© Rob Cornish & GainHigherGround.Com 5 Squeeze Page …5 Squeeze Page Secrets Killer Ways To Create...

Post on 06-Aug-2020

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Transcript of © Rob Cornish & GainHigherGround.Com 5 Squeeze Page …5 Squeeze Page Secrets Killer Ways To Create...

© Rob Cornish & GainHigherGround.Com


5 Squeeze Page

Secrets Killer Ways To Create Super High Converting Squeeze Pages

Hi, Rob Cornish here - I hope you are well :-)

This report is based upon this free video on my blog:

Watch it here: www.gainhigherground.com/5-squeeze-page-secrets

I received a few suggestions that it would be nice to have the same

information in written form. Hence this short PDF report :-)

© Rob Cornish & GainHigherGround.Com


Hope you enjoy it…

1. The Big Secret

Promising to reveal a “big secret” is a timeless marketing classic and it

works extremely well for squeeze pages.

Let’s look at some examples.

Golf Niche:

© Rob Cornish & GainHigherGround.Com


Personal development/self improvement nice:

Internet Marketing Niche:

© Rob Cornish & GainHigherGround.Com


Productivity Niche:

© Rob Cornish & GainHigherGround.Com


Financial Trading/Investing Niche:

© Rob Cornish & GainHigherGround.Com


Don’t think that your “secret” needs to be something absolutely amazing or

some strategy that nobody has ever heard of before.

Far from it.

It just needs to be a fundamental component of success for your customer.

What is the one tactic or strategy that they really can’t succeed without?

Often this is also the biggest mistake that people make. E.g., biggest

mistake in trying to lose weight, get fit, launch an information product or hit

the golf ball further.

So what is the biggest mistake made by people in your niche?

© Rob Cornish & GainHigherGround.Com


That’s probably the “secret” that you can use on the squeeze page.

Look again at the squeeze pages examples above – they all create huge

curiosity which encourages prospects to sign up.

Once people are on your list then you can not only talk about the secret

(which actually might be fairly trivial in itself) but also lead into other

information that they need for success.

2. Resources & Tools

A huge mistake a lot of newcomers make is to write 30 page ebook or

record a long video series in order to give away on their squeeze page.

But prospects don’t want to spend 2 hours reading a book or watching


They want small nuggets of useful information they can use quickly.

That’s why a 1-page resource guide or list of tools is usually far more

appealing on squeeze pages.

That’s great news for you and I because it means it’s a lot quicker to create

as well.

© Rob Cornish & GainHigherGround.Com


© Rob Cornish & GainHigherGround.Com


© Rob Cornish & GainHigherGround.Com


Great the idea?

With a bit of research, you can create a tools or resources guide like this in

just 1 day (and probably just a couple of hours if you focus).

Tools and resources are super effective for boosting squeeze page

conversion rates - take advantage of this fact.

3. The Cheat Sheet

A “Cheat Sheet” is like a short summary.

For example, I bought a paid product on Photography, then wrote a 4-5

page PDF report which was basically a summary of some of the


Here’s my squeeze page that resulted:

© Rob Cornish & GainHigherGround.Com


Another nice example is here:

© Rob Cornish & GainHigherGround.Com


Note the headline of the report “21 Ways To Increase Sales In 30 Days”.

It’s a classic - “Ways” and “Days” rhyme and you can model this format as




And your report again is a cheat sheet: It shows them what to do and the

general strategy, but probably not the detail on actually how to do every

step (save that for your paid product, or affiliate product that you pitch to

them later).

© Rob Cornish & GainHigherGround.Com


4. Boring Into Exciting

In a lot of niches the solutions required to solve the problems that

prospects have are usually quite boring or unappealing.

For example, to get fit you do need to repeatedly exercise.

To lose weight you need to have discipline in your diet.

To make money online you need staying power when challenges come


You can (and should) help people with these things in your content but you

most definitely should NOT even hint at them on your squeeze page!

Instead you should make things as exciting and appealing as possible.

Here’s a nice example:

The topic of pensions and investments is dull, boring and unappealing.

© Rob Cornish & GainHigherGround.Com


But in the image above they’ve made it exciting by drilling down into the

underlying benefits that people are actually excited by.

You can do the same by starting with your niche topic and repeatedly

asking, “What is the benefit of that?”

For example, we start with pensions (which is boring) and ask what is the

benefit of that?

The benefit is “stable finances.”

What is the benefit of stable finances?

The benefit is “more money to spend.”

And what’s the benefit of that?

The benefit is “More vacations and holidays”.


Vacations and holidays is what you want to show on your squeeze page.

I used the example above to show that you don’t need to actually use the

words “vacations and holidays” explicitly. Instead you can depict the

lifestyle and outcome in an image. (very powerful).

5. Mindmaps

© Rob Cornish & GainHigherGround.Com


Like resources and tools, mindmaps are quick to create (lots of free tools

online like https://www.mindmeister.com).

They are also highly desirable and can deliver fast, useable nuggets of

information that people love.

So again, they are perfect for squeeze pages!

Some examples:

© Rob Cornish & GainHigherGround.Com



Remember you can watch the video version of this PDF report on my blog

for free.

Watch it here: www.gainhigherground.com/5-squeeze-page-secrets

© Rob Cornish & GainHigherGround.Com


All the best,

Rob Cornish
