: 2016-01-26 · God by healing the sick and forgiving people of their sins. In this lesson we will...

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NT3.11 Jesus Raises Jairus' Daughter to Life © Beverly Wilson 2016

Unit 3: Miracles of Jesus NT3.11 Jesus Raises Jairus' Daughter to Life

Scripture: Matthew 9: 18-26; Mark 5: 21-43; Luke 8:41-56

Lesson Goal: Jesus was a very powerful teacher. He proved to everyone that he was really God by his teaching and miracles. He proved to everyone that he was really God by his teaching and miracles. In this lesson we will see how Jesus healed a woman and raised a little girl back to life from the dead. from God.

Introduction: This is the eleventh lesson in Unit 3:The Miracles of Jesus. The life and ministry of Jesus is told to us in the first four books of the New Testament. Jesus was a very powerful teacher. He proved to everyone that he was really God by healing the sick and forgiving people of their sins. In this lesson we will see how Jesus healed a woman and raised a little girl back to life from the dead. The Gospels are the first four books in the New Testament. The gospels tell about the life and ministry of Jesus. The word "gospel" means the good news about Jesus. Let's say the names of the gospels together. Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John.

Attention Getter: Have you ever tried to go through a big crowd? Did you feel lost? Were you trying to go a different direction than everyone else? How did that feel? Have you ever tried to swim going upstream? That is a very hard thing to do. It is like going against the flow of the crowd. In this lesson we will see how two people--a woman who was very sick and a father whose daughter was very ill--tried to navigate through a crowd to get to Jesus. We are going to learn that God loves us all the time and how Jesus is always ready to help us when we need it.

Opening Prayer: Dear Father in heaven, we all find ourselves in deep trouble at times in our lives. Thank You that You are always in control. Thank You that Your power is the same today as it was when Jairus lived. Help us to always remember that You love us and that You have a plan and a purpose for our lives and that You will see us through every problem we face. Thank you that you have the power to give eternal life. In Jesus’ name, we pray. Amen.

Memory Verse: Our memory verse is Psalm 52:8 says "I trust in God’s unfailing love forever and ever.”

Lesson Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q59kt1GPezQ

Jesus and his disciples had just crossed the Sea of Galilee in a boat. They came ashore at the small town of Capernaum. A large crowd of people were waiting for Jesus there for Jesus to return. In that crowd was the man named Jairus. Jairus was an important Jewish leader at the synagogue in Capernaum. His 12 year old daughter was very seriously ill and about to die. Although many of those in the synagogue did not believe that Jesus was the Messiah, Jairus was desperate to find help for his daughter. He had heard about Jesus healing the sick. He decided to go search for Jesus to ask Him to heal His daughter. Many people were following Jesus at that time. The crowd thought that Jesus was a prophet. Some people had heard John the Baptist say he was the Lamb of God. Many people didn't know what to believe. Most believed that Jesus was a rabbi or certainly a great teacher. Jairus must have wondered how he would ever get through the crowd to talk to Jesus. Jairus was worried and desperate as he sought to get close to Jesus. He said, " Excuse me, Sir. Jesus, please help me. I need your help for my daughter." Finally Jesus heard his plea to come to his house. He said, "All right, I will come with you."


NT3.11 Jesus Raises Jairus' Daughter to Life © Beverly Wilson 2016

Jairus was very happy as he said, "Thank you. Come, I will show you the way." But Jarius' daughter wasn't the only one who needed healing. In the crowd was a woman who had been sick for twelve years. She had a hemorrhage that had been bleeding and could not be stopped. She too was searching for Jesus to ask Him to heal her. The woman said, "That's Him. That's Jesus in the crowd of people. I have been bleeding for twelve long miserable years. I have spent all of my money, and no doctor has been able to heal me. Perhaps if I just quietly touch His robe, Jesus will be able to heal me. I will try." At the very moment that the woman touched Jesus' garment she could feel the power of Jesus' healing her body. She said, "Oh my. I can feel it. The bleeding has stopped. I am healed!" Then Jesus stopped in the crowd and said, "Wait, who just touched me?" The disciples could not believe Jesus' question. They said, "Who touched you? Jesus, do you see the people crowding against you. How can you ask, 'Who touched me?" Jesus answered, "I want to know who touched me." Jesus kept looking around at the crowd. He waited to see who had touched Him. Then the woman came forward and fell at His feet. She said, "I am so afraid, but I will tell you the truth. I touched your robe because I was so sick and no one could heal me. I thought that if I touched your robe, your power would heal me." Jesus replied," Dear woman, your faith has healed you. Go in peace. You are free from your suffering." Just then through the crowd came some servants from Jairus' house. They said, "Excuse us, we are looking for Jairus." Jairus replied, "Here I am." The servants then told Jairus, "Sir, your daughter has died. Why bother Jesus anymore? My master, I have just come from the bedside of your daughter. Sir, your daughter is dead. I will take you home now. The mourners are already gathering." At this news Jairus began to weep and said to Jesus, "Jesus, I was too late, if only you would have come sooner." With great sympathy Jesus looked at the sorrowing father and spoke words of comfort and assurance, "Don't be afraid! Just trust Me and believe; she'll be all right." Jairus looked at Jesus and believed what Jesus said. Even though his little girl was dead, Jairus believed that somehow Jesus would make things come out right.

Jairus then answered, "Jesus, I do believe. I will have my servants make preparations for you to come to our house. Servants, go home and tell everyone that we are coming." As Jesus and Jairus along with the other disciples and a large crowd came toward the house, Jesus saw all the mourners gathered about Jairus' house. Jesus said, "Why all the noise? This crying needs to stop. The girl is not dead, just asleep." The crowd laughed sarcastically at Jesus' remark. They said, "Doesn't he know she's dead? He is some teacher. Has he no respect for our ruler's grief? This Man stirs up trouble everywhere He goes. I can't believe our Synagogue leader would bring this rabbi to his home." Even the mother said, "Jairus, our child is dead, not asleep. What does this mean?" Jairus then asked Jesus, "Teacher, what should we do?" Then Jesus said, "Let's go to the child. Alone. Tell everyone to leave the house."


NT3.11 Jesus Raises Jairus' Daughter to Life © Beverly Wilson 2016

Jairus raised his voice in a loud call and said, "Please we need you all to go outside. Please, give us some time alone with our daughter."

The crowd could not believe that Jairus was commanding them to leave. They said, "This is strange. This isn't our custom. We'll be right outside waiting for you." Then Jairus said, "This way Jesus." The mother was in tears as she told Jesus that they had done all they could for her. Then Jairus said, "Look the master has taken her hand. I believe he can do a miracle. Maybe he will bring her back to us." But Jairus' wife did not believe. She said, "No one can raise the dead!" Jesus took the little girl's hand and said, "Talitha koum. (This means "Little girl, get up?") Jairus' daughter then sat up and said, "Who are you?" Her mother was so surprised. She said, "Jairus, I must be seeing things?" Jairus said, "No. Our little girl lives. She lives! " Jairus' wife was overjoyed. She said, "Did you hear that? Our daughter is alive! Jesus, thank you. Thank you." Then the little girl said, "Mother, why are all those people here? And they're crying. Daddy, did someone die?" Her father Jairus said, "We thought someone died, but … Oh, Jesus, thank you. Thank you!" Then her Mother said, "What should we do now?" Jesus replied, "Someone should get this little girl something to eat!" The young girl said, "Yes. I'm hungry!" When Peter saw the miracle that Jesus had just performed he said, "Jesus, we need to tell the crowd about this miracle. That will teach them to laugh at you. We'll tell them all about your power." But Jesus very firmly replied, "No. No bragging about this. Not now. I don't want any of you to speak about these things." Later that night Jesus and his disciples talked about the miraculous things they had seen Jesus do. John remembered how they were like fishermen carrying all those basketfuls of fish after Jesus had just used just five loaves of bread and three small fish to feed five thousand. They marveled at all the miracles they had just witnessed. They recalled how hundreds of people had been healed and now even the dead had been raised back to life. Peter marveled that the despite all the miracles they had seen that the crowds still did not know who Jesus was. Then Jesus asked, "Peter, who do the crowds think I am?" Peter said, "Some think you are the prophet Elijah, others say you are John the Baptist brought back to life." Jesus asked, "But what do you say, Peter. Who do you say I am?" Peter replied, "You are the Christ… The Son of God." Then Jesus warned Peter and the disciples once again, "Listen to me. You must not tell this to anyone." They all said that they would not talk about this. But Peter asked, "I'll keep quiet, but why? Why not tell everyone?" Then Jesus said, "I have some news for you. We are going to go up to Jerusalem soon. When we get there the Son of Man will suffer many things at the hands of the religious leaders. They will kill me. But on the third day I will be raised to life." Jesus was an amazing teacher. He showed great love to everyone around him while He was here on earth. He healed the sick woman and brought the little girl back to life! No one but God could have done those things! Jesus is truly the Son of God! It took a lot of courage for the woman with the incurable disease to reach out and touch Jesus' garment. Most people would not want a woman with kind of disease to touch them but she knew that Jesus was her only hope. She had faith that Jesus would help her. Even though Jesus knew who touched Him because He is God, He asked the crowd, "Who touched me?" He did that to show that true faith involves action. We don't have to be ashamed to have faith in Jesus. We need to publicly proclaim our faith in Him.


NT3.11 Jesus Raises Jairus' Daughter to Life © Beverly Wilson 2016

We can trust God to help us when we have difficult times. Psalm 52:8 says "I trust in God’s unfailing love forever and ever.” No matter what the problem might be--whether it is at school or home--or maybe somebody is very sick. The Bible says that we can put our trust in Lord Jesus and He will give us the strength we need! At first Jairus must have wished that Jesus would hurry up and go to his home so his daughter could be healed. It must have been hard to wait patiently on Jesus knowing that his daughter was so sick. Jesus wanted Jairus to believe that He could not only heal a sick person but He could bring a dead person back to life! Only Jesus who was God the Son could do that! We need to have faith in Jesus' great power too! We can trust in Him too as the Lord! The greatest way that Jesus loves us and helps us is to give us the way that we can go to heaven. When Jesus died on the cross He paid the penalty for our sin. He was buried in a tomb. His body was placed there. And on the third day, Jesus was resurrected from the grave. Just like the little girl that was raised from the dead, so we who accept Christ as our Savior are given new, eternal life when we trust Him. The Bible tells that the minute a Christian dies, that he or she goes to live with God in heaven. The body is put to rest in a grave for a while but one day Christ will return to earth and that sleeping body will be resurrected into a new glorified body like Christ had before He ascended into heaven. We will then live with Christ for an eternity. The new glorified body will never die, or grow old or get sick or be hurt. Won't that be wonderful? And that will be the body that we will live in throughout all eternity. This is why we read about the events in the life of Christ. John 20:31 says, "these things are written that you may believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God, and that believing you may have life in His Name." John 20:31. Remember that Jesus has the power to help us with every problem!

Review Questions: "Freeze" Game Cut construction paper into strips making at least one strip per child. Draw a circle on one of the strips. Children are to sit in a circle on the floor. Distribute the strips of paper to the children. The children pass the paper strips around the circle until you say, "Freeze." The child holding the paper with the circle answer one of the questions below. Repeat the activity with different children answering the questions.

1. What was the name of the rabbi that came to Jesus through the crowd by the lakeside? Jairus was a leader in the synagogue in Capernaum and he came seeking Jesus.)

2. Why did Jairus come to Jesus? (His daughter was dying and he wanted Jesus to lay hands on her and heal her.)

3. What is it that you must have in order to please God? (You must have faith.) 4. What does it mean to have faith in Jesus? (To have faith means that you are convinced that Jesus is

God and He can do anything.) 5. What made it hard for Jesus to get to Jairus' house? (A great crowd thronged around Him.) 6. Who touched Jesus in the crowd? (A woman with an incurable disease.) 7. Why did it take a lot of courage for her to reach out and touch Jesus' garment? (Her flow of blood made

her a social outcast.) 8. Jesus and his disciples were walking through a crowd of people. How could Jesus tell that someone

touched Him on purpose? (Jesus felt the Power of God leave His body and He knew because He's God.) 9. Why did Jesus ask, "Who touched My clothes?" If He is God and knows all things, didn't He know who it

was? (He wanted the woman to make a public statement of faith in Him.) 10. What bad news did Jairus receive while Jesus was busy talking to the woman in the crowd? (A servant

arrived and told him that his daughter had died.) 11. What does it mean when we say that someone dies? (It means that the person's body has stopped

working.) 12. What do you think Jairus was thinking when he found out that his daughter had died while Jesus was

taking time to heal the woman with the flow of blood? (He might have been angry or at least disappointed.)

13. What did Jesus do to show love to Jairus? (Jesus healed Jairus' daughter.) 14. How did Jesus heal the little girl? (He said to her, "Little girl, I say to you arise." He commanded her to

come back to life.) 15. Why was it good that Jesus didn't get to Jairus' house before his daughter died? (So that He could show

His power over death as well as power over healing.)


NT3.11 Jesus Raises Jairus' Daughter to Life © Beverly Wilson 2016

16. Why do you think Jesus only allowed the parents, Peter, James, and John in the girl's room? (These were the only people who had faith in Jesus to raise the dead child. The crowd was making fun of Jesus.)

17. What happens when a person who believes in Jesus dies? (That person's body has stopped working but the part of a person that thinks and feels keeps on living. A person who is a member of God's family begins a new life with God in heaven. God promises that in heaven there is no sickness or sadness.)

18. What should you do if you find yourself in the middle of a troublesome time? (Have faith in Jesus, trust in the Lord. Remember that He has everything under control.)

Bible Memory Verse Activity: Musical Memory Verse Our memory verse is Psalm 52:8 says "I trust in God’s unfailing love forever and ever.” No matter what the problem might be--whether it is at school or home--or maybe somebody is very sick. The Bible says that we can put our trust in Lord Jesus and He will give us the strength we need! Have students locate the verse in scripture. Read the verse together several times. Preparation: Print each word of Psalm 52:8 on a separate index card. Place index cards in verse order face dwon in a large circle on the floor. Children are to walk around the circle of cards as you play a song on the cassette CD. Use "God's Unfailing Love" as the song. When you stop the music each child stops next to a card. Invite one child to turn over a card. Repeat the activity until all the cards are turned over. Lead the children in repeating the verse from Psalm 52:8 aloud. Ask: "What does this verse say about God's love? In the lesson we talked about trusting God to love us no matter what happens. What can you trust God's love for?"

Bible Memory Verse Art Activity: Spiral Mobile (Grades K-6) Say: "What word in our memory verse of Psalm 52:8 describes God's love? (unfailing) This word means that God's love never stops. What are some reasons that we have for trusting God to love us. (The Bible tells us that He loves us. Jesus died for us and is alive again.) What are some ways that God shows His love for us? (He promises to always be with us, no matter what happens. He listens when we pray. He gives us family and friends to care for us. He gives us the Bible so that we can learn about Him.) Today we are going to make a craft that will help us remember what this verse means. We are making a spiral mobile." Explain that the spiral is sometimes used to represent something that never stops!" Preparation: For each child draw a spiral on a paper plate starting from the center of the paper plate and leaving at least 1 inch between each loop of the spiral. See sketch. Give each child a paper palate. Have children use markers to write the words of Psalm 52:8. Encourage them to draw decorations that remind them of Jesus' love. (Example might be X's and O's; flowers, snowflakes, etc.) Children are then to cut along the spiral lines. Then unfold the inner loops of the paper plate to form S- shaped hooks. Help each child poke one end of a paper clip through the rounded end of the spiral and tie a length of curling ribbon to the other end of the hook to create a mobile. Provide a hole punch for children to make holes for attaching the paper clip hooks.

Group Learning Activity: "Caring Box Charades" (Grades K-3) Preparation: Cover a box with wrapping paper and write the words "Caring Box" on the outside. Cut an opening in the top of the box where students can reach in and draw out a picture card. Use the picture cards as a point of discussion of ways that they can show love and concern for their families. Make cards by printing pictures of families showing care for each other. Use pictures such as a child opening a door for older person; a person drying the dishes or setting the table; a child taking out the trash, a child making their bed; mowing the lawn; reading a bed time story to younger brother or sister; picking up toys; putting laundry in the washer; folding clothes from the dryer; running the vacuum; sweeping the floor; getting the mail from the mailbox; hanging up the towels on the rack in the bathroom; etc. Say: "In this lesson Jesus showed that He loved the woman who was sick with a flow of blood as well as the father whose daughter was very ill. He healed the woman who touched him and raised Jairus' daughter back to life from the dead. We are going to talk about some ways that we can care for our families."


NT3.11 Jesus Raises Jairus' Daughter to Life © Beverly Wilson 2016

Procedure: Choose two children. Have one child pull a picture out of the Caring Box. Have the other child hold up the picture for the rest of the class to see. Say: "Pretend your partner is someone in your family. Show me how you would (have child demonstrate the caring action in the picture.)" Have all the children act out the caring action. Encourage the children to practice showing concern for their families the next week.

Group Learning Activity: Stick Puppet Show (Grades K-4) Preparation: Give each child a brown paper grocery bag, ruler, markers, scissors, craft sticks and tape. cut the tops of the bags off about 12 inches from the top. Cut 6 X 7 inch rectangle from the front of each bag for a doorway. Print the template page of puppet characters from below onto heavy drawing paper. One page of characters to make the stick puppets will be needed for each child. Eight large craft sticks will be needed for each child. Procedure: Distribute the bag tops from the grocery bags, one to a child. Have children use markers to draw story scenes on their bags. ( Ex. the little girl's bedroom on one side and the crowd of people on the other side.) Have children cut the figures from the printed template page and tape a craft stick to the back of each one. Be sure the children tape the stick onto the puppet so the stick is above the figure (NOT BELOW). This will allow the children to lower their stick puppet down into the theater from the top side! Children should use their stick puppets in and outside of their paper bag theaters to act out the Bible story as you retell it. Teaching Tips: Children can use the paper bag bottoms to hold their stick puppets to take home. If you do not have enough grocery bags for each child to make his or her own theater, prepare two or three theaters and have children take turns using the theaters. Or you can make a large puppet theatre from a large cardboard box. Retell the story or let a child tell the story as children use one set of figures to act out the story. Let each child use only one figure or stick puppet.

Group Learning Activity: "Well Bell" Game (Grades K-3) Supplies: paper, markers, jingle bell, plastic disks; and flavored tongue depressors. Procedure: Have the children form teams of four members each. Have the teams line up on one side of the room. Choose one child from each team to be the "sick" person. Have the sick people lie down on the side of the room opposite their teams. Say: "The rest of you will deliver the items on the table to your sick friends. The first person in each line will hop to the table, fold a sheet of paper in half, draw a happy face on it to make a get well card, deliver it to the sick person, and hop back to the line. The next person will pick up a plastic disk (which is make believe medicine) and take it to the sick person, and then hop back to the line. The last person will take a tongue depressor which helps tell if the sick person's throat feels better. After you deliver an item, hop back to your team so the next person may go. When the sick friend get the tongue depressor, he or she should hop to the table and ring the jingle bell which we'll call the "well bell." Continue until all the sick children have rung the well bell. Then clap your hands to get the children's attention and have them sit in a circle on the floor. Say: "In this game, being sick was kind of fun, but it's not fun at all to be sick in real life. Who can tell about a time you were really sick? What does it feel like to be sick" Who helps you feel better when you are sick: What do they do to make you feel better? (After discussion) "It's great to have people take care of us when we are sick. Doctors give us medicine, people bring us special treats, and family members make sure we're comfortable. There's someone else who care about us when we're sick. Jesus came to help people because He care about people who are sick." Be sure to explain that children are NOT to put the disks or the tongue depressors in their mouth or in each other's mouths.


NT3.11 Jesus Raises Jairus' Daughter to Life © Beverly Wilson 2016

Group Learning Game: "Who Touched Me?" Game (Grades K-3) Procedure: Have children sit in a circle. One person sits in the middle and is blindfolded. Children will take turns as the teacher quietly points to each one, to go to the child in the middle and touch him and then quietly run back to the circle. Then the blindfold can be removed and the child can try to guess who TOUCHED him/her. If he guesses it correctly, then that child goes to the middle to be blindfolded, etc. Variation: Blindfold the teacher and let children take turns touching the teacher and the teacher will have to guess what part of the child's body touched the teacher's back - such as a finger, a nose, an elbow, a toe, an ear, etc!

Group Learning Activity: "Act It Out" (Grades K-4) Purpose: To help children remember the events of the story and imagine witnessing this miracle. Supplies: Blanket and pillow, facial tissues Directions: Assign the following roles: Jesus, Jairus, messenger, twelve year-old girl, mother, Peter, James, and John. The remaining children are sad friends. Help the daughter lie down with blanket and pillow. Give tissues to the mother and friends. Retell the Bible story using the script below. Help children act out the story as they hear their parts.

A Jewish leader named Jairus came to Jesus.

Jairus begged Jesus to come and heal his sick 12 year-old daughter.

Then a messenger from Jairus’ home told them: “Don’t bother any more. She has died.”

Jesus told Jairus, “Don’t be afraid. Just believe and she will be healed.”

Jesus went with Jairus to see his daughter.

Neighbors and friends there were crying because the girl had died.

But Jesus said, “Stop crying. She is just asleep.”

Jesus let her parents, Peter, James and John go with Him into the girl’s room.

Jesus took her hand and said, “My child, get up!”

At once, she woke and stood up. Jesus had healed her!

Jesus said, “Give her something to eat!”

Her parents were surprised and everyone was very happy!

Group Learning Activity: Comic Strip Characters (Grades 3-5) Materials: Newspaper comics, scissors Procedure: Divide the class into groups of no more that three or four students. Give each group a section of newspaper comics and a pair of scissors. Students are to looke through the comic strips to find and cut out situations in which comic strip characters need help. After the groups find several examples of situations, the groups are to show and describe the situations to the class as a whole. Lead student in discussing the different situations by asking, "Why does the character in this situation need help? How could someone help the character? (Have students tell ideas.) When might a person you know be in a situation like this? When are some other times kids your age need help? Today in our story Jairus and a woman depended on Jesus to help them with a desperate situation. When are some times that you might depend on Jesus' love and power to help you?" Hint: Peanuts characters often have a situation that requires help or guidance and the message of the strip is often very positive.


NT3.11 Jesus Raises Jairus' Daughter to Life © Beverly Wilson 2016

Group Learning Activity: Team Spelling Bee Materials: Bibles, index cards, and markers Preparation: Print the alphabet on index cards, one letter on each card. Make two sets of alphabet cards. Add several blank cards to each set. Procedure: Divide the class into two teams. Give each team a set of cards to be divided as evenly as possible among team members. Tell students that blank cards should be used for duplicate letters. Call out a word or phrase describing a situation in which a kid might need help ("hard test," "sick," "broken leg," "new school", "no friends," "lost,") Students on each team holding the appropriate letters line up in order to spell the word or pharase correctly. When the team members think they are in the correct order, they call out the word or phrase they have spelled. The other team must freeze in position. If the word or phrase is spelled correctly, a volunteer from the team that spelled the word or pharase answers wone of the questions below. If it is not spelled correctly, the other team continues lining up in order to spell the word or phrase. Repeat with other situations as time allows. Situations to spell out might include the following: lost, sick, failed, alone, hungry, tired, confused, depressed, afraid, happy, excited, etc. Discuss each situation spelled, asking the following questions: When have you or one of your friends been in a situation like this? How did you feel? How do you think talking to God about the situation might help? What can you say to someone who thinks that God won't help him or her? What do you know about God that would make you want to talk to Him when you need help?

Craft Learning Activity: "Twig Families" (Grades K-2) Preparation: Gather twigs from a variety of trees but avoid evergreens. Pine and fir tree needles can be sharp and the branches are often sticky. Be care that students do not put the twigs in their mouths or poke others with them. Say, "In our lesson Jesus showed great love and concern for Jairus' family. He knew that Jairus loved his daughter greatly and he was very distressed. Jairus would have given anything to save his daughter. That is the kind of love Jesus wants in our families. This concern for family was the means God used to help Jairus have faith in Him. Today we are going to use some twigs to make a drawing that represents our families. How many people are in your family? Who takes care of you when you are sick?" Set out construction paper, tape, crayons, and twigs of various shapes and sizes. Let the students break off pieces of the twigs to represent the people in their families and tape the pieces to a sheet of construction paper. Children may then draw other features with crayons or markers. Encourage the children to use a large twig for a parent or a very small twig for a baby brother or sister. Talk about different family members such as siblings or step siblings, parents, or stepparents, grandparents, aunts, uncles, and cousins. Remind the children that Jesus cares about their families.

Craft Learning Activity: Tissue Paper Flower Get Well Card (Grades 3-5) Have students make get well cards for a friend who is not feeling well. Fold a sheet of 81/2" x 11" card stock in half to form a get well card. Fold two tissue accordion style. Put one on top of the other and fold them in half. Hold on to the fold and twist it so the four "petals" are evenly distributed. Tape the twisted end. Separate the layers of tissue to create eight petals. Tape the flower to the card and color a green stem. On the inside write a get well greeting. Teaching Tip: This get well card can be part of a get well basket. For a basket include such things as cough drops, tissues, herbal tea bags, a jar of honey, simple card games, or a puzzle book and of course the get well card!


NT3.11 Jesus Raises Jairus' Daughter to Life © Beverly Wilson 2016

Craft Learning Activity: Finger Print Prayer Pictures (Grades 3-5) Materials: Bibles, light colored paper, ink pads; markers; glitter glue (optional). Procedure: Make a sample fingerprint picture of a person for whom you are praying. Show the students the picture you made. Say: "The fingerprint picture remind me of a person I want to pray for." Tell the students about the person and why you pray for him or her. Ask the following questions to lead students in talking about situations in which people need prayer and ways to pray for people in these situations. "What does the Bible tell us about prayer? When are some different occasions that we should pray for others? How can you help another person your age when they need help? How do you think God might help another student in this situation? Ask the students to choose a person he or she wants to remember to pray for. Students then presses thumb or other fingers on the ink pad and make prints on light colored paper to form head and body of a person. Student then uses the markers to form the head and body of the person. Use the markers to draw facial details, hair, and clothing. Students are then to write a short prayer asking God to help the person. Option: decorate the pictures with glitter glue. Students are to take home the pictures as reminders to pray for others.

Snack Learning Activity: Edible Thermometers Make edible "thermometers" by coloring half a package of light cream cheese with red food coloring. Be sure students are not allergic to red dye. (Alternative: use pimento cheese for stuffing the celery sticks.) Stuff the top halves of celery sticks with the red cream cheese. Stuff the bottom halves with white cream cheese. Talk with the child about thing that make people feel better when they are sick. Spend a few minutes role playing. Have a child take care of another child while they pretend to be sick. Then eat the edible thermometers with a glass of juice. Thank God for good health and for loving family members to take care of one another.

Life Application Challenge: Prayer Journals Write on the board: What? Why? Where? When? Who? How? Ask the students what prayer is and write their answers under ‘What?’. Ask students why we should pray, and then ask when, who and how. Discuss the different responses that the students give. What is prayer? Why should we pray? Where can we pray? How should we pray? (Eyes closed, head bowed, on our knees, prostrate, respectfully. God can hear our prayers whether our eyes are opened or closed. We close our eyes to help us to focus on God and not be distracted by the things around us. We pray on our knees to show God honor and respect.) Review how Jairus and the woman kneeled to ask Jesus to help them. Emphasize that kneeling is a way to show respect and to submit to God's authority. Remind students that Jairus was disappointed when he heard that his daughter had died. Jesus told him to not be afraid and to believe. Sometimes when we pray we may feel that Jesus has not heard our prayer or that we have prayed the wrong prayer. We need to remember that we are never bothering Jesus with our needs and that we must learn to trust Him even when the answers do not come quickly. To encourage students to have a prayer time during the week have them make prayer journals from loose leaf paper and have construction paper as the cover. They can decorate the cover to make it their own. If you are able to find inexpensive small notebooks the students can choose one of these and decorate the covers with stickers/pictures. Encourage the students to write a column for "Things to Praise God For"; "Things to Thank God For" and "Prayer Requests".


NT3.11 Jesus Raises Jairus' Daughter to Life © Beverly Wilson 2016

Jesus Raises Jairus' Daughter Luke 8: 40-56

Psalm 52:8 "I trust in God’s unfailing love forever and ever.”


NT3.11 Jesus Raises Jairus' Daughter to Life © Beverly Wilson 2016


NT3.11 Jesus Raises Jairus' Daughter to Life © Beverly Wilson 2016


NT3.11 Jesus Raises Jairus' Daughter to Life © Beverly Wilson 2016


NT3.11 Jesus Raises Jairus' Daughter to Life © Beverly Wilson 2016


NT3.11 Jesus Raises Jairus' Daughter to Life © Beverly Wilson 2016