New York - a city in the U.S., one of the largest cities in the world.Located on the Atlantic coast...

Post on 22-Dec-2015

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Transcript of New York - a city in the U.S., one of the largest cities in the world.Located on the Atlantic coast...




New York City

New York City

New York - a city in the U.S., one of the largest cities in the world.Located on the Atlantic coast in the southeastern part of New York.The city administration consists of five areas: Bronx, Brooklyn, Queens, Manhattan and Staten Island. The main attractions are located in Manhattan. Among them: the historic skyscrapers (the Empire State Building, Chrysler Building) Rockefeller Center Woolworth Building, the Metropolitan Museum of Art, the Metropolitan Opera, the Museum of Modern Art Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum (art), the American Museum of Natural History (dinosaurs and skeletons Planetarium), the legendary hotel "Chelsea", the headquarters of the UN, Harlem.

Financial District Chinatown & Little Italy TriBeca SOHO Nolita Lower East Side & East Village Greenwich Village, West Village Chelsea The Meatpacking District Midtown Manhattan Upper East Side Upper West Side

Financial District

Occupies the southern part of Manhattan Island and is the financial center of New York. There are several very beautiful and historic buildings such as the New York Stock Exchange on Wall Street, Holy Trinity Church, Federal Reserve Bank, the Old Customs House, and many others. In this region there are many high-rises that have been converted from office space to residential. That is why the Fiscal Quarter - a great choice for people working in the center and living nearby.Because of the growing number of residents, many firms are actively engaged in the provision of public services. There are more pharmacies, restaurants, laundries and grocery stores.

Chinatown & Little Italy

In large cities in the U.S. there is a lot of Chinese quarters.Chinatown is probably the most eclectic district in Manhattan. It amazes visitors with lively exotic fish and fruit markets, as well as eccentric souvenir shops. Chinatown offers an affordable quality of life, differing with cheap restaurants, cheap shops and convenient transportation. Most buildings are residential buildings with no elevator, built at the turn of centuries, and buildings with designs of cast iron (cast-iron buildings), but there are a number of new buildings with elevators and more advanced services. Little Italy district has changed significantly under the influence of Chinatown and the loss of former atmosphere - only the names of Italian architecture and the shops and restaurants reminiscent of its former appearance.


TriBeCa (the name of obrazvano "Triangle at Canal Street") is a historical site of Washington Market, which in turn was a major grocery center of the region. Tribeca now - it's a residential area with houses, former warehouses and repositories, now converted into modern offices and luxurious apartments. The busiest time in quiet and at night, the area is well known for dining, nightlife and the latest creations of modern architects. Most residents in the area daily commute to the city center or in the financial district that takes up very little vremeni.Restoranchikov resemble its former appearance.


During the Civil War, Soho (literally - "South of Houston Street") was the center of the textile industry, and in warehouses with cast-iron facade preserved food production. By the mid-20th century the area has lost its significance for the industry, and only part of it has not changed due to construction of a highway. The transformation of a dull industrial Soho modern prestigious area became known as "SoHo effect": the young artists and their families moved into spacious lofts with large windows and low rents, gradually make the Soho more unique and attractive. Today, cobblestone streets, cozy cafes and boutiques attract many renowned customers and tourists, but to find something for less than $ 1 million - not an easy task. Warehouses of the 19th century, transformed into elegant apartments, luxury apartments in midtown Manhattan. Soho is an area of about from Houston Street to the north to Lafayette stritna in the east, Canal Street to the south and Varick Street on the west.


Nolita district ("North of Little Italy"), located east of SoHo and north of Little Italy. Once the area was most popular among Italian immigrants. Currently, Nolita, as Little Italy, has lost a special flair, but here you can visit many European restaurants and bakeries.The area - home to former residents as well as for artists and young professionals, many of whom are employees kinondustrii.Nolita never become a fashionable SoHo or TriBeCa like, but you do not see that there are just as crowded, and the rent will be slightly lower. Of course, part of the area occupied by expensive restaurants and shops. Here, side by side lofts in the "cast-iron buildings," and the houses without a lift characteristic of the Lower East Side.

Lower East Side & East Village

Since the beginning of the 20th century the area experienced an unprecedented boom in construction of apartment buildings in connection with the resettlement of millions of New York's immigrant population. At that time the area was the most populous in the world. However, today the distinctive features of the Lower East Side - are young people (under 30), apartment buildings (both tall and 4-6-story elevator, rarely Brownstone - rich urban residences of the layered sandstone), an active social life , modern style. Thanks to a delightful mix of immigrants has arisen the various ethnic culinary trends Katz's Delicatessen - one of the famous eateries - like the Jewish past the area. Above Houston Street area is the East Village. The northernmost region of the Lower East Side soon obustraivalis musicians and artists, and as a result of the Houston Street emerged a unique area. East Village can be proud of their style and attractive atmosphere. Much of the region is named Alphabetical city, thanks to the names of avenues - from A to D. At its center is located Tompkins Square Park - located in the famous festival of Charlie Parker Jazz Festival on Avenue B, as well as a popular holiday destination of the residents, students and tourists. Many clubs have become a launching pad area for groups such as the Strokes, Beastie Boys, Ramones. The area gradually ennobled, and if you are interested in this artistic bohemia, it is best to pay attention to Brooklyn.

Lower East Side & East Village

Greenwich Village, West VillageOnce the center of Bohemian culture and the various political movements,

Greenwich Village (in New York's fashion district is pronounced like the name of Greenwich Village), and now radiates a creative and intellectual freedom, despite the high rents. Village (as is usually abbreviated to district) impregnated with the spirit of community and is proud of the historical value of every building and every street. Thanks to the history of the area, it reigns different from the rest of New York's atmosphere separate town, which is most clearly manifest in the unique plan of the streets, there is no structure of the grid. Perhaps the most famous Greenwich Village New York University and Washington Square Park, but we must also note the Jefferson Market Library, a hotel Stonewall Inn, Churchill Square, Christopher Street and other famous places. In the Village you will enjoy the tranquility of the narrow streets, small squares and elegant gardens, brick condominium townhouses and built at the turn of the centuries. The unique architecture and lack of chain stores create the illusion that you are in another city - at the same time, a short walk takes you to the boutiques of SoHo, Chelsea galleries, trendy clubs and restaurants Myasorazdelochnogo area or in the bustling Midtown.

Greenwich Village is bounded by Broadway on the east, the Hudson River on the west, Houston Street on the south, and 14th Street on the north, with Sixth Avenue demarking the approximate begin of West Village.


Chelsea has a large area west of Sixth Avenue between Fourteenth and Thirty-fourth Street and is one of the most attractive areas in the city. In Chelsea mixed culture and ethnicity, the district is also known for loyalty to the gay community, and in spite of rather mediocre quality of education, has recently attracted a lot of pros.The area mostly built up with apartment buildings, converted warehouses, apartment buildings, including the elegant townhouses and modern high-rises. The architecture is mainly urban, and sophisticated atmosphere make noisy cultural events, fine restaurants and boutiques

The Meatpacking District

In Chelsea, as well as in Myasorazdelochnom area, there are numerous galleries, occupying sometimes whole streets. Myasorazdelochny area has undergone the most significant changes since 1990, becoming the focus of glamorous parties, fashion shows and most prestigious clubs in New York. The fact that a number of lies and now going concern for the production of meat products, only underscores the brash style of the area.

Midtown Manhattan

When ordinary people imagine New York City, they are just Midtown. Simply put, this is the busiest business and tourist areas in the U.S.. In addition, there are many modern Midtown skyscrapers. Constantly appear new, very comfortable for living, residential projects.To the west of Eighth Avenue is located area, "Hells Kitchen", which is also known as Clinton. Proximity to Broadway and affordable housing make the area very popular among novice actors, students and young people in general. For a long time thanks to a law built mostly low buildings. The law was revised in 1970. And the result was allowed to build modern high-rise apartment buildings that are now interspersed with pre-war brick apartment buildings without elevators and renovated industrial loft. Many small restaurants with national Ethiopian, Afghan, Peruvian cuisine is centered around Ninth Avenue, on which the Ninth Avenue Association's International Food Festival has been performing since 1974.

Upper East Side

Upper East Side covers an area east of Central Park, is considered the most expensive residential area and has a more conservative business environment compared to the Upper West Side. However, rental prices are lower than in the fashion business areas, so as to use the local subway is not as convenient as the Upper West Side. As a result, than east of Third Avenue you are, the lower the price of your rent and living expenses. However, the main subway line that goes down to Lexington Avenue, will take you from the very north of the island at the very south.Upper East Side, also known as "Area of silk stockings"; in 1880-1900 years. wealthy magnates like Astoria and Tiffany built a first-rate marble townhouses. In the area of highest concentration of museums after the U.S. capital Washington. Here are the Metropolitan Museum of Art, the Guggenheim Museum, Whitney Museum of American Art. In addition, the Upper East Side to satisfy even the most discerning taste and gourmet connoisseurs of high fashion.

Upper West Side

This area, located north of Fifty-ninth Street (Columbus Circle) and west of Central Park is very popular among lovers of comfort and a healthy environment. Traditionally, the Upper West Side is a progressive think tank Manhattan: here are outstanding museums, concert halls and most prestigious in the old school - the school of the Holy Trinity.The proximity to Central Park and Riverside Park, fun for kids, great schools - all this attracts to the area of families with children. Of interest is also worth noting the Lincoln Center for the Performing Arts, the Museum of Natural History, the Children's Museum, Symphony Space, and the restaurant «Tom's Restaurant», known for his comedy «Seinfeld» ..