! Aff k Toolbox II - Framework

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Transcript of ! Aff k Toolbox II - Framework

  • 8/10/2019 ! Aff k Toolbox II - Framework


    Samford Debate Institute Mae/Gramzinski/JohnsonAT: Ks

    AT: Kritiks

    *** State *** 2A2: State Bad 2A2: State Bad 3A2: State Bad (Gender) 4

    A2: State Bad (Environment) 5Reformism Good Rorty 6Reformism Good Rorty 7Reformism Good Rorty 8Reformism Good Rorty m!a"t #$o%iti"a% &a"''m 'rn *+i"ro,$o%iti"s -ai% +i"ro,$o%iti"s $erm'tation 2dentity $o%iti"s -ai% 3

    *** Postmodernism *** 14$o+o Bad $'.%i" S!/ere 4$o+o Bad $'.%i" S!/ere 5

    E0t $o+o 1a"s $'.%i" Enaement 6$o+o Bad Best e%%ner 7$o+o Bad Best e%%ner 8A2: e"onstr'"tion #A2: Ba'dri%%ard 2*A2: Ba'dri%%ard 2A2: -o'"a'%t 22A2: -o'"a'%t 23A2: -o'"a'%t 24A2: Aam.en 25A2: Aam.en 26

    *** Ontology *** 27

    A2: nto%oy 27A2: S!anos 28A2: eideer 2#A2: eideer 3*A2: S!anos 3'manism Good 32'manism Good 33

    *** Capitalism *** 34A2: 9a!ita%ism 34A2: 9a!ita%ism 35A2: 9a!ita%ism 36A2: i;e 37A2: i;e 38A2: i;e 3#A2: i;e 4*A2: Em!ire (ardt

  • 8/10/2019 ! Aff k Toolbox II - Framework


    Samford Debate Institute Mae/Gramzinski/JohnsonAT: Ks

    *** %epresentations *** 4&A2: Re!resentations 45A2: Re!resentations 46A2: -ear of eat/ 47A2: -ear of eat/ 48A2: =ove A%ternative 4#A2: =o"a%ism (

  • 8/10/2019 ! Aff k Toolbox II - Framework


    Samford Debate Institute Mae/Gramzinski/JohnsonAT: Ks

    @@@ State @@@

    A2: State -ad

    e!ating a!o#t t(e state does not mean )apit#lating to it ... dis)#ssing go/ernment poli)y )reates)riti)al #nderstanding t(at fa)ilitates resistan)e against its 0orst a!#ses

    ono/an and arkin (9%air and $/i% A'stra%ian e maintain t/at !o%iti"a% s"ientists s/o'%d .e a.%e to enae >it/!ra"ti"a% !o%iti"s on t/eir o>n terms and s/o'%d .e a.%e to !rovide resear"/ o't!'t t/at is of va%'e to !ra"titionersC t is .e"a'se of itsfo"'s on 'nderstandin e0!%anation "on"e!t'a%isation and "%assifi"ation t/at !o%iti"a% s"ien"e /as t/e !otentia% to "ontri.'te moreto !ra"ti"a% !o%iti"s and more s'""essf'%%yC As Brian Barry notes Grantin (for t/e sae of ar'ment) t/at Fst'dents of !o%iti"s /avesome met/ods t/at ena.%e 's to im!rove on t/e de%iveran"es of 'nt'tored "ommon sense or !o%iti"a% Ho'rna%ism >/at ood do t/eydoI /e ans>er to t/at J'estion is: not m'"/C B't if >e "/ane t/e J'estion and as >/at ood t/ey "o'%d do .e%ieve t/at it is!ossi.%e to H'stify a more !ositive ans>er (Bany 2**4 !C 22)C A "%ear 'nderstandin of /o> instit'tions and individ'a%s intera"t or/o> different instit'tions intera"t >it/ ea"/ ot/er "an !rovide )lear and #sef#l insig(ts t/at !ra"titioners "an s'""essf'%%y 'semain , or !er/a!s remain , a !o%iti"a% s"ien"e t/at dire"ts resear"/ efforts to ood J'estions and ena.%es in"rementa%im!rovements to .e made (i.idC #)C n t/is sense !o%iti"a% s"ien"e a%ready /as t/e ra> materia% to mae t/is "ontri.'tion .'t it"/ooses not to 'ti%ise it in t/is >ay: no do'.t in !art .e"a'se a"ademi"s are motivated to !resent t/eir findins to ot/er a"ademi"sand not t/e !ra"titioners >it/in t/e instit'tions t/ey st'dyC

    C(ange o#tside t(e state is temporary ... only engaging instit#tions prod#)es lasting remedies

    il!rat( $(=ester DC $rofessor Emerit's of $o%iti"a% S"ien"e and So"io%oy S/i"/ !eo!%e f'n"tionC $ersons may so%emn%y reso%ve to"/ane .'t t/at reso%ve is likely to 0eakenas t/ey !erform day,today >it/in a system reinfor"in different .e%iefs and va%'esC9/ane aents ty!i"a%%y are met >it/ denia% and reat resistan"eC Re%'"tan"e to "/a%%ene mainstream so"iety is t/e maHor reasonmost efforts em!/asi;in ed'"ation to .rin a.o't "/ane are ineffe"tiveC f so"ieta% transformation m'st .e s!eedy and most of 's.e%ieve it m'st !%eadin >it/ individ'a%s to "/ane is not likely to !e effe)ti/eC

    State po0er is fle5i!le and open to reorientation

    Kra#se and 6illiams $7(eit/ $rofessor of $o%iti"a% S"ien"e Kor C and +i"/ae% $rofessor of $o%iti"a% S"ien"e So't/ern+ain 9riti"a% Se"'rity St'dies: 9on"e!ts and 9ases !C 0vi)

    +any of t/e "/a!ters in t/is vo%'me t/'s retain a "on"ern >it/ t/e "entra%ity of t/e state as a %o"'s not on%y of o.%iation .'t of ef ,fe"tive !o%iti"a% a"tionC n t/e rea%m of organied /iolen)e8 states a%so remain t/e !reeminent a"torsC /e tas of a "riti"a% a!!roa"/is not to deny t/e "entra%ity of t/e state in t/is rea%m .'t rat/er to 'nder stand more f'%%y its str'"t'res dynami"s and !ossi.i%itiesfor reorientationC -rom a "riti"a% !ers!e"tive state a"tion is f%e0i.%e and "a !a.%e of reorientation and ana%y;in state !o%i"y need nott/erefore .e tantamo'nt to em.ra"in t/e statist ass'm!tions of ort/odo0 "on"e!tionsC o e0"%'de a fo)#s on state a"tion from a"riti"a% !ers!e"tive on t/e ro'nds t/at it !%ays inevita.%y >it/in t/e r'%es of e0istin "on"e!tions sim!%y reverses t/e error ofessentia%i;in t/e stateC +oreover it %oses t/e !ossi.i%ity of inf%'en"in >/at remains t/e most str'"t'ra%%y "a!a.%e a"tor in"ontem!orary >or%d !o%iti"sC

    Samford e!ate "nstit#te 2k$ 3

  • 8/10/2019 ! Aff k Toolbox II - Framework


    Samford Debate Institute Mae/Gramzinski/JohnsonAT: Ks

    A2: State -ad

    Only de!ating state poli)ies )an a/ert n#)lear )onfli)t ... t(is doesn9t mean a))epting t(e system

    Spanier $(1o/n $/ Ka%e and ea"/er -%orida Games or is sim!%y t/at is !oints to t/e Messen"eM of state .e/aviorC t does not!retend to a""o'nt for a%% fa"tors s'"/ as mora% norms t/at motivate statesC As a ne"essari%y sim!%ified version of rea%ity it "%arifies>/at most .asi"a%%y "on"erns and drives states and >/at inds of .e/avior "an .e e0!e"tedC De as o.servers may de!%ore t/at.e/avior and t/e anar"/i"a% system t/at !rod'"es it and >e may >is/ t/at internationa% !o%iti"s >ere not as "onf%i"t'a% and vio%ent ast/e t>entiet/ "ent'ry /as a%ready am!%y demonstratedC De may !refer a system ot/er t/at one in >/i"/ states are so "ommitted toadvan"in t/eir o>n nationa% interests and !rote"tin t/eir sovereintyC ever m'"/ >e may de!%ore t/e "'rrentsystem and !refer a more !ea"ef'% and /armonio's >or%d >e m'st first 'nderstand t/e "ontem!orary one if >e are to %earn /o> toMmanaeM it and avoid t/e "atastro!/e of a n'"%ear >arC

    "gnoring t(e state is politi)ally disastro#s ... only opposition to spe)ifi) instit#tions )anmeaningf#lly )(allenge domination

    +ross!erg $2(=a>ren"e $rofessor of 9omm'ni"ation %%inois De Gotta Get 't of /is $%a"e !C 3#*,)

    B't t/is >o'%d mean t/at t/e =eft "o'%d not remain o'tside of t/e systems of overnan"eC t /as sometimes to >or >it/ aainstand >it/ in .'rea'"rati" systems of overnan"eC 9onsider t/e "ase of Amnesty nternationa% an immense%y effe"tive orani;ation>/en its maHor stratey >as (simi%ar to t/at of t/e Ri/t) e0ertin !ress're dire"t%y on t/e .'rea'"ra"ies of s!e"if i" overnmentsCn re"ent years (mared .y t/e re"ent ro" to'r) it /as a!!arent%y redire"ted its enery and reso'r"es seein ne> mem.ers (>/omay not .e "ommitted to a"t'a%%y doin anyt/inL mem.ers/i! .e"omes %itt%e more t/an a statement of ideo%oi"a% s'!!ort for a!osition t/at fe> are %ie%y to o!!ose) and !'.%i" visi.i%ityC n star "ontrast t/e most effe"tive str'%e of t/e =eft in re"ent times/as .een t/e dramati" (and one /o!es "ontin'in) dismant%in of a!art/eid in So't/ Afri"aC t >as a""om!%is/ed .y mo.i%i;in!o!'%ar !ress're on t/e instit'tions and .'rea'"ra"ies of e"onomi" and overnmenta% instit'tions and it de!ended '!on a /i/%yso!/isti"ated orani;ationa% str'"t'reC /e =eft too often t/ins t/at it "an end ra"ism and se0ism and "%assism .y "/anin!eo!%eNs attit'de and everyday !ra"ti"es (eCC t/e ##* B%a" .oy"ott of orean stores in Kor)C nfort'nate%y >/i%e s'"/str'%es may .e e0treme%y visi.%e t/ey are often less effe)ti/e t/an attem!ts to move t/e instit'tions (eCC .ans ta0in

    str'"t'res distri.'tors) >/i"/ /ave !'t t/e e"onomi" re%ations of .%ea" an immirant !o!'%ations in !%a"e and >/i"/ "ondition!eo!%eNs everyday !ra"ti"esC /e =eft needs instit'tions >/i"/ "an o!erate >it/in t/e system of overnan"e 'nderstandin t/ats'"/ instit'tions are t/e mediatin str'"t'res .y >/i"/ !o>er is a"tive%y rea%i;edC t is often .y dire"tin o!!osition aainst spe)ifi)instit#t ions t/at !o>er "an .e )(allengedC /e =eft ass'med for some time no> t/at sin"e it /as so %itt%e a""ess to t/e a!!arat'ses of aen"y its on%ya%ternative is to see a !'.%i" voi"e in t/e media t/ro'/ ta"ti"a% !rotestsC /e =eft does in fa"t need more visi.i%i ty .'t it a%so needs reater a""ess to t/e entire rane

    of a!!arat'ses of de"ision main !o>erC t/er>ise t/e =eft /as not/in .'t its o>n se%f,ri/teo'snessC t is not individ'a%s >/o /ave !rod'"edstarvation and t/e ot/er so"ia% disra"es of o'r >or%d a%t/o'/ it is individ'a%s >/o m'st tae res!onsi.i%ity for e%iminatin t/emC B't to do so t/ey m'st a"t >it/orani;ations and >it/in t/e systems of orani;ations >/i"/ in fa"t /ave t/e "a!a"ity (as >e%% as res!onsi.i%ity) to fi/t t/emC Dit/o't s'"/ orani;ations t/e on%ymode%s of !o%iti"a% "ommitment are se%f,interest and "/arityC 9/arity s'ests t/at >e a"t on .e/a%f of ot/ers >/o "annot a"t on t/eir o>n .e/a%fC B't >e are a%%!re"ario's%y "a'/t in t/e "ir"'its of %o.a% "a!ita%ism and everyoneNs !osition is in"reasin%y !re"ario's and 'n"ertainC t >i%% not tae m'"/ to "/ane t/e !osition ofany individ'a% in t/e nited States as t/e e0!erien"e of many of t/e /ome%ess t/e e%der%y and t/e Ofa%% enP midd%e "%ass demonstratesC /ere a"tin for anot/er is a%>ays a"tin for onese%f as >e%% a !o%iti"s in >/i"/everyone str'%es >it/ t/e reso'r"es t/ey /ave to mae t/eir %ives (and t/e >or%d) .etter sin"e t/e t>o are so intimate%y ti ed toet/erQ -or e0am!%e >e need to t/in ofaffirmation a"tion as in everyoneNs .est interests .e"a'se of t/e !ossi.i%ities it o!ensC De need to t/in >it/ >/at A0e%os /as des"ri.ed as a O!%anetary t/o'/tP >/i"/O>o'%d .e a "o/erent t/o'/t.'t not a rationa%i;in and rationa%istN inf%e"tionL it >o'%d .e a framentary t/o'/t of t/e o!en tota%ityfor >/at >e "an ras! areframents 'nvei%ed on t/e /ori;on of t/e tota%ityC S'"/ a !o%iti"s >i%% not .ein .y distin'is/in .et>een t/e %o"a% and t/e %o.a% (and "ertain%y not .y va%ori;in one over

    t/e ot/er) for t/e >ays in >/i"/ t/e former are in"or!orated into t/e %atter !re"%'de t/e %'0'ry of s'"/ "/oi"esC Resistan"e is a%>ays a %o"a% str'%e even

    >/en (as in !arts of t/e e"o%oy movement) it is imagined to "onne"t into its %o.a% str'"t'res of arti"'%ation:/in %o.a%%y a"t %o"a%%yC

    !!osition is !redi"ated !re"ise%y on %o"atin t/e !oints of arti"'%ation .et>een t/em t/e !oints at >/i"/ t/e %o.a% .e"omes %o"a% and t/e %o"a% o!ens '! onto t/e%o.a%C Sin"e t/e meanin of t/ese terms /as to .e 'nderstood in t/e "onte0t of any !arti"'%ar str'%e one is a%>ays a"tin .ot/ %o.a%%y and %o"a%%y: /in %o.a%%y a"t

    a!!ro!riate%yQ -i/t %o"a%%y .e"a'se t/at is t/e s"ene of a"tion .'t aim for t/e %o.a% .e"a'se t/at is t/e s"ene of aen"yC O=o"a% str'%esdire"t%y taret nationa% and internationa% a0ioms at t/e !re"ise !oint of t/eir insertion into t/e fie%d of immanen"eCP /is reJ'ires t/e imaination and "onstr'"tion offorms of 'nity "ommona%ity and so"ia% aen"y >/i"/ do not deny differen"esC Dit/o't s'"/ "ommona%ity !o%iti"s is too easi%y red'"ed to a J'estion of individ'a% ri/ts(iCeC in t/e terms of "%assi"a% 'ti%ity t/eory)L differen"e ends '! Otr'm!inP !o%iti"s .rinin it to an endC /e str'%e aainst t/e dis"i!%ined mo.i%i;ation of everyday %ife"an on%y .e .'i%t on affe"tive "ommona%ities a s/ared Ores!onsi.%e yearnin: a yearnin o't to>ards somet/in more and somet/in .etter t/an t/is and t/is !%a"e no>CP/e =eft after a%% is defined .y its "ommon "ommitment to !rin"i!%es of H'sti"e eJ'a%ity and demo"ra"y (a%t/o'/ t/ese mi/t "onf%i"t) in e"onomi" !o%iti"a% and "'%t'ra%%ifeC t is .ased on t/e /o!e !er/a!s even t/e i%%'sion t/at s'"/ t/ins are !ossi.%eC /e "onstr'"tion of an affe"tive "ommona%ity attem!ts to mo.i%i;e !eo!%e in a"ommon str'%e des!ite t/e fa"t t/at t/ey /ave no "ommon identity or "/ara"ter re"oni;in t/at t/ey are t/e on%y for"e "a!a.%e of !rovidin a ne> /istori"a% ando!!ositiona% aen"yC t strives to orani;e minorities into a ne> maHorityC

    Samford e!ate "nstit#te 2k$ 4

  • 8/10/2019 ! Aff k Toolbox II - Framework


    Samford Debate Institute Mae/Gramzinski/JohnsonAT: Ks

    A2: State -ad +ender;

    T(e state is not in(erently patriar)(al Stanford *7 arvC =C RevC 8 A!ri% =e0is)

    omen are not a/omoeno's ro'! >it/ 'nitary "on"erns s're%y t/e same is tr'e of menC +oreover if t/e state is .est 'nderstood as a net>or ofinstit'tions >it/ "om!%e0 sometimes "om!etin aendas t/en t/e !atriar"/a% mode% of sin%e,minded instr'menta%ism seems /i/%yim!%a'si.%eC t is diffi"'%t to dismiss a%% t/e anti,dis"rimination initiatives of t/e %ast J'arter "ent'ry as !'re%y "o'nter,revo%'tionarystrateiesC And it is !re"ise%y t/ese initiatives >it/ t/eir a!!ea% to Mma%eM norms of Mo.He"tivity and t/e im!ersona%ity of !ro"ed'ret/at F/ave "reated F@86 %everae for t/e re!resentation of >omens interestsCM n24 9ross,"'%t'ra% resear"/ a%so s'ests t/att/e stat's of >omen is positi/ely )orrelated >it/ a stron state >/i"/ is s"ar"e%y t/e re%ations/i! t/at !atriar"/a% frame>orsim!%yC n25 D/i%e t/e MtyranniesM of !'.%i" and !rivate de!enden"e are !%ain%y re%ated many feminists "/a%%ene t/e "%aim t/at t/ey

    are t/e sameC As 9aro%e $ateman notes >omen do not M%ive >it/ t/e state and are .etter a.%e to mae "o%%e"tive str'%e aainstinstit'tions t/an individ'a%sCM n26 o advan"e t/at str'%e feminists need more "on"rete and "onte0t'a% a""o'nts of stateinstit'tions t/an !atriar"/a% frame>ors /ave s'!!%iedC ='m!in toet/er !o%i"e >e%fare >orers and $entaon offi"ia%s as aentsof a 'nitary !atriar"/a% str'"t're does more to o!s)#re t/an to advan"e ana%ysisC D/at seems ne"essary is a "onte0t'a% a!!roa"/t/at "an a""o'nt for reater "om!%e0ities in >omens re%ations/i!s >it/ overnin instit'tionsC Ket des!ite t/eir %imitations !atriar"/a%t/eories 'nders"ore an insi/t t/at enera%%y informs feminist t/eori;inC As $art ref%e"ts overnmenta% instit'tions are im!%i"atedin t/e most f'ndamenta% str'"t'res of se0,.ased ineJ'a%ity and in t/e strateies ne"essary to address itC =Contin#es> /esetensions >it/in t/e >omens movement are of "o'rse .y no means 'niJ'eC -or any s'.ordinate ro'! t/e state is a !rimaryso'r"e of !ot( re!ression and assistan"e in t/e str'%e for eJ'a%ityC /ese "onstit'en"ies "annot .e MforM or MaainstM stateinvo%vement in any "ateori"a% senseC /e J'estions are a%>ays >/at forms of invo%vement to >/at ends and >/o maes t/esede"isionsC -rom some feminist !ers!e"tives %i.era%ism /as fai%ed to res!ond adeJ'ate%y to t/ose J'estions .e"a'se of dee!erdiffi"'%tiesC n !art t/e !ro.%em stems from 'nd'e fait/ in forma% ri/tsC /e !riority ranted to individ'a% entit%ements 'ndermines t/e!'.%i"s sense of "o%%e"tive res!onsi.i%ityC /is "ritiJ'e /as attra"ted its o>n s/are of "riti"ism from >it/in as >e%% as from o'tside t/efeminist "omm'nityC As many %eft feminists in"%'din "riti"a% ra"e t/eorists /ave noted ri/ts,.ased "%aims /ave !%ayed a "r'"ia%ro%e in advan"in ro'! as >e%% as individ'a% interestsC n32 S'"/ "%aims "an e0!ress desires not on%y for a'tonomy .'t a%so for

    parti)ipation in t/e str'%es t/at s/a!e >omens "o%%e"tive e0isten"eC /e !riority t/at state instit'tions !%a"e on ri/ts is not initse%f !ro.%emati"C /e "entra% diffi"'%ty is t/e %imited s"o!e and inadeJ'ate enfor"ement of "'rrent%y re"oni;ed entit%ementsC Sin"eri/ts,oriented "am!ains "an advan"e as >e%% as restri"t !o%iti"a% str'%e eva%'ation of t/eir stratei" va%'e demands /istori"a%%y,sit'ated "onte0t'a% ana%ysisC

    Samford e!ate "nstit#te 2k$ &

  • 8/10/2019 ! Aff k Toolbox II - Framework


    Samford Debate Institute Mae/Gramzinski/JohnsonAT: Ks

    A2: State -ad 'n/ironment;

    T(e immedia)y of en/ironmental degradation makes state a)tion essential ... anti.statist )riti?#esfail and reprod#)e /iolen)e

    ')kersley 4(Ro.yn e!artment of $o%iti"a% S"ien"e niversity of +e%.o'rne E GREE< SAE: REit/ vio%en"e inse"'rity .'rea'"rati" domination inH'sti"e and e"o%oi"a%deradation t/ere is no reason to ass#me t(at any alternati/es>e mi/t imaine or deve%o! >i%% ne"essari%y .e free of or %ess.'rdened .y s'"/ !ro.%emsC As ed%ey B'%% >arns vio%en"e inse"'rity inH'sti"e and e"o%oi"a% deradation !re,date t/e statesystem and >e "annot r'%e o't t/e !ossi.i%ity t/at t/ey are likely to s#r/i/e t(e demise of t(e state system8 regardless of 0(atne0 politi)al str#)t#res may ariseC # it "o'%d .e !%a'si.%y ar'ed t/at t/ese !ro.%ems mi/t .e %essened 'nder a moredemo"rati" and !ossi.%y de"entra%i;ed %o.a% !o%iti"a% ar"/ite"t're (as .ioreiona%ists and ot/er reen de"entra%ists /ave ar'ed)C

    o>ever t/ere is no .asis '!on >/i"/ to ass'me t/at t/ey >i%% .e %essened any more t/an 'nder a more dee!%y demo"rati;ed statesystemC Given t/e serio#sness and #rgen)y of many e"o%oi"a% !ro.%ems (eCC %o.a% >armin) .'i%din on t/e state overnan"estr'"t'res t/at a%ready e0ist seems to .e a more fr#itf#l pat( to tae t/an any attem!t to move .eyond or aro'nd states in t/eJ'est for environmenta% s'staina.i%ityC2* +oreover as a matter of !rin"i!%e it "an .e ar'ed t/at environmenta% .enefits are !'.%i"oods t/at o'/t .est .e manaed .y demo"rati"a%%y orani;ed !'.%i" !o>er and not .y !rivate !o>erC2% S'"/ an a!!roa"/ is"onsistent >it/ "riti"a% t/eoryNs "on"ern to >or "reative%y >it/ "'rrent /istori"a% !ra"ti"es and asso"iated 'nderstandins rat/er t/anfas/ion 'to!ias t/at /ave no !'r"/ase on s'"/ !ra"ti"es aid 'nderstandinsC n s/ort t/ere is more mi%eae to .e ained .yen%istin and "reative%y deve%o!in t/e e0istin norms r'%es and !ra"ti"es of state overnan"e in >ays t/at mae state !o>er moredemo"rati"a%%y and e"o%oi"a%%y a""o'nta.%e t/an desinin a ne> ar"/ite"t're of %o.a% overnan"e de novo (a da'ntin anddes!airin !ro!osition)C Se!ti"s s/o'%d tae /eart from t/e fa"t t/at t/e orani;ed "oer"ive !o>er of demo"rati" states is not atota%%y 'ntamed !o>er insofar as s'"/ !o>er m'st .e e0er"ised a""ordin to t/e r'%e of %a> and !rin"i!%es of demo"rati" oversi/tC/is is not to deny t/at state !o>er "an sometimes .e serio's%y a.'sed (eCC .y t/e !o%i"e or nationa% inte%%ien"e aen"ies)CRat/er it is mere%y to ar'e t/at s'"/ !o>ers are not 'n%imited and .eyond demo"rati" "ontro% and redressC /e fo"'s of "riti"a%e"o%oi"a% attention s/o'%d t/erefore .e on /o> effe"tive t/is "ontro% and redress /as .een and /o> it mi/t .e strent/enedC /esame ar'ment may .e e0tended to t/e .'rea'"rati" arm of t/e stateC n %i.era% demo"rati" states >it/ t/e rad'a% en%arement

    s!e"ia%i;ation and de!ersona%i;ation of state administrative !o>er /ave a%so "ome %ea% norms and !ro"ed'res t/at %imit s'"/!o>er a""ordin to t/e !rin"i!%e of demo"rati" a""o'nta.i%ityC As Gianfran"o $oi /as o.served at t/e same time as t/e !o%iti"a%!o>er of t/e state /as .e"ome more e0tensive in terms of its s'.He"t matter and rea"/ so too /ave "%aims for !'.%i" !arti"i!ation int/e e0er"ise of t/is !o>er >idenedC22 /is is a%so to a"no>%ede t/e "onsidera.%e s"o!e for f'rt/er more dee!,seated demo"rati"oversi/tC ndeed it is !ossi.%e to !oint to a raft of ne> e"o%oi"a% dis"'rsive desins t/at /ave a%ready emered as !artia% antidotesto t/e te"/no"rati" dimensions of t/e administrative state s'"/ as "omm'nity ri/t,to,no> %eis%ation "omm'nity environmenta%monitorin and re!ortin t/ird,!arty %itiation ri/ts environmenta% and te"/no%oy im!a"t assessment stat'tory !o%i"y advisory"ommittees "iti;ensN H'ries "onsens's "onferen"es and !'.%i" environmenta% inJ'iriesC Ea"/ of t/ese initiatives may .e 'nderstoodas attem!ts to "onfront .ot/ !'.%i" and !rivate !o>er >it/ its "onseJ'en"es to >iden t/e rane of voi"es and !ers!e"tives in stateadministration to e0!ose or !revent !ro.%em dis!%a"ement and?or to ens're t/at t/e sites of e"onomi" so"ia% and !o%iti"a% !o>ert/at "reate and?or are res!onsi.%e for e"o%oi"a% riss are made ans>era.%e to a%% t/ose >/o may s'ffer t/e "onseJ'en"esC /is is!re"ise%y >/ere an onoin reen "riti"a% fo"'s on t/e state "an remain !rod'"tiveC nsofar as any aen"y of t/e state (mi%itary!o%i"e or environmenta% !rote"tion aen"ies) is no %oner !ro!er%y a""o'nta.%e to "iti;ens (>/et/er dire"t%y and?or via t/e e0e"'tiveor t/e !ar%iament) t/en t/e demo"rati" state is fai%in its "iti;ensC Seen in t/is %i/t t/e reen "ritiJ'e of t/e administrative state

    s/o'%d .e 'nderstood not as a )riti?#e of t(e state !er se .'t rat/er a "ritiJ'e of illegitimate po0erC t is a !o>er t/at is no %oner!ro!er%y a""o'nta.%e to "iti;ens a""ordin to t/e idea%s of %i.era% demo"ra"yC /e '%timate "/a%%ene for "riti"a% !o%iti"a% e"o%oistss/o'%d not .e sim!%y to .rin %i.era% demo"rati" !ra"ti"e into a%inment >it/ %i.era% demo"rati" idea%s (a%t/o'/ t/is >o'%d .e a oodstart) .'t to o't%ine a distin"tive%y reen set of re'%ative idea%s and a reen demo"rati" "onstit'tiona% state t/at is %ess e0"%'sionaryand more !'.%i" s!irited t/an t/e %i.era% demo"rati" stateC /e "on"ern s/o'%d not .e t/e mere fa"t t/at states e0er"ise !o>er .'trat/er /o> t/is !o>er "an .e made more a""o'nta.%e and /en"e more %eitimateC

    Samford e!ate "nstit#te 2k$

  • 8/10/2019 ! Aff k Toolbox II - Framework


    Samford Debate Institute Mae/Gramzinski/JohnsonAT: Ks

    %eformism +ood < %orty

    /e a%ternative va%'es t/eory over !ra"ti"e meanin it "an never so%veC%orty $,FRi"/ard $/ in $/i%oso!/y from Ka%e A"/ievin 'r 9o'ntry: =eftist /o'/t in >entiet/,9ent'ry Ameri"a ! 36

    /is %eads t/em to ste! .a" from t/eir "o'ntry and as t/ey say Mt/eori;eM itC t %eads t/em to do >/at enry Adams did: to ive "'%t'ra%!o%iti"s !referen"e over rea% !o%iti"s and to mo" t/e very idea t/at demo"rati" instit'tions mi/t on"e aain .e made to serve so"ia%H'sti"eCt %eads t/em to !refer no>%ede to /o!eC see t/is !referen"e as a t'rn a>ay from se"'%arism and !ramatism,as an attem!t to do !re"ise%y >/at e>ey and D/itman t/o'/t s/o'%d not .e done: name%y to see

    t/e Ameri"an advent're >it/in a fi0ed frame of referen"e a frame s'!!%ied .y t/eoryC $arado0i"a%%y t/e %eftists >/o are most "on"erned not to Mtota%i;eMand >/o insist t/at everyt/in .e seen as t/e !%ay of dis"'rsive differen"es rat/er t/an in t/e o%d meta!/ysi"s,of,!resen"e >ay area%so t/e most eaer to t/eori;e to .e"ome s!e"tators rat/er t/an aentsC37 B't t/at is /e%!in yo'rse%f >it/ one /and to >/at yo'!'s/ a>ay >it/ t/e ot/erC /e f'rt/er yo' et from Gree meta!/ysi"s e>ey 'red t/e %ess an0io's yo' s/o'%d .e to find a frame >it/in >/i"/ to fit an onoin/istori"a% !ro"essC

    /is retreat from se"'%arism and !ramatism to t/eory /as a""om!anied a reviva% of ineffa.i%ity C De are to%d over and over aain t/at =a"an/as s/o>n /'man desire to .e in/erent%y 'nsatisfia.%e t/at errida /as s/o>n meanin to .e 'nde"ida.%e t/at =yotard /as s/o>n "ommens'ration .et>een o!!ressed

    and o!!ressors to .e im!ossi.%e and t/at events s'"/ as t/e o%o"a'st or t/e massa"re of t/e oriina% Ameri "ans are 'nre!resenta.%eC o!e%essness /as

    .e"ome fas/iona.%e on t/e =eft,!rin"i!%ed t/eori;ed !/i%oso!/i"a% /o!e%essnessC/e D/itrnanesJ'e /o!e >/i"/ %ifted t/e /earts of t/eAmeri"an =eft .efore t/e #6*s is no> t/o'/t to /ave .een a sym!tom of a naive M/'manismCM see t/is !referen"e for no>%ede over /o!e as re!eatin t/e move made .y %eftist inte%%e"t'a%s >/o ear%ier in t/e "ent'ry ot t/eir ee%ianism from +ar0 rat/er t/ane>eyC +ar0 t/o'/t >e s/o'%d .e s"ientifi" rat/er t/an mere%y 'to!ian,t/at >e s/o'%d inter!ret t/e /istori"a% events of o'r day >it/in a %arer t/eoryC e>ey did notC et/o'/t one /ad to vie> t/ese events as t/e !roto"o%s of so"ia% e0!eriments >/ose o't"omes are 'n!redi"ta.%eC

    /e -o'"a'%dian =eft re!resents an 'nfort'nate reression to t/e +ar0ist o.session >it/ s"ientifi" riorC /is =eft sti%% >ants to !'t /istori"a% events in at/eoreti"a% "onte0tC t e0aerates t/e im!ortan"e of !/i%oso!/y for !o%iti"s and >astes its enery on so!/isti"ated t/eoreti"a%ana%yses of t/e sinifi"an"e of "'rrent eventsCB't -o'"a'%dian t/eoreti"a% so!/isti"ation is even more 'se%ess to %eftist !o%iti"s t/an >as Ene%s dia%e"ti"a%materia%ismC Ene%s at %east /ad an es"/ato%oyC -o'"a'%dians do not even /ave t/atC Be"a'se t/ey reard %i.era% reformist initiatives as sym!toms ofa dis"redited %i.era% M/'manismM t/ey /ave %itt%e interest in desinin ne> so"ia% e0!erimentsC

    /is distr'st of /'manism >it/ i ts retreat from !ra"ti"e to t/eory is t/e sort of fai% 're of nerve >/i"/ %eads !eo!%e to a.andon se"'%arism for a .e%ief in sin and in

    e%.an"os Mfi0ed standard .y >/i"/ devian"e from t/e tr't/ "an .e meas'red and deno'n"edCM t %eads t/em to %oo for a frame of referen"e o'tside t/e!ro"ess of e0!erimentation and de"ision t/at is an individ'a% or a nationa% %ifeCGrand t/eorieses"/ato%oies %ie ee%s or +ar0s invertedes"/ato%oies %ie eideers and rationa%i;ations of /o!e%essness %ie -o'"a'%ts and =a"ans,satisfy t/e 'res t/at t/eo%oy 'sed to satisfyC /ese are 'res >/i"/e>ey /o!ed Ameri"ans mi/t "ease to fee%C e>ey >anted Ameri"ans to s/are a "ivi" re%i ion t/at s'.stit'ted 'to!ian strivin for "%aims to t/eo%oi"a% no>%edeC

    T(e alternati/e pro/ides no met(od of implementation and o/erlooks politi)al sol#tions%orty $, FRi"/ard $/ in $/i%oso!/y from Ka%e A"/ievin 'r 9o'ntry: =eftist /o'/t in >entiet/,9ent'ry Ameri"a ! 76

    Dit/ t/is !artia% s'.stit'tion of -re'd for +ar0 as a so'r"e of so"ia% t/eory sadism rat/er t/an se%fis/ness /as .e"ome t/e !rin"i!a% taret of t/e =eftC /e /eirs of t/e

    =eft of t/e Si0ties /ave "reated >it/in t/e a"ademy a "'%t'ra% =eft C +any mem.ers of t/is =eft s!e"ia%i;e in >/at t/ey "a%% t/e M!o%iti"s of

    differen"eM or Mof identityM or Mof re"onitionCM/is "'%t'ra% =eft t/ins more a.o't stima t/an a.o't money more a.o't dee! and/idden !sy"/ose0'a% motivations t/an a.o't s/a%%o> and evident reedC

    /is s/ift of attention "ame at t/e same time t/at inte%%e"t'a%s .ean to %ose interest in t/e %a.or 'nions !art%y as a res'%t of resentment over t/e 'nion mem.ers fai%'re to.a" Geore +"Govern over Ri"/ard /i"/ /ad .een "entered .efore t/e Si0ties in t/e so"ia% s"ien"e de!artments oft/e "o%%ees and t/e 'niversities moved into t/e %i terat're de!artmentsC /e st'dy of !/i%oso!/y,most%y a!o"a%y!ti" -ren"/ and German !/i%oso!/y,re!%a"ed t/at of!o%iti"a% e"onomy as an essentia% !re!aration for !arti"i!ation in %eftist initiativesC

    /e ne> "'%t'ra% =eft>/i"/ /as res'%ted from t/ese "/anes /as fe> ties to>/at remains of t/e!re,Si0ties reformist =eftC/at savin remnant "onsists%are%y of %a.or %a>yers and %a.or orani;ers "onressiona% staffers %o>%eve% .'rea'"rats /o!in to res"'e t/e >e%fare state from t/e Re!'.%i"ans Ho'rna%ists so"ia%

    >orers and !eo!%e >/o >or for fo'ndationsC /ese are t/e !eo!%e >/o >orry a.o't t/e >ay in >/i"/ t/e !ra"ti"es of t/e een t/e !eo!%e >/o read .oos %ie /omas Geo/eans D/i"/ Side Are Ko'nI,a .ri%%iant e0!%anation of /o> 'nions et .'sted,and !eo!%e >/o read -redri" 1amesons $ostmodemism or /e 9'%t'ra% =oi" of =ate 9a!ita%ismC /e %atter is an

    eJ'a%%y .ri%%iant .oo .'t it o!erates on a %eve% of a.stra"tion too /i/ to en"o'rae any !arti"'%ar !o%iti"a% initiative C After readin Geo/eanyo' /ave vie>s on some of t/e t/ins >/i"/ need to .e doneC After readin 1ameson yo' /ave vie>s on !ra"ti"a%%y everyt/in e0"e!t >/at needs to.e doneC

    /e a"ademi" "'%t'ra% =eft a!!roves,in a rat/er distant and %ofty >ay,,of t/e a"tivities of t/ese s'rvivin reformistsC B't it retains a"onvi"tion >/i"/ so%idified in t/e %ate Si0tiesC t t/ins t/at t/e system and not H'st t/e %a>s m'st .e "/anedC Reformism is not ood eno'/C Be"a'se t/e veryvo"a.'%ary of %i.era% !o%iti"s is infe"ted >it/ d'.io's !res'!!ositions >/i"/ need to .e e0!osed t/e first tas of t/e =eft m'st .e H'st as 9onf'"i's said t/e re"tifi"ationof namesC /e "on"ern to do >/at t/e Si0ties "a%%ed Mnamin t/e systemM taes !re"eden"e overreformin t/e %a>sC

    Samford e!ate "nstit#te 2k$ 7

  • 8/10/2019 ! Aff k Toolbox II - Framework


    Samford Debate Institute Mae/Gramzinski/JohnsonAT: Ks

    Samford e!ate "nstit#te 2k$ ,

  • 8/10/2019 ! Aff k Toolbox II - Framework


    Samford Debate Institute Mae/Gramzinski/JohnsonAT: Ks

    %eformism +ood < %orty

    T(e alternati/e is too a!stra)t < it )reates a spe)tatorial approa)( rat(er t(an an a)ti/ist one%orty $,FRi"/ard $/ in $/i%oso!/y from Ka%e A"/ievin 'r 9o'ntry: =eftist /o'/t in >entiet/,9ent'ry Ameri"a ! #

    t is often said t/at >e Ameri"ans at t/e end of t/e t>entiet/ "ent'ry no %oner /ave a =eftC Sin"e no.ody denies t/e e0isten"e of >/at /ave "a%%ed t/e "'%t'ra% =eft

    t/is amo'nts to an admission t/at t/at =eft is 'na.%e to enae in nationa% !o%iti"sCt is not t/e sort of =eft >/i"/ "an .e ased to dea% >it/ t/e"onseJ'en"es of %o.a%i;ationCo et t/e "o'ntry to dea% >it/ t/ose "onseJ'en"es t/e !resent "'%t'ra% =eft >o'%d /ave to transform itse%f .y o!enin re%ations

    >it/ t/e resid'e of t/e o%d reformist =eft and in !arti"'%ar >it/ t/e %a.or 'nionsC t >o'%d /ave to ta% m'"/ more a.o't money even at t/e "ost of ta%in %ess a.o'tstimaC /ave t>o s'estions a.o't /o> to effe"t t/is transitionC

    /e first is t/at t/e =eft s/o'%d !'t a moratori'm on t/eory C t s/o'%d try to i" its !/i%oso!/y /a.itC /e se"ond is t/at t/e =eft s/o'%d try to mo.i%i;e >/at

    remains of o'r !ride in .ein Ameri"ansC t s/o'%d as t/e !'.%i" to "onsider /o> t/e "o'ntry of =in"o%n and D/itman mi/t .e a"/ievedC

    n s'!!ort of my first s'estion %et me "ite a !assae from e>eys Re"onstr'"tion in $/i% oso!/y in >/i"/ /e e0!resses /is e0as!eration >it/ t/e sort of steri%ede.ateno> oin on 'nder t/e r'.ri" of Mindivid'a%ism vers's "omm'nitarianismCMe>ey t/o'/t t/at a%% dis"'ssions >/i"/ too t/isdi"/otomy serio's%y s'ffer from a "ommon defe"t C /ey are a%% "ommitted to t/e %oi" of enera% notions 'nder >/i"/ s!e"ifi" sit'ations are to .e .ro'/tCD/at >e >ant is %i/t '!on t/is or t/at ro'! of individ'a%s t/is or t/at "on"rete /'man .ein t/is or t/at s!e"ia% instit'tion or so"ia% arranementC -or s'"/ a %oi" ofinJ'iry t/e traditiona%%y a""e!ted %oi" s'.stit'tes dis"'ssion of t/e meanin of "on"e!ts and t/eir dia%e"ti"a% re%ations/i!s >it/ one anot/erCe>ey >as ri/t to .e e0as!erated .y so"io!o%iti"a% t/eory "ond'"ted at t/is % eve% of a.stra"tionC e >as >ron >/en /e >ent on to say t/at as"endin to t/is %eve% isty!i"a%%y a ri/tist mane'ver one >/i"/ s'!!%ies Mt/e a!!arat's for inte%%e"t'a% H'stifi"ations of t/e esta.%is/ed orderC M# -or s'"/ as"ents are no> more "ommon on t/e

    =eft t/an on t/e Ri/tC /e "ontem!orary a"ademi" =eft seems to t/in t/at t/e /i/er yo'r %eve% of a.stra"tion t/e more s'.versive of

    t/e esta.%is/ed order yo' "an .eC /e more s>ee!in and nove% yo'r "on"e!t'a% a!!arat's t/e more radi"a% yo'r "ritiJ'eC D/en one of today s a"ademi" %eftists says t/at some to!i" /as .een MinadeJ'ate%y t/eori;edM yo' "an .e !retty "ertain t/at /e or s/e is oin to dra i n eit/er!/i%oso!/y of %an'ae or =a"anian !sy"/oana%ysis or some neo,+ar0ist version of e"onomi" determinismC /eorists of t/e =eft t/in t/at disso%vin!o%iti"a% aents into !%ays of differentia% s'.He"tivity or !o%iti"a% initiatives into !'rs'its of =a"ans im!ossi.%e o.He"t of desire /e%!s tos'.vert t/e esta.%is/ed orderCS'"/ s'.version t/ey say is a""om!%is/ed .y M!ro.%emati;in fami%iar "on"e!tsCM

    Re"ent attem!ts to s'.vert so"ia% instit'tions .y !ro.%emati;in "on"e!ts /ave !rod'"ed a fe> very ood .oosC /ey /ave a%so !rod'"ed many t/o'sands of .oos>/i"/ re!resent s"/o%asti" !/i%oso!/i;in at its >orstC /e a't/ors of t/ese !'r!orted%y Ms'.versiveM .oos /onest%y .e%ieve t/at t/ey are servin /'man %i.ertyC B't it isa%most im!ossi.%e to "%am.er .a" do>n from t/eir .oos to a %eve% of a.stra"tion on >/i"/ one mi/t dis"'ss t/e merits of a %a> a treaty a "andidate or a !o%iti"a%

    strateyC Even t/o'/ >/at t/ese a't/ors Mt/eori;eM is often somet/in very "on"rete and near at /and,a "'rrent & s/o> a media "e%e.rity are"ent s"anda%,t/ey offer t/e most a.stra"t and .arren e0!%anations imaina.%eC

    /ese f'ti%e attem!ts to !/i%oso!/i;e ones >ay into !o%iti"a% re%evan"e are a sym!tom of >/at /a!!ens >/en a =eft retreats froma"tivism and ado!ts a s!e"tatoria% a!!roa"/ to t/e !ro.%ems of its "o'ntryC isenaement from !ra"ti"e !rod'"es t/eoreti"a%/a%%'"inationsC /ese res'%t in an inte%%e"t'a% environment >/i"/ is as +ar Edm'ndson says in /is .oo e ive '! t/e "orres!onden"e t/eory of tr't/andstart treating moral and s)ientifi) !eliefs as tools for a)(ie/ing greater (#man (appiness8 rat(er t(an as representations of t(e intrinsi) nat#re of reality 6e)an !e t(is kind of li!eral e/en after 0e t#rn o#r !a)ks on es)artes8 ling#istify s#!De)ti/ity8 and see e/eryt(ing aro#nd #s and 0it(in #s as one morerepla)ea!le so)ial )onstr#)tion

    -#t " (a/e also #rged t(at insofar as t(ese antimetap(ysi)al8 anti.Cartesian p(ilosop(ers offer a ?#asi.religio#s form of spirit#al pat(os8 t/ey s/o'%d .e

    re%eated to !rivate %ife and not taen as 'ides to !o%iti"a% de%i.eration T(e notion of Einfinite responsi!ility8E form#lated !y 'mman#el e/inasand sometimes deployed !y errida.as 0ell as erridaFs o0n fre?#ent dis)o/eries of impossi!ility8 #nrea)(a!ility8 and #nrepresenta!flity.e.may !e #sef#l tosome of #s in o#r indi/id#al ?#ests for pri/ate perfe)tion D/en >e tae '! o'r !'.%i" res!onsi.i%ities /o>ever t/e infinite and t/e

    'nre!resenta.%e are mere%y n'isan"esC /inin of o'r res!onsi.i%ities in t/ese terms is as m'"/ of a st'm.%in,.%o" to effe"tive

    !o%iti"a% orani;ation as is t/e sense of sin 'mp(asiing t(e impossi!ility of meaning8 or of D#sti)e8 as errida sometimes does8 is a temptation to+ot(i)ie..to /ie0 demo)rati) politi)s as ineffe)t#al8 !e)a#se #na!le to )ope 0it( preternat#ral for)es

    6(itman and e0ey8 " (a/e arg#ed8 ga/e #s all t(e roman)e8 and all t(e spirit#al #plift8 0e Ameri)ans need to go a!o#t o#r p#!li) !#siness As 'dm#ndson

    remarks8 0e s(o#ld not allo0 'merson8 0(o 0as a pre)#rsor of !ot( 6(itman and e0ey8 to !e displa)ed !y Poe8 0(o 0as a pre)#rsor of a)an -or!'r!oses of t/inin a.o't /o> to a"/ieve o'r "o'ntry >e do not need to >orry a.o't t/e "orres!onden"e t/eory of tr't/ t/e

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    ro'nds of normativity t/e im!ossi.i%ity of H'sti"e or t/e infinite distan"e >/i"/ se!arates 's from t/e ot/erC Bor t(ose p#rposes8>e"an ive .ot/ re%iion and !/i%oso!/y a !assC De "an H'st et on >it/ tryin to so%ve 0(at e0ey )alled Et/e !ro.%ems of menC M

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    Samford Debate Institute Mae/Gramzinski/JohnsonAT: Ks

    %eformism +ood < %orty

    Only politi)al a)tion )an re/i/e t(e eft as ri/t to say t/at Mt/e nation,state F/as "eased to .e t/e e%ementa% 'nit of "a!ita%ismM .'t it remains t/e entity >/i"/ maes de"isions a.o't so"ia% .enefitsand t/'s a.o't so"ia% H'sti"eC2 /e "'rrent %eftist /a.it of tain t/e %on vie> and %ooin .eyond nation/ood to a %o.a% !o%ity is as 'se%ess as >as fait/ in +ar0s!/i%oso!/y of /istory for >/i"/ it /as .e"ome a s'.stit'teC Bot/ are eJ'a%%y irre%evant to t/e J'estion of /o> to !revent t/e reemeren"e of /ereditary "astes or of /o> to!revent ri/t,>in !o!'%ists from tain advantae of resentment at t/at reemeren"eC D/en >e t/in a.o't t/ese %atter J'estions >e .ein to rea%i;e t/at one of t/e

    essentia% transformations >/i"/ t/e "'%t'ra% =eft >i%% /ave to 'ndero is t/e s/eddin of its semi"ons"io's anti,Ameri"anism >/i"/ it "arried over from t/e rae of t/e %ate

    Si0tiesC /is =eft >i%% /ave to sto! t/inin '! ever more a.stra"t and a.'sive names for Mt/e systemM and start tryin to )onstr#)tinspiring images of t/e "o'ntryC Only .y doin so "an it .ein to form allian)es >it/ !eo!%e o'tside t/e a"ademy,and s!e"ifi"a%%y >it/t/e %a.or 'nionsC 'tside t/e a"ademy Ameri"ans sti%% >ant to fee% !atrioti"C /ey sti%% >ant to fee% !art of a nation >/i"/ "an tae "ontro% of its destiny and mae itse%f a

    .etter !%a"eC f t/e =eft forms no s'"/ a%%ian"es it >i%% ne/er (a/e any effe)t on t/e %a>s of t/e nited StatesC o form t/em >i%% reJ'iret/e "'%t'ra% =eftto foret a.o't Ba'dri%%ard s a""o'nt of Ameri"a as isney%and,as a "o'ntry of sim'%a"ra,and to start !ro!osin "/anes in t/e %a>s of area% "o'ntry in/a.ited .y rea% !eo!%e >/o are end'rin 'nne"essary s'fferin m'"/ of >/i"/ )an !e )#red !y go/ernmentala)tionC 3 o'%d do more to res'rre"t t/e Ameri"an =eft t/an areement on a "on"rete !o%iti"a% !%atform a $eo!%es 9/arter a %ist

    of s!e"ifi" reformsC /e e0isten"e of s'"/ a %istend%ess%y re!rinted and de.ated eJ'a%%y fami%iar to !rofessors and !rod'"tion >orers im!rinted on t/e memory .ot/ of!rofessiona% !eo!%e and of t/ose >/o "%ean t/e !rofessiona%s toi%ets,mi/t revita%i;e %eftist !o%iti"sC 4 ,, /e !ro.%ems >/i"/ "an .e "'red .yovernmenta% a"tion and >/i"/ s'"/ a %ist >o'%d "anvass are most%y t/ose t/at stem from se%fis/ness rat/er t/an sadismC B't to

    .rin a.o't s'"/ "'res it >o'%d /e%! if t/e =eft >o'%d "/ane t/e tone in >/i"/ it no> dis"'sses sadismC/e !re,Si0ties reformist =eftinsofar as it "on"erned itse%f >it/ o!!ressed minorities did so .y !ro"%aimin t/at a%% of 's,.%a" >/ite and .ro>n,are Ameri"ans and t/at >e s/o'%d res!e"t one anot/er

    as s'"/C /is stratey ave rise to t/e M!%atoonM movies >/i"/ s/o>ed Ameri"ans of vario's et/ni" .a"ro'nds fi/tin and dyin side .y sideC By "ontrast t/e"ontem!orary "'%t'ra% =eft 'res t/at Ameri"a s/o'%d not .e a me%tin,!ot .e"a'se >e need to res!e"t one anot/er in o'rdifferen"esC /is =eft >ants to !reserve ot/erness rat/er t/an inore itC

    C#rrent reformism 0ill sol/e t(e )riti)ism < 0e s(o#ld sti)k 0it( )on)rete sol#tions like t(e plan%orty $,FRi"/ard $/ in $/i%oso!/y from Ka%e A"/ievin 'r 9o'ntry: =eftist /o'/t in >entiet/,9ent'ry Ameri"a ! *2Edm'ndson e%.an"o and ot/er "'%t'ra% "ommentators /ave remared t/at t/e "ontem!orary nited States is fi%%ed >it/ visions of demons and ane%sC Ste!/en inand ony 's/ner /ave /e%!ed form a nationa% "o%%e"tive 'n"ons"io's >/i"/ is MGot/i"M in Edm'ndsons senseC t !rod'"es dreams not of !o%iti"a% reforms .'t of

    ine0!%i"a.%e mai"a% transformationsC /e "'%t'ra% =eft /as "ontri.'ted to t/e formation of t/is !o%iti"a%%y 'se%ess 'n"ons"io's not on%y .yado!tin M!o>erM as t/e name of an invisi.%e '.iJ'ito's and ma%evo%ent !resen"e .'t .y ado!tin idea%s >/i"/ no.ody is yet a.%e

    to imaine .ein a"t'a%i;edC Amon t/ese idea%s are !arti"i!atory demo"ra"y and t/e end of "a!ita%ism C $o>er >i%% !ass to t/e !eo!%e t/e Si0ties =eft

    .e%ieved on%y >/en de"isions are made .y a%% t/ose >/o may .e affe"ted .y t/eir res'%tsC /is means for e0am!%e t/at e"onomi" de"isions >i%%.e made .y stae/o%ders rat/er t/an .y s/are/o%ders and t/at entre!rene'rs/i! and marets >i%% "ease to !%ay t/eir !resent ro%eC D/en t/ey do "a!ita%ism as >e no> i t

    >i%% /ave ended and somet/in ne> >i%% /ave taen its !%a"eC B't >/at t/is ne> t/in >i%% .e no.ody no>sC /e Si0ties did not as /o> t/e vario's ro'!s ofstae/o%ders >ere to rea"/ a "onsens's a.o't >/en to remode% a fa"tory rat/er t/an .'i%d a ne> one >/at !ri"es to !ay for ra> materia%s and t/e %ieC Si0ties %eftistssi!!ed %i/t%y over a%% t/e J'estions >/i"/ /ad .een raised .y t/e e0!erien"e of nonmaret e"onomies in t/e so,"a%%ed so"ia%ist "o'ntriesC /ey seemed to .e s'estint/at on"e >e >ere rid of .ot/ .'rea'"rats and entre!rene'rs Mt/e !eo!%eM >o'%d no> /o> to /and%e "om!etition from stee% mi%%s or te0ti%e fa"tories in t/e deve%o!in

    >or%d !ri"e /ies on im!orted oi% and so onC B't t/ey never to%d 's /o> Mt/e !eo!%eM >o'%d %earn /o> to do t/isC /e "'%t'ra% =eft sti%% si!s over s'"/J'estionsC oin so is a "onseJ'en"e of its !referen"e for ta%in a.o't Mt/e systemM rat/er t/an a.o't s!e"ifi" so"ia% !ra"ti"es ands!e"ifi" "/anes in t/ose !ra"ti"esC /e r/etori" of t/is =eft remains revo%'tionary rat/er t/an reformist and !ramati" C ts inso'"iant'se of terms %ie M%ate "a!ita%ismM s'ests t/at >e "an H'st >ait for "a!ita%ism to "o%%a!se rat/er t/an fi'rin o't >/at in t/e

    a.sen"e of marets >i%% set !ri"es and re'%ate distri.'tionC/e votin !'.%i" t/e !'.%i" >/i"/ m'st .e >on over if t/e =eft is to emere from t/ea"ademy into t/e !'.%i" sJ'are sensi.%y >ants to .e to%d t/e detai%sC t >ants to no> /o> t/ins are oin to >or after marets are !'t .e/ind 'sC t >ants to no> /o>

    !arti"i!atory demo"ra"y is s'!!osed to f'n"tionC /e "'%t'ra% =eft offers no ans>ers to s'"/ demands for f'rt/er information .'t 'nti% it"onfronts t/em it >i%% not .e a.%e to .e a !o%iti"a% =eftC /e !'.%i" sensi.%y /as no interest in ettin rid of "a!ita%ism 'nti% it is offered

    detai%s a.o't t/e a%ternativesC de%i.erative assem.%ies >i%% a"J'ire t/e same no>,/o> >/i"/ on%y t/e te"/no"rats !resent%y !ossessC Even someone %ie myse%f >/ose admiration for 1o/n e>eyis a%most 'n%imited "annot tae serio's%y /is defense of !arti"i!atory demo"ra"y aainst Da%ter =i!!manns insisten"e on t/e need for e0!ertiseC S /e "'%t'ra% =eft /asa vision of an Ameri"a in >/i"/ t/e >/ite !atriar"/s /ave sto!!ed votin and /ave %eft a%% t/e votin to .e done .y mem.ers of !revio's%y vi "timi;ed ro'!s !eo!%e >/o/ave some/o> "ome into !ossession of more foresi/t and imaination t/an t/e se%fis/ s'.'r.anitesC /ese former%y o!!ressed and ne>%y !o>erf'% !eo!%e are e0!e"ted

    to .e as ane%i" as t/e strai/t >/ite ma%es >ere dia.o%i"a%C f s/ared t/is e0!e"tation too >o'%d >ant to %ive 'nder t/is ne> dis!ensationC Sin"e see no reason to

    s/are it t/in t/at t/e =eft s/o'%d et .a" into t/e .'siness of !ie"emea% reform >it/in t/e frame>or of a maret e"onomyC /is >as t/e .'siness t/e Ameri"an =eft

    >as in d'rin t/e first t>o,t/irds of t/e "ent'ryC Someday !er/a!s "'m'%ative !ie"emea% reforms >i%% .e fo'nd to /ave .ro'/t a.o'trevo%'tionary "/aneC S'"/ reforms mi/t someday !rod'"e a !resent%y 'nimaina.%e nonmaret e"onomy and m'"/ more >ide%y distri.'ted !o>ers ofde"isionmainC /ey mi/t a%so iven simi%ar reforms in ot/er "o'ntries .rin a.o't an internationa% federation a >or%d overnmentC n s'"/ a ne> >or%d Ameri"an

    nationa% !ride >o'%d .e"ome as J'aint as !ride in .ein from

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    des"ri.ed .est .e t/e enemy of t/e .etterC De s/o'%d not %et s!e"'%ation a.o't a tota%%y "/aned system and a tota%%y different >ayof t/inin a.o't /'man %ife and /'man affairs re!%a"e ste!,.y,ste! reform of t/e system >e !resent%y /aveC

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    Samford Debate Institute Mae/Gramzinski/JohnsonAT: Ks

    %eformism +ood < %orty < "mpa)t

    A )ollapse of t(e %eformist eft means a ret#rn to dis)rimination and ine/ita!le 0ar%orty $,FRi"/ard $/ in $/i%oso!/y from Ka%e A"/ievin 'r 9o'ntry: =eftist /o'/t in >entiet/,9ent'ry Ameri"a ! 87

    f t/e formation of /ereditary "astes "ontin'es 'nim!eded and if t/e !ress'res of %o.a%i;ation "reate s'"/ "astes not on%y in t/e nited States.'t

    in a%% t/e o%d demo"ra"ies>e s/a%% end '! in an r>e%%ian >or %dCn s'"/ a >or%d t/ere may .e no s'!ernationa% ana%o'e of Bi Brot/er or any offi"ia% "reedana%oo's to nso"C B't t/ere >i%% .e an ana%o'e of t/e nner $arty,name%y t/e internationa% "osmo!o%itan s'!er,ri"/C /ey >i%% mae a%% t/e im!ortant de"isionsC /eana%o'e of r>e%%s 'ter $arty >i%% .e ed'"ated "omforta.%y off "osmo!o%itan !rofessiona%s,=inds Mover"%assM t/e !eo!%e %ie yo' and meC/e Ho. of !eo!%e %ie 's >i%% .e to mae s're t/at t/e de"isions made .y t/e nner $arty are "arried o't smoot/%y and effi"ient%yC t >i%% .e in t/e interest of t/einternationa% s'!erri"/ to ee! o'r "%ass re%ative%y !ros!ero's and /a!!yC -or t/ey need !eo!%e >/o "an !retend to .e t/e !o%iti"a% "% ass of ea"/ of t/e individ'a% nation,

    statesC -or t/e sae of ee!in t/e !ro%es J'iet t/e s'!er,ri"/ >i%% /ave to ee! '! t/e !retense t/at nationa% !o%iti"s mi/t someday mae a differen"eC Sin"e e"onomi"

    de"isions are t/eir !reroative t/ey >i%% en"o'rae !o%iti"ians of .ot/ t/e =eft and t/e Ri/t to s!e"ia%i;e in "'%t'ra% iss'esM /e aim >i%% .e to ee! t/e minds of t/e!ro%es e%se>/ere,,to ee! t/e .ottom 75 !er"ent of Ameri"ans and t/e .ottom #5 !er"ent of t/e >or%ds !o!'%ation .'sy >it/ et/ni" and re%iio's /osti%ities and >it/de.ates a.o't se0'a% moresC f t/e !ro%es "an .e distra"ted from t/eir o>n des!air .y media,"reated !se'do,events in"%'din t/e o""asiona% .rief and .%oody >ar t/es'!er,ri"/ >i%% /ave %itt%e to fearC

    9ontem!%ation of t/is !ossi.%e >or%d invites t>o res!onses from t/e =eftC /e first is to insist t/at t/e ineJ'a%ities .et>een nations need to .emitiated,and in !arti"'%ar t/at t/e n %east advantaed "iti;ensC/ese t>o res!onses o.vio's%y "onf%i"t >it/ ea"/ ot/erC n !arti"'%ar t/e first res!onse s'ests t/at t/eo%d demo"ra"ies s/o'%d o!en t/eir .orders >/ereas t/e se"ond s'ests t/at t/ey s/o'%d "%ose t/emC 8

    /efirst res!onse "omes nat'ra%%y to a"ademi" %eftists >/o /ave a%>ays .een internationa%%y mindedC /e se"ond res!onse "omes nat'ra%%y to mem.ers oftrade 'nions and to t/e marina%%y em!%oyed !eo!%e >/o "an most easi%y .e re"r'ited into ri/t,>in !o!'%ist movementsC nion mem.ers in t/e nited States /ave

    >at"/ed fa"tory after fa"tory "%ose on%y to reo!en in S%ovenia /ai%and or +e0i"oC t is no >onder t/at t/ey see t/e res'%t of internationa% free trade as !ros!erity formanaers and sto"/o%ders a .etter standard of %ivin for >orers in deve%o!in "o'ntries and a very m'"/ >orse standard of %ivin for Ameri"an >orersC t >o'%d .e no

    >onder if t/ey sa> t/e Ameri"an %eftist inte%%ientsia as on t/e side of t/e manaers and sto"/o%ders,as s/arin t/e same "%ass interestsC -or >e inte%%e"t'a%s >/o are

    most%y a"ademi"s are o'rse%ves J'ite >e%% ins'%ated at %east in t/e s/ort r'n from t/e effe"ts of %o.a%i;ationC o mae t/ins >orse>e often seem moreinterested in t/e >orers of t/e deve%o!in >or%d t/an in t/e fate of o'r fe%%o> "iti;ensC+any >riters on so"ioe"onomi" !o%i"y /ave >arned t/at t/e o%d ind'stria%i;ed demo"ra"ies are /eadin into a Deimar,%ie !eriod one in >/i"/ !o!'%ist movements are%ie%y to overt'rn "onstit'tiona% overnmentsC Ed>ard ='tt>a for e0am!%e /as s'ested t/at fas"ism may .e t/e Ameri"an f't'reC /e !oint of /is .oo /eEndanered Ameri"an ream is t/at mem.ers of %a.or 'nions and 'norani;ed 'nsi%%ed >orers >i%% sooner or %ater rea%i;e t/at t/eir overnment is not even tryin to

    !revent >aes from sinin or to !revent Ho.s from .ein e0!ortedC Aro'nd t/e same time t/ey >i%% rea%i;e t/at s'.'r.an >/ite,"o%%ar >orers,t/em,se%ves des!erate%y

    afraid of .ein do>nsi;ed,are not oin to %et t/emse%ves .e ta0ed to !rovide so"ia% .enefits for anyone e%seC

    At t/at !oint somet/in >i%% "ra"C /e nons'.'r.an e%e"torate >i%% de"ide t/at t/e system /as fai%ed and start %ooin aro'nd for a stronman tovote for,,someone >i%%in to ass're t/em t/at on"e /e is e%e"ted t/e sm' .'rea'"rats tri"y %a>yers over!aid .ond sa%esmen and !ostmodernist !rofessors >i%% no%oner .e "a%%in t/e s/otsC A s"enario %ie t/at of Sin"%air =e>is nove% t 9ant a!!en ere may t/en .e !%ayed o't C -or on"e s'"/ a stronman taes offi"eno.ody "an !redi"t >/at >i%% /a!!enC n #32 most of t/e !redi"tions made a.o't >/at >o'%d /a!!en if inden.'r named it%er "/an"e%%or >ere >i%d%yovero!timisti"C

    ne t/in t/at is very %ie%y to /a!!en is t/at t/e ains made in t/e !ast forty years .y .%a" and .ro>n Ameri"ans and .y/omose0'a%s >i%% .e >i!ed o'tC 1o"'%ar "ontem!t for >omen >i%% "ome .a" into fas/ionC /e >ords MnierM and MieM >i%% on"e aain .e /eardin t/e >or!%a"eC A%% t/e sadism >/i"/ t/e a"ademi" =eft /as tried to mae 'na""e!ta.%e to its st'dents >i%% "ome f%oodin .a"C A%% t/eresentment >/i"/ .ad%y ed'"ated Ameri"ans fee% a.o't /avin t/eir manners di"tated to t/em .y "o%%ee rad'ates >i%% find ano't%etC

    B't s'"/ a rene>a% of sadism >i%% not a%ter t/e effe"ts of se%fis/nessC -or after my imained stronman taes "/are /e >i%% J'i"%y mae /is !ea"e

    >it/ t/e internationa% s'!erri"/ H'st as it%er made /is >it/ t/e German ind'stria%istsC e >i%% invoe t/e %orio's memory of t/e G'%fDar to !rovoe mi%itary advent'res >/i"/ >i%% enerate s/ort,term !ros!erityC e >i%% .e a disaster for t/e "o'ntry and t/e >or%dC$eo!%e >i%% >onder >/y t/ere >as so %itt%e resistan"e to /is evita.%e riseCD/ere t/ey >i%% as >as t/e Ameri"an =eftI D/y >as it on%yri/tists %ie B'"/anan >/o s!oe to t/e >orers a.o't t/e "onseJ'en"es of %o.a%i;ationI D/y "o'%d not t/e =eft "/anne% t/e mo'ntin rae of t/e ne>%y dis!ossessedI

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    Politi)al Ga)##m T#rn

    A!di)ating politi)al engagement )reates a /a)##m t(at 0ill !e filled !y /iolent elites

    Cook $2(Ant/ony Asso"iate $rofessor Georeto>n =a> En%and =R S!rin 26 EnC=C RevC 75)

    /e effe"t of de"onstr'"tin t/e !o>er of t/e a't/or to im!ose a fi0ed meanin on t/e te0t or offer a "ontin'o's narrative is .ot/de.i%itatin and %i.eratinC t is de.i%itatin in t/at any attem!t to say >/at s/o'%d .e done >it/in even o'r ins'%ar -o'"a'%tian!reo""'!ations may .e o!!ositiona%i;ed and de"onstr'"ted as an i%%eitimate !rivi%ein of one term va%'e !ers!e"tive or narrativeover anot/erC /e str'%e over meanin mi/t "ontin'e ad infinit'mC /at is if a de"onstr'"tionist is t/eoreti"a%%y "onsistent andsees de"onstr'"tion not as a !o%iti"a% too% .'t as a !/i%oso!/i"a% orientation politi)al a)tion is impossi!le .e"a'se s'"/ a"tionreJ'ires a deree of "%os're t/at de"onstr'"tion as a t/eoreti"a% matter does not !ermitC +oreover t/e a!!roa"/ is de.i%itatin.e"a'se de"onstr'"tion >it/o't materia% rootedness >it/o't oa%s and vision )reates a politi)aland s!irit'a% /oid into >/i"/ t/eso"ia%%y rea% !o>er >e t/eoreti"a%%y de"onstr'"t ste!s and steps on t/e disem!o>ered and dis!ossessedC F@762 o t/ose dyinfrom AS stif%ed .y !overty de/'mani;ed .y se0ism and ra"ism "ri!!%ed .y dr's and .r'ta%i;ed .y t/e many forms of !/ysi"a%!o%iti"a% and e"onomi" vio%en"e t/at "/ara"teri;es o'r nar"issisti" "'%t're !o>er /ard%y seems a matter of i%%eitimate t/eoreti"a%!rivi%einC D/en vision so"ia% t/eory and !o%iti"a% str'%e do not a""om!any "ritiJ'e t/e void >i%% .e fi%%ed .y t/e ri"/ t/e !o>erf'%and t/e "/arismati" t/ose >/o inf%'en"e 's t/ro'/ t/eir e%oJ'en"e !restie >ea%t/ and !o>erC

    T(eir alternati/e grants ta)it s#pport to neo.li!eral /iolen)e ... politi)al engagement is ne)essary to

    )(e)k statist a!#ses

    -ar!rook $7(rC Ri"/ard S"/oo% of Destminster or demandC n E'ro!e >e /ave rea%so"ia% !ro.%ems of de!rivation and !overty >/i"/ in !art "an only !e sol/ed !y state a)tionC /is does not mae me a statist .'trat/er an anti,anti,statistC By o!!osin s'"/ intervention .e"a'se t/ey are "arried o't .y t/e state anar"/ists are ta)itly lining #p0it( t(e neo.li!eralsC Even >orse ref'sin even to vote for t/e %eft t/ey a"J'iese to r'%e .y neo,%i.era% !artiesC dee!%y admire dire"t a"tionmovementsC >as a radio !irate and >e !rovide server s!a"e for anti,roads and environmenta% movementsC o>ever t/is doesnt mean t/at

    s'!!ort !o%iti"a% a.stentionism or even >orse t/e mysti"a% nonsense !rod'"ed .y aim BeyC t is reat for artists and ot/ers to ado!t amarina%ity as a %ife sty%e "/oi"e .'t most of t/e !eo!%e >/o are e"onomi"a%%y and so"ia%%y marina%ised >ere never iven any"/oi"eC /ey are e0"%'ded from so"iety as a res'%t of de%i.erate !o%i"ies of dere'%ation !rivatisation and >e%fare "'t.a"s "arriedo't .y neo,%i.era% overnmentsC 'rin t/e 7*s >as a !ro,sit' !'n ro"er 'nti% /at"/er ot e%e"tedC /en >e %earnt t/e /ard >ay

    t/at votin did "/ane t/ins and lots of people s#ffered if state !o>er >as >it/dra>n from "ertain areas of o'r %ife s'"/ as>e%fare and em!%oymentC Anar"/ism "an .e a f'n artisti" !oseC o>ever /'man s'fferin is notC

    Only )on)rete a)tion )an pre/ent mass s#ffering

    ing 1(=+ $rofessor /e S"/oo% Kor $ost,9o%onia% nternationa% Re%ations: 9onJ'est and esireBet>een Asia and t/e Dest)

    Dit/o't "on"rete a"tion for "/ane !ostmodernisms Tdissident voi"es /ave remained .ra"eted dis"onne"ted not rea%%y rea%C nmaintainin Ta "riti"a% distan"e or T!osition offs/ore from >/i"/ to Tsee t/e !ossi.i%ity of "/ane (S/a!iro ##2: 4#) t/e!ostmodern "riti" .r's/ed off too "onvenient%y t/e immediate "ries of t/ose >/o no> t/ey are !#rning in t(e (ells ofe5ploitation ra"ism se0ism starvation "ivi% >ar and t/e %ie .'t >/o /ave fe> means or strateies to dea% >it/ t/emC D/at /o!edo they /ave of overt/ro>in t/e s/a"%es of sovereinty >it/o't a !roram of a"tionI After a%% ased +ar a%s

    to t/e "ontrary t/e same soverein o't"ome as (neo)rea%ism: t/at is dis"o'rse divor"ed from !ra" ti"e ana%ysis from !o%i"yde"onstr'"tion from re"onstr'"tion !arti"'%ars from 'niversa%s and "riti"a% t/eory from !ro.%em,so%vinC issident internationa% re%ations"o'%d not a""ommodate an intera"tive arti"'%atin se%f,enerative t/erC ts e0"%'sive fo"'s on t/e Destern Se%f ens'red instead (neo)rea%ismssovereinty .y re%eatin t/e t/er to a fami%iar s'.ordinate identity: t/at is as a m'te !assive ref%e"tion of t/e Dest or 'to!ian !roHe"tion of t/e

    Dests dissatisfa"tion >it/ itse%fC 9ritiJ'e .e"ame romanti"i;ed into a tota%i;in affair , es!e"ia%%y for t/ose >/o m'st .ear t/e .r'nt of itsre!er"'ssionsC .e%% /oos ased a!!ro!riate%y: TFs/o'%d >e not .e s's!i"io's of !ostmodern "ritiJ'es of t/e Ms'.He"tM >/en t/eys'rfa"e at a /istori"a% moment >/en many s'.H'ated !eo!%e fee% t/emse%ves "omin to voi"e for t/e first timeI (/oos ##*: 28)Dit/o't t/is re"onition !ostmodernists ended '! marina%i;in si%en"in and e0i%in !re"ise%y t/ose >/o are Tt/e reatest vi" timsof t/e Dests essentia%ist "on"eits (t/e e0"o%onia%s and neo"o%onia%s B%a"s >omen and so fort/) (ris/na ##3: 4*5)C Dorse yetadded Roer S!ee%e dissiden"e as offs/ore o.servation /as Tfreed 's from t/e re"onition t/at >e /ave a mora% o.%iation to doanyt/in a.o't it (S!ee%e ##2: 74)C

    Samford e!ate "nstit#te 2k$ 14

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    Samford Debate Institute Mae/Gramzinski/JohnsonAT: Ks

    i)ro.Politi)s Bail

    Micropolitics fail they prevent coalition building that is essential to achieving real goals,

    this ensures groups continual existence on the margins of power and eventual cooptation by

    dominant power structures

    Bestprof phil ) *$ el paso and Kellnerprof phil ) *!#A ! +teven, Doug, -Postmodern Politics andthe .attle for the /uture0 http"11www2gseis2ucla2edu1faculty1kellner13llumina456/older1kell5'2htm7$he emphasis on local struggles and micropower, cultural politics which redefine the political, and attemptsto develop political forms relevant to the problems and developments of the contemporary age is e8tremelyvaluable, but there are also certain limitations to the dominant forms of postmodern politics2 9hile anemphasis on micropolitics and local struggles can be a healthy substitute for e8cessively utopian andambitious political pro:ects, one should not lose sight that key sources of political power and oppression are

    precisely the big targets aimed at by modern theory, including capital, the state, imperialism, andpatriarchy2 $aking on such ma:or targets involves coalitions and multi%front struggle, often re;uiring apolitics of alliance and solidarity that cuts across group identifications to mobili

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    Samford Debate Institute Mae/Gramzinski/JohnsonAT: Ks

    i)ro.Politi)s Perm#tation

    "he permutation solves a combination of macro and micropolitics is bestBestprof phil ) *$ el paso and Kellnerprof phil ) *!#A ! +teven, Doug, -Postmodern Politics andthe .attle for the /uture0 http"11www2gseis2ucla2edu1faculty1kellner13llumina456/older1kell5'2htm7Yet we would insist that it is not a ;uestion of micro vs macropolitics, as if it were an either1or proposition,

    but rather both dimensions are important for the struggles of the present and future2[=@( #ikewise, wewould argue that we need to combine the most affirmative and negative perspectives, embodying arcuseBsdeclaration that critical social theory should be both more negative and utopian in reference to the status;uo2[=>( $here are certainly many things to be depressed about is in the negative and cynical

    postmodernism of a .audrillard, yet without a positive political vision merely citing the negative mightlead to apathy and depression that only benefits the e8isting order2 /or a dialectical politics, however,

    positive vision of what could be is articulated in con:unction with critical analysis of what is in a multiopticperspective that focuses on the forces of domination as well as possibilities of emancipation9hile postmodern politics and theory tend to polari

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    Samford Debate Institute Mae/Gramzinski/JohnsonAT: Ks

    "dentity Politi)s Bail

    #dentity politics fail it forces a splinter into sub$groups, preventing any possible positive

    changeBestprof phil ) *$ el paso and Kellnerprof phil ) *!#A ! +teven, Doug, -Postmodern Politics andthe .attle for the /uture0 http"11www2gseis2ucla2edu1faculty1kellner13llumina456/older1kell5'2htm7Garious forms of postmodern politics have been liberatory in breaking away from the abstract andideological universalism of the Enlightenment and the reductionist class politics of ar8ism, but they tendto be insular and fragmenting, focusing solely on the e8periences and political issues of a given group, evensplintering further into distinct subgroups such as divide the feminist community2 3dentity politics are oftenstructured around simplistic binary oppositions such as *s vs2 $hem and ood vs2 .ad that pit peopleagainst one another, making alliances, consensus, and compromise difficult or impossible2 $his has beenthe case, for e8ample, with tendencies within radical feminism and ecofeminism which reproduceessentialism by stigmati

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    Samford Debate Institute Mae/Gramzinski/JohnsonAT: Ks

    @@@ $ostmodernism @@@

    Poo -ad < P#!li) Sp(ere

    T(eir alternati/e )r#s(es so)ial engagement in t(e p#!li) sp(ere

    -oggs $7

    (9ar% $rofessor of $o%iti"a% S"ien"e %eft and ne> so"ia% movements t'rned in %arer n'm.ers to>ard "areers and more aff%'ent %ifesty%esCRadi"a%ism >/ere it !ersisted to any e0tent too on t/e veneer of an TTaest/eti" !oseC /'s at a time of mo'ntin !essimism andretreat t/e r/etori"a% J'estion !osed .y A%e0 9a%%ini"os s"ar"e%y demands an ans>er: TTD/at !o%iti"a% s'.He"t does t/e idea of a!ostmodern e!o"/ /e%! "onstit'teI53 By t/e ##*s even t/e dis"'ssion of !o%iti"a% s'.He"tivity or aen"y amon %eftist a"ademi"sseemed rat/er !asseV C54 n !o%iti"s as in t/e "'%t'ra% and inte%%e"t'a% rea%m a !ostmodern fas"ination >it/ indetermina"y am.i'ityand "/aos easily s#pports a drift to0ard )yni)ism and passi/ity L t/e s'.He"t .e"omes !o>er%ess to "/ane eit/er itse%f orso"ietyC -'rt/er t/e !retentio's Haron,fi%%ed and often inde"i!/era.%e dis"o'rse of !ostmodernism reinfor"es t/e most faddis/tenden"ies in a"ademiaC End%ess (and often !oint%ess) attem!ts to de"onstr'"t te0ts and narratives readi%y .e"ome a fa)ade .e/ind>/i"/ !rofessiona% s"/o%ars H'stify t/eir o>n retreat from politi)al )ommitmentC n R'sse%% 1a"o.ys >ords: TTAt t/e end of t/eradi"a% t/eori;in !roHe"t is a s'r!rise: a "e%e.ration of a"ademi" /ierar"/y !rofessions and s'""essC it/ !o>er is 'niversa% and t/is means 'niversity !ra"ti"es and ma%!ra"ti"es are no .etter or >orse t/an

    anyt/in e%seC55 D/i%e m'%ti!%e sites of !o>er and resistan"e need to .e more "%ear%y t/eori;ed t/an in t/e !ast and >/i%e +ar0ianfi0ation on "%ass str'%e t/e !rima"y of "a!ita%,%a.or re%ations and so"ia% tota%ity /as %ost its rationa%e t/e e0treme !ostmodernassa'%t on ma"ro instit'tions severs t/e "onne"tion .et>een "ritiJ'e and a"tionC +oreover to t/e e0tent t/at !ostmodernismem.ra"es a notion of s'.He"tivity t/at is de"entered and framented t/e very idea of "iti;ens/i! ets o.s"'redC As $/i%i! De0%erar'es t/e so"ia% %ea% and !o%iti"a% reJ'irements of "iti;ens/i! >ere /istori"a%%y fo'nded '!on 'niversa% norms of demo"ra"yfreedom and eJ'a%ity .'t !ostmodernism >/i"/ .%'rs everyt/in and dissol/es !o%iti"s into t/e s!/ere of "'%t're and everyday%ife destroys t/is fo'ndationC n"e t/e s'.He"t me%ts into a m'ry "'%t'ra% diff'seness into a >or%d of imaes and s!e"ta"%es t/ee%ements of "iti;ens/i! sim!%y e/aporateC56 &ario's demo"rati" idea%s may .e e!t a%ive >it/in t/e offi"ia% ideo%oy main%y to%eitimate t/e e%e"tora% rit'a% .'t t/ey fai% to resonate >it/ t/e timesC As De0%er "on"%'des: TT-or no> "iti;en, s/i! >i%% remain t/ea!!ro!riate sin of !ost,modernism and semioti" so"iety a restored sin artifa"t t/at may .e re"y"%ed and 'sed so %on as it doesnot dist'r. "ontem!orary so"ietys !rofo'nd need for s'!erfi"ia%ityC57 n t/e s!%intered dis"ontin'o's >or%d in/a.ited .yBa'rdri%%ard -o'"a'%t and indred t/eorists so"ia% .onds are >eaened and t/e %in .et>een !ersona% %ife and t/e !'.%i" s!/ere isfra"t'redC D/ere tr't/ %an'ae and ideo%oy are !er!et'a%%y "ontested not/in is sett%ed or taen for rantedC D/i%e t/is et/os"orres!onds >e%% to an era in >/i"/ em!/asis is !%a"ed on %o"a% no>%ede and identity movements it is a de!o%iti"i;in et/osinsofar as it .%'rs or dismisses ma"ro forms of e"onomi" and !o%iti"a% !o>erC D/ere t/e state is eit/er inored or .roen do>n into amosai" of %o"a%i;ed and !artia% entities politi)s too 0inds #p o!li teratedC Sym.o%s and imaes .e"ome far more im!ortant t/an)on)rete str#gglesinvo%vin riva% "%aims to !o>er e"onomi" interests and visions of a .etter so"ietyC58 n a so"ia% order >/eresym.o%s and imaes dominate mass "ons"io'sness t/e s!%interin of %o"a% identities "oin"ides >it/ t/e de"%ine of !o%iti"a%o!!ositionC 9or!orate "o%oni;ation is %eft on%y fee.%y "/a%%ened .y t/e !ro%iferation of %o"a% ro'!s .y t/e "e%e.ration of diversityand m'%ti"'%t'ra%ism t/at /as entered into Ameri"an !'.%i" dis"o'rse sin"e t/e #8*sC is!ersed identities /o>ever "onstr'"ted areeasi%y assimi%ated into t/e s!/ere of t/e a%%,!o>erf'% "ommodity >/i"/ "oin"ides >it/ t/e s!read of anti,!o%iti"a% sentimentC As"omm'nities ass'me >/at ym'nt Ba'man "a%%s an TTimainary "/ara"ter5# identities .e"ome deta"/ed from t/e !'.%i" s!/ereand !o%iti"s is a%%o>ed to des"end into a s!e"ta"%eC en"e t/e e"%i!se of t/e "o%%e"tive s'.He"t and t/e atro!/y of !o%iti"a% %an'aet/at defines so m'"/ !ostmodern t/eori;in is no> %ined more and more to t/e st'..orn rea%ity of "or!orate dominationC

    Samford e!ate "nstit#te 2k$ 1,

  • 8/10/2019 ! Aff k Toolbox II - Framework


    Samford Debate Institute Mae/Gramzinski/JohnsonAT: Ks

    Poo -ad < P#!li) Sp(ere

    '5tin)tion res#lts .... only ro!#st engagement )an )(e)k elite infl#en)es t(at intensify all /iolen)e

    -oggs $7(9ar% $rofessor of $o%iti"a% S"ien"e entiet/,"ent'ry Ameri"a !oses a series of reat di%emmas and "/a%%enesC +anyideo%oi"a% "'rrents s"r'tini;ed /ere W %o"a%ism meta!/ysi"s s!ontaneism !ost, modernism ee! E"o%oy interse"t >it/ andreinfor"e ea"/ ot/erC D/i%e t/ese "'rrents /ave dee! oriins in !o!'%ar movements of t/e #6*s and #7*s t/ey remain very m'"/a%ive in t/e ##*sC es!ite t/eir different o't%oos and traHe"tories t/ey a%% s/are one t/in in "ommon: a de!o%iti"i;ed e0!ression ofstr'%es to "om.at and over"ome a%ienationC /e fa%se sense of em!o>erment t/at "omes >it/ s'"/ mesmeri;in im!'%ses isa""om!anied .y a %oss of !'.%i" enaement an erosion of "iti;ens/i! and a de!%eted "a!a"ity of individ'a%s in %are ro'!s to>or for so"ia% "/aneC As t/is ideo%oi"a% J'amire >orsens 'rent !ro.%ems t/at are destroyin t/e fa.ri" of Ameri"an so"iety >i%%o 'nso%ved !er/a!s even 'nre"oni;ed on%y to fester more omino's%y into t/e f't'reC And s'"/ !ro.%ems (e"o%oi"a% "risis!overty 'r.an de"ay s!read of infe"tio's diseases te"/no%oi"a% dis!%a"ement of >orers) "annot .e 'nderstood o'tside t/e %arerso"ia% and %o.a% "onte0t of internationa%i;ed marets finan"e and "omm'ni"ationsC $arado 0i"a%%y t/e >ides!read retreat from!o%iti"s often ins!ired .y %o"a%ist sentiment "omes at a time >/en aendas t/at inore or side, ste! t/ese %o.a% rea%ities >i%% moret/an ever .e red#)ed to impoten)eC n /is "ommentary on t/e state of "iti;ens/i! today Do%in refers to t/e in"reasin s'.%imationand di%'tion of !o%iti"s as %arer n'm.ers of !eo!%e t'rn a>ay from !'.%i" "on"erns to>ard !rivate onesC By di%'tin t/e %ife of"ommon invo%vements >e neate t/e very idea of !o%iti"s as a so'r"e of !'.%i" idea%s and visionsC74 n t/e meantime 8 t(e fate of

    t(e 0orld (angs in t(e !alan)eC /e 'nyie%din tr't/ is t/at even as t/e et/os of anti,!o%iti"s .e"omes more "om!e%%in and evenfas/iona.%e in t/e nited States it is t/e vaaries of !o%iti"a% !o>er t/at >i%% "ontin'e to de"ide t/e fate of /'man so"ietiesC /is %ast!oint demands f'rt/er e%a.orationC /e s/rinae of !o%iti"s /ard%y means t/at "or!orate "o%oni;ation >i%% .e %ess of a rea%ity t/atso"ia% /ierar"/ies >i%% some/o> disa!!ear or t/at ianti" state and mi%itary str'"t'res >i%% %ose t/eir /o%d over !eo!%es %ivesC -arfrom it: t/e s!a"e a.di"ated .y a .road "iti;enry >e%%,informed and ready to !arti"i!ate at many %eve%s "an in fa"t .e filled !ya#t(oritarian and rea)tionary elites an a%ready fami%iar dynami" in many %esser, deve%o!ed "o'ntriesC /e framentation and"/aos of a o..esian >or%d not very far removed from t/e ram!ant individ'a%ism so"ia% ar>inism and "ivi" vio%en"e t/at /ave.een so m'"/ a !art of t/e Ameri"an %ands"a!e "o'%d .e t/e !re%'de to a !o>erf'% =eviat/an desined to im!ose order in t/e fa"eof dis'nity and atomi;ed retreatC n t/is >ay t/e e"%i!se of !o%iti"s mi/t set t/e stae for a reassertion of politi)s in more /ir#lentg#ise or it mi/t /e%! f'rt/er rationa%i;e t/e e0istin !o>er str'"t'reC n eit/er "ase t/e state >o'%d %ie%y .e"ome >/at o..esanti"i!ated: t/e em.odiment of t/ose 'niversa% "o%%e"tive interests t/at /ad vanis/ed from "ivi% so"ietyC75

    Samford e!ate "nstit#te 2k$ 1$

  • 8/10/2019 ! Aff k Toolbox II - Framework


    Samford Debate Institute Mae/Gramzinski/JohnsonAT: Ks

    '5t < Poo Ha)ks P#!li) 'ngagement

    Postmodernism )ements depoliti)iation and )ements )orporate )oloniation

    -oggs8 2(9ar% O/e End of $o%iti"s 9or!orate $o>er and t/e e%ine of t/e $'.%i" S!/ereP ! 22*,22)

    3n the splintered, discontinuous universe theori

  • 8/10/2019 ! Aff k Toolbox II - Framework


    Samford Debate Institute Mae/Gramzinski/JohnsonAT: Ks

    Poo -ad < -est I Kellner

    '5)l#si/e emp(asis on postmodern mi)ro.politi)s misses t(e key so#r)es of po0er ... only m#lti.fa)eted )oalitional politi)s pre/ent degeneration into nar)issism and defeat

    -est and Kellner 1(Steven $rof $/i%oso!/y E% $aso and o'%ass $/i%oso!/y 9/air $ostmodern $o%iti"s and t/e Batt%e fort/e -'t're emo"ra"y and /ere t/ey pose no danger and areimmediately )oopted .y t/e "'%t're ind'striesCn s'"/ "ases t/e !o%iti"a% is mere%y t/e !ersona% and t/e oriina% intentions of t/e #6*s oa%to .roaden t/e !o%iti"a% fie%d are inverted and !ervertedC 1'st as e"onomi" and !o%iti"a% demands /ave t/eir referent in s'.He"tivity in everyday %ife so

    t/ese "'%t'ra% and e0istentia% iss'es find t/eir '%timate meanin in t/e demand for a ne> so"iety and mode of !rod'"tionC Ket >e >o'%d insist t/at it isnot a J'estion of mi"ro vs ma"ro!o%iti"s as if it >ere an eit/er?or !ro!osition .'t rat/er .ot/ dimensions are im!ortant for t/e str'%es of t/e

    !resent and f't'reCF5 =ie>ise >e >o'%d ar'e t/at>e need to "om.ine t/e most affirmative and neative !ers!e"tives em.odyin+ar"'ses de"%aration t/at "riti"a% so"ia% t/eory s/o'%d .e .ot/ more neative and 'to!ian in referen"e to t/e stat's J'oCF6 /ereare "ertain%y many t/ins to .e de!ressed a.o't is in t/e neative and "yni"a% !ostmodernism of a Ba'dri%%ard yet >it/o't apositi/e politi)al /ision mere%y "itin t/e neative mi/t %ead to a!at/y and de!ression t/at on%y .enefits t/e e0istin orderC -or adia%e"ti"a% !o%iti"s /o>ever !ositive vision of >/at "o'%d .e is arti"'%ated in "onH'n"tion >it/ "riti"a% ana%ysis of >/at is in a m'%tio!ti"!ers!e"tive t/at fo"'ses on t/e for"es of domination as >e%% as !ossi.i%ities of eman"i!ationC D/i%e !ostmodern !o%iti"s and t/eory tend to !o%ari;e into eit/er t/ee0treme%y neative or e0"essive%y affirmative ey forms of !ostmodern %iterat're /ave a more dia%e"ti"a% visionC ndeed some of t/e more interestin forms of !ostmodern"ritiJ'e today are fo'nd in fi"tiona% enres s'"/ as "y.er!'n and mai"a% rea%ismC 9y.er!'n a s'.enre >it/in s"ien"e fi"tion .rins s"ien"e fi "tion do>n to eart/fo"'sin not on t/e intera%a"ti" .att%es in t/e distant f't're .'t t/e so"ia% !ro.%ems fa"in !eo!%e on eart/ in t/e !resentCF7 9y.er!'n >riters s'"/ as Br'"e Ster%inand Di%%iam Gi.son offer an 'nf%in"/in %oo at a rim so"ia% rea%ity "/ara"teri;ed .y transnationa% "a!ita%ist domination So"ia% ar>inist "'%t'ra% settins radi"a%environmenta% r'ination and t/e im!%osion of t/e .ody and te"/no%oy s'"/ t/at /'mans .e"ome more and more ma"/ine %ie and ma"/ines in"reasin%y .e"ome %i e/'man .einsC Ket "y.er!'n nove%s forero'nd t/is ni/tmare >or%d in order to >arn 's t/at it is an immanent !ossi.i%ity for t/e near f't're in order to a>aen readersto a "riti"a% ref%e"tion on te"/no%oy and so"ia% "ontro% and to offer /o!e for a%ternative 'ses of te"/no%oy and modes of so"ia% %ifeC Simi%ar%y mai"a% rea%ism e0aminest/e >re"ae of "ent'ries of E'ro!ean "o%onia%ism .'t a%so maintains a !ositive o't%oo one t/at em.ra"es t/e strent/ and "reativity of t/e /'man s!irit so"ia%so%idarity and s!irit'a% and !o%iti"a% trans"enden"eC =ie "y.er!'n nove%s mai"a% rea%ism in"or!orate vario's aest/eti" forms and "onventions in an e"%e"ti" mi0t're t/at

    f'ses !ostmodernism >it/ so"ia% "ritiJ'e and mode%s of resistan"eC B't it is a%so a mistae >e .e%ieve to ro'nd ones !o%iti"s in eit/er modern or!ostmodern t/eory a%oneC Aainst one,sided !ositions >e advo"ate a version of re"onstr'"tive !ostmodernism t/at >e "a%% a !o%iti"sof a%%ian"e and so%idarity t/at .'i%ds on .ot/ modern and !ostmodern traditionsC n%ie =a"%a' and +o'ffe >/o .e%ieve t/at!ostmodern t/eory .asi"a%%y !rovides a .asis for a ne> !o%iti"s and >/o tend to reHe"t t/e En%i/tenment !er se >e .e%ieve t/at t/eEn%i/tenment "ontin'es to !rovide reso'r"es for !o%iti"a% str'%e today and are se!ti"a% >/et/er !ostmodern t/eory a%one "an!rovide s'ffi"ient assets for an eman"i!atory ne> !o%iti"sC Ket t/e En%i/tenment /as its .%inds!ots and dar sides (s'"/ as its re%ent%ess!'rs'it of t/e domination of nat're and naive .e%ief in M!roressM so >e .e%ieve t/at as!e"ts of t/e !ostmodern "ritiJ'e of En%i/tenment are va%idand for"e 's to ret/in and re"onstr'"t En%i/tenment !/i%oso!/y for t/e !resent aeC And >/i%e >e aree >it/ a.ermas t/at a re"onstr'"tion of t/eEn%i/tenment and modernity are in order 'n%ie a.ermas >e .e%ieve t/at !ostmodern t/eory /as im!ortant "ontri.'tions to mae to t/is !roHe"tC

    &ario'sforms of !ostmodern !o%iti"s /ave .een %i.eratory in .reain a>ay from t/e a.stra"t and ideo%oi"a% 'niversa%ism of t/eEn%i/tenment and t/e red'"tionist "%ass !o%iti"s of +ar0ism .'t t/ey tend to .e ins#lar and fragmenting fo"'sin so%e%y on t/ee0!erien"es and !o%iti"a% iss'es of a iven ro'! even s!%interin f'rt/er into distin"t s'.ro'!s s'"/ as divide t/e feminist"omm'nityC dentity !o%iti"s are often str'"t'red aro'nd sim!%isti" .inary o!!ositions s'"/ as s vsC /em and Good vsC Bad t/at !it!eo!%e aainst one anot/er main a%%ian"es "onsens's and "om!romise diffi"'%t or impossi!leC /is /as .een t/e "ase fore0am!%e >it/ tenden"ies >it/in radi"a% feminism and e"ofeminism>/i"/ re!rod'"e essentia%ism .y stimati;in men and Mma%e rationa%ityM

    >/i%e e0a%tin >omen as t/e .earers of !ea"ef'% and %ovin va%'e and as .ein M"%oser to nat'reCMF8 E%ements in t/e .%a" nationa%ist %i.erationmovement in t/e #6*s and t/e ear%y !o%iti"s of +a%"o%m X >ere e0"%'sionist and ra"ist %itera%%y demoni;in >/ite !eo!%e as an evi% and inferior ra"eCSimi%ar%y t/e se0'a% !o%iti"s of some ay and %es.ian ro'!s tend to e0" %'sive%y fo"'s on t/eir o>n interests >/i%e t/e mainstream environmenta%movement is notorio's for resistin a%%ian"es >it/ !eo!%e of "o%or and rass roots movementsCF# Even t/o'/ ea"/ ro'! needs to assert t/eir

    identity as aressive%y as !ossi.%e !ostmodern identity !o%iti"s s/o'%d avoid fa%%in into seriality and s(eer fragmentation C /esestr'%es t/o'/ inde!endent of one anot/er s(o#ld !e arti)#lated 0it(in )o#nter(egemoni) allian)es and atta" !o>erformations on !ot( t/e mi"ro, and ma"ro,%eve%sC /i"/s/o'%d .e arti"'%ated ,, "on"erns s'"/ as t/e deradation of t/e environment and "ommon forms of o!!ression t/at stem from"a!ita%ist e0!%oitation and a%ienated %a.orC

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    Poo -ad < -est I Kellner

    &ostmodernism draws distinctions between different social identities' this legitimates the

    formation of hierarchies of power, allowing for class privilegeKellner prof phil ) *!#A (998 +Douglas, -.oundaries and .orderlines" Reflections on ?ean .audrillardand !ritical $heory0 http"11www2uta2edu1huma1illuminations1kell52htm7ince contemporary capitalism was producing in effect a new metaphysics and new ideology, philosophicalcriti;ue defined as the criti;ue of ideology became an integral part of its social theory2 3n this conte8t, it isrelevant to note that one of the generally overlooked functions of ideology is to draw false boundarieswithin such domains as se8, race, and class, so as to construct ideological divisions between men andwomen, the better classes and the lower classes, whites and peoples of color, etc2 3deology constructsdivisions between proper and improper behavior, while constructing a hierarchy within each of thesedomains which :ustifies the domination of one se8, race, and class over others by virtue of its allegedsuperiority, or the natural order of things2 /or e8ample, women are said to be by nature passive, domestic,submissive, etc2, and their proper domain is thus deemed to be the private sphere, the home, while the

    public sphere was reserved for, allegedly, more active, rational, and domineering men23n these ideological operations we see abstraction at work" ideologies which legitimate the superiority ofmen over women, or of capitalism over other social systems, so as to attempt to :ustify the privileges of theruling classes or strata, %% such patriarchal capitalist ideologies abstract from the in:ustices, ine;uities, and

    suffering produced by patriarchal capitalism, such as the glaring ine;uities of power and wealth within asupposedly egalitarian society2 $hus 3 believe that abstraction is fundamentally related to the key features ofideology such as legitimation, domination, and mystification, and that the drawing of boundaries +betweenallegedly inferior and superior systems, groups, policies, values, etc27 also plays a fundamental role in this

    process2[=( .oundary maintainence +between men and women, capitalists and workers, whites and non%whites, Americans and the rest of the world, capitalism and communism, etc2 etc27 serves the interests ofsocial domination, as well as the functions of legitimation and mystification of social reality2 $hus 3 am

    proposing that the distortion, mystification, masking, and other occluding functions usuallyassociated with ideology are related to a certain sort of abstraction and to a specific type of ideological


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    A2: e)onstr#)tion

    e)onstr#)tion )reates a politi)al /oid t(at 0ill !e filled !y elites8 lo)king in oppression

    Cook $2(Ant/ony Asso"iate $rofessor Georeto>n =a> En%and =R S!rin 26 EnC=C RevC 75)

    /e effe"t of de"onstr'"tin t/e !o>er of t/e a't/or to im!ose a fi0ed meanin on t/e te0t or offer a "ontin'o's narrative is .ot/de.i%itatin and %i.eratinC t is de.i%itatin in t/at any attem!t to say >/at s/o'%d .e done >it/in even o'r ins'%ar -o'"a'%tian!reo""'!ations may .e o!!ositiona%i;ed and de"onstr'"ted as an i%%eitimate !rivi%ein of one term va%'e !ers!e"tive or narrativeover anot/erC /e str'%e over meanin mi/t "ontin'e ad infinit'mC /at is if a de"onstr'"tionist is t/eoreti"a%%y "onsistent andsees de"onstr'"tion not as a !o%iti"a% too% .'t as a !/i%oso!/i"a% orientation politi)al a)tion is impossi!le .e"a'se s'"/ a"tionreJ'ires a deree of "%os're t/at de"onstr'"tion as a t/eoreti"a% matter does not !ermitC +oreover t/e a!!roa"/ is de.i%itatin.e"a'se de"onstr'"tion >it/o't materia% rootedness >it/o't oa%s and vision )reates a politi)aland s!irit'a% /oid into >/i"/ t/eso"ia%%y rea% !o>er >e t/eoreti"a%%y de"onstr'"t ste!s and steps on t/e disem!o>ered and dis!ossessedC F@762 o t/ose dyinfrom AS stif%ed .y !overty de/'mani;ed .y se0ism and ra"ism "ri!!%ed .y dr's and .r'ta%i;ed .y t/e many forms of !/ysi"a%!o%iti"a% and e"onomi" vio%en"e t/at "/ara"teri;es o'r nar"issisti" "'%t're !o>er /ard%y seems a matter of i%%eitimate t/eoreti"a%!rivi%einC D/en vision so"ia% t/eory and !o%iti"a% str'%e do not a""om!any "ritiJ'e t/e void >i%% .e fi%%ed .y t/e ri"/ t/e !o>erf'%and t/e "/arismati" t/ose >/o inf%'en"e 's t/ro'/ t/eir e%oJ'en"e !restie >ea%t/ and !o>erC

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    A2: -a#drillard

    Baudrillard leaves the masses to collapse, only engaging in macro$politics solvesBestprof phil ) *$ el paso and Kellnerprof phil ) *!#A ! +teven, Doug, -Postmodern Politics andthe .attle for the /uture0 http"11www2gseis2ucla2edu1faculty1kellner13llumina456/older1kell5'2htm7A postmodern politics begins to take shape during the =&>6s, when numerous new political groups and struggles emerged2 $he development of a new

    postmodern politics is strongly informed by the vicissitudes of social movements in /rance, the *nited tates, and elsewhere, as well as by emergingpostmodern theories2 $he utopian visions of modern politics proved, in this conte8t, difficult to sustain and were either re:ected in favor of cynicism,

    nihilism, and, in some cases, a turn to the right, or were dramatically recast and scaled down to more modest proportions2 $he modern emphasison collective struggle, solidarity, and alliance politics gave way to e8treme fragmentation, as the movement of the=&>6s splintered into various competing struggles for rights and liberties2 $he previous emphasis on transforming the

    public sphere and institutions of domination gave way to new emphases on culture, personal identity, and everyday life,as macropolitics were replaced by the micropolitics of local transformation and sub:ectivity2 3n the aftermath of the=&>6s, novel and conflicting conceptions of postmodern politics emerged2 Postmodern politics thus take a variety offorms and would include the anti%politics of .audrillard and his followers, who e8hibit a cynical, despairing re:ectionof the belief in emancipatory social transformation, as well as a variety of efforts to create a new or reconstructed

    politics2 n the e8treme and apolitical position of a .audrillard, we are stranded at the end of history, paraly

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    contemporary era 3 believe that we need new concatenations of ar8ism, !ritical $heory, and Iew /rench theory tosolve the theoretical and political problems which confront us today2

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    A2: -a#drillard

    Baudrillard is wrong $$$ his theory rests on untenable premises and ignores the important

    role that capitalism plays in the creation of the mediaKellnerprof phil ) *!#A (998 +Douglas, -.oundaries and .orderlines" Reflections on ?ean .audrillardand !ritical $heory0 http"11www2uta2edu1huma1illuminations1kell52htm73t is here, 3 suggest, on .audrillardBs borderline between the modern and the postmodern, that a critical interrogation of his thought and

    politics should begin2 n this point, almost every discussion of .audrillard in English seems to presuppose that heis right, that we are in something like a postmodern condition, that we have left modernity behind and are in a ;ualitatively newsociety where the old categories and old distinctions no longer hold2 uch a vision rests, 3 believe, partly on wishfulthinking and partly on a desire to differentiate oneself from old%fashioned traditionalists, while positioningoneself as avant%garde2 tronger, in my forthcoming book on .audrillard, 3 shall that his postmodern socialtheory rests on some shaky theoretical premises, especially concerning the role of the media, cyberneticsand design, and representation and social reproduction in the contemporary world +Mellner =&'&b72 #iving onthe .orderline !onse;uently, in confronting the differences between .audrillard and the now classical !ritical $heory, the following issues arise" is.audrillard correct that we have entered a postmodern society, or are we still stuck in a more stream%lined and advanced version of the old capitalistsocietyN Are the fundamental boundaries within social theory +between classes, forces and relations of production, #eft and Right, domination andemancipation, representations and reality, etc27 still intact and effective, or have they been superseded and imploded by contemporary socialdevelopmentsN 9hat is the status of representation, social criti;ue, emancipation, and socialism in the allegedly postmodern worldN 3n short, are ar8ismand !ritical $heory still viable enterprises, or have their assumptions and positions been vitiated by contemporary social developmentsN y own positionis that if ar8ism and !ritical $heory want to continue to be relevant to the theoretical and political concerns of the present age, they must address the

    issues advanced by the postmodern challenge to previous traditions of social theory2 $his means thatcritical social theory today mustattempt to theori

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    A2: Bo#)a#lt

    +oucault)s reection of meta$solutions dooms the alternative, it prevents the formation of

    new totali%ing theories that are essential to brea!ing down the capitalist structures that are

    the root cause of the problem

    Kellnerprof phil ) *!#A (998 +Douglas, -.oundaries and .orderlines" Reflections on ?ean .audrillardand !ritical $heory0 http"11www2uta2edu1huma1illuminations1kell52htm7Against /oucault, #yotard, and others who re:ect macro%theory, the category of totality, or meta%narratives,3 would argue that precisely now we need such totali

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    A2: Bo#)a#lt

    /ngaging liberalism is essential to brea!ing down biopower, it promotes a form of

    rationality that limits state power0acombe !riminology imon /raser * (991 +Danny, -Reforming /oucault" A !riti;ue of the ocial!ontrol $hesis0 $he .ritish ?ournal of ociology, Gol2 LC, Io2 5 ?stor$he nature of the relation between the individual and the political order concerned /oucault in his studiesof Bbio%powerB and Bbio%politicsB2 3n this work, he implicitly negates his earlier claims that rights in the 9estwere une;uivocally linked to the sovereign +=&'6b, =&'', =&& =72 /oucault introduced the notion of Bbio%

    powerB in his work on se8uality to designate the proliferation of a technology of power%knowledgeprimarily concerned with life2 .io%power was a mechanism that took charge of life by Binvesting the body,health, modes of subsistence and habitation, living conditions, the whole space of e8istenceB +/oucault=&'6b" =LKLL, emphasis added72 $he notion of bio%power is useful for our understanding of the

    phenomenon of resistance because while it represents a totali

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    A2: Bo#)a#lt

    +oucault)s relativism dooms his proect, it forces the alternative into a morally ban!rupt

    mode of thin!ing the only ethical action is to ta!e action to increase access to public healthMaesena,Ietherlands 3nstitute for the ocial ciencesand 2ihuis unicipal Department of PublicFealth, (999 +#aurent ? van der, Farry ?, -!ontinuing the debate on the philosophy of modern publichealth" social ;uality as a point of reference0 http"11:ech2bm:2com1cgi1content1full1@L151=KLNckQnck7E$F3! AID !3A# *A#3$Y/oucaultBs conceptual scheme is highly stimulating for analysing propositions and points of view on ethical;uestions2 $he position taken by Petersen and #upton however also implies a form of relativism2 $he worldis appreciated as totally contingent and dependent on the structure of human minds2 !laims for an ob:ectivereality are :udged as arrogant2 Doyal and ough commented implicitly on /oucaultBs perspective by statingthe consistent relativist one who regards the whole of social life as a construction, each aspect of which has no more or lessveracity than the other enters a moral wasteland into which few have feared to tread2C'Roy .haskarBsconclusion concerning the epistemic fallacy can be applied to PetersonBs and #uptonBs study as well2tatements about being can be reduced to or analysed in terms of statements about knowledge that is,that ontological ;uestions can always be transposed into epistemological terms2 $his results in thesystematic dissolution of the idea of a world independent of but investigated by science2C& /rom our

    perspective, society is to be conceived both as the totality of conditions of human actions and as the result

    of human actions2 /or a valid comprehension of society as a sub:ect of public heath, the multi%layeredmechanisms that can change these human actions and strategies need to be analysed2 $he challenge of ourmodern enterprise of public health is to improve social conditions related to health2 3n doing so, we are infact meeting our values and norms, in other words, the ethical *uestions of public health2 $he social;uality theory tries to respond to this challenge2 3n our opinion, modern public health, based on a theory ofwhich we have attempted to outline some principles, has to play an important part in this moral endeavour2

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