Do you know about the history of that computer sitting at home? Do you know how many inventors it...

Post on 31-Dec-2015

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Transcript of Do you know about the history of that computer sitting at home? Do you know how many inventors it...

Computer HistoryBy Trystan Johnson


Do you know about the history of that computer sitting at home? Do you know how many inventors it took to finally get a working computer that is, most likely not as powerful as you phone.

Main Points

Early Computational Devices Early Computers Generations & main components Inventors/Developers Internet

Early Computational Devices

Abacus First Microcomputer Punched Cards

Early Computers


Generations & Main Components



Paul Allen Eckert & Mauchly John von Neumann Blaise Pascal Herman Hollerith Marc Andreessen

Inventors/Developers (cont.)

Tim Berners-Lee Bill Gates Steven Wozniak Steven Jobs


Birth of the Net

Birth of the Net

First form of the internet was ARPANET, a military experiment


Department of Defense’s military experiment to make a long distance communication network


An early counting device The picture (below) is of a Russian


Steven Jobs

One of the two founders of Apple Computer, Inc.

Steven Wozniak

One of the two founders of Apple Computer, Inc.

Bill Gates

Founder of microsoft


Worlds first electronic digital computer

First Browser

The first browser was Mosaic

Tim Berners-Lee

Creator of the World Wide Web

Marc Andreesen

Creator of the browser Mosaic

Department of Defense

Developed arpanet

Charles Babbage

Designed and tested the analytical engine

Herman Hollerith

Designed the tabulating machine


First programmable digital computer in the US


Second computer to utilize storage for programs


Early electronic computer


First commercial computer made in the US

Blaise Pascal

Inventor of the mechanical calculator

John von Neumann

First had the idea to store programs

First Microcomputer

The first commercial microcomputer was the Altair 8800

Eckert & Mauchly

Developed the computer ENIAC

Formation of Microsoft

Formed by Bill Gates and Paul Allen

Formation of Apple Computer, Inc.

Formed by Steven Jobs and Steven Wozniak

Punched Cards

Early way to store information

Paul Allen

The cofounder of Microsoft


Now that you know the history behind that old desktop computer, do you respect how much time and effort it took to make that?