Science Fiction is a genre of literature that deals with imaginative settings Sci-Fi also features...

Post on 23-Dec-2015

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Transcript of Science Fiction is a genre of literature that deals with imaginative settings Sci-Fi also features...

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  • Science Fiction is a genre of literature that deals with imaginative settings Sci-Fi also features some type of fantastic element that is based on real or imagined science Space travel, futuristic technology, paranormal abilities, etc. One of science fictions primary functions is to explore the consequences of scientific innovation
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  • Science Fiction developed over time into a genre that discusses mankind and what could potentially destroy it Social commentary is the hallmark of great science fiction Science Fiction has many sub-genres as well, because of the broad possibilities of the genre Time travel, post-apocalyptic, space exploration
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  • The origins of science fiction are murky Historians and scholars have trouble agreeing exactly what the first science fiction story is Two authors have legitimate claims to the first science fiction story Edgar Allan Poe Mary Shelley
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  • American author Edgar Allan Poe wrote several short stories that are early examples of science fiction that were published in 1841 Mary Shelleys Frankenstein was published in 1818
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  • The publication dates make clear that Mary Shelley is the first to publish a work of science fiction The primary argument against this is Shelleys book leans more toward fantasy in that it is based on folk-tales about a man/priest who builds his own monster and brings it to life
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  • 1809-1849 Attended West Point Was dishonorably discharged Travelled under the name Edgar A. Perry to avoid debt collectors Said to have been an alcoholic Earned fame by writing poems and short stories Very few facts exist about Poes life due to Rufus Griswolds biography
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  • Considered the creator of Detective Fiction Primarily wrote Horror stories Only wrote one book-length story The Narrative of Arthur Gordon Pym of Nantucket
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  • Themes include Death Revenge Supernatural Loss of a beautiful woman
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  • Poes short story Some Words with a Mummy is a satire A satire is a novel, play, poem, or short story in which topical issues, folly, or evil are held up to scorn by means of ridicule and irony The satire comes from the fact that Poes story seems to make a joke about the Egyptmania that was gripping the world during the 1840s
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  • The story also satirizes technological advancements of the time Architecture, steam power, astronomy, railroads, and even clothing are jabbed at Even the name of the mummy, Allamistakeo, suggests humor The name contains the phrase all a mistake What makes this story science fiction is the use of modern electrical equipment to revive the mummy and the discussion of the embalming process
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  • This story deals with a naturally occurring phenomenon known as a maelstrom A maelstrom is a storm that occurs at sea that results in a massive whirlpool The setting features a regularly occurring maelstrom that is easily predictable
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  • What makes this story science fiction is the description of the maelstrom and the explanation of the physics that allowed the narrator to survive the storm
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  • Poe tends to write stories that feature a narrator who tells an amazing, unbelievable story The nature of these stories leads readers to believe that the narrator is simply making it all up Sometimes the narrator goes to lengths to tell readers their stories are true, or admit that they dont expect the reader to believe the tale A Descent into the Maelstrm features such a narrator