FlavOnline...dietary supplements that preserve most of the active substances present in their high...

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Transcript of FlavOnline...dietary supplements that preserve most of the active substances present in their high...

FlavOnlineOnline magazine of Flavon max Club VOL. 2. NO. 11.

www.flavonmax.com info@flavongroup.comwww.flavonmax.com

My favourite childhood games at school were dodge-ball and relay. These are two team games in which individual results lead to a sound com-petition within the group, which in turn helps the whole team to progress. Victory is the triumph of the whole team. Later, while I was working as an employee, my competitive spirit was somehow gone. Unfortunately, it did not return while I was working in traditional undertaking either.

However, now it seems to me that in the frame-work of Flavon max Club I have managed to build a team that I want to stay and work with on the long run. The order of elements is not random.

When I joined Flavon max Club, at the presenta-tions we were told that this business is also good because you can choose your colleagues. And what a surprise! They were right. Here I would also like to mention that besides this they were right in many further aspects.

The way I see it, MLM business is usually done as a part-time job besides a full-time job. Therefore the time people spend on MLM is taken from their family. In these circumstances we should at least feel good while building our network. We should create an atmosphere that is pleasant for every-one, and we should not only build business but friendships as well. I advise you not to simply hear what your colleague says, but listen to what s/he wants to tell you because true cooperation starts here. If you have a colleague, the two of you are already a team. The best way is to show people what they will profit from by joining you and playing in your team. Everyone wants to belong somewhere. Make this team yours.

We build business and friendships based on these values. So far, our group has qualified for the visit to the factory on five positions, but altogether nine of our colleagues will be there.

Zoltán Kiss“...I advise you not to simply hear what your colleague says, but listen to what s/he wants to

tell you because true cooperation starts here...”


www.flavonmax.com info@flavongroup.comwww.flavonmax.com

Everybody knows that those 60 quick start points are not only their achievement, but their colleagues’ as well. That is why not our wives or husbands, but our colleagues will come with us. If it had not been for them, we could not be there either. Such a team doesn’t rise high by itself. IT HAS TO BE BUILT UP!

We organise regional manifestations not for our-selves but for our colleagues. To everybody’s pleasure, we have started FDC. It stands for Flavon Doctor Centre, and the manifestations are held in between those at Siófok. We always invite a doctor to give us presentations.

We organize training sessions, help the new ones to learn this job the way we learnt it when we started. It is interesting that we started Flavon max Club as innocent MLM beginners and our group comprises MLM beginners only. All of us started our MLM career here. Success can also be reached this way. We would not change these people for anyone.

Finally, I would like to tell you in a few words about the weekend we spent together. We invited our colleagues to our home for a barbecue in casual clothing. Wow! It turned out even better than we expected. It was fantastic! Our sponsor prepared some team building games for us. We had loads of different things like writing verses, acting, relay.

I don’t know what our neighbours thought of us. To be honest, I don’t even care. Everybody was in high spirits, and that is what everybody needs. Laughter combined with Flavon max makes life longer and more beautiful.

In today’s Hungary there is a golden opportunity for MLM business. Because of the present eco-nomic situation thousands of people turn to this type of business. Build your team in such a way that more and more people would be determined to belong.

We have already started.

I wish you all a nice team, health and success!

www.flavonmax.com info@flavongroup.comwww.flavonmax.com

The beneficial effects of wheat grass have been known for a long time. It was mentioned in the Bible and in ancient Chinese records as well. Jesus told his Essene disciples a lot about wheat grass; while in ancient China this medicinal plant was used as a general roborant that promoted relax-ation. There is one more story in the Bible that mentions wheat grass. The Babilonian king Nebu-chadnezzar ate only grass for seven years and yet his organism functioned properly.

The consumption of wheat grass in Europe and the USA began in the 1930’s as a result of experiments by Charles F. Schnabel. Schnabel was an agricultural chemist, who conducted his first experiments with various fresh cut “grasses” in an attempt to cure his dying hens. His hens not only recovered, but produced even more eggs than healthy ones. Encouraged by his results, he began drying and powdering these “grasses” for his family and neighbours. Schnabel reproduced his experiment the following year and achieved the same results. Hens consuming rations supple-mented with grass doubled their egg production. Schnabel started promoting his discovery. Two large corporations, Quaker Oats and American Dairies Inc., invested millions of dollars in further research. Since the 1940’s, Schnabel’s powdered grasses have been marketed in almost all drug stores in North America.

Wheat grass is a rich source of nutrients and active substances as it contains 17 different amino acids. Amino acids are the building blocks of proteins and also have an important role in cell renewal and regulate blood coagulation as well. Researchers managed to identify in wheat grass as many as 92 out of the 102 possible minerals. It also contains a significant amount of calcium, phosphorus, iron, magnesium and potassium. It is an excellent source of vitamin A, C, E, K and B.

The active substances of wheat grass promote the production and functioning of some blood components. Hemoglobin and chlorophyll are very similar to each other. It is an interesting fact that “blood pigment” is formed in animals in the same way as chlorophyll is formed in plants. If we ingest food containing chlorophyll, our cells will get more oxygen as chlorophyll increases hemoglobin production. Therefore chlorophyll will indirectly enhance blood production.

Let’s see why naturopathic doctors consider wheat grass worth consuming. According to them it:

can detoxify some types of pollutants that harm the body, will positively influence blood sugar level, can help with oral cavity problems, enhances hemoglobin production, slows down the process of going grey, improves digestion, regulates oscillating blood pressure.

You might be interested in how to get hold of wheat grass. There are many options available depending on how much space and how much free time we have, or how much work we want to invest in it. Wheat grass can be grown and juiced at home, and it is also available in a prepared form. We can juice grass with a special juicer at home every day, or we can buy fresh cut wheat grass or dietary supplements that preserve most of the active substances present in their high quality raw materials.

Be careful with fresh wheat grass juice and never drink more than 100-150 ml of it a day.

FlavOnlineDr. Sándor Thurzó Phd - scientific consultant:

Wheat grass (Triticum aestivum)

www.flavonmax.com info@flavongroup.comwww.flavonmax.com


1st error in reasoning: network marketing is an “I will be rich quickly” kind of system!

We all know that lots of people dream of getting “rich without working” or of some “wonder-ful money multiplication”. There are crowds of adventurers who dream of becoming extremely rich overnight.

Let’s be honest. All of us have dreamt of that, haven’t we? How many networkers do you think have hoped to get a huge passive income if they send out a pile of letters, flyers or e-mails? How many networkers do you think believe in the “automatic internet machine”, which will do everything for them and will double itself? They hope some people will react to sensation, and then everybody starts doing the same. As a result, their turnover reaches record levels and their bank account almost overflows. Oh, how wonderful it would be! If it were that simple, people could make no money from network marketing any more!

Is it a contradiction? No company in the world would need distributors! However, if it were really that simple, one single company would pull the strings and would rake in the global profit for itself. Why are “dear” distributors paid if every-thing goes so smoothly? The only reason why a networker can earn loads of money is that the system does not run smoothly! On the contrary. Therefore, the moment you accept whole-heart-edly that success must be worked hard and strived for and you make clear decisions and resolutions to achieve something really exceptional, you will do your right things right.

The most important condition for you to be a successful networker is personal development.

There is only one person on this planet stand-ing between you and your success: You yourself! Everyone starts at zero, but of course their end results are very different, although the same fundamental and frame conditions apply to everyone!

Why do some people disappear form our network? Why do some earn 1.000 € a month? Why do others earn as much as 10.000 € a month? What is the reason for such differences in success? Everything depends on decision and the resulting acts. Decision means we break with something, we give up our former job, our attitude, our pre-sumed safety or the comfort we have gained over years, and we are ready to face something totally new. Clear decision = 100% in turnover!

Don’t you feel the same way? Leave the whole thing and enjoy your day! If you make something half-heartedly, nothing will come of it! Failure is sure to come. Are you ready to pay for your success? We always have to pay, even when we don’t do anything. We will always experience pain. No-one an reach high without pain. No-one! Everyone has to walk along the thorny path. You will never achieve what you want but what you believe in! Successful people have a basically positive attitude. They will find solutions, make decisions, struggle and learn!

2nd error in reasoning: People tend to give up business too early!

Most people working on their own in network marketing haven’t studied economics or haven’t participated in commercial training sessions either. They are simple employees wanting to earn some extra money or people who might not dare to try standing on their own feet. An acquaintance of mine has often told me about huge earnings for which one doesn’t have to do anything at all. Or we can often read small ads that promise us high wages requiring not too much work. That is the moment when a lot of people become greedy and eager to be rich – just like at lottery!

Blinded by greed, lots of people will only invest in a product and an activity pack, will travel to informational events, or will attend some basic seminar without gathering enough information

Wagner Götz: The two biggest errors in reasoning when you enter network marketing

www.flavonmax.com info@flavongroup.comwww.flavonmax.com


about the business, the market, the company or its exact activity. I myself had been searching for a long time by the time I found the perfect company for me, where I can boldly state: yes, this company is the most convenient for me, I can perfectly support it, I have decided in favour of this one.

The first euphoria makes us sponsor some customers and partners, then the following happens: things will slow down and motivation will decrease as we also want to earn 10.000 € in the first 3 months, just like our acquaintance or the ad promised.

At this point an interesting phenomenon appears. The logical step would be to exchange ideas with successful networkers, to read special literature or improve ourselves.

However, this is not what regularly happens. People will instead start lamenting: the product is bad, the company is silly, this thing doesn’t work in my region, it is all fraud and rip-off, we have already invested months in it, etc.! People will lose their motivation and stop. They will fall into the trap and will become losers.

If you read the biography of successful networkers, you will realise that those people also needed years of work to reach success!

In this business decision making is extremely important, just like the need to invest in each decision at least 1 or 2 years of work, together with a lot of wisdom!

The two biggest enemies of success are impatience and indecisiveness!

Wagner Götzhttp://gowag.wordpress.com/