Get your homework from yesterday out Write down in Agenda today’s homework which is to study...

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Get your homework from yesterday out

Write down in Agenda today’s homework which is to study vocabulary


EQ: What features make a civilization?

What is a civilization?

A group of people that take part in certain things (art, religion, politics) and work together to create an organized society.

What features/factors should we consider when trying to

understand a civilization?

Write down what comes to mind

What features create a civilization? - P.E.R.S.I.A.

Political Influences Economic Religious Social Ideas Area (Geographic)

Political Influences Government Leaders


Laws Loyalty

Economic Influences Money system Technology

Agriculture vs Industry Resources (oil, timber, iron, coal)

Religious Influences

Holy books Deities (spirits or gods) Missionaries Beliefs/teachings

Certain Holidays

Social Influence Family order (number of parents)

Gender (role of women) Entertainment – movies, sports

Social classes (rich, middle, poor)

Ideas Art and music

Literature – books• The Hunger Games

Education• College

Inventions• Automobiles

Area/Geographic Influences

Location (do we have access to water?)

Physical (do we have resources?)

Movement (who is coming to our country?)

Class Activity Using the back of your graphic

organizer, go around the room to each picture and decide where the Bold words go within PERSIA. Copy down only what is in Bold in the correct section.• Be sure to read everything• You may discuss these things with your group quietly

Use the United States to do PERSIA


Get out PERSIA notes from yesterday for review

PERSIA Practice Take out a sheet of paper Number 1 though 10 I will show you a picture with a description. You will write whether it is Political, Economic, Religious, Social, Ideas, or Area

1. David Cameron Prime Minster (leader) of Great


2. Buddhism Many people in parts of Asia follow


3. The Nile River The Nile provides farmers with plenty of water for their crops

4. The conflict in the Middle East

5. Michael Jackson Many

Americansenjoyed listening to Michael Jackson sing and watching him dance

6. iphones Over the past 30 years, the types

of phones used has changed drastically.

7. Single Parent Families are on the rise in the U.S.

8. Many people celebrate Easter

9. The Constitution of the U.S. is the supreme law of the land

10. Television Shows


Read the article - Obama says U.S. "coming to help" Iraq against ISIS

Answer questions on the back