfonal Ibt the eame t h e condemns the attitude of leaving the mnka of the numerous labor organhatiom or of keeping a-7 &om pa~lhmmt- ary and muadpal m on& The munistOr mu& not akn-


~ ~ t a n ~ o f ~ , ~ a a ~ ~ . o f a . T t s d ~ u-don, as a g i m at ma -* ae &pa@, aa am*.. or, or Ira m e a d 0 Qghm t40 G c m m e m ~ ' ~ m, ~ e t o h f m s e l l ~ w W ~ ~ b e g f a f ~ e C o m m ~ ~ , a dev- Bghfer, a m o r h & ; ~ ~ ; ~ orUer mg&M@ wfth its e m d c haws, iti-- ,m-t, i& '8mmmm:; false- ita mligion, and Its m e . - .Be 1 u a t ba a W e + .

mMier of the Probhdan RwoWoh, gnd an b d e h ~ b b ~ ~ hedd .of the new mcfm.

Wprkhg men and workhg w o w ! ,

I mure is only one banner on earn under whhb it is- wdl ; wrth while. to struggle and to d& It is ~ - k n n e t of the Corn-

munk lnternatiopd.