,-ij»;».* S'iTifi«t|iiiiiWiiiiiri'7*iHirtto'itaii UOOEStt...

Post on 27-May-2018

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Transcript of ,-ij»;».* S'iTifi«t|iiiiiWiiiiiri'7*iHirtto'itaii UOOEStt...

• H H B H U H M n

, - i j » ; » . * S'iTifi«t|iiiiiWiiiiiri'7*"iHirtto'itaii a s a n a s UOOEStt AND WEALTH

Are riveted together by using the NEWS ADS. CATSKIL

!*••*• */*»*.«; MMiSHkOMiMI

POSTAL CARDS A great variety of scenes at this office. By niaiJ, post paid, Two for 5 cents

V0L. X I I . — N O . 19. MABOARETVJLJLK. N". Y „ F E I U A Y , A P E I L , Ui l»u(>. W H O L E N O . , .Iftf)



Other Conference Appointments and Do ings -Rev. C. 8 . Taylor (Joes to Ron-

dout—The Change Unexpected.

That for which tlie raluUlers of Hie New York conference have been waiting

8 0 pflMently. and lo which taisuy of them imve looked forward to for mon ths , has fiually occurred. I t oonues annually In .,1)0 Methodis t oo»H'eren,cei and Is the cause of no 111 tie uneasiness, especially to t.hoso who have crossed the divide, aud

lin> ge t t ing down fioin t he good Job* t o those of very ordinary character , pre-piara'ory to the grand slide Into t he uopei a n n u a ted class. Bishop Cranston

aud his cab ine t of prcslJiug eldetb took a dual session a,t Uio revision of the list a t 5o'clock Tuesday afternoon, aud dur ing l,l,e evening, j u s t prior to adjournment , tiio announcement was made as to where tbe divines were to spend their next year of service. Many of the minis ters had left the conference during the afternoon nud re tu rned to their homes. These were iiustord, of course, who felt reasonably oertaln t h a t they would have no packing up of household effects to look after aud ii new borne to a r range this year .

On the opening of conference t he re was

B consideration of the prooosltlon by Dr-Thompson, of Mattoawan, providing for thB representat ion of the mlulsters on the appointing board, In connection with the bluhop and his oablnot. Mr. Thompson 's olaltfl was t h a t favoritism kept a cer ta in OIHBS of men in line of promotlou, kept others In t h e lower grades aud permi t ted favored ones from other conferences coin-iuy in and taking t he plums t h a t o u g h t l,o he picked up by those who had cast their lot with t he conference. T h e con-ferenoe cheered the pastor- with his argu­ment by appaudlcg, and ho was followed lu the s a m e lino by Herber t H a z a r d , of Hue Plains, who had no cause of com-lilulut, personally, havlug been tendered advancement which he had refused. H i s sympathies were with the mass of hard working aud able ministers who a re to­day holding the chureh In line,

No preacher on t h e effective list has died dur ing the year.

lu accordance with a resolution adopt­ed at t he las t conference, dlrootlug the executive secretar ies In charge of t he raising of endowment funds to furnish a statement as to tho names of church members aud amounts contributed, I so lds liormanoe presented his report . I t con­tained abou t four thousand names . I t was suggested tha t us some of tho minis­ters have paid their full quota , o the r s half and sti l l o the r s nothing, those who contribute should not be left on the same footing with those who have not. Dr, Oakley sa id he made the motlou las t year that the l ist be prepared, and did It a t tho suggestion of J . IS. Anclrusof Yonkois, who had given $50,000 to the fund. I t was decided to havo tho report p u t up aa a digest of amounts received. The Nowburgh Hews s a y s : Presiding Elder Walters of t he New York dis t r ic t re­por ted . that a new ohuroh cost ing $76,-000 had recent ly been ereoted a t White Wains. Of t he amoun t named $40,000 had been paid In and $32,000 pledged In good subscr ipt ions. Dr. Wat te rs asked that the s ta t i s t ica l secretary Insert a toot-note In his report telling of these pledges, which Dr. Wat ters . said were all good.

Dr. Hohi'lvot* objected to this as estab­lishing a bad preoedent, A subscription, he said, w a s no t cash, and never would he. Ho observed t h a t Dr. Wat te r s hlm-nelf had experienced jus t such a condi­tion of affairs In St. J ames ' Ohuroh, Klugston. T h e bes t of subscr ipt ions wore more or loos discounted when col-looted.


I1'. L, Wilson, Presiding Elder—P. 0 . , Kingston, N. Y.

Amies II. D, Chase Arena Supplied by Henry Thompson Arhvllle a n d Dry Brook, P. B. Coleman Ashland G, W. Thompson Athens John MoOonnell Wenhlra Supplied by L, F, R. Berry Wooruvllle. . . D. H. Piper Uovlna Supplies hy 0, P Newell Oalio O, A. Dann liatBltlll Robert Knnpp f!liurlottovlUo . . . . . . . . . . W . L. Ooouitoek


Four Otsego County Men Made Plans RONDOUT[ to Wipe Out BurnBlde

Family. Horace S. Burnside, a respected and

prosperous farmer, living a t Maiyland, a village above Oneoota was coming out of his barn 7 o'clock Saturday evening WIIPU an unknown man with a gun, and with­out any warning wln tever , leveled the piece and Hied a t Mr. Buruslde. Peel­ing the Bting of the shot lu hie face, Mr. Burnslde, with whom was his dog, sent the animal after the ret reat ing figure. The faithfulness of the dog cost the animal Its life, for finding him a t his heels the would be murderer turned and shot the noble beast dead. Oatnlng hi-, home Mr. Burnslde immediately seu t for Dr, Parish, who arriving, examined the wounded man. I t was found, fortunately, t ha t his injuries were no t very serious, but two shot having t aken effect, both In the face. One had passed entirely through the nose while the second had passed through the left cheek and lodged in t h e mouth.

There Is no kuowu cause for the attack on Mr. Buruslde, so far as can be known, as he enjoys t he conlidenoe and esteem of the entire community.

Stephen Draft, a dissolute fellow who has been employed by Buruslde, has been arrested for the cr ime. I t is said tha t he was angered because Buriualdo had not allowed him to pay a t tent ion to a woman who worked a t the Burnslde home.


Orart confessed to the crime Wednes­day and also admi t ted t h a t he and three associates had plotted to kill tho entire Huinside family, "you kill Hlrain and we will get rid »f t he res t of t he Burnsldes" was the last message his companions give him. All the men are under arrest . The case Is a most remarkable cue and there appears to havo been a red handed band In the quiet rural distr ict about Orum horn mouutaiu with Intent as vllllanous as ever was conceived by the most during wild west desperado.



The Roxbury School Fair.

From Our Cold Spring Correspondent. A school fair was held a t the Roxbury

High School building on Thursday aud Friday evenings of last week. I t was (list of Its kind lu t he history of tha t school and was a grea t SUCOCSB. The object of the fair was lo raise money Io buy library bocks, laboratory appata tus , and make o ther lmptovements . A large crowd tilled the building each evening. Tho proceeds were $107, and the expenses were about $10, thus $1*7 were netted. A literary p rog ramme was carried ou t each night. On Phuisday evening the young ladles of the Zeta Blgma gave a play entitled "My Aunt 's Heiress ," which was well rendered and highly appreci­ated. On Friday night the large audience listened to a humorous and spirited de­ba te between t he Phi Blgma boys and the people, represented by 13. B. Lewis aud W. N. Silver. Tho question dis­cussed w a s :

Resolved, T h a t the smoking Steve Is better than the scolding wife.

Cured of Cancer. O. M. Uiillln of Arkvllle, «vho has had

a oancer removed from his faoe by the MoDon Ud-Bloh method, a t t he Bliss hos­pital, has re turned to hi:', home.

Left Legacy of $i ,ooo. Poslmastor P. Q. Yaple of New Kings­

ton has been, loft a legacy of $1,000 from a oouslu who recently died In Davenport.

Farmers in Esopus Valley Entering Vig-erous Complaints Against Trespassers.

They Have no Idea of Decency.

Complaints are being made almost daily to the lawyers of Kingston by resi­den ts of the section through which tho proposed reservoir and pipe line for New York's additional water supply will ex­tend, about tbe englueers and their ass i s tan ts who a re engaged In making prel iminary suivoys, aud unless t he men employed by the city of New York are more careful of the t igh ts nf o thers in the future, the lawyers or Ulster county a re liable to bo kept busy for the next lew months .

T h e destruction of apple orchards and o the r t rees , t he breoklug down of Hue fences and wanton destruct ion of wire fences, the ruining of crops and—to top It al l—the Insolence displayed by the New Yorkers to1 . the ru ia l resident , a re i i ie cause of the complaints tha t are most frequently made.

Said a farmer who lives In t he vicinity of t h e proposed reservoir , on a visit to Kingston, to consult h i s at torney, the o the r d a y :

"They first came to rny laud afoot, and they tramped all a round . Then they came with a wagon, and as they didn't like t he Idea of going around the was I do to get to a certain Held, they cut down tho wire 1 put up last year , and tore down a rail fence t h a t was further on. My oattle got out ot tho Held they wore kept In, then Into o the r fields, and before I knew It, they had wandered so far away tha t I didn' t think I'd ever get them back. Then they mado borings In a Held t h a t I had planted las t winter, aud they 've tramped and driven over tha t Held so much tha t my whole crop Is ruin­ed. So as to gel (ho best use oT their Ins t ruments , they chopped down some of my apple trees, and other big trees, t h a t were nearly a foot lu diameter, they out off four feot from the ground, What a m I to do ?"

Insolence seems to be all tha t timeout-plaluants get when they speak to the enginonrs and their ass is tants . The engineers and assis tants a re not all In­solent, but It is the Insolent ones who make themselves heard opou every occa­sion. When reproved, they Blmply s ta te t h a t they are working for the city of New Yoik, that "New York will own tho laud some day anyway," tha t to Interfere with their work Is to violate t he law, and "wha t ' s to be done by anybody, any­way V"

The New Yorkeis who do the lalklug havo the Idea tha t so many New Yorkers possess—that the wilderness begins at t he Bronx, and tha t beyond the Bronx all Is common property and the people a r e untamed animals, who should hall with Joy the privilege of looking upon a "real New Yorker."

iimgtffitMiCM©©ffl®a»ffl®a3®ffitS-iS'»ffl̂ -tS*5-'



The U. ifc D. railroad has been <£ i agains t the Railroad Com- $

a i new freight schedule went Into A effect on the road Monday last. {£ The uew schedule reduces the <£ ra tes on many classes of freight, rf, t he largest reduction beiug on T feed. A commit tee wfjbulppers ft

S recently brought the attention « j | of t h e Railroad Ooui mission eis $jj ^» to tho exhorbl tant tat,eJ9 on feed ffl 'l' on tills road and the commission- §,


era overhauled the rate 'quostlon ft a hit, grant ing some relief aud It J"

la hoped a further investigation, fy especially on coal, will cause A additional modification of the $ schedule. Tho reduction on feed & in aud ou t of Arkville isi35 cents A a t o n ; Roxbury and Halvotfvllle jjj U5 c e n t s ; Stamford 3(i cen t s ; 4*

| South Kort r igbt 15 cento; Orlf- £ 8 flu Corners !35 cents. . The rate K

on first-class freight has been & reduced two cents a hundred d» and ou second-class ouo cent a £ hundred. sj

The Railroad Uommltasloiiers ty $ will hold a hearing a t Albany ou £


,.i, MuHii'in iir-ri iu"i!|i uiu Hue y

ffl - — ft



"ocymans J . J . Deuo ( ' 'i«ymans Hollow d . D. Pleher Uoxoaoklo Harry Bheldon Delhi T. H, Ifl. Richards JJormanavlUe,

Supplied by Robert Dayliloou Durham J. W. Totley

East D u r h a m and Norton Hill. Obed Mne.o

Wdyvlllo a n d E. Kti.inguto F . 0. Bommor

Uinluonoe Supplied hy D, B. MuBaln I'l'iinklln P . B. Miles OUbo and P l a t Orock 35, A. Bookhout Wasco , O, B, OOUTO

The Concert Monday Evening.

Tho concert Monday evening April 10 by tho Hawthorne Musical Club, In Olym­pic Hall , promises to be the best enter­tainment of t he year lu Margarelvlllc. Here are a few newspaper clippings tha t prove tho en te r ta inment well worth at­tending.

They havo no superiors In their line,— Delhi Express.

The skill of the musicians, their clever Imitations and Impersonations, with a lot of wholesome fun, made up an entertain­ment in which the re was not a dull moment. Come again;—Stamford Mirror.

T h e program was auplondld Innovation. The membors gave Borne s t r iking imper­sonations of men prominent In national affairs,—Boston Merald,

The 'iiitertaliimiuit was easily the best of t he season. I t Is a mut ter of regret t ha t such a Hrst-olass organlr/itlon could not have been secured for the entire Week.— NewDuryport News.

Tho whole th ing was a graud Buauess from s ta r t to finish, and we want them next year,—Cottonwood, Kae.

Tho program was varied, ranging from tho llrst classical mimic to bl ight and breoay comody--Orovo Oily Reporter.

Wi 'o tu iv l l lo . . . . . . , Ut'lflln C o r n e r s . . , liuluus Pa l l s Hiiloottvllle Uumduu Hoiisouvlllo Hobart, •' effoi'sou, Kingston t , talutoti Avunu i t . . . Nt Jhtooa. 'I'i'tnlty, K ings ton , Lands

, ,J , W, Ijnildboilloi P . A. Goons

R, Klkelhan J, IS. (Ipeneer H, Lo Proper

.D. N, F , Blaltonny (iharlnii Sugar

CLE, Ker r

.,,,1(1, M. Hnliiliern , . . . Hough Houston

0i H. Taylor H . I . Houg

''uxluytion Supplied by S, IB, Myers Wvlhgstonvllle IS, L, Dare Mallltut &, W, tfowla

Manorklll and Oonesvllle, Supplied by A. 11/1. King

Margarotvlllo L.11. Long Meildulo, to bo suppled New Balt imore. ' . O, W, Rico Oak Hill It, B. Crawford Ollvebitdgo, , , .Suppllod by W. H.Helplo Pulonvllln i . . . Jaineii Douglas Phoenicia J, A. Iliihn Pluu Hill and Mhati'inkmi (l. 0 . Morse

Important to Hotol Keepers. TJuloi' instructions from the Sta te ex­

cise depar tment County Treasurer Adair Wishes lo announce t h a t applications for liquor tax oertlfloatee should bo made to him on or before April IB. This Is made necessary by the pro­posed change In the excise, laws. Tho above applies only to hotels In Incorpo­rated villages.

Lieutenant Governor's Sister a Bride.

Rev. aud Mrs. J a m e s Bruce of Andos, have Issued Invitations to t h e marr iage of their youngest daughter , Miss Harr iot Belle Bruce, and Albert Armstrong of Andes. Tho wedding will take place a t tho home of tho bride's paren ts lu Andes Wednesday, April 18, a t noon. The br lde- to-bolsas ls terof L ieu tenan t Gover­nor M. Linn Bruce.

Po r t I'lwen Prat tsvl l le R a v e u a , . , , RoUud Top and Aura,, Roxbury , Satigcrtloo. ,

. . . T . N, Poster , , . ft. P, Snyder . ,G, R Alumni! .To bo Supplied . . . S. G. Koysor . . J . M. (lornluh

t'lhokan Ambrose Quick South Bothlohom Stamford Summit Tauiiersvlllo Tt'tiadwull Walton Went Pulton West Hurley W i n d h a m , . . WuodotouU,,

H. v. RODS

Ii. I', Tucker A. N, Hmidder

, J . H. Pyfe I . J . I), drone

Win. Acltroyil Supplied by W. A. Rodney

t. G. Price i ; G. O. W»Hoy

A, W.Wv78»n

Coaching Club Coming to Lake Delaware. T h e Now York American says i " T h e

annual mooting ot the Coaching Club will t ake place on Sa turday , May 5, and It Is Peter Gerry, Instead of Lodyard Blair, who will enter tain t h e club th is yeM on the occasion of Its annual long distance dr ive a t Lake Delaware, tho Gerry place lu Delaware ootiuty. Tho illntaiice from town Is about 100 miles aud It will be the lougest run of the Odauiilng Club since its memorable visit to Sholburuo Purine, Dr, W , " Howard Webb's place lu Vermont, several yearn ago." _ „ . . _ _ _ „ _ _ . „ _

Social at Arkville Cliliir.lt. Frnm our Arkvllln eoi'iospondont.

T h e Willing Workers of the ArkvllloM. E. ohuroh will give an Eas te r Supper a t tho Firemen 's Hall, Monday evening April 16. Warm sugar served a l ter tho nuppor, A good time lo gtiaruntuod to all who at tend,

Weekly Mocord of Those Who Come and Go aa Noted by " T h o News"

Reporters. —Don L. Stewart was a visitor in

Bfanjl'ord Tuesday.

—B. L. Pakus of New York was a vis­itor here early lu t he week.

—Wyllys and Howard Keenoy have been spending the week In New York.

—George H. Hewitt, of Schenectady is In town for a two weeks' stay.

—Contractor A J. Fall-bank spent Hun-day a t his home lu Unadllla.

—W. J. Hysham of Omaha, N e b , Is speudlng a few days lu town.

— C M . Kelly of Kelly Corners was a visitor here Wednesday.

—Mrs. M. Anderson Is able to be out-of-doors after a loug Illness from puou-uion'hi..

—Mies Kathryn Bwurt enjoyed a car-rlago ride Tuosday and Is recovering I from hey recent illness.

- -Mrs , Harr ie t Hoffman, who has boon 111 at her homo here some time, Is slowly recovering.

—Mi's. Catherine Decker, who Is visiting fi lends hero, will return to Poughkoepslo next week.

—Mrs. Ward Rryanl of Uulon Grove lias been the guest of her daughter , Miss Jul ia Bryant, 'during the week.

- -George O'Oouor, a senior lu the Phil­adelphia Dental College, has boon enjoy­ing the week a t his parents' home here,

—Mrs. A. 8. Brink of Halcottvlllo waB In town on Tuesday and on Wednesday departed for Tyrone, Pa,, where she will engage In the millinery business. ,— F. W. Bishop of Arkvllle has pur­

chased a building lot near tho M. E. church In tha t place aud will erect a handsome modern residence thereon.

-—Mr. and Mrs. Howard Hewit t and son of Roxbury and Mr. and Mrs, Frank Ingalls and son of Now Kingston wore guests Wednesday at Geo. H. Hewi t t ' s .

—Mrs. J. H, Gladstone was Initialed into the Order Eastern Star a t Delhi F t l -day evening and has been spending t he week there visiting fi lends.

—Gordon Hoyen, who has been spend­ing sumo tilde In Florida, came homo last week and has now gone to Westches­ter county, whore he bus a painting Job with H, D. Shuver.


Interesting Littlebits That Mirror the Doings of Seven Days in the

Pearl of the Cats kills.

Good Pildny.

Kwnday Is Easter .

Trout season opens Monday.

The next Lid lee ' Abl Society will meet wllh Mrs. William II. Brown May 2.

Bpeelal Easter music Sunday morning aud evening a t the Methodist church.

Fred Audersou has rented of M. Ander­son the Hotel Anderson aud took posses­sion April 1st.

Mrs. Charles Stewart of Duuiaveu has sold her lot of hemlock timber containing about ouo million loot for $5,000.

Lot No. 31, Uardenbtirgh Patent, lu the town of l la rdenburgh, has beon sold to E. 15. Howe, Esq.

Philip Derringer of Arkvllle has pur­chased the Pla iner cot tage on Swart street and will remove ills family hero at an early date.

April 15, Eas te r Sunday. "The Re-suireeled Lll'o" Is the Epworth League topic Sunday evening a t the Methodist Ohuroh, Leader, Mrs. George Gregory.

A severe snow storm for tho time of year, Monday, followed by a steady ruin Tuesday and Tuesday night, left the highways In a had condition and the streams swollen.

Ml'KItS-DAWSON. Margaretville relat ives have received

Invitations to the wedding of Sherman Sheiiden Myers and Miss Prances Amelia Dawson. The ceremony will t ake place a t the homo of the bride's fafhei In Hobart next Wednesday. Mr. Myers and his bride to be are numbered among tlm best known and most popular young people in the Eas t Branch valley any inauy good wishes are heard for the i r success aud happlnees.



I87 Acre Farm Sold for $50. One of the biggest bargains lu real

es ta te tha t has taken, place recently oc­curred lu Moutle.elUi last week when a farm of 187 acres s i tuated iu the town of Lumberlaud was sold for $50 a t the court house. With tho present high prices or lumber and dairy products the purchaser hasn ' t any need of a belter gold mine than his $50 farm.

Ten Words for a Quarter. An Oueonta girl received a proposal of

marr iage by telegraph and she asked the clerk how many words she could send for a quar t e r aud was told "Pen won s for a quar te r . " She sent the answer, 'Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes." She was a willing creature .

Woodruff a t Auburn.

Tho Walton Reporter was misinformed lu the s tu tement made last week tha t Charles' S, Woodruff had boon Instullod an clerk aud bookkeeper In t he offluo of Auburn prison. He occupies the same s t a tu s as any other Inmato of tho In­st i tut ion. No moro. N O I I H S .

l i e la employed In t he broom room and works tho same ao any of t h o o l h o r s , anil an to drum of oouroo wnara the regula­tion giuli of the prliitui.

T h e report published In tho Repor ter hint week wan enrrent a t t h a t t i m e ! It In unfortunate, however, t h a t It should have been published. Thurn lo no die Unction a t Auburn o r any o ther s t a l e llllltli.lltlou ot tho kind, except for good hghftvlov.

A Raco With Death. Dr, Thomas Park Luwls died Tuosday

a t tho residence of his aunt, Mrs. George W, Hymers, In DoLancoy. Being lu tho last s tages of consumption and hoping to live to ronch hhi native place and BOO his relatives once more, he, with his wife and young ehlld, started froth Arlsr.ona hint Thursday aud arrived In OeLancey Sunday livening, Wll.lt lib) great des i re attained aud the grootlngH of loving frleuds received, the dual relapse oumo,

Purchased Ml. Plsgah.

From OUr Now Klminlon rori'iwpondMil

Oliver Dickson has rented his farm lo John J ' Reiner of Mlddlotowu. Mr. Rumor has purchased Ml. Plegah.

Will Watuli Stream, From our Grant MIHo iiurrotiiMitidonl.

William Huhdornon has hired to tho TUBonroraOluti to watch tho ntroam and is prepuilng to move In tho club mill house.

Cows High. Clown avomgod Kill lilt at a recent

Franklin aiiciloii,

Sold Team for lHOfio, ,1, O. llllllu of Hobart, has sold his big

teutUi a gray aud sorroli to 1-1 • 0 . Dan-croft of Coopoi'elowu for HIIOO.

GllborUvlllo Volas 1)110,000 Suhool Ruuno. At a Mpochil mooting last week till-

biirtnvlllii voted an appropriation of $111,000 for tho improvomout of their vll« Inge miliool building,

The first car of freight over the Dela­ware .v. Eastern to parties outside the railroad employ was delivered Tuesday to Charles Goreplt and consisted of a car or lumber. I t was delivered at the cold storage.

Tbe following officers have boen elect­ed for the Margaretville Fire Department for the coming y e a r : Chief, Arthur Gavet t ; First Aesletant Chief, R. M. Delametei ; Second Assistant Chief, Arthur Osborn,

Tho local Red Cross Society will have an Innovation iu the way of supper Fri­day evening In the M. E. church parlors by serving a beef steak supper. No stat­ed price will bo charged but partakers may give what they like, The society should have crowded tables.

Dr. J, II. Gladstone has let tho contract lo Houry Coulter to build a dwelling house on the Gladstone lot corner of Wal-uu t and church s t reets . The building will bo a most modern one and will add much to the appearance of tha i section of the town. Mr. Coulter has purchased the building now 011 the lot and will re­move It.

Principal and Mrs. R. L, Countryman gavo a party Saturday evening lu honor of Mies Florence I Blackburn, a former member of tho faculty of the Margaret­ville High School. The evening was an unusually pleasant one and was spent lo cards and social Intercourse, A luuohoou of good thlugs to eat added to the other pleasures of the ovenlug.

General Manager R, If. Williams met J. P. Reldlug, R, B. Jones and M. R. Coutiinl, U. .v. D. officials a t Arkvllle Wednesday and completed the arrange­ment for a joint passenger and freight depot, P, W. Bishop will bo tho joint agent, The D, ft, K. has made a freight schedule ou oar lots of 50 cents a ton to Margaretville ami $1.00 to Arena. Way freight 5 cents per hundred to Margaret­ville and 10 cents to Arena. No way freight, however, will bo handled at present.

Never In the history of Andes were no many people III a t one t ime as for the 10 day a following March 20, In that t ime there have boen 82 cases of measles in the village and In the Immediate vicinity about '.in cam's more, making a total of at least 100 up to the present, with prob­ably a number more lo follow. With very few exceptions t h e cases havo been unusually severe, Three deaths have resulted ami tho lives of others have hung lu the biiltttico. Bo far as we can learn all the patients a r s o n tho gain, lull some of them are very slow.—Recorder.

A Pine Hill Writer.

Twe of the leading ar t icles lu this mouth 's Miinsey's Magazine are writ ten by our esteemed townsmin , II, N. Ons-s in . Ouo of them la entitled "The Ro­mance of Steel and Iron lu Amsrlci ," and will run for more than 11 year. The other Is "The Irish In America," Mr. OassoD is a very Interesting aud enter­taining writer.—Pine Hill Optic.

More Money for the Fairs. Tho Senate Monday ulghl passed 157

bills, among (hem belug the bill gener­ally amending the law permit t ing New York olty to take water Irom the Oats-kllls. They nIso passed bills ereatlug an Inter-state oomwlbslou lo confer about the system of transit between New York city aud New Jersey ; increasing tax ou racing associations payable to agricul­tu re fair societies from live to seven and a half per cent. Increase to be gradual ; and bill appropriat ing $50,000 for (he further support of agricultural fair,*.

injured Herding Elk. From our Dry Brook correspondent.

George Stewart met with qu i t e a bod accident last Thursday a t George J, Gould's whllo engaged In chasing the elk which had broken out of the park. Tie was riding a spirited horse and It stum­bled In such a manner as to (brow Mr. Stewart off and ho received some bad bruises.

For Sale.

Tho Margaretville school building, lu whole or In parts . Sealed bids will be received by the undersigned till Monday April 21), 190B, a t 1 p. m. Tho right to reject any and all bids, and the use of building until new building is completed aie reserved. AddresB

J. II. LULL, Pres ideut Board, apria-20 Margaretville, N. Y,

Eggs for Hatching. Now Is the time to buy eggs for uarly

layers. S, ('•, Brown Leghorn eggs, per 15, 1.50; per HO, $2.26 Foitl l l ty guar­anteed. W A L L A C E ROWIS,

al3-27 DowiiBvllle, N. Y.

ifcl& Pre'eiil Margantvil le Secures First Rouore—The Town Organization

P l a n s - T h e Names.

One hundred eighty-six teachers of the second commissioner dis t i lc l gathered a t Delhi Monday for a week's instruct ion. Timugh (he weather lias been s to imy the Institute was a successful one and the teachers are returning home sat is­fied. The number praseut was smal ler (.IIBII usual, many being detained a t home by the measles.

The program was carried out as scheduled with the exception of Miss Collier, who was 111, conductor Sauford was also taken III on Wednesday and compelled l o g o to his home. Prof It, L Country man and Miss Wuleil iury of the local high school both took part In the program. Tho sessions of the ins t i tu te were held in the court house.

Below arc the names of tho teachers lu a t tendance .

Arena : Evelyn DeSllva. Andes : Martha J. Thomas, Lillian B .

Miller, Elisabeth Fletcher , Helen King, Mary A. Liddle, Mabel King, Raymond Sludc, Lulu Weaver, MobW Shnn'or, Wil­bur McNalr, Sophia Elliott, Mary l l an -ford.

Boviiia Center : Marlon Thomson, John McOuue, June Hast ings, Elisabeth. Sliangnway, Minn Wilson.

jBluomvllle: L'.ulo B. Gorse, Rena Uendeisoii, Harry GerJy, Ella S. Lamb, Dora. Shoemaker, Leslie Combs.

Illughauilon : Prances Johns ton . Davenpor t : E\'ii E, Adair, Anna Stew­

ar t , Ida E. Bllome, Vlda VauDeusen, Jul iana Fischer, Lucy McMorrls, Minnie McMorils, Annabel Fischer,

Delhi : Harry A. Doyle, Elizabeth Mo-Mulllii, .Inlia Crosby, George Wllsou, O. Wood, Eluora Doau, Laura Mitchell, Margare t Russell, Margaret Gilchrist , Mao Audersou, L i u r a Smith, Florence Bagley, Sarah Rlsley, Anna Goodsell, LI da Graham, Jessie M, Hutson.

DeLancey : Eflie Melu, Anna Beck-with, Andrew MoNauglit, Baviila Dodds.

Plelaohmann 1 Albert Holleubeck, E v a Bradln Btreeter, R, A. l ted-

Rnts, Rats, Rats. Robert Brumaglii", ail Amntordnoi

man, wan awaiieued by a sharp pain, a few nights ago, aud found that a largo ra t was gnawing a t the back of bin head, He struck the animal off, but It returned to lis fnyaiul bit the young man's thumb aovnroly. He then called his dog, and If dually killed the rut. Blood poltum de­veloped In the t h u m b wound, but the pat ient In now recovering,

50 Italians Cutting Wood, From nur Pry H100U correspondent, The Italians which number over fifty

are ropldly clearing the mountain near J . B, Todd's from Its Umber.


Suggestions from Advertisers Wherein a Minute's Reading Saves Dollars.

Mileage books. Dolamoter & .Ionian Hulpotn Brothers Eas ter mlllluoiy

opening Frklny and Saturday, Invitation extended to all.

Tn Delhi in igoB, A preaiafeiii s tory Is lu circulation a l

Delhi to the effect t ha t the Delaware .1-Maiitiirii will bo extniidud from Andes to the county neat before num.

Mutineer of Grand 11 ..Inl. Alfred Elliott, who wan last nonnnn

UsHlstUtll manager of the Grand Hotel In (tie Oatnlilll Mountains, has boon ap­pointed by the Grand Hotel Cnmpauy the malinger fur the nuuilng noauon.

Wauled at Onoo,

A iinleiiiuiin for Delaware and Greene Counties, man willing lo ftirnluh home or team prnferrnd. Riiiorentios and Htiutirlty required. Good money fur file light man.

GUANO UNION TBA, t 'u,, u(Ht Itlnnrili.il, N, V.

The D. A E, nickel cigar In sold lu all popular places In town. Rosonfold A Sons, makers, Walton, N, Y. allltf

Twenty-five ladles' linen handkerchiefs, value flOoUi at Cuts each. Mon's26c linen handkerchiefs 2 for 25ots, Saturday only a t Halpern llros.

When wo say tho I), ifc E, is a Hue uiokel cigar, you needn't bo afraid to try one. RoBoufnltl A Sons, ntakers, Walton, N. Y. nlSIf

Ton doaon ladles' lawn waists , lucked back and front, laoo t r immed, v a l u e ( 1 , $1 25, for SBotS Saturday only a t Halpern Broil.

A glance In the Eas ie r windows of (hilleu <v. HehnU will convluco you that they havo tho most up-to-date stock til ipi ids In town.

Parker tho I'cciluian has a now ad on pago I . Don't mine If,

ooiiiiulftoe a toucher from each town, Tho gather ings will not bo hold until fall. Tho association In purely mutual and not a t nil umlnr state direction or Inlbe onoo,


Margarotvlllo curried off hoi share ol tho honors lu tho print! speaking contest Ttinnday ovenlug by Miss Eva Dlintulck scouring girls ' llrst pflldd with her selec­tion, tflugtirloln, flic Gypsy Flower Girl. Thn first boys' Ut'Ue wont to Ward Hto-vmin of the Stamford High School, and tho uocoiid to Alfred Hamilton of the Delhi High School, Tho souonil girls pil/.n wont lo Ollvn IS. Andrun of the Uoxhtiiy High School,

The judges worn C, Edward iiulitlA Of Albany and Prof, and Mrn. Falrgilovo of Walton, They itiiiiiihlnrod five points ; art iculat ion, liillocllon, emphasis, genf-tiro, voice. T h e earns wore eolleutod by the ushers and the Judgos did not uotrfcr. T h e Href pi I'.inn worn gold medals and the Huuond prlauw allvnr medals of thn same design.

Jenkins , uiuiiil.

Graud Gorge : Mrs. (i. (i. Baker, Oeo. Baker, Mis. D, V1inH.0uF.cn, Anna Lou­den, Grace Hunt .

Hoba r t ; lithe) Ives, Martha Taylor, S. Priiuoes Abranis, Mabel Royuohls", Mrs, J ames Rich, Blluaboth Decker, El izabeth Sturgcs, Mary i loyt , Loll t la Por te r , Nel­lie Grant , Isaac (! u roll.

Uaiperslleld : Binoche SohrUlU, Bessie Scliruiij, H a n lei, Seeluy, Ha i ry Topping,

Hau idcu : Mary Brulnard, Maud E. Shaw, Heine Helmet',

Kelly Corners : Llua Kelly. Now Kingston : Audruw Cowan, Gilford

Scott . Ouconfa: Florence Sherman, Grace

Keeney, Levi Bowon, Berl.hu Buckley, Cora Taylor,

O tego : Orn. Truman, Ploruuoe Hunt . Margaretvi l le ; L i u r u VanBouHchoten,

Mac E. Dickson, Lucy Waterbury, Dora lUco , Maty MoCaddcu, Ida Kilter, Louise Mungle, Bertha Hull, Laura Sweeney, Vivian Franks . R, L. Count ryman, Perez Dlmmleli, E Laldlaw, Julia O'Connor, Jenn ie Ernst , William E. Hust ings , Fan­ny Kiltie, Georgia Stlmpsou.

80, Kot ' t l ight ; Lena McLnury, Suslu MoLnury, Mary Dugun, Allen I rwin , J, Alice Henderson, M. Olive Douglas, Ada F. Junius.

Roxbury ; Mary Hamilton, Kather lue SouddQI'i l loscoe Keufor, Susan Kotttor,

Slumfotd: lfillif.it Laux, Mrs, Bui Ion Weaver, Kafherine Lnux, Ha i ry Elilen, Arum MoCaddeu, ISd'na Lawrence, Mary Murphy, Carrie Churchill, Hul t le Fischer , Lillian Uliuso, Jessie A. Bohults,

Tread well! Livurno Gates , J e n n i e Strong, Nellie M. Stroug, Jennie D e -iftiollc, Eiuiua Drake.

South Ullb.ia; Francos P, Mayham, Laura B. Becker, l lun tors luud; Au­

gus t a Ijouvongufh, ( ' .linden; Goo. Spoon-burgh , H u u t c r ; Irouo Clark, Jefferson ; Mary Bramluy, Shavcr towu; Ber tha O. Moss, A. M-i Elmli'ii; Georgia South, Bhiivettowii; Olive lliigganw, Pra t t sv l l le ; Mildred Baud wick, Syracuse] Oluru Ben­net t , Meredith ; Hun let E, Howes, Poiilf-Diiy, VI. ; Kufhcrlnc Morris, Hhuverlowii; Ell/,abefh doming, Helen L, Drawn, I th ­a c a ; Lnuru E, OlotnoutB, L ibe r ty ; Lola Murphy, Franor ; Mabel Allen, Pepaotoii J Lauren Hulhorf, SltuVet'towuj Mllo Brown, Machine; Clinton Whi tney , Union Gl'UVO) Kuucr Sinllli, Schonovus ; Mabel Reynolds, WOBIIIIII; Mabel Morse, Denver I E m m a Pool, Kelly Gomel 's j Margaret R. Cordns, Wust Hiiugutllos; Mati lda Konhlcr, Sptltiglluld | J ames Hluulii.lt', Muihlale; Gt'uue E. Gruff, Scheuevus i Flora Troudwcll, Jefferson! Margare t B. Crotfy, Fuuipuj ; Dallna Dwyo, Westkl l l ; Hainli Din (mi, North-field | Viola M, Persons, Ottli kill.

THArllgltH oltUANI/.U.

cue of iiio Ideals of Commlsslonm' Haul'oril Is to got the teachers oloflOl' to« golhor, iiml a step was taken In this dlrcclloii Tiienday uftui'U i, when nu open iiiecllni; wns held 11 mI lown orgunl-v, il bum (Ib.i'USMud, All II t'Ci'llll. nil Ol'glill-/.iiflon was ol'l'ci'-fnil with Piof, .11, L. (Inun-fryitiiin, prasldoltl I I'mf, Oi W. Wnnd, vluii prcslilonf, and Miss Wvd Jenlilnii of (liiniii (loi'uers, SBot'Btai'y-tt'iitisui'oi'i lu call town uM'inelaflon ineeflngn of ttuoliofo and OIIUCIIIOIH IUIII thorn talk of

and dismiss tho ucutis of the Schools. Tho dlnU'lnf schools and the high schools will join hands lu the movement. Tho president will appoint an an executive,