+ How to Create a Blog. + One: Prepare the Content When creating a blog one must know exactly what...

Post on 23-Dec-2015

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Transcript of + How to Create a Blog. + One: Prepare the Content When creating a blog one must know exactly what...


How to Create a Blog

+One: Prepare the Content

When creating a blog one must know exactly what content you will be including.

This will allow for better organization as well as a clean and simple design to the blog.

Also, it makes creating the blog a very simple and easy process when everything is laid out.

+Prepare the Content (cont.)

Since the project is about health and wellness, make sure to incorporate ideas pertaining to that.

There is no need to wander off into other topics.

Whatever your group is specifically presenting on, do just that.

+Two: Create a Layout/Design

Most blog websites allow you to choose a design from some form of template.

Pick out the one that best suits you, but at the same time keep in mind that it must be simple and not cluttered.

Cluttered blogs make it easy for people to get lost, make sure they don’t get lost!

+Create a Layout/Design (cont.)

When finding and/or creating a layout, see if there is a layout that corresponds with your topic.

If there is something that looks more “sporty” or “healthy”, incorporate that into your design.

+Three: Create the Blog

When making the blog make it organized!

Organize the pages that will contain the content in an organized and orderly fashion.

Make sure that whatever personalized design youchoose that it is simple and organized.

Make it look professional! No unicorns and kittens please. Ok, well maybe.

+Four: Add the Content

Add the content to your blog.

Make sure it is relevant to the project/topic that you are working on.

Make sure to bundle the content into sections.

One page should be dedicated to description, another to the project, another to findings, and so on. But try not to put too much on one page, sub-pages work as well!


+Five: Make the Blog Maneuverable

The blog should be easily maneuverable for students so that they can search the blog on their own.

Each page should go directly to the related content and should not be cluttered.

Make sure to include easy access links on the homepage.

It is not a maze!

+Six: Finalize the Blog

Make sure that all content is in the appropriated areas and that there are easy access links on the homepage.

Make sure everything is organized and not cluttered.

Make sure that colors are not distracting and that they are professional.

Add photos and links to outside sources as long as they are professional and tasteful.

+Help on Creating Blogs

Below are some websites that give help on how to create an effective and efficient blog.




+Websites that Create Blogs




Each website will give you a step by step process and most will include their own templates and links to templates.

+Good Luck!

Remember to enjoy creating your blog, don’t just think of if as a school project, but as a future investment in skills and creativity.

Blogs are often used in the modern day workforce and this is an invaluable asset for careers.

Have fun and work hard!