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© Copyright 2019, Aretanium Executive Group, Inc. All Rights Reserved


You are in control, self-confident, strong, assertive, focused, and not afraid to take charge.

You are direct, decisive, self-reliant, speak your mind, and can make fast business decisions.

You can be authoritative, down-to-earth, protective, self-confident, and instinctual.


The Enneagram is an ancient Greek word meaning "nine types." Based on extensive behavioral observations, the ancients determined there are nine distinct personality profiles. Today, modern neuroscientists have all but validated what the ancients discovered thousands of years ago. Neuroscience research indicates that our personalities are primarily influenced by various neurotransmitters that have “high, medium, or low” levels. This translates into nine distinct profile types, similar to the Enneagram. The following profile leverages a decade of neuroscientific research to augment the behavioral science of the Enneagram and provide a more accurate description. This profile also provides insights and guidance into understanding and leveraging profile strengths and weaknesses to improve your leadership skills at home, on the field, or in the office.


As a leader or aspiring leader, others may often see you as protective, resourceful, “straight-shooting,” and decisive, but a few might perceive your strength as aggressive. You are driven to control your work environment and ensure that you and your firm are prominent in the industry and well respected. At your best, you strive to use your strength to improve your company. In this regard, you can often appear to others as heroic, magnanimous, and inspiring. In your work environment, you may enjoy undertaking challenges and inspiring others to “rise to the occasion” and go beyond the ordinary. You have the ability to be charismatic and can be successful in convincing others to bravely follow you down difficult paths to attain the objectives needed to ensure your company and its employees control their destiny.

You are straightforward, self-assured, commanding, energetic, unpretentious, and protective of your territory. You prefer to “take the point” and be the one to lead the charge. Your take charge style often lets you move up the corporate ladder quickly to management or executive positions, and you may also desire to be your own boss in your own company. You are a master at convincing others to “dance to your tune” and do what you want. Wanting to be in control extends to your finances, which drives your ambition. Your professional choices often include business, legal, coaching, the military, stock brokering, real estate, politics, or sales. You like challenges of any kind, whether mental or physical, and are usually athletic and energetic.

Since you are extroverted, you may tend to have some of the traits of the Type 7: Enthusiast, in which case you may tend to be more optimistic, versatile, and spontaneous. You are probably playful, high-spirited, and practical, but may also become a little bit over-extended or perhaps scattered when too much is on your plate. You are likely vivacious, enthusiastic, and adaptable, and seek out new and exciting experiences. When at your best, you can multitask well and focus your talents on a multitude of worthwhile goals, the outcome of which can make you appreciative, joyous, and satisfied. Peers might say you are always energetic, enthusiastic and open to new ideas, approaches and solutions that make sense for your firm. You may tend to approach your work with curiosity, optimism, and a flair for adventure. You might also be bold and adventurous, pursuing the best course of action that will propel your company and its employees to “the top of the mountain” and beyond.


8-EControlling, confident, strong, assertive, direct, decisive, independent, uncompromising

You are strong, controlling, and assertive when called for

You are a straight shooter, speak your mind, and speak the truth

You will not tolerate being taken advantage of or manipulated by others

You stand up for the downtrodden and have the courage to fight for what you believe in

You are decisive and can’t stand people who are afraid to make a decision

You are independent and rely on no one but yourself, especially financially

Self - reliance and independence are important to you

You abhor cowards and respect those who have the courage to speak their mind

You are a hard worker and sometimes drive others harder than they like

Some people mistake your assertive nature for being uncaring or too aggressive

You resist conforming and don’t like pretense and people - pleasing

On day one of your current job, you knew exactly who was in charge

You may have a tendency to exceed your limits with food, alcohol, or drugs

Underneath your tough exterior, you are tender and vulnerable with those you trust


8-EYour Typical Speaking Style

• You are usually bold and authoritative

• You prefer to discuss the strategic big picture rather than minute details

• Your statements are often structured to ensure control of the situation

• You may be impatient with details and if angered, voice such directly

• You don’t shy away from profanity or body-oriented humor

• You can fluctuate between being talkative or saying very little

• You may tend to point a finger at others if you perceive they are at fault

Your Typical Body Language

• You have a strong physical presence and prefer dark, bold colors

• You may modulate your tone for maximum impact and intensity

• You have a husky voice and offer intense, nonverbal cues

• You will appear very centered to ensure you can’t be controlled


Harvard University discovered that 90% of our

decision-making is subconscious. Neuroscientists

know that our emotional Limbic System and

instinctual R-Complex usually overrides our

logical Neocortex. As such, we’ll act 3X more

often to avoid a pain than gain a gain, which is an

important fact to consider when leading others.


Your Primary Motivator, which drives you on a daily basis, is to be strong, self - reliant, in control of yourself and situations, and to avoid any feelings of dependency or weakness.

Your Primary Fear, which acts like the two edges of a sword that haunt and motivate you, is to be harmed, controlled, or violated in anyway. You fear not being able to protect, defend, or provide for yourself or loved ones.


You are in control and do not like to be controlled by others. You are the master of your fate, and in many cases, perceive

yourself as the master of others’ fates as well. You can be strong-willed, practical, decisive, energetic, and tough-minded. You

likely have a deep or husky voice, furl your brow, and rarely smile for photographs. You can be domineering but also highly

protective, especially of family, friends, and loved ones. You may like sports, military subjects, executive or “boss” roles, fights,

and dark colors, and you have no fear of making tough decisions or going with your gut instincts.

You are more instinctual than logical or emotional and that can lead to a high libido that you may indulge without feelings of

shame or guilt. You want to grab the brass ring and squeeze the most out of life and can sometimes act like a bull charging at a

red cape. You desire to be in control of your life and finances, which drives you to be successful. Your need to be in charge may

make you entrepreneurial or a “ladder climber” in a corporate environment. You have a strong ego-drive but more for power and

control than only money and prestige. During personal or professional meetings, you typically want to take charge and control the

outcomes. You do not shy away from confrontations, are a straight-shooter, and do not respect weakness or dishonesty. When

healthy, you can be a world-class leader as you exude confidence and a lack of fear.


When unhealthy, which can occur when your neurotransmitters are out of balance due to inadequate diet, exercise, relaxation, or

not taking the right supplements, you can transition to the dark side. You can become gruff, debilitating, overly-demanding,

intimidating, and abusive. You can act like the bully on the playground and disregard anyone else’s feelings. You can demand that

subordinates work eleven hour days and snap to attention in your presence. You can transition from General Patton to Adolph

Hitler and not be aware of your impact on others.

During times of average psychological health, you will not tolerate any perceived betrayal or insubordination. You may have a hard

time lowering your defenses to embrace an intimate relationship as you fear that exposing your heart may also expose your

weaknesses. Love requires vulnerability, which is a difficult thing for you. Love also require trust, which is not easily given unless

the other person can also be controlled. A relationship with someone of your same type can become confrontational as you both

want to dominate. You may be like two lions in the same cage.

Your challenge will be to lower your shield with colleagues, friends, and loved ones, and realize that you have no ultimate control

over anyone or anything. You are not in charge of the weather, the orbit of the earth, or the laws of the universe. If you step from

a tall building, gravity will pull you to the concrete in the same way it will for anyone else. You have control only over your own

thoughts, actions, expectations, and attitudes. Forcing your will on others will usually end only in frustration, confrontation, and an

empty life. Others will only tolerate being bullied for so long before they exit stage right.


Your natural tendency to be strong and forceful may rub other personalities the wrong way and send them running into HR to

complain. Having empathy, compassion, and showing occasional understanding and compassion is not a sign of weakness. In

fact, for your profile, it is the ultimate sign of strength. As a natural leader, you have the ability to empower passion and

excitement in others and encourage them to march toward a shared vision. If they know you care about them as individuals, and

they trust that you will not bully them or stab them in the back, they will follow you to the ends of the earth. Conversely, if you are

perceived as a potential Saddam Hussein, you will soon be leading an empty room. When unhealthy, you can become a proverbial

dictator that’s angry, aggressive, mean, ruthless, combative, egocentric, delusional, reckless, vengeful, and even sociopathic.

You could mistype as a Type 7: Enthusiast as you have a zest for life and a strong sense of self-worth and confidence. However,

you are not this type if you can focus on a single goal or task for long periods of time and if your primary drive is to be in control

and in charge. You are also more instinctual than logical. You could mistype as a Type 3: Achiever due to your need to drive

toward goals and overcome challenges to succeed. However, your primary motivation is to gain power and be in charge, not

primarily to gain praise for your success. You will also rarely cut corners or use frequent dishonesty to achieve your goals.


Our Reptilian Complex is instinctual. It responds

to fear, loss, or harm. It likes video, photos, &

stories…not copy, facts or figures. As a leader,

when motivating others, consider appealing to

all three brain areas, including the instinctual

brain. Be sure to tell stories about risks &

consequences of not executing properly, or

making rash or uninformed decisions.


You are direct and assertive, there are usually no hidden agendas or guessing games. You are at

your best in a high-stress, turnaround, takeover, competitive, or demanding business situation.

You will not shy away from hurting egos and may see this as collateral damage to get results. You

are dynamic and powerful in public settings and will try to centralize your power base by creating

a reliable group of peers to work with.

You may tend to become bored with day to day work requirements and will instead focus on

competition, fires that need dousing, big issues, or large goals. Be aware that sometimes minor

infractions can be turned into major ordeals with no merit if you let them. Small procedural or

structural discrepancies can be fanned into raging fires if not kept in perspective. In these

situations, you are best to either stay out of the fight (when you can) or clearly quantify the


When things do legitimately go wrong, as they sometimes do, you will not hide this from others.

You are direct, honest, and fully disclose all the bad news. You will spell it all out in detail, and

then pose it as a challenge rather than the sky is falling. You love a challenge. For others, you

are best to phrase the negative as challenges that you can help overcome rather than failings on

his or her part or by colleagues.


When you are blindsided or misinformed, you may want to blame someone else and then resent

them and try to get even, so be mindful of this tendency. Before acting or getting angry, bring all

relevant facts to bear and encourage those in your trusted circle to help you “get all the details


When you are moving toward becoming unhealthy, you may tend to be a bit of a bully,

demanding, manipulative, confrontational, angry, immoral, unyielding, and even violent. When

you see these behaviors rear their ugly heads, it’s time to take a break, relax, have some fun,

leverage your support systems, exercise, eat right, and take a moment to be grateful for all you

have accomplished in life and for your family, loved ones, and friends.


Your optimal brain neurotransmitter and chemical balance is shown above. To learn how to optimize your diet, lose weight, and feel great,

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As a Challenger Leader, the art of persuading others—including your subordinates, peers, and superiors, may

help you excel as a world-class leader. Aristotle developed The Art of Rhetoric starting in 367 BC, which detailed his triangle of persuasive arguments. Today, top speakers and leaders incorporate these principles into their speeches or approaches to persuade and inspire

audiences and followers.

One corner of Aristotle’s triangle, which he called Pathos, is defined as a “pathetic appeal.” From an emotional perspective, Pathos relates to feelings,

suffering, pain, or calamity. Linguistic derivatives of pathos include empathy, sympathy, and apathy. The goal of the speaker or leader is to appeal to heart strings and

create a shared emotional bond or connection.

Top leaders use a rhetorical approach called enumeration, which is strengthened by making an

emotional appeal three times in succession while using three related but different examples. The speaker or

leader seeks to trigger key audience emotions that can set up subsequent calls to action, which might be to take

out your wallet or approve a purchase order.Aristotle recommended seven positive emotions as compared to their contrasting negative emotions to

accomplish this goal…










When employed properly and passionately, with the right motives and intent, Aristotle’s Pathos moves an audience to feel what the speaker or leader feels, which in turn creates a bond similar to what one might feel for a close friend or loved one. People want to follow people they trust and like. The right emotional appeal allows us to connect with others and lay a solid foundation for the second mode of persuasion.

When you step onto the stage, whether in front of your team, a large audience, or a single person, it’s critical to connect emotionally, which is Pathos. Once this has been accomplished as noted above, you

then need to build credibility and trust, which Aristotle called Ethos. The best way to do this is to appeal to someone’s instinctual drivers. As humans, we are wired to avoid fear, harm, or pain. By informing our

audience about a potential risk or action that could cause them harm, we can gain their trust. We must do this honestly and factually by researching our topic.

Aristotle used three additional terms to define his views about Ethos. Phronesis means good sense. When we communicate, it should be relevant, tasteful, and appeal to our audience’s good senses.

Arête stands for good moral character. By showing our honest vulnerability, authenticity, and true heart, we allow our audience to see our arête.

Finally, eunoia refers to goodwill. Our audience needs to sense that our intentions are selfless and that our honest goal is to be helpful by informing them about something important, such as a pending calamity

or consequence.

The third leg of Aristotle’s persuasion triangle is Logos. This is where we make a logical argument supported by facts, figures, numbers, validation, case studies, evidence, and reason. There are two types

of arguments that ensure we are properly delivering Logos: Deductive and Inductive.Deductive reasons, or arguments, are generally based on specific premises, delivered in small steps, that

are true. If one small premise is true, then the next, which builds upon the first, must also be true and therefore the logical conclusion must be valid. Socrates also used this approach by effectively gaining

agreement for a small truth and then using that as a stepping stone for the next one.


As leaders, we must face our own fears. If we ask for help, will that make us look bad? Ask most golf pros if they care what people think. They make millions because they’re not afraid to work with experts that can help improve their game. When you’re ready to improve your leadership game, CLICK on this page to learn about a unique new LEADERSHIP DEVELOPMENT program that combines Ken Blanchard’s proven SLII Model with Aretanium’s NEURON LEADERSHIP Model.


In the film Limitless, Bradley Cooper takes a smart pill called NZT-48 and

becomes a cerebral Superman. Ever wish you could find that pill? Now,

maybe you can. As a leader or aspiring leader, you are likely motivated,

passionate, and creative. You strive to maintain a positive attitude and an

abundance of energy and drive so you can stay one step ahead. Below

par performance is not acceptable and could result in peer and

subordinate disapproval or career risks. The competition—both external

and internal—is always fierce and unforgiving. Leaders can’t afford to lose

step or lose face. Maintaining your “leader’s edge” requires enduring

stamina, razor-sharp focus, near-photographic memory, a positive attitude,

and a high metabolism.

Based on a decade of research by leading nutritionists and neuroscientists—

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Enneagram and neuroscience-based personality profiles.







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The ancient Enneagram describes nine distinct personality profiles. Today,

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Neuroscience Enneagram Supplements Avoid Adverse Reactions.

The ancient Enneagram describes nine distinct personality profiles. Today,

neuroscientists have all but validated that our personalities are influenced by three

neurotransmitters that are “high, medium, or low.” This translates into nine distinct

profile types, similar to the Enneagram. An ingredient that's right for one profile

(such as L-Theanine or L-Tyrosine) may actually be detrimental for another. That’s

why many other “one-size-fits-all” formulas have almost 50% negative reviews, often

due to adverse side effects. Designed to work with the LEADER86 PRIMER FORMULA,

NEURO86 PROFILE supplements are the only safe nootropic formulas personalized

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Aretanium, the sponsor of this Leadership Profile document, is a veteran-owned

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100% volunteer award-winning non-profit that helps veterans and their families.

We’re dedicated to helping leaders succeed and our neuroscientific formulas are

based on a decade of research, but if you’re not happy with the results, we’ll refund

100% of your investment.


© Copyright 2019, Aretanium Executive Group, Inc. All Rights Reserved

Legal Disclaimers

The Enneagram and related neuroscientific profile tests, personality type information and any other content provided herein or on related Aretanium websites or documents are offered AS-IS and are subject to the disclaimers and other terms set forth herein. Tests, test results, personality type information and other content herein or sent via email or other electronic communication means are offered for informational purposes only. They are not intended to be used for any healthcare diagnosis or as a substitute for obtaining medical advice and treatment from an authorized and capable physician, mental health professional, or other health care practitioner.

Aretanium Executive Group, Inc. does not claim to be a health care provider and is not a covered entity. Any test results, information,recommendations, or supplements provided by Aretanium Executive Group, Inc. are not protected health information pursuant to HIPAA laws and any statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). Any supplements recommended herein are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease and are based upon profiles selected by individuals. Aretanium Executive Group, Inc. cannot be held responsible for any inaccurate profile selections. You should not take any health care action or supplements based upon test results, profile information, recommendations, or any other content provided by Aretanium Executive Group, Inc. without first obtaining appropriate and independent guidance from a physician or other health care practitioner.