Rationing of crops and materials allowed the economy to manufacture war goods and feed the troops...

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Transcript of Rationing of crops and materials allowed the economy to manufacture war goods and feed the troops...

Top 15 Events of WWIIBy Justin, Eric, Dan


Rationing of crops and materials allowed the economy to manufacture war goods and feed the troops overseas

14- Battle of the Bulge

The Battle of the Bulge made the Germans recognize that the war was lost and they would not be successful

13-Manhattan Project

The Development of the Atomic Bombs changed warfare because it took a large scale weapon into departments that acted independently


FDR presided as president over the majority of the war and converted the economy by creating various boards to support the war.

11-Battle of Midway

The Battle of Midway crippled the Japanese navy and acted as a turning point in the War in the Pacific

10-Battle of Iwo Jima & Okinawa The Battles of Iwo

Jima and Okinawa displayed the savageness of the Japanese army and gave the United states a base to launch an air assault on the mainland

9-War Production Board

The WPB transformed the US economy from consumer goods to Military supplies and eliminated the unemployment in the United States

8-Battle of Stalingrad

The Battle of Stalingrad drained the German army of soldiers and took a serious toll on their morale when they were forced to surrender


Operation Overlord gave the Allies a landing point and a foothold to land a ground invasion of the axis

6-Battle of the Atlantic

The Battle of the Atlantic allowed America to supply goods and men to the Western front

5-Selective Service Act

The Selective service act supplied the army with essential troops and manpower to fight in the war


Hitler was the Charismatic leader that united the German people and led to WWII

3-Atomic Bombs

The bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki revolutionized warfare and caused the Japanese to surrender


The devastation of the Jewish population and other targeted groups condemned many of the officials in the Nuremburg trials

1-Pearl Harbor

Brought the US into the war and basically saved Europe.