مراجعة الصف السادس الإبتدائى ترم أول Macmillan

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Transcript of مراجعة الصف السادس الإبتدائى ترم أول Macmillan



Questions Macmillan Revision

Units 1 & 2


a- I (decided – say – tell) to go to Paris on holiday.

b- The (journey –cargoes– trip) to South Africa was dangerous.

c- The tiger (glanced – stared – chat) at the deer before hunting it.

d- We have to pay 5 L.E as a (link – toll – hill) to use the bridge.

e- The weather is so hot and (cool – warm – sticky) let’s go swimming.

f- Our (police – government – country) sets the laws.

g- The sound of an engine (echoed- stamped- pretended) back from the

thick forest.

h- We put (cargoes – things – boxes) in large containers to export them.


a- Mona is so …………….. because she lost her parents in a car


b- Many ships go through the Suez ……….. and pay a ………for using

it .

c- Why did you choose this color its …………………

d- A ………….. is used to raise and lower the level of the water in a


e- She was sitting in the………………of a large oak tree.

f- I ………………. to do my homework quickly.

g- In wars, they used to dig ……………… to hide in .

h- They used dynamite to …………….. the mountains .



3- Give one word :

a- To look quickly.

b- The synonym of empty.

c- The antonym of dull.

d- A river made by people.

e- Money paid for using something .

f- A way from one place to another.

g- a narrow hole

h- things carried by ships or planes .

4-Correct the mistake:

a- We pay chilly for crossing the bridge .

b- She stared in the empty room for a minute .

c- The picnic was long and dangerous.

d- The ditches were exported by plane.

e- We burnt the rocks into pieces.

f- I am miserable with all these fake stories.



Macmillan Answers

1- Choose :

a- decided b- journey c- stared

d- toll e- sticky f- government

g- echoed h- cargoes

2- Complete :

a- miserable b- canal – toll c- dull

d- lock e- shade f- managed

g- ditches h- blast.

3- Give one word :

a- glance b- unoccupied c- bright

d- canal e- toll f- route

g- ditch h- cargoes.

4- correct the mistake:

a- chilly – tolls

b- stared – glanced

c- picnic – journey

d- ditches – cargoes.

e- burnt – blasted.

f-miserable – fed up.




(Sheet 1)

Do as shown between brackets :

1- I don’t think there …………………. (be) another world war. ( correct)

2- She arrived half an hour ago. (re-write using yet in two ways)



Maria’s a vegetarian. She ……………….. ( not – eat ) meat ( correct )

3- We (are not minding – don’t mind) eating chicken. (choose)

4- Ali is cooking dinner for us at the moment. ( use last night )


5- It …………..…. (start ) to snow while Joe …………… (walk ) home


6- Lucas ……………………..…….. ( think) about his old friends when

he ……………….….. ( hear ) voices behind him . ( correct)

7- was – all – night – last – I – Monday – t.v -watching .( re- arrange these


8- I …. (am having – have – has ) a party on Friday. ( choose)

9- She is pregnant. She ……………..……. (have) a baby after few months.

( correct)

10- If Noha (is listening – listens – will listen ) carefully , she

( understands- will understand- won’t understand ) the lesson. ( choose )

11- He …………….... (bump into ) that tree if he ……………………

( not /look) carefully. (correct )

12- We ( have moved – are moving – moved ) to this house ten years

ago. ( choose )

13- Paul ………… ( play) basketball on Mondays . ( correct )

14- There will be many tigers in India . ( Negate)


15- Ann …………….… (know ) her friend for two months. ( correct )

16- Victoria (has had – had – was having ) her car (since – yet – for )

2001. ( choose)



Grammar (Sheet 2)

Do as shown between brackets :

1- I have known Julia for a long time. ( W .H question)


2- Ali cooks the dinner every night. ( Re- write using last night )


3- Louis Bleriot flew across the English canal in 1909. (Neg. and quest. )



4- Dad shut the door strongly. ( Neg. and W.H quest.)



5- Paolo ( had – was having – is having ) dinner at half past eight last night

( choose )

6- Ahmed and Ali are swimming in the pool at the moment.( use ever)


7- What time (is the lesson finishing – does the lesson finish)? At 6 p.m..

( choose)

8- My mum ……………….….. ( just – make ) a cake . ( correct )

9- A) What ………….. you ……………….( do) this morning?



B) I…………… ( check) the e mails and ………….. ( send ) some letters.

( correct )

10- Omar and Laila travelled to Alex at 2 o’clock. ( W.H question)


11- Some of the children ………….……. ( eat ) ice cream while others

…………………. ( run ) and ….……… (sleep ) on the grass. ( correct)

12- I …( wake – was waking – woke ) up early this morning .( choose )

13- I promise you mum, I (won’t drive – am not going to drive – am not

driving ) my car too fast. ( choose )

14- What would you like to drink . I ( am going to – will – am ) have

some cola , please. ( choose )

15- We …………( stay ) at home if it ………. ( be ) hot. ( correct)

16- They …….. ( miss ) the train if they ………. ( not – hurry up ).

( correct )

17- It ……………………….. (rain) all last night. ( correct )

18- We ……………(move) into a new house next year. (correct)




Answers of sheet (1)

1- will be

2- She hasn’t arrived, yet. Has she arrived, yet?

3- doesn’t eat .

4- don’t mind

5- Ali cooked dinner for us last night .

6- started – was walking .

7- was thinking – heard .

8- I was watching T.V all night last Monday.

9- am having .

10- is going to have .

11- listens- will understand.

12- will bump into – doesn’t look carefully.

13- moved .

14- plays .

15- There won’t be many tigers in India.

16- has known .

17- has had – since.



Answers of sheet (2)


1- How long have you known Julia?

2- Ali cooked the dinner last night .

3- Louis didn’t fly across the English canal in 1909.

- When did Louis fly across the English canal?

4- Dad didn’t shut the door strongly.

-How did dad shut the door?

5- was having.

6- Have Ahmed and Ali ever swum in the pool?

7- does the lesson finish.

8- has just made .

9- a) did – do

b) checked – sent

10- What time did Omar and Laila travel to Alex?

11- were eating – were running- sleeping

12- woke

13- won't drive

14- will

15- will stay – is

16- will miss – don’t hurry up

17- was raining

18- are going to move




The Merchant of Venice

Chapters 1,2,3 Questions

Answer the following questions:

1-Being a merchant can cause you to take some risks.(discuss)

2-"You must be in love." (comment)

3-How did Antonio become rich?

4-Although both Portia and Antonio were rich but none of them

was happy. (illustrate)

5-what was Bassanio's opinion about Graziano?

6-Portia was a miserable person. (discuss)

7-Was Portia right to be dissatisfied with her father's will? Why?

8-"He looks like a good apple but inside he was rotten"


9-Shylock was an evil person with bad intentions. (illustrate

and give examples)

10-"Trying to find a meaning in his words is like trying to find a

needle in a haystack"



1-Why did Bassanio need money?

a-He owed money to Shylock.

b-He wanted to go to Belmont.

c-He wanted to start a business.



2-Why was Antonio sad?

a-he was in love.

b-He was worried about his ships.

c-He was bored.

3-Why didn't portia like the German duke?

a-Because he spoke only German.

b-Because he didn't like cats.

c-because he was drunk.

4-Why was Portia unhappy with her father's will?

a-She couldn't have any money until she got married.

b-She was forbidden from marrying the man she loved.

c-She didn't get the gold box she liked.

5-How did Shylock get rich?

a-by borrowing money and not paying it back.

b-by lending money and charging interests.

c-by stealing ships' cargoes.

Put (√) or (×):

1-Antonio compared Shylock to a monster.( )

2-Shylock agreed to take a pound of flesh from Antonio's body.( )

3-Portia liked to marry the Prince of Morocco.( )

4-Antonio had enough money to lend Bassanio.( )

5-Antonio's friends understood why he was sad. ( )



Model answer

1-answer the following questions:

1-To become rich ,the merchants had to take some big

risks.It cost a lot of money to buy the ships and to pay the

people who worked on them.the merchants also had to pay

for the things they bought.sometimes a ship sank in a

storm,and everything was lost.sometimes the ships were

attacked by pirates who stole cargoes or burned the

ships.sometimes the sailors stole the cargo or the ship.

There were many dangers.

2- Solanio said these words to Antonio while his friends were

trying to know why he was sad but noone of his friends

could know the reason.solanio thought that Antonio was in

love but Antonio disagreed as he said that he was

bored.this can show that Antonio was loved by his friends

and he was a good friend but they couldn't understand the

reason behind his sadness.

3-Antonio became rich by selling and buying goods.

4- Both of Antonio and Portia were rich but they were both

sad because the happiness was not in money as Antonia had

everything but he was bored and couldn't enjoy his life and

even his friends couldn't understand why he was sad and

failed to make him happy.Portia also was a miserable



person because of her father's will and she couldn't marry

the man she was in love with so she was sad and she had to

marry the one who was going to choose the right box.

5-Bassanio thought that Graziano talked a lot but said

nothing.He also said "Trying to find a meaning in his

words is like trying to find a needle in a haystack,if you do

find it ,you soon discover that it is not sharp".that means

that he was a shallow ,trivial and talkative person.

6- Portia was a miserable person as she was dissatissfied

with her father's will.She was unhappy as she wanted a

husband ,but her father's will stopped her from choosing

one that she liked.Consequently ,it stopped her from

refusing one that she didn't like.Her father arranged a

guessing game for men who came to court his daughter and

the one who was going to choose the right box,was going to

marry her.

7- I think that portia was totally right because marrige

should be based on love and mutual understanding rather

than wealth or power .One has to choose carefully .She was

very wise as she abided by all that was in the will and

finally God rewarded her for her obedience by letting her

marry the person she was in love with.



8-Antonio said these words to Bassanio when they were

talking about Shylock and Antonio said how much he hated

him .Antonio and Shylock were arguing about interest for

long and Antonio called Shylock some bad names.He knew

that Shylock wouldn't lend him the money but Shylock

agreed to pay him but in return he would take one pound

of his flesh.

9- Shylock was an evil person as he was a bad merchant he

lent people money and took some interests from them he

was an evil person Antonio hated him so much Antonio

called him bad names like a dog and he spat on his clothes

.Antonio compared him to an apple which was rotten from

inside .He agreed to lend him money and take one pound of

his flesh if he couldn't pay them back on time.He was

pretending to be kind and friendly to Antonio but deep

inside he hated him so much.

10-Bassanio said these words when he was talking about

Graziano as he thought that he was talking a lot but said

nothing.He described him as a shallow person who is saying

meaningless things .It was said when they were trying to

make Antonio happier as he was sad all the time and they

didn't know the reason behind this sadness and couldn't

cheer him up.



Choose the correct answer:

1- B

2- C

3- C

4- B

5- B

3- put (√) or (×):




