{ Review! Chapter 4 Test tomorrow!. A team’s batting average is.300, what’s the probability of...

Post on 17-Jan-2016

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Transcript of { Review! Chapter 4 Test tomorrow!. A team’s batting average is.300, what’s the probability of...


Chapter 4 Test tomorrow!

A team’s batting average is .300, what’s the probability of at least one hitter

getting a base hit out of three at bats?

Problem 1:


What is the probability of a family having a boy as their 4th child, given that they already had 3 girls?

Problem 2:


Ms. Rehak has a bag of M&M’s with 6 blue, 10 red, and 7 brown. What is the

probability that she reaches into the bag and pulls out a blue M&M followed by

another blue M&M?

Problem 3:

No replacement 0.059

Replacement 0.0681

How many routes are there to get to 6 places.

Problem 4:


For student body elections, 10 people run for president, and the top 3 vote getters become president, vice president, and

treasurer. How many administrations are possible?

Problem 5:


There are 3 cheeseburgers and 2 hamburgers and 6 hotdogs to choose

from. What’s the probability of getting a cheeseburger, given that you didn’t

choose a hotdog.

Problem 6:


You go scuba diving as a part of a group of 5 total people. There are 100 air tanks to choose from, and 3 don’t work. What’s

the probability that at least 1 person in your group dies.

Problem 7:


A lottery involves selecting 3 different numbers from 1-10. What is the

probability of winning given that you must choose the exact numbers and

order of numbers?

Problem 8:

1/720 = .00139

The Bulls have 12 active players on their roster, and can only have 5 players in the game at a time. How many lineups are


Problem 9:


Finish filling in the study guide with example questions.

Chapter 4 test tomorrow!
