Prejudice means to PRE JUDGE someone because of their race, religion, gender or age Discrimination...

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Transcript of Prejudice means to PRE JUDGE someone because of their race, religion, gender or age Discrimination...

Religion and Prejudice

Key Terms

Prejudice means to PRE JUDGE someone because of their race, religion, gender or age

Discrimination ACTING on Prejudice e.g. refusing

to give someone a job

Positive discrimination – treating people well because of whom or what they are e.g. giving a black person a job

Stereotyping – Making a judgment about a group - “all teenagers are rude, have a bad attitude and don’t try their best”

Reasons why people are prejudiced

Lack of understanding / education about a culture or background

Fear or uncertainty – blaming groups for social problems e.g immigrants or 9/11 (terrorism)

Prejudiced parents - growing up and hearing racist comments

Reasons why people are prejudiced

Bad experience – being a victim e.g. being mugged by hooded teenagers

The media – films or the news e.g. “Muslim Terrorists”

Types of Prejudice

Racism - people can be prejudice about a person’s race or the colour of their skin. Anthony Walker was killed because he was black in Liverpool 2005

Sexism - people can be prejudice about someone's gender. Women still get paid less for some jobs

Types of Prejudice

Religion - people can be prejudice about a person's religious beliefs, the holocaust or the rise in anti Muslim feelings after 9 / 11

Ageism - people can be prejudice about

someone's age. Old people may not get jobs

Class and Wealth - people can judge others on their class or wealth.

Prejudice and the Law

There are a number of laws to protect people from prejudice.

Sex Discrimination Act 1975 – It is illegal to be discriminate because of gender

Race relations Act 1976 – Abuse and Physical attack because of race is illegal


Disability Discrimination Act 1995 - Have to provide opportunity and access to disabled people

Equality Act 2006 – Against religious discrimination and ageism

Key Terms


Tolerance means to accept that people should have a right to their own beliefs and practices as long as they do not hurt others. Religions encourage tolerance and understanding towards others.


Justice All religions teach that people are

equal. Religious people think that people should be treated fairly and with justice.

Key Terms


Harmony means living in peace with others. It needs both tolerance and understanding. Religious people think that practicing kindness and generosity will help achieve this in our society.

Key Terms

Value of the individual

Every person should be valued and respected. We are all unique and deserve to be treated well. Christians believe God created everyone in his image. Muslims believe that Allah created all people so they should be respected


Christians believe that everyone is created equally

Christianity believes that prejudice and discrimination goes against God.

Jesus' teaching in the story of the "good Samaritan" explains that regardless of whom people are they should be treated kindly.

Christianity Cont..

Jesus showed no prejudice he healed everyone, women, men and his Roman enemy.

Humans were created in the image of God so therefore all must be treated the same.

There is no difference between Male or Female, Jew or Non Jew

Islam and Prejudice

Muslims believe that Allah created all people equally

Muhammad preached against slavery and taught people's differences are not reasons for discrimination.

The Qur'an (holy book) says that prejudice and discrimination should not be allowed


Equality is shown on pilgrimage (religious journey to Mecca) where all people - male, female, rich or poor wear white to show they are the same.

Martin Luther King

In the 1950s and 60s black people in America faced prejudice and discrimination.

Black children had to attend different schools that had poor facilities, books and equipment.

Black people could not use the same swimming pools or restaurants as white people. They were paid less and not allowed to vote.

Martin Luther King

Martin Luther King was a Christian who set about trying to get rid of these injustices.

He wanted people to be treated fairly and for black people to have the same rights as white people.

Desmond Tutu

Desmond Tutu was born in South Africa and became a Christian Priest. At the time apartheid denied black people equal rights. Apartheid means separateness – a policy that kept white and black people apart.

Black people were not allowed to vote and they did not have equal opportunity to housing or education.

Desmond Tutu

Desmond Tutu campaigned for equal civil rights and worked to get rid of South Africa’s unfair laws.

Desmond led peaceful marches and non violent protests against apartheid. In 1986 he became the first black Archbishop of Cape Town.