Почему ADePT? Каждый год Всемирный Банк издает: 10-15...

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Software platform for Automated Economic Analysis

Почему ADePT?Каждый год Всемирный Банк издает:

10-15 отчетов с оценками бедности5-10 работ с анализом рынка труда10 отчетов по системе образования и здравоохраненияРаботы по анализу гендерных проблемАнализ здоровья и развития детейОценки эффективности систем социальной защиты.

Отчеты по разным странам или по одной стране за несколько лет обычно основаны на аналогичных наборах аналитических результатов (таблиц и графиков)

Значительные ресурсы затрачиваются на расчет этих стандартных результатов для каждого отчета.

ADePT позволяет автоматизировать эту работу.

Автоматизированный экономический анализ

Значительное ускорение производства основных аналитических результатов

Высвобождение ресурсов для более глубоких и интересных исследований.

Возможность предоставления новых методов анализа широкой аудитории специалистов

Минимизация человеческих ошибокСоздание стандартных, сравнимых

результатовМинимальное время требуемое для обучения

ADePT: From data to report

Inside ADePT:

User Computational interface kernel (Stata)

ADePTUser micro-level data: DHS, LSMS, LFS, …

Print-ready output

Бесплатная программа доступная любому пользователю.

Работает в наборами данных на в формате Stata или SPSS.

Использует вычислительное ядро StataМинимальные требования к пользователям по

подготовке данныхШирокая диагностика возможных проблем с

данными.ADePT это инструмент для симуляций и анализа

допущенийПростой и понятный интерфейс пользователя.Программа протестирована на данных по 60 странамПользователями ADePT являются исследователи из

университетов, НКО, правительства, и think tanks.

ADePT V4.1

ADePT ApplicationsData cleaning on early stages of data preparation.Clearly-documented, unambiguous algorithms –

allow easy and fast replication of the results at any point.

Introduce new, complex methods of economic analysis to policy practitioners around the world.

Quality control for every output produced by the Bank – compare your results with error-free results of ADePT.

Inter-year and inter-country comparability – possibility for cross-country analysis.

Possibility of using internet data resources for the analysis (PPP) and result comparison.

ADePT LocalizationFirst launch in Indonesia. ADePT Indonesia – interface

and output translated to Bahasa Indonesian. Allows distributing ADePT in the regional (kabupatan)

offices where the knowledge of English could be an issue.

Current version of ADePT is translated to:Bahasa Indonesian, Russian, Spanish, Bulgarian,

GeorgianTranslations on French, Portuguese, Nepali, and

Romanian are under way Localized versions of ADePT reduce the requirements

on users and simplify training in the program.

ADePT BooksWe are working on series of books to accompany modules

of ADePTBooks have similar structure:

Introduction: Why this analysis is important, what are the policy implications

Main theoretical concepts used in the analysis: (FGT, GE, etc.)

Detailed explanation for every table or graph in the outputSoftware user guide for a particular module and for ADePT

in generalPoverty Analysis with ADePT – James FosterAnalysis of Health Equity and Health Financing – Adam

WagstaffWho benefits from social protection and private transfers?

User manual for ADePT SP – WB SP team

ADePT for TeachingVery successfully used ADePT for training.We developed courses that combine introduction

to theoretical concepts with practical applications based on ADePT.

Reduces skills requirements for the participantsLocalized versions of ADePT reduce language

requirementsAllows participants to work with their own dataMuch better understanding of the theoretical

concepts, and better involvement in data analysis compared to using data from some unknown country.

ADePT SurveysObtain rich set of results by including 3-5

new questions into the standard household surveys.

Allow client countries to produce reports in the areas where they previously had no expertise.

Improve the status of statistical agencies in the countries.

Possibility to design a concise survey for 8 modules of ADePT – generate the analytical output never produced before in most countries.

Our website contains the list of variables required for all currently-released modules.

ADePT Solutions:ADePT offers users a solution of a particular

problem.Modules of ADePT produce sets of predefined

analytical results (tables, graphs) sufficient to give an answer to a particular question.

Combination of software tools and the substantive contributions from the leading experts in a field.Martin Ravallion (WB) : PovertyAdam Wagstaff (WB) : HealthHarold Alderman (WB) : Nutrition

Two main directions of ADePT: Assessments of the current situationProjections and simulations

ADePT Poverty: Released – June 2007ADePT Labor: Released – November 2007ADePT Gender: Released – November 2008ADePT Social Protection: Released – June 2009ADePT Education: Released – September 2009ADePT Health: Released – December 2009ADePT Inequality: Released – Spring 2010

ADePT Targeting: Planned Release – Summer 2011

ADePT PLINES: Development stage ADePT Crisis: Development stage ADePT Nutrition: Development stage

ADePT MAPS: Released – November 2008

ADePT : The roadmap

ADePT ROI Costs:

Zero monetary cost – ADePT is free.Minimal cost in terms of training

Localized versions of ADePT lower this cost even more.

No change in the standard production function for analytical results.

Revenues:Saves at least several weeks of consultant/staff

time per module + $000’s of dollarsAllows much faster delivery of the reports ~

timely policies, better relations with a client.

ADePT AnswersADePT is not a dataset – it is a program to

process data. We do not collect or provide data. NO, we do not plan to release a MAC version of

ADePT YES, data preparation is important – if you put

garbage into ADePT you will get organized garbage out.

NO, we are not afraid that users will produce output without understanding of how to interpret the results. We write books for that.

Website: www.worldbank.org/adept