конференція Gov.comms.ua: презентація Тетяни Попової

Post on 16-Jul-2015

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Transcript of конференція Gov.comms.ua: презентація Тетяни Попової


April 2015

Broadcasting TV is the main source of information about the situation of Ukraine for the residents of the south-east regions:

83% of people have get to know about news through the programs of national channels.

South-East media consumption (KIIS in Feb15)

On the second place is Internet media: 41 % of people are reading online-information

South-East media consumption (KIIS in Feb15)

Other sources are: national newspapers (22 %), social networks (17 %) and radio (16 %)

South-East media consumption (KIIS in Feb15)

A large-scale work is conducted to ensure a stable broadcasting of Ukrainian channels in the East of Ukraine:

• Weekly sessions of a commission concerning assurance of a stable functioning under the Ministry of Information Policy of Ukraine;

• Special programming for Donbass TV channels provided by Public TV of Donbass and “Radio Svoboda” (up to 5 hours per day);

• Republic of Lithuania and Poland sent transmitters for restore broadcasting of Ukrainian TV channels in the area of ATO.

Restoring broadcasting in the ATO zone

TV in Donetsk region

TV in Lugansk region

FM radio in Donetsk region

FM radio in Lugansk region

Restored broadcasting of Ukrainian TV on Donetsk

Also TRK Ukraine, but with the very low transmitter

Ukrainian Radio channels on Donetsk

FM Radio: 96,5 FM - Radio 24 with news of the Public Radio of Donbass 97, 5 FM - Russian Radio of Ukraine 103,1 FM - Radio Lux/ Radio 24 FM Radio of Medium waves: 549 kHr UR 1 with the television program of the Public Radio of Donbass 1431 kHr Special program (18:00 – 22:00)

FM Radio: 102,3 FM – Radio 24 67, 73 FM - Russian Radio of Ukraine Radio of Medium waves: 549 kHr UR 1 with the television program of the Public Radio of Donbass 1431 kHr Special program (18:00 – 22:00)

Ukrainian Radio channels on Lugansk

Unit of the press-center of the ATO headquarters in the territory of Donetsk and Lugansk regions begin work in Donetsk regional civil military administration in Kramatorsk from April 27

The officers of press-center will print for journalists press-cards to work in the area of ATO and organize press tours and daily briefings for media

Opening the unit of ATO press-center

Distribution of the printed publications

From Summer 2014 was distributed almost 1 MIO newspaper copies "Ukraine Edinaya". 64 numbers of bilingual (Ukrainian and Russian) publication. Not only news, but also useful information about their social rights, important government initiatives – were get as the militaries so the civilians in the area of ATO

Distribution of the printed publications

From December 2014 weekly newspaper "Special edition for the residents of Donbass". The total circulation is 60,000 copies/weekly. Distribution across the territory of ATO

Under the guidance of the adviser to Minister of Information Policy of Ukraine , Oleksander Briginets help to RRT to restore the ruined by terrorist's TV tower on the mountain Karachun, which will improve the quality of broadcasting for Kramatorsk and Sloviansk.

Restored broadcasting on adjoining and occupied territories