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Your Ultimate Life Strategy Lesson 1: How to Live in the Convergence Zone

Even a small sample of DNA can reveal who your parents are and - if you are a believer - you carry the DNA of your Creator and redeemer right inside of you. You are a whole lot bigger on the inside than you think!

DNA is the unique code within your physical body that reveals your physical identity. Just think, if your body—which is subject to decay and death—has a unique identity code, how about your inner man—the part of you that outlasts your body? There is a DNA you carry that links to your destiny. God has hidden this treasure in a place where nobody else can steal it and perhaps in the one place you never thought to look—inside yourself!

Your spirit carries the DNA code to your calling, purpose, and destiny. If you are a believer you have what’s called a “regenerated” spirit, or a “born again” spirit man. A whole new you is living inside of you. This new spirit has your spiritual DNA! Unlocking The Convergence Code ™ is unlocking what you already have inside you and putting it to its intended use!

Code cracking is easy because your life is leaving BIG clues. It is like Hansel and Gretel’s trail of breadcrumbs leading them back to their house. The key to cracking The Convergence Code is increasing your awareness every time you enter the convergence zone.

What is convergence?

1. Convergence is a phase of life where “it all starts coming together.” 2. Convergence happens when you do the work you were created and called to do. You

enter a role that frees you to utilize 100% of your gifts, talents, and acquired skills. 3. In convergence, you access levels of incomparable fulfillment. 4. The convergence zone is a term I’ve used for the last four years to describe something

like an energy field. It is like a vortex that sucks into itself uncanny coincidences and “divine appointments.”

How Do I Recognize the Convergence Zone?

Have you ever been in the middle of a conversation and you or the other person can point to goose bumps on your arm because the thing said resonated with the environment in such a way it gave you chills? This mysterious feeling is evidence of entering the convergence zone. It is a place where your spirit is aligned with heaven’s rhythm and earth’s ripple at the same time! Here are some other aspects to help you recognize the convergence zone:

• The convergence zone is the place where you experience the future you—the person on the inside who wants to come out! You access a momentary alignment with your ultimate assignment and seem to get a glimpse of who you are in your tomorrow.

• The convergence zone is activated whenever you step into a role that fully utilizes your God-given talents.

• You have entered the convergence zone many times in your life and did not notice it. Look for clues! Reflect deeper into your childhood.


What were those electric moments for you growing up? This may have been when you

performed in a play, a dance, an athletic event, participated in student council, yearbook committee, elective or election. What did you gravitate to? Who were you drawn to? Was it to people in the theater or in music? Jocks? Intellectuals? The popular crowd? Or were you a loner? Did you prefer to hang out with your own crowd? When were you most alive? Now think about all the jobs you have ever done? What one job did you enjoy most? Why? The moments that JUMP OUT as PEAK experiences were moments you crossed thru the zone.

Your future was being revealed to you in those moments!

Life gives you those priceless destiny appointments so you can “taste and see” your future and confirm the direction of your calling. This is SO IMPORTANT. You need to multiply your AWARENESS and sensitivity to those moments! You are IN the CONVERGENCE ZONE when:

• You are FEELING authentic—you are being who you really are. You have no need to wear a mask. When you are in this zone you say to yourself, “This is me. This is what I was meant to do!”

• You are 100% ALIVE because you are doing what you do best. You are energized rather than depleted by the activity.

• You lose track of time. You experience a sort of “timeless awareness.” You become so fully engaged in the activity that you enter a time bubble.

• People want more. This creates more demand and experiences, which multiply more invitations and opportunities which create more evidence of being in “the zone.” Increase of any kind is the signature that you are in your zone and cracking the code.

• More opportunities create more potential for prosperity. Why? Because you have figured out how to meet a need doing what you do best and love to do most!

The sad truth is: People perish for lack of knowledge—not lack of passion or opportunity.

This is why convergence is only achieved by about 20% of people. The numbers could be higher if we had someone to teach us … and that’s what I am committed to doing for you.

You don’t have to miss convergence because it is NEVER too late to become who you already are! This training will unpack a HUGE key to the process. Don’t be left behind!


Your Ultimate Life Strategy Lesson 2: The Wheel of Life

STOP: Fill out the Wheel of Life before moving forward.

The Wheel of Life is a tool used to evaluate the balance you have in your personal capacity. Your personal capacity is manifest by “how round your wheel is.”

Here are the categories in the Wheel of Life: • Spiritual • Emotional • Marriage/Romance • Family/Friends • Fun/Recreation • Home/Work Environment • Personal Growth • Health/Appearance • Career • Financial


Activity: 1. What area are you the strongest in and why? 2. Which area do you want to develop and grow? 3. Talk to someone who is strong in the area you want growth and investigate tips and

tools you can implement in your own life.

Be curious with your surroundings to see what God is bringing you to grow your areas

that need growth. The Wheel of Life is a strategy for catching up to your face in the future. How you show

up when destiny’s door opens is a reflection of your emotional state.

If God can’t trust you with your own house, how far will you get with the keys to the kingdom?

Remember: The #1 thing that will pull you out of convergence is “the Mountain of ME.”


Your Ultimate Life Strategy Lesson 3: Intentionality Curve and Cycles What is convergence? The intersection of where you enter into the role that God has been preparing you for your whole life. In order to reach this intersection, you pass through chapters or stages that form the story line of your life. You can have joy throughout these processes when you are able to know and understand the pattern. 4 Stages In Your Life

1. Dream Stage In this first stage, you will see and/or hear what you are being called to do. It may be

revealed to you as a prophecy. But what this prophecy or vision doesn’t show you is the journey you will have to endure to get there.

Your skill starts off with unconscious incompetence while your motivation is, "Whoo! Whoo!" You don't know that you don't know. But it's okay. You'll find that this is the telling moment.

2. Distress Stage

You wonder, “what in the world is going on?” and bump into the limitations of your knowledge, skill, resources and consciously realize the incompetence. This is when you need a coach, mentor, advisor.

“The process event you're in will give you the gift of learning what you need to know, expanding your heart for what you need to become, and developing the skill for what you need to do.”


3. Development Stage “You start to develop the knowledge, the heart, the capacity, the skill, the acumen to

demonstrate what the Father called you to do.” This is the high wire act where you focus on the essentials. 80% of the results comes from 20% of the knowledge.

What's conscious competence? It means that you're conscientiously putting your left

foot in front of your right foot. It's like learning how to ride a bicycle. You might feel like something is off but keep moving forward and you will hit the next phase.

4. Demonstrate Stage

Unconscious competence is when you are just doing it without thinking about it. Now you are in the place you saw in the dream.

As soon as you're done with this phase, God opens up for you a new dream. Because in order to get you into the future, God has to interrupt up what's going well right now.

The Art of Fulfillment & Enduring Contradiction

“My people perish for lack of knowledge.” - Hosea 4:6

The art of fulfillment is to stay happy in the process.

When you know these four stages are the processes, you can be prepared to enjoy it and will be able to discover God in the processes.

“For consider him that endured such contradiction of sinners against himself, lest ye be wearied and faint in your minds.” -

Hebrews 12:3

As long as Jesus saw the outcome he could endure the contradiction. Jesus himself endured the contradiction of the sinners against him.

The difference between those that enter convergence and those that don’t, is those that enter convergence endure the contradiction of the process. Those that don’t enter convergence cash out or they are unteachable – they make the same mistake over and over again because they are not seeing the pattern.

The Intentionality Curve

Hover over the blueprint of what you feel the Father has called you to do until you have 100% certainty in your heart that you are called to that. Then you begin the journey. In the intentionality curve, your skill starts off low while your dreaming is high.

The power of intentionality means you are focused on manifesting the outcome. Therefore, the universe bends to accommodate your authority. Because you are a child of God and He has


given you this dream, you have the authority to command what you need to get there. The end of this curve is in the Demonstrate Phase where you are unconsciously competent. 6 Core Human Needs

The more you know about yourself, the easier it is to be able to analyze what's going to push your buttons along the journey. It is essential to understand yourself and your needs to understand how you will be effected in each stage. These needs are:

- Certainty - Uncertainty - Connection - Significance - Growth - Contribution

Process Events

Remember the prophecy always leaps over the process. That's why people say Jehovah Rapha and Jehovah Nissi is also Jehovah Sneaky, because God's processes aren't what He reveals when He shows you the prophetic future. He assumes that you're going to endure the process and the prophecy fuels you. What does it fuel you through? It fuels you through the emotional journey.

The way you go from high point to high point is through the processes. The Lord takes you

into experiences, not just into spiritual visions or cognitive connection. There are some things in life God wants to walk you through because they enable you to

identify more fully with Him and the thing He’s teaching. You’re benefited by being in this situation rather than having knowledge or someone else doing it for you. God may put you in a role you don't want and it may not even match your preference for your gifting. But it is going to be the secret to getting where you need to go.

The outcome will be victorious because the Lord will cause you to have personal experience instead of just giving you head knowledge. If you have been through contradictions in your journey, you have authorization from Heaven to speak with authority to help someone else go through it.

What does this have to do with cracking the convergence code? You have to go through these stages and processes in order to enter Convergence.


The Cycles Up the Mountain Have you ever noticed how certain things seem like

you’ve “seen this before?” You are not going around in circles – you are going around in cycles and each cycle gets shorter and shorter as you go up the mountain.

The closer you get to convergence the less power the cycle has over you. Even when you screw up and make mistakes, it still serves you in your future.

Activity There is most likely a connection between what you wanted to do as a child and what

God is bringing you into now. Answer these questions and then analyze how it relates to your life now.

1. When you were young, what did you dream of doing or becoming? 2. Which mountain did you want to pursue when you were younger? 3. Who was your biggest role model as a kid?


Your Ultimate Life Strategy Lesson 4: 6 Core Human Needs, Collin's Model, Covey Model 6 Core Human Needs

You’ve probably heard about temperament profiles like DiSC and Meyers Briggs and others. But I heard something I’ve never forgotten about the core emotional drivers connected beneath these styles.

When I share it, those who hear are always impacted. Here goes…. People have a primary and a secondary emotional driver behind all their behavior. It is

important to not allow a strong need you have to get in the way of where God wants to take you. NOTE: None of these are bad or good or better or best. They simply are.


CERTAINTY: The need to control the variables that can cause pain or pleasure in your life. The drive to shape, direct, manage and order the things that can impact your life. A drive to eliminate, as much as possible, errors, miscalculation, mistakes so as to ensure success in what matters most. UNCERTAINTY: The need for variety, creativity, spontaneity. The thrill of discovery and the challenge of the unknown. A drive to be in the moment and do what is new, novel, & future-oriented all while discovering & exploring the possibilities. SIGNIFICANCE: The need to make a difference, have an impact, leave a legacy, stand out from the crowd, occupy in a unique place, to be recognized for expertise, ideas, results. A drive to achieve and be known as the best in a particular thing. CONNECTION: Intimacy, being one, going to the core, deep empathic communication, knowing fully, engaging 100% in the moment, spirituality in its essence, transcending, going to the feelings at the deepest level within. FUN FACTS

• We each have all four… but one or two are dominant. • Your children have two of these as dominant. Don’t remake them in your image. Affirm

their design. • Any time you can meet all four needs you form an ADDICTION.

Not all addictions are bad. Lets say you want to be healthy so you take up running. If you

feel SIGNIFICANT because of how it makes you look, and are CERTAIN of the routine and the results that make up the whole experience, including the “runner’s high” that causes you to feel CONNECTED with yourself and thoughts as you run, while taking new trails and running in new cities listening to new music allowing VARIETY and UNCERTAINTY to make it all fresh.


Anything you do habitually now is a habit because it meets these needs.


NOW… which one is primary – number #1 for you? Which one is secondary? Are these the same as your spouse? Do you have at least one in common? If not, you really need to look at the next point.

THE TWO QUALITIES THAT SANCTIFY ANY OF THE ABOVE … in essence, making you perfected in love …

#1. Growth. The need to become more. To expand and enlarge and increase until a fullness of capacity is formed. Your growth is going to come from doing what you have never done and pushing past your comfort zone in order to expand your capacity.

#2. Contribution. Similar to serving, this word describes a desire to add to another, enhance, help, bring to wholeness. To do that which meets the need and advance the happiness and well-being of another.

These two new EMOTIONAL NEEDS can be DEVELOPED, and when they are, they create a fully actualized human being. I’m sure you can see how these can be made to apply to any relationship, especially if the one you love does not share your primary emotional need. Lance: My primary emotional need is “significance” and secondary “uncertainty.” How about you?


Collin’s Model How to go from good to great!

What can I be best in the world at? What are you developing mastery in? Dabbler’s

have a need for variety but they never pay the price for mastery because “its good enough” and then they move onto something else. Mastery is less exhilarating and requires discipline.

But Colossians 3:23 says, “Whatever you do, do unto the Lord and not unto man.” If it’s unto the Lord, then you pursue excellence. If you pursue excellence, you are going above what is required by the job because you are looking forward to the mastery of the skill in you. If you really practice everything you do with the commitment to excellence, then you are actually developing a commitment to personal mastery and that skill, that disposition, is going to serve you later.

True mastery happens by gradually increasing your skill, knowledge and ability in something over time. Then hitting a plateau and thinking “I’m done” but not stopping. You keep going and then you hit a great acceleration up.

Your gift cluster is a combination of your skills, gifts, talents, and acquired abilities. Any languages you learn, if are tech savvy, if you know how to play an instrument – it's a combination of the spiritual gifts that God gave you. Then the Lord squeezes it in contribution and in service to other people. Usually around the time that the gift cluster comes and he squeezes it and you start to serve people with it – that's about the time when you start moving into the convergence zone.


What are you most passionate about? What do you love to do most? Here’s the key: you can do it 24/7 and you never tire of it. You could do it 24/7 and never get paid for. The passion process is a great way to reveal what you are passionate about. You may not know what you are passionate about because you have not observed what makes you happy.

What drives your economic engine? How do you monetize? Monetizing is not hard. You

have to talk to someone who knows how to do it. Monetizing what your passion is and what you're good at is really just the ability to identify other people who would be interested in the same thing or who are already in it but not as good as you and you can help them become better at it. The digital world has made it possible for you to find your audience and on a six-billion-person global world, you can find somebody that's interested in what you're doing. Activity Here is one way to find out what you are best in the world at. Ask: What do people usually come to me for? Is it something you DO (like a doctor, mechanic, photographer….) or something you SAY (counselor, speaker, consultant…) Well? What do they come for? A bit of both? (accountant, lawyer, etc…)

Activity List the things you would like to achieve, create, give, have, do and/or experience. Begin each sentence with a verb relating to your ideal life. Make sure your list includes:

• What you love to do, the environment you love to be in • The kind of people you love to be with • What flips your switch and energizes you? • What is the thing you never tire of and always see the beauty in?


Covey Model

The difference in the Collin’s model for a non-believer and believer is the Voice of God.

Your recreated spirit has the ability to hear God’s voice. It is designed so that God can have an ongoing dialogue with you.

Your spirit has a unique capacity for intuition. This is your prophetic capacity. The promise is that God will show you the unfolding course of events that are coming up shortly in your own future. The spirit of God will give you intuitive clarity regarding the next course of events.

The recreated human spirit has three attributes: intuition, conscious, and communion. God’s conviction is speaking through your recreated spirit through your conscious. The voice of God will convict you. If you don’t know what to do, find out what integrity tells you to do and that’s the way God is telling you to do it.

“And it came to pass, on the way at the inn [on the way to fulfilling the prophecy], that the Lord met him [Moses] and sought to kill him.” – Exodus 4:24

What is written in the Word of God regarding what God expects you to know and do, it's

assumed that you're operating in obedience to the conscience of staying up-to-date on what God's already revealed in the word because prophecy is an extraordinary directional confirmation to make sure you're confident of the right direction. But prophecy doesn't override obedience to what is written. And if you are not obeying what is written, there is no guarantee that your prophecy will come true. God sought to kill Moses because he hadn't circumcised his children and he knew he was supposed to and he'd been negligent in obeying what he already knew. Ask: What has God been talking to you about that you have been ignoring?


Your Ultimate Life Strategy Lesson 5: The Collision of the Clashing of Swords, Clinton Model, Power of Personal Story The Collision of the Clashing of Swords

There is an end time army and the Bible says in Joel, “the voice of the Lord leads the army.” Not everyone will be in the army. The army will have those who are voices who hear God and lead the army to advance.

What Covey discovered: when you hear intuition, conscious, and communion you discover you own authentic voice. Someone serving the devil or themselves can dominate the atmosphere until you show up because you have the utterance of God in your mouth.

Where we are heading in the last days is towards a battle. In the Heavens, angels and principalities are in collisions to determine the future of nations. To determine if they will be sheep nations or goat nations. The body of Christ is about to be catalyzed to rise up to form sheep nations.

When a culture gets to the point where it is hostile to believers who are simple observing the peaceful dictates of their own religious conscience, you have a nation that is beginning to come under the serpentine influence of a goat transformation.

God is hiding himself in the people making up His army. That’s why you have to have personal mastery – you have to know how to discern your own voice. The voice of the Lord comes through His people and it is going to clash with the voice of Satan. If you’ll listen to the voice of conscious, obey what God calls you to do, you begin to develop capital in heaven and authority on earth. Your authentic voice becomes the voice of the Lord and suddenly the Lord anoints your utterance. Your voice comes out of your own personal history with God. Your voice has power to deal with the counterfeit voice that is in the atmosphere.

Your personal history and the way God has worked with you and in you and redeemed your life, is what makes you unique and authentic. It's what sets you apart from everybody else. Pray: Lord, I am willing to be your voice. I'll do what you tell me to do. I'll go where you tell me to go. Thank you for leading me and guiding me on this journey. I am ready to walk with You. What’s the path?

What do I have to do to get from where I am to where I have to go?


Clinton Model

1. Sovereign Beginnings

This represents your time in history, your family of origin, nation, birth order, and natural talents.

God chose everything about you. He determined your gifts, talents, abilities, family of origin, and the factors that shaped your life. And then it's like Adam. After God makes the earth, the sun, the moon, stars, the plants, the animals, the beasts of the earth, fish in the sea, He does everything and when it's all done, He puts Adam there on the sixth day, and says, “There it is." He really didn't consult with him a whole lot. Your job is to take the deck that God gave you. And here's the good news: If you'll play it in the Holy Ghost, you've got a winning hand. Every hand is a winner.

Ask: Do you need to repent over murmuring and complaining about your origins?

2. Spiritual Formation

This is the journey that formed your spiritual values and perspective. God has been at work in your life from the beginning to lead you through the door

of salvation into your walk with Him. For the greatest percentage of people, this happens before the age of 20. He placed people in your life to share with you about His son Jesus and the way into the abundant life He has planned for you.

After you were saved He provided spiritual nourishment for your growth. As you came to Him in prayer, He gave you direction and wisdom for your path. He has been actively involved in your spiritual formation phase ever since.

3. Ministry Maturity

You can also describe this as gift discovery and development. This is what you do best and what you love to do most.


Discovering what your gifts are can happen early in your life, or it can be more of an unfolding process over the years. The first few decades of your life is the ideal time to wrap skills around your signature strengths and refine those abilities. However, this phase usually overlaps the next one. Ask: When did you first discover what you are good at and how did it happen? How did the development happen of your talent or ability?

4. Life Maturing This is the process of how the pressures and experiences of jobs, finances, marriage,

family … life and how it forms you. You are increasing in your responsibilities in life, both inside and outside your home. This is also the key developmental phase for learning to walk in the total unconditional acceptance of others and to practice the love of God.

Everyone goes through a stage where they think they’re ready and God knows they aren’t. It’s in the delay that God surfaces your motives.

5. Convergence

Convergence happens when your gifts, talents, and acquired skills “converge” with a role that empowers you to do what you do best — smack dab in the center of Gods prophetic purpose!

You are not a prisoner of circumstance – you’re a passenger of prophetic process.

6. Afterglow This occurs during the years lived when you watch over your contribution in

convergence. You become a model of possibility for others. Personal Story

So here’s what I want you to catch. Your gifts are going to be the how God will use you. Your heart is going to be giving you some idea of where you’re going to show up and what you’re going to do. But when it comes to the uniqueness of the process, I want you to know that a large part of your process, at this point, is going to be how you deal with the internal dialogue that is going on in the inside of you.

How are you dealing with the internal dialogue? What are the voices talking to you disqualifying you from your future? Stop being a victim and hold yourself accountable. Take responsibility for what’s manifesting. God wants His people to have the emotional agility to overcome.

How are you going to go up a Level 10 devil if you’re not playing a level 10 game?


Your Ultimate Life Strategy Lesson 6: Conclusion – Cracking the Convergence Code For me, convergence is not just a life phase, it’s the ultimate state of feeling alive – it’s the “actualization” state described by the brilliant Abraham Maslow…its Abundant Life! AND less than 20% of leaders studied in a 30-year group actually felt they entered into this place of destiny!

• You have visited “convergence” whenever you enter the “zone:” a place where you feel as if you are walking in the script written for you by heaven before you were born.

• It is the intersection of God’s purpose and your life. • When you enter this zone your path is overtaken with strange and meaningful


Cracking the Convergence Code™ starts by asking some incisive questions:

1. Looking at the six stages, what stage are you in? (1. Sovereign Beginnings, 2. Spiritual Formation, 3. Gift Discovery and Development, 4. Life Maturing, 5. Convergence, 6. Legacy or Afterglow)

2. Can you remember times in your life when you entered the convergence zone? What were you doing? How much time are you spending there in your current work?

3. Do you know this seasons assignment? Notice, I said “this season” assignment, because the convergence zone is entered throughout your life in a series of promotions from one assignment to the next. Most will change career paths at least four times – and each life stage has endings and beginnings connected to your assignments. What’s your assignment right now?

This last point about assignments is important. I used to hyper focus on the issue of convergence as a goal wrapped up in one significant life stage…. at the end of life, but not anymore. Every season is an invitation to convergence at the level of “being” if not fully in the work you are “doing.”

• Your whole life isn’t about just one moment … it is about EVERY moment. You have numerous “micro-convergence” phases and stages and promotions along the way.

• Your life is like a great symphony that builds to a climax—many individual notes with crescendos and decrescendos, developed across several movements to tell a moving story!

Consider this: Daniel would have never made history in the lion’s den had he failed the competition with the other Babylonian captives in his role at the King’s court. Nail your current assignment!


At the end of your life only one thing will matter: Did you do the thing God put you on earth to do? Did you finish the work? Did you become all that you were gifted and capable of becoming? Jesus was only 33 when he summarized his life in a final prayer: “Father, I have finished the work You have given me to do.” There it is—the most important statement you could ever make is “I FINISHED THE WORK!” Therefore, the most important question you will ever answer is: “What is the work you are called to do?”