˘ˇ ˆ - IT.PARK · Lotus Notes (Mail Servers at ND6.x) Microsoft Exchange 200x Server Domino...

Post on 04-Jul-2020

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Transcript of ˘ˇ ˆ - IT.PARK · Lotus Notes (Mail Servers at ND6.x) Microsoft Exchange 200x Server Domino...

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Referent: Wolfgang


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Pentos AG:


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Pentos AG: Migrations


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Ihr Schlüssel zu einer

erfolgreichen Migration !;" &���=������&�������������

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Datentypen zur Migration

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Herausforderungen LDO

=> MSX

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Einsatz von Third Party

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MigrationstoolsCriteria for No te s /Do mino to Exchange 2003 Mig ration

Mig ratio n Suppo rt Criteria Exchang e Migratio n Wizard Binary Tree Ques t/Wing ra No te s Migrator

Inbox (including dra fts ) Yes Yes Yes

S ent Items Yes Yes Yes

Folde r Lis t Yes Yes Yes

Document Links Yes Yes Yes

View Links Yes Yes

Database Links Yes Yes

HTML Page Yes Yes Yes

Email Attachments Yes Yes Yes

HTML Links Yes Yes Yes

Meetings Yes Yes Yes

Recurring Meetings Yes Yes Yes

Custom Recurring Mee tings Yes

Meeting Invita tions Yes Yes Yes

Meeting Attachments Yes Yes Yes

Accepted Invita tions Yes Yes Yes

Declined Invita tions Yes Yes Yes

Tasks Lis ts Yes Yes Yes

Tasks Yes Yes Yes

All Day Event Yes Yes

Reminde r Yes Yes

Contact Lis t Yes Yes

Contact Yes Yes

P ersonal Dis tribution Lis ts Yes Yes

Calendars Yes (migrates as attachment) Yes Yes

Inbox Rules

End User or se rve r admin mode Yes Yes

P rovis ion / conve rt Note s Public DL's to Exchange DL's Yes Yes Yes

Configure forwarde r on Note s Mailbox Yes Yes

P ersonal Mail Archives Yes Yes

P ersonal Addre ss Books Yes Yes

Convert/me rge AD Contacts to Exchange enabled mailbox Yes Yes

Mailbox De lega tions

P re Migra tion Use r Notifica tion Yes

P ost Migra tion Use r Notifica tion Yes

Free /Busy Informa tion lookup be tween Exchange and Note s Yes

Address Transla tion to enable migra ted mail to be replyable Yes Yes

S cheduled Migra tion Yes

Migra te In-Use mailboxes Yes Yes

Extens ive Migra tion Logging and Tracking Yes Yes

P re -post migra tion planning/scanning tools Yes

Migra tion Rules & Da ta Filte rs Yes

Migration Rules & Data Filters (save settings & re-use) as needed Yes

Binarytree Tool Suite

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7 C�.R�Q��������


Coexistence Szenarien

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CMT for Coexistence


(Servers at 5.5 and 200x)

Lotus Notes(Mail Servers at ND6.x)


Exchange200x Server

Domino Server ND6.x

withBinary Tree

Extension Managerand Server Task







All Data TypesFrom

Excluded NotesDomains

Calendar ConnectorDirectory Synchronization

All Data TypesFrom

Included NotesDomains

CMT for Coexistence

� ��� ������

Message with Rich Text and Embedded Image Sent From

Notes To Exchange via CMT for Coexistence, SMTP and

Notes Connector

Received in Outlook via CMT for Coexistence with


Received in Outlook via SMTP

Received in Outlook via Notes Connector

Message with HTML Sent From Notes To Exchange via

CMT for Coexistence and Notes Connector

Received in Outlook via CMT for Coexistence

Received in Outlook via Notes Connector

Invitation Sent From Notes To Exchange via

CMT for Coexistence, SMTP and Notes Connector

Received in Outlook via CMT for Coexistence

Received in Outlook via SMTP

Received in Outlook via Notes Connector

CMT Universal Architektur

Lotus Domino


CMT Migration workstations

MS Exchange

server(s)Network drive or temporary

additionalstorage (optional)

MS ExMerge


throughput5-10 Gbper hour

PST user

network share Outlookuser

Lotus Notes

user’s personal data




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