,. 'i ''Il••--- , , T ·. . ' '-·-· 1·-archives.lincolncountynm.gov/wp-content/uploads...Five...

Post on 08-Nov-2018

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Transcript of ,. 'i ''Il••--- , , T ·. . ' '-·-· 1·-archives.lincolncountynm.gov/wp-content/uploads...Five...

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Mr. and M,... L. H. Keller ol Roswell drove to White Oakl last .i:~turday lor the big dance 'and to visit their mother M111. Jack Cleghorn returning to visit their rather Mr. Jack Cleghorn who is n the Rathmann hospital here.

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This Over . ' .,.

The habit of sa \ring ia a cood babit, and wealth IJ a realllt ot habit. All banb are eTif will• ing to. aulat in the of thia habit. A depositor oatt aaid he felt · reluctant . I bout eomfng in and "botheritll aa" wlth a amaJl deposit; It IJ · not the occaafonal biJ thfn1 that make. auceeu, rather it Ia tb1 repeated habit. We wetco..t de~ita of an:r amount aa4 are alwqa clad to ha•e JW come in.

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Mnibtt Fldnl Ialliraaa ,Dt. poi[e Corporation •

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· t.lNCOT.N· COUNT:Y NBWS ' . ...... ., ~·



Five Million Voices Cry, "God- ·Save the King!"· ~s Giu~s Bbom Glad T\dings. From Historic Tower ~f 'London. ·

London, England.-"God save the King!''

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Edward w.· Pickard · · , · · @ Waum I'IMM>cr l1n'-

,By I

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Mff!, Simpson's Divor~ . Is Made Absolute ,

1\. •1 RS. WALI.IS SIMPSON w a s J. V. granted an' absolute decree

· of divorce in London, and within a fflW hours Edward, duke of Wind­

. "' , .. would n.ot curtail operaUons at any of th~ nine big studil)l\ and ventured • the opinion that the dispute could be · settled in 'a reasonable and sensible · manner. He claimed that no more· than 1,500 of the Jiollywood, movie


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Suribonner Gir,ls _ to .· ., . Applique on a Quilt •

AB thl! great guns of the Tow­er of London boomed forth the news that the Archbishop of Canterbury had placed the wetghty Crown of St. Edward, the Crown of England, upon the head of Gt>orge VI. the cry came forth in a mighty swell from tiyl.' mtllion throats as from J,he throat of one man.

sor, was on his waY 'from St. Wolfgang, Austria, to visit his fiancee at the Cha­teau de Cande near Tours, France. The former king of Great Britain· had been waiting impatiently~· baggage packed, for word that Wallis was entirely free, and he lost no time

industry's 40,000 employees were in- ·Pattern 5'72! valved in the points at is,sue, and • observed that no questions of wages So quaint, so colorful-these '

. Thts wus the cltmax of the Cft!lll·

r·st ahow on earth, o &how for which a g~nerous shore of the throng whldl lonr>d the six and one-halt m rlf"t of the prcx·css10nal route had wattcd wtthout movmg from their places through the dampness of a l .. ondon sprmg mght and. mdeed, thruugly part of the pre~edmg day.

Those of lhe Ktog's subjects who hud n<•t bern able to nllord i2 to $2Ml In '' &t>ot that would assure them 11 ghmPbt' ~f thetr m·w mon· "arrh on hts proudr.<t aay began mnrklng oiJ apace alqng the curb on thr oftrrnoon of May II. Smart .. ler kn who thought tht>y rould put uti thrtr \'IJ:II unul sunnse of Cor· unnttun Day wrre doomed U> stretch thr•r ne< k• nn tnl·h or two m tweh·e tu.uro of blrnmm.: tu set> over scv­.. ral rown of rarher arn\'nls

"A Quiet t:mplre." It "'"" n ht'J\'Y day of work at

thr r·nd of many back·brt'akmg "'rekn nf prrparat:on for th(.> !I.UOO l(entlrm<>n nnd lu.,!a•q uf the pr.>cr­".:r .,. hn!l.<' rank and pursr rntJtled . . ' lhc•ry1 tu 511 lor an rnt1rr day In 10

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Airs. Simpson when his solicitors telephoned bJm from London.

It took· only 25 seconds to make ab$0Iute the decree 'nisi which Mrs. Simpson obtained last October ".!1. The 'king's proctor had been satis­fied with the lady's·behaviour in the interval, and Sir Boyd Merrimtm, president <if the divorce court, per­:sonaJU .. ~ted the decree along with a lot of other:s.

The date for the wedding of the duke of Windsor and Mrs. Simpson has not yet been announced, but it probably will be in the week begin· ning May 24. Edward was willing

· 1o wait until all th.e coronation hul· labaloo was over for he did not wish to ~oy his royal brother in any '"U>"llY.

or hours had been put forth py the. odorable "SuQbonnet" maidens striking unions. with their bobbing balloons-you

The filn.l companies have indicated won't be able to wait to appliqu• their unwillingness ~o settle the is- them on a quilt! The block mens-. sue of the closed shop and ulliQn.. ures 91nches. Here's a long-looked­recognition untU, they Jtnow what de- for opportunity to utilize thcise gay. mon~s in the matters of wages and scr~ps you've been saving. You hours 'may-be made by their work- can lise Ule same de$lgn o.n scarfs ers.. and pillows and' so ·complet!l a

Fifteen of-the l~rgest hotels in San bedroom ensemble. The patches Francisco were practically tied up are simpJe in form-you'll fmd the by ·a strike of 3,500 empjoyees. The worlt goes quickly. In pattern 5'/24 strikers were given the active sup- r,ou will find the Block Chart, an port of 13 unions. They insisted that illustration !or cuttlnl:, sewblg and hotel owners hod refused to agree finishing, togetber with yaqlage. tq preferential hiring and a .five doy chart, diagram of quilt to help week fb~· clerks, although flther l,arrar1g~ the blocks for single Md­groups of hotel employees had been double bed size, and a diagram of awv.rded such conditions. block which serves as a guide

The 15 hotels involved were the for placing the patches and sug­A 1 ex a n d e r Hamilton, Bellevue, gests contrasting materials. Cathcaral hotel apartments, Clift,. To obtain this pattern send 15 Sir Francis Drake, El Cortez, Fair- cents in stamps or I coins (coins mont, Mark Hopltins, Palace, Plaza, preferred) to The Sewing Circle Whitcomb, Willlam Taylor, St. Household Arts Dept., 259 W. 14th Francis, Gaylord, and Steward. New York, N. Y.

Write plainly your name, address and pattern 1'\.umber. Moscow-Volga Canal, Ill

Opened by Stalin M AY day wao fittingly chosen-

In ~ poundft of <lr•thmg per nlpltll, on o hard !lent l!l mches w1dt> wtth­< ..rt t'\t'r muvtng Bul 11 wnu a mag· n Ill< rn t r.huw

Klnr Georr;e VI and Queen EllnbeU.. oftlc:bUJ crowned. In one hlstDry'a most ap_e-etac:olar and eoldr'ful eorooaUons. .. ·

London Gettlng Ready of for the Coronation

for the opening of the Moscow­Volga canal, one of the great(!jlt physical undertoking!l of the aovlet

R u s !l I o n govern· ment. For four yeriro-2 0 0 , 0 0 0 pril.ioneru have bt"Cn working on the project, these including not only RU!l!llllD!l, but nl!:o Finn!!, Lctlo, Eoton­tnns, Poles, o n d Ukrnnlaw. Many of them wct«l political pri.!Jonel"ll.

' TI.r l..ord 1:1' t> ynu frutlful lands und hralthful r.ratwn•... llnld the cramped po31Uons for eight or nine IH< hbtnhop tn thr brnt'dtctton whlc·h houf'll They were not permitted t. .u. u't'd thr no\\·mng of the Kmg, to w,tbdrow unul everyone else hod .. , t< t<>riUWII Orrta and armte>9, and a left qutt't t:mptrr A general color scheme of blue

No one 10 Dntam could dt>ny that and gold with rtch. 110ft \'civet hang· m 8 lime of wurld·wtde unrr:il, a lnga mado o brllUant 'back&rcunll tunc of ur&:rnt nl'N'M•IY f"r lm· for the east and for the apc:etntol"ll IJ<'f •al utrength and umty. thl' pohtl· m thetr gor£roUD unlform.ll and c·ol rxp~thrncy of "a QUI(.>\ F.m-. goWTIJl. Pt"Crt>SSCII wore roben of plre" prornptPd the covt"mmenl 10 enrru:on \'clvct, trimmed In j!nn.inC, make of thUI the fJWBI IIPirndld cur· unlt>ltll they hnppened to be of royal onallon In all hautory. Tne gov· blood. in whleh event they were rc­erruncnt rxpcnse m the C'rt>\\TI&nl! of Qtllrcd to don the purple \'elvel of Gc><>rge V1 hall bt"en rlltlmoled to royalty. The court go>1o'Tl!l worn un· br double that tn · thto eoronohon of demeath were of white, c:rellm, Gil­bill fothrr 2.0 yearn ago; Its backma \'er or gold. Fllllhion expertll c!l· of the doullng pogt>Bntry rl'Qutrt'd tlmotC'd that the mMl econcmtcnl npendtturf'a of $262.0.000 of pub- of them ro11t ot teant $t.roo. Unl· lu- tund!l, not C"Ounllng on t'llllm/lt· funna o! the men alnrted at r.boul t'd ~.000 1pt>nt by tht> rop1J house-- $COO and went up from there. hold In rntert~unm11 royal and for· lllitory'a Greatest Gem DbpbJ eaJ:n t;ueutn Tht!l dtd n~. of roun:e, meludo

ln tht' vast wronatiC>n pagt'nnt tht> Jewelry or the coroneu. Tho th<' e .. v .. mmf'nt h(tpi'd to lt'nd r.ew I c:ht"opent corone~ couM hardlY have rmpnuas to that crnhmrnl ~hu·h beN'l purduused for leu than $100. u v ... r.-ol bnnd ht•tdm£ tho rmptre The 101cl of nil the rmgs, broeelets, tual'th<'r. an:t whach Is IJ)·mbolut"d nt>ddncea. etc., worn by the 9,000 by the crown nnd the mnn "'ho prt'S<'tlt mUllt have nm into the mil­"ron. 11 There b still an undn· , hnnll, am! lli'IUI probDblY the mozt c urrt'tll cf d1lUllll!afnetton on•r tho costly nru1 magn1flccnt dlulllay <II abdacatiM\ df Edwud Vfll The nt'W KAnll And Qur<>n mu!lt bo populnr­IU'd tD lhl' tulle:t pcu&ble extent. n.t> c:pronotinn WD.ll an cpporturuty to ot'C'Ompi!Sh thlll, and the C<J'-em· mrnt rould ofl'ord to-~c c1 It .shp past. --

The s.hm:r nrn1 thl' crou'd h\·ed up go oil odvan«~ billing lt wrua l!lt• t•mot~ that tbrre ~:~~-ere :!00.000 ''IS­Ilona 'lllfw hod to creu the oc-ean, AJJ Lo:ndon'D 11.000 Mk-1 TOotnll

~"' wid out SouH.•ntr rrulnufot'­tllN"NI ond \~ONI dt.d the expecte-d land offi<"e busmru. The dnnk bill for ~ tho r:ew KL"'!i wos £U~ nt $10.000.000

QwtoeD aoe. Ftnt.

'De Cre'lnll "' 8L Eihra,.. -Cn•• el £atlaM, •••• fer Clanks is- tm ~-• wer~tolle-easse-.t ta.

enust,.. wdr;W. rer •• a II«Uac •••eat '' ~qe VI •arb&' Ute nrnaU. eere~BellJ'.

.. '. ·•. .,

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F ROM all quartero of the enrth men and women of much, little

ward, with which English king11 ore 1 or no tmportancc were flocking to in\•ested. · . I London tor tho coronation; the dip-

Then came more dignitaries, and ! lomatll were trying on their new the King's sceptre ~:~~·lth the dove I knee breeches; the pecret;!le:s wero symbolic of mercy and equlty; the buying wi£!1 to make their coronetll lOng's gold and diamond orb. nur- I fit more eomfortnbi.y; the officlal!l, mounted by the Chrl!tinn eroS!!; the trooP!l nnd homes were being re:. eroum of St. Edward. the patent nnd heol""'..ed in their pnrtD; the proprle­the chnllr:e and the Blble. torn of parade uatn were d(!jlper-

Then enter-ed Gcorce VI in the . ately tr)'ing to dl!l~ of them nt eriml:on robe.a of lltllte. to join hW.-i eut prir:ell: and hot~l rnanagern mul Queen. nnd mo.rch through the choir' I tradesmen of nU tOrt.!l were prepar­and up the stalrll to the theatre. ing to mnke lotn of money out of Pllli!llng 0\e· thronell, they then 1 thin lhDroughly eommcrcinliud nf· kneeled at the fn!dstools before the i fnir. It was naid by atcnmllhlp of· recognit:on ehnirn Ul offer prayel"ll. l flclnls oin New York that hurulredt:l Next fr..ey proc~ed about tho Abr 1 of Amcdcnw bo9kd for t.htl como bey to all four nhleD before the , naUon luld cancelled their pa!l!lages, view cr the a0embloce. The King \ but despite thill it wat1 certain Len­went to hts chnlr ;md once moro • dan '1\'0uld be thronged with villitoru. fncC'd eneh llide cf the Abbey Dll tho 1 One most clillturbini feature Willi Arehbilslwp. in mud tcnell on- the ntrike of the London bu!lmen. It nmmeed hJm. ' t dlnrupted trafBc jwrt when the city

After the recnlio hod been i w~ filling up with vi!lJtoru, and brought and plneed by the deD.l'l of , thOlU! pen:ons lUI weD as hundrcdJ Westminster upcn the altar thll 1 of tbGtmonds o! resident!J of tho citY Arcbbillhop Dllked the King, n~rd· , and itll suburbs :-ere compeUcd to lng Ul ritual, ''S!re, ts ycrur Majesty, get ®cut ru1 bel:It. they c:ould. willing to tnke the onth1., nruJ the I

J o:;cl Stnlln, die-Josef tator of tho o0\1et

union. and Prc51dent M. I. Knllnln were the chief figures at the offic:lal celebration of the opening of the e<1nnl. Thill wntcrway, part ·of the plDn to make 'MMcow nctunlly o acnport, i!J 00 milen long, han eleven locltn, twelve large domn, tmd uUl­lz(!jl clabt large lnk(!jl nnd mnn.modc reservoirn. •

The c:annl begln!J em the Volga cev· enty milell below the city of KnJinin (formerly Tver), where o large dam tmd h)tdro-ele*lc statlan have been . conntructed. The toke formed there . h1UJ been nruned the Mo.::cow St'lo aru1 l!l ninety milcn long with nn m-ea of 2tl5 S4Uarc miles,

King lln!IWered, ''I am \\illing." He , New Constitution for gave hi!J o~th to gO\·ern the peoples 1 Ireland Is Published Basques .and Rebels Fight of the British Isle11 c.ru1 the Empire! EAMON DE VALERA. pret:Went Fiercely Near BUbao oecording to their 'lnWll and cus-1 of the Irish Free State, made SOME of the mMt dt:gpernte fight• tonuJ; to mainltlfn the professicn of , public hill propo:::ed new conlltituUcn ing of the SpnnWJ civil W'llr Willi the Gc..oope.l nqd tho Church of ~- I for that rrtllte wb!cll · tnking plnce in the struggle for BU· land. After he hnd kltae:!· tt;~ Btb\e ~ is to bo ratiflcd or bao between the cturdy Bc.sques anti and s;lgned the onth. tho King re- 1 rejected ot general Gen. Emilio Moln'n vetero.nll, reput-pented and ,wbscribed to the dee- , eleetitmll nnd 0 pleb- edly mMtly ltallllM and ~~ • loratlcn required by ~rllnment and, : il:clte probably lnte The insurgentll hod promised not wtth the nssemblnge, prepnr~ for 1 In June. The docu- to bomb the center of the city but the c:ommunion t:ervtc:a. Y"'fnent deelnres ·all of bombarded its enviroM .heavily F'!~Fi this I~ service. ; lrelnnd, its wbnru. from the lnnd nnd the nir. By fierce

the- Allli, having first removed tl-.e 1 and ~tofia) U:lS attacks they broke through the cop nrut ro~s of state, nseended to ; mclutred in the 00: Basfiue lines on the Bey of Biscay the thrll;ne of St. Edward. ~ on- 1 tiannl territory. and coast, reaching Bilbao's uaports at tient choir whieb c:mJta!:r:? beneath j "Etre:• · a n e le n t the mouth cf the Nervitm river. its unt ~ hllrtoric Stone cf Seane I name fnr Ireland fs Disregarding the protests of Gen-upon whicll the kmgs cf Sc:oUmui sat i designated the cdn- PftsWut eral Fnmco, Fa.sclat chieftain. the u they were crolli'Md " tht;u:land , dal name. Ireland De Valera British and Frenm governments ,-urs ago. After t1 ~ike» p:l!J had 1.~ declared a "~rovereign an:!· m. undertook to remove from Bilhao been put o~ the Kina;. the Alch- ! d~t demoeratie sate:• and a large nmnber cf wnmen and c:hil­bfslwp annmted hlm upcm tl:e I no mutilm i!J made cf Great Britain. dren. These refugees. wue tabn ~®.breast nnd fnee with the Mb' The p;Jestdent b to be elected by away by merchant vessels while cU. all1l ~e wo;: ren:ty to be pre- 1 dlrect vote for a ~en yenr term. British warship:; gunrded · mttside sented ,.,tth t::e ~ am! t..~e i Ti:& Reman Catholic clrurc:h fs cl~ Spnnhh wnters. FrJlllCO ma.intained n•wd. j reccgniliun. but 0 t b e r Bilbao was a militar:Y objective

Kl•&' ltecili.esllls. CrowL _ h are ~~~aM~nam!~~~th!Unt:n~eutrnl=~· naUtmll had 1W Th~ given, ~e VI remevro -6 titm as this wmt1d ::a .... _. .. _ the P<ill nnd was c:Wthed lor the F.nt d rclicfml Es guarantu;:L = "'"u .... ~e in the royol robe of Jm~P..'e. nobilitY are prclribited. the Basques and permit them to The orb and C":rQSS \fire brcught Support c! hmne life Is p2edged. :.;:entrate em the defense at the from fr.e alltlr by. the De:m of West• am the constitatirm declatu •'m) minster. and placed in U:e King's Jaw shaD be enacted ~ fnr haMs ey the A.n:!:!bWwp. He Willi the crant cl a dtsschaUoo of mar­next · ed with ~ rlap!." nmnee in other states un-mvest ring nnd the _._ -'-"' la _,.. ..... ~ptres. UC& \;.lVU W'S •u...u Z::Ct ..., ~

Then as the Kin& bo.,;ed'hb head cr;niud. iD 1reland.. , the Dean of Westminster brcugbt , tnster. the northem part cf Ire­the Crown cl St. Edward, and the land whlm does net bel:mg to the Arch>.l-'-- • • it f Free State. rec:elved the proposed ,....,.....,.,, ~wmg rom him, c:cmsflwtico COC!.l.J. evinclnJ' bo de-held it but mament.nril,y upon the aire to unite -.Hh the Free State. head cf the Kina; (its weight is tero- •'We deftnlteJ)- ptei'er our position as l'Uk). c:ititeus at th~ Uni~ Ki'nPom.••

Tbi!l W3 the $!pal fllJt' tl::e trump- ri\d aL ~ ,....,_. __ C:->Ctmm=>- _._._,._ ets and the cuns m the-Tower c1' f'aht. WVim"e~ ~-~ws Lc:s:ldcn. fo~ the peers and pe->..resses ~-"' the. •

to Ci7 "God sa .. -e the ,Kingt•• and aemu to be pn!vaDin& senti-fer U:.e tniD.tm:3 w!w,. llltm&'the pro. ment. c:esitmal l!ne tMSi1!e. had been wait!ni fer that mlllilcz.t.. to toss ~ bats m the u and c::ry tit<e­Wfje, ·'God h-n! the Kmal.. '1'bs peers •ere tow ~ to _,. on their ecniacts. . .....

'n:tere tril!aftd tnQte ~ . of ,reat lt!t:&th ILM . .-el-. the fbe . G.t

awb~ •bJC:h· the··~

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• ' '

War Department Bm Is Biggest Since War Time R ESlSl'ING all e.tfot'b cf the

wnuld-be economists. the major­ity in the house pasSed the Wat ae­partment appropriatioo bill ~g $416,400,000 for the. fiscal 'iear-193S. T.hls is the Lu&est army bill e\"U passed in times of peace.

As. p&sSed the ml'!aSure eames in.erease in the PaJ' or the army tctaling $5,861.000; elothinJ' and

$5,500,000; mllitar,r post $5.«10,000; ordnance

G supplies, $S. ,f:l1), and . . . uatd. $1,600, )

'1be bill provides me th•n two mWi<m fer the aequisi · of land at-lfit.ebel fteld. N. Y.: ~'tb- fteldo Tell:.; at Wash.. and •t West Po!nt.. Y.

• •


Show InleWr;ence You don't henr bnblen U!llng the

boby blk th4\ crown pooplo utter to them. ·

lftnr c4!11411J ~ httn.

JOII Cdtlzza • bd1u fob s. ru~~,. -.y Wbfll JOII L,ow iww 10 apply. Send 5~ (or )'VIII' OOP'1

• oC •THE PIOPEI APPIOACII". · b tc:llaLowto~.._,(at...

•peds:m ~ ldk.nl.

-~!Juabt~or.:e._~ vhklra hu loelped oclsu. lo KCV.re proGiahle e1aplo,- as,

1/ct How( ,_. tt/oflol, _,..-­M • .,. o..~.oor"' u.,c. .... a.,

liE GEl'S I " C 0 a P 0 a A T X a 510 Cotoaaonwealtla Auaex P 1 T T S B U R C U, P A.

010' DaJ' One todny i!J worth two tmnor­

rows.-Benjamin Franklin.

.. =

nn: Cllf1.RFUL <muD It hurt.s l'ftU .. -. ... : ·· -··~~~ .._Q\O&e.nce _ to Le. riC.h · ···· · · \lire..· allJoF .-"



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.G'U· .. LO.C eqDJec:~ w:nm~ a.t Clle. e~~ttt• Be ma.,. out two yolcee, lmJ tbla . . . . u ' How Old estament ; lul4 ~· 'l'l!h~ t'~ w. potat, · · ' ,,..,. a~. u.urance that one or\lllore ,_.~ 1 •10g·

1 ·p· .

Workfng · Cllretull)' .ttowuttream men mJg~t nl)t ,be asleep. p } p• t · d ' tmough c:Jmnps of.,wltlQwa ~4 ~de~ Flattening; on the &"!l4i he ·llste,nett. , eop e lC ure

' " • " • --- '' • . ' . ' f'J .

a\I'Z!g the benches, Scott p~hed'ebead 'rhe· !Ire and the men were n«it over th ·p d · f 1 1 w locate tbll pb~Jntolil Jreylug Pa~ ~e, tl~ feet away, Denison eo~.ld bear ,. C \70 0 Srae lone Jndlnll atter a time eame down their words. Th"by· were talking En,. C len ' . '

.... R·AN CH • from tho hills. B:e was taeltum. 11N()o llslt, thpugh one voice wu guf~l llDd bPdy go by," wns all he !lal~ revealed a Mexican. As the1 wore ob­

• ' '

Portrait of 1200 B. C. Unearthed in S~i!l

J)enlson questlo!!ecl blm clostliY wltb· vlously wal~ng· tor som!l,One who bacl out slinking· bls certainty that !!either failed to appear, cold, aiul too .Ja.tt to cattle nor horsemen had pnssed down keep up their flre, Denison made. no ·~r:~~;:;=~=i(;~~ the east batik. The west bnnk, where bo!leB about Intruding on the palr an!J l


W ll:AT did Jehovah, Go~ of Israel, look like-as people-.

of the Old. Testament pictured

by the {lltrsuers were now ~nlted, was whoever might be with them. Hi h t L b t lWJias:.oable for cattle. • The ·first the two men heard trow g es . a ora ory

FRANK H. SPEARMAN . ~They've t&liell III)Other troll." Bob," him was. low .llllt plnln eommnncl: I'n World Btn~lt on declared nenlson to Scott. ''Tbere's "Pitc)l up, boys!" .


• • an overgrqwn troll thtougll the timber The startled pair jumped to th.elr to the soutll. It's a lon~ way around feet. "Up·! Put 'em up," cnme a sb~rp- Top of ·Mt. Evans and rougb, .and they toolc It to throw er order. Their nnnds went baiUngl7

, Biblical ·Israelite:~ ventured no real portrt~its. , Other nations might surround themselves with statues of their deif ,s, or engraved pictures, or bas-reliefs. But the ten com· mandments forbade graven images .. And even though Israel gave In to

~ht l'rau u. Bpearmaa WN1J llen1.,.

., ..,._ '

. '

oft pursuit. But tbnt may bent them up. They looked 'atonnd to see where yet." tho voice come from, and wblle: t}ley

"How 110?" looked they beard a short whl!ltle &lid "They've got to double back, lower' saw a fnnn emerge trow the chaparral

• downstrenm to strike neep Creek not twenty feet away., · CHAPTER XIV.-Continued 11galn with the cattle. wem play It 110, "Who tile hell are you?" demnnllecl

· -20-- anyway. It's Into the brush for ns.. the emnller mall of thll pnlr, with a "What's the matter?" stormed Pen· we cnn't cross the hor)les here. It bluster. His voice oetrnyed hlm to

'1e011, wild with· the delay. I'm wrong, nnd they're above us yet, nenlsoll. · ".Just a minute," muttered Pardo- It's safer to 11t1ck to this side, any- "I'm here, same as YO!Ltlre, to meet

Joe. "l'orgot · something. Be right way." • · .. some cattle coming down the creek.,. back." "Where cnn they strike the creek?'' returned Denison. ''I'm going to help

Pard aloe IJllUrred bnck to the jail "About a mile above the old you, Clubfoot. Hands up. Damn you, olllce while his companlonll counted bridge." keep 'em where they are I" While be Ume. He reJoined them after three "Jlow we goln' to get to them?" spoke, 4e heard Pnrdnloe clutterloc mln'ltfll, that seemed to Denison thlr· "We've sot to cross that bridge." through the thicket. "Bill, .. be added, tr. "For God's sake I Are you ready Scott smiled a sickly smile. "Tbnt as Parllnloe appl'nred, "bring down tho now7" Denison chopped olr the words bridge's been f••Uin' to pieces for 10 horses, will you? ' , turlouelJ. yenrs." "These boys are waiting for the cat-

Protected Against Wind, Lightning an.d Rats

temptation to make a golden calf, Denver . .:....The campus o'f the and even though some Israelites

University of Denver has been hod a weakness for clay figurines of extended up to the peak of Mt. heathen . go\lde§~~s. there was no Evans at 14,259 feet. There, at known attempt to portray Jehovah. the end of the highest automo· · Bas-relief Found in Syria. bile road in the United .States, Special Inter e s t, therefore, Is stands the highest laboratory in nroused by dl&covery of a portrait

which gives·. the modern world a the world, being some three •u•nv good Idea of how the ancient thousand feet higher than the hw•~rld visualized Jehovah. The par­famous laboratory on the Jung- tr_alt is n bas·reli~t from the Twelttp frau Joch in Europe. century B. C., unearthed nt Ras

"fit is lnbot'a'tory ;s a joint. proje<'t JQ Syri~. whuo n Canl\a'l: of the Mosenchusetts Institute of · city stood.

TO , ...... EWiff

Sonklti&'l'S:llt · Fbb-When soak­ing salt fis.h ada a small g,ln5S pf yinegar to the sot~king wntc:r lind • it will qraw ou.t more o~ :the salt .

• • • ' Wltl\. Fancywort,<-J3e'fore start- .

lng to draw the threilds on ~nen for hemstitching, wet a: small brush, rub it over a bar of soap until n latller is produc~d. scrub ' _; the threads ot linen thnt you wish to draw, an~ th~y .will pull out~ easily. ' ..

• 0 •

.Washing \Vindows ..... Add a Uttle starch to the water used (or wnsh­ing windows. It not only help!i re­move the dirt, but gives a lusting polish. , • • • •

' IJangtng Pictures-Never allow

picture frames to touch the wall it it Is damp. Tho frame will soon become damaged. With n small tack or gramophone needle, at· tach two small corks nt the bot­tom of your tramc. These will keep the trame off the wnll.

• • • Boiled \Vblte~h..-Cicnn o wblto­

fisb ... J To sutllclent water to cover ndd salt and vinegar and n bunch of parsley 'and a quarieted onTon. Cook until the 'flesh separates ens.


• . .,.\1 ~~~. Bm.- fl'hmu~d"' Ptii'dCIIOE~I - .. John,'' snhl J)enlson to Frying Pno: tie, liamu 'a.s we' iire," expTaliied Den· peac:etany. "You bustled me so, I got "feel out the scrub tor us. Let'a go I'' !son when l'nrdaloe reappeared. "We tke 11T0Dg bat, boy." ',l'he riding was rough and the pace don't need four hands on the job. Tate

Denlaon was waspish with lmpa· through t11e chnvnrrnl grueling. 1J:be their guns. Tie 'em up till we get tleJ~ee. "Mall alive, what dllrtrencc tour men rencbed a point where tho straight"

Technology and the University of French nrchaeologlsts, directed Denver. The building was pro·faQ- by Prof. Clnude ·Schaeffer of the rlcated in Denver, cut into &,ectlons French Notional Museums, nrc and transported from Denver to Mt. finding ruins of Rna Shnmrn n veri· Evans in one day by the use of a table treasure city for evidences of

lly trom tho bones. Drairt-'tlnd- · --1 plnce on a hot platter, garnished

dotlll It make what bat you weqr?" he creek bottom opened from a canyon Pardaloe, tying the mounts. atampecl de1J11iXIded testlly. out on low, rough cpuntry, and the forward, gun In hand. He searched the

"A. whole lot of difference,• returned rising moon ohed more light pnlr, while Clubfoot protested pro-Pardn1oe with warmth. "Bad Oil my "We're a mile yet above tbc brldi;e1" fnnely nt the outrnge, IIC'!F j\lat., lt mlgbl c:lt· plugged.'' said Denison. "rou and .John ride up "I'm hero to tnko over cattle that

• tho canyon wall a ways, Uob, and take belong to me-bought and paid tor," 'I'b~ dien rode with Denison that another look," be suggested. otormed tho butcher.

nlgbt-Pnrdaloo, Bob Scott. nod Frying The Indians came back with newa. Detore Pnrdnloe had ftnlobOil rep. Pan. The ponies were trcsb and tho ''There's comethln' loo1u! like wbnt'11 log tho butcher ahd bla hlllper, a abot men Ha:cr. The:f ltO.J!ped at Gunlock. lett ot a cnmpnro ncar tho bridge-" wna heard from far acro1111 the creelc. A. Ua:bt wu aUll burning ln the llYins "l'Wih on I" exclaimed nenlaon. nonlaon ctnrted almost a.s It the bullet room of the ranch bouao. ''Tbey nUiy have balled there.'' had struck him.

\Vben the men pulled up In the 7Brd. Tho riding ltl"C:W woMJe. Thlckela be- While be llGtllned wllb OYOI7 nene Dcnlllnl lpmur from tbe eddie, ran came almost lmpliBIInble. There never on edG(', a complete allonce- followed. to the door, and knocked. It wna nqt a Dll'ht. Will It a alrnan · "Wbo'a there 1" were the low w11rdl! Almo11t Ovo mlnutea paned wbc:n a

· from within. cccond al1ot mug toto tbe nlrht. Pen.-"(a that }'on, J'nno? Jt'a Bill." !~ron tried to read tho riddle. The Q111t She tlanr tho door open. "Bill," abo shot hnd como from a reYolver; tho

"eriC<!; .-,hat are yoa dolnsr borer• second, sharper and leu open, tuuS "' think I'm needed bore. now'a como ftbm a rltto. It all daWDed on

Ren17 SawdY?" Denlaon-they were allltlll abo!& "Oh, he'a bodl7 wounded, DilL now no whirled toward Pardaloe. "IIaocl

did )'Ou lalowt'' me Clnbtoot'l run, Dill," he utd. Se-"'Bob Scott and Jobn F17lna: Pno eurlog tbe guo, be ttred It twice In tbe

h&Ye ltrlet ord1111 tD brice me ranch air. ~~~ of tbe k!D4 thnt c:aii!O today." "Somo CtJOtlllwor:lc here, Clubfoot. •

"Btn Pare rode In to ret I>r. Carpy." be remnrklld. emptJior and tosllnr the "TeD 100 qulekiJ', dear, what bop. gun ou tho ground. "1 don't know

pened tbla attenlOOn.'' be u~. whethttr your answer was to be one or "lfc:Ctoucn rode ont · to cet some twn."

tblnP. 10 !:o nl4. It Will alttlnc hero Bcnrc:elr were the wordl out ot bll ll!'ilJlr, nru, wbk Ia wallmd lfc:Cros- moutli, wh~n a ~t~nUer or rn'o1nr len. no ~ld •e wu coins aw111 for abo11 rang aerou thll creek. root. I aafd I wilbed him lnclc." ·"Dill," a:c.IAlmed Denlloo, "that's a

Jane bUitated a moment. "'lie ulted arbt. U theao blrda mate 10u the •• t. k1d him c'OO!l·bJ. I IIA!d no. no lent trouble, ahoot •em. Pm colna

. I'Ot UP')' and awore ho•ct talto n many our." , u lte wanted. I tried to run to tho "llow )'ou goln' onrl" c:allr4 P~ f~llt d~r. ne caught me. ancl 1 wu daloe. tJcliPnc ldm to btl arms when 1Ic1117 "Qnld:eat w17 r ean. Bill." )tl Saw'll.r walked to at the kUeheu door. abou~d. "l'be brld&eo"

'1lesd teld him to let ro of me. Ho wu ruootnr tor bll ho111t. Tnt CUD aeted U:lce a urer. •You're mar. It'll drop JOD a ba.

!'lie -tJI'Md eo Sawdy. •ant out o~ dred feet, unn I" ahoutfd Pardaloe. ~~ SndJ'.' ho ahout.o4. I begged "\Vntc:b )'our prlllloenal" Slnn2r to prqt«t me. IJo drew hi• Dent.on wa.s galloplor aw17, ltiDI Pardoloe, pettiDC!d. watc:hfcl the d1J.

• '1M co that ctrJ I' SAMlr Mid. Their Handt Went HaiUngly Up. nppearlllf boruman. Nothlnt t111t Ule "lfc:Orouen turned on ncnrt, hla abnrp echo on hlt 0111 ot flJ'Inr boora

t;nn Ia 1111 hand. bod ~ a trall down the west bank. conYinc:ttt him be wu not dreamlll£ "Bet117 didn't due fire tor tear ot and the Job called tor dogged en- tor bo lit!Yet would bne beUend aober

hltUcc mo. McCtosaeo ftred point· do~ Bill Denison wouM take N aleoder •· btanl: at Htnr1, and ho ten In 1 ht>np. Scratched and torn. the four reached cbonee ot getting 1170111 . the creek I screa.med. tore Dll"Belf loose. and ran an open breathing apace Whf!ro Totk nllve. . Tho clnlter or boots arew 011t the flout door and bid behind a and shale ended thlt fight thf011gh the fainter. At times they eensed, end the tree. tic:Ctcssen walked out u cool IICtub. Tho moon. c:lenrlng tbe moun• old frontiersman's brut.b eboked btm. u C01lld ~ put up w. guo, mount;I!IYI llllt• penkA. renalC!d. at a dlltanc:e '* Tbeo. u If In aoswer to hla atratnlq

low, the abondoned bridge. Not tal ro- cnme the hollow Nund or boot· and rode •Wl17· Bill, I'm ~tlad you're I .... llue I I don't teet sate a !plnute I" tram t. Dent.on could dlscem embe111 bentl on wood. Denison had reach~

Be eomfort@d her u belt be could. of the campfire Ff71ng Pnn bad re- tbe brld~e. I!Orti'•L An llllltnnt later tbero came ltlto

"1 must see bow bact Ben17 II hurt. · "Where thete'l been a fire, there's Pnrdllloe's al-.. 1. In the diDtoot moon-then Pm orr· with Pnrdllloe apd Bob ""' '3CdU atUt M~ Hii'l ruDDfng been men." ll:lld lknl"n. "Tiler DUlY light, the ghostlike flpro of a honHt

be tbero 7et. But w~·ve got to watch n-tn .. llero.:lS tlle rotten brld= ott &t~ tonllbt.., - . •o.z " .. -both aides of tho c-reek. Suppaaa JOU. dllloo divined at once that the pollJ

WIUl .Jace. bo went to the. ·btl4 en Dbb. Miil Ff1lflg Ptl.D gl!t over to th!1 hild t.browii llU tlder. Tile». llt & milo

...... 1

wlifci Sawdy hnif been laid. Rllwdj rost bank-" den. the rldetl~ betlSt whirled wttb IO()}:e4 pleasantly surt~rfaed u J~:~ne "How~ " a spring and, u it aomebow guided, llet• liP the lamp and be· saw Denl"n. "The bridge." sbot ahead Again-he wu a third of "'lfelJ. Slfl." be pld coolly, "thO old Scott grinned but tbook bll bead. the WBJ over, forefllSD ll ahootlil' til up todll1·" "Tbere's ten feet of plnnkln' gone In Pardaloe'a jaws came together

"BwTJ, wh6e are rou hltr nna .vlnre !tQm the floor of U!e old +~11w:LteJ17 .nn4 comtnrtahl,-. !nr .he. now -'liJi ~~ Blllf bot It ain't over· brldga Nobod7 can crou that. We undentood. Denlii)D waa on that

eer'lta. l'ou Met ldcCrouep-" could maybe crawl across In the dllT· bonae, clinging to Ia back Uke a pal). •J'Me ~14 me. nen17. Don't wute Umo-not now.'' tber.

U7 ~ talldfl&'." 1 · "We've got 1o get terou· _,mehowf' Bnt there- wu attn th' eut-end

"l'i11en I seen bta pme to hold Jnne loslsted Denison. "Bob, Ia there any pJnnk gap to crag.:> Scott bad aald the tor a allle14, I made tiP 1111 mlod to plAce up or do'WII the creek where yon big one wna ten feet. but h• had not 4ttlp at h1a ftrat shot-" . nod .John ea:n cet over1" aeeu It for a rear. lt might eull)' he

"!'Ott dld a I'Ood Job. Now keep "Not with horus.'' twelve or fifteen teet; mppose It were ..-olrt" "\fell, we mnst stop the Cll.ttle and twenty1

ne told SawdJ' ot the word he had whoever's wltb •em. I'll get over, som~ Wltb Denlsoll more than halfwaf trom the ,Indians that a buoeb of two- bow, after you. Wbere's the planking across, the clatter of hoofs grew fatnt· ud three-year-otds, were to he run orr the bridgeT' u. One. two, three rlflo ahoU rao1

;oft thltnllbttctb&HJeorge ·Plent:r Bear -rrre enst l!Dll•• out Tli fnitly quia wuccenloil. ' ,...._ 'tfatdtlnJ Jn the hills, and that he. "That's bad. No matter-dust along. The rldf!r wiul oat ot sight Pardaloe J>enblci'n. and l>lltdaloo hoped to pick Two ahot;r from you wJ{J bring me 111n to higher around. Trt u hft 1iP' tbe ttllll wlthout muCh delay. over. Anyway; you stop anybody that wonld, be could 110t aee a tblnr on the

01'er the rlm of the hllla a futl mooll comes along with lbe beet • . We'll leave bridge. But nnw aod again he could • wu rlati:if Into a ·cloudless sky. Jane. the horses here with -Pntdnloe. and hear the fnlnt hoofbeats. 'l'hey ce111ed.

with tightened Ups. her heart pounding whlle you're gettlrfg over I'll. tey to Then there wns a alienee; then a faint, Jn bet thrOat, bet tittalnlng eyes tenr-- lind out who th~ fellows nro below distant shout. Jeae, stood ln tho open doorway watcb- at the lire. Bill," ..he• turned to Pard· toe the rbostl1 figures of the tour nloe-.. lf I need you, 1'11 whistle." To thl• d!1y the gap that Det!l.soa hene,men allholletted agulust the sky, ••o. K.," assented .tlle .lAnky· Pard· Jnmped hnll never been mctlsored. .u tht7 made their way up the ridge aloe. · · The reckleas rider had been apotted

, tbat Jet to the bill diVIde. SIJpplng oft his horse and taking hta when he wl18 Jess thlla baltwar acroi!J,. . · . rltte, DentsOil crept. crawled. and McCrossen, riding behind tho eatUe,

PrOm the moment Denlsoa and bls rolled. down the slope townrdll the dt· bad rallqped ~orwnrd when Rebatoe}c eomptJnfonl erossed the dlvlde. they lng lire. iror a little wny lli! could be ahead wu lntcr«;ept.!d •nd questioned weie rldlog Into enemy country. aeen and heard. Then be va .. tabecllllto bJ Scott. The hatt-breed'il &Un al.nat.. "!~~~~!P~an ,.. asked to atrlte the shadows. bad been taken b)' Rebstoe,lt u an at•

t1 •net actOSli the .teserva· Denison, · antlotllt' to get· at taclt, al!d .zte fiad tired bock. ~tote ·· bad· been what alw.td . bliiJ, wn11 torced to ~tber.atdo reatl1 bew what It "as alt

.the b!Ua them, Pen1!Jon, of . ilyh!g 'he lnstan~ Mcorouen aaw t1te S:~·~aad:c Pardaloe, mad-e thetr wa)' Utought he hlllll'd • 't'Oiceif. ·stnee the alollj th11 .rotten lif.ldte, tf. ·· Creek breatli, to ·the' be~~~~ . . .. · 'Were a!Jll thllte.,ren~e~ eantloa .. -··'!' . ~~e Qf daPiilet .&U~ thf_ )lliiK ·. were aware ol ' roi,h was Cll.lled toe Cteeplil)t' O'rer • iandJ' rldet an enew. Ai1d '!Fltho~ a ao; ·

tran &19ni the etiit llatak cit, the htt ,ol bottomland,_. dra~jli:lt .llbt rl~ m~t'" he,sltatlO. Jtf ~I lied • rl'- • ·~~~·...., ••·b• ..., •h ~!ted o.: atter· him'. be eouril he!t'the •orca hl• 1Ul4 fl...:A . . , ~ ,;;-..U:c~ Qulte platnt.r. . . · . · ttc)'Br ixJIYtiNvtDJ

• ;, ' -

• •

' . • . ' • • •

lost history. •, nine-truck caravan. The bus-relief shows the deity El,

CCC men did yeoman service In mentioned In the Old Testament os carrying 40 seetiOJ\s averaging In u n(\mo for absolute Deity, and lot­weight from 200 to 500 pelunds, up or, Prof. Schaeffer anys, becoming the rocky knoll from the termlnol God of Israel under the nnmo of ot the automobile road to the site Jehovah, or Yohveh. of the laboratory. They also con· atructcd the Joundollon for the Stern·Faeecl and Denrdeil. bufrdlng. The Canaanite nculpt.r h a s

tl curved a strlltlng profllc of· a vcn· \VliLStand Wind llnd Well ler. orablo, ntern·foccd lndivldunl wear·

The laboratory In designed to ing a beard nnd dre!l.!led ln ankle­wlthnlDJld u wind velocity of 150 length contume and high 'Jleul(ed milco per hour and to ocreen out headdreBil. llo nits ollffiy on o high, electrical dlnturbances of thin re- . richly ornamented throne with a glon, which at tlmco cause electric footntool. Fncln-g In tho amnii king nparko to jump from one'n finger- of the city, devoutly holding up hlo tip:l, enrsa and nose, and make the occptcr and a pitcher containing

with parsley and serve with a . SOUC'C.

• • • Tomato and Lima Dean Casse­

role-Drnin the llqutd from a No. 2 cnn or g~7-ccn baby ltma boann nnd combine the beans with n con of tomatoes. Add a little butter. and scnsontnn. then mlx. Place ln buttered cas:scrolc. Cover.

• • • Outer LeDVes of Lettuce-The

outer lenvcu of lettuce, often trimmed off and thrown away, oro more than 30 Urnes an riel~ In vitamin A nn the lnnide lcovco.

• • • Removlnc liiUlltord Stains -

Muntord ntnlns cnn bo removed from table linen by waoiUng In hot water and noup and rlnnlna in hnlr ntnn out like U1e qulllo ot a ~rome offering.

frightened porcupine. Aloo It had Portralt.n of El hove been known • • • to be mode no Impervious and lm· before, but none o! no «;Prly a con· 8 tt • _ c k WI .t.._

worm water.

pregnablo to rodenln arld aouvcnlr· turv, which plc\urea El at the very u er ..... )'cr " e- len rolly-ibl ·" tj..b·erry jam that ID not of firm con·

hunting tourlaln on po!lD c. time when the lsrnelltco were fight· sislcncy ID to be uned for fllllng 11 To make the structure wind· lng for their promiDed land under oponge oondwlch coke It Ia ad·

proof, side walls were eUmlnated •. Yohvch'o suldnncc. vlnoblo to butter the l.nner surface while the protection from lightning The ban-relief 1.!1 unOnlnhcd. Eno- of cacb layer before npreodlng It wan occompliilhcd by hovlng the mien Invading Una Shamro from th j Th'- Ill ,., t th • end williD, tho rotlf, ·and the floor ovcrneO!I rudely Interrupted lUe in wl am. "" w .,reven e completely nurrounMd wiU• metnl the Canaanite city. ThiD portrnlt moiJJturo from soaking Into tho which ID connected to ground wlreo of El wan burled In the nculptor1o coke and mn~ln~ It• coddcn. burled deeply In the mountnln. wrecked home, to walt 3,000 yearn Thin nino protccln ogalnnt rodent.n. for o publle ohowing.

Uno of the Jntx>rotory will not be, limited to reneorch work on conmlc rays. Tho firot work donc wnll that by Dr . .Fred D'Amour of tho de­partment of zoology, who studied the phyalologlcol changes In the rat due to high altitude. Tho de­partment of meteorology hnll Ions desired a ntnUon nt high altitude where obllervcrn could be_,plncc:U.

Fingerprints Te.ll About One's Health and Character

Cattle Tick Fever Nearly Wiped dut in United States

New York.-Schmllsts mny find that fingerprints, now important for ldcntiflcntlon, can in the future be made to tell something of the heredity, character and health.; or n per-

. son nf)d his possible crimlnnl

Washinltton.-Th~ areas un· der fed~rol quarantine against cattle tick fever in the South hove just reduced by 28,150 squar~ miles, eliminating all remaining quarantined parishes in Louisiana and leaving under the ban three small blocks in Florida and two larger groups of counties on the eastern and southwestern boundaries of Texas. Total wiping out of the disease in the United States is in sight.

Cattle Uck fever is a clnru;ic In the annllls of bacWriology and medl· cine ®;a use U ~n,s .th€1. flrat dis­euse proved to be cnrrleiJ by an insect-or m01'e strictly, in this par· t!cular case, o Uck; for tickll_ are not Insects. It. walt in the eight­een-nineties that the late Dr. The()o bnJd Smith, then of the United states Department of Agriculture, followed a "blind hunch" !ruppllt!d by Texns stockmen and proved sci· entiflcaUy that Ucks are. the ctlr· riers of this disease. Later, it was found that Insects ns well ns other species or ticks tttc- 1'CS'ponsible- for the spread of many disenses af· flictlng both human beings and ani· mala.

Dlpplnr and QnaranUn~.

tendencies, members o£ the American Orthopsychiatric m;­sociatlon learned at their meet­Ing here.

Firat resulta of resenrch on this problem were reported by Dr. John A. Larson, lllllllstnnt director or tho Jlli.Ychopathlc clinic or the recorder'o court, Detroit. Dr. Lamon cxnm• lned the fingerprint patterns of 3,524 mental di!lellne pollcnts O\ EloiFe lllatc hospital, where he ID attend· lng neurologist .. lie found that tho distribution of arches In the finger­print patterM was coru~istently low• er in the group of p:Jiicnls suffer­Ing from oohlzophrenlll than in groups suffering from other ldnds of mentnl disease. Ill> q group of !!ex delinquents who h11d no mental dls­eQlle, the disJrlbution of 11rehes wan low but .ffie whnr.ls seemed to Increase.

Great caullon mWlt be uaed In drawing conclunion.g from these flndi~gs. Dr.· L'tltson pt>inted out.

E11rly atudlell had convinced Dr. Larron that fingerprint pilttem!l obey tho Jow11 of Mredity. · Closest resemblances were found In n pair of identical twitul. Although finger• prints ore different for encb tndtvtd· ual, members of a family have cer­tuin similarities In their flngerprlnl poUems. Rnc1nl slni1f~r1Ilcs · and dltterenccs might also be! found, Dr. Larson believes, so that It may bo possible in the future not only to Identify a person by his J'lngerprlnt.s but to determil1c his race and fam· lly connection$.

The United States Department of Agriculture, with the strong co-op­eration of the states concerned, un­dertook to eradicate thia costlf Apricots From Asia 1\lay malady of cattle. Two principal F1 • h • D k means. are employed: dipping .the OUfiS 1n a. ().tas cattle in tick-killing baths and B ki s D c 1u forbidding shipment ot animals that roo 'ngs, • ·- t1 uornin's might be harboring Ucks into dls- apricot-blossoming hillsides ease-fri!C-.. arerut. · may soon have rivals on the

1JoW eff~ctlve this eampaign has prairies of the ~orthwcst,whcre Is told"by-fffi·ev lance at the De- . nobntly ..,ould ever cv"'t hav"'

· of · rlcultW:e' s . ''tlck r ,. "' "" • 011 .ruty r, 19M, when the imagined this fruit to bo pos ..

. first talteb inj,j' rffifi~· rnr~~~

• ;

Betf J'ulc«~-To mnko beet Juleo odd I pound of frcnb, row, finely chopped round alenk without fat to -6 ouncea ot c:old wnter. Add a pinch of anll, p\Jt the beef and wa· tcr In a glans jar nnd ntnnd It on lt:oi over nlfibt. Shnltc< and atrnln It through· coo roc muntin, oqucez. lng hard to obtain nil the juice.

WrfU S.rvlu.

KilLS INSEOS ON nowns • rauns vtGlTAilU & SHlUIS Dnleft.r orfJIIwel uet•• IIOIUu. trom ~.t..tn

Beglnnlnr of Science Men love to \1.-onder and that Is

·the cent of our o,cictu:c.-Emctsun.



·• •• It Ia ·the DOLLARS

, • , that dn:utate amen& ouraelvea,lnourowncom­in~ty, tbat In the end build our school• and c:hurchea, ~ve our stntltl, . Jay our sldewallil, lnc'tHM

more~opJetotbUI tee~ BuyinJ out rnercbattdiM m ln1l' tocalttores mew·

·keeplttg .out ~bUilta if · home to work. fot.U. ot u ..



' \ .


·.. .. ' . - .. '"' ' ... . . . ' . f - • - . '. ,.. I ' l .. . .. . -·

• ·--·· "" -~: ., .• ·; ··- '. --f ;·• ":·' ·~·: ·:·.

: .... ' ' ·,

' • ' . .

• L1N~OJ....N '~UlJL'lTY NEWS I . t ~---

IC •.. ,.

' - ' ,.

I • '· .

.. t. . . •• .. . .

':.· 1 ' . i "

' ' I ,, '.· . . . -)

.. Lincobl Ceonh. Ne. WI Local •d Personal Newapape.r Beat Medium ~~t~ !fTin!fnieol ss · : 046088 , 04'1819.

. •3 _ - I Notlee lol:'_ ·PablfeatiOa Notke tor . PabBelitloa llabli•hecl Ev~_frWaJ Bradley Smith we!Jt to Roswell Convinced. that newapapE'r In Th~n~!e !r~~a;,:;: Department Of The Interior Department. Of The Interi~r '

&Dcer.du-..elu. -• -~·~·.. Sunday and returned Monday •. space repres~nts th_e-most adva.n· ta.te of. Me\vin Frauks, , }No, . General L~Q4 Oll.ee ah General: l,.ail~ Office at·. Laa

""·•• u •• ..,.. .... a& cam-.• ., Mr. and Mn. Claud Branum ~ag~us.medtum for ~erchandu- · · deceased. ·442 G~cea,·liew Me~co,· May 7 Cruce~.,·· "'ew M ... em .. ·.""., ·A ... prll 1.0, lleatee, ••4•r tb• An o, ll.,.b 1.11'11. •• . .,.1·· p 1 mg 1ts products as evidenced by · • · 1937 ' ,..,. "" - · returned home from .a:. aw aat b. ta t' 1 . · . · ale of N otJce of·Appointment Of • {937. 1

!labacnptloa, I• adnve, 12.00 .... v- Tburaday, with tb~l~r little (laugh· scu 8

. n 18 mcreases md s t 8

'l . Adminiatratrix ~ . . Notice ia 'hereby given that Notice ia hereby liven that; V d Lo h • ( onoco germ~processe mo or ot . . . • . . , _ . .. . . , , .

~ ~ ,.,...,.,, • 1.__ ter, e a·· u w o w . seuo~ :Y • .. · d • •. · . . ·_ • . . , WJJham Walter SneJJ, of Nop), Q. T. EchoiJ, of Adobe, ~. M~., ill. . Veda Lou ia. convalescmg· foll~wni~ past newsp~f.e: a v~~ Not1ce 1s hereby gtven that o~ M. Mez~.tJ'!J!«::~.-.Qn .M~ay 17~. . . . . · oq May .iO, 1938,. made.

FRIDAY, MAY. 14. 1937 nicely. Mra. Br!'num'a mother, t sj .g eam~algn~,.co, Jn :al ! the 22nd ~a:y of February, YJ37, made homeaOO.d application, No. homestead entry, No~ 047819, for _____________ -· _L... Mra: Veda RUJttn, of Modesta, pompanr 18

d agar.n. aun,c mg. · the ~n~le s1g~e~ was ~ppomted 045088, tor SJSl Sec. 8, t,Gtt 8, ,., AU of, Section 21, To~n~hip 6 S., · lira. E,. l!l. Smith, uner ad '••u•~" CaJU., met them in El Paao dur· .arge flea e a verttstn~ can:'Jp~tJ?n adm1mst tr1x of the ea~te or 5, Ni, WiSWJ, Section 17,·Town- Ranae 7 E., N. M. p~ Meridian,. _-- h ing the . baby's illnesa ~nd can'!e 10 sorne .

1400 . carer~ ly st>lec ted M tlvin Fr. nks, decea!led, m ~be ship 8 S., Range 18 E., N. M. p hu ftle~ notice of intention to · ·

)----- · · ' home w1th. them. SbA ~dlrer_narn ~=~:~. m Th~l :c~~:~nof. !!i~ abo~t: n ed court, and bav!ng Me~dian, .baa filed notice- ot ·in; m .. kt 8 year Proof, to reata~Jiah Lincoln County Received for aome tame. . . . t quahfied as such, ant one haymg tentaon to makt' 8 vear Proof to claim to tbe land above> dE!ICrlbed

'$5450 00 Si ce 1937 · ('Ontmue mto SE>ptell) 1er. · !tim against said eatate Ia · · • ~ ' · · · ' • . n · Mrs. Georae Dmgwall and Surveys condurted by Contin- a cb1


d 61

- b.. . estabhoh clatm to tht land abovr before Frank J; Sagtr, U.S. Com-- l!l' L' d · d . - · · here y nott e to e t e same d 'bed b 1 F ·k--• 81. lui ,. C---'--- N Mez . . niece, Mra ..... orreat m amoo ential's advt!rtising departmer t . . . . escr& , e ore ran .,, aer, m oner, a anUoVlliO, • . ·~

. The Res~>ttlement A~mi~1stra- arrivetf laat Sunday to apend a ahowed two faeto~s which decided WJ~bm the t1me and manner re- U. S. Commi•ioner, at Carrjzoao, on th~ 28th day of .Ma~, 1937. tton has loam·d farmPrs an Lmcoln few day1 with Mra. A. E. Leanett. the nature ol the forthcoming qurrPd. b;Y law. · . N. Mez., on the 26th day of JWJe, Clannant namt~ u·watneaea: r-. . County a total of $6450.00 ainl'e All went to Eagle Creek where . . . · . Calhe Franke, Adminfatratraz, 1937 R C With- . .

dl · • · eampa1gn. Frrst, It was asctrLam· Corona New Mezico · • •. -'"' January 1, 1917, accor ng to :bey were met by . Mrs. Allen ed that the best sales results J h E H II C . . . Claimant namea Bl witneuea: Aline Houaton, J .. W. J .. Evans, ~oun.ty IIUpervisor, Orme--Jobnaon a_n~ Mr. and M~a. followed the use of newspaper o n • a ' armozo, . Leon H~UJtoD, Wll.h offlcf's JD ~-arrrzozo, N. M. Wayne H. Hamilton of El Puao. advertisiPg; and second, that thf' N.A~· ~~t~~~:for Albert May, Irvin Withen, all of Adobt,. N. Thrs flJ~ure dol'S not include Joana Mra Lindamood Jelt Thuraaay t rl· t is f"r more mmls""aw...,. Virgil Jonet, Mex. · · ·

f A · 16 • . · · average mo 0 8 .. · A 23-M 14 Flo•" Skinner all of N,.,_,·• N M mfufe u wr prrf , . for Tucumcari to Joan her bu~ concernt>d with the mileage he . " .. • ' .,.... • ., PaurA. Roach

• Ml .r. J I w,.. J. Evans srud dloanta band tor the retUrn trip to tbc:lt obtains fr;oni his motor oil than oAn462 Emeat Snell, of ~armul'A<tZoRoa, Nb. M. '-16- 6·14. ' ·:, Re;later. Jn .Jn('o n ,,ounty w€'re ma e o IJenver home. th .

1 fn tor '*"' &"a • c

. . - any o er Bing (' .. c . N tl I p bU tl .. de,wrvrng farm.era for vanous pur- Arthur P. Green, well known o ce or 0 ea OD 6-1~6-11. - Rqilter. pruwo, inl'lurhng t h e- different . , 1 •• A, "·tu··... ...-~ M M!.IJ 1 Dw!!rtftlt!n~ 0{ The Interlo.r • - .... _ 01

0N1 eL1wnMeo~n·c~;h-. • ~ ~ f ana man,. -.ormer~ . ·n ""j' Waruen- c u an · · • '" farn11ng opmJ£!ons, sucu as or Uakll dl d A ril 26 in San b'ran• General Land Office.at Laa Cru·



• lhc purrhaeo of feed, oeed, gas 1 ___ , C ~ f P. ' . · - • . ces, N. M April 21, 1987 N t•- I n-~o.••·-t•-- IN THE PROBATt COURT

anci oil, living Pxpcnses, purchasP CJMOU, a 1

onua. On Saturday, May 1, M1ss NOTICE is hereby gJven that 0 n;or; 01' ..-uu~ au.~ In The Matter of The Laat of livf'ntrll'k and n£>ceesary equip- Mr. Barrett, buaineu man of Maudre Warden a.nd ~1r .. W~lt.er B<tldimar Carabajal, of Corona, Department Of The Interior Will and Teatament of Wil·} No • m(•nt. l'lr. Ruidoao wu here Monday at- McMillon were umted 1n marnage N. M., Box 287, who, on June 9, General Land Office at Lu 1.~ Michael Cavanaugh, 488

A f•·w of the loans, he said, werP tending to bwioeaa at the court nL Roswell. Both yoUng people 1932. made HomestFad entry, No Cruces, New Mexieo, May 7, ~· mn•lt> to inrlude nt>c~ry r<'palrs bouae. ·were born and reared in Carrizo- \.14246'~, for All S!'l'tion 6, Town· 1937. "•tkt ef A.,ellt•eal.ef !ztcatri& of a minor 11nturc tn buildings. Mr. and Mra. A. Zleilcr 'will zo. Both 1\rc graduatea of the ship 8S, Rang£> 12E, NMP Meri· Notice ia hereby given that Maz Notice ia hereby given that on

Anottwr importont ph ace of thP leave at noon tomorrow for Kan- Carrizozo High sch~oJ and ha\ e t,lian boa filed: notice of inJ.ention Cbave~, of. Claunch, N. Mex. the 22nd d11y of Harehr 1937, the Rrrs•·ttlr•ml•nt Adminiatratlon'o su City where Lbey will be gue!ta many friendo who wrsh for thf'm to make three year Proof, to who, on March 25· 1982 made undmigtled '!'-'appointed ez~-brnnd-gnugrd rrcdit program, de o! Mr. and M11 Chu. Coplin for, bappineoo and sucet'll!l. . eatab!ish claim to the land above bomeatead llppllea~on, N~. 044- triz of the Lilt Will and Teata-aigm•d to rehabilitate drouth tbo next thrct weeki. ~- , deo.cr1bed, bt>fore Mary C. Du· 869, for All, Section 4, Townabfp ment of William Michael Cava-atri: kt•n fnrmP~a, loth~ loan poliry Mra. Selma Dealtz left laatSat- Rev. J. A. O'Hara of Fort Bote, U. · S. Commluloncr, at 8 B., Ranae 10 ,E., N. M.P.Ihrl· naugb, deceued, ih; the a~ve whl• h mnkf'll •t p~nalblc for th•· urda lor lnta In Colorado and. Stanton vOao in town Wednenday Corona, N. M., on the 11th day dian, hat filed llottce of fntflltfon named court, and bavang qualified fnrrn . woml•n to Improve th£>1r Mon~oa:: apeod•tbe.iioxt three on a miuion Cor the church.

1. or June, 1987. to mab a Jtar Proof, to fltablilb u aucb, any ont ha'ling a claim

condalwnu 1n the homo and pro- •·- M H d 1 1 d, Claimant namea u witntae~• claim to the land above dracribtd qalnataid eatate il:hereby noti· . weoAD. rs. en r c to an son were . • ' a-..a ftl 'h . hi •b vtrl(' nn nrlf'CJulite diet for their . 1 T d ( C t I D . 1 C b J I f Li

1 N before Mary C. DuBoia, U. S. ""' to e ~ e. am& Wit D ,. e

rnmilwn. Watebea Once Small Clotkl VII toraH duenl kny Jrom "P' an.j Mame ara a a , o nco n, • Commiuloner, at. Coroua, N· Ume andl manntrEteiluired by law. Wotc:hctJ ort1tnoUy were emnll M 111. en r c o P !lfJB to go to 1 • M th 2Gth d t J F onnce ! Qavanauah,

• -- clockn and wore worn hun1 from Dallan, 1'cltll!l to opend the• Mortln Lu~ro ex., on ° IJ 0 WJ•! .. Ezeeutrix, Mnrthn Cothrrfnc Smith spent tho atrdlo becauao thOJ were too cr Gle eoe N Mexico

Iorge for tho pocket. au.mm • Santin go Ortega nama. at wi• .. tt~•: 1!11 U 11 • ew • thr WI'C·k l'nd at White Oalca with IT 8 ..... Th .. t B d r E •u . . . .... John~;~, Ha , Carrizozo, N. M. Flnt PloWJ o reo raac.. o <.;oun y ~nr o 1

• ~a V1rtonana Trujallq. al~ of Corona, Attorney fqr ~eeutriL Mlll.!WD Lorena, Lola and Kathleen Tho flrst farm plow• were made tion. met in the County Suprrtn•' N. M. . . E. Btllo, &n•-M1~. Bm11 h. of crooked tree branch•• ancS Eatolano Cbavn, - ~ •

worketl bY"" man power. tendent'a office loot Mondoy to Paul A. Roach Epifanio Viall, • M rn A V. Bwl'nrlngcn left lut

Thurndoy night for Tucaon, Anz. wlwl"f' nhr in t«>ndo to make her hc•m•· f·•r ouv<'rnl months .


IN Tim MIITTKU OF TilE APPLI C'ATIIIN 01' El. •AVlAOOR 0014U ~!lr•IN<l I'OMI'ANY FOil PAT· 1'=~01 r IF A VI A !lOU l..OUE.

t' nltrd HIAt.,. l..and Offtoo, lA• l ruooa, Now ltledoo.

A prll :W, I 031 8UM"II)' No. W7. Her tal No. o:a&ll

t:nllre lo hereby lflven tlal pur· ""''"' In the o«'l of Conarc:u. approv­"'' Mar 111. 1872. El AwJAdor Oold t.llnln11 '<:om pony, o New Mllllleo cor· purnllon, 'llvhooe pmt orne. a4dn.a h EloniA ~"•. Now Moxlco. hu made or•plln>llon ret 1.101_.11 linear fnl on tho Avlodor l.ode, bGIDI Clllo.TI fHI NqTth u• 47' Wut, on4 O'lllo.Tll feot fioulh 7• !13' E'"..nal from lbo dliCOWOI')' C'ul nn =ld claim. beAring 101<1 IJII• vor ond tunaaum wltb aurtue a•o•mcl wosa ,.,.,, In wl4tb on old INif', allunt• In \Vhltl! 0&Ju l&ln!ll" llial rl<·l. l.tnr In County. Gtate of No-:1 t.!Pltko, and dcaut~ by Ult! oW• tnl plAt IUld by tho fiel~ nota on tllo m tho otfk• cf lbo R•atnar nf ll•o \ 'nllnd SlAin Lo.nd Oteca at Lru1 Cmre11, Ne.. Mnleo. u follmnl, to­ooll

A\'lADOB LODE \UNY.IUL 8l!R\"El' NO. 1051

1!4>alnnlog at ~omu r.:(). l wht'r:<" tho '4 NCtlcm earner cf f~t bn1 :I!! ond 2tl Twp. 6 Ooutb Jlan(l" ll &:ull, N. M. P. M. tlaAn fl ~· 8!¥ Weot 410 U foot dki&Dt. ond C"omar No. 3 cunond~ lllli'TO)'

No Ul Lorao llrpa Lcdo bCI\ra Ncrth ro• UJ• Eut 121.0 letlt cUa. tnnl. Th<'nt'o North .n• 1& E&rt 510 ~ I oct to romor No, 2.. Tbl!lleo Clouth 3.:'1" ~· E. 8l&.U foot to cor­ncr No. a ~ ROulh a• e.:r Wut C01Jl fool to Ccmor No. '­Thence lloutb 40" l& Wut !iQO.U teot to comar No. 6. Tbonee North ta• tn· Wcat &OU feet to ~omor N . 0. Thonco North 31"'5' W. 8!11.58 foot to eomer No. l the plnco of beJtnnl~. canl&lnlr11 MTll ac.rca. c Exci\UIIve of paten~ cd nrena In Gold Ftel~ Min• ~ral SUWI)' No. 1~ Lodo, AtneniSod No. 623.\t J.&dy Godlva oral survey No. ua, Larce Lodo, Amonded MlooraJ No. •at and Rip Van Wb:lkle Lodt. Mineral Surve7 No. DM), and 1 on Ins o P< rtlon ot Lot M ancl all .of Lou 21 and U Seettoa .24, Twp. 0 Soutb nan,. U J:ut. N. M. P ld.

Tho nllmft of the a4Jo.lnlaa .,.a conntcUng clahna u lho'll'll Ia)' ·th• plat or •urvey. &HI

Gold Lode. lliDeraJ ~ No. Lot'lt. Alnt.n411S Mlnotl\l SUA; COd· lvn Lodo, 8UrvQ ~!~~llopCll A~et1dtd 8 No. VU

A»rll , ROACH.·~

t.irat Mq 7.19l7. wit pubUcadoa JuJJ a.-1m. . ' .

.leDA7 LlD4'• GraY• di5ct1BJ many Important ochool A-80 M·28 Regbter. Vivian Araaon, an of Clauceb, """5"n· ,.~:~.,t~~ ~M~~!~.h~~~~ problema. N. Mn:. vov ov

-~======~~~iiiiii~~~~i~-~-i~ ~~~ ~-~·~ ffi 6 1._6-ll. Rtaiator. Department Of The Interior U. B. Land Office at Lu Crucea, '


What is the ttLow-price Field"?

• •


You bear • Jot about "th~ IOW1Jrlee field" thc.o da,._ A aood many can cJalm to oo ln it.

So wLent'l!!! tho Jow-prfee Oeltlls mentioned, ftmembt'.rt

e'I'I'D • em-. Toda7 aD Ford prlc:d aro sUD IO'It'- with the -pi'ltJal of tLc 6()..bonepower Ford V•8 $30 to

160 lower than t1JOM! of anz ot1Jer C8l' of com­

p!l'!ble alul.

But willa FOI"dt "low price" doesn't men:ly mean low fisures on tim ,Prfee tq. It me»~ II much more than that.' It me.an11 low prfca and low coau aU the ar'a. ton! tlte. Low prleea Cor 8ezoo

rice -lor parta- and, ahoTo aD. for operatl~

Both Ferd v.a ·en,pne at:ra are _economical so ~te. 'Ibe 85 Lonepowc!r pTU peater pr• ei!M ~ thk'\)'ear tLan e"ier9 and the "60" dellY«I a&e hls~t mllea5e !p Fo~ hlatory,

~ OWDU., eab companies, ftee1 operatora aD l'eperl·t!Jat.&!Je "6()i" 8VUIIU !rom 22 to 21 JMllee P!! ·pDon of pollue. •

~ . CltceJc ad tee Low ma.eh Ford eaves you •.

..... • • ..,e_

Ford Founcfecf the l.ow•prlce · Fl~ld Fa «••• T6at Plelcll.oW•PrlCfifl Tocflty

• p . ..





Ford V·8 Prices Begin ~t $529 AIIMiieiN MCftln, JUitlfOI'rA110M CHAaelti.TAII AND "l:itiALYAXdiXTIA.


..... ;c .... i,,., .• .......... , !k•• lr~·~~ .... ....,

................ the. ..... .

• i, •

dlt! ... ·..JION'l'tt, .tu. ....~~ •*••• don•pat .. met,~ .. ·lt•r• ,thy P'or• V•CI ('.u· tn,. url'M'tl ~er ~- . .u. ""-':!"""

" .

• •

049062 N. M., April 80, 1987.

NoUee lor PnbUeatloa NQTICE u hmb:y given that Department Of The' Intnior Eequiel Garc:ia, belr and for the

btirt of Inn Garcla; decPaa.ed, of General Land 0 tl"· at Lu Arabela Rt. Tinnie, N•w Mt'lil.'o

Cruefl, New Mm&, May7, 1937. who, on Feb. 17, 1927, made Hd: Notiee fa hereby pyen that. SeriaJ, No. 080586, for SEl

Owen 0. Knott., of Corolla, N. NiS~, SWiSE~, See. 18; M~ .• who, on Januarr 6, 19S., NWiNEi, NElNWi. Section 24, made homntead appJieatJon, No Townahip 8-8, -~>Range 18-E, 049062, fo} Lou 1, 2, 8, 4. EiSEl N.M.P. Meridian, hu filt'd ~:~otic. Sec. 81, Lou 8, 4, Sett!on 30, or fnttntion to make 6vt yeu Townabip 2 B., Range 14 E., Proof, to flllbliab claim to the N. ~· P. M~dlan, baa filed no- fa d abow drscribed, before_ t!c:e of intention to makt 8 yeu Eunice P. Ball, U 8. Comrnia­Proof, to tatabJiab claim to tbt aioner, at Capitan, N. M., on the land above dtacribed, btl ore MaJy 18th day of June. 1937. C. D· Boia, U. S. Commiaaionet, Claimant name~ 81 wiLne•ea: at. Coro~ N. Mu., on the 26th G. L. Rich&rdJOn day of June, 1937. • ~J Ri('hardJon

Claimant names u witne•ea: Pedro Lujan, and.. C. C. Knou.., Roque Barel~j all · of ArabeJ Rt., R. S. J~rs, N. M. J. J. Debuak, Paul A. Rnal'h, A. J. At.kinaon, .all of Coro~ N. M 7 J 4 , Register. Mu.

Paul A. Roach "" -----------~ -- 045200

Notice for PabUeatJoD 6-14··6-11 • . ;. .

· Mn. w. 0. Galtitoa· ltft ..

• •

. . • . .. . . •



• .,


. ' .-. ~i, • , . • r. . · , , , "' ·

' • 1:~ ,__. ., '• . "' . - ' . '•; . . . .

.... ..,.., ... !llr ...... ··arif.f.f.'~~¢.y ~Qceries · ','',~ ,),-;:.,:·,r~i.'{·,~,' ..,;.'" j < ;,·

' . :· . . ' '• . -, . . . ~ . . . . . . I . •

·,· · .. ~~~eh.V~gefable~; ·T~~s~~r ·: ·• · . :' ·. · ... a:nd 'Saturday . · .~

• • • •

·.we .have the bes.f in Meat$·. ··ufider Perfe.et-- ref~igeration


lODO .J1 · · ... - We Deliver



' . ~ ·--:"' ~

Correg. Roofing

Nails Paints and .

Varnished '"Knl!lomine· · · • w

BuilderS Hwde, '

Pipe and Pipe · · ~· F.it tings

Pump Rod

Valves ·Rope- · ._Stoscs aw .



Well Cylinders Windmills Water Tanlls Bolts

Conductor Pipe and Fittings

I EaY(t.Ttougb .

)fohn W. Harkey & Sons 105 - - Carrizozo,· N. Mex. - - Box 306

BETTY Anniversary


. 15 PRIZ[ RWPfS · •

See Our Dilplay Of



RltiZOZO HOafE LAUNDRY Work CnUed For and Delivered

uaran ee , PboJ.le 50 -


' " '•,' ;- ·. :_ 'f . ' ,_ ,- -· ', ~ '" '

·'.- ;.; ' .' -.... ,' .. -·-

. f., ·, --- • . ...,., .

·- ' ' ' . . . '' -- -~-" . -

; t ;.-~ " ·,

. --~ "

". -

-~ ' -- ' . ... . . -·--- -·

··- _,_ .

. ·- •J• '


' ••



-· -

• r


No motol'. .at uy price c•a give you more ·llllcl·tbeller lubrlc•doa


Rolland's DrugStore •

• In chodsing our medicines we have bPOn earerul to select those compounded by the greatest chemists In the world. • They have built up their n>putatlon becnusto they aro reliable. · •

Ma~ulnes. Undy Cltars flt•rettes ..

PreurlpUom urelully · lOIDJ()UOdef

Rolland's Drug Store

\ '

THU year, good things comCf in eight. -get into thi• bellwether Buick nnd

the other fellow will know who's IC!ld· oEt man in ~ou neck of tho woodal

You're bou of tho bunch ·When you cue in gu to tho gtcat valvc-in·hcad 1traight eight; ablest engine of its sizo anywhere in tho world. lt'uo£{ of voice but it pscb authority-thoro Jsn't any fooling '~'then it hu· work to do I

You're the mvy of aU eyes, ~rbcd in Buictc-• princely atyfe- handling theto' ready control• i. tho aoftes1 job in tho whole wicJ. world.

I • • sweetly, smoothly, acrcncly doc• thi1 road·wiso cor conduct itself!

You C!Ul't burt it-It's built rugged nnd stout a1 Buick always has been-but still we any, handle with care I For so instant• quick is ita lift to you(" toe-touch, ao quietly easy will it outwing the birds, that you never have to force it to make your diarnnco safely with time to splll'c.

1lu1 :ve:tr lay BuicJ:-nnd ,..,hatovcr you au)' on tho open rood will go wilb tho whole parade. Its purchase is as easily managed ns its (cathcr-li[!bt control•­

. (or today Buick is priced at tho lowest





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r. n I, $' 0 .. .t n a . t, N ,., )'

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. • h l!.r • b. t " You 1tram down tho 1tnug tawny- ~uro m •• ory.

~ ---~--- ~u·- ~f,~~~u~··~n~~. ::;d,Wl~·~tb~·.~tb:et ~·. ··. m-:::m~~=·~I:~icr::: . ~. \o~ ~onow •• ~tee ut.Do th~twith• experiencl of the put year u a • dowager maldng her :n~.;c~-why .>u1 delay and you'll bold tho center of


. • •

>, > '



You APe - , -- -- -

Always in ···o~cli~hy

' . . .·. Telepho,ne

. " . . . ' .

--: - -._ ;~ ~ . -~ . ·, --1

Frttnds' &omts. the atom, ·the dodor, druggist - you"n

. . there ·.~ a ~4 ' · • by teltj)hont. _ · - . ' '


\ . .

• ·j


. . . . .

baaii Jot intenaitled. ifl'otf;,f~ · ••en t&. b.ck tnt'~ chatterpr:cx>f1 so . rh~ 11tU.c-aU •ummer~ltmtf"---- · ·~·····-·--·- ~~~-

• .. ') -· ....... ~-

Locat:ealn Santa R~ - -- --" --- ---~----- ~--· ..... ·~



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.· ·· .. , .. ~~~~ .Riv•r• , ·.:.. .· rRANl "~· S.AGt;l .. ·~ . . - .... ..

.• - . ., . - - ... ·.. .. .. )-' '" " ' , •. • '·c' ' '. '··· #' ~ . • . . ... • • ' · · ·. . .. . ·· · · 11· :., 'c:Qil~{!;lSJ()K'U~ . . . . .

· · · . • .. · .'- · . ·. · .• · .. · , ".. .I. t"• gettin" .ot. a. 4; ... b. .i.~"'", , .. , . .. · .. • 0 ,., ffl' - •• ~' ·• ' · jJ,QM~S'riAP ~Jt.llf.G./. : 9ffi~~ or &naf;t)r C~I.VeJt : ~Y- tO h•ve.aqy privJ6,V ·~ .n~ . . ' ~)' ' 'J!JtQOn

: . • $A't'~Tiil$JI~li.ftA6i cilst·RE~ · · · . . . . ·. · . . . . NG IJNDER A fAUC.E: :1.~ . .

' -· .

' .

'l987.1 Farlpy to ~ddrHi, ttti· Mr- .apd Mr~.: W,w M~"'oo . :.. .·. .. ._ .. · .. · .. · · , ·· ·. . , d~nta g.t th~ ~New· ~exirp ·sta~ ermen w~ uriJ,U~t 'l'qeisrl~y til re• fnl!·~· . N.,.n' ·r•1tll4 . ·. Ce>JJege, s,nllt9i tlttJni• o~~vn . ' to tbestate ".i!me d'ep~rtm.cmp Q"'~ 9pppalf~ T~ltophc.mt~ -~··· . . . Thu.rad•)' aqured »•n , Wilh,ams, the ~atch of apY 4'fmtllded.'', ft11h .· · · .. C,11r~~t:!),. H:\ ... .

. . \ . '

WbaiP ~ale 6ro(ers· ,

' ·, •

, " .. ~ .. ~~ 1-p · .. ·. · .. tboBMrdnf,k~ntl; tb•~.psayb~-~~n~uy·tbuelntbe. , .... ":''''"!'.""''"!!'_,....;"':':=: -.~-""~"' , ====== New Mexico Sta~ College ~&tl~a rut..-l'i. ·~ • ' . . · .·. . · · . ,_ .. ' : " . ·· .· · ~ · '-\' · u ..

· · that PC>tJtm.~l!ter GeP~al Ji~ _J'Qbtlao11, d~partment Jlib • E. ~l.OI,'i:E}.' • . . . ... • ··~ . '

Headquarters ·in tbe .. Mo Hlhic Tt·mple on Main St

On inns,. Potatoe11, Canned Goods, Stcwk St~lt, In fact unything Y••U want.

Miller St!rvice Station Highway 3!:!0, Wt>Sl of

City l.lmits

· ~lames At ·Farley h!&(J agr~ to •P.eciabat, anno.unced pl!lns ·for · ~e!!ll Dir@tc>r ~~~ ratc•J> •t Laa Crucea fi)Jiowlne · the numberiog 4000. &b, of ~w~._ble · · L~psed, · l.J;m~almet dedic~ticm of the Carrie ,Tingley •izes ranging lrqm 6 to 14 · '.Plton~ 83. · Crippled Children's H01pitaf and· in •n effort to determinf! piscator- OarrizO&O • · r · : : . N. Me;E.I

lRhre a abort addme to the atu- ial migration afU<r pla~ting •. dent body. . . .A IPlJlJI meml ta" i& •lipped .·· HELp wA-N T·E D

-'fhia week brouabt sood nrws thrPUJh. the fishe,' jaw (it · · . . · · · · . · · · · · . .

. .

. . •

• •

~tdnd"O OIL Plodtl(l}. -· RPM llll

{~>r tho~~e ·interested Jn aecurin~ hurt a bit, -Johnaon explained) l . . · - ., . another air mall route for New and tbl! endJ are punched secure- • Young IJUln or young~ fOm•n ·to Mexico. ·Conferee. handline the ly together. Th~ new atyle.mark·! make an educational ~ey. i'n Post Ofl\ce Appropriation Bill (!f fa rou!,ld and has advaQta~~ in Q~nT,izO?.o, New Mexico and vi'cin· thla ~c>ek reported ' out • c:om· that it wlll not de~er the growtb- }ty .,. work to . apply on . tuition. prQmJae agreement which uppeci of the ftab and will not bEioorne • · · · . . . . tb6 Ht>oJP figurra by '800,000. l01t, two. drawbaeb of former \Yillalao .. pay cash bonua. Ex­~enatpr Chavez announced that styles tried in other .states. . . I celltn~ opportunity tc> gd a . l11formal querira from the Post 'thia wiJJ be the first such ex· money-making ·education at low· Offire Depertment br.,ught out periment in New Me:Jico,although eo.t. Write fof full detail• at the fa• t .that the amount would llther atate~, inrlucling Mlchigun, once~ l>raughon"a Colleae, L.ub-'

?hneufficnmt to rare for· aft J11wa, Minn~>aota ~md Nf'W' ¥vrk, bocll, 1'ci;a:- -· - .,..... l •· ing the route hl'tween AlhuquPr· h Vf' m11de migratory 1tudies, que and Sian Franci~eo for bida. none too IUcceaaful becauae of the Vaed Clave for Glats work

Jc IHN E. HALL Lea county and Southeutern unaatl.tfactory markera, Jobnldn 1 Tho first glllSB milker in ScoUand

· · d l b S . took ~vnntnge ot a peeullarly

. ·.· .. N6 . ._ .. , .....


. ""' I . v.ou WRITE YOUR OWN TERMS I. 1 . WHEt'¥'. YOU ·BUY FROM

• Atturney 1ind poun8l'lor at Law N«!w MPxico were lauded Satur- uld. I wQa George Hoy (151!6-1~). He Carrizozo Hnrdwnre Building ay morn ng Y enator Cbavt>Z formed cave at Wemyos on the Flf•

Upstair~~ · \Yhcn he appeart>d before the> Amot Gaylord camP in Monday eonst, ''nli aet up his tumnce thero- CARRIZOZO HARDWARE CO. Currlznzo, Now Mexico Fed~ral CommunicQUona Com· from M.ora county on' his way to ~ . .

--------- - - -- mlsalon In behalf of the eatabllah· Noeal to take up bia realdence Wore Prblee Albert. ' Carrizozo. N.~. ' In tho "nifty nlnetles •• mOJt

\ - Phone 96 ' -

Placer. lode and Proof of ment of a rAdio station at Hobba, t.here aaain. unltud Str:tes ecnotors wo;e Prince lAbor blank• for •ale at th~ New Mqlco. He polnWd out Mra. CbaB. Littell of White'~ Al~to. The r.wck coo~ wu a aym. Nrw• offir,. the unparalleled and aubatant1al 0 '·- b i i C i bpi of DtB~tlmaMlllp nncl a beard

•. r~. . . . a- WQ I opp ng D arr ZOZ9 , was the mark of a ltlno of maturitJ • --- - - .. • . ·· c -·~·-~ ·-- - • growth of ua countY and thP laat Tallday. · and aubstnnce.

QlY" fi'OR SALF.: Srn1111 Iron ability of that part .of New Mex· ~~·~~=~=::::===~~ Snfo 1 Nntinnal Credit F II o i '0 to support a radio station. , B ukkt•C'plng Syut••m '· A lot of The Senator accompanied M. A. un•·d tron l•e•J11 and uprlngs Tits Whlttmnro of Roawrll, who 'Ia W•,rlh r· .. , Ill<', < opitan, N. M. aevking n permit t•• ratahllah thr

Ll. atwtlon. Tho protlpccta art very favorable.

Jt'OH SALE Som·e good milk Dr. Ray Fire, Pmldent of the cowa. Boo or writ4' Hunt Hpbbi- N~w Mnleo State Collett wu.a CnJ•it.nr~ N · M · 02tl' vltltor thla wt't'k at Senato; Cha·


· WITH •


T1•n IJ r:•ry • ffi•·e nt 1: f:.."lt LJENC'E •

H1 "' htt,((• City Prn~rty. l!urcl•11 lfnttllc• Llvr-•l I~ Ctl II n,mJUI fl,

VPZ omrc. Or. Fire la here for tho purpoae of conCerrin1 with the Department of Agriculture and New M~lc:Q otficlaltln Wutt. inaton witn reterene. to 1011 con­anvatlon In the atate of Nt'• \1«>xlrn Ono nf the maf, pUJ'Io p·t$f'll or h1n vialt is 1111'1 to conrer with t.t ~c offirlahr In order to ·lev.dnp a plan for the eatablf•h· m(llllJ anci opt>ratlon 'fll an agti· ull urnl • XPf'rlment •uh-atatlon

for the Miitdht Rlo Grando 'Val· hi)'. The atatlon wlll bttfftabltab· t'll a s'aort diatancf •"uth or AI· huquerque. · Th11 wlll obriat\> T.n ..

nrcmlty nf pwina dlrtct lttg{afa · tln11 by «~ngrtaa. Sera tor Chavu

R. A. A. CHASE had previoualy lntroduet>d a Ml Trhlbr• of Volu and Pl11no for this PUrptt&C.

• This Wt'(>k uw many prominent · a .. innera alao taken Nt>w Mt>:aican11 hi Wathlntnn. A• · bl .._ aaciaro Jmtire Howard. L Blck·

StudiO two I CIU north .. lt>y nt the New M~xlco Suprt"me Po• I Oflice Phnne 52 C"ourt iA in \Vaahln~tton attentflnt

_ n mtPling of the AmPriean Law rr========::;::::; lratitutP. Judge Blrkley ia aC!­


By Edwin Finr:b

··ompnnie<i by hfa daughte'r Mn. 1'. Q MeCarty or Cat1tomia. Ju,fge R H. ftan11a, Att~uqut!r· que attorney. t. In Waahinton

an Aritona Indian eut ~-\"""' __ _...,, _____ ...,._

_ •.. ·~·:::::::::.=:=;::i !E••e(Qr(l th~> Otpartment ot ln~flri:t,'"l--·-..,_..!

•')' ' '

ta .alaq vialting tn Waihii'IJtntl. OM reatdenta of Cb&'Vi'S county, and . for that matkr the .ntire

'"' ... ~~cif:New'M-r~,rco wm 'be .... :_ .• ..,. __ temted in knowln• that WUUam n. i>ia~te. ••• fn Waali• lnttlon ttlk wttk enr<iut& .ta Rot-weft, New ··· · ·. whm ho

\ . ., / ;, .

- ·-- -- ·-~------.:::- _____ ....,., _______ -

' . • • •

Piatt•Ie a· .. 1rom the attn1 4

anti. rotna baek to bla otd ho~ •t .me,_.,'" · Iter .tl'aeloult . • · · . . . . tbt Nn:- Mftfco·.dtlfia:tlott

. ttlnntt•t the ~rtn,v .• n'd Nan ~···""··Wtdt~at ennlnf, ·

,.._ - >-' .. _ .... _, ~---" ,.


.. • • '


,, . .. '

M1 etftloo le aJl oa Ita own. 11111vJo1• cot to <::«n. motUy troc:n jwlt you people

richt bert. J Walt your llteldy ~. so•• to bttttd a I'M1 &tOWfnc busintu. ADcS tbatt'awbtre It btlps me a lot; J can tt11 ~to bt'arWncCoooco Gf;m ~aaed ciL Yoateekwmeuatometund keepe

*-'* "'me. It'• ,Patetlted-the ODly oil

'b F t Clli OI:S·PSite your , •• Me«nirJc \ ~at a cW'-"ite pan ol thJii oil alwaya T 'rita» direct to ewery wetking part.·~ bu. a 11!111 Pktinc ot oil. wbieb can-e: t\:tdown. Otbet oila 1lriD "dry ()It' eva7 time 700 im. bat Oil-Plltio"c adt. 110

)'Oa'It DeWit f!'l!tb any ~ ~ atwta. Aoc1 tbAt encls tbe worst weu·ot •·· alL Or when ~·., bitting it up ..n d.IY. roQ WCii'tliiJ tliii rial Oil-P.larit)g nib-

biDe ri&bt olf, like juat ac"Al)tl pWb 1ltUI:t . :.:. ckosle d oil. Oil-Platio(•~fhb,lngoat

. . ~Qc.lliijriibl;if&'bt·li~Wlikbgi;~--~- ~----

JOIJ torli&1rtY tOiid tnBCit,ll why Oii·PJatfnt _ Ji)iJilil ~ "rm'l•te.,lrccra yOQl ~ ~ ·

· am '* emoeo a~cui ~- ou. ~ ' .

a,.&ihi b)li~n· .. . l . a lick : . . ~ -h ~-; of(it£.-~- 't4 -~c:·i '(.jfi .. -~--,-r

hHer. ·is··~·~ .tQ ... tb.J. ~· .. . ·~ . ~ ·" i

• ' ' '

• '·

' .. ' . : '~

'·'' -~~

• J .

· ·•· w· s,,. !Hw±"'tt '**Ui• · -~ . -~ . . ' . - ~··- (II ,1! '.t . ...

• (> ·-......_

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. '

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I, ' I • •


. . •





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• ,



. -- .. "" ., . "=~..,...,..,~~"""""" ..... 1111111111!1!1~ '-' - ' ' ' . _:: ~- ' "" . ·' .. '

•• '. t'· I

-• • ··. Oapitan, .*- :M.,. May 1~J 1937. ·The · 'fire aea~Jon ,is officially

:op1ened.. in this pard>,f the forest. :Lo,:>ko,'!lta and 1]'ire Guard!! have. [~eEm iristaJi~d and ~he fire ·Organj. 1 zat.ion. is ready to function, There . ·

• •

still pl~lltY of · sn..ow in the mcluntainS, now.ever, the net>dies, . :ur:u;R and other 'lit~er in the lower country only needs the impet-ue to .. ?

cause it to buro; Warm weather will • bring

.. picnicers, campers, fishermen and • others to tht> foiest for enj1'yment or business. Climatic relief of

. 'course draw13 a majority of the · .people here iri the summer, Would · they come if the trees, water, . '

grass and fto;o.·ers were gone? We have no control·over· the <;.limate, but the other things are intru<.~ted to our care. You are, a stock

•. holder m the National Forest whether you pay direct or indirect

' taxes·. They are your property to protect Qr destroy.

The· past few years the people in this. oountry bn.v~ l.i finp rt>cortl • in thv -number of man-raused fires. It is remark_~ble considering bqw dry the lost few years have been. 'fhl11 yeilr we have had the most moisLure in twenty . yeurs. lt affords an ideal opportunity to establish n rec·ord that will bl' advertised all o.ver the United States. Last year over the 4th of July week-end with 2&,000 Pt'Ople o the forest, we did not have a a ngle man caused firer lt would really be somethmg to g" a wholt! season without u man·caused fire, wouldn't 1t?

Adobe ltema

' . .\ !, ' . '\;_,_ .... ' • ·I • . .. ·' •· :~ .... •

• ~lNOOt,N~OOt.JN'J,\T NIWlt- . .. •. . .., \ .. •


\ ' .

SOUTHERN PA9FlC is again sp~dibgdim~lininons f~ = d .. uipment, more au-con uo g, .

~rs, roo erntZUl.g eq mfortable and more tun your summer trtp will be more co b l i. than ever before. This summer,·try I .e tr• n ..


... on every Southern PaCific train to Calilomia and to the E11St. Cool and dean. no llliLtter bow bot 'it is ouuidc.


MORE COMPORT thaa ever before!

• , • wliecher you ride the J.umro lOus all·Pullman Gold~ Still~ u,uwJ, the Apt~rbt, or our new eco~~omy train, the CJi/'1/!J/r!f..• wilh its 25~. 30¢, 351 IUffit. stcWUdm-nurJa. special dulr car for women and cbi1drca-

an4 free driuklng cups ln . coaches ~ul chair c:ara.AS well • ·- "' as Pullmans on all cbrougb . s. p 0 trains.


Couch and Chair Car . PORTERS

Poners keep coaches apd chair Cl1tS dean on all S. P. ualm to Calilomta and die E115t. Of r:oursc all wurisc aod ataoda.rd PullaiiiDJ bavc ponm. coo.

Ride this luxurlOUI sttetJD1incd cra1n when wu go from Los Angeles to Sa.o Fra.aciu;o. Most beautiful ua1n In Amcdc.a. All se&U arc reserved In adv&llco­see )"'Ut local A&alt. .


. .

. I '


GivinJ dependabl• Tl;lfte · dQ a week Service out of El P--o-and ~l•mogorclo ( ~. <IIIJKt

. . 0

Carrizozo. • · · Alamoaordo Lv. • Arri. 1' .... m. ,_, m.

·Mon. 12:00 ·Tues. 6:00 Wed. 12:00 • Thuta. 6!00 Fri. 12:00- .Sat...... 6:00.

Lv:. Arri. , a.J:D, .

Tues. 8:30 ·Mon. Thura. 8:80 ·.Wed. Sat. 8 :SO • J'ri.

For Further Info~ation Call Phone 61. 'J. J. [BUSTERl BOONE, A,ent

p.m. 2:80 2:80 2:80

" . --·r ~ .

"'tiUU~ .. ·STATE 0~ NEW Ml!lXICO to Wm. J. Snildfer, defend11nt," l~pleB!J-ed with the following named detenil· . ants ngalnst whom·· substituted. &C)rY· 'I•. Ice Ia hereby aoug~t to . be 1,1)ltalned1 to-wit: Katie Sandfer, Charley G • B!lndter, m.

1J. Whitaker, _JUld her

.husband, w. c. Whitaker, and J, Jl' • Fears, decell!led, nnd· all unknown heirs of aald J. F. Fears, deceased, and ah unknowri persoi,UJ clalmlpg any lien, lnerest, . or title ndve.rso to the plnlntitfs to the following d~ ' orlbed land: Beginning .nt n polpt 1034,7 feet North, Quarter SecUQn corn$' common to Sections 111 'and ~. Township U, South Range 18, E1111t, · • N. M. P. M., Lincoln County, NtW Mexico, thence N. 2811.3 feet: thence _:.,.. __________ """'!"______________ W. 234.3 feet.· · · I Ill. 7•3.1 teet: th«mce South 22° SO'

.:::::;:::::;:::::;::=:=.;:=::=::=:=:=:=~;====::;::==:=:::;::;::::;:;;:;:;;:;:;;:;:;;:;::::;::;:;. Thence Sout)l 67° SO:.t. E. '21U fellt: · .thence South 22° 30' w. 1467.3 feet;

A. E. Hu1"tsinger Prem . thence North 69° 1S' w. 1~0 feet; on bond '6.00 thence North 110° 10' w. 7S1.3 feet:

· thence North 28° ~ E. 92U feet: - Wm. J. ~ngaton s~reen thence mnst 10.1 teet to th~~< pobit or

M.inutes or regular meeting or door . . 8 75 beginning, contalntng 3M2 ncrel of 1 '- ')J · ' land: nlao NW.% of t~e SEl,4 of Soo-

Boaro of Trustees, of t.,e Vl llge John w. Harkey Suppliet Uon liS, Township 11 south, Range 18 of Carrizozo, h, E'ld at the City for park · . 6. 77 Enst, defendnnta. ·

1. GREETINGS: Hall May 4, 1937, at. 7!30 p, m. The Office Supply Shop You are ~reby notlfleft._thn.t J. L..

Members present: F. E. Rich- Office eupplies ' 2.85 Sheppard and D. Shoppltrd 1\S plain· rd M J h W H k A tura have Instituted sqlt UJ[Illnat you,

a , ayor; 0 n . • ar ey, • N.M.L &,P. Co. Street and ench of you 1111 defcndnnta In the J. Rolland ·and Andy Pndilla, lighta (Marchi 42.16 Dlatrlet Court of the County of Lin· members,· .Rol.ey Ward Marshal N.M.·L.&P. Co. Office coin, Stnte of New .Mexico, the aame being cause No. 4457, the general

Village R~port

and Morgan Lovelace, Clerk. lighta l March) 2.40 obJect of which ault Ia to esto.bllah - • Membtm3 absen•-!·· T e·n n f s fav Har:t.n .. La-r - 18.23 In -Ulen1oclves the -foe olmplo tlthl .-

"" -J 'ruq uu and ostnte In thtl nbova described Bigelow . Standard San Mfg. Co. renl catnte and to bnr nnd forever

M• f 1 't' 2A • 'L" · atop you nnd each of you from hav-lnutes o &lit mee mg were 1

.. o 7• copp•·r pipe . 62.73 lng or ·clnlmlng nny lion upon, or read and approved. . M,S.Tel.&Tel Co Phone 4.C.O right or title In or to oald nbovo de ..

0 11 2h k crlbed real eatato, nnd to forever ' Motion by A. J. RollA ncl antf · nn •·rl't'ra ra wor quiet nnd act at rcat his fee simple

sel'onded by John W, HarkPy Purk. .SO title thereto, nnd for ouch other and F d M dl R further relict as t0"-4.hll Court may

that . applit>ation of John S ; ernan o e na e oeom meet nnd ju11t, niTa you are rue-Powers for Warehouse Building Dog carcal8 , .to thor notified thnt unlellll you enter perrriit; within the fire zonp, be Roley Ward Marahal t:.abled for further investigation. Sal April \fotlon carried. - j Morgan Lovel•ee Clerk

)'our nppcnrnnce In Bnld cauao on· or 100.( 0 be foro the 10th day of Juno, lOST,

Judgment will be rendered In ouch 75 0( ·enuae ngnlnat you by dofnuiL ·

Motion by A. J. Rollantf Rnd Sal April

Low SUMMER FARES teconded by Andy Paclllln that a Fay Barkey Watf'r Supt. 'llinimum t"ha~e or $20.00 he Sal April'

' The plnln\lff'l attomoy 18 J. 0. Ollbert, Ramonn Bulldlns;, Roawell,

17.60 New Mexico. · - · Round ulp IUJIImetfues uo oc:uAlo to all potnu IWtln& Mayt5. ttadl' Cor eonnPt"tion .. on eewer line. J. M. Bl'Ck Fire '11-ruck Here ua cwo eJWDplc:a: \fntinn ennied. I Main · · c .. ~ Ttllrill l'#nl o.m

... i ~ 11:•• Tift! •••• Trftl The following hills wen> approv· '-~zo Outlook Printing Th ()

WITNESS, the Honorable Numa 0.

5.00 Frcngor, Dlatrlct Judge of the Third Judlclnl Dlatrlct Court of tho State oLNow llo!oxlc:o, nnd tho acol of tbe

LOS ANGELES • • • • • $Z9 '18 84 65 · 88 6 -d and ordered paid. and Publlahing - SAN FRANOSCO •••• 40 00 6170 67·40 \f J. Barnett Met N.M.L.&P. Co-.·StreeL

We arc huving oummer again COACIIfttm tnll good 111 , 046,b1b1 =;~a:fSJ:,~::;{.,!;:::, Ocp Re! $ 2.50 lhrht. 'April) .

12 76 District Court of Lincoln County, thin lBt dny of Me~y, 1037. ... ISEALI EDWARD PENFJEI:.'D,

42.16 OltrJc, after our high winda a~d cand intourlltduplnstan,plu• nt • .- . -~---- N.M.L.&P. Co. Office storms. , Pull.mttm, P1"' Pu/lrntDJ cbtngt. ' ' TRY ~ TBAJN: Mr. •Rell of tho Cit garage baa light.

The birthday dinner given at For a Pic, radul wotloo lhl• ~. oblle wllh )'OUo lllJnO beautiful new <'&1'8 on d[a. N.M.L.&P. <'.o. 2 Mk about tho low ron of uldns )"'UUturom I Mr. E. S. Corn'o Sunday In honor play · Chevrolet!, Bulcka, Ponti· 1110 pluga or Mr. Corn and Mr. Cukl'r. and ·southeiD Paclflc 'lC.S and Pldsmobllea. You c:an M.S.Tcl.&Tel. Co. Phone son, Rny, won vl'ry enJ••ynbl('. he suited in kind, pri~e, t'Oior, and Czo Hdwt' Co auppll81 Th(•ir {lul'al9 were. M rn. A d 11 C. p. Huppertz, Agent. Carrizozo, N.M. lntfllor t\plsbea. Tho City aarngt> Rolland'• Drug Store Gray nod family, Mro. 0 o I I i e .'iJ tho leading garage in thi.J part Supplies and light gtohtl• Wurd -nnd lbnply of C orri2c•zn ol the at.ote. They have a largl' Weatern ·Battery & Mfg Tho Coker lum1ly, Mrs. J o h "· Ioree of men including mechanira, Co. Tractor Supplita Cnop•r and June, ~rn E D . ~- ~-. • talesmen and hookkePpPrs, aU Fay Harkey Labor Gr1ffin, Alvi, .and U>e Oln. A ·Whv a~nd 11brmsd fqr article. yop can aet at homo. . proficient In their linea and eager



.10 •• 60 1.60


May 7-28

-------------------------IS. Sll .. t ef· f'avltt

We ahould DOYC!r lllllllk pobUd7, 1.& IH.Il, of our owo tnnltl, xor ef Ula {Jlolll ot othert, onion w1 hope &e .. feet 1ome useful pur;w llf lt.!:­Ooetbr.

--~----------------------There being no further buslneu

16.25 presented tho meeting adjoumt<f, 16.10 F. E. Richards May\lr.

Attnt: Morgan Lovcl~ce «8.81 Clerk. delicio1111 dinner wno sl'rvl'd, with .11 nd At auhatnntilll &llvinsr to vou? R•-"d N•w• Ad• to serve the public.

{~ crl'om and ~nke fur d~erl · --------------~ .. ~.-~.~~·=-========================================================================~~·----------------------~. Wl' wish them many more happy birtbdaya. I

Adobc-Bi11gham bose ball team·· played Claunch . Sur.day after·: noon Adobe-Bingham team came

. home rejoicing, as they won the game.

• M.r. and Mrs. J. W. Withers of

vinited home folies at :ao1ooe. Sunday.

Misa !Au Gains left Sun lay to 1 her sister Mrn. Rube M c ·

'Ji\UlJOillaJa near Mocking Bird Gap.

Shorty Moore made a lbu.sin,esg trip to Sao Ant miOJ

Mr; E. I. Griffin is improving · the Albuquerque "Hospital. .

•--- ---~

- ' Jack Cleghorn of White Oaks :has-been a patient at the: hOSJpt-t

for the past week having had finger amputated.

Mrs. Jewel Click had h~r ton· removed last Tuesday

Mr. Todd was admitted to the hOI!:Pit:lll Wedilesday morning •.

. Born to Mr. and Mrs. Bert inbtr Qf Capitan May 9, a bof. . . •

Born tu Mr. and Mrs. Orton .,;;. ,fioE!ml\ker ot Carrizozo .May 9,

Extends Invitation


• • • • . ... --- ''- "'-"' ' . '- '- -" .

. .


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• . ----. ~ ·-

CarriZozo, New Mexico

< . .


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·~---- ·----~·· '

By Elmo Scott Watson

«~>W•atem Nowopaper


Father of the Dime Novel

A FEW years 1beforo the open­ing ot the Ci vi! war n printer

m ButJnlo, N. Y., began issuing a magazine called the Youth'll Casket and a little later another, coiled­the Homo Monthly. Neither was much of a success. More success­ful was his brother who ran a rwwastand and begoh selling songs •m amnle pages In much the name fashmn all the ballad-hawkero ot an ••uriiN day. Then_ the prmtcr broth­r•r published a number ot thea·• son go m 11 pamr,hlet coiled "The Dime Song Book · and it sold so well that they decided to move to New York ctty and publish other books for ten cents.

Thus It woa that a great Ameri­' un matttutlon was ·oorn, tor theae hrothera were Erastus F. and lr­"" ltJ P- Dt'ndlo nnfll. they Wl'ro tho "Fnthera of the Dlrno Novel." They t<,uk Into partnernhlp another na­t <ve or ButJalo, Robert Adams, and ror the next three decades there , umt• from the preMell of Beadle and Company and 8eudlo and Ad·, <11011 U p!!rf<'Ct flood Of JtttJO bOOM c the Po~·kct Library, the Holt-Dime Library und tho :lime Library) to thrill the lloula ot Aml'fil'Dn boya • and to Oil tho h<'arta ot American l•arcnta Wtth tear that their &ona wNt• IJt•IOt! c·urrupt('(l beyond all hope by thcoc "yellow-backs."

Jluw croundlcao (hat tear won Ia uhown by the fuel that nome or the mont drntlnaulnhed Americana ot te­day grt>w up on a rcodlnll diet of Ht>udlc'o dune novoln. r:xclting end rhrtlltnn thone otorlcD muy havo lor•t•n (opcnmg, 1111 no many ot them •lid, with "8anr.l DanJ:"I Dong I 1'1rrco nhota rona out and onoU1cr r t'dnl11n bit the duDl") but they were nl!W highly mural. For tho Vllloln v.·an ulwoyn folh:d, VIrtue olwayc trrurnphed and It' Is doubtful If ll •llagle boy cvl'r woo rulnl'd by road· ann one of them.

Irwin nradlc retired from tho firm tn IC02, llobcrt Adamn died tn tWO, and hla two ,younger brolh­rrll, William and David, auccccdcd htm. With tbcm oa partncro Er~We tun Beadle carried tho dlmo novel IO the hclflhb of Ita DUCC:ell!l. lfe ··onttnuod In tho bWllneru~ untll .118!), "n1t>n he r .. urcd wllh a fortune built up by tho dum:~o and nlckclll of YounQ Amerlr:o. lie died In JIJ!)f­rno early to realize that cerltlln of rhe little "yellow backs" whJc!l bo 1110ld tor a drmc would later aoll for hundrcda ot dollar& bct'oU!lb they ,.ro "Amcrlrnrul" and "collectorD' rtcma" I

She Wanted to De Preaident l. II E wanted tO' -be Prellldent ot \l the United Stntoa bu~ II ever thcro '\van a torlom hopo It Willi rhot am~lon ot ytctorla Clalln WtXJdhull.

She 11tartcd under U1c handicap of botnll born In Ohio to a forpJiy thal wnn not only poor but dlllrepuwblo. And nctthrr nho nor her alatcr

1 TrnncADce Clofln (or "Tennle C.' as nhc wrote II) ever tried to rl!­lrlcvo the family reputation. ln­slcnd. both of them added sevcrnl nhod,una Items to Puritanical Amer­rca'o low estimate of lhe Clnflrul. l''or one lhtna they went lb for aplr· 1tuallllm and. what was Wtlrnc. lhey t.ccame free lovo ad\'tlCates.

VIctoria flrnt mnrricd Dr. ~n­nlna Woodhull but noon dlncarded him tor Col. Jameil H. Blood, a haruJnome and dlatingulahcd ClriJ war veteran and a kindred spirit, whom she Inter married. Tennea­aeo wen\ to New York and won the admtrotUm or Commodoro Vrutder-­bUt who sol bel' anfJ her alalcr up as brokera. Having thWJ entered the bWJlneu v.-orld, tho alate111 ul­out to provo that women wore Just as capnblo as men In other -lines of mctJvit.v.

They bcgzm publishing WoodhuU and Clofin's Weekly nnd with It Victoria started her own "boom" tor Preaidont. She ron for that hl¥h office on a platform of ~om­lUI 11 rights-and kept right on run­nlnu for mnt11 ycarv. She wont to Waahlngton · and appeared before tho judiciary committee of the houso of roprcscntatlvcn to demand the right to vote. Of courao, she failed to win that right fust oa she folltXI tO net nnyono to tnko hOI' PresldenUal cnndJdacy cerlously.

So she finall) g1w& up tho at• tempt, clt:~carded Colonel Blood nn'd went to F..nglnnd where she ncqulred­ano\hor husbnrnJ, oa did her sister.

• Then both of thorn disowned free love, won tholr WnJI Into Enullsb society at~,d for mnny ycorv pub­

' tlshed 0 rnouaztne devoted to ad-1/anccd' vlown on ·mnny cubjceta. ~vontunlly Vlctorln settled down Into a rudstenco lUI the Lad,

a sinoU ln \Vor--

" . -·. ' .

. . . ~ . . • ' .~·.-4.,. 1:1.. -

Swank Uniforms at G:eorge VI's . • ~ .._ J .

' . .. "" ._ .. ''..;'

Officers of the British army shown wearing special new unitorms ln honor of the coronation ot King George VI. Left to right, tho uniformo are of the Scots Greys, tho West Yorkshires, the Royaj$cots Fuoillcro, the Sea· forth Highlanders, and the King's Royal Ri1lcs.

Bridge Builders Drive Golden Rivet '

The lnct rivet wos recently driven In tho Colden Onto bridge at Stm Fronci.!lco. With many notablen wltncnnlng tho coremonJen, a craw of lron·hattcd rlvotero drovn a golden rivet il}to tho opan, olgnalWng com· pletlon of the otructurol ateelwork. Mayor RoMi (rJght) of San Fran· ciJU:o aided bl riveter Edward Stanley drivel! the loot rivet.



' " ! • ' ;


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' lf

•"· . !

• ' ,. ,• •

J .,

-- " -Mlaa Fr;mcea McLaughlin, twenty•

one, aasltltant dean of women at the University of Pltt!lburgh, ltl one ot the youngcllt deall!l In American col­legCD. Two yearn ago, a lender In many compuo actlvltlM, abo wrus Almn Mater Queen. ShQ bllll chllrio ot tho women'a plncemcint bureau and womcn'o froternltles. Sho Joined the faculty a year nnd a balt,ago.

COAL COMMISSIONER They Have Twenty Varsity "Mothers"


1 ' I

d '\ ! 11

j .. ' I 1 I I

·~ ' I




QI Great Importance Because · · Q[ Vitamin Supply.

I to t ' 0


. , . • . By .EDITH M; BARBEQ. .

W l{ILE fruits, of course; belong ~0 . t,he vegetable- ·kingdom, we·

classify them separately from those fooda whi~h we can vege­tables. In frults most of the c.arb!>" hydrate is in the fpnn of sugar m contrast to the starch of vege­tables. Like,. vegetables 'they are high in vltomms, in geperal, supJ?lY· ing us with larger amounts of vita­min c. Lenfy vegetables, tomatoes_ and squash, howev~r, can ~ompete with even citrus 11'\llts on th1s count. 'Most fruits supply, as Wf,lil, a cer· tain amount of on!l. or more min~r­ais. Like vegetl'lliles, they furmsh roughage in the form of cellulose which aids the rhythm of digestion. Whil~ th!l majority of tru~ts are

eaten In their raw form, coolong de­stroys very little of the vltamitl con­tent. Canned fruit:~ can be counted upon tQ supply ua with p~octic~Uy the same amount of vitamms wh1ch are furnished by the raw product.

The natural, acids of fruits ore usually an advantage to digestion, excepting In SJleCiol cases w~ere there is already an j'CltCesYof acid in tho stomach. Even in such con­dttlons _ ripe banana:~, sweet chcr· rles·, cooked pears, apples and prunes can usually be taken. Let me call attention to the tact tha~ the condition ot acidoala Is com-pletely different from that of hyper­acidity. No matter how acid the fruit is during d(gestion, after ab­oorptlon, alkaline products which prevent acidosis, result. .

In no respect have the dietary customs of lh.la country changed more than toward the fruit content of our doily ration. Th1s change is, of course, wholly advantogcoUD.

Glazd Banana aDd Pineapple. 3 bananas 3 slices conned pin'i?.ipple Granulated sugar Cut bananas and pineapple ollceD

in halvco. Arrange in a ohaUow baking dlah and oprinklc with water. Bake In a moderate oven (375 de­gNlca Fahrcnholt) about ten min· utco untll.tho ougar lo molted.

Baked Rhubarb Puddlnr. .;o thin ollcca of bread B11tter 1 bunch rhubarb, cut Into holt

Inch pieceD 1 cup nugar. Butter tho ollcca of bread on the

lollf before cutting and llno a but­tered dinb with tho buttered oldo of the bread toward the dlnh. FlU with rhubarb and ougor, cover with bread and bake In a moderate oven (375 degreeD Fahrenheit) halt an hour. U rhubarb ltl very acld more augor may be added.

WIDe JeU1. 2 tablespoonD granulated gelatin. ~ cup cold water 1 ¥.! cup!l bolllng water ~ cup auunr ¥.! cup orange juice 3 ltlblespoonD lemon juice 1 v, cuJ)!I oherry Soak gelatln In cold water five

mlnutca. Dissolve in bolllng water. Add remoinlng Ingrcdfentn and pour Into a mold. Chill untD eeL Un· mold ond serve with whipped cream.

Artichoke Salad. . 1 can nrtJc:hoko buds 2 tableapoons minced onion French dressing

·Pimento Remove nrtichokes from can nod

drain. Sprinkle with minced onion and a weD-seasoned French dress­lug. Gnmlah with stripa of pimen­to ~ore serving.

Prune and Raisin Paddinr 3~!1 cups milk ~ cup broW!} sugar Salt 3~ tablm;poot19 cornstaren ~ cup raisins ~ cup cut prunes

John C. IA:lwis, mine union mem· ber, ol Iowa, one of seven men op­patntetf lfy YresiiJent Roosevelt 011 a commlnalon to odtnlnlater the sec­ond Guffey coal control act.

Scold three cupa of milk. Mix · cornstarch and salt with rest of milk

Left motherless one. month otter their blrtb, these two bob!es now and add with sagar to hot milk. have 2b "mothens''-epc:h one a coed at Comclltmiverslt.F~ Ithaca, N. V. Stiruntilthiek-1tndmnooth, m!d1rutt 'The bobiet, Rclo Ann (left) and Mary Allee, were borrowed by the New and cook over bot water thirty min-1York State College ot Homl! EconomJes 4t order to provide subjects for utca. Pour Into large or Individual students of the family ute courses to "practice" with. • molds and chill. Serve with plain

- -· --~'- -,~-- -~--~-·------

Congressmen ·Inspect Heavy Artillery Trains . • ' •

or whipped cream. - -Cllnls l'ltatmalade,

1 grapefruit 1 orange 1 lemon Water Sugar Wipe fruit and \jlllce very thin,

Removi'l- ~s- 'Of fruit and core ot grapefruit. Measure- and add three times the quantity of water. Let stand In dish overnJght. Boil un. til the fruit Is .toft.· Measure, add

amount of Stigar and ball, occnslonnlly until the sirup

about one hour. Pour Into and seol •.

Marmalade Variations. 1. Use six oranges and tw<t )&ltl·

:ons. 2. Use three ·grnpefruits and two

. ler'ilons. 3. Add pne and one:.half cups

ci'U!Ihed · pineapple after fruit and sirup hnve been cooked flfteen mln­utes. ··~ ·- -

4. To fruit, n:dd two CUPl1 cooked and ·an equal

"a . \Vhq ~IUITered tor vl~ws now generally aceopted.'' . . . . . . Wbt~n 1h.e died tn 19ti!U U~o :f8 · nurtnr i ttccnf :vtsn orl-~ <:on&reasrn_,n &nil ~ed~(~rs' to ~ott· .:Mo~~.:ya;;-u:ltii nln"'ty, tho vlcnl' whO prcnch h-=- rnllwtif train$ of thO tUtNccOntl eottst &tUlle~ as i!l\()Wn,tabove •. On the gun,ca~ .. ·

••we b!lVt'l been to hove eomrnandln1 officer$ ot the Fitl,f-aecottd taUway -coii!lt arU11l'!rY~ · · · . , · . · had of the crentcst pu. · > , ,.._ ·~ . I , <

. . "

' ' "

'.•' ' . ~ :

' ..

ust 'a Li

' , •• I .I ' I

' ... '' ' '. . . ~ ' "•

,Eeab, Wbat? .. Little Boy-Dad, why are all

those holes in the board? Dad, a Carpenter-son, thoser

are knot holes. Little Boy (after a long silence)

-Well if they are not holes, what arc they? • I

Turnover Stubb-This government report

states that the life of a paper dollar is only seven or eight months. _ Stubbleli~!;J-Well, I have never

had one die on my hands.

;soldiers make good husbands, says Sergeant-Major Sam: they're trained to be tidy.,, Then why is their dining room alwa;vs a mess?


• "Good grlcf-1'11 never rent that

cottage to a mouse family again. They nearly ate me out of housQ and home.'' ·



Subtlet1 ~ A customer ant down nt a table

In n omart' rClltauraht and tied a napltin around hla neck. Tho l!con· dallzcd manager called a waiter and Instructed him: "Try to make him underotand, as tactfully as pos!llble, that that'a not done."

Sold the thoughtful wnltcr to the customer: "Pardon me, air. Shove or halrcut1 nir?"-The ~blegram.

Knowlnr111' "Doell your husband talk ln hla

olcep?" "No, and lt'o terrlbly cxruspor·

otlnu. He jUDt grln!l. "-Qmpha World-Herald. ..

. Boo! "And thi!J, I IIUPPQile, ltl one ot

tho!lo hideous carJcaturos ;you cnU modem art." · ·

"Nope, thnt'n Just a mlrror."­Chrlntlan Reginter.

Books Arc CompaDJ' U you can entertain yoursel!,

you arc fortified against many a tong evening without company. Try the companionship of books:

Why Lax~tives Fail In Stubborn

Constipation Tw.ln to 241louts lltco fana to walt

'W1111t 'fllllet; ftem dCOte41 bflrela an" c:onaitl)llUrm Ia nteda<t, fer then encr· m~ QUahtltl~a •' bacurla accumu· late, eautlna QAS', ln"i"eatlon '"" -ma!IT-rut~..-al~HJ n-D'ht&o --~ -- -._lf)'OII¥rallt f\IEA~QUICK fti!C.IEF', ... kl c· '14llilf·~m~utuf .Ucft aa Ad• ltriq. AdJerlq contama SEVEN ca· th&rtlo an!l drmlnaUVI tnaredlenta that act on ttl• mmaett aitd 80TH ~-1&. Nest ... vatnlaht" raxatlvea contain ene lno+ulant that acta on til• lawtr bewaf enly. ,

Adlerik&'j DOUBLE ACTION glvat your ~~em a thOfOUstlt -etunolng,

· brlnatnr ~~~ tlltl ·poJ•ene* wast• mat· tel' tha mall trllv• cauMcl• OAS pains, tcur atomach,'fltilit;adrea -and ,,.,preu nltll~ fot' monttla. ·

Adlttlka relltv" etomaclt CAS at en~ and tiaturll)t· l'l!movea tioW.I con• geatltn In r- thait. two flllura. No WAIUnt--'.fol" GWI'nltl!t -retilltL- T-1111 famout ttutmtnt flu been recom· mended lllf lnltiiY ifoctora altd druil· olitt fol' SS )'tare. Tak• Adlerolka one• half Jlout J)efONI breakfut cr•n• flour,_ befo~ btiltlmw- alllf"ln 11 ahott wtrlle f you

1wrn ru~ marvetnoly l'tfl'lofled.

,Ai _. I Lead hi• Dnltolltli. · - · · ~

'1Quotations" ' " .

.~ . ·~v~ < 'j

Let ml! notleillit >tls~ power artd joy oF· iaenlire lritt' 'Upoll those who excrcite 11, Pure passions ~row

well .. dark onet.>-Dr. rr. L.

"failure., II' tbc d117lng



hm~ol scrrnon ~~N~ls~h~eo~~~~~~~e:h:•:lnn:·:n:n~o~f~t~be~~=~o~~6:ffi~t~l~~b:~~~~· na:.·:1~ta~.~~~~-~~~:u~~~e.~h~c~p~·~:$~en~~~··~u~ve~L:~:te~r~lU~U~~~Ai~n~b~n~nl.~a~,~~~~~~~~~::~~~::::::::~ll~~~~~~~~~~~~·~·-----·= "'J·!~

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"' ,'}If • ' • •• . '

·- .. " - - - . ,. - ~ - ..

I . •

c,' ·, .. -·, .• , ' '~ ~, ' '' ' ~· ·, ; . f. ' • ' •. · ', . ' ' • '

.: ;: .~ . . , ..

• '• •

: :+Prbited Cottons Rank:u!gh in. CL~c· ·. 1 I 4~ '-" · • · ,. J.-'"' . - ·: w

. . ' . .

- . Parading ·the Fashions At!/ 7avotltfl




. . . . . , . By'Cf.[ERIE NICHOLAS . I .. , , By·

RttciKJtZ Anna St!iln


ARE modern cottons putting on high-style aim! Their emer·

gence from the humble housclroek field tells D.D foacinaling a story no any Cinderella romance might offer. Cottons ore certainly going plncca 11Dd doing things in the way of color, weave and deolgn such all they never ventured to do before.

ThlD oplrit of coltonll to do and to dare 1D eDpcclaUy true in regard to thin season's prlntn which nrc flaunting n glory· and glamor that .1D toldng them Into U1c swonkleot plnceo cottono <Wc.rc ever known . to , go. A!J pretentiously fnohloncd no deoigncrn arc now turning out cot­ton c:ostwnco tor both day and eve­Ding wear, you feel omortly drcnsed

· fn them no matter tho place, tho time or the company you ore ln.

I\'0 COttono flUCh Q1l were dlo­plnyed at n style clinic held In tho

.Mcrehandi!lc Mart of Chicago re­ccnUy (three of which nrc here pictured) that caUDo one to become c:otton-coll!!cloull to oce-hlah point

:ot cnthUBianm. Attractive cotton fatlhlono of tho typo pictured avall­oblo ln dcp.tJUment ntorcn anti ope· clLllty nhofj9 the -counley over give the pcrfcc:t nnawor to women &cck­in£ moxlmwn otylc at mlnimam ouUay.

· A stunning dreJl!l, an shown _, the tight 1n ~c group, holdll no terrors tor a llmlted budget for It In any­thing but conUy even though It docs give Its wearer an air of hlgb-brow chic. Which In the grand . and glori· OU!I thing about thl!l season's hand· oome coltons, they are ini!JC]X!nslv,ll although they bnve all \he vogufub dctnlln you would expect of much higher priced modes. In the gown referred to you see bow dramatical· ly fij)Jashy cotton prints h a v c stepped into the 1037 &eene. The graceful black scroll patterning boldlt contrasts vividly colorful flo­rala. A glrll.:lh round collar and



short puff ll.lceves are Important style detnlls. The gy.psy Gash girdle repeating lending colora In the print adds the final "touch that tells." A bright green felt hat with grongraln ribbon trim colorfully top:! this con· tum c.

A pennant print and the new !lpa· ghcttl trim arc combined In the drcllo eho\Vn to the lett to interpret style at ito best. The print 1D In pennant bluen, green!! and yellows on a runoef bnckaround ground • The opag~ctti trim for bell and for the modlnh lnclng on the walnt In in mulll coloro. The nkirt In flared no faohlon now dcmanda. The hat has n oquarc high crown and the brim In bound in groograin.

Royal crlmnon (ccholni corona­lion colora) and navy blue on a white background or clokY pique prcncnts a otunnlng color study for the gown centered in tho group. BecaUBe the prU,t Is a vividly color­ful widely opaccll bold floral it reg· lDtcrs definitely 1037. Thin cnacmble fcaturcn a jacket with puffed nlecvcn lllld paneled down the back to cor­respond with the panel 1n the dreJl!l whleb 1D nlecvele!lD and coUarlC!l!l. A new Gaucho ctyle felt hat In­spired by South Amerlen gives a nonchalant touch which 1D moot in· trigulng. AdjUBtablc knotn hold the

• hat under the chin. · When you go cotton-print shopping

don't forget that the bigger, • the bolder, the print the smarter. You ann go to any. extreme and nun not be found guilty of exceeding the opced limit no far no the colora and deslgno of the new cottono are con­cerned. There Ia n decided trend toward bold stripes and plaJds. Then too, fancy tuma to Enot Indian and oriental print designg. Thenc are particularly smart for the now-so­popular house coatn and tor sports frocks.

0 WI!Shro Newll;).:lper Uc!oc.

OIO'r''L• .•. ahotlt . R~i.nt> Fox BunUng.

SANTA MONICA, --cALIF.­. In· England it has been de·

cided that fox-hunting is hu~ ma,pe. ~s opinion emanates from the hunter~. The foxes have not~ been· heafd ffom on the subject. · · Maybe you don't know It, but therq's a lot of fox-hqntlng among us, especially do.wn . south. Being but a lot of· stQbbom non­conformists, south· erners do npt follow the historic rule11. A party at large wear· ing a red coat, whJte panties and high boots ;would be. .mls~oken for a re!· · ug.ee from a circus band. And anybody blo:wlng a horn as l"ln S. Cobb 'he ·g~Uoped across • . hlll and. dole would be set down 'llS 11n Insane fish peddler; and l.f you shouted "Yiew, halloo! Tantlvy, tan,lvtl Yoicks, yoicksl" or words to that effect, they'd think you were a new kind of hog-caller.

Down there they've chased the fox until he's wise. The foxes have learned that the hounds can't fol­low trail on a paved highway and 1.10 quit the thicket for the concrete when the chana Is on. A fox has been Bitting in tho middle of the big road Hstcning to the bewildered pack. i

On second thougl\t maybe {3rer Fox IDn't Bo smart, .after all-not with automobile traffic what It Is. 'TID a hard choice-stay In the wood!l and get caught or take to tile pike and get run over.


• •



rzez .,.. . . ~ -

· /- Movht Ster

'Sprlncerle ' 4 eggs 1 poupd flour 2 tablespoonluls anlfie l!!e!J Lpound powdered Sl,lllBr 3 level teaspoonfuls baking powder

Beat egg y61lts and whites sep. orately, then together · u n t i 1 creamy; nd.d sugar, .slowly beat· lng until bubbles appear. Sift U1e baking powder with the flour th~>r­oughly, theh add the anise seed .

. Add slowly to the above mixture and mix well. L11t stand for four hours in a cool place. Roll out, cut into fancy shapes and place on sheets .. llf paper to dry. Bake in .slow oven.

l''opyrtc-t\t.- \\'NU Sorvaco.

inch. materiaL With the short sleeves It rc'quires only 5 yards of 39 mch.' mate_riul.

New Pattern Book. Send fur the Burbara Bell Spring

and Summer Pnttem Book con· tulnlng dc.>signs of uttractlvc, prac· tical and becoming clothl'S. Ex· elusive fashions for children, • young womcn nnd matrons. Pril"c, 15 cents pc.>r :opy. ·

• • • St>nl't your 01 der m' TM S~ving C1rclc.> Pattern Dc.>pt., Room 1020. 211 W Wuckcr Dr., Chicago, Ill. Pril."e of puttl.'rmt, 15 l'ents (m coms) cad1.

l' Urll 1'1ndl<lll~ --WNU Scr\'IG~

A . STYLE ~>how De Luxe for De bottom ma1re for style plus com· Ladles on this De Lighllul 'fort, a demnrid matrons, even •

Spring day! though youthful, always make. 1 ,--~---

• Betty Ann feels just a bit the Winifred on the lc.>ft is privately ; IT NO most elegant of the three for her making up her mlnd to have a E FF 0 RT housecoat is nupcrlntlve. She has housecoat, too; UJOUf!h she is TO KEEP ''sltlrts" like the ladies In the mightily pleased with tl\o way her feminine yesterdays; her banque print has turned out. She cho,se FURNITURE Is form·flttlng; her sash has a this style because the fitted. brolt· B EAUTI FU L bow, and her sloevcu pufT. 'fhc i]. en waist line and front seamed lualon Is 50 perfect that she In skirt are [iO very nlcndcrizlng. . WITH about to reach for smelling llnltll She's on her way to tho 4·H meet· O•CEDA or· a . sprig of old lavender. lng now nnd h1,1s only !!topped

to remind Betty Ann of the picnic POLl SH f •-r•'"" 11 Matrons Dave Vanity, Too. "The Jo1Ju Twelve" 11rc t1nvlng. .,"'~-.

Couraceous Repub cans. · ~ " SO QUICK An 0 W HO, bcoldcn the writer, can r Mama. very young for her ',rhe Patterns.

• • •

call when tho Democratn he d yearn, can not rcnlnt stylen thnt Pattern 1205 comen tn nh:en 12- EASY TO USE their jubilation rallies tbo night b brlntrrnorc compllmentn her way. 20 (30 to 40). Saze 14 rcquarcti 31!r~ fore a prcnldcntial election and t o The no-belt feature of thlo one ls yards of 3!1 Inch mntcrlal. Republicans t11e night otter the definitely new, and docn wondctn Pattern 12ll2 ill to:- nlzcn 14·20 turns )Nere ln. when they had no for the fir.ure a bit paDt the nlim (32 to 44 bUBt). Size 16 requires thing to jubUatc over? Now the n t- n\age. .jho continuing !.'Dlllll',Q 5~i yardn of 39 inch moter)ol. lt uation 1a jUBt tho other way arou which In ''<loft pastcln ~ alwoyo rcqUlrca 1Y.J ymdo of ribbon for The Literary Dlgent poll wos pr . • natterlng, gives the break rc- tic bell. tlcally the anly thing the Rcpu I· qulred by tho all·in-onc waiot and Pattern 10G3 in !or oizen 3G to 50. cans had to celebrate during the • nklrt. Tho fitted top and flaring Size 3D requtren 5~a yardll of 3!1 tire fall ocanonof 1036. · --............................. ~ ..... --~ ........................................................................................................ _

Still, WC! mUBt give that dim lobed blit gallant band credit r courage. Here, In an off·YC r, they're nplrltedly planning ago t th'! next conttrc!llllonol campaign •. .\ . . . ' •

Entllsb necrultinc.

T HE Englinh nrc nUll having trouble Inducing young fellown;

to Join the colors. Firot, the gov· crnment tried to Increase cnllst­mcntn by giving every 'recruit a gld· dy new blue uniform, oboolutely free of charge, and nUll the loda re­tuned. So n0\9, on on appeal which, 'tin bclleved, no true Brlti!lhcr con withstand, the mlUtary authoritleo nnnouncc thot, hereafter, Tommy Atklnn will have lime off for alter· noon teo.


WELL • • • IF YOU'D 00 AS 1!-lt: DOC'TOP. SAID,



L_:....· ~.a,~?'~a:m:~~.m~cn~o~t.\8~-.J FOR GREAT YARDAGE

Thin moy be Q new notion for peacetime, but, during the great war, the CUDlom wan maintnlned e~cn up nt the front. Mnny a Ume I've seen nU ranks, from the briga· diem oa down, knocking off tor teo. However, t b I n 'didn't militate agalnst hln majesty's forces, be­cause, at the name hour, the Ger· mons, over on their nlde of the line, were IUlving coffee--or. what the GdmDD.!I mistake for colTee. And the French took advantage of UJe lull to catch up wlfh thl!ir boo'kkcep­itli on what the aDiOD owed ·them

···AND ALL 00 iS 'THINK.



W1'1H I •

. U you b~ve ~ make C?De party dl'e$5 do for various occaSions. there is no better buy than black silk ne~ · . sterling quality. · Especially is

. at the presen~ moment is gre1lte$l en:-

=;,.o:;::::::-;S~h::e&rs of ev·

.. ~,. . '\ - • r

BJ CBERm NICHOLAS The present dramatic fnshions

!!Otung for great yardage as en. don;ed by leading designers give fabrics a larger share of the fashion spoWght than In many seasons. "Ballerina" skirts of layers and lay· ers ~r llt1ff "lllfeer lrlflm; attached io' long fitted bodices of silk net, nilk tulles and silk marquisette allow the Inspiration of Ule recent Degas ex· hlbits In Paris and New York. Full·; skirted evening gowna someUmes use forty yards ot silk.

Sc:hiaparelli's ballet waltz dress with short skirt over stiff petticoats, Ule soubrette sllbouette which caused such a sensation at the openings, is frequently interpreted in silk net, 'a1ro In printed silk.

finishing up treSli and !Dlatt o A ~rts dress mar be a, JI)OtU drJ:SS, but wlie~J lt'.- hi~:~. 70\r .IUlve­aounded. a· st)'Je<Oriect decorative note, to-AY...nOthfng bf cootneill and ·. 'uncruabableness •

' I

tor damage to property, rent, use Gf trcnchOD, space. \17ear nnd tear, etc., etc.'

l>id it ever occur to our own gen­eral staff thot guaranteeing a daUy crap-shooting Interval might stlmu­lnto volunteering for the American army?

• • •

. '.1 •

' • .. ' -

, . •

. • •

' • ·-~

' .


.. '

• #


• •

...... . ' f.l" ' .

• • • .~.

Hortlculturiat Here· · •• • •

Mr, A. B. Fite,.Exten1ion Hor· tlculturiat, spent cme day in the eounty thia week with the County Extension Agent doing grafting . ' . work on P,ecan and walnut trees in the R1,1idoa.o valley.

The poasibility of producing I English walnJJta from grafts made I on native black walnut trees is very promising in this locality. It se!·ms that the best time for

... - . '

.. -··- --·e:---· ·-1· .. >

~·; .. r·or· •

Sate· Bottomless steel tank 40 ft. across, 8 ft.- high, bolted in 22 . sections 6x8. Inquire Box 368, Carrizozo, N. M.

_, ....

this work is from May 1 to May ·------------10 just when thl!Y sap starts to rise m t.lwoe tr<•es .. Mr. Fite has had considtraLlo experience h1 r-----------­Lhis work, and the people in this

· _ For Sale· . vicin1ty shoulc,l plan to use h1m • mo~u m this type of work next apnng. . . 6 good young Jersey. Cows

giving milk now. · · .

Jenny Lind's Grll•• Jenny Lind, the Swedish nllhtln­

J,.. E. Simpson · M9unt~inair, N. M.

gole, 1s buried In Malvern, En1land; •---------~

• ' .

• •'

NOTICE l~·o Carrizozo •

---·--·--- --- --~-~·· --------------TELEPHONE



]lrL fYbmJ Wl.tdlw.r.l ot JRIRplumR.,

tfJ.iJLL iA, lf/mq U/JldiDL + .....

PLEAS~ BE SURE to read the notice en· closed with your telephone bill which you will receive soon. It explains the charges covered by that statement and brings your telephone bill up to date.

THE BILL INTRODUCES the neVI method of rendering telephone bills as originally explained in the notice accompanying your May 1 bill.

In The Future All Local Telephone Billa Will Be Dated The 21st of Each Month

We will be glad to answer any questions or give any additional information you d . 0 csuc.

lusl Call Our BusJntss Offiu

Please Bead · dte Notlee Eaeloaed wldi

Your Bill •


··WE Have NOW in STOCK •

Fl ELD SEEDS:- Cane, MUo, Hegarl, Kaffir, Oata. .

Sprayers Garden &eda Garden Rakea H001 Elc.

Red and White Onion Stta lOc-per lb. · Arsenate of la:d Fly Spl'aJ

. .

Out Pri(eS Are Reason~Je .. . Mall Orden FJUeci P~mptl( ·

.• '

• The Titsworth _ ...

,. ' t -- ~ --

. . ~., I

~----~~--------------------~ •


< ~ I :!!"

' • • ' '' .

- ·,,' ~- - ' '

', ___ ··- i ·-, ' .. · .. ' ~-. ' ' . ' . .. . :Ll~Wvt-J!\ GOt::~'tY .Wh!WS .•

. ,-·-' . ..

' . . • • ' . .,. .

' ' . . ' . . , . ' ' . . . '. .• ,. ,• . - ~ .


• Wet..;

S.mboo Fly Rodt $10 to $35

Jahluor, Ma~>o­~·"'· Handkra(c, Malt4dtnfu =h a rrlorm>h In lu tltwl Bado:bonc, balance. Lockln1 reel """

• Web•r·H•nshaD Fly Unn



.. J numit" in fislri"g 111111/i .

THOSE precloua few hours you set Oil r~ . favorite stream - 1pend them with Udcl. ·-.-,. . ·which hlia earned tlic c:onliden~;e of more 4,. anglcrJ than apy other! ¥ In our acodl: ril · Weber ~cntl.ons you will find tllca that an dependable noutA;_rJ • • • creeJ.fillm authcao tlc:nted by 41 years of fly-tylns ttudy and. c» perle nee ... exdusl•1e •pecla[ty luret •• , roc:ll, lin~. reclt1 1ead~•. •plnncn:...cv~thlPJ Cor the fly entnu•laat. Come In today)


Mcstorlualt Trout Fly S.ri••

l'crlccccd "'"ndw p111ccrn" rtprilduc- llteMI'IFIS. dona of dwi ullmll

~~ol~H: . - Ia oo(C•bO>dled

t.fotqulco Uo and&acnullr.'ll•• tpr&nllt Mooqulco IIUI.f bf ~&bed Wet U wcU •• 4rf. Odocr ' ~Ct.ct'M for we.c '*• HaJJ •1Se

.C..ddla n, Ilk ::;t;u 6, 8, lO aiwl U. ts.h ~~ No.MC6-

Comploto ... a<>m!ICbiOfOM ofcaehof•M•

WlllowiSc &~~Sf flnt .. a..* .. . .. . ...... . "" ~ •

J. f. Kelley Hdwe & Sport Sbop ~·

• , ANCHO NEWS Mr. and Mra. J. M. Frame ar•

_ spending two wetks Bt ·Ruidoso 1

' . .

ZIEGLER . . . --BRO.

' '· .. ·H··· .. e·· . .,.· R,. !·" ·s· · _. .

•< ., -•' ' . .. . . '

.. .., '

I • ' ' . <iRADUA·TION . .

> • •

o· ·Rb-liT.I N <lS •

> . . •


. ~ . ' f .,

ZIEGLER. BROS. Greeta This Graduation Class \with· Ameri­

. ·ca' a· ··greatest · styles and value• · ib I • . •

Evening. Dresses, Dione~ Dressel and dancing frocks in sizes 12, 14 and 16. ~ ·


I I ••

I' • •


Meaera. A. c. Stilwell Jim in their new cottagidhat baa juat Brown, John Dale, Jr., and Sllri been completed. 1-=:=~:...:=:=:::==~~==:=:=======:::=:::::::::::=:::=:= Bulc of tho s~ · P. water ncrvfo1 Mna. T. J. Straley was taken Mr. and Mrs. Mark Cathcart· Home Ec Club TM arc, at Luna for ncvcml days. back to El Paso lut Sunday.. Mra. •nd Mr. Raunl Kanau of Carla· I ~~ and Mra. J E. Hall wort Straley bas b~n very l1l since .bad spent lut Saturday wnb Mr. . - . .

In Carrizozo Monday on bWJini!Q r~turnlng rrom El PaVo. We bopt


1and Mfi: John Dale Sr., and· Quito a numbfr of Motbtra.ol · Cor her speedy recovery. fdmlly and drove to White Oab the Home Ec atudenbl atwMtd

Mr. L. B. Butler of El Paa• • . for a af.x o'clock dinner at the· the Exhibit and tea at th• Blah and Mr. Bowen Zumwalt d. Mr. and M~. Gco. Wahler. of i home of Mr. and Mra. Jack 1 aehool TuCiday al't/mloon. DriM­Nogal were at Luna Tueaday. • Jlcnrilln were m our com~unity


Cleghorn and attended the dance' a, pajama~, sweaten tvlftln.* rhs. ~obn Dnh.•, Jr. spent Tu~. Tuesday on buaineu. at. White OAb, S~turday nfabt, I ~bl and .. Dumbtr' or' o-t,i,tt

day with Mrn. Buio nt Lun.., · Mr. and Mra. ~111 Balow spent returnina home Sunday. Ml'ticl• made a la.ldna,fDj Mm. 9uio and little Shlrlt>y oro Monday and Tuesday in Roswell. F h . ··p·· , dllplaJ. ~elrtabmtnblterwld ·bf all vlniLing their parcntu, ~fr. aorl Mr. and Mrs. Fred F. Clark of ru man arty . th~ cl111 membtn wm·_ 'ffi1 Mro. H. T. Porter, who returrod tho Cnpltan m"luntalns are in - delldoua. Student.t ·fn lbli d-. Mond~y rrum a nice trip to Hot cha!'Be ot tho qotroo Shop durln2 The r"*'bman clua enjoyed a partment, under the aupen~iioli Springa. . tbetr abicnl'o. ; party at tbo Com!J:\unity .Hall of Mile ~avia han rnadt ttetl·

I M , M Geo 8 1 1lut Friday evenin1. . . Jent progrt~a. We are all very proud or tho r. an ra. rge tta ey 1 Entertainment cona£1ted of

nice now graveled road !rom and Mra. John Straley have ~n d d • Tb ~• , . Anclto to the Bilbo Store- and ion t.he sick li•~ tho put week but 11

1 mt es a~ aneang. 1

ed ex~ Harkey won the airls' pri~Jj tcw om ' 'I • ' bJ •A. t tb' ti en OOU!lC W&l generdUI y Oll&"'-'11 Pest ce an ~ rarall11, that hns art a o "'' up a ta me. b th CCC 0 b. •- tho bea~ muqumde cot~Vr»-i

bt>en 6ntnhcd by the· CCC boyn · Y • re es..... . • Just wondering wlum tllti road Mr. V. Hcfker hat l'tltumed to MJ'I. Freeman,. el&M mothtl Bobb7 Macb1 won the boya• will be complct£:d to Whfto Oakn Cloudcroft. Mr. HeCker relievtd acrved delicioua retreabment.t. priz.t. and Ra~enton. Mr. Porter at. Luna tor ten daya. A.Jamtda Bowlw and Zane 7





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