- axial skeleton - skull, vertebral column, rib cagestaff.bbhcsd.org/rundol/Ac Bio Notes/Ac Note...

Post on 25-Jan-2021

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Transcript of - axial skeleton - skull, vertebral column, rib cagestaff.bbhcsd.org/rundol/Ac Bio Notes/Ac Note...

  • - axial skeleton - skull, vertebral column, rib cage

    - axial skeleton - skull, vertebral column, rib cage

    Endoskeleton - internal (us)

  • - found within skeletal system

  • Three types of cells in the skeletal system:

    - osteoblasts mature into osteocytes

    - fixed joint - no movement (skull sutures)

  • synovial fluid

  • - 3 different types of muscle tissue - skeletal, smooth, and

    (e.g. diaphragm for breathing)

  • 3. Cardiac Muscle

  • Integumentary System

    - melanocytes - produce melanin = dark brown pigment