∞ mile

Post on 14-Aug-2015

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Transcript of ∞ mile

a journal of art + culture(s) in Detroit

about ∞ mile

∞ mile (infinite mile) is a monthly online Detroit-based art journal. Through reviews, interviews, articles, writings and photo essays, ∞ mile aims to foster critical discourse in support of art and culture in Detroit. Inflecting on Detroit and its nuanced, experimental and diverse art scene, ∞ mile seeks to proliferate and formalize discussions and critique.

∞ mile does not employ a traditional vertical hierarchy with an editor or editorial board. Instead, ∞ mile uses a horizontal cooperative structure where thirty persons from the arts and cultural community are invited to make two contributions throughout the year on issues and topics that they find relevant and important to write about and discuss in the public realm.

release party

art periodicals

Artforum Art in AmericaArtNewsPaper Monument Brooklyn Rail Cabinet

art blogs

Contemporary Art Blogs HyperallergicArt21 Magazine Bad at Sports ArtinfoTriple Canopytry harder

visit the site + join the mailing list


If you are interested in contributing to infinite mileemail info@infinitemiledetroit.com

and schedule an appointment with stephen or Jennifer